Kinase activity inference from phosphosproteomics data based on substrate sequence specificity
Current version:
Research paper: [ ]
PhosX infers differential kinase activities from phosphoproteomics data without requiring any prior knowledge database of kinase-phosphosite associations. PhosX assigns the detected phosphopeptides to potential upstream kinases based on experimentally determined substrate sequence specificities, and it tests the enrichment of a kinase's potential substrates in the extremes of a ranked list of phosphopeptides using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov-like statistic. A p value for this statistic is extracted empirically by random permutations of the phosphosite ranks.
From PyPI
pip install phosx
From source (requires Poetry)
poetry build
pip install dist/*.whl
phosx [-h] [-p PSSM] [-q PSSM_QUANTILES] [-n N_PERMUTATIONS] [-k N_TOP_KINASES] [-m MIN_N_HITS] [-c N_PROC] [--plot-figures] [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-v] seqrnk
positional arguments:
seqrnk Path to the seqrnk file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PSSM, --pssm PSSM Path to the h5 file storing custom PSSMs; defaults to built-in PSSMs
Path to the h5 file storing custom PSSM score quantile distributions under the key 'pssm_scores'; defaults to built-in PSSM scores quantiles
Number of random permutations; default: 1000
-k N_TOP_KINASES, --n-top-kinases N_TOP_KINASES
Number of top-scoring kinases potentially associatiated to a given phosphosite; default: 8
-m MIN_N_HITS, --min-n-hits MIN_N_HITS
Minimum number of phosphosites associated with a kinase for the kinase to be considered in the analysis; default: 4
-c N_PROC, --n-proc N_PROC
Number of cores used for multithreading; default: 1
--plot-figures Save figures in pdf format; see also --output_dir
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output files directory; only relevant if used with --plot_figures; defaults to 'phosx_output/'
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
Main output table; if not specified it will be printed in STDOUT
-v, --version Print package version and exit
Minimal example to run PhosX with default parameters on an example dataset, using up to 8 cores, and redirecting the output table to kinase_activities.tsv
phosx -c 8 tests/seqrnk/koksal2018_log2.fold.change.8min.seqrnk > kinase_activities.tsv