- DatePicker: date format now passed correctly (6804a6b7)
- DatePicker: Fix locale, use international (b024cd47)
- rollup: change rollup config file to .mjs (711bcf82)
- deps:
- Fix dependency list so we don't have to use --legacy-peer-deps anymore (8ed56b4a)
- update to React 18.2.0 Tests don't work anymore, no time to update for now. But it works. Will update soon. (778ebc23)
- update stylelint-config-standard to v25.0.0 (56aac701)
- update to Bootstrap 5 Updated multiple dependencies. (5f4d2eca)
- update multiple dev dependencies (3603eaaf)
- update font awesome to v5.15.4 PRO (e0d82fc9)
- dependencies: update to node >16 (5d01a8f5)
- update Setup doc for fonts (67ae3521)
- remove deprecated onSelect on Dropdown items (38a530d7)
- Navbar:
- Styleguide: fix Card styleguide page (8b15f38e)
- fa: update font awesome dependency to 5.15.4 (5e695704)
- rollup: downgrade rollup version (52b64352)
- DatePicker:
- Fix date format calls (79592cd6)
- Fix date format calls (e4708607)
- Fix date format calls Tests now pass (1bf7c25a)
- Update dependencies so that multiple DatePicker instances can be put next to one another (bbc2fa4a)
- Date picker now shows the list of options for Months and Years when placed inside a Modal (#27) (662d8efb)
- fix DatePicker styling for Bootstrap 5 (d21927ba)
- fonts: fix webpack config for loading fonts (189b0ad7)
- Popover+Tooltip: fix Popover+Tooltip styling for Bootstrap 5 (6ade4c8d)
- Form: fix Form styling for Bootstrap 5 (0cb3c453)
- Toast: fix Toast styling for Bootstrap 5 (92578a7c)
- Tabs: fix Tabs styling for Bootstrap 5 (0f350303)
- Table: fix Table styling for Bootstrap 5 (d7a68bd6)
- link: fix links styling for Bootstrap 5 (34078c24)
- Alert: fix Alert styling for Bootstrap 5 (5a5987ea)
- Chart: fix Chart styling for Bootstrap 5 (bcbf5d58)
- Button: fix Button styling for Bootstrap 5 (1bb72e04)
- Badge: fix Badge styling for Bootstrap 5 (87b807ae)
- removed deprecated defaultProps from React components (ea8442af)
- remove enzyme as a dependency and remove useless test Using react-testing-library instead (2a15a6d3)
- fix Tabs component test (851ba53d)
- snapshots: update component snapshots (7ddbb310)
- update Setup doc for fonts (67ae3521)
- remove deprecated onSelect on Dropdown items (38a530d7)
- Navbar:
- Styleguide: fix Card styleguide page (8b15f38e)
- fa: update font awesome dependency to 5.15.4 (5e695704)
- fonts: fix webpack config for loading fonts (189b0ad7)
- Popover+Tooltip: fix Popover+Tooltip styling for Bootstrap 5 (6ade4c8d)
- Form: fix Form styling for Bootstrap 5 (0cb3c453)
- Toast: fix Toast styling for Bootstrap 5 (92578a7c)
- Tabs: fix Tabs styling for Bootstrap 5 (0f350303)
- Table: fix Table styling for Bootstrap 5 (d7a68bd6)
- DatePicker: fix DatePicker styling for Bootstrap 5 (d21927ba)
- link: fix links styling for Bootstrap 5 (34078c24)
- Alert: fix Alert styling for Bootstrap 5 (5a5987ea)
- Chart: fix Chart styling for Bootstrap 5 (bcbf5d58)
- Button: fix Button styling for Bootstrap 5 (1bb72e04)
- Badge: fix Badge styling for Bootstrap 5 (87b807ae)
- remove enzyme as a dependency and remove useless test Using react-testing-library instead (2a15a6d3)
- fix Tabs component test (851ba53d)
- snapshots: update component snapshots (7ddbb310)
- Dropdown: Add disabledToggle prop (11a87044)
- Form.Check: Revert - Forward the ref (c269277d)
- Form.Check: Forward the ref (10ddc542)
- Tooltip: Remove warning cause by trigger hover (8bbef2f2)
- Popover: Remove warning cause by trigger hover (a4359809)
- Update npm pkg: Update bootstrap and react-bootstrap (335c19c6)
- Layout: Replace procentual height with vh (c4e30179)
- SideNavigation: Remove right border (ba4e1998)
- Table: Set table filter selected option arrow (cee5d214)
- Table: Change icon asset to base64 string (abbbec76)
- Add rollup image plugin (1e7ad960)
- Table: Add prop for default filter (5ce98dc6)
- Table: Change filter select trigger to an icon (6d50f870)
- SideNav: Expose selected prop (167b5b10)
- ComboBox: Allow disabled option to be displayed by the default styling (26c38db0)
- SideNavigation: Add buttom items to menu (9ae4f893)
- SideNavigation: Add buttom items to menu (f9147eec)
- Nav: Export Nav, Navbar components (2cec594d)
- Nav: Add syneto styling to nav, navbar icon menu items (0570f579)
- Nav: Add Nav and Navbar component (657d5c64)
- TitleBar: Add brand component prop (dd91ce16)
- Modal: Add width prop to Modal actions Buttons (900a4b87)
- Add rollup-plugin-sass-variables (d342798d)
- ComboBox: Forward all props to react-select library, instead of our custom logic (b149e1e9)
- Modal: Make modal-body-inner height: 100% (bf7991b6)
- ComboBox: : Expose react-select props (bf7991b6)
- Modal: Add button appearance to modal action buttons (dca8a8a3)
- Chart: Export Chart component (5309ae4d)
- Modal: Add option to change the button type in action object (e6b2408e)
- Modal: Sliding feature available for extended modal also (e6b2408e)
- SideNavigation: Fix exposing the onSelect prop (d2335b7f)
- SideNavigation: Reimplement SideNavigation. (8b381326)
- Layout: Change styling. (c8799a99) (8b381326)
- Rollup:
- Chart: New Chart component (41dc7146)
- Layout: Change min-height to height 100% (a382d4df)
- SideNavigation: export SideNavigation (d76675e1)
- Modal: Add sliding modal feature (148213eb)
- New SideNavigation component (70155b01)
- Spinner: Add Spinner component (3c4557a2)
- Add Typography, Colors and Utilities sections
- TitleBar (c3086f59)
- Layout
- Update npm pkg dependencies (c2792c0b)
First major release of @syneto/compass-react
- Card: Add cardActions only if they are specified in props (46ce0f25)
- Popover: revert focus behavior on click (7c86a96b)
- Table: set noDataIndication to incoming prop (1bf27443)
- Popover: remove force close on click outside (b85ff524)
- Table: fix header display (782b5ac4)
- change props of Button and Badge (4e1a1ce0)
- update the documentation with changed props (5ed4e16a)
- Table: add possibility for custom actions dropdown (2c557293)
- Toast: update Toast header colors (293afab9)
- Table: add Modal trigger example (dd506123)
- Form: fix select webkit appearance (ec784dc3)
- Table: add custom search prop (061c9c23)
- Table: pass props to Bootstrap Table (b5f86e8e)
- Icon: pass props to children (93f8aff8)
- Card: pass props to bootstrap Cards (ff96bbc5)
- Card: fix content prop (1e2abdd6)
- export the rest of the components (c4a78e2)
- Toast: add color variants (c66f25c5)
- DatePicker: document enforceFocus prop (d4af4b7a)
- Form: add inline option to form group (266c64f4)
- Table: add first and last page option (4afa7149)
- export all components as named exports (c7d18b8d)
- DatePicker: add placement prop (5f886492)
- Table: prevent Search form submit (c364d6d5)
- Table: set type button on search clear button, to prevent form submit (4cfd0316)
- Table: wrap search input in a Form component to prevent Chrome autocomplete (2ecef768)
- Card: add Card component (ad7f9a75)
- Modal:
- enable stacking modals on extended use (88576c48)
- Modal: add disabled prop to actions (7c4637f2)
- Toast: Add Toast component (b6c8042c)
- Alert: Add Alert component (3bc1d0ef)
- Dropdown: support custom trigger (72cc3a0d)
- Modal:
- Dropdown: make dropdown inline-block (07c19419)
- Dropdown: update Dropdown docs (3fe48645)
- Icon:
- Popover: include examples with and without title (c695f195)
- export Table and ComboBox as separate bundles (8873df47)
- Icon: add Icon component (452094e1)
- Tooltip: add Tooltip component (bc0d5ab1)
- Popover: add Popover component (acb6f890)
- List: add List component (a7f5c78c)
- Dropdown: support custom trigger (72cc3a0d)
- Dropdown: make dropdown inline-block (07c19419)
- ComboBox: export it as a peer dependency not bundled in compass (931cc181)
- Table: add table component
- Badge: support extra className (1ad138bc)
- Check: add indeterminate state for checkbox (38d8f016)
- prefer local modules instead of build-in node modules (5d218d08)
- Tabs: add example for custom tab title (2088bbf6)
- fix production build for Switch component (216e0527)
- fix production build for Fade/Transition component (256cdd27)
- fix documentation after export updates (9f1e477f)
- export individual components (8a298ebe)
- bundle together in index only: Layout (Container, Col, Row), Badge, Button, Dropdown
- export as separate bundles: DatePicker, Form, Modal, Tabs
- Tabs: remove Fade transition by default (didn't work when integrated in Central, couldn't pinpoint the actual problem) (086c6d07)
- Button: add button types examples (61400b23)
- DatePicker: always render as appended to body when customInput passed (5b2af60a)
- Base: add Typography (d17993b0)
- Dropdown: add Dropdown component (feddbe80)
- Form:
- add Form components
- add ComboBox
- add Switch
- Button:
- Modal:
- Dropdown: add alignRight prop (e0493b1d)
- DatePicker:
- Tabs: prevent switching to a non-existing Tab (8ae6f36b)
- Tabs: fix vertical active tab border (a5a314f6)
- Modal:
- DatePicker: add timeIntervals example (c9aca033)
- Tabs: add example for controlled Tabs (c8bd6c3a)
- Modal: adjust action buttons spacing & padding (b82dc865)
- Base: include local fonts (a0e8f351)
- Modal: adjust styling to match design (0b7e32ba)
- Button: remove padding for tertiary & link variations (7c127e14)
- Modal: add Modal component
- Button: add Button component
- DatePicker: add DatePicker component
- Base: override bootstrap color variables (be66ac22)
- Base: add Spacing examples (b26b3a6a)
- show props by default (fc6ab16a)
- Tabs:
- Badge:
- rename primary option breaking
- rename secondary option breaking
- rename size prop breaking
- Base: include docs for colors and layout (3bc27cbf)