- List of
- Axioms
- Conjectures
- Definitions
- Types
- Constants
- File
- New file
- New project
- Open file
- Open recent file
- Open recent project
- Save as
- Save all
- Rename project
- Preferences
- Close file
- Close project
- Edit
- View
- Font size changing
- Presentation mode
- Toolbar
- Tabs
- Filename indication
- Add persistence
- Search
- Auto completion
- Improve syntax validator
- Semantical validator
- TPTP sentence choice
- Syntax highlighting with ANTLR
- Partial parsing
- Undo / Redo Stack for new editor
- Add persistence
- Menu and corresponding operations
- run prover
- cut/copy/paste
- new file
- new directory
- rename
- clipboard absolute path
- clipboard relative path
- clipboard filename
- Listen to file system changes
- Drag and drop
- Rename on wait-double click
- File open on double click instead of single click
- Undo / Redo Stack
- On contextmenu action keep the subdirectories expanded if they are
- Create History
- Add persistence
- Indication of running provers
- Include directives
- Add customizable remote provers
- Suggest provers based on the input language
- Support multiple conjectures
- Plugin Infrastructure?
- Embedding Tool
- Toolchain creation
- Ship provers and tools
- Conventional provers
- Uniform error handling
- Check error handling on every functionality
- Logging
- Find a name for this project
- Support non-classical logics
- Make it deployable in cloud
- adjust build process
- alter the file system module to use a database instead of the file system
- Standalone server for the softwares functionalities
- Parameters for using the softwares functionalities on CLI
- Auto save
- Limit file size for opening, running prover on file, etc.
- Favorites list per file/filesystem
- Extract list of things e.g. semantics, axiom names, problem metrics, etc.
- Auto detection of tptp dialects / semantics
- Generalize theming with JS
- Adjust/improve theme (e.g. menu)
- Generalize padding
- Improve ui-elements
- replace old elements
- interface for all elements
- one div should be enough for placing an element
- Improve modals Layout (e.g. height)
- Tree colors/styles, remove border
- Add a dark theme / other themes
- Icons for toolbar and Menu
- Create a real menu and submenus that have to be clicked and disappear on click