To make sure you have the latest repos:
cd $COLCON_WS/src/moveitpy_simple
git checkout main
git pull origin main
cd $COLCON_WS/src
vcs import < moveitpy_simple/moveitpy_simple.repos
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -y
pre-commit is a tool to automatically run formatting checks on each commit, which saves you from manually running clang-format (or, crucially, from forgetting to run them!).
Install pre-commit like this:
pip3 install pre-commit
Run this in the top directory of the repo to set up the git hooks:
pre-commit install
To test the packages in moveitpy_simple, use the following command with colcon.
colcon build --packages-up-to ${TEST_PACKAGES}
colcon test --packages-select ${TEST_PACKAGES}
colcon test-result