Hoplite is a system for storing large volumes of embeddings from machine perception models. We focus on combining vector search with active learning workflows, aka agile modeling.
While we get this documentation ready, we recommend checking out the main Perch repository.
This repository consists of four sub-libraries:
- The core database functionality for storing embeddings and related metadata. The database also handles labels applied to embeddings and vector search, both exact and approximate.agile
- Tooling (and example notebooks) for agile modeling on top of the Hoplite db layer, combining search and active learning approaches. This library includes organizing labeled data and training linear classifiers over embeddings, as well as tooling for embedding large datasets.zoo
- A bioacoustics model zoo. A basic wrapper class is provided, and any model which can transform windows of audio samples into embeddings can then be used in the agile modeling workflow.taxonomy
- A database of taxonomic information, especially for handling conversions between the various bird taxonomies.
Each sub-library has its own documentation.
The repository can be installed with either pip or poetry. Poetry allows more granular management of dependencies.
First, install some basic dependencies. Note that for GPU support, you may
install tensorflow[and-cuda]
instead of tensorflow-cpu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 ffmpeg
pip install absl-py
pip install requests
pip install tensorflow-cpu
Then to install with pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/google-research/hoplite.git
Then run the tests and check that they pass:
python -m unittest discover -s hoplite/db/tests -p "*test.py"
python -m unittest discover -s hoplite/taxonomy -p "*test.py"
python -m unittest discover -s hoplite/zoo -p "*test.py"
python -m unittest discover -s hoplite/agile/tests -p "*test.py"
Or, install with poetry:
# Install Poetry for package management
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Install all dependencies specified in the poetry configs.
poetry install
This is not an officially supported Google product. This project is not eligible for the Google Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program.