This release has been updated following restoration of dependency package reproducible
and other dependencies to CRAN.
for a full list of changes.
- Ubuntu 20.04 (GitHub), R 4.2.3
- Windows (GitHub), R 4.2.3
- Windows (win-builder), R 4.2.3
- macOS 12.6.3 (GitHub), R 4.3.3
- macOS 13.3.1 (mac-builder), R 4.3.3
- macOS 14.4.1 (local), R 4.3.3
- Ubuntu 20.04 (GitHub), R 4.3.3
- Ubuntu 20.04 (local), R 4.3.3
- Windows (GitHub), R 4.3.3
- Windows (local), R 4.3.3
- Windows (win-builder), R 4.3.3
- Ubuntu 20.04 (GitHub), R-devel (2024-04-03 r86304)
- Ubuntu 20.04 (local), R-devel (2024-04-03 r86304)
- Windows (GitHub), R-devel (2024-04-03 r86327 ucrt)
- Windows (win-builder), R-devel (2024-04-03 r86327 ucrt)
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
We see the following NOTEs:
Some words were flagged as possibly misspelled, but they are false positives:
Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION: DES (8:77) Matloff (9:9) Metapackage (5:14) modularity (10:32) rasters (12:73)
A URL was inaccessible by a CRAN machine but is available locally in web browser and via GitHub Actions.
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: From: Status: 403 Message: Forbidden
There are currently no downstream dependencies of this package.