Welcome to my template repository for running FastAPI on AWS Lambda with an optional link to AWS S3.
Checkout DEPLOYMENT for a detailed guide on how to deploy the project on AWS Lambda and link with AWS S3.
The project's Python version is currently locked to python 3.9 to keep it compatible with AWS Lambda. If you want to run the API locally, you need to have python 3.9 installed.
If you do not plan to deploy the API on AWS Lambda, you can update the python version constraint in pyproject.toml
and use any python version >= 3.6.
poetry env use 3.9
poetry install
copy .env.example to .env and fill in the values
cp .env.example .env
- Add integration with AWS Cognito for authentication
- Move setup to an AWS Cloudformation Template
- Split JSON files of each model into multiple files to allow concurrent writes.