From b99079ce78f450b00e141bee495b1a6125981550 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marina Egner <> Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 12:17:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add cjs support and jest as test runner --- .eslintrc.json | 821 ++--- .github/workflows/ci.yml | 103 + .husky/pre-commit | 2 + package-lock.json | 2461 ------------- package.json | 32 +- src/ReadLines.ts | 304 +- src/ReadLinesAsync.ts | 24 +- src/ReadLinesSync.ts | 22 +- .../readlinesAsync.test.ts | 272 +- .../readlinesSync.test.ts | 280 +- test/jest-setup.cjs | 13 + test/jest-unit.config.cjs | 10 + test/jest.config.cjs | 37 + tsconfig.base.json | 16 + tsconfig.cjs.json | 8 + tsconfig.json | 26 +- yarn.lock | 3273 +++++++++++++++++ 17 files changed, 4295 insertions(+), 3409 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/ci.yml create mode 100644 .husky/pre-commit delete mode 100644 package-lock.json rename test/readlinesAsyncTest.js => src/readlinesAsync.test.ts (92%) rename test/readlinesSyncTest.js => src/readlinesSync.test.ts (87%) 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+ +jobs: + lint: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Check out the code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: Setup Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + with: + token: ${{ secrets.GH_DOTCOM_TOKEN }} + node-version-file: "package.json" + cache: "yarn" + cache-dependency-path: "yarn.lock" + registry-url: "" + - name: Install dependencies + run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --network-concurrency 1 --child-concurrency 1 + - name: Lint code (ESLint) + run: yarn run lint:eslint + - name: Lint code (Prettier) + run: yarn run lint:prettier + + test: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Check out the code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: Setup Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + with: + token: ${{ secrets.GH_DOTCOM_TOKEN }} + node-version-file: "package.json" + cache: "yarn" + cache-dependency-path: "yarn.lock" + registry-url: "" + - name: Install dependencies + run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile + - name: Run Unit Tests + run: yarn run test:unit + + build: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Check out the code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: Setup Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + with: + token: ${{ secrets.GH_DOTCOM_TOKEN }} + node-version-file: "package.json" + cache: "yarn" + cache-dependency-path: "yarn.lock" + registry-url: "" + - name: Install dependencies + run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --network-concurrency 1 --child-concurrency 1 + - name: Typescript build + run: yarn run build + + publish: + needs: + - lint + - test + - build + if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Check out the code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: Setup Node + uses: actions/setup-node@v4 + with: + token: ${{ secrets.GH_DOTCOM_TOKEN }} + node-version-file: "package.json" + cache: "yarn" + cache-dependency-path: "yarn.lock" + registry-url: "" + - name: Install dependencies + run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --network-concurrency 1 --child-concurrency 1 + - name: Publish to NPM + run: yarn publish --access public + env: + NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_ACCESS_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.husky/pre-commit b/.husky/pre-commit new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e99997c --- /dev/null +++ b/.husky/pre-commit @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +yarn lint +git update-index --again \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json deleted file mode 100644 index 14c7a79..0000000 --- a/package-lock.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2461 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "readlines-iconv", - "version": "1.0.2", - "lockfileVersion": 3, - "requires": true, - "packages": { - "": { - "name": "readlines-iconv", - "version": "1.0.2", - "license": "MIT", - "dependencies": { - "iconv-lite": "^0.6.3" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@types/node": "^20.10.5", - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.15.0", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.15.0", - "assert": "^2.1.0", - "eslint": "^8.56.0", - "mocha": "^10.2.0", - "typescript": "^5.3.3" - }, - 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+++ b/package.json @@ -1,15 +1,28 @@ { "name": "readlines-iconv", - "version": "2.0.1", + "version": "2.1.0", "description": "Handler that returns a file line by line with a wide range of supported encodings", - "main": "dist/index.js", - "types": "dist/index.d.ts", "module": "ES2020", "type": "module", + "main": "dist/esm/index.js", + "types": "dist/esm/index.d.ts", + "exports": { + "import": "./dist/esm/index.js", + "require": "./dist/cjs/index.js" + }, "scripts": { - "test": "tsc -b && mocha test/ --recursive", - "prepare": "tsc -b", - "prepublish": "npm run prepare" + "clean": "rm -rf dist/", + "prebuild": "yarn run clean", + "prepublish": "yarn run build", + "build": "tsc -p tsconfig.json && tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json", + "lint": "yarn lint:eslint && yarn lint:prettier && yarn lint:tsc", + "test:unit": "jest --config ./test/jest-unit.config.cjs", + "lint:eslint": "eslint --cache --cache-strategy content ./src/**/* ", + "lint:eslint:fix": "yarn lint:eslint --fix", + "lint:prettier": "npx prettier --check \"**/*.{xml,json,yml,yaml}\"", + "lint:prettier:fix": "npx prettier --write \"**/*.{xml,json,yml,yaml}\"", + "lint:tsc": "tsc --noEmit", + "prepare": "husky" }, "repository": { "type": "git", @@ -39,11 +52,18 @@ "iconv-lite": "^0.6.3" }, "devDependencies": { + "husky": "^9.1.4", + "@swc/core": "^1.7.6", + "@swc/jest": "^0.2.36", + "@types/jest": "^29.5.12", "@types/node": "^20.10.5", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.15.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.15.0", "assert": "^2.1.0", + "dotenv": "^16.4.5", "eslint": "^8.56.0", + "jest": "^29.7.0", + "jest-extended": "^4.0.2", "mocha": "^10.2.0", "typescript": "^5.3.3" } diff --git a/src/ReadLines.ts b/src/ReadLines.ts index 6968bf9..5d543c4 100644 --- a/src/ReadLines.ts +++ b/src/ReadLines.ts @@ -1,152 +1,152 @@ -import iconv from 'iconv-lite'; -import { ReadLinesOptions } from './ReadLinesOptions.js'; -import { ReadLinesOptionsConstructor } from './ReadLinesOptionsConstructor.js'; - -const zero = 0; -const unixLineEnding = '\n'; -const windowsLineEnding = '\r\n'; -const legacyOsxLineEnding = '\r'; -const oneElement = 1; - -/** Handler that returns a file line by line, with automatic evaluation of end of line charcter and supports tons of encodings */ -class ReadLines { - private options: ReadLinesOptions; - private endOfFileReached: boolean; - private linesCached: string[]; - private lastCachedLine: string; - private lineEnding: { - unix: Buffer, - windows: Buffer, - legacyOsx: Buffer, - }; - - constructor({ - encoding='utf8', - minBuffer=16384, - newLineCharacter=null, - }: ReadLinesOptionsConstructor) { - this.options = { - encoding, - minBuffer, - newLineCharacter, - }; - this.endOfFileReached = false; - this.linesCached = []; - this.lastCachedLine = ''; - - // Use iconv to convert new line character(s) as there are differences depending on encoding - this.lineEnding = { - legacyOsx: iconv.encode(legacyOsxLineEnding, encoding), - unix: iconv.encode(unixLineEnding, encoding), - windows: iconv.encode(windowsLineEnding, encoding), - }; - } - - protected getOptions(): ReadLinesOptions { - return this.options; - } - - protected getLinesCached() { - return this.linesCached; - } - - protected getLastCachedLine() { - return this.lastCachedLine; - } - - protected setEndOfLineReached(value: boolean) { - this.endOfFileReached = value; - } - - protected setLastCachedLine(value: string) { - this.lastCachedLine = value; - } - - protected isEndOfLineReached() { - return this.endOfFileReached; - } - - /** Removes and reutrns the first cached element */ - protected popFirstLineCached() { - if(this.linesCached.length) { - const line = this.linesCached.shift(); - if(typeof line !== 'undefined') return line; - } - return null; - } - - /** Reset init params */ - protected reset() { - this.endOfFileReached = false; - this.linesCached = []; - this.lastCachedLine = ''; - } - - /** Returns the line ending of the file and stores this internally for later usage otherwise returns `null` */ - protected getFileLineEnding(fileData: Buffer | undefined): string | null { - if(typeof fileData === 'undefined') return null; - - // Use iconv to convert new line character(s) as there are differences depending on encoding - if(this.options.newLineCharacter !== null && fileData.includes(iconv.encode(this.options.newLineCharacter, this.options.encoding))) { - // ... - return this.options.newLineCharacter; - } - - // If cariage return AND line feed included then it must be a windows line ending - if(fileData.includes( { - this.options.newLineCharacter = windowsLineEnding; - return windowsLineEnding; - } - - // If only one is present then it must be Linux or legacy OSX - if(fileData.includes(this.lineEnding.unix)) { - this.options.newLineCharacter = unixLineEnding; - return unixLineEnding; - } - if(fileData.includes(this.lineEnding.legacyOsx)) { - this.options.newLineCharacter = legacyOsxLineEnding; - return legacyOsxLineEnding; - } - return null; - } - - /** Turns buffer data into fully converted cached lines */ - protected handleBuffer(buffers: Buffer[], bytesRead: number, totalBytesRead: number) { - let bufferData = Buffer.concat(buffers); - - if(bytesRead < this.getOptions().minBuffer) { - this.setEndOfLineReached(true); - - // Remove the end which is filled with zeros - bufferData = bufferData.subarray(zero, totalBytesRead); - } - - if(totalBytesRead) this.constructLines(bufferData); - } - - /** Converts buffer data into single lines */ - private constructLines(bufferData: Buffer) { - let textData = iconv.decode(bufferData, this.options.encoding); - - // Last line is part of this first line if it is not empty - if(this.lastCachedLine !== '') { - textData = this.lastCachedLine + textData; - this.lastCachedLine = ''; - } - const lines = []; - - // If line ending has not been found then expect, that everything from the file is one single sentence - if(this.options.newLineCharacter === null) lines.push(textData); - else lines.push(...textData.split(this.options.newLineCharacter)); - - if(!this.endOfFileReached && lines.length > oneElement) { - // Pop last out for next reading (Is a incomplete string in case it is not empty) - const lastCachedLine = lines.pop(); - if(typeof lastCachedLine !== 'undefined') this.lastCachedLine = lastCachedLine; - } - - this.linesCached.push(...lines); - } -} - -export { ReadLines }; +import * as iconv from 'iconv-lite'; +import { ReadLinesOptions } from './ReadLinesOptions.js'; +import { ReadLinesOptionsConstructor } from './ReadLinesOptionsConstructor.js'; + +const zero = 0; +const unixLineEnding = '\n'; +const windowsLineEnding = '\r\n'; +const legacyOsxLineEnding = '\r'; +const oneElement = 1; + +/** Handler that returns a file line by line, with automatic evaluation of end of line charcter and supports tons of encodings */ +class ReadLines { + private options: ReadLinesOptions; + private endOfFileReached: boolean; + private linesCached: string[]; + private lastCachedLine: string; + private lineEnding: { + unix: Buffer, + windows: Buffer, + legacyOsx: Buffer, + }; + + constructor({ + encoding = 'utf8', + minBuffer = 16384, + newLineCharacter = null, + }: ReadLinesOptionsConstructor) { + this.options = { + encoding, + minBuffer, + newLineCharacter, + }; + this.endOfFileReached = false; + this.linesCached = []; + this.lastCachedLine = ''; + + // Use iconv to convert new line character(s) as there are differences depending on encoding + this.lineEnding = { + legacyOsx: iconv.encode(legacyOsxLineEnding, encoding), + unix: iconv.encode(unixLineEnding, encoding), + windows: iconv.encode(windowsLineEnding, encoding), + }; + } + + protected getOptions(): ReadLinesOptions { + return this.options; + } + + protected getLinesCached() { + return this.linesCached; + } + + protected getLastCachedLine() { + return this.lastCachedLine; + } + + protected setEndOfLineReached(value: boolean) { + this.endOfFileReached = value; + } + + protected setLastCachedLine(value: string) { + this.lastCachedLine = value; + } + + protected isEndOfLineReached() { + return this.endOfFileReached; + } + + /** Removes and reutrns the first cached element */ + protected popFirstLineCached() { + if (this.linesCached.length) { + const line = this.linesCached.shift(); + if (typeof line !== 'undefined') return line; + } + return null; + } + + /** Reset init params */ + protected reset() { + this.endOfFileReached = false; + this.linesCached = []; + this.lastCachedLine = ''; + } + + /** Returns the line ending of the file and stores this internally for later usage otherwise returns `null` */ + protected getFileLineEnding(fileData: Buffer | undefined): string | null { + if (typeof fileData === 'undefined') return null; + + // Use iconv to convert new line character(s) as there are differences depending on encoding + if (this.options.newLineCharacter !== null && fileData.includes(iconv.encode(this.options.newLineCharacter, this.options.encoding))) { + // ... + return this.options.newLineCharacter; + } + + // If cariage return AND line feed included then it must be a windows line ending + if (fileData.includes( { + this.options.newLineCharacter = windowsLineEnding; + return windowsLineEnding; + } + + // If only one is present then it must be Linux or legacy OSX + if (fileData.includes(this.lineEnding.unix)) { + this.options.newLineCharacter = unixLineEnding; + return unixLineEnding; + } + if (fileData.includes(this.lineEnding.legacyOsx)) { + this.options.newLineCharacter = legacyOsxLineEnding; + return legacyOsxLineEnding; + } + return null; + } + + /** Turns buffer data into fully converted cached lines */ + protected handleBuffer(buffers: Buffer[], bytesRead: number, totalBytesRead: number) { + let bufferData = Buffer.concat(buffers); + + if (bytesRead < this.getOptions().minBuffer) { + this.setEndOfLineReached(true); + + // Remove the end which is filled with zeros + bufferData = bufferData.subarray(zero, totalBytesRead); + } + + if (totalBytesRead) this.constructLines(bufferData); + } + + /** Converts buffer data into single lines */ + private constructLines(bufferData: Buffer) { + let textData = iconv.decode(bufferData, this.options.encoding); + + // Last line is part of this first line if it is not empty + if (this.lastCachedLine !== '') { + textData = this.lastCachedLine + textData; + this.lastCachedLine = ''; + } + const lines = []; + + // If line ending has not been found then expect, that everything from the file is one single sentence + if (this.options.newLineCharacter === null) lines.push(textData); + else lines.push(...textData.split(this.options.newLineCharacter)); + + if (!this.endOfFileReached && lines.length > oneElement) { + // Pop last out for next reading (Is a incomplete string in case it is not empty) + const lastCachedLine = lines.pop(); + if (typeof lastCachedLine !== 'undefined') this.lastCachedLine = lastCachedLine; + } + + this.linesCached.push(...lines); + } +} + +export { ReadLines }; diff --git a/src/ReadLinesAsync.ts b/src/ReadLinesAsync.ts index cf6f7c0..6629c28 100644 --- a/src/ReadLinesAsync.ts +++ b/src/ReadLinesAsync.ts @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ class ReadLinesAsync extends ReadLines { /* Opens a new file */ public async open(filePath: PathLike) { - if(this.fileHandler !== null) throw new Error('Cannot open file. A file is already open'); + if (this.fileHandler !== null) throw new Error('Cannot open file. A file is already open'); this.fileHandler = await, 'r'); } /* Closes the currently opened file */ public async close() { - if(this.fileHandler === null) return; + if (this.fileHandler === null) return; await this.fileHandler.close(); this.filePosition = zero; this.fileHandler = null; @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class ReadLinesAsync extends ReadLines { /** Reads a chunk of data from the file and starts evaluating the lines */ private async readChunk() { - if(this.fileHandler === null) throw new Error('File not or no longer open'); + if (this.fileHandler === null) throw new Error('File not or no longer open'); let bytesRead = 0; let totalBytesRead = 0; const buffers = [] as Buffer[]; @@ -51,31 +51,31 @@ class ReadLinesAsync extends ReadLines { buffers.push(readBuffer); // Will either stop if Line ending has found or if bytes are zero which is the case when at end of file - } while(bytesRead && this.getFileLineEnding( === null); + } while (bytesRead && this.getFileLineEnding( === null); this.handleBuffer(buffers, bytesRead, totalBytesRead); } - [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { - return this; + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return [][Symbol.iterator](); } - /** Returns the next line of the file. Returns `{ done: true }` in case the end of file has reached */ + /** Returns the next line of the file. Returns `null` in case the end of file has reached */ public async next(): Promise> { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined - if(this.fileHandler === null) return { done: true, value: undefined }; + if (this.fileHandler === null) return { done: true, value: undefined }; - if(this.getLinesCached().length === zero) await this.readChunk(); + if (this.getLinesCached().length === zero) await this.readChunk(); - if(this.isEndOfLineReached() && this.getLinesCached().length === zero) { + if (this.isEndOfLineReached() && this.getLinesCached().length === zero) { await this.close(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined return { done: true, value: undefined }; } - if(this.getLinesCached().length) { + if (this.getLinesCached().length) { const line = this.popFirstLineCached(); - if(line !== null) return { done: false, value: line }; + if (line !== null) return { done: false, value: line }; throw new Error('Unexpected undefined line end'); } throw new Error('Unexpected Error: Buffer empty but not at end of file'); diff --git a/src/ReadLinesSync.ts b/src/ReadLinesSync.ts index 714e001..d1c28fb 100644 --- a/src/ReadLinesSync.ts +++ b/src/ReadLinesSync.ts @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ class ReadLinesSync extends ReadLines { /* Opens a new file */ public open(filePath: fs.PathLike) { - if(this.fileDescriptor !== null) throw new Error('Cannot open file. A file is already open'); + if (this.fileDescriptor !== null) throw new Error('Cannot open file. A file is already open'); this.fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(filePath, 'r'); } /* Closes the currently opened file */ public close() { - if(!this.fileDescriptor) return; + if (!this.fileDescriptor) return; fs.closeSync(this.fileDescriptor); this.filePosition = zero; this.fileDescriptor = null; @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class ReadLinesSync extends ReadLines { /** Reads a chunk of data from the file and starts evaluating the lines */ private readChunk() { - if(this.fileDescriptor === null) throw new Error('File not or no longer open'); + if (this.fileDescriptor === null) throw new Error('File not or no longer open'); let bytesRead = 0; let totalBytesRead = 0; const buffers = [] as Buffer[]; @@ -49,31 +49,31 @@ class ReadLinesSync extends ReadLines { buffers.push(readBuffer); // Will either stop if Line ending has found or if bytes are zero which is the case when at end of file - } while(bytesRead && this.getFileLineEnding( === null); + } while (bytesRead && this.getFileLineEnding( === null); this.handleBuffer(buffers, bytesRead, totalBytesRead); } [Symbol.iterator]() { - return this; + return [][Symbol.iterator](); } - /** Returns the next line of the file. Returns `{ done: true }` in case the end of file has reached */ + /** Returns the next line of the file. Returns `null` in case the end of file has reached */ public next(): IteratorResult { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined - if(this.fileDescriptor === null) return { done: true, value: undefined }; + if (this.fileDescriptor === null) return { done: true, value: undefined }; - if(this.getLinesCached().length === zero) this.readChunk(); + if (this.getLinesCached().length === zero) this.readChunk(); - if(this.isEndOfLineReached() && this.getLinesCached().length === zero) { + if (this.isEndOfLineReached() && this.getLinesCached().length === zero) { this.close(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined return { done: true, value: undefined }; } - if(this.getLinesCached().length) { + if (this.getLinesCached().length) { const line = this.popFirstLineCached(); - if(line !== null) return { done: false, value: line }; + if (line !== null) return { done: false, value: line }; throw new Error('Unexpected undefined line end'); } throw new Error('Unexpected Error: Buffer empty but not at end of file'); diff --git a/test/readlinesAsyncTest.js b/src/readlinesAsync.test.ts similarity index 92% rename from test/readlinesAsyncTest.js rename to src/readlinesAsync.test.ts index 7e2979e..74fe47a 100644 --- a/test/readlinesAsyncTest.js +++ b/src/readlinesAsync.test.ts @@ -1,136 +1,136 @@ -/* eslint-disable no-undef */ -/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */ -import * as assert from 'assert'; -import { ReadLinesAsync } from '../dist/index.js'; - -const lines = [ - /* eslint-disable max-len */ - 'Eu sit esse aliqua eu sunt consequat in eu nulla cillum. Ad anim excepteur cillum et amet nostrud cillum eu nisi. Voluptate deserunt aliquip proident sint sit. Adipisicing magna sunt amet culpa pariatur commodo tempor et non et mollit duis laboris.', - '', - 'Magna culpa elit amet pariatur nulla elit irure nulla et anim culpa aliquip. Veniam occaecat exercitation amet deserunt dolor labore consectetur aliquip. Aliquip quis culpa ex aliqua nostrud anim exercitation irure commodo.', - '', - 'Incididunt proident sunt sunt incididunt mollit consectetur aliqua consequat sit. Amet quis proident ullamco tempor et nisi Lorem id. Velit commodo velit reprehenderit adipisicing veniam dolore pariatur reprehenderit non.', - '', - 'Voluptate ad esse nisi cillum. Nulla est ad sit consequat. Reprehenderit amet fugiat commodo aliquip aliquip tempor ex minim sit veniam. Irure adipisicing enim sint Lorem. Pariatur aliqua id id labore do ad nulla quis dolor laborum et ullamco officia minim. Ad nisi elit quis fugiat duis. Culpa amet aute laboris esse non.', - '', - 'Deserunt eu id eu enim. Nisi qui consectetur occaecat eu elit voluptate minim officia commodo cupidatat est et commodo. Et esse aliqua ex dolore anim dolor duis qui enim laboris labore officia consectetur. Lorem proident esse anim labore pariatur officia.', - '', - 'Commodo sunt sint tempor ipsum non adipisicing cupidatat labore sunt sint nisi et. Nostrud adipisicing ut consequat veniam ut labore nulla laboris adipisicing ut commodo veniam reprehenderit. Laborum ex sunt officia ad reprehenderit eiusmod ad do reprehenderit ut. Aute ullamco irure mollit excepteur. Id proident ad consequat occaecat. Labore nulla adipisicing occaecat officia sit labore proident consequat nostrud laborum fugiat sit. Nisi incididunt ut reprehenderit et esse deserunt eiusmod enim cillum.', - '', - 'Irure dolore in dolore dolore. Aliquip elit officia labore ipsum nisi irure eu velit aute laboris commodo duis deserunt. Id ullamco sit id et Lorem non ullamco ullamco ad. Tempor excepteur est veniam cupidatat sunt ipsum est non excepteur anim mollit. Aute amet nisi id labore ut reprehenderit consectetur deserunt irure veniam Lorem.', - '', - 'Mollit ullamco culpa proident eu veniam nulla veniam ea non culpa aute. Dolore aliqua aliqua aliquip ullamco excepteur incididunt eu id enim ad elit deserunt excepteur. Laborum voluptate consequat aliqua excepteur aliqua pariatur mollit ex incididunt excepteur eiusmod ea ut consectetur. Anim exercitation sunt magna laboris ut ipsum ad Lorem Lorem ad ut fugiat. Mollit laboris ex sint nostrud.', - '', - 'Aliqua cillum et eiusmod laboris dolore tempor ut commodo nostrud esse occaecat tempor minim. Cillum deserunt in nostrud proident. Proident reprehenderit excepteur consectetur et.', - '', - 'Ea ad velit proident minim exercitation eu do anim sunt. Commodo dolore consequat consectetur ipsum est quis minim sint aliqua occaecat id deserunt. Id aute commodo sint culpa amet id. Proident in officia elit amet ea occaecat eu ea enim aliqua commodo. Do reprehenderit anim irure ullamco ad consequat pariatur cillum laborum consectetur voluptate duis anim. Aliqua sint nisi tempor officia labore.', -]; -/* eslint-enable max-len */ - -describe('#readlinesAsync', function () { - it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync(); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfile.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null with windows line endings', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync(); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfileWin.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return done with true if closed', async function() { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync(); - await'./test/textfile.txt'); - await fileHandler.close(); - assert.deepEqual((await, true); - }); - it('Should return text with converted encoding', async function() { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'win1252', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); - await'./test/textfileWin1252.txt'); - const line = await; - assert.deepEqual(line.value, 'ßäöüáéàâ'); - await fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line even in case a wrong line ending has been defined', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfile.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line even with a buffer of 5', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ minBuffer: 5 }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfile.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should work as normal even after opening another file', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync(); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfile.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - await fileHandler.close(); - - index = 0; - await'./test/textfile2.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - let expected = lines[index]; - if(expected !== null) expected += '2'; - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, expected); - index++; - } - await fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF and UTF16', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF and UTF16', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF (manually defined) and UTF16', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', 'newLineCharacter': '\n' }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF (manually defined) and UTF16', async function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); - let index = 0; - await'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); - for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); -}); +/* eslint-disable no-undef */ +/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */ +import * as assert from 'assert'; +import { ReadLinesAsync } from '../src/index.js'; + +const lines = [ + /* eslint-disable max-len */ + 'Eu sit esse aliqua eu sunt consequat in eu nulla cillum. Ad anim excepteur cillum et amet nostrud cillum eu nisi. Voluptate deserunt aliquip proident sint sit. Adipisicing magna sunt amet culpa pariatur commodo tempor et non et mollit duis laboris.', + '', + 'Magna culpa elit amet pariatur nulla elit irure nulla et anim culpa aliquip. Veniam occaecat exercitation amet deserunt dolor labore consectetur aliquip. Aliquip quis culpa ex aliqua nostrud anim exercitation irure commodo.', + '', + 'Incididunt proident sunt sunt incididunt mollit consectetur aliqua consequat sit. Amet quis proident ullamco tempor et nisi Lorem id. Velit commodo velit reprehenderit adipisicing veniam dolore pariatur reprehenderit non.', + '', + 'Voluptate ad esse nisi cillum. Nulla est ad sit consequat. Reprehenderit amet fugiat commodo aliquip aliquip tempor ex minim sit veniam. Irure adipisicing enim sint Lorem. Pariatur aliqua id id labore do ad nulla quis dolor laborum et ullamco officia minim. Ad nisi elit quis fugiat duis. Culpa amet aute laboris esse non.', + '', + 'Deserunt eu id eu enim. Nisi qui consectetur occaecat eu elit voluptate minim officia commodo cupidatat est et commodo. Et esse aliqua ex dolore anim dolor duis qui enim laboris labore officia consectetur. Lorem proident esse anim labore pariatur officia.', + '', + 'Commodo sunt sint tempor ipsum non adipisicing cupidatat labore sunt sint nisi et. Nostrud adipisicing ut consequat veniam ut labore nulla laboris adipisicing ut commodo veniam reprehenderit. Laborum ex sunt officia ad reprehenderit eiusmod ad do reprehenderit ut. Aute ullamco irure mollit excepteur. Id proident ad consequat occaecat. Labore nulla adipisicing occaecat officia sit labore proident consequat nostrud laborum fugiat sit. Nisi incididunt ut reprehenderit et esse deserunt eiusmod enim cillum.', + '', + 'Irure dolore in dolore dolore. Aliquip elit officia labore ipsum nisi irure eu velit aute laboris commodo duis deserunt. Id ullamco sit id et Lorem non ullamco ullamco ad. Tempor excepteur est veniam cupidatat sunt ipsum est non excepteur anim mollit. Aute amet nisi id labore ut reprehenderit consectetur deserunt irure veniam Lorem.', + '', + 'Mollit ullamco culpa proident eu veniam nulla veniam ea non culpa aute. Dolore aliqua aliqua aliquip ullamco excepteur incididunt eu id enim ad elit deserunt excepteur. Laborum voluptate consequat aliqua excepteur aliqua pariatur mollit ex incididunt excepteur eiusmod ea ut consectetur. Anim exercitation sunt magna laboris ut ipsum ad Lorem Lorem ad ut fugiat. Mollit laboris ex sint nostrud.', + '', + 'Aliqua cillum et eiusmod laboris dolore tempor ut commodo nostrud esse occaecat tempor minim. Cillum deserunt in nostrud proident. Proident reprehenderit excepteur consectetur et.', + '', + 'Ea ad velit proident minim exercitation eu do anim sunt. Commodo dolore consequat consectetur ipsum est quis minim sint aliqua occaecat id deserunt. Id aute commodo sint culpa amet id. Proident in officia elit amet ea occaecat eu ea enim aliqua commodo. Do reprehenderit anim irure ullamco ad consequat pariatur cillum laborum consectetur voluptate duis anim. Aliqua sint nisi tempor officia labore.', +]; +/* eslint-enable max-len */ + +describe('#readlinesAsync', function () { + it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({}); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfile.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null with windows line endings', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({}); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfileWin.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return done with true if closed', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({}); + await'./test/textfile.txt'); + await fileHandler.close(); + assert.deepEqual((await, true); + }); + it('Should return text with converted encoding', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'win1252', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); + await'./test/textfileWin1252.txt'); + const line = await; + assert.deepEqual(line.value, 'ßäöüáéàâ'); + await fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line even in case a wrong line ending has been defined', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfile.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line even with a buffer of 5', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ minBuffer: 5, newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfile.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should work as normal even after opening another file', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({}); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfile.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + await fileHandler.close(); + + index = 0; + await'./test/textfile2.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + let expected = lines[index]; + if (expected !== null) expected += '2'; + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, expected); + index++; + } + await fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF and UTF16', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF and UTF16', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF (manually defined) and UTF16', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', 'newLineCharacter': '\n' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF (manually defined) and UTF16', async function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesAsync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); + let index = 0; + await'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); + for await (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); +}); diff --git a/test/readlinesSyncTest.js b/src/readlinesSync.test.ts similarity index 87% rename from test/readlinesSyncTest.js rename to src/readlinesSync.test.ts index 9b8631a..1e9637b 100644 --- a/test/readlinesSyncTest.js +++ b/src/readlinesSync.test.ts @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ -/* eslint-disable no-undef */ -/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */ -import * as assert from 'assert'; -import { ReadLinesSync } from '../dist/index.js'; - -const lines = [ - /* eslint-disable max-len */ - 'Eu sit esse aliqua eu sunt consequat in eu nulla cillum. Ad anim excepteur cillum et amet nostrud cillum eu nisi. Voluptate deserunt aliquip proident sint sit. Adipisicing magna sunt amet culpa pariatur commodo tempor et non et mollit duis laboris.', - '', - 'Magna culpa elit amet pariatur nulla elit irure nulla et anim culpa aliquip. Veniam occaecat exercitation amet deserunt dolor labore consectetur aliquip. Aliquip quis culpa ex aliqua nostrud anim exercitation irure commodo.', - '', - 'Incididunt proident sunt sunt incididunt mollit consectetur aliqua consequat sit. Amet quis proident ullamco tempor et nisi Lorem id. Velit commodo velit reprehenderit adipisicing veniam dolore pariatur reprehenderit non.', - '', - 'Voluptate ad esse nisi cillum. Nulla est ad sit consequat. Reprehenderit amet fugiat commodo aliquip aliquip tempor ex minim sit veniam. Irure adipisicing enim sint Lorem. Pariatur aliqua id id labore do ad nulla quis dolor laborum et ullamco officia minim. Ad nisi elit quis fugiat duis. Culpa amet aute laboris esse non.', - '', - 'Deserunt eu id eu enim. Nisi qui consectetur occaecat eu elit voluptate minim officia commodo cupidatat est et commodo. Et esse aliqua ex dolore anim dolor duis qui enim laboris labore officia consectetur. Lorem proident esse anim labore pariatur officia.', - '', - 'Commodo sunt sint tempor ipsum non adipisicing cupidatat labore sunt sint nisi et. Nostrud adipisicing ut consequat veniam ut labore nulla laboris adipisicing ut commodo veniam reprehenderit. Laborum ex sunt officia ad reprehenderit eiusmod ad do reprehenderit ut. Aute ullamco irure mollit excepteur. Id proident ad consequat occaecat. Labore nulla adipisicing occaecat officia sit labore proident consequat nostrud laborum fugiat sit. Nisi incididunt ut reprehenderit et esse deserunt eiusmod enim cillum.', - '', - 'Irure dolore in dolore dolore. Aliquip elit officia labore ipsum nisi irure eu velit aute laboris commodo duis deserunt. Id ullamco sit id et Lorem non ullamco ullamco ad. Tempor excepteur est veniam cupidatat sunt ipsum est non excepteur anim mollit. Aute amet nisi id labore ut reprehenderit consectetur deserunt irure veniam Lorem.', - '', - 'Mollit ullamco culpa proident eu veniam nulla veniam ea non culpa aute. Dolore aliqua aliqua aliquip ullamco excepteur incididunt eu id enim ad elit deserunt excepteur. Laborum voluptate consequat aliqua excepteur aliqua pariatur mollit ex incididunt excepteur eiusmod ea ut consectetur. Anim exercitation sunt magna laboris ut ipsum ad Lorem Lorem ad ut fugiat. Mollit laboris ex sint nostrud.', - '', - 'Aliqua cillum et eiusmod laboris dolore tempor ut commodo nostrud esse occaecat tempor minim. Cillum deserunt in nostrud proident. Proident reprehenderit excepteur consectetur et.', - '', - 'Ea ad velit proident minim exercitation eu do anim sunt. Commodo dolore consequat consectetur ipsum est quis minim sint aliqua occaecat id deserunt. Id aute commodo sint culpa amet id. Proident in officia elit amet ea occaecat eu ea enim aliqua commodo. Do reprehenderit anim irure ullamco ad consequat pariatur cillum laborum consectetur voluptate duis anim. Aliqua sint nisi tempor officia labore.', - null, -]; -/* eslint-enable max-len */ - -describe('#readlinesSync', function () { - it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync(); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfile.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null with windows line endings', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync(); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfileWin.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return done with true if closed', function() { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync(); -'./test/textfile.txt'); - fileHandler.close(); - assert.deepEqual(, true); - fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should return text with converted encoding', function() { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'win1252', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); -'./test/textfileWin1252.txt'); - const line =; - assert.deepEqual(line.value, 'ßäöüáéàâ'); - fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line even in case a wrong line ending has been defined', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); -'./test/textfile.txt'); - let index = 0; - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line even with a buffer of 5', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ minBuffer: 5 }); -'./test/textfile.txt'); - let index = 0; - - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should work as normal even after opening another file', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync(); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfile.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - fileHandler.close(); - - index = 0; -'./test/textfile2.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - let expected = lines[index]; - if(expected !== null) expected += '2'; - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, expected); - index++; - } - fileHandler.close(); - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF and UTF16', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF and UTF16', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF (manually defined) and UTF16', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); - it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF (manually defined) and UTF16', function () { - const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); - let index = 0; -'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); - for(const currentLine of fileHandler) { - assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); - index++; - } - }); -}); +/* eslint-disable no-undef */ +/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */ +import * as assert from 'assert'; +import { ReadLinesSync } from '../src/index.js'; + +const lines = [ + /* eslint-disable max-len */ + 'Eu sit esse aliqua eu sunt consequat in eu nulla cillum. Ad anim excepteur cillum et amet nostrud cillum eu nisi. Voluptate deserunt aliquip proident sint sit. Adipisicing magna sunt amet culpa pariatur commodo tempor et non et mollit duis laboris.', + '', + 'Magna culpa elit amet pariatur nulla elit irure nulla et anim culpa aliquip. Veniam occaecat exercitation amet deserunt dolor labore consectetur aliquip. Aliquip quis culpa ex aliqua nostrud anim exercitation irure commodo.', + '', + 'Incididunt proident sunt sunt incididunt mollit consectetur aliqua consequat sit. Amet quis proident ullamco tempor et nisi Lorem id. Velit commodo velit reprehenderit adipisicing veniam dolore pariatur reprehenderit non.', + '', + 'Voluptate ad esse nisi cillum. Nulla est ad sit consequat. Reprehenderit amet fugiat commodo aliquip aliquip tempor ex minim sit veniam. Irure adipisicing enim sint Lorem. Pariatur aliqua id id labore do ad nulla quis dolor laborum et ullamco officia minim. Ad nisi elit quis fugiat duis. Culpa amet aute laboris esse non.', + '', + 'Deserunt eu id eu enim. Nisi qui consectetur occaecat eu elit voluptate minim officia commodo cupidatat est et commodo. Et esse aliqua ex dolore anim dolor duis qui enim laboris labore officia consectetur. Lorem proident esse anim labore pariatur officia.', + '', + 'Commodo sunt sint tempor ipsum non adipisicing cupidatat labore sunt sint nisi et. Nostrud adipisicing ut consequat veniam ut labore nulla laboris adipisicing ut commodo veniam reprehenderit. Laborum ex sunt officia ad reprehenderit eiusmod ad do reprehenderit ut. Aute ullamco irure mollit excepteur. Id proident ad consequat occaecat. Labore nulla adipisicing occaecat officia sit labore proident consequat nostrud laborum fugiat sit. Nisi incididunt ut reprehenderit et esse deserunt eiusmod enim cillum.', + '', + 'Irure dolore in dolore dolore. Aliquip elit officia labore ipsum nisi irure eu velit aute laboris commodo duis deserunt. Id ullamco sit id et Lorem non ullamco ullamco ad. Tempor excepteur est veniam cupidatat sunt ipsum est non excepteur anim mollit. Aute amet nisi id labore ut reprehenderit consectetur deserunt irure veniam Lorem.', + '', + 'Mollit ullamco culpa proident eu veniam nulla veniam ea non culpa aute. Dolore aliqua aliqua aliquip ullamco excepteur incididunt eu id enim ad elit deserunt excepteur. Laborum voluptate consequat aliqua excepteur aliqua pariatur mollit ex incididunt excepteur eiusmod ea ut consectetur. Anim exercitation sunt magna laboris ut ipsum ad Lorem Lorem ad ut fugiat. Mollit laboris ex sint nostrud.', + '', + 'Aliqua cillum et eiusmod laboris dolore tempor ut commodo nostrud esse occaecat tempor minim. Cillum deserunt in nostrud proident. Proident reprehenderit excepteur consectetur et.', + '', + 'Ea ad velit proident minim exercitation eu do anim sunt. Commodo dolore consequat consectetur ipsum est quis minim sint aliqua occaecat id deserunt. Id aute commodo sint culpa amet id. Proident in officia elit amet ea occaecat eu ea enim aliqua commodo. Do reprehenderit anim irure ullamco ad consequat pariatur cillum laborum consectetur voluptate duis anim. Aliqua sint nisi tempor officia labore.', + null, +]; +/* eslint-enable max-len */ + +describe('#readlinesSync', function () { + it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({}); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfile.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line and should end with null with windows line endings', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({}); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfileWin.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return done with true if closed', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({}); +'./test/textfile.txt'); + fileHandler.close(); + assert.deepEqual(, true); + fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should return text with converted encoding', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'win1252', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); +'./test/textfileWin1252.txt'); + const line =; + assert.deepEqual(line.value, 'ßäöüáéàâ'); + fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line even in case a wrong line ending has been defined', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); +'./test/textfile.txt'); + let index = 0; + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line even with a buffer of 5', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ minBuffer: 5 }); +'./test/textfile.txt'); + let index = 0; + + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should work as normal even after opening another file', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({}); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfile.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + fileHandler.close(); + + index = 0; +'./test/textfile2.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + let expected = lines[index]; + if (expected !== null) expected += '2'; + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, expected); + index++; + } + fileHandler.close(); + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF and UTF16', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF and UTF16', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE' }); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using LF (manually defined) and UTF16', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\n' }); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfileUTF16.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); + it('Should return the same text line by line with a file using CRLF (manually defined) and UTF16', function () { + const fileHandler = new ReadLinesSync({ encoding: 'UTF16-LE', newLineCharacter: '\r\n' }); + let index = 0; +'./test/textfileWinUTF16.txt'); + for (const currentLine of fileHandler) { + assert.deepEqual(currentLine, lines[index]); + index++; + } + }); +}); diff --git a/test/jest-setup.cjs b/test/jest-setup.cjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c33f201 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/jest-setup.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/* eslint-disable */ +const dotenv = require('dotenv'); +const path = require('node:path'); + +function loadTestingConfig() { + dotenv.config({ + path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../', '.env.testing'), + }); + if (process.env.WATCH_TEMPLATE_FILES === 'true') { + throw new Error('WATCH_TEMPLATE_FILES prevents Jest from terminating, please disable it in env.testing'); + } +} +loadTestingConfig(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/jest-unit.config.cjs b/test/jest-unit.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa14a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/jest-unit.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* eslint-disable */ +const commonJestConfig = require('./jest.config.cjs'); + +module.exports = { + ...commonJestConfig, + testRegex: '(?/test/coverage', + coverageReporters: ['json', 'lcov', 'clover'], + maxConcurrency: 1, + maxWorkers: 1, + moduleFileExtensions: [ + 'js', + 'json', + 'ts', + ], + rootDir: '..', + testEnvironment: 'node', + testRegex: '\\.test\\.ts$', + transform: { + '^.+\\.(t|j)s$': '@swc/jest', + }, + setupFilesAfterEnv: [ + '/test/jest-setup.cjs', + 'jest-extended/all', + ], + verbose: true, + testTimeout: 10_000, +}; + +if (process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS === 'true') { + module.exports.reporters = [ + [ + 'github-actions', + { + silent: false, + }, + ], + 'summary', + ]; +} diff --git a/tsconfig.base.json b/tsconfig.base.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eddf42 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.base.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "ESNext", + "lib": ["ESNext"], + "module": "NodeNext", + "outDir": "./dist", + "strict": true, + "skipLibCheck": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, + "declaration": true, + "allowJs": true, + "removeComments": false, + "rootDirs": ["./"] + }, + "include": ["./src/**/*"] +} diff --git a/tsconfig.cjs.json b/tsconfig.cjs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7645987 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.cjs.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "extends": "./tsconfig.base.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "ES2022", + "module": "CommonJS", + "outDir": "./dist/cjs/" + } +} diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index c57b4c4..6defde7 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -1,20 +1,8 @@ { - "compilerOptions": { - "target": "ESNext", - "lib": [ "ESNext" ], - "module": "NodeNext", - "outDir": "./dist", - "strict": true, - "skipLibCheck": true, - "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, - "declaration": true, - "allowJs": true, - "removeComments": false, - "rootDirs": [ - "./", - ] - }, - "include": [ - "./src/**/*" - ], -} \ No newline at end of file + "extends": "./tsconfig.base.json", + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "ES2022", + "module": "NodeNext", + "outDir": "./dist/esm/" + } +} diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f49761f --- /dev/null +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -0,0 +1,3273 @@ +# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. 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"1.0.4" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw== + +rimraf@^3.0.2: + version "3.0.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA== + dependencies: + glob "^7.1.3" + +run-parallel@^1.1.9: + version "1.2.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA== + dependencies: + queue-microtask "^1.2.2" + +safe-buffer@^5.1.0: + version "5.2.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ== + +"safer-buffer@>= 2.1.2 < 3.0.0": + version "2.1.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg== + +semver@^6.3.0, semver@^6.3.1: + version "6.3.1" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-BR7VvDCVHO+q2xBEWskxS6DJE1qRnb7DxzUrogb71CWoSficBxYsiAGd+Kl0mmq/MprG9yArRkyrQxTO6XjMzA== + +semver@^7.5.3, semver@^7.5.4: + version "7.6.3" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-oVekP1cKtI+CTDvHWYFUcMtsK/00wmAEfyqKfNdARm8u1wNVhSgaX7A8d4UuIlUI5e84iEwOhs7ZPYRmzU9U6A== + +serialize-javascript@^6.0.2: + version "6.0.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-Saa1xPByTTq2gdeFZYLLo+RFE35NHZkAbqZeWNd3BpzppeVisAqpDjcp8dyf6uIvEqJRd46jemmyA4iFIeVk8g== + dependencies: + randombytes "^2.1.0" + +set-function-length@^1.2.1: + version "1.2.2" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg== + dependencies: + define-data-property "^1.1.4" + es-errors "^1.3.0" + function-bind "^1.1.2" + get-intrinsic "^1.2.4" + gopd "^1.0.1" + has-property-descriptors "^1.0.2" + +shebang-command@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA== + 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