title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Sonarr MacOS Installation |
MacOS installation guide for Sonarr |
true |
2023-07-28 11:15:29 UTC |
sonarr |
markdown |
2023-07-03 20:13:29 UTC |
Sonarr is no longer compatible with OSX versions < 10.15 (Catalina) due to .NET incompatibilities. {.is-warning}
- Download the MacOS App
- Open the archive and drag the Sonarr icon to your Application folder.
- Self-sign Sonarr
codesign --force --deep -s - /Applications/Sonarr.app && xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Sonarr.app
- Start Sonarr by double-clicking the icon or running
open /Applications/Sonarr.app
- Browse to http://localhost:8989 to start using Sonarr
Sonarr uses a bundled version of ffprobe for media file analysis and does not require ffprobe or ffmpeg to be installed on the system. If Sonarr says Ffprobe is not found this can typically be fixed with a reinstall. {.is-info}