Key | Moves The Cursor |
l or right arrow | Right one character. |
h or left arrow | Left one character. |
j or down arrow | Down one line. |
k or up arrow | Up one line. |
0 (zero) | To the beginning of the current line. |
^ | To the first non-whitespace character on the current line. |
$ | To the end of the current line. |
w | To the beginning of the next word or punctuation character. |
W | To the beginning of the next word, ignoring punctuation characters. |
b | To the beginning of the previous word or punctuation character. |
B | To the beginning of the previous word, ignoring punctuation characters. |
Ctrl-f or Page Down | Down one page. |
Ctrl-b or Page Up | Up one page. |
numberG | To line number. For example, 1G moves to the first line of the file. |
G | To the last line of the file. |
Command | Deletes |
x | The current character |
3x | The current character and the next two characters |
dd | The current line |
5dd | The current line and the next four lines |
dW | From the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word |
d$ | From the current cursor location to the end of the current line |
d0 | From the current cursor location to the beginning of the line |
d^ | From the current cursor location to the first non- whitespace character in the line |
dG | From the current line to the end of the file |
d20G | From the current line to the twentieth line of the file |
Command | Copies |
yy | The current line |
5yy | The current line and the next four lines |
yW | From the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word |
y$ | From the current cursor location to the end of the current line |
y0 | From the current cursor location to the beginning of the line |
y^ | From the current cursor location to the first non-whitespace character in the line |
yG | From the current line to the end of the file |
y20G | From the current line to the twentieth line of the file |