- Support reading init_script file which is not under resource/directory
- Display the plugin menus in categories
- Admin add execute Multi-path sql script
- IpUtils add a parameter to select the network ip
- Add parameter-mapping plugin
- Support Consul as shenyu-register-center
- Support Etcd as shenyu-sync-data-center
- Add sentinel customized fallbackhandler
- Add response plugin
- Add JWT plugin
- Add Request plugin
- Add Motan plugin
- Add Logging plugin
- Add Modify-response plugin
- Add Oauth2 plugin
- Add Menu Resource Permissions
- Add Data Permissions
- Change the project name from Soul to ShenYu
- Change the group id from org.dromara to org.apache.shenyu
- H2 support insert ingore into in Mysql model
- Improvements For the Apache Dubbo plugin
- Optimization of GRPC plugin
- Refactor code about "async invoke" is not supported in Dubbo lower than 2.7.3
- Replace the term Operator by Predicate
- Refine judge conditions operator
- Refactor PredicateJudge module using SPI
- Refactor code about client register
- Fix the JwtUtil.getUserId method bug
- Fix the shenyu-spring-boot-starter bug
- The encoded urlPath will be re-encoded in WebClientPlugin
- Replace The Risky Cryptographic Algorithm "AES/ECB/NoPadding"
- ReadTimeoutHandler on a channel which in a PooledConnectionProvider would cause an unexpected ReadTimeoutException
- Got ClassNotFoundException while start my Gateway in 2.4.8 spring boot
- Add 'open' field to allow app path authentication or not in sign plugin. #1168
- Optimize divide plugin to use common plugin template in soul-dashboard. #1163
- Add default values and rule checks in plugin handler. #1112
- Add resource management to allow user to add plugin, adjust menu and button resource and so on in soul-dashboard and soul-admin. #1034
- Add menu and data permission in soul-admin. #917
- Add H2 store for soul-admin #918
- Add tars plugin #863
- Add sentinel plugin #331
- Add sofa plugin #384
- Add Resilience4j plugin for soul-plugin. #434
- Add Context path mapping plugin for soul-plugin. #894
- Add Grpc plugin supports grpc protocol. #1081
- support form submission for dubbo plugin.#339
- feat(plugin handle): #307
- Add dist package module #320
- Add test cases for soul-admin #500
- Add register center for consul #1148
- Add register center for etcd #1161
- Add register center for nacos #1182
- Add register center for zookeeper #1141 #1139