This file tracks released versions with the changes made to this project.
- N/A
- N/A
- Fix the BLE Manager crashes that may happen when the app is in background
- N/A
- N/A
- Fix a potential crash when CaptureSDK's host app uses also CryptoSwift (#7)
- N/A
- N/A
- Some files were missing in our Cocoapods build. This doe not affect SPM.
- N/A
- Update SwiftDecoder to 6.0.10
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Continuous scan on C860 has been fixed
Flash toggle has been fixed for SocketCam C860
- CaptureSDK is now built for iOS 18 with Xcode 16
Update SwiftDecoder to 6.0.9
Add helpers on CaptureHelperDevice to know if it’s a barcode or NFC reader
Update SwiftDecoder to 6.0.8
- When closing CaptureSDK a result is now returned
- N/A
Update SwiftDecoder to 6.0.7
Increased the minimum target to iOS 13.0
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- The signature of our CaptureSDK has been fixed
- N/A
Documentation improved for Info.plist key-values to add
Update SwiftDecoder to 5.8.15
- N/A
- Add a button to switch camera in SocketCam
- Improve documentation for SocketCam view controller usage
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
Add the missing property result in the completion handler of setTrigger in the documentation
Add the property result in the completion handler of setTrigger in CaptureHelper for Objective-C
SocketCam status triggered several times prevented its device arrival
- N/A
- N/A
Add CaptureHelperDeviceManagerDiscoveryDelegate to CaptureHelperAllDelegate
Fix crash of CSktXmlTag
- Support of new device S320 barcode scanner
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- We have improved the documentation for the new implementation of SocketCam
- Fixed a crash in SktCaptureProtocol (SocketMobile/swift-package-capturesdk#16)
- Fixed a crash in C860 that might occur after some openings of the view controller
- N/A
- N/A
- Getting the version of CaptureSDK returns the right value
- Building failed because of
framework is fixed
- SocketCam C860 is available. See more details here
- SocketCam C820 and C860 are available as a view controller that can be displayed as a popover, a subview and not only in full screen
- You can chose to show or hide the close button of SocketCam depending on the flow of your app
- The signature of the SDK that was not validated by Xcode 15 for an unknown reason
- SocketCam C860 is available. See more details here
- SocketCam C820 and C860 are available as a view controller that can be displayed as a popover, a subview and not only in full screen
- N/A
- Getting the version of CaptureSDK returns the right value
- Minimum target deployment: iOS 12.0
- CaptureSDK is signed and contains the Privacy manifest file as required by Apple from iOS17
- Introduced SocketCam C860
- N/A
- Bluetooth Manager crashed should be now fixed
- N/A
- N/A
- The Special configuration flag added in version 1.7.9 was causing the Bluetooth Classic connection not starting. It's still possible to enable this flag (given on request through [email protected])
- N/A
- N/A
- Special configuration flag added to avoid launching the Bluetooth Low Energy Manager that might crash in certain cases (given on request through [email protected])
- Compatibility with the new device M930
- Add a SocketCam section in the documentation
- The stand/kiosk mode is now working properly (property SKTCaptureStandConfig)
- n/a
- Add
to CaptureHelper Objective-C - Add Get/Set Property methods for CaptureHelperDeviceManager to CaptureHelper Objective-C
- Bluetooth connection on iPadOS 16.5 is retained by an application containing CaptureSDK. This issue is now fixed
- Fix get battery level command for S550 and S370
- n/a
- n/a
- Fix error when building the Cocoapods due to SktCaptureProperty.h file still present even though it shouldn't in CaptureSDK/Headers directories
- n/a
- n/a
- Fix crash when the S370 is disconnecting
- Compatibility with the new combo device S370 that contains a NFC reader/writer and a Barcode scanner
- Add trigger and themes selection properties to S550 and S370
- Add the Power State characteristic to the D600
- Some string and methods of CryptoSwift conflicting with developers's projects are now solved
- Some developers reported that the Bluetooth Low Energy manager crashes. It is now fixed
- Fix crash when connecting to D600
- n/a
- n/a
- The Bluetooth Low Energy manager had a small issue discovering and connecting several devices after a reconnection/restart of those devices. It is now fixed and you should be able to restart devices and being reconnected again
- CaptureSDK is now build with Xcode 14, supporting iOS16
- Bitcode has been disabled. If you need a version of CaptureSDK with Bitcode enabled, please take the previous version 1.5.5
- n/a
- n/a
- Bitcode has been enabled. Please note that from Xcode 14, it will no longer build bitcode by default. See Xcode release notes
- n/a
- Compatibility with the new devices S720/D720/S820
- Battery level notification added for the S550
- n/a
- n/a
- You can close the connection to a Bluetooth Low Energy device with a new property ID: SKTCapturePropertyIDDisconnectDevice and value: SKTCaptureDisconnectMakeAvailable
- n/a
- n/a
- CaptureSDK is also now a Swift Package Manager
- n/a
- n/a
- CaptureSDK is automatically closing the BLE manager when your app goes to background and reopens it when it goes to foreground
- n/a
- n/a
- Introduced SocketCam C820
- CaptureSDK is now a xcframework, not a static library anymore
- Minimum target deployment: iOS 11.0
- SKTCaptureHelper (Objective-C) and CaptureHelper (Swift) are now included into CaptureSDK
- CaptureHelper can be used in SwiftUI classes
- Memory leaks have been chased and fixed