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Rubex tutorial

Here's a quick tutorial of Rubex to get you up and started. Once you're through, take a moment to convert one of your C extensions to Rubex and see the difference in speed of development and simplicity.

Basics of Rubex

The Rubex syntax is very close to that of Ruby. In most use cases you can simply add a static types to variables and you're good to go. Rubex files have an extension .rubex.

Before starting, make sure you've installed Rubex with gem install rubex.

Rubex Hello World

In a Rubex file titled hello_word.rubex paste the following code:

def hello_world
  print("Hello world!")

Now the use the rubex binary to compile the above program:

rubex hello_world.rubex

This will generate a folder called hello_world that will contain the files extconf.rb and hello_world.c. Now run the following:

cd hello_world
ruby extconf.rb

This will generate a shared object file called hello_world.bundle that can be used in any normal Ruby script like so:

require_relative 'hello_world/hello_world'



Sam Saffron's famous fast_blank gem is something that most Rubyists probably use a lot of times in their daily life. It is also a classic example of porting a Ruby gem to a C extension for reasons of speed.

Here's the Rubex version of fast_blank:

class String
  def blank?(string)
    char *s = string
    int i = 0
    int a = string.size

    while i < a do
      return false if s[i] != ' '
      i += 1

    return true

As you can see above, Rubex can implicitly convert between Ruby objects and C data types (like a Ruby String into a char* C array).

Calling C Functions

One of the primary uses of Rubex is making it easy for interfacing with C libraries. This can be done by using the lib keyword at the top of a Rubex file.

So say for example, you want to interface some functions from the math.h C header file. In order to do this, you first list out the prototypes of the functions that you want to interface inside lib, and then you can use these functions in your program.

lib "<math.h>"
  double cos(double)
  double sin(double)

class CMath
  def f_sin(num)
    return sin(num)

  def f_cos(num)
    return cos(num)

These functions can be used in a similar manner to our hello_world program above. Keep in mind that you cannot (yet) have function names in your Rubex program that have the same name as that of the external C functions. This will cause name clashes and malfunction.

Read what you can do more with lib in the REFERENCE.

C Functions

Apart from Ruby class methods and instance methods, Rubex allows you to define 'C functions' that are only accessible inside classes from within Rubex. These functions cannot be accessed from an external Ruby script.

C functions are defined used the cfunc keyword. You also need to specify the return type of the function along with its definition. For example:

class CFunctionTest
  def foo(int n)
    return bar(n)

  # bar is a C function.
  cfunc int bar(int n)
    return n + 5

'Attach' Classes

Rubex introduces a special syntax that allows you to directly interface Ruby with C structs using some special language constructs, called 'attach' classes. These are normal Ruby classes and can be instantiated and used just like any other Ruby class, but with one caveat - they are permanently attached to a C struct and implicitly interface this struct with the Ruby VM.

Let me demonstrate with an example:

# file: structs.rubex
lib "rubex/ruby"; end

struct mp3info
  int id
  char* title

class Music attach mp3info
  def initialize(id, title)
    mp3info* mp3 = data$.mp3info = id
    mp3.title = title

  def id
    return data$

  def title
    return data$.mp3info.title

  cfunc void deallocate

This program can be used in a Ruby script like this:

require ''

id = 1
title = "CAFO"
m = id, title
puts, m.title

The above example has some notable Rubex constructs:

The attach keyword

The 'attach' keyword is a special keyword that is used for associating a particular struct with a Ruby class. Once this keyword is used, the Rubex compiler will take care of allocation, deallocation and fetching of the struct (more about this in the REFERENCE). The user only needs to concern themselves with using and allocating the data inside the struct.

In the above case, attach creates tells the class Music that it will be associated with a C struct of type mp3info.

The data$ variable

The data$ variable is a special variable keyword that is available only inside attach classes. The data$ variable allows access to the mp3info struct. In order to do this, it makes available a pointer to the struct that is of the same name as the struct (i.e. mp3info for struct mp3info or foo for struct foo). This pointer to the struct can then be used for reading or writing elements in the struct.

The deallocate C function

Once you are done using an instance of your newly created attach class, Ruby's GC will want to clean up the memory used by it so that it can be used by other objects. In order to not have any memory leaks later, it is important to tell the GC that the memory that was used up by the mp3info struct needs to be freed. This freeing up of memory should be done inside the deallocate function.

The xfree function, which is the standard memory freeing function provided by the Ruby interpreter is used for this purpose.

Error Handling

Rubex greatly simplifies error handling for C extensions. It now gives you the full power of a Ruby begin-rescue-else-ensure block. You can also define variables inside these blocks!

Here's an example:

def error_example(int n)
    raise ArgumentError if n == 1
    raise SyntaxError if n == 2
  rescue ArgumentError
    n += 10
  rescue SyntaxError
    n += 20
    n += 5

  return n

Using Rubex Inside A Gem

Rubex ships with pre-built rake tasks that can be for compiling a Rubex file. In order to use these, simply drop in the following code into your Rakefile:

require 'rubex/rake_task''hello_world')

Above rake task assumes that you use the standard Ruby gem structure:

|-- ext
|   `-- hello_world
|       `-- hello_world.rubex
|-- lib
`-- Rakefile

Calling rake compile will generate hello_world.c and extconf.rb in your ext folder and place in your lib/ folder which you directly use with a simple require.


Interfacing C structs

This example is a program that interfaces with a C struct and creates reader and writer methods for C struct elements through a Ruby interface.

Fully Functional Ruby Gem

See the rcsv example for a fully functional rubygem that wraps around the libcsv C library for parsing CSV files.