By contributing to StochSS, you agree to the Code of Conduct and the conditions of the GNU GPL v3. Please review both of these documents before contributing.
- Fork the project repository.
- Create a new branch from the 'develop' branch. Use a meaningful name and include an issue number if applicable.
- Add new changes to your branch. Be sure to document your code and remove any dead code.
- Add the COPYRIGHT notice to the beginning of any new files you create.
- Create unit tests to cover changes. Unit tests should be placed in the test subdirectory.
- Use pylint to validate any new Python code to ensure PEP 8 compliance.
- Make a pull request to 'develop'.
- Include a list of changes in the PR description.
- Link relevant issues to the pull request.
- Add labels relevant to any changes made.
- Provide a clear description of any new features in the PR description.
- Add any relevant StochSS team members as reviewers.