We offer many operations which could automatically generate new features, which list as following:
, target encoding
, embedding encoding
cross count encoding
, aggregate statistics(min max var mean median nunique)
, histgram aggregate statistics
Noted that if you want to write a operation in search space, you should use the operation name in Operation Definition
operation name: count
Preformed on category columns(CAT).
Count encoding is based on replacing categories with their counts computed on the train set, also named frequency encoding. count encoding
operation name: target
Preformed on category columns(CAT).
Target encoding is based on encoding categorical variable values with the mean of target variable per value. A statistic (here - mean) of target variable can be computed for every group in the train set and afterward merged to validation and test sets to capture relationships between a group and the target.
When using target variable, is is very important not to leak any information into the validation set. Every such feature should be computed on the training set and then only merged or concatenated with the validation and test subsets. Even though target variable is present in the validation set, it cannot be used for any kind of such computation or overly optimistic estimate of validation error will be given.
If KFold is used, features based on target should be computed in-fold. If a single split is performed, then this should be done after splitting the data into train and validation set.
What is more, smoothing can be added to avoid setting certain categories to 0. Adding random noise is another way of avoiding possible overfit.
When done properly, target encoding is the best encoding for both linear and non-linear models.
operation name: embedding
Preformed on multi-category columns(Multi-CAT).
We can treat multi-category columns as natural language sentence, thus bag of words(BOW) can be utilized.
However, it has no semantics and very sparse.
Thus word embedding is a good choice. First we train embedding and get the mean embedding for one row. Then use SVD for dimensionality reduction into 6 dims.
operation name: crosscount
Preformed on several category columns(CAT).
Feature cross is important in some task such as Click Through Rate(CTR).
Cross count is count encoding on more than one dimension.
operation name: aggregate
including min/max/var/mean
Preformed on one category column(CAT) and one numerical column(NUM).
We group the data by the instances and then every instance is represented by only one row. The key point of group by operations is to decide the aggregation functions of the features. For numerical features, average, sum, min, max functions are usually convenient options, whereas for categorical features it more complicated.
operation name: nunique
Preformed on one category column(CAT) and one category column(CAT).
For categorical features, nunique() functions are usually convenient options, return a group distinct observations.
operation name: histstat
Preformed on one category column(CAT) and one category column(CAT).
For categorical features, we can take average, sum, min, max aggregate functions on the histogram of group result.
We just need to decide use which operation and the corresponding column name in search_space.json like:
"1-order-op" : [
"2-order-op" : [
], [
Firstly, add code as following in the tuner function json2space.
if key == 'OP_NAME':
# give a fixed format opname_colname, make sure that "_" is not in column name.
name = 'OP_NAME_{}'.format(colname)
Secondly, update code as following in the function name2feature of trial.
if gen_name.startwith('opname'):
col = parse(gen_name)
#get the operated col name, such as count_col1 return col1
df[gen_name] = df[col].apply(lambda x: fe_opname(x))
Thirdly, implement the fe_opname
fucntion in fe_util
def fe_opname(df, col):
# do some things to df[col]
return df[col]
Noted that the op_name
in search space should be same as fe_opname
defined in fe_util