The post-Game-Jam-version of the antonius project, relying on phaser instead of directly on PixiJS.
Based on the PhaserNPMWebpackTypeScriptStarterProject by Richard Roylance.
GIT Installation Instructions and Links
Alternatively, if you're not too fond of the terminal, find yourself a graphical git tool.
Navigate into your workspace directory and run
git clone
(npm is included and installed with node.js)
NodeJS Installation Instructions and Links
Navigate to the cloned repo’s directory and run
npm install
Run to use the dev build while developing:
npm run server:dev
This will run a server that serves your built game straight to the browser and will be built and reloaded automatically anytime a change is detected.
npm run build:dev
This will build the game with a few caveats;
- A compile time flag, DEBUG, set to true; allowing you to include or not include certain code depending on if it's DEBUG build or not.
- The resulting game.js will not be minified
npm run build:dist
This will build the game with a few caveats;
- The compile time flag, DEBUG, set to false; allowing you to include or not include certain code depending on if it's DEBUG build or not.
- The resulting game.min.js will be minified