All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2022-04-20)
- Added table support (faaebe8)
1.1.3 (2021-10-24)
1.1.2 (2021-09-18)
- upstream: Parser dependency parses invalid nested A improperly (closes #25) (bdc7caa)
- Correct nesting and other possible issues in child nodes of A tag (closes #25) (dcd6b20)
1.1.1 (2021-08-03)
1.1.0 (2021-07-26)
- Added
translator option to allow triggering translators that do not have children (closes #19) (c3d8829)
- Codeblocks apply markdown formatting to contents (fixes #22) (040f81e)
- Whitespace not always properly handled (fixes #20 #21) (8c43a22)
1.0.1 (2021-07-13)
1.0.0 (2021-07-11)
- Add useLinkReferenceDefinitions option (closes #15) (a7caef1)
- Improved spacing in and around bold, italic, and strikethrough tags (8198524)
- Prefer links when possible (closes #17) (613e8bb)
- Ensure html entities are decoded (Fixes #14) (1e59887)
- Nested text formatting tags can break formatting (fixes #18) (7640e33)
0.1.7 (2021-06-11)
0.1.6 (2021-03-28)
0.1.5 (2021-01-03)
0.1.3 (2020-11-28)
- Fixed performance bottleneck (doubled speed) (6d59c27)
0.1.2 (2020-11-28)
- Fixed wrong install instructions in readme (e76df44)
0.1.1 (2020-11-28)
- Fixed broken benchmark file speed stats (d12b702)
0.1.0 (2020-11-28)
- Added performance enhancements + improved benchmark display (4777441)
0.0.5 - 2020-11-27
- Released initial version