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File metadata and controls

361 lines (265 loc) · 22 KB


  • Author(s): morgo
  • Last updated: June 16, 2021
  • Discussion at: N/A

Table of Contents


This document was created to discuss the design of Dynamic Privileges. It is intended to be implemented in combination with Security Enhanced Mode, but there no interdependencies between the two features.

Motivation or Background

MySQL 8.0 introduced the concept of “dynamic privileges” (see WL#8131). The intention behind this functionality is that plugins can create new named privileges to suit their purposes, such as “Firewall Admin” or “Audit Admin” instead of requiring the SUPER privilege, which becomes overloaded and too coarse.

Dynamic privileges are not to be confused with SQL Roles (RBAC). They work together just fine. Consider the following testcase which demonstrates the features working together:

  mustExec(c, rootSe, "CREATE USER notsuper")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "CREATE USER otheruser")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "CREATE ROLE anyrolename")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "SET tidb_enable_dynamic_privileges=1")

	se := newSession(c,, s.dbName)
	c.Assert(se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{Username: "notsuper", Hostname: "%"}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
	mustExec(c, se, "SET tidb_enable_dynamic_privileges=1")

	_, err := se.ExecuteInternal(context.Background(), "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 86400")
	c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, "[planner:1227]Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "GRANT SYSTEM_VARIABLES_admin ON *.* TO notsuper")
	mustExec(c, se, "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 86400")

	// test ROLE_ADMIN
	_, err = se.ExecuteInternal(context.Background(), "GRANT anyrolename TO otheruser")
	c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, "[planner:1227]Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or ROLE_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "GRANT ROLE_ADMIN ON *.* TO notsuper")
	mustExec(c, se, "GRANT anyrolename TO otheruser")

	// revoke SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN, confirm it is dropped
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "REVOKE SYSTEM_VARIABLES_AdmIn ON *.* FROM notsuper")
	_, err = se.ExecuteInternal(context.Background(), "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 86000")
	c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, "[planner:1227]Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation")

	// grant super, confirm that it is also a substitute for SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO notsuper")
	mustExec(c, se, "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 86400")

	// revoke SUPER, assign SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN to anyrolename.
	// confirm that a dynamic privilege can be inherited from a role.
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "REVOKE SUPER ON *.* FROM notsuper")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "GRANT SYSTEM_VARIABLES_AdmIn ON *.* TO anyrolename")
	mustExec(c, rootSe, "GRANT anyrolename TO notsuper")

	// It's not a default role, this should initially fail:
	_, err = se.ExecuteInternal(context.Background(), "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 86400")
	c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, "[planner:1227]Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation")
	mustExec(c, se, "SET ROLE anyrolename")
	mustExec(c, se, "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 87000")

Dynamic privileges are different from static privileges in the following ways:

  • The name of the privilege is “DYNAMIC”. A plugin registers it, and the server has no prior knowledge of its existence.
  • Privileges can only be global scoped.
  • Privileges are stored in the table mysql.global_grants and not mysql.user.
  • The GRANT OPTION is stored for each dynamic privilege (versus for the user as a whole).

We have the same requirement for fine grained privileges in TiDB, so it makes sense to adopt a similar implementation of dynamic privileges. This document describes both the implementation of the framework for dynamic privileges and an initial set of dynamic privileges that are required to be implemented.

Detailed Design

Implementing Dynamic Privileges requires the following work to be completed.


For TiDB, we can use the same table structure as MySQL:

CREATE TABLE `global_grants` (
  `USER` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `HOST` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `PRIV` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

There is an existing table called “global_priv” which initially looked like it provided similar functionality, except:

  • The priv is expected to be a JSON encoded string
  • There is no column named WITH_GRANT_OPTION.

I looked at repurposing this table (which stores TLS options), but because the PRIV value is the data and not the key, it gets messy. I instead plan to use the same schema as MySQL.

This table will persist dynamic privileges. Similar to MySQL, the cache is read into memory and cached (privilege/privileges/cache.go). Dynamic privileges will be cached in the same way as existing privileges.

Privilege Checking API

Checking for existence of a Dynamic privilege needs a different function from normal privilege checks. I.e.

// RequestVerification(activeRole []*auth.RoleIdentity, db, table,
// column string, priv mysql.PrivilegeType) bool
if pm.RequestVerification(activeRoles, "", "", "", mysql.ProcessPriv) {
	// has processPrivilege

This is not suitable because:

  • The privilege mysql.ProcessPriv must be predefined (i.e. it's not dynamic).
  • The 3 empty string values (schema, table, column) are never applicable to dynamic privileges.
  • Dynamic privileges are grantable individually. There may be scenarios where code wants to check if a user has both a dynamic privilege and the ability to grant it (such as in the output of SHOW GRANTS).

I propose the following:

// RequestDynamicVerification(activeRole []*auth.RoleIdentity, priv string, grantable bool) bool
if pm.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, "BACKUP_ADMIN", false) {
	// has backup admin privilege

Plugin API

There will need to be a way for plugins to register new dynamic privileges via their OnInit method. I propose the following:

import (

err = privileges.RegisterDynamicPrivilege("AUDIT_ADMIN")
if err != nil {
	return err

Metadata Commands


The output of SHOW GRANTS needs to be modified to show each of the dynamic privileges applicable to a user, following static privileges. I.e.

mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (test) > show grants for 'u1';
| Grants for u1@%                                         |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `u1`@`%`                          |
| GRANT BINLOG_ADMIN ON *.* TO `u1`@`%`                   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


The table user_privileges should show a hybrid of both static and dynamic privileges:

mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (information_schema) > mysql [localhost:8023] {root} where grantee = "'u1'@'%'"
    -> ;
| 'u1'@'%' | def           | USAGE          | NO           |
| 'u1'@'%' | def           | BINLOG_ADMIN   | NO           |
| 'u1'@'%' | def           | BACKUP_ADMIN   | YES          |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


No change


No change


Needs to support the syntax of a privilege being either a static privilege, or a dynamic privilege. Dynamic privileges only support *.*

mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (information_schema) > grant select on *.* to 'u1';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (information_schema) > grant binlog_admin on test.* to 'u1';
ERROR 3619 (HY000): Illegal privilege level specified for BINLOG_ADMIN
mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (information_schema) > grant binlog_admin on *.* to 'u1';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

GRANT ALL will also GRANT each of the DYNAMIC privileges that are registered with the server at the time the command is executed:

mysql [localhost:8023] {root} (test) > show grants for u1;
| Grants for u1@%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, SHUTDOWN, PROCESS, FILE, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, SHOW DATABASES, SUPER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, EXECUTE, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT, CREATE VIEW, SHOW VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, CREATE USER, EVENT, TRIGGER, CREATE TABLESPACE, CREATE ROLE, DROP ROLE ON *.* TO `u1`@`%`                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| GRANT BACKUP_ADMIN ON *.* TO `u1`@`%` WITH GRANT OPTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Currently TiDB does not expand GRANT ALL when the value is read back from SHOW GRANTS. It is possible to maintain this current behavior difference.

Alter User

No change

Initial Set of Dynamic Privileges

Borrowed from MySQL

Privilege Name Description Notes
BACKUP_ADMIN Enables BR backups and restores, as well as lightning restores. Currently this required SUPER. It will now require BACKUP_ADMIN or SUPER.
SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN Allows changing any GLOBAL system variable. Currently this required SUPER. It will now require SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER.
ROLE_ADMIN Allows granting and revoking roles. Won’t allow revoking on restricted_users (see below).
CONNECTION_ADMIN Allows killing connections. Like PROCESS static privilege, but slightly more restrictive (no show processlist).
SYSTEM_USER The user can't be altered or dropped by only the CREATE USER privilege. Helps prevent security escalations.

TiDB Extensions

Privilege Name Description Notes
RESTORE_ADMIN Restoring should require more permissions than backup because it is a higher risk operation. It is inspired by MySQL's BACKUP_ADMIN/CLONE_ADMIN but not applicable to MySQL due to no online restore.
RESTRICTED_VARIABLES_ADMIN Allows changing a restricted GLOBAL system variable. Currently in SEM all high risk variables are unloaded. TBD, it might be required in future that they are only visible/settable to those with this privilege and not SUPER.
RESTRICTED_STATUS_ADMIN Allows observing restricted status variables. i.e. SHOW GLOBAL STATUS by default hides some statistics when SEM is enabled.
RESTRICTED_CONNECTION_ADMIN Killing connections that belong to your own user is always permitted. Killing connections that belong to other users requires CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER; but there is an exception for RESTRICTED_USER_ADMIN users. To kill these connections also requires RESTRICTED_CONNECTION_ADMIN. This affects KILL, KILL TIDB commands. It is intended for the CloudAdmin user in DBaaS.
RESTRICTED_USER_ADMIN A special privilege to say that their access can’t be changed by SUPER users. Statements DROP USER, SET PASSWORD, ALTER USER, REVOKE are all limited. It is intended for the CloudAdmin user in DbaaS.
RESTRICTED_TABLES_ADMIN A special privilege which means that the SEM hidden table semantic doesn’t apply. It is intended for the CloudAdmin user in DbaaS.

Parser Changes

The parser already supports DYNAMIC privileges. This can be confirmed by the following patch to TiDB, where they are sent as the static type of ExtendedPriv:

diff --git a/planner/core/planbuilder.go b/planner/core/planbuilder.go
index 90d5b9e82..d1644ee83 100644
--- a/planner/core/planbuilder.go
+++ b/planner/core/planbuilder.go
@@ -2298,6 +2298,11 @@ func collectVisitInfoFromGrantStmt(sctx sessionctx.Context, vi []visitInfo, stmt
        var allPrivs []mysql.PrivilegeType
        for _, item := range stmt.Privs {
+               if item.Priv == mysql.ExtendedPriv {
+                       fmt.Printf("### Attempting to set DYNAMIC privilege: %s\n", item.Name)
+               }
                if item.Priv == mysql.AllPriv {
                        switch stmt.Level.Level {
                        case ast.GrantLevelGlobal:

This results in the following written to the log file:

mysql> grant acdc on *.* to u1;
ERROR 8121 (HY000): privilege check fail

### Attempting to set DYNAMIC privilege: acdc

It might be possible that changes are still required if ExtendedPriv is not supported in all contexts (REVOKE, etc).

Note that creating a role with the same name as a DYNAMIC privilege is supported. A GRANT statement can be attributed to ROLES when it omits the ON . syntax. Thus:

GRANT BINLOG_ADMIN TO u1; // grants the role binlog_admin
GRANT BINLOG_ADMIN ON *.* TO u1; // grants the dynamic privilege binlog_admin

This same nuance applies to MySQL.

Documentation Plan

The statement reference pages for each of the affected metadata commands will need to be updated to describe dynamic privileges.

There will also need to be documentation specific to DYNAMIC privileges to describe how it works, and the purpose of fine-grained access control.

Test Design

Testing dynamic privileges is a little bit complex because of the various ways privileges can be inherited by users:

  • Direct GRANT to the user
  • Granting to a role that the user inherits.

Functional Tests

Unit tests will be added to cover the semantics around role/dynamic privilege precedence, including logical restoring in a different order.

Unit tests will also cover each of the "initial set of Dynamic privileges". Tests will include both directly assigning the privileges and assigning via a ROLE (RBAC).

Integration testing needs to test with global kill enabled/disabled.

Scenario Tests

The use-cases required by the DBaaS team should be validated when combined with security-enhanced-mode. They are:

Account Name root cloudAdmin
Backup & Restore to cloud Y Y
File privilege N N
Read or set variables Y Y
set restricted variables(some of them even can not be read) N Y
Read or set restricted system tables N Y
DROP USER cloudAdmin N Hard to N(unless some hardcoded)
REVOKE cloudAdmin N Hard to N(unless some hardcoded)
Show processlist, Access to threads belong to other users Y Y
Change password if the password of SUPER user is forgotten N Y
Kill connections belong to cloudAdmin N Y
SHUTDOWN / RESTART N Y (graceful shutdown on k8s for tidb-server)

Scenario testing will be required for:

  • all the dynamic privileges
  • several user-defined dynamic privileges

Compatibility Tests

The introduction of DYNAMIC privileges is not expected to introduce any compatibility issues, because backwards compatibility is ensured. However, plugins should migrate to registering their own dynamic privileges and not rely on the use of SUPER. This is considered an enhancement, and not included in-scope for the initial introduction of dynamic privileges (which introduces the framework for plugins to use).

Impact & Risks

In its initial release, dynamic privilege usage will be controlled by an experimental feature flag (tidb_enable_dynamic_privileges), which is modifyable on a GLOBAL or SESSION basis. The implementation will be via restricting GRANT and REVOKE statements from creating dynamic privileges (it is too invasive to conditionally modify the ast visitor functionaliy).

For backwards compatibility, the MySQL-compatible dynamic privileges will also permit SUPER. This helps prevent upgrade issues, such a when TiDB was bootstrapped GRANT ALL ON *.* would not have granted all the dynamic privileges. There might be some impact on Upgrade/Downgrade story if eventually the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege is used instead of SUPER, but for the initial release I am planning to allow either.

Investigation & Alternatives

An alternative could be to support fine-grained access in a TiDB specific way. Because the MySQL functionality overlaps nicely, it doesn’t really make sense not to follow. The initial implementation of dynamic privileges only implements a subset of MySQL’s dynamic privileges (see table 6.3). Given that these are supposed to be “dynamic”, I don’t think this is a problem.

Unresolved Questions

Adding new dynamic privileges to a lower privileged user

In the case that cloudAdmin does not have SUPER, but requires additional fine grained privileges granted at a later date, there are several potential solutions:

  1. Write a session/bootstrap.go task to "split" an existing DYNAMIC privilege into two. i.e. users with privilege XYZ now have XYZ and ZYX.
  2. Allow the privilege SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON mysql.* to cloudAdmin + RELOAD on *.*. This will allow cloudAdmin to insert ZYX into the global_grant table, and then run FLUSH PRIVILEGES to reload the privilege cache.
  3. Add an API for plugins that register new dynamic privileges, such that on first installation they can say ZYX is also satisfied by XYZ (triggering an internal copy of privileges).
  4. Support a feature similar to MySQL's --init-file which executes with unrestricted privileges.
  5. Make the privilegemanager completely pluggable (it is currently an interface, and extending it to plugins is not a difficult stretch). Make cloudAdmin privileges embedded into the cloud-specific privilege manager, and not dependent on the internal system tables.

The current recommended method is (1), since the method (2) does not effectively restrict the credentials of cloudAdmin. (3) is a workaround for the fact that visitInfo does not support OR conditions for privileges. (4) and (5) have merit, but require development outside the scope of this current proposal.