FTC Team 26530 Atomic Aces
Welcome to the official repository for FTC Team 26530 Atomic Aces!
This repository contains the code developed by our team for the FIRST Tech Challenge. The code is primarily written and maintained by Owen Rossing, with valuable contributions from Andy G., Brandon G. and other mentors.
Owen R. - Lead Developer, backup drivetrain driver, build team
Ben A. - Main drivetrain driver, head of the build team
Merek H. - Lead CAD designer, main arm driver, build team
Izzy Sc. - backup arm driver, portfolio team, keeps the team on track
Izzy Sp. - backup drivetrain driver, portfolio team
Merek's dad - Helps with whatever, usually gives ideas, and points out things the team didn't notice
Izzy Sp.'s dad - Helps with ideas and portfolio(?)
Owen R.'s mom - She bringeth forth delectable and sweet treats.
OSOWSKI - Helped make the entire auto, helps cut metal for the build team, gives ideas
Andy G. - THE programmer of all time
Brandon G. - Helps me with debugging
Our code is designed to control our robot for various tasks and challenges in the FTC competition. It includes a limelight auto (WIP) and teleop modes, along with custom algorithms and strategies to maximize our robot's performance.
Autonomous Mode: We made an auto for each battery voltage so we are accurate every time; it scores 48 points accurately every time.
TeleOp Mode: Manual control for drivers to operate the robot, still a work in progress, but it's pretty efficient.