// Let's assume there is some Stock 'st'
var st = Stock{}
// Which has a price and historical volatility
st.Price = 100
st.Vol = 0.15
// We want the price of a call option with strike 105 expiring in 6 months
o := NewOptionBuilder().WithUnderlying(st).Strike(105).Rate(0.0025).TTE(0.5).Call()
callPrice := o.Price()
// How about the price of the put with same strike and expiration?
o.SetOptionType(PUT) // Equivalent to -> NewOptionBuilder().WithUnderlying(st).Strike(105).Rate(0.0025).TTE(0.5).Put()
putPrice := o.Price()
// Suppose we know the price but want the implied volatility?
// We also want to know the Greek values
greeks := o.GreekValues()
// {"delta":-0.6536449585063238,"gamma":0.03478744464149236,"theta":-0.010209263637407541,"vega":0.2609058348111927}