See releases for the prior versions information, and all the notable changes to this Data Preview 🈸 extension with new feature details and screen pics.
- #13 Add .parquet files data preview
- #168 Flatten nested object properties for json array data preview display
- #222 Use jsonc-parser for json data loading
- #185 Hide status bar item after launch
- #203 Adopt VS Code's 'asWebviewUri' API
- #223 Add Data Science and Visualization categories to this extension manifest
- #224 Update minimum required vscode version and dependencies to v1.49.0
- #225 Upade libraries for avro, hjson, yaml, json5, and excel data files loading
- #156 User-friendly dates save in en-US date format for now, instead of milliseconds since epoch
- #172 Refresh all open data views on related data source file content change and save
- #177 Update perspectiveJS library and viewer to the latest v0.4.0
- #179 Add new dense UI themes support
- #181 Save data view UI theme for restore on vscode reload
- #182 Move data view html template, scripts and styles to new /web folder
- #183 Resolve Data Preivew vscode status bar stats update for the number of rows and columns display on data view load, reload/restore, and config changes
- #184 Create this change log for the first v2.x release in 2020
- #180 Add buy 🧚♂️ ko-fi ☕ sponsor button to data view toolbar for kind devs