, default:"/dev/serial_sdk"
)Serail port path of usb device. If udev rule correctly configured, the path is mapped to
as default. -
, default:["chassis", "gimbal", "referee_system"]
)Loading modules of AI Robot.
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
Chassis velocity command, the chassis is moving at the given speed in the next control cycle.
cmd_vel_acc (roborts_msgs/TwistAccel)
Chassis velocity and acceleration command, the chassis performs a uniform acceleration motion at an initial given speed in the next control cycle.
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
Chassis odometry information with translation calculated from motor encoder and rotation calculated from gyro.
uwb (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
Pose information of the chassis in the UWB coordinate system.
tf (tf/tfMessage)
Publishes the transform from
cmd_gimbal_angle (roborts_msgs/GimbalAngle)
Gimbal angle command, if
is set, theyaw_angle
represents relative control angle.
tf (tf/tfMessage)
Publishes the transform from
cmd_fric_wheel (roborts_msgs/FricWhl)
Start and stop the friction wheel.
If you want to change the shoot speed(friction wheel motor speed), please change the value of
(normally from 1200 to 1500) in the gimbal.cpp and rebuild the package.fric_speed.left = 1240; fric_speed.right = 1240;
The default value is 1240 and shoot speed is about 8 m/s.
cmd_shoot (roborts_msgs/ShootCmd)
projectile shoot command with given mode and number.
game_result (roborts_msgs/GameResult)
Game result information:
Result Description 0 Draw 1 Red Wins 2 Blue Wins -
game_robot_bullet (roborts_msgs/GameRobotBullet)
Game robot remaining bullet information of four robots.
game_robot_hp (roborts_msgs/GameRobotHP)
Game robot health point information of four robots.
game_status (roborts_msgs/GameStatus)
Game status with its remaining time information.
Status Description 0 Ready 1 Preparation 2 Initialize 3 Five Second CD 4 Game 5 End -
game_zone_array_status (roborts_msgs/GameZoneArray)
Six game zone status with its type and activation flag. The type information is as follow:
Status Description 1 Red HP Recovery 2 Red Bullet Supply 3 Blue HP Recovery 4 Blue Bullet Supply 5 Disable Shooting 6 Disable Movement -
Indicates whether the current game is in lurking mode.
Status Description 0 normal 1 ready to lurk 2 lurking -
robot_damage (roborts_msgs/RobotDamage)
Robot damage type information:
Damage Type Description 0 Armor 1 Offline 2 Exceed Shoot Speed 3 Exceed Shoot Heat 4 Exceed Chassis Power 5 Obstacle Collision and damage source (armor id) if damage type is armor :
Damage Source Description 0 Forward 1 Left 2 Backword 3 Right -
robot_heat (roborts_msgs/RobotHeat)
Chassis voltage, current, power information and shooter heat information
robot_shoot (roborts_msgs/RobotShoot)
Robot shoot frequency and speed information
robot_status (roborts_msgs/RobotStatus)
Robot status information including
- id,
- level,
- remain and max health point,
- heat information
- gimbal, chassis, shooter power connection status