description |
How to Format Rules with JavaScript Expressions |
JavaScript expressions can be used with the following syntax:
{% hint style="info" %} In newer versions of Squidex, the user interface has been improved and custom input fields have been introduced which allows selection of the syntax and adds the necessary prefix automatically. {% endhint %}
The scripting engine supports almost all ES6 features with a few restrictions.
Therefore, it is best to use the Javascript template string syntax and just reference properties directly:
// For content events
Squidex provides a set of general helper functions for scripting and rule formatting.
A value list can be found in the documentation concerning scripting helper methods here:
{% content-ref url="../scripting/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
Additionally, there are also methods which are only available for rule formatting.
Name | Description |
contentAction() | The status of the content, when the event is a content event. Otherwise |
contentUrl() | The URL to the content in the Management UI, when the event is a content event. Otherwise null . |
assetContentUrl | The URL to download the asset, when the event is an asset event. Otherwise null .This URL does not include the app name and is therefore not recommended. |
assetContentAppUrl | The URL to download the asset by ID, when the event is an asset event. Otherwise |
assetContentSlugUrl | The URL to download the asset by slug, when the event is an asset event. Otherwise |
complete(value) | If you use an asynchronous operation, just like getAssets you have to tell the script engine, which value should be returned. Therefore you have call complete(value ) with the result value. If you do not call this method, the result of the last statement is used. |
You can use scripting to resolve references. You must pass over an array of content IDs and a callback (that is invoked) with the resulting list of content items.
getReferences(data.references.iv, function (references) {
var actual1 = `Text: ${references[0].data.field1.iv} ${references[0].data.field2.iv}`;
var actual2 = `Text: ${references[1].data.field1.iv} ${references[1].data.field2.iv}`;
Or a single reference:
getReference(data.references.iv[0], function (references) {
var actual1 = `Text: ${references[0].data.field1.iv} ${references[0].data.field2.iv}`;
You can use scripting to resolve assets. You have to pass over an array of asset IDs and a callback (that is invoked) with the resulting list of assets.
getAssets(data.assets.iv, function (assets) {
var actual1 = `Text: ${assets[0].fileName} ${assets[0].id}`;
var actual2 = `Text: ${assets[1].fileName} ${assets[1].id}`;
Or a single asset:
getAsset(data.assets.iv[0], function (assets) {
var actual1 = `Text: ${assets[0].fileName} ${assets[0].id}`;
You can use if-statements and other JavaScript language features for conditional formatting.
In the following example, different payloads have been created, depending on the asset size:
if (event.fileSize > 100000) {
return `I just uploaded a large image ${event.fileName}`;
} else {
return `I just uploaded a small image ${event.fileName}`;