- Code source
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[X] Calling Restart or Escape when fading at start causes issues ==> prevent R or Escp during the first few seconds of a level
[ ] Ennemies have weird rotation when player is above ==> Hard to fix right now
Level 4: [X] Can fall when In baba Mode pause (how to change that?? Disable gravity) [X] You is Shoot as effect is only triggered if also You is Shoot as assert [?] You is Move is still triggered by arrow key presses -- if no "You is Move" or "You is Stop" is enabled
[X] Highlighting is wrong for one frame when moving words ==> Script order issue
[?] "Super is Hot" win message is shaded when cursor is shaded to ==> Because they have the same material and its linked. Create Material copy in cursor/weapon code
[X] Vertical overflow: check the height and use the smallest vertical/horizontal decomposition [X] Pressing the key triggers You is Move even when you can't
// Only when starting from level directly:
Player can't be killed -- When loading level directly
Starting directly from a level and coming back to menu creates two Instances of LevelHandler + Player
A is B w is (X) makes "A is B" not parsed if (X) isn't valid. ==> acceptable
- Time is Move by default might change ? Clearer that Time is Move impacts time, an objective to remove
M to mute
consider order of panels ? [X] Make gun do a first dull tick before throwing
highlight gun when pickable ?
- Levels
- Handy levels system
- Map out ~10 levels
- Level selection screen
Gameplay Loop:
- Win condition
- Loose condition
Music [X] Create normal/remix track [X] Loop through them [X] Switch between them
Polish sounds
- Time Deformation effect
- Space Deformation effect
- Gun shoot sounds player + [X] ennemy
- Gun reload sounds
- Gun pick up sounds
- Ennemy death sound
Implement all interactions as Assert, Trigger and Effect (EAT)
You is Move => Detects when falling
Time is Move
Shoot is Move
You is Stop
Time is Stop
Shoot is Stop
You is Dead
Time is Dead
Shoot is Dead
Super is Hot
You is Shoot => Activates only when you shoot (~once = 30 frames) => Makes you shoot once
Shoot is You => Teleport you to the (last) bullet
General Design
Bullet limit in guns (3 to 6)
Sphere cast for picking gun [X] Highlighting pickable gun
Ennemy shoot you if there's a line of sight
Parametrizable frequency and delay for shooting ===> can only delay animation
Controls for Baba: FixedUpdate, check frequency and consistency ==> kinda no choice but to use a key up way
- Display controls: Arrow keys, E for Baba Mode, R to restart, Undo with back space <=]
- Sphere cast instead of raycast for picking objects ?
- See rules activated
- Cancel button for baba
- Choose: images (style) or text (have to scale, can make them lit) [X] create individual images for doodle shader to work OR add black outlines
Unlocking mechanic
Variable tile
Name on top of enemy
Updating baba world when killed
Menu and transitions
- Death transition Red fade -- restart
- Restart transition (= Death ?) White fade
- Win transition [X] Stop - [X] Voice clip - [X] White fade [X]"SUPER HOT" text (?)
Player speed is quite high. Check if it happens in Fixed Update or not FIXED: Set Applciation.targetFrameRate to 60 NOTE: If you put Players update in FixedUpdate, it will depend on time flowing or not which may break a lot of things. Keep it in Update.*
Ambiguity with default behaviour Maybe everything moves when TIME IS MOVE un less if they are STOP And if TIME IS STOP then they are STOP too, unless they explicitely have X IS MOVE Check this logic with basic examples: T=S < Y=S T=M < Y=M are bullets moving ? can you move ?
- Shoot is Dead doesn't trigger Shoot is You correctly FIXED: had to specify the order of Scripts (BulletControl before EffectsApplicator) in Project Settings
REVERSE: path is reversed, if you go back to origin you disappear
LOOP: path loops: you must choose your first steps wisely
SKIP: skips time ??
RED: impact ennemies. could make them reverse, loop, invisible or invincible
- Dead is Shoot Makes bullets deadly ?
- Dead is You (?) Makes you kill on touch ?