- it is used to calibrate the camera from a set of chess board images.
- use camera calibration pattern
- chessboard images must be more than ten images taken from different orientations.
- saves the camera calibration data in ../camera_data
- for more information follow the instructions under: https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/dc/dbb/tutorial_py_calibration.html
- it is used to calibrate the presepective projection on the camera setting including the depth to the object plane.
- use perspective calibration pattern
- during the prespective calibration, if any pixel coordinate is needed, run $ python cvImage.py and get the desired pixel coordinate.
- for more information follow the instructions under: https://www.fdxlabs.com/calculate-x-y-z-real-world-coordinates-from-a-single-camera-using-opencv/
- once the camera and the perspective_projection are calibrated:
- We have an estimate of the depth from the camera to the object plane
- have access to all the ./camera_data generated from the calibration scripts.
- use the above calculated data to convert a pixel cooudinate (u,v) to a 3D real world co-coordinate (X,Y,Z)