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Rubex v0.2 goals

Sameer Deshmukh edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

Rubex mini proposal v0.2

This is a feature list for Rubex v0.2.


Table of Contents

Defining instance and class variables

Ability to run functions without the GIL

Support tracebacks and giving precise information about wrong runtime code.

Make Rubex aware of certain Ruby primitive data types like string, hash and array

One of the problems that exist with C extensions is that method calls to Ruby-land are extremely expensive. Thus, if Rubex is made aware that a particular Ruby object is of a specific type (like a String, Array or Hash), then certain methods called on that object can be directly optimized by Rubex by directly using optimizations from the CRuby C API, instead of going through a Ruby method call.

For example, if a statement like a.size is encountered, and a is a string, Rubex can directly translate this code to RSTRING_LEN(a) instead of rb_funcall(a, rb_intern("size"), 0, NULL). The former is much faster the latter.

The string class in Ruby will be represented in Rubex with the string data type, Hash with hash and Array with array. Code using these will look like this:

class RubyTypes
  def these_types(string str, array arr, hash h)
    str[4] = "a"

    print str
    print arr

    print hash["fff"]
    hash["fff"] = 565
    print hash["fff"]

    return hash

Support expressions containing assign statements.

Something on the lines of:

if (a = 3) || (b == c)


Find a way to integrate with Rails/sinatra/hanami

Support require statements for Ruby code

Support Ruby modules

Support :: operator for separating constants

Support for nesting modules and classes within each other

Creating C APIs for Ruby gems

GPU interfacing

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