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Elias Nijs edited this page May 9, 2024 · 10 revisions

Here you can find all our documentation.

What is the Solid Watchparty?

The solid watchparty is a webapplication where users can view movies together. A user can create a room and share this room via the link with other users. In this room users can then start new movies and chat with each other. A key characteristic of the platfrom is that user data is decentralized. User messages, for example, are store in the user's own pod.

Purpose of the project

The purpose of this project is twofold. On the hand, it provides an application on which new developments in the SOLID/linked-data initiative can be tested. On the other hand, it provides a platform on which user testing can be performed to get more insights into how users experience the SOLID platform and its pros and cons.

Wiki Overview

Development Documentation

Page Page contents
Developer Handbook All developer documentation related to the project setup. This includes the tech stack, backend data-layout and storage conventions, folder structure and naming conventions.
Git strategy and overview All git and github related conventions and systems. This includes branching strategy, documentation of relevant branches and naming conventions for branches and commits.

Other documentation

Page Page contents
Findings during solid development Some personal findings during SOLID development. These are meant to provide feedback on the overall direction of the SOLID iniative from an application development perspective.

Solid WatchParty Wiki


Development Documentation

Developer Handbook

Git strategy and overview

Other documentation

Findings during solid development

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