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Array and Table Formulas in Syncfusion Essential Calculate
Explains about the support of array and table formulas in the Syncfusion Essential Calculate control

Array and Table Formulas

This section explains about the Array and Table formulas support in Essential Calculate

Array Formulas

Array formula contains two or more range of values. These array arguments can be cell ranges or array constants.

For Example:

The SUM formula "=SUM(C2 * D2,C3 * D3,C4 * D4,C5 * D5,C6 * D6,C7 * D7,C8 * D8,C9 * D9,C10 * D10,C11 * D11)" can be written simply in Array formula as "{SUM(C2:C11 * D2:D11)}".

Each argument must have the same number of cell ranges. The formulas will be defined within {} braces. A series of data will be returned from the array formula.

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CalcData calcData = new CalcData();

calcData.SetValueRowCol(10, 1, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(20, 2, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(30, 3, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(40, 4, 1);

calcData.SetValueRowCol(2, 1, 2); calcData.SetValueRowCol(3, 2, 2); calcData.SetValueRowCol(4, 3, 2); calcData.SetValueRowCol(5, 4, 2);

CalcEngine engine = new CalcEngine(calcData);

string formula = "{=SUM(A1:A4*B1:B4)}";

string result = engine.ParseAndComputeFormula(formula);

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Array constants

Array constants are a component of array formula.A bunch of values or constants which are associated within {} braces. Array constants can contain numbers, text, logical values or error strings.

For Example: = { 3, 6, 80; 5, TRUE, FALSE }

Cell references cannot be included in array constants. Also, equal range of row values should be included. If you separate the items by using commas, you create a horizontal array (a row). If you separate the items by using semicolons, you create a vertical array (a column). To create a two-dimensional array, you delimit the items in each row by using commas and delimit each row by using semicolons.

For Example:

Single row: {1,2,3,4} Single column: {1;2;3;4} Array of two rows and four columns: {1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8}

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calcData.SetValueRowCol(10, 1, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(20, 2, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(30, 3, 1); calcData.SetValueRowCol(40, 4, 1); CalcEngine engine = new CalcEngine(calcData);

string formula = "MIN(A1:A4, {1,2,3})";

string result = engine.ParseAndComputeFormula(formula);

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Table Formulas

A table is a collection of data about a specific topic that is stored in rows and columns. These tables are defined with a name and CalcEngine supports these table format.

For Example: =SUM(Table1[[#All],[Column1]:[Column2]])

A table needs to be defined with the following protocols,

  • All table, column, and special item specifiers must be enclosed in matching brackets [ ]
  • Expression cannot be used with these brackets. Column headers should be a text strings.
  • The special characters such as comma ,, colon :, period ., left bracket [ , right bracket ], pound sign #, single quotation mark ', double quotation mark ", left brace {, right brace }, dollar sign $, caret ^, ampersand &, asterisk *, plus sign +, equal sign =, minus sign -, greater than symbol >, less than symbol <, and division sign / can be used.

These table are converted into cell ranges and then it will be evaluated. The data from one row can also be taken with this table structure.

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//Creates a new instance for ExcelEngine,

ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

//Loads or open an existing workbook through Open method of IWorkbook,

IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(@"....\Data\Sample.xlsx");

//Accessing the worksheet, IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

//Formula calculation is enabled for the sheet, sheet.EnableSheetCalculations();

//Create Table, IListObject table1 = sheet.ListObjects.Create("Table1", sheet["A1:F6"]);

// Fill table data sheet[1, 1].Text = "Column1"; sheet[1, 2].Text = "Column2"; sheet[1, 3].Text = "Column3";

sheet[2, 1].Number = 3; sheet[2, 2].Number = 2; sheet[2, 3].Number = 16.80;

sheet[3, 1].Number = 5; sheet[3, 2].Number = 3; sheet[3, 3].Number = 15.60;

sheet[4, 1].Number = 8; sheet[4, 2].Number = 2; sheet[4, 3].Number = 20.10;

string result1 = sheet.CalcEngine.ParseAndComputeFormula("=SUM(Table1[Column1])");

string result2 = sheet.CalcEngine.ParseAndComputeFormula("=MIN(Table1[#All])");

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