The fiber allocation script
is based on the script made by the MPA/MPE team. You should follow their instruction in the commissioning_demo_2
branch in the ets_fiberalloc
repository about the basic idea.
Just to use it, you can look at the Running section.
- Targets are selected from gaiaDB at Hilo. This will be updated to use targetDB in the future.
- Flux standard stars are selected from targetDB at Hilo.
- Guide stars are selected from gaiaDB at Hilo.
- Fiber IDs are updated from science fiber ID to real fiber ID including empty and engineering ones.
- Add proper target types and input catalogs (need to be discussed).
- You can pass
--observation_time now
to make apfsDesign
file at the time of running the script. - Use
to generate apfsDesign
Move to a shared work directory and create a work directory.
cd /work/monodera/
mkdir fiber_allocation_commissioning_2021nov
cd fiber_allocation_commissioning_2021nov
Create a virtual environment and activate it (not sure if it conflicts with the above setup).
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install astropy
pip install opencv-python
pip install psycopg2-binary
pip install astroquery
pip install pybind11
pip install pyyaml
pip install sep
pip install pandas
pip install sqlalchemy
pip install astroplan
pip install bokeh
Further prerequisites for targetDB
(thye are actually optional).
pip install sqlalchemy-utils
pip install tabulate
pip install logzero
You also need a Gurobi package and setup required environment variables.
cd ../
mkdir Subaru-PSF
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ets_fiberalloc
git checkout commissioning_demo_2
Link packages.
cd datamodel/
pip install -e .
cd ../ics_cobraCharmer
pip install -e .
cd ../ics_cobraOps
pip install -e .
cd ../pfs_utils
pip install -e .
I created a subaru_pfs.pth
containing the following lines and put it in /work/monodera/fiber_allocation_commissioning_2021nov/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages
cd /work/monodera/Subaru-PFS/
git clone
cd ets_target_database
git checkout commissioning_2021nov
pip install -e .
Before you run the script you need a couple of configuration files for gaiaDB and targetDB at Subaru. Please contact M. Onodera for these files. A template file is included in examples/commissioning_2021nov
You need to setup some additional environment variables.
source "${EUPS_DIR}/bin/setups.zsh"
export EUPS_PKGROOT='|'
export PFS_UTILS_DIR=/work/monodera/Subaru-PFS/pfs_utils/
export GUROBI_HOME="${GUROBI_DIR}/gurobi912/linux64"
export PATH="${GUROBI_HOME}/bin":$PATH
export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="${GUROBI_DIR}/gurobi_`hostname -s`.lic"
Move to a working directory and copy the script.
cd /work/monodera/fiber_allocation_commissioning_2021nov
. ./venv/bin/activate
mkdir work
cd work
# cp ../../Subaru-PFS/ets_target_database/examples/commissioning_2021nov/ .
python /work/monodera/Subaru-PFS/ets_target_database/examples/commissioning_2021nov/ \
--use_gurobi \
--design_dir "design" \
--cobra_coach_dir "cobracoach" \
--ra 150 \
--dec 2 \
--targetdb_conf ../../Subaru-PFS/database_configs/targetdb_config_pfsa-db01-gb.ini \
--gaiadb_conf ../../Subaru-PFS/database_configs/gaiadb_config_hilo.ini \
--pfs_instdata_dir /work/monodera/Subaru-PFS/pfs_instdata
The output is saved as design/pfsDesign-0x6a119411f0b96b28.fits
The full options of the script can be found as follows.
$ python ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--ra RA] [--dec DEC] [--pa PA]
[--observation_time OBSERVATION_TIME]
[--lim_target_mag LIM_TARGET_MAG]
[--design_dir DESIGN_DIR]
[--guidestar_mag_max GUIDESTAR_MAG_MAX]
[--guidestar_neighbor_mag_min GUIDESTAR_NEIGHBOR_MAG_MIN]
[--guidestar_minsep_deg GUIDESTAR_MINSEP_DEG]
[--cobra_coach_dir COBRA_COACH_DIR]
[--cobra_coach_module_version COBRA_COACH_MODULE_VERSION]
[--targetdb_conf TARGETDB_CONF]
[--gaiadb_conf GAIADB_CONF]
[--target_mag_max TARGET_MAG_MAX]
[--target_mag_min TARGET_MAG_MIN]
[--target_mag_filter TARGET_MAG_FILTER]
[--fluxstd_min_prob_f_star FLUXSTD_MIN_PROB_F_STAR]
[--telescope_elevation TELESCOPE_ELEVATION]
[--n_fluxstd N_FLUXSTD]
[--pfs_instdata_dir PFS_INSTDATA_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ra RA Telescope center RA [degrees] (default: 0.0)
--dec DEC Telescope center Dec [degrees] (default: 0.0)
--pa PA Telescope position angle [degrees] (default: 0.0)
--observation_time OBSERVATION_TIME
planned time of observation in UTC (default:
2021-11-20 15:00:00)
--lim_target_mag LIM_TARGET_MAG
magnitude of the faintest targets (obsolete)
--design_dir DESIGN_DIR
directory for storing PFS designs (default: .)
--guidestar_mag_max GUIDESTAR_MAG_MAX
maximum magnitude for guide star candidates (default:
--guidestar_neighbor_mag_min GUIDESTAR_NEIGHBOR_MAG_MIN
minimum magnitude for objects in the vicinity of guide
star candidates (default: 21.)
--guidestar_minsep_deg GUIDESTAR_MINSEP_DEG
radius of guide star candidate vicinity (default:
--use_gurobi use Gurobi
--cobra_coach_dir COBRA_COACH_DIR
path for temporary cobraCoach files (default: .)
--cobra_coach_module_version COBRA_COACH_MODULE_VERSION
version of the bench decription file (default:
--targetdb_conf TARGETDB_CONF
Config file for targetDB (default:
--gaiadb_conf GAIADB_CONF
Config file for Subaru's Gaia DB (default:
--target_mag_max TARGET_MAG_MAX
Maximum (faintest) magnitude for stars in fibers
(default: 19.)
--target_mag_min TARGET_MAG_MIN
Minimum (brightest) magnitude for stars in fibers
(default: 0)
--target_mag_filter TARGET_MAG_FILTER
Photometric band (grizyj of PS1) to apply magnitude
cuts (default: g)
--fluxstd_min_prob_f_star FLUXSTD_MIN_PROB_F_STAR
Minimum acceptable prob_f_star (default: 0)
--telescope_elevation TELESCOPE_ELEVATION
Telescope elevation in degree (default: 60)
--n_fluxstd N_FLUXSTD
Number of FLUXSTD stars to be allocated. (default: 50)
--pfs_instdata_dir PFS_INSTDATA_DIR
Location of pfs_instdata (default: