Markdown SQL Pro Tools extension adds custom SQL Code Lenses to SQL code blocks in standard SQL and various markdown documents in VS Code IDE.
The provided SQL Code Lenses include top-level SQL and markdown document Execute All
, Select All
, Extract All
, Bookmark All
SQL code lenses, Execute
, Select
, and Copy
SQL code block lenses, and Create
New SQL document from SQL code block lens.
Our SQL Code Lenses integrate with the popular SQL Tools Connections manager, supported SQL Tools drivers, and query results viewer to execute SQL directly on any of the supported SQL Tools database management systems and view results.
Markdown SQL Pro Tools add the following top-level SQL Code Lenses to SQL and markdown documents open in VS Code IDE:
Execute All
SQL code lens to execute all SQL statements in the open SQL or markdown documentSelect All
SQL code lens to select all SQL code blocks in the open markdown documentExtract All
SQL code lens to extract all SQL code blocks from the open markdown documentBookmark All
SQL code lens to bookmark all SQL code blocks in the open markdown document
This extension also adds the following SQL Code Lenses to individual SQL code blocks in the open markdown documents and SQL statements in SQL documents:
SQL code lens to run SQL code using active SQL Tools database connectionSelect
SQL code lens to select SQL code block in the open SQL or markdown document editorCopy
SQL code lens to copy SQL code block to the clipboardCreate
SQL code lens to create new SQL document from SQL code block in the open text editor
Markdown SQL Pro Tools detect and highlight SQL code blocks in stanadard .md
markdown documents, .Rmd
R markdown documents, .qmd
Quarto publishing documents, .ojs
and .omd
Observable JS and markdown documents.
The supported SQL code blocks include code fences with sql
tag, %%sql
magic code blocks, and %sql
magic code lines with SELECT
You can use new top-level Select All
SQL code lens to select all detected SQL code blocks in the open markdown document.
Users of the popular Bookmarks VS Code extension can use new top-level Bookmark All
SQL code lens to toggle SQL code bookmarks in the open markdown documents.
Using Markdown SQL Pro Tools with new SQL Bookmarks, SQLite and our DuckDB Pro SQL Tools in VS Code IDE on Ploomber's JupySQL Jupyter book markdown docs:
Note: Install Bookmarks extension separately to see new Bookmark All
SQL code lens enabled in the supported markdown documents.
The Markdown SQL Pro Tools v1.2.0 and above add SQL Code Lenses to SQL code blocks in Quarto markdown docs in VS Code IDE.
Quick demo of setting up local HR SQLite database with SQL Tools VS Code extension, rendering Quarto markdown document with Quarto extension, and using our new SQL code lenses to Execute SQL queries from standard .md
and .qmd
markdown documents code:
You can install and use Interactive SQL Quarto extension to experiment with it in VS Code with Quarto markdown docs.
You can also use new SQL Code Lenses in R Markdown documents in VS Code IDE.
SQL in RMD GitHub repository provides a great example of using SQL code chunks in R markdown documents.
Setting up demo SQLite database connection and using our SQL Code Lenses to run SQL queries from R markdown document:
Markdown SQL Pro Tools contribute the following Commands and Activation Events to VS Code IDE for working with SQL code in markdown and SQL documents.
Markdodown SQL Pro Tools extension is available under the new Markdown Sql Pro Tools monthly sponsor subscription on GitHub and also includes access to the DuckDB Pro SQL Tools plugin and PRQL Code Lens extension from our Premium Pro Data Tools extensions pack.