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Releases: ServerMod/MultiAdmin

ServerMod 1.7.1

05 Mar 02:12
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This release is a bug fix only. ServerMod issues.

  • Fixed Remote Admin issues.
  • Fixed Config reading issues.

The following issues appear in the base game.

  • Fixed error spam with Radio and AnimationController.
  • Fixed items not dropping when a player dies.

ServerMod 1.7

04 Mar 17:39
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Binary re-uploaded to patch a bug in Remote Admin. And fixed a bug with config names not being consistent.

  • Updated to Open Beta 3.0.0.
  • Some CPU improvements, let us know if performance is the same/worse/better.
  • Added frame_rate_limiter to servers, can be set using "server_frame_rate" in config.txt, defaults to 60.
  • New DOORS and NUKE command, type HELP to see usage
  • NickNameSync will now have an initial value incase the client is modified to not send its nickname.
  • Remote admin will no longer fail randomly
  • The ban command will no longer fail randomly
  • The config command actually functions properly now instead of just opening the config file in a text document, usage is: CONFIG <RELOAD|R> (reloads the config) CONFIG value (prints the value of the config key, CONFIG path (prints the config file location)
  • This is more internal, but the command system has been redone to be more modular, youll notice some nicer things because of this like itemlists not having line gaps etc. if a command fails an exception will be thrown to console, if you see any of these let us know!
  • Added TEAMLIST, GIVETEAM command
  • Updated GIVEPLAYER/GIVEALL to do an additional check, and to print more debug messages
  • more debug messages (sm_debug needs to be on for them to appear)
  • New 106 cleanup method
  • Servermod will now print a message to console if it reads in a value that it thinks is incorrect (like a string being in a number setting)
  • Changed SCP ban checks to use "GetBool"
  • Added config options "FORCE_DISABLE_ENABLE" and "173_door_starting_cooldown"
  • Modified SCP banning function to make up for the addition of "FORCE_DISABLE_ENABLE" config option
  • Changed team queue slots to use a better method than adding "....." to the team spawn queue
  • Changed "SCP106_CLEANUP" check to use "GetBool"
  • Added config option "allow_project_manager_remote_admin" to set if to allow project mangers remote admin access, by default it is false.
  • Changed config option "allow_scpsl_staff_to_use_remoteadmin" to default to false.
  • Smod2 various preparation stuff.

ServerMod 1.6

24 Feb 16:52
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  • This version will append <size=1>SM1.6 to your servername, this is just so i can see how many verified servers are running servermod, its not really noticeable in game and id appreciate if you left it on, but it can be disabled by setting SM_TRACKING to false.
  • Redid item removal in 106 dimenision, 100% works now. It will also remove all items that are dropped anywhere.
  • Added GIVEALL command, usage: GIVEALL <itemid>. Made by @Dankrushen
  • Added GIVEPLAYER command, usage: GIVEPLAYER <player> <itemid>. Made by @Dankrushen
  • Added @Dankrushen modified config reader, works much better. Case sensitivity shouldnt be an issue, and boolean settings are more flexive (ie can be yes/true/t etc)
  • Added SHOW_ON_SERVERLIST, set this to false to stop a server appearing on the serverlist.
  • Added SM_DEBUG config setting, this will print more verbose debug messages for debugging. Mainly for us to use.
  • Fixed issue with afk kick kicking spectators.
  • Thanks to @TheKigen, ServerMod now has server-side item tracking - no more hackers spawning items/crashing your server

ServerMod 1.5.2

23 Feb 13:36
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Sorry uploaded wrong version lol! its now fixed.

Fixed SCP counters, tested and working as far as i can tell.

ServerMod 1.5.1

23 Feb 01:32
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  • Fix randomly spawning in 106s container
  • Hopefully fix SCP counters not working correctly, resulting in double ups etc. (untested)

ServerMod 1.5 + MultiAdmin 1.3

22 Feb 06:23
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Note: not everything has been fully tested, would appreciate if you could check for any issues and let me know.



  • if running ServerMod 1.5 all restarts will attempt to be graceful, telling all clients to reconnect (as if it was the end of the match)
  • Better linux handeling, should work on macs by default too now.
  • Add moderator log, using log_mod_actions_to_own_file=true to make them go to their own log file, otherwise they will be in MA log files.
  • Title bar is now more compact


  • Name vulnerability protection (thanks to Kigen)
  • 106 Cleanup is back, should work with items now. SCP106_CLEANUP
  • Add RECONNECTRS command (tells all clients to reconnect and then the game quits)
  • Add SCPXXX_Amount config settings, will allow you to have multiples of SCPS. Setting any to 0 is the same as setting SCPXXX_DISABLE. (not really tested)
  • Fix bug where the game would get into a state of unendingness if all players left
  • Add ragdoll_cleanup, will remove ragdolls after X seconds.
  • Add item_cleanup, will remove items after X seconds
  • MTF respawn will now order based off how long they have been dead/waiting instead of random (thanks to Kigen)
  • Fix pseudo-exploit where ranks for NTF respawns are determined off connection order
  • Add afk_kick setting, will kick and non-spectator who is idle for more than x seconds
  • Add pocket dimension protection against a known common exploit
  • Add admin logging (multiadmin will handle files and stuff)
  • Add sm_server_name setting, please put your servermod server name in this setting and your non-servermod name in the original setting. If this is not set it will fall back to server_name.

MultiAdmin 1.2.5

21 Feb 07:25
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  • Fix soft memory checker issue causing restarts/crashes
  • Soft memory checker now defaults to 450 mb, where the hard checker defaults to 400 (so at 450mb left, it will trigger a restart at round end, but if it continues down to 400 it will restart right away)
  • Fix minor formatting issue
  • Add restart command (restarts the game not MultiAdmin)
  • Fix typo with scp_multiadmin.cfg (before it was spc_multiadmin.cfg), multiadmin will automatically handle the renaming.
  • Better default config handling, it should work on Linux without messing around with scp_multiadmin.cfg
  • Github submission will now only submit unique exceptions
  • Add message when using stop server next round command.

1.4 - ServerMod

18 Feb 02:19
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Updated for Open Beta v1.1.0 plus bugfix release of SCP:SL. Not heavily tested.

  • Cursor lock disable will check if the graphics device is null instead of disabling, still recommend you run servermod seperate from your main game
  • Fix resolution manager exception
  • Fix disable usless components exception (untested)
  • Add round timer config settings (the client side timer wont update, so dont set this too long, as it will just stay full and people will be confused)
  • START_ROUND_TIMER (default 20, how long to wait before starting the round)
  • START_ROUND_MINIMUM_PLAYERS (default 2, how many players to wait for before starting the round countdown)
  • Add more warhead settings.
  • "NUKE_MIN_TIME" - how long to wait before allowing the nuke to be detonated into the round (default 0)

1.3 - ServerMod

11 Feb 04:23
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Updated for new version, not really tested, but none of the update changed the code SM affects so most of its identical from 1.2.3

Still regressed:
106_cleanup - may return next version.

1.2.4 - MultiAdmin

12 Feb 03:16
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  • Fix github issue crashes.