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Silverpop Engage SDK for iOS (a.k.a. the "Silverpop Mobile Connector")

Simple Engage Database wrapper for iOS

EngageSDK is a Engage API wrapper library for iOS development. The goal is to provide a library that is simple to setup and use for communicating remotely with our Silverpop Engage Database system.


EngageSDK is a wrapper for the Engage Database XMLAPI and JSON Universal Events. The SDK assists developers in interacting with both the XMLAPI and JSON Universal Events (UBF) web services. All interaction with the Engage web services require that you first establish a secure connection with Engage via the OAuth 2 credentials you receive from the Engage Portal. Although XMLAPI and UBF share certain components the SDK divides the interaction with each module into separate components namely UBFManager and XMLAPIManager.

Installing SDK

Before You Release Your App

Important Note: Increase Token Limits for Production Apps

There are currently limits placed on the number of Access Tokens that can be generated per hour per instance of Engage. This number is easily increased, however, before deploying your app publicly, you must contact your Relationship Manager or Sales Rep regarding your intention to use this connector and that you will need to have your OAuth Access Token rate limit increased.


1.1.0 Demo

$ gem install cocoapods # If necessary
$ git clone [email protected]:Silverpop/engage-sdk-ios.git
$ cd engage-sdk-ios/EngageSDK-1-1-0-Demo-ios
$ pod install
$ open EngageSDK-1-1-0-Demo-ios.xcworkspace

This demo app demonstrates the process of managing the mobile identity of the recipient.

For more info refer to the README for the demo app.

1.0.0 Demo

EngageSDK includes a sample project within the Example subdirectory. In order to build the project, you must install the dependencies via CocoaPods. To do so:

$ gem install cocoapods # If necessary
$ git clone [email protected]:Silverpop/engage-sdk-ios.git
$ cd engage-sdk-ios/Example
$ pod install
$ touch EngageSDKDemo/sample-config.h
$ open EngageSDKDemo.xcworkspace

Open the EngageSDKDemo/sample-config.h file and paste the #define code from Environment Setup below.

Once installation has finished, you can build and run the EngageSDKDemo project within your simulator or iPhone device.

Once you understand how the Demo project is configured via CocoaPods and implemented using the EngageSDK, you are ready to integrate the EngageSDK with your new or existing Xcode iPhone project.

Getting Started

The first thing you will want to do is contact your Relationship Manager at Sidlverpop and ask for the "Silverpop Mobile Connector". They will assist in getting your Engage account provisioned for Universal Behaviors -- the new flexible event tracking system that is the backbone of tracked mobile app behaviors.

Next, you can follow the instructions in this readme file, or as an additional offer, we've put together a short 10 minute tutorial that will walk you through the download, installation, and configuration process to get your app up and running. Click here to watch that video tutorial.

Environment Setup

The best way to begin is by using CocoaPods. Follow the instructions offered at the CocoaPods website to install CocoaPods using Ruby Gems.

Using an new or existing iPhone project within Xcode, create a new C header file. We will use this file to define important constant configuration data for the EngageSDK library. Copy and paste the following lines between #define and #endif:


Configure the defines with your values and save changes and close your project if it is open.

Open the terminal and open the project folder.

touch Podfile

Edit this file to add the EngageSDK dependency

pod 'EngageSDK', '~> 1.1.0'

Save and close. Install the Pod dependencies.

pod install

CocoaPods clones the EngageSDK files from github and creates an Xcode workspace configured with all dependencies (AFNetworking, AFOAuth2) and linking your existing project to a 'Pods' project that organizes and manages your dependencies and builds them as static libraries linked into your project.

Open the Xcode workspace and import the public headers of the EngageSDK library by adding the following line to your code:

#import <EngageSDK/EngageSDK.h>


You may want to add the following lines to your .gitignore file


Some developers may need to install Xcode Command Line Tools before installing CocoaPods

If you are having trouble with ruby gems, try performing a gem system update: gem update --system

To initalize the EngageSDK including the (XMLAPIManager)[#XMLAPIManager) and (UBFManager)[UBFManager] make the following call in your AppDelegage class.


The UBFManager manages posting UBF events through the Engage JSON Universal Events web services. A UBFManager singleton instance should be created in your AppDelegate class. Failing to initialize the UBFManager in your AppDelegate and rather somewhere else in your application may lead to certain UBF events such as "installed" or "session started" from being captured since they may occur before anywhere else in your application has the opportunity to initialize an instance of the UBFManager.


The goal of UBFManager is serve the simple purpose of posting UBF Universal Events to Engage while masking the more complicated management tasks such as (network reachability, persistence, and authentication) from the SDK user.

  • tracking UBF events - Posts your individual events to Engage. Local cache is taken into consideration and events are not posted until "ubfEventCacheSize" configuration value is reached. Once that value is reached then the events are batched and sent to Engage to reduce network traffic. You may set the value of "ubfEventCacheSize" if you do not wish for local caching to take palce.
  • handleLocalNotification - utility method invoked SDK user invokes when their application receives a local notificaiton
  • handlePushNotificationReceived - utility method for received push notification. This method also handles searching the notification for EngageSDK parameter values like Current Campaign (configurable).
  • handleNotificationOpened - utility method for opened notifications. Method handles searching the notifications for EngageSDK parameter values like Current Campaign (configurable)
  • handleExternalURLOpened - utility method for external URL opened (email or website deeplink on the device for example) and handles searching the notifications for EngageSDK parameter values like Current Campaign (configurable)

####Notes Notes about UBFManager creation. The UBFManager transparently handles network reachability, event persistence, and client authentication. Initial creation of the UBFManager will establish the OAuth 2 connection to the Engage service using the credentials that you provide which you received from the Engage portal. UBF events may be immediately posted to the UBFManager even before a successful authentication connection has been established. UBF events that are posted to the manager are simply queued and persisted until the authentication is successful and then they are flushed to Engage. The UBFManager will also queue and persist the events locally if an event is posted while the device does not currently have network reachability. If the application is closed or the device powered down before network reachability has been regained then the events will be posted the next time the application is opened. The local events are durable under all circumstances other than the application being deleted from the device or the SDK user deleting them from the EngageLocalEventStore.

After initial UBFManager creation (see EngageSDK) you may reference your singleton anytime with

UBFManager *ubfManager = [UBFManager sharedInstance];

UBF Event Augmentation Plugin Service

After a UBF event is created and sent the the UBFManager the UBF may also be further augmented with data received from IOS hardware or user defined external services. This functionality maintains maximum SDK flexibility as it allows the user to define their own Augmentation plugins that augment the UBF event before it is posted to the Engage API. The SDK by default uses this framework for augmenting the UBF events with location coordinates and location name for example. Any plugin can be created by the user by implementing the UBFAugmentationPluginProtocol interface. Here is a simple example of a "weather UBF augmentation plugin"


@interface UBFWeatherAugmentationPlugin : NSObject <UBFAugmentationPluginProtocol>




@implementation UBFWeatherAugmentationPlugin

-(id)init {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        //Custom init logic
    return self;

-(BOOL)processSyncronously {
    return YES; //Other plugins depend on this Plugins output for processing

-(BOOL)isSupplementalDataReady {
    // Your logic to decide if the data needed for the plugin to process is ready or not. Lets assume our fake weather data is.
    return YES;

-(UBF*)process:(UBF*)ubfEvent {
    if (ubfEvent) {
        [ubfEvent setAttribute:@"Temperatue In Celsius" value:@"100"];
        [ubfEvent setAttribute:@"Temperatue In Fahrenheit" value:@"212"];
    return ubfEvent;


To prevent UBF events from becoming stagnant or waiting indefinitely for augmentation data a configurable augmentation timeout is placed for a single UBF augmentation. The same timeout applies if you have 1 plugin or 1000 plugins so tuning to match your needs is expected. After the timeout is reached the UBF event will be posted to Engage API in the same state as when it was handed off to the augmentation plugin service.

Universal Behaviors API

Before connecting and sending Universal Behaviors, you should assume a valid user identity specified identity via XMLAPI. Refer to the MobileIdentityManager.

Goal Completed

[[UBFManager sharedInstance] trackEvent:[UBF goalCompleted:@"LISTENED TO MVSTERMIND" params:nil]];

Goal Abandoned

[[UBFManager sharedInstance] trackEvent:[UBF goalAbandoned:@"LISTENED TO MVSTERMIND" params:nil]];

Named Event with params

[[UBFManager sharedInstance] trackEvent:[UBF namedEvent:@"PLAYER LOADED" params:@{ @"Event Source View" : @"HomeViewController", @"Event Tags" : @"MVSTERMIND,Underground" }]];

The XMLAPIManager manages posting XMLAPI messages to the Engage web services. A XMLAPIManager singleton instance should be created in your AppDelegate class.

After initial XMLAPIManager creation (see EngageSDK) you may reference your singleton anytime with

XMLAPIManager *xmlapiManager = [XMLAPIManager sharedInstance];

Creating an anonymous user (depreciated)

Depreciated in favor of recipient setup methods in MobileIdentityManager

// Conveniently calls addRecipient and stores anonymousId within EngageConfig
[[XMLAPIManager sharedInstance] createAnonymousUserToList:ENGAGE_LIST_ID success:^(ResultDictionary *ERXML) {
    if ([ERXML isSuccess]) {
    else {
        NSLog(@"%@",[ERXML faultString]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {

Identifying a registered user

XMLAPI *selectRecipientData = [XMLAPI selectRecipientData:@"[email protected]" list:ENGAGE_LIST_ID];

[[XMLAPIManager sharedInstance] postXMLAPI:selectRecipientData success:^(ResultDictionary *ERXML) {
        if ([ERXML isSuccess]) {
            // VERY IMPORTANT!!!
            // Universal Behaviors reads this value
            [EngageConfig storeMobileUserId:[ERXML valueForShortPath:@"RecipientId"]];
        else {
            NSLog(@"%@",[ERXML faultString]);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"SERVICE FAIL");

Convert anonymous user to registered user (depreciated)

Depreciated in favor of recipient setup methods in MobileIdentityManager

// Conveniently links anonymous user record with the primary user record according to the mergeColumn
[[XMLAPIManager sharedInstance] updateAnonymousToPrimaryUser:[EngageConfig primaryUserId]
                                                success:^(ResultDictionary *ERXML) {
                                                    if ([[ERXML valueForShortPath:@"SUCCESS"] boolValue]) {
                                                    else {
                                                        NSLog(@"%@",[ERXML valueForShortPath:@"Fault.FaultString"]);
                                                } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                                    NSLog(@"SERVICE FAIL");

The MobileIdentityManager can be used to manage user identities. It can auto create new user identities as well as merge existing identities if needed. This functionality is intended to replace the manual process of creating an anonymous user.

In addition to the normal app security token configuration, the following setup must be configured prior to using the MobileIdentityManager methods.

  • Recipient list should already be created and the listId should be setup in the configuration.
  • EngageConfig.plist should be configured with the columns names representing the Mobile User Id, Merged Recipient Id, and Merged Date. The EngageConfigDefaults.plist defines default values if you prefer to use those.
  • The Mobile User Id, Merged Recipient Id, and Merged Date columns must be created in the recipient list with names that match your EngageConfig.plist settings
  • Optional: If you prefer to save the merge history in a separate AuditRecord relational table you can set mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable to YES and the auditRecordListId to the corresponding list id. If enabled you are responsible for creating the AuditRecord table with the columns for Audit Record Id, Old Recipient Id, New Recipient Id, and Create Date prior to calling checkIdentityForIds.

To watch a quick video that demonstrates how easy this is, just Click here to see it now!

Setup recipient identity
 * Checks if the mobile user id has been configured yet.  If not
 * and the 'enableAutoAnonymousTracking' flag is set to true it is auto generated
 * using either the {@link EngageDefaultUUIDGenerator} or
 * the generator configured as the 'mobileUserIdGeneratorClassName'.  If
 * 'enableAutoAnonymousTracking' is 'NO' you are responsible for
 * manually setting the id using {@code EngageConfig#storeMobileUserId}.
 * <p/>
 * Once we have a mobile user id (generated or manually set) a new recipient is
 * created with the mobile user id.
 * <p/>
 * On successful completion of this method the EngageConfig will contain the
 * mobile user id and new recipient id.
 * @param didSucceed custom behavior to run on success of this method
 * @param didFail custom behavior to run on failure of this method
-(void)setupRecipientWithSuccess:(void (^)(SetupRecipientResult* result))didSucceed
                         failure:(void (^)(SetupRecipientFailure* failure))didFail;
Setup Recipient Usage
[[MobileIdentityManager sharedInstance] setupRecipientWithSuccess:^(SetupRecipientResult *result) {
    NSString *messageFormat = @"Recipient Id: %@\nMobile User Id: %@";
    NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:messageFormat, [result recipientId], [EngageConfig mobileUserId]];
    NSLog(@"%@", message);
    // do any other custom behavior
} failure:^(SetupRecipientFailure *failure) {
    NSLog(@"Setup Recipient failure");
    // do any other custom behavior
Check identity and merge recipients
 * Checks for an existing recipient with all the specified ids.  If a matching recipient doesn't exist
 * the currently configured recipient is updated with the searched ids.  If an existing recipient
 * does exist the two recipients are merged and the engage app config is switched to the existing
 * recipient.
 * <p/>
 * When recipients are merged a history of the merged recipients is recorded.  By default it uses the
 * Mobile User Id, Merged Recipient Id, and Merged Date columns, however if you prefer to store
 * the merge history in a separate AuditRecord table you can set you EngageConfig.plist properties accordingly.
 * <p/>
 * WARNING: The merge process is not currently transactional.  If this method errors the data is likely to
 * be left in an inconsistent state.
 * @param fieldsToIds Dictionary of column name to id value for that column.  Searches for an
 *                             existing recipient that contains ALL of the columns in the dictionary.
 *                             <p/>
 *                             Examples:
 *                             - Key: facebook_id, Value: 100
 *                             - Key: twitter_id, Value: 9999
 * @param didSucceed custom behavior to run on success of this method
 * @param didFail custom behavior to run on failure of this method
 -(void)checkIdentityForIds:(NSDictionary *)fieldsToIds
                   success:(void (^)(CheckIdentityResult* result))didSucceed
                   failure:(void (^)(CheckIdentityFailure* failure))didFail;
Check Identity Usage
[[MobileIdentityManager sharedInstance] checkIdentityForIds:@{ @"facebook_id" : @"fbuser" } success:^(CheckIdentityResult *result) {
    NSString *newRecipientId = [result recipientId];
    NSString *mergedRecipientId = [result mergedRecipientId];
    NSString *mobileUserId = [result mobileUserId];
    NSString *messageFormat = @"Current recipient id: %@\nMerged recipient id: %@\nMobile user id: %@";
    NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:messageFormat, newRecipientId, mergedRecipientId, mobileUserId];
    NSLog(@"%@", message);
    // do any other custom behavior
} failure:^(CheckIdentityFailure *failure) {
    NSLog(@"Check Identity failure");
    // do any other custom behavior

Local Event Storage

UBF events are persisted to a local SQLite DB on the user's device. The event can have 1 of 5 statuses. NOT_POSTED, SUCCESSFULLY_POSTED, FAILED_POST, HOLD, or EXPIRED.

    • UBF events that are ready to be sent to Engage but currently cannot due to network not being reachable or queue cache size not being met yet.
    • UBF events that have already been successfully posted to Engage. These events will be purged after the configurable amount of time has been reached.
    • UBF events that were attempted to be posted to Engage for the maximum number of retries. Once in this state no further attempts to post the UBF event will be made.
  • HOLD
    • UBF events in this state have been initially created but have still not had all of their data set by the augmentation service. UBF events that fail to be ran successfully through the augmentation service before their timeouts have been reached will be moved to the NOT_POSTED state and sent to Engage on the next flush. Providing timeouts helps ensure that the events do not become stuck in the HOLD state if certain external augmentation events are never received.
    • UBF events that fail to complete their augmenation before the time out is reached are placed in the EXPIRED state. EXPIRED events are eligible to be POSTed to Engage just like NOT_POSTED events.

EngageSDK Models

EngageSDK has 2 primary models that SDK users should concerns themselves with

Utility class for generating JSON Universal Events that are posted to the UBFManager and ultimately sent to Engage. The class maintains a NSDictionary of attributes that are different depending on the event type that is created. Any NSDictionary values that you provide to the utility methods will take precedence over the values that the utility methods pull from the device.

  • Device Version
  • OS Name
  • OS Version
  • App Name
  • App Version
  • Device Id
  • Mobile User Id / Primary User Id
  • Anonymous Id
  • Recipient Id

Post an XMLAPI resource using a helper e.g. SelectRecipientData

// create a resource encapsulating your request to select by email address
XMLAPI *selectRecipientData = [XMLAPI selectRecipientData:@"[email protected]" list:ENGAGE_LIST_ID];

[[XMLAPIManager sharedInstance] postXMLAPI:selectRecipientData success:^(ResultDictionary *ERXML) {
    if ([ERXML isSuccess]) {
    // This is a specific XMLAPI failure, status 2xx
    else {
        NSLog(@"%@",[ERXML faultString]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // This is a status > 400

XMLAPI Resources

Example 1

            <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
                <NAME>Customer Id</NAME>

is equivalent to:

                               @"LIST_ID" : @"45654",
                               @"EMAIL" : @"[email protected]",
                               @"COLUMNS" : @{ @"Customer Id" : @"123-45-6789" } }];

or alternately:

[selectRecipientData addParams:@{ @"LIST_ID" : @"45654", @"EMAIL" : @"[email protected]" }];
[selectRecipientData addColumns:@{ @"Customer Id" : @"123-45-6789" }];

Example 2


is equivalent to:

XMLAPI *selectRecipientData = [XMLAPI resourceNamed:XMLAPI_OPERATION_SELECT_RECIPIENT_DATA params:@{@"RECIPIENT_ID" : @"702003"}];

Example 3

            <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>

is equivalent to:

XMLAPI *selectRecipientData = [XMLAPI selectRecipientData:@"[email protected]" list:@"45654"];


For your convenience constants for the supported XMLAPI operations can be found in the XMLAPIOperation class.



The EngageSDK is configured via 2 plist files. One plist file (EngageConfigDefaults.plist) is provided in the SDK itself and in populated with the values from the Configuration Values table below to promote a turn key SDK approach. The second plist file is a file caused EngageConfig.plist that you (optionally) provide in the supporting files of your project. The EngageConfig.plist values you define always take precedence over the configuration values defined in the EngageConfigDefaults.plist files. It is recommended that you simply copy the EngageConfigDefaults.plist file and rename it to EngageConfig.plist in your project and change the configurations to their desired values.


The EngageSDK configuration values are stored in memory in a NSDictionary after the application starts up. Receiving those individual configuration values is managed via the EngageConfigManager. The manager queries the NSDictionary for the requested field. EngageConfigManager accepts constants defined in EngageConfig which provide more description names that point to the actual configuration values specified in the Configuration Values table below.

Configuration Values

The configuration

Configuration Name Default Value Meaning Format
LocalEventStore->expireLocalEventsAfterNumDays 30 days Number of days before engage events are purged from local storage Number
General->databaseListId {YOUR_LIST_ID} Engage Database ListID from Engage Portal String
General->ubfEventCacheSize 3 Events to cache locally before batch post Number
General->defaultCurrentCampaignExpiration 1 day time before current campaign expires by default EngageExpirationParser String
ParamFieldNames->ParamCampaignValidFor CampaignValidFor External event parameter name to parse Campaign valid from String
ParamFieldNames->ParamCampaignExpiresAt CampaignExpiresAt External event parameter name to parse Campaign expires at from String
ParamFieldNames->ParamCurrentCampaign CurrentCampaign External event parameter name to parse Current Campaign from String
ParamFieldNames->ParamCallToAction CallToAction External event parameter name to parse Call To Action from String
Session->sessionLifecycleExpiration 30 minutes time local application session is valid for before triggering session ended event EngageExpirationParser String
Networking->maxNumRetries 3 Number of times that an event is retried before it is finally marked as failed in the local event store and no more attempts are made Number
UBFFieldNames->UBFSessionDurationFieldName Session Duration JSON Universal Event Session Duration field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFTagsFieldName Tags JSON Universal Event Tags field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFDisplayedMessageFieldName Displayed Message JSON Universal Event Displayed Message field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFCallToActionFieldName Call To Action JSON Universal Event Call To Action field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFEventNameFieldName Event Name JSON Universal Event name field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFGoalNameFieldName Goal Name JSON Universal Event goal field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFCurrentCampaignFieldName Campaign Name JSON Universal Event current campaign field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFLastCampaignFieldName Last Campaign JSON Universal Event last campaign field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFLocationAddressFieldName Location Address JSON Universal Event location address field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFLocationNameFieldName Location Name JSON Universal Event location name field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFLatitudeFieldName Latitude JSON Universal Event Latitude field name String
UBFFieldNames->UBFLongitudeFieldName Longitude JSON Universal Event Longitude field name String
LocationServices->lastKnownLocationDateFormat yyyy'-'MM'-'dd User last known location date format String
LocationServices->lastKnownLocationTimestampColumn Last Location Address Time Engage DB column name for the last known location time String
LocationServices->lastKnownLocationColumn Last Location Address Engage DB column name for the last known location String
LocationServices->locationDistanceFilter 10 meters in location change before updated location information delegate is invoked Number
LocationServices->locationPrecisionLevel kCLLocationAccuracyBest desired level of location accuracy String
LocationServices->locationCacheLifespan 1 hr lifespan of location coordinates before they are considered expired EngageExpirationParser String
LocationServices->coordinatesPlacemarkTimeout 15 sec timeout on acquiring CLPlacemark before event is posted without that information EngageExpirationParser String
LocationServices->coordinatesAcquisitionTimeout 15 sec timeout on acquiring CLLocation before event is posted without that information EngageExpirationParser String
LocationServices->enabled YES Are Location services enabled for UBF events Boolean
Augmentation->augmentationTimeout 15 sec timeout for augmenting UBF events EngageExpirationParser
Recipient->enableAutoAnonymousTracking true If set to true it allows mobile user ids to be auto generated for recipients. If set to false you are responsible for manually setting the mobile user id. Boolean
Recipient->mobileUserIdGeneratorClassName EngageDefaultUUIDGenerator The class to use for auto generating mobile user ids if the enableAutoAnonymousTracking property is set to true. Class
Recipient->mobileUserIdColumn Mobile User Id Column name to store the mobile user id in. String
Recipient->mergedRecipientIdColumn Merged Recipient Id Column name to store the merged recipient id in. The merged recipient id column is populated if needed during the check identity process. String
Recipient->mergedDateColumn Merged Date Column name to store the merged date in. The merged recipient id column is populated if needed during the check identity process. String
Recipient->mergeHistoryInMarketingDatabase YES If the audit history for merged recipients should be stored in the marketing database. Boolean
AuditRecord->auditRecordPrimaryKeyColumnName Audit Record Id Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. The column name for the generated primary key in the audit record table. String
AuditRecord->auditRecordPrimaryKeyGeneratorClassName EngageDefaultUUIDGenerator Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. The class to use to generate primary keys for the audit record table. Class
AuditRecord->oldRecipientIdColumnName Old Recipient Id Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. When a recipient is merged during the check identity process, this is the column name for old recipient id. String
AuditRecord>newRecipientIdColumnName New Recipient Id Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. When a recipient is merged during the check identity process, this is the column name for assumed recipient id. String
AuditRecord->createDateColumnName Create Date Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. When a recipient is merged during the check identity process, this is the column name for the timestamp for when the merge occurred. String
AuditRecord->mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable NO If the audit history for merged recipients should be stored in a separate audit record table. Boolean
AuditRecord->auditRecordListId The list id for the Audit Record relational table. Only required if mergeHistoryInAuditRecordTable is set to YES. String


EnagageSDK interacts with a wide array of dates and expiration times. Those values are pulled from both external parameters and internal configurations. To ensure that those values are most accurately interpretted a flexible format was created for the EngageSDK and a special format which will be referred to as the "EngageExpirationParser String". This "EngageExpirationParser String" value can accept any number of time based values and then provides several convenience methods for accessing specific units of time measurement from those parsed values. Units of time are measured from either a reference date that you provide when you create the object or otherwise the the time string is interpreted as a "valid for" value instead of a "expires at" value.


####Assume current date of 6/10/2014 00:00:00

EngageExpirationParser String Expiration Date
1 day 15m 6/11/2014 00:15:00
15m1d0seconds 6/11/2014 00:15:00
65minutes 6/10/2014 01:05:00
3seconds 6/10/2014 00:00:03


EngageSDK implements predefined Session events for Universal Behaviors. Sessions are configured to timeout if a user leaves your app for at least 5 minutes. At the end of the Session, duration is computed excluding any portion of inactivity.


Both local and push notifications require that the user of the SDK enable their application for subscribing and listening for the notifications. These hooks for the notifications are defined inside your application's UIApplicationDelegage (AppDelegate) implementation class. Full reference for those hooks can be found [here] ( Examples of using the local and push notification hooks are found below.

Local Notification Received

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification {
    [[UBFManager sharedInstance] handleLocalNotificationReceivedEvents:notification withParams:nil];

Push Notification Received

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)pushNotification  {
    [[UBFManager sharedInstance] handlePushNotificationReceivedEvents:pushNotification];

Application Opened by clicking Notification - Application AppDelegate class

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    if (launchOptions != nil) {
        // Launched from push notification or local notification
        NSDictionary *notification = nil;
        if ([launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey]) {
            notification = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey];
        } else if ([launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey]) {
            notification = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey];
        } else {
            //Other application logic
        [[UBFManager sharedInstance] handleNotificationOpenedEvents:notification];

Application Opened by clicking external DeepLink - Application AppDelegate class snippet

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
    NSURL *ubfEventUid = [[UBFManager sharedInstance] handleExternalURLOpenedEvents:url];

DeepLink Configuration

Deep linking is handled in the EngageSDK by leveraging the MobileDeepLinking library. You must create a MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json file in your application. MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json is the definition of how EngageSDK will parse the parameters from the DeepLinks presented to your app and ultimately are sent as part of UBF events. Complete configuration can be found on the MobileDeepLinking website. At a minimum you must define a "handler" to handle the parsing of the URLs. The EngageSDK handler is named "postSilverpop" and a sample configuration is found below. At a minimum you should include the "defaultRoute" section from the sample below to your MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json file. You can also register your own custom handlers with MobileDeepLinking and add them to the list of handlers in the configuration file.

    "logging": "true",
    "defaultRoute": {
        "handlers": [
    "routes": {
        "test/:testId": {
            "handlers": [
            "routeParameters": {
                "testId": {
                    "required": "true",
                    "regex": "[0-9]"
                "CurrentCampaign": {
                    "required": "false"
                "utmSource": {
                    "required": "false"
        "campaign/:CurrentCampaign": {
            "handlers": [
            "routeParameters": {
                "CurrentCampaign": {
                    "required": "true"
                "CampaignEndTimeStamp": {
                    "required": "false"

Current Campaigns

If you noticed the configuration value above has a parameter with a value of "CurrentCampaign". The #define macro of #define CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_PARAM_NAME @"CurrentCampaign" also has a default value of "CurrentCampaign". When a URL is opened and the UBFManager is invoked the CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_PARAM_NAME value is used to search the parameters for a match. If a match is found then the value of that parameter is set as the "Campaign Name" for all subsequent UBF events that are posted to Engage. Campaigns have a default expiration time of 86400 seconds (1 day) after they are set via opened url of push notification. If that value is not desirable you may also supply a objective-c #define CAMPAIGN_EXTERNAL_EXPIRATION_DATETIME_PARAM @"CampaignEndTimeStamp" value which is a standard linux timestamp for when you want the campaign specified to expire. Here is a handy timestamp tool for calculating those values. Timestamps should be GMT

CurrentCampaign and CampaignEndTimeStamp Deeplink Examples

Below are some deep link examples assuming that your application is configured to open for a URL containing a host value of "Silverpop".

Silverpop://campaign/TestCurrentCampaign?CampaignEndTimeStamp=1419465600    //Campaign Name set to "TestCurrentCampaign" and Expires on December 25th 2014 at 12AM
Silverpop://campaign/TestCurrentCampaign   //Campaign Name set to "TestCurrentCampaign" and Expires 1 Day after the URL is opened in the application
Silverpop://campaign/TestCurrentCampaign?CampaignEndTimeStamp=30931200    //Campaign Name set to "TestCurrentCampaign" and Expires on December 25th 1970 at 12AM. So campaign is never activated

Posting events to Universal Behaviors service

Events are cached and sent in larger batches for efficiency. The timing of the automated dispatches varies but usually occur when the app is sent to the background. If you would like to control when events are posted, you can tell the UBFClient to post any cached events.

Manually post all events in cache

[[UBFManager sharedInstance] postEventCache];

Further Questions, Issues, or Comments?

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