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Font detection differs between Chromium and Firefox in the same machine #76

vrde opened this issue Feb 15, 2017 · 6 comments


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vrde commented Feb 15, 2017

On Chromium (Version 55.0.2883.87 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit)) I got:

"Segoe WP" "FreeMono" "Heiti TC Light" "VNI-Kun" "Liberation Serif" "Dotum" "ML-TTVeenaHeavy" "Brandon Grotesque Light" "Adobe Hebrew Italic" "MMa Etc Bold" (467 fonts detected)

On Firefox (51.0.1 (64-bit)):

"Segoe WP" "FreeMono" "Heiti TC Light" "VNI-Kun" "Liberation Serif" "Dotum" "ML-TTVeenaHeavy" "Brandon Grotesque Light" "Adobe Hebrew Italic" "MMa Etc Bold" (488 fonts detected)

If I deselect "Detected Fonts" I have the same fingerprint.


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Song-Li commented Feb 16, 2017

Sorry about this problem.
Fonts are the combination of Web fonts and OS fonts. The font list you see is all fonts detected. In fact, in order to get ride of the influence of Web fonts, I masked some Web fonts. The font list used for fingerprinting is the masked font list.
I will update my code and next time, I'll show the masked fonts. At that time(within 3 days), you will see the new numbers and the numbers should be same to each other.
Thank you for your attention.

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I've also seen a difference in detected fonts across Chrome / Firefox on same machine.


Adobe Fangsong Std, Adobe Hebrew, Adobe Ming Std, Agency FB, Arabic Transparent, Arial Baltic, Arial CE, Arial CYR, Arial Greek, Arial TUR, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bell MT, Bodoni MT, Bookman Old Style, Broadway, Calibri, Californian FB, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century Gothic, Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Courier New Baltic, Courier New CE, Courier New CYR, Courier New Greek, Courier New TUR, Courier New, Ebrima, Engravers MT, Forte, French Script MT, Gabriola, Georgia, Gigi, Goudy Old Style, Haettenschweiler, Harrington, Impact, Informal Roman, Kozuka Gothic Pr6N, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Fax, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Magneto, Malgun Gothic, Marlett, Matura MT Script Capitals, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Mongolian Baiti, NSimSun, Niagara Solid, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palace Script MT, Palatino Linotype, Papyrus, Perpetua, Playbill, Rockwell, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Showcard Gothic, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Snap ITC, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman Baltic, Times New Roman CE, Times New Roman CYR, Times New Roman Greek, Times New Roman TUR, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Vladimir Script, Webdings, Wide Latin, Wingdings


Adobe Fangsong Std, Adobe Hebrew, Adobe Ming Std, Agency FB, Arial Black, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bell MT, Bodoni MT, Bookman Old Style, Broadway, Calibri Light, Calibri, Californian FB, Cambria Math, Cambria, Candara, Castellar, Centaur, Century Gothic, Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Copperplate Gothic Light, Corbel, Courier New, Ebrima, Engravers MT, Forte, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, French Script MT, Gabriola, Georgia, Gigi, Goudy Old Style, Haettenschweiler, Harrington, Impact, Informal Roman, Kozuka Gothic Pr6N, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Fax, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS Reference Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Magneto, Malgun Gothic, Marlett, Matura MT Script Capitals, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB, Mongolian Baiti, NSimSun, Niagara Solid, PMingLiU-ExtB, Palace Script MT, Palatino Linotype, Papyrus, Perpetua, Playbill, Rockwell, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI Light, Segoe UI Semibold, Segoe UI Symbol, Segoe UI, Showcard Gothic, SimSun, SimSun-ExtB, Snap ITC, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Vladimir Script, Webdings, Wide Latin, Wingdings

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Song-Li commented Mar 3, 2017 via email

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mattbrailsford commented Mar 3, 2017 via email

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Ok, looks like my fix wasn't that great either :) Best I have come up with is using a font list that doesn't contain any fonts ending in any "css-like" words as these tend to mess up FF. I've got a list of 460 which seem to validate ok so far:

["ADOBE CASLON PRO","ADOBE GARAMOND PRO","ARCHER","ARNO PRO","AVENIR","Academy Engraved LET","Adobe Fangsong Std","Adobe Garamond","Adobe Hebrew","Adobe Ming Std","Agency FB","Aharoni","Algerian","Amazone BT","AmerType Md BT","American Typewriter","Andale Mono","Andalus","Angsana New","AngsanaUPC","Antique Olive","Aparajita","Apple Chancery","Apple Color Emoji","Apple SD Gothic Neo","Arab","Arabic Typesetting","Arial","Arial Baltic","Arial CE","Arial CYR","Arial Greek","Arial Hebrew","Arial MT","Arial TUR","Arial Unicode MS","Arrus BT","Aurora Cn BT","AvantGarde Bk BT","AvantGarde Md BT","Ayuthaya","Bandy","Bangla Sangam MN","Bank Gothic","BankGothic Md BT","Baskerville","Baskerville Old Face","Batang","BatangChe","Bauer Bodoni","Bell MT","Bembo","Benguiat Bk BT","Berlin Sans FB","BernhardFashion BT","BernhardMod BT","Big Caslon","BinnerD","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Bitstream Vera Serif","Blackadder ITC","BlairMdITC TT","Bodoni 72 Smallcaps","Bodoni MT","Bodoni MT Poster Compressed","Boulder","Bradley Hand","Bradley Hand ITC","Braggadocio","Bremen Bd BT","Broadway","Browallia New","BrowalliaUPC","Brush Script MT","CG Omega","CG Times","Calibri","Californian FB","Calisto MT","Calligrapher","Cambria","Cambria Math","Candara","CaslonOpnface BT","Castellar","Casual","Centaur","Century","Century Gothic","Century Schoolbook","Cezanne","Chalkboard","Chalkboard SE","Chalkduster","Charlesworth","Charter BT","Chaucer","ChelthmITC Bk BT","Chiller","Clarendon","CloisterBlack BT","Cochin","Colonna MT","Comic Sans","Comic Sans MS","Constantia","CopperplGoth Bd BT","Copperplate","Copperplate Gothic","Corbel","Cordia New","CordiaUPC","Cornerstone","Coronet","Courier New Baltic","Courier New CE","Courier New CYR","Courier New Greek","Courier New TUR","Cuckoo","Curlz MT","DB LCD Temp","DFKai-SB","DaunPenh","Dauphin","David","DejaVu LGC Sans Mono","Denmark","Desdemona","Didot","DilleniaUPC","DokChampa","Dotum","DotumChe","Ebrima","Edwardian Script ITC","Elephant","English 111 Vivace BT","Engravers MT","EngraversGothic BT","Eras Bold ITC","Eras Demi ITC","Estrangelo Edessa","EucrosiaUPC","Euphemia","Euphemia UCAS","Eurostile","Exotc350 Bd BT","FONTIN","FRUTIGER","FangSong","Felix Titling","Fixedsys","Forte","FrankRuehl","Fransiscan","Freefrm721 Blk BT","FreesiaUPC","French Script MT","FrnkGothITC Bk BT","Fruitger","Futura","Futura Bk BT","Futura Lt BT","Futura Md BT","Futura ZBlk BT","FuturaBlack BT","GOTHAM","Gabriola","Galliard BT","Garamond","Gautami","Geeza Pro","Geneva","GeoSlab 703 Lt BT","GeoSlab 703 XBd BT","Geometr231 BT","Geometr231 Hv BT","Geometr231 Lt BT","Georgia","Gigi","Gill Sans","Gill Sans MT","Gisha","Goudy Stout","GoudyHandtooled BT","GoudyOLSt BT","Gujarati Sangam MN","Gulim","GulimChe","GungSeo","Gungsuh","GungsuhChe","Gurmukhi MN","Haettenschweiler","Harlow Solid Italic","Harrington","Heather","Hei S","HeiT","Heisei Kaku Gothic","Heiti SC","Heiti TC","Helvetica","Helvetica Neue","Herald","High Tower Text","Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN","Hiragino Mincho ProN","Hiragino Sans GB","Hoefler Text","Humanst 521 Cn BT","Humanst521 BT","Humanst521 Lt BT","Impact","Imprint MT Shadow","Incised901 BT","Incised901 Bd BT","Incised901 Lt BT","Informal Roman","Informal011 BT","IrisUPC","Iskoola Pota","JasmineUPC","Jazz LET","Jenson","Jester","Jokerman","Juice ITC","Kabel Bk BT","KacstOne","KaiTi","Kailasa","Kalinga","Kannada Sangam MN","Kartika","Kaufmann BT","Kaufmann Bd BT","Khmer UI","Kino MT","KodchiangUPC","Kokila","Korinna BT","Kozuka Gothic Pr6N","Kristen ITC","Krungthep","LUCIDA GRANDE","Lao UI","Latha","Leelawadee","Letter Gothic","Levenim MT","LilyUPC","Lithograph","Lohit Gujarati","Loma","Long Island","Lucida Calligraphy","Lucida Console","Lucida Handwriting","Lucida Sans","Lucida Sans Typewriter","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lydian BT","MS Gothic","MS LineDraw","MS Mincho","MS Outlook","MS PGothic","MS PMincho","MS Reference Sans Serif","MS Reference Specialty","MS Sans Serif","MS Serif","MS UI Gothic","MT Extra","MUSEO","MV Boli","MYRIAD","MYRIAD PRO","Maiandra GD","Malayalam Sangam MN","Malgun Gothic","Mangal","Marigold","Marion","Marker Felt","Market","Marlett","Matisse ITC","Matura MT Script Capitals","Meiryo","Meiryo UI","Menlo","Microsoft Himalaya","Microsoft JhengHei","Microsoft New Tai Lue","Microsoft PhagsPa","Microsoft Sans Serif","Microsoft Tai Le","Microsoft Uighur","Microsoft YaHei","Microsoft Yi Baiti","MingLiU","MingLiU-ExtB","MingLiU_HKSCS","MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB","Minion","Minion Pro","Miriam","Miriam Fixed","Mistral","Modern","Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT","Monaco","Mongolian Baiti","Monotype Corsiva","MoolBoran","Mrs Eaves","NEVIS","NSimSun","Nadeem","Narkisim","News Gothic","News Gothic MT","News GothicMT","NewsGoth BT","Niagara Engraved","Niagara Solid","Noteworthy","Nyala","OCR A Extended","Old Century","Old English Text MT","Onyx","Onyx BT","Oriya Sangam MN","OzHandicraft BT","PMingLiU","PMingLiU-ExtB","PRINCETOWN LET","PTBarnum BT","Palace Script MT","Palatino","Palatino Linotype","Papyrus","Parchment","Party LET","Pegasus","Perpetua","Perpetua Titling MT","Pickwick","Plantagenet Cherokee","Playbill","Poor Richard","Poster","PosterBodoni BT","Pristina","Pythagoras","Raavi","Rachana","Rage Italic","Ravie","Ribbon131 Bd BT","Rockwell","Rod","Roman","Sakkal Majalla","Santa Fe LET","Savoye LET","Sawasdee","Sceptre","Segoe Print","Segoe UI","Segoe UI Symbol","Serifa","Serifa BT","Serifa Th BT","ShelleyVolante BT","Sherwood","Shonar Bangla","Showcard Gothic","Shruti","Signboard","SimHei","SimSun","SimSun-ExtB","Simplified Arabic","Simplified Arabic Fixed","Sinhala Sangam MN","Sketch Rockwell","Skia","Small Fonts","Snap ITC","Snell Roundhand","Socket","Souvenir Lt BT","Staccato222 BT","Steamer","Stencil","Storybook","Styllo","Subway","Swis721 BlkEx BT","Swiss911 XCm BT","Sylfaen","Symbol","Synchro LET","System","TRAJAN PRO","Tahoma","Tamil Sangam MN","Technical","Teletype","Telugu Sangam MN","Tempus Sans ITC","Terminal","Thonburi","Times","Times New Roman","Times New Roman Baltic","Times New Roman CE","Times New Roman CYR","Times New Roman Greek","Times New Roman PS","Times New Roman TUR","TlwgMono","Traditional Arabic","Trajan","Trebuchet MS","Tristan","Tubular","Tunga","Tw Cen MT","TypoUpright BT","Ubuntu","Umpush","Unicorn","Univers","Utopia","Utsaah","Vagabond","Vani","Verdana","Vijaya","Viner Hand ITC","VisualUI","Vivaldi","Vrinda","WHITNEY","Webdings","Westminster","Wide Latin","ZWAdobeF","ZapfEllipt BT","ZapfHumnst BT","ZapfHumnst Dm BT","Zapfino","Zurich BlkEx BT","Zurich Ex BT"]

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Song-Li commented Mar 8, 2017 via email

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