From 75e72e54b3e875f19f088f21b3efd4dd6ed79e2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mako Bates <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 13:26:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] finish writing chore1 post
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title: "Choreographic Programming part 1 of 3?"
-date: 2024-09-22 13:00:00
+date: 2024-09-24 13:00:00
description: "A cursory history of Choreographic Programming"
haschor: [1]
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ citations:
RC: [4]
pirouette: [5]
polychor: [6]
+ thesis: [7]
+ chor-lambda-2: [8]
> In this sequence of posts I'm going to try to summarize the state of research into Choreographic Programming (CP),
@@ -17,20 +19,140 @@ citations:
> if not, I'd suggest readers familiar with Haskell to start with the HasChor paper {{ page.citations.haschor }}
> and other readers to start with Choral {{ page.citations.choral }}.
The vibe among people who've been working on choreographic programming (CP)
is that CP is _about_ to become a mainstream way of writing concurrent systems.
-I think there's a sense in which that's true, and I also think the situation could be much improved.
+I think there's a sense in which that's true, but the situation could be much improved.
In preparation for describing my own research plans for the next year, I figured I should summarize my understanding of recent history.
There's inherent risk in writing any such thing: I'm going to get it wrong and I'm going to omit important stuff.
-In fact, in this post, I'm only going to discuss six papers.
+In fact, in this first post, I'm only going to discuss six papers.
Part two will summarize my notes from the recent CP workshop at PLDI 2024.
-## Choral: Object-oriented Choreographic Programming
-papers to talk about:
-2017 12 communication failures
-2020 05 choral
-2021 11 pirouette
-2021 11 chor-lambda
-2023 04 polychorllambda
-2023 08 haschor
+## Choral: Object-oriented Choreographic Programming {{ page.citations.choral }}
+I'm skipping about a decade of work during which CP gestated from a way of _describing_ concurrent systems,
+to _specifying_, _validating_, and eventually _writing_ them
+The Choral team,
+Saverio Giallorenzo, Fabrizio Montesi, and Marco Peressotti,
+have been working on CP for a long time, and as I understand it Choral itself was several years in the making.
+As I'll touch on later, CP is not an especially counter-intuitive way of writing software,
+but was a big deal in 2013 when F. Montesi showed that it was possible (and worthwhile!) to formalize the concept
+{{ page.citations.thesis }}.
+Prior to Choral, it wasn't really possible to _use_ CP for anything; any implementations were completely bespoke,
+so it wouldn't be practical to get them to work with any existing software.
+Choral jumped straight ahead to full interoperability with Java.
+Any Java code can be directly imported into Choral, and Choral programs compile for the JVM.
+Beyond the novelty of simply implementing a modern notion of CP,
+Choral also implements higher-order choreographies and polymorphism, which are obviously desirable for real-world use.
+In some ways though, Choral is quite different from most other CP systems:
+it does not assume a complete communication graph.
+In order for two parties to communicate, they must have a `Channel` object.
+The actual implementation of these channel objects is fairly normal Java code;
+the Choral compiler assumes they're implemented correctly
+but can otherwise enforce the safety of whatever communication paradigm the user feels like building.
+On the one hand this feels a little "low level" for a modern system,
+but it's actually quite realistic for there to be parties in a choreography who can't directly communicate
+or who don't know addresses for each other.
+Furthermore, `Channel`s are generic over their message type, so issues with serializability can be handled in a more fine-grained way.
+Most of the contemporary work that I know of starts at a higher level, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.
+## Formalisms: Chorλ {{ page.citations.chor-lambda }} and Pirouette {{ page.citations.pirouette }}
+Both Pirouette and Chorλ claim to be the "first higher-order choreographic programming languages".
+Who exactly gets the honor isn't interesting; more important are the differences and similarities between the two.
+In both cases, the headline contribution is the ability to write functions that consume and return choreographies
+(and functions that work on functions, and choreographies that yield functions, and choreographies that yield choreographies, and so on recursively).
+In both cases, recursion is handled by using a top-level namespace of mutually dependent definitions;
+I assume this is just to simplify the proofs.
+Chorλ is a lambda calculus augmented with communication operations.
+(Why does it need two? See below!)
+In the "centralized" semantics (my word, they don't call it anything in particular) communication is basically a no-op;
+it just changes some of the annotations.
+Specifically, some terms are annotated with their owners, and communication changes the owner of its argument
+(or rather copies it to a new owner, there's no mutation).
+The nice thing about Chorλ is that there's not much more going on:
+It's _almost just_ a lambda calculus.
+That said, I wish it were even simpler.
+The entire business of name-spaces and the Σ context seems like it should be possible to do without.
+Pirouette does basically all the same things as Chorλ, but differently.
+At first glance it seems like it's designed more with implementation in mind,
+but that's probably not the whole motivation for the differences because the authors of Pirouette have a Coq proof of their core theorems.
+In short, Pirouette is more imperative and less monolithic than Chorλ.
+Pirouette _per se_ is an outer language with a simple imperative semantics,
+but certain spots in some of the commands are expressions in an inner language
+and _Pirouette is parametric over the inner language!_
+This means (in principal, I'm less sure of practice) that one could use one's choice of mainstream single-threaded languages
+for the local computations in a Pirouette choreography.
+In any case, every such expression and every term-level variable is name-spaced to a specific location.
+(There's a separate name space for choreography variables.)
+Like basically all CP formalisms, Chorλ and Pirouette each have a second "local" semantics.
+Specifically the "endpoint projection" operator (EPP), parameterized by a target party or location,
+transforms a choreography into a program _in a different language_;
+the result is a completely local implementation of that party's role in the choreography.
+The local semantics is the "ground truth", it's what you would build for a real implementation.
+Part of the motivation for CP is that, having written the correctness proofs for your system,
+you can _stop thinking_ about the local semantics, and visualize your program in the much simpler centralized semantics.
+## PolyChorλ {{ page.citations.polychor }}
+After the previous two papers were published, the authors worked together on a variant system PolyChorλ,
+the headline feature of which is "location polymorphism".
+What this means is that a choreography can be written in terms of _roles_, and then instantiated with different parties fulfilling different roles.
+Combined with higher-order choreographies, this gives a formal system that one could imagine actually writing software with,
+and, as I understand it, finally brought the theory of CP up to speed with the _implementation_ of Choral.
+## HasChor {{ page.citations.haschor }}
+The next big thing on the implementation side was HasChor, a Haskell library for writing choreographies.
+The big deal with HasChor, aside from just having good taste in language,
+is that it's _"just a library"_.
+You can import it into a perfectly normal Haskell project, and use any off-the-shelf monadic function to operate on the `Choreo` monad.
+Given how hard it is to get working developers to switch from one mainstream language to another,
+even "interoperable" languages like Choral seem unlikely to get used much in industry.
+So despite some deficiencies, HasChor has gathered a lot of attention as proof that CP has potential "in the real world".
+Also, the free-monad implementation is simply intuitive!
+As evidence that it's "obviously the right way" to write choreographies,
+[I wrote basically the same system (worse, but the same idea) over a year earlier and before I'd ever head of choreographies](
+All that said, there's one respect in which HasChor was a step backward from previous CP systems: Knowledge of Choice.
+In order for a choreography to have control-flow branches, there needs to be a way to make sure
+parties (not necessarily _all_ parties) agree on which branch is taken.
+Basically all of the theoretical CP systems of the past decade (back to {{ page.citations.thesis }})
+used a system with multiple communication operations, one of which is _just_ for communicating KoC.
+The issue with such a strategy is that it's not type-directed;
+in order to know if a choreography is well-formed, you have do EPP for every participant.
+Since HasChor does EPP at runtime, that wouldn't be a satisfying solution.
+Instead HasChor has a combined "communicate and branch" operator `cond` that broadcasts the branch-guard to all participants.
+This is inefficient because not every participant will need to know every guard.
+## Error Handling
+One way to think about the core idea of CP is
+**"If we ignore all the ways communication in a concurrent system can fail, then writing concurrent systems is easy."**
+I actually think that's an important and powerful perspective;
+there are a lot of contexts where it's practical to think of errors and error-handling as "out of bounds" or "out of scope".
+That said, it's hard to argue that we want _more_ software around us that can't recover from failures.
+_Choreographies meet Communication Failures_ {{ page.citations.RC }}
+build a language Robust Choreographies that's _very much like_ choreographic programming,
+but which does not assume communications always succeed.
+On my TODO list is a detailed write-up of this paper; it's just one paper out of the _very_ prolific team at the University of Southern Denmark,
+but so far it's the only effort I've seen to tackle the biggest hurdle to CP becoming mainstream.
+There are a couple things I think are significant about this paper:
+It's the only effort I'm aware of to deal with communication failures in CP.
+But also, it's not an impressive approach: basically the only recovery mechanism that seems possible under their system is "retry".
+And finally, it's not entirely clear what the limits of their system actually _are_.
+It's very possible I'm wrong and it's quite powerful, either case would be interesting,
+and in either case it'll be interesting to see how their techniques combine with other paradigms like Enclaves-&-MLVs.
+> It's impossible to summarize everything I've skipped here; my goal in the above is basically just to set the stage.
+> My intention in the next post is to quickly summarize my notes from the June CP24 workshop,
+> after which I'll do a post about MultiChor and my recent paper with the SoCal team.