- Nothing changed yet.
- Change date validation order, if the validated day is vacation, it is not possibile to book. [folix-01]
- Lower log level for AppIO exceptions [folix-01]
- @bookings-export filters hotfix. [folix-01]
- Fix translation mechanism for exceptions. [folix-01]
- bookings-export remove default filter values. [folix-01]
- Extend bookings-export filters. [folix-01]
- Divide PrenotazioniFolder.week_table time choice by 5 minutes instead of 15. [folix-01]
- Apply validity dates restrictions for the Bookings Manger if selected flag 'apply_date_restrictions_to_manager'. [folix-01]
- Fixed missing validity dates check during the booking creation. [folix-01]
- Booking additional fields. [folix-01]
- Remove csrf protection from send reminder endpoint. [folix-01]
- Bookings details help text in Tipologia prenotazione. [folix-01]
- Add creator and creation date to bookings export [folix-01]
- Fix notify_about_confirm service in according to last updates. [folix-01]
- Accept email as an tuple in booking schema get. [folix-01]
- @@bookings-export view. [folix-01]
- With an experimental envionment SEE_OWN_ANONYMOUS_BOOKINGS set to True, the endpoint will return also the bookings created by anonymous users with the same fiscalcode of the authenticated user. [mamico]
- Hotfix missing permission. [folix-01]
- Hotfix missing permission. [folix-01]
- Workarounds for external integration: search with tinit- prefixed user, schema with some fields with only spaces [mamico]
- Write to history the booking notifications log [folix-01]
- Write to history if could not send booking notification [folix-01]
- Booking canceled message + wf states translations BREAKING CHANGE: frontend uses booking_state_label insteat of booking_state, this change of translations requires a new release of the frontend (@redturtle/volto-io-prenoto >= 1.20.0) [folix-01]
- Package chore. [folix-01]
- Fix reminder send view. [folix-01]
- avoid gate collision [mamico]
- Bypass notBeforeDays when using the @available-slots to find the first bookable slot(used by BookingManager). [folix-01]
- Fix day endpoint to show the available scheduling for the same day as start date. [folix-01]
- Manage the user's phone attribute in booking-schema [mamico]
- PrenotazioniFolder.max_bookings_allowed constraint (if compiled, the fiscalcode must be required). [folix-01]
- Return empty data from the @day endpoint if requested date is out of PrenotazioniFolder range [folix-01]
- Fix double gate bug. [folix-01]
- first_available flag for the @available-slots endpoint. [folix-01]
- Fix double gate when it is repeated in more than one week table overrides. [folix-01]
- Fix SMS links. Removed the dot immediately after the url [folix-01]
- Fix rolemap [lucabel]
- Add manager notification on booking canceled [folix-01]
- Add the years range configuration to week table overrides. [folix-01]
- Bypass the today delete limit for the 'out-of-office' types [folix-01]
- Change the booking notification flag label. [folix-01]
- canceled state for booking. if an user cancel a booking, the booking is not deleted but is set to cancel state [mamico]
- Disabled "user has exceeded the limit" validation when the fiscal code is missing. [daniele]
- No cache per restapi available_slots, available_slots changes frequently and anonymous users need to see the updated data. [mamico]
- Remove acquisition when getting version_id in on_modify event handler. [cekk]
- permission for move bookings for booking managers [mamico]
- permission for move bookings for booking managers [mamico]
- Use the yaml file to configure the AppIO keys [folix-01]
- sort_on/sort_order in restapi bookings and xlsx [mamico]
- Fix the sms nofications behavior's field label. [folix-01]
- Remove the notification gateways allowing cross logics [folix-01]
- Add @id in booking serializer [mamico]
- Handle modified_after parameter in @bookings endpoint. [cekk]
- Add booking_code as catalog metadata. [cekk]
- [BREAKING] Move code generation and managers email notification from event handlers into booker. [cekk]
- Revert last changes to avoid incompatibility. [cekk]
- Register event handler for IObjectAddedEvent instead IObjectCreatedEvent for code generator. [cekk]
- Performance improvements: changed functions: hm2DT, value_hr, get_values_hr_every [mamico]
- Perfomance refactoring for @available-slots view [folix-01]
- Split booking notification gateways to 'App IO', 'Email' and 'SMS' [folix-01]
- remove unused contentrules [mamico]
- Add booking reminder emails. [folix-01]
- Move code generation to adapter, to be more customizable. [cekk]
- Add customizable email from in PrenotazioniFolder contents. [cekk]
- Add creation and modification dates to serialized booking [folix-01]
- Add fullobjects in @bookings [mamico]
- Use the <PrenotazioniFolder>.holidays constraint. [folix-01]
- add content-transfer-encoding customization [mamico]
- Add booking_type vocabularies for portal_root [mamico]
- Improve manager mail notification subject to include also name and date. [cekk]
- Update the min booking type length value to 5min. [folix-01]
- Fix: hidden attribute in tipologia [mamico]
- Fix upgrade step error #139 [mamico]
- Add flag auto_confirm_manager that allows to automatically confirm bookings created by Booking Managers. [cekk]
- Booking Managers bypass futureDays checks when create new bookings. [cekk]
- Remove duplicated method in booker: create. Now there is only book. [cekk]
- Hide PrenotazioniYear in add menu for restapi. [cekk]
- Contributors can add PrenotazioniFolder. [cekk]
- On PrenotazioniFolder upgrade-step (2000->2001) migrate also requirements field. [cekk]
- Fix gate chooser algorithm to avoid overlaps. Now we randomly choose it without getting the less used one. [cekk]
- Do not raise Unauthorized when translate title ical adapter. [cekk]
- Fix message composition in manager notification. [cekk]
- Set PrenotazioniFolder and PrenotazioneType as not searchable (types_not_searched). [cekk]
- Send ical also for manager notifications. [cekk]
- Do not send the booking created email if auto_confirm is true and notify on confirm is true. [folix-01, cekk]
- Fix sub BaseSlots whene some slots overlap [mamico]
- Compatibility with old code that use booking_types field in PrenotazioniFolder [mamico]
- Extend the booking duration limit to 180 min. [folix-01]
- Allow Bookings Manager to create, move the bookings and create the vacations. [folix-01]
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Convert booking types to c.t. [folix-01]
- Change bookings default limit to 0. [folix-01]
- Fix Bookings Manager permission in according to expected behavior [folix-01]
- Add booking_refuse_message to Prenotazione stringinterp variables. [folix-01]
- Extended PrenotaizoniFolder email templates var list. [folix-01]
- Better handle overrides between years. [cekk]
- Handle possibility to create more overrides with different gates schedule. [cekk]
- Fix release (2.1.4 was already made). [cekk]
- Fix week overrides when booking next year. [cekk]
- Bypass limit for out-of-office bookings. [cekk]
- Resect hidden booking types from @booking-schema. [folix-01]
- Add hidden booking types for operator use. [folix-01]
- Sort gate slots in get_free_slots method to better handle also pauses. [cekk]
- Add booking details to the export file. [folix-01]
- Change PrenotazioniFolder.cosa_serve field type to RichText. [folix-01]
- Utilizzare defaultFactory se il default è una funzione, altrimenti non viene eseguita nel momento corretto. [mamico]
- Rimosso searchabletext di prenotazioni doppio. [mamico]
- Aggiunto indexer per fiscalcode uppercase per fare ricerche case insensitive. [mamico]
- Remove Contributor from the package permissions map. [folix-01]
- Add configurable simultaneous bookings limit for the same user. [folix-01]
- Remove "immediate=True" from mailhost send in send_email_to_managers because can cause multiple sends when there are conflicts. [cekk]
- Better handle edge-case when a booking is created inside a pause (booking created before pause set in folder config). [cekk]
- workaround per download prenotazioni, parametri in base64 sul path per gestire bug Volto [mamico]
- add xlsx tests [mamico]
- add booking description in @bookings [mamico]
- add booking_code field to IPrenotazione schema update locales [lucabel]
- Call booking url adapter on plone.stringinterp.adapters.ContextWrapper [foxli-01]
- Traduzioni [mamico]
- Restapi @booking-notify. [foxli-01]
- Update locales. [foxli-01]
- Add a dedicated role to manage the bookings. [folix-01]
- Show default gates as unavailable in get_gates method, if they are overrided. [cekk]
- Skip required field validation when add out of office bookings in @booking endpoint. [cekk]
- Only users with permission can add out of office bookings in @booking endpoint. [cekk]
- Fix slots overlap valiation on booking move [folix-01]
- Remove complexity in same_day_booking_disallowed` field: now you can set only yes or no. [cekk]
- duration in minutes instead of days [mamico]
- allow to add out-of-office in api (aka blocco prenotazione) [mamico]
- Add logic to override pauses and gates. [daniele]
- Permit to force gate / duration to operator (restapi add booking) [mamico]
- Changes required to migrate the old bookings. [folix-01]
- Allow to override also gates and pauses. [cekk]
- Remove unused unavailable_gates field. [cekk]
- Moved contacts fields to a dedicated behavior. [daniele]
- Tabs/fields reordering for the booking folder. [daniele]
- fix date in @@download [mamico]
- fix tz in pause [mamico]
- skip email to manager on block/vacation creation [mamico]
- Manage timezone in booking dates. (upgrade step) [cekk]
- Fix: only valid interval in the subtraction slots operation. [mamico]
- Fix boking code uniqueness [folix-01]
- Fix default start/end time for search @bookings [mamico]
- Add @vacation rest api [mamico]
- Customized status message in prenotazione_print.pt based on review_state. [cekk]
- Add @booking-move restapi [mamico]
- Extend @@bookings search view parameters list. [folix-01]
- Added event handler on booking creation to send email to managers. [daniele]
- Rename routes: months-slots => available-slots prenotazione-schema => booking-schema @@download_reservation => @@download/bookings.xlsx [cekk] [mamico]
- Handle contentrules by the plone events and do not use contentrules anymore. [folix-01]
- Change "day" type in week_table (TODO: need an upgrade step?). [mamico]
- reorganize backend form [mamico]
- booking_type filter in @months-slots [mamico]
- Register adapters for IMailFromFieldAction for both Site root and dx containers. [cekk]
- Add Booking restapi [mamico]
- Fix Plone6 compatibility. [cekk]
- Removed unused type PrenotazioniFolderContainer. [cekk]
- Added endpoint to get booking schema. [daniele]
- Avoid change gate, booking date, booking end from /edit; this would allow you to skip the checks; Fix profile registration name; [lucabel]
- Add @bookings endpoint to get booking items for a user [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Add a new endpoint to get booking details. (#40442). [daniele]
- Add autoconfirm content rule to profile. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Added field "cosa_serve" (#40445). [daniele]
- Refactor booking delete machinery and remove unused token. [cekk]
- Add DELETE endpoint for booking. [cekk]
- Add new field that allows to override week schedule for a certain date range. [cekk]
- Send iCal attachment on approved or moved booking. [cekk]
- Add plone5 profile to setup. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Remove sort order on week-legend table (#33584). [foxtrot-dfm1]
- RestAPI endpoint to have available week slots. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Plone 6 support [mamico]
- Fix the upgrade step of release 1.6.4 [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Fix the upgrade step of release 1.6.1 [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Fix cookies encoding [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Handle prenotation type passed by url. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Handle confirmed state instead of published. [cekk]
- The workflow state 'public' of prenotazioni_workflow was renamed to 'confirmed' [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Show review state column of prenotations (#37119) [foxtrot-dfm1]
- updated mail sent to the final user to show report with delete option for accepted booking. [daniele]
- fix: now handle differente dst in prenotazione_add booking_date. [cekk]
- fix: booking hour.
- [cekk]
- fix: show actual booking hour un prenotazione_add view. [cekk]
- chore: updated time label of booking add view [sara]
- fix: export all visible fields in the ods report. [cekk]
- fix: fixed booking labels [sara]
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Remove recaptcha dependency and use collective.honeypot. UNINSTALL plone.formwidget.recaptcha before upgrading to this version. [cekk]
- Fix upgrade-step. [cekk]
- Add caching profile and enable it on install. [cekk]
- Disable check_valid_fiscalcode constraint. [cekk]
- Standardize fields between schema and creation form. [cekk]
- Improve extensibility of add form and required fields. [cekk]
- Handle (do not broke) non existent fiscalcode member field. [cekk]
- Better manage fiscalcode. [cekk]
- Add github actions for code quality and fix black/zpretty/flake8 linting. [cekk]
- [new] Added field "Note prenotante" e "Note del personale" inside the exported .ods file. [arsenico13]
- [chg] only editor/manager can view booking data [mamico]
- [fix] fix check title on vacation booking [eikichi18]
- [chg] autofill data from user context [mamico]
- Prevented booking without gate [eikichi18]
- Booking tipology as required [eikichi18]
- [fix] translations [nzambello]
- [chg] prenotazioni slot as required [nzambello]
- [fix] slot prenotazione search button [nzambello]
- [fix] handle reservation move without any gate set [cekk]
- [new] dependency with collective.z3cform.datagridfield>=2.0 [cekk]
- [fix] project urls in setup.py
- [fix] changelog syntax
- [chg] project urls in setup.py
- [fix] fix reservation download. ods writer can't cast none to empty string
- [fix] force gate on authenticated reservation
- [fix] fix slot dimension in case of confirmed reservation
- [fix] Reindex subject on move
- [fix] download reservation after search give error calculating review_state
- [fix] fix translations
- [chg] change prenotazioni search adding phone number and removing state
- [fix] fix problem with sending mail if mail not compiled
- [fix] allow to not use not required fields [lucabel]
- [fix] fix search reservation accessing by gate icon
- [chg] change 'sportello' label with 'postazione'
- [fix] now we can handle more gates and layout is safe
- [fix] fix insufficient permission deleting reservation
- [fix] pauses are spread over more gate if more gate are available
- [fix] hide "download" link in search reservation print
- [chg] tuning permission to allow reader to see everything
- [chg] tuning css for mobile
- [new] add pause to prenotazioni folder
- [chg] add some accessibility to prenotazioni folder
- [new] add logic to delete reservation using a link sendable by mail
- feat: tooltip on add button [nzambello]
- Fix return url when click Cancel button. [cekk]
- Changed fields order for prenotazione ct. [daniele]
- Added logic to generate booking code on the fly. This code is calculated on the basis of the booking date and time. [daniele]
- Add new stringinterp for prenotazione print url and update contentrules. [cekk]
- Added fiscal code field to required fields. Added widget for visible fields. Updated views and templates. [daniele]
- Initial release. [cekk]