is a software that operates with various packages produced by the open-source community, one of these packages is the complexity package ECoL
, which is responsible to analyze a complexity of a dataset. This is a package built in R
and then it is necessary that our framework based in python
must recognize this package. A way to do that is to use a conversion package from Python to R, in this case we use rpy2
which can be installed using pip
, but before installing using pip
, we must have all the development kit from R Language, thus is necessary to install r-base
and add it to your PATH.
Disclaimer: This tutorial is based in Linux-Debian systems, such as ubuntu. In case if you are a Windows user, try with CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/.
Update your package manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y install r-base
Verify if
is configured successfully in your PATHuser@Ubuntu:~$ R
If a R environment is prompted, then you successfully configured
to your PATH.