diff --git a/doc/releases/changelog-dev.md b/doc/releases/changelog-dev.md
index 45b66490b5f..744be5844d7 100644
--- a/doc/releases/changelog-dev.md
+++ b/doc/releases/changelog-dev.md
@@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ such as `shots`, `rng` and `prng_key`.
* Implemented wrapper function for vibrational Hamiltonian calculation and dataclass
for storing the data.
+ * Implemented functions for generating the vibrational Hamiltonian in VSCF basis
+ [(#6688)](https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane/pull/6688)
Improvements ðŸ›
diff --git a/pennylane/qchem/__init__.py b/pennylane/qchem/__init__.py
index 81eba9671cf..c74ae2aa949 100644
--- a/pennylane/qchem/__init__.py
+++ b/pennylane/qchem/__init__.py
@@ -90,4 +90,5 @@
+ vscf_integrals,
diff --git a/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/__init__.py b/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/__init__.py
index 30c88a22bb0..25fcb33290d 100644
--- a/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/__init__.py
+++ b/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
This submodule provides the functionality to calculate vibrational Hamiltonians.
@@ -10,3 +23,4 @@
from .localize_modes import localize_normal_modes
from .vibrational_class import VibrationalPES, optimize_geometry
+from .vscf import vscf_integrals
diff --git a/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/vscf.py b/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/vscf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e08e0d15580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pennylane/qchem/vibrational/vscf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module contains functions to perform VSCF calculation."""
+import numpy as np
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments
+def _build_fock(mode, active_ham_terms, active_terms, modals, h_mat, mode_rot):
+ r"""Builds the fock matrix for each vibrational mode.
+ Args:
+ mode (int): index of the active mode for which the Fock matrix is being calculated
+ active_ham_terms (dict): dictionary containing the active Hamiltonian terms
+ active_terms (list): list containing the active Hamiltonian terms for the given mode
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ h_mat (array[array[float]]): the Hamiltonian matrix
+ mode_rot (TensorLike[float]): rotation matrix for the given vibrational mode
+ Returns:
+ array[array[float]]: fock matrix for the given mode
+ """
+ fock_matrix = np.zeros((modals[mode], modals[mode]))
+ for term in active_terms:
+ ham_term = active_ham_terms[term]
+ h_val, modal_indices, excitation_indices = ham_term[0], list(ham_term[1]), list(ham_term[2])
+ modal_idx = modal_indices.index(mode)
+ i = excitation_indices[modal_idx]
+ j = excitation_indices[modal_idx + len(modal_indices)]
+ if i < modals[mode] and j < modals[mode]:
+ h_val = h_val * np.prod(
+ [h_mat[term, modal] for modal in modal_indices if modal != mode]
+ )
+ fock_matrix[i, j] += h_val
+ fock_matrix = mode_rot.T @ fock_matrix @ mode_rot
+ return fock_matrix
+def _update_h(h_mat, mode, active_ham_terms, mode_rot, active_terms, modals):
+ r"""Updates value of Hamiltonian matrix for a mode after other modes have been rotated.
+ Args:
+ h_mat (array[array[float]]): the Hamiltonian matrix
+ mode (int): index of the active mode for which the Hamiltonian matrix is being updated
+ active_ham_terms (dict): dictionary containing the active Hamiltonian terms
+ mode_rot (array[array[float]]): rotation matrix for a given mode
+ active_terms (list): list containing active Hamiltonian terms for the given mode
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ array[array[float]]: the updated Hamiltonian matrix
+ """
+ u_coeffs = mode_rot[:, 0]
+ for t in active_terms:
+ ham_term = active_ham_terms[t]
+ modal_indices, excitation_indices = ham_term[1], ham_term[2]
+ modal_idx = modal_indices.index(mode)
+ i = excitation_indices[modal_idx]
+ j = excitation_indices[modal_idx + len(modal_indices)]
+ if i < modals[mode] and j < modals[mode]:
+ h_mat[t, mode] = u_coeffs[i] * u_coeffs[j]
+ return h_mat
+def _find_active_terms(h_integrals, modals, cutoff):
+ r"""Identifies the active terms in the Hamiltonian, following the equations 20-22
+ in `J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 235–248 `_.
+ The equation suggests that if mode m is not contained in a Hamiltonian term, it evaluates to zero.
+ Args:
+ h_integrals (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of n-mode expansion of Hamiltonian integrals
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ cutoff (float): threshold value for including matrix elements into operator
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing the following:
+ - dict: dictionary containing the active Hamiltonian terms
+ - dict: dictionary containing the active Hamiltonian terms for all vibrational modes
+ - int: total number of active terms in the Hamiltonian
+ """
+ active_ham_terms = {}
+ active_num = 0
+ nmodes = np.shape(h_integrals[0])[0]
+ for n, ham_n in enumerate(h_integrals):
+ for idx, h_val in np.ndenumerate(ham_n):
+ if np.abs(h_val) < cutoff:
+ continue
+ modal_indices = idx[: n + 1]
+ if all(modal_indices[i] > modal_indices[i + 1] for i in range(n)):
+ excitation_indices = idx[n + 1 :]
+ exc_in_modals = True
+ for m_idx, m in enumerate(modal_indices):
+ i = excitation_indices[m_idx]
+ j = excitation_indices[m_idx + len(modal_indices)]
+ if i >= modals[m] or j >= modals[m]:
+ exc_in_modals = False
+ break
+ if exc_in_modals:
+ active_ham_terms[active_num] = [h_val, modal_indices, excitation_indices]
+ active_num += 1
+ active_mode_terms = {
+ m: [t for t in range(active_num) if m in active_ham_terms[t][1]] for m in range(nmodes)
+ }
+ return active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms, active_num
+def _fock_energy(h_mat, active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms, modals, mode_rots):
+ r"""Calculates vibrational energy.
+ Args:
+ h_mat (array[array[float]]): the Hamiltonian matrix
+ active_ham_terms (dict): dictionary containing the active Hamiltonian terms
+ active_mode_terms (dict): list containing the active Hamiltonian terms for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ mode_rots (List[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for each vibrational mode
+ Returns:
+ float: vibrational energy
+ """
+ nmodes = h_mat.shape[1]
+ e0s = np.zeros(nmodes)
+ for mode in range(nmodes):
+ fock_mat = _build_fock(
+ mode, active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms[mode], modals, h_mat, mode_rots[mode]
+ )
+ e0s[mode] = fock_mat[0, 0]
+ return np.sum(e0s)
+def _vscf(h_integrals, modals, cutoff, tol=1e-8, max_iters=10000):
+ r"""Performs the VSCF calculation.
+ Args:
+ h_integrals (list(TensorLike[float])): list containing Hamiltonian integral matrices
+ modals (list(int)): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ cutoff (float): threshold value for including matrix elements into operator.
+ tol (float): convergence tolerance for vscf calculation
+ max_iters (int): maximum number of iterations for vscf to converge
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple of the following:
+ - float: vscf energy
+ - list[TensorLike[float]]: list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ """
+ nmodes = np.shape(h_integrals[0])[0]
+ active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms, active_num = _find_active_terms(
+ h_integrals, modals, cutoff
+ )
+ mode_rots = [np.eye(modals[mode]) for mode in range(nmodes)]
+ h_mat = np.zeros((active_num, nmodes))
+ for mode in range(nmodes):
+ h_mat = _update_h(
+ h_mat, mode, active_ham_terms, mode_rots[mode], active_mode_terms[mode], modals
+ )
+ e0 = _fock_energy(h_mat, active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms, modals, mode_rots)
+ enew = e0 + 2 * tol
+ for curr_iter in range(max_iters):
+ if curr_iter != 0:
+ e0 = enew
+ for mode in range(nmodes):
+ fock = _build_fock(
+ mode, active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms[mode], modals, h_mat, mode_rots[mode]
+ )
+ _, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(fock)
+ mode_rots[mode] = mode_rots[mode] @ eigvec
+ h_mat = _update_h(
+ h_mat, mode, active_ham_terms, mode_rots[mode], active_mode_terms[mode], modals
+ )
+ fock = np.transpose(eigvec) @ fock @ eigvec
+ enew = _fock_energy(h_mat, active_ham_terms, active_mode_terms, modals, mode_rots)
+ if np.abs(enew - e0) <= tol:
+ break
+ return enew, mode_rots
+def _rotate_one_body(h1, nmodes, mode_rots, modals):
+ r"""Rotates one body integrals.
+ Args:
+ h1 (TensorLike[float]): one-body integrals
+ nmodes (int): number of vibrational modes
+ mode_rots (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ TensorLike[float]: rotated one-body integrals
+ """
+ imax = np.max(modals)
+ h1_rot = np.zeros((nmodes, imax, imax))
+ for m in range(nmodes):
+ h1_rot[m, : modals[m], : modals[m]] = np.einsum(
+ "ij,ia,jb->ab", h1[m, :, :], mode_rots[m][:, : modals[m]], mode_rots[m][:, : modals[m]]
+ )
+ return h1_rot
+def _rotate_two_body(h2, nmodes, mode_rots, modals):
+ r"""Rotates two body integrals.
+ Args:
+ h2 (TensorLike[float]): two-body integrals
+ nmodes (int): number of vibrational modes
+ mode_rots (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ TensorLike[float]: rotated two-body integrals
+ """
+ imax = np.max(modals)
+ U_mats = [mode_rots[m] for m in range(nmodes)]
+ h2_rot = np.zeros((nmodes, nmodes, imax, imax, imax, imax))
+ for m1 in range(nmodes):
+ for m2 in range(nmodes):
+ h2_rot[m1, m2, : modals[m1], : modals[m2], : modals[m1], : modals[m2]] = np.einsum(
+ "ijkl,ia,jb,kc,ld->abcd",
+ h2[m1, m2, :, :, :, :],
+ U_mats[m1][:, : modals[m1]],
+ U_mats[m2][:, : modals[m2]],
+ U_mats[m1][:, : modals[m1]],
+ U_mats[m2][:, : modals[m2]],
+ )
+ return h2_rot
+def _rotate_three_body(h3, nmodes, mode_rots, modals):
+ r"""Rotates three body integrals.
+ Args:
+ h3 (TensorLike[float]): three-body integrals
+ nmodes (int): number of vibrational modes
+ mode_rots (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ TensorLike[float]: rotated three-body integrals
+ """
+ imax = np.max(modals)
+ h3_rot = np.zeros((nmodes, nmodes, nmodes, imax, imax, imax, imax, imax, imax))
+ for m1 in range(nmodes):
+ for m2 in range(nmodes):
+ for m3 in range(nmodes):
+ h3_rot[
+ m1,
+ m2,
+ m3,
+ : modals[m1],
+ : modals[m2],
+ : modals[m3],
+ : modals[m1],
+ : modals[m2],
+ : modals[m3],
+ ] = np.einsum(
+ "ijklmn,ia,jb,kc,ld,me,nf->abcdef",
+ h3[m1, m2, m3, :, :, :, :, :, :],
+ mode_rots[m1][:, : modals[m1]],
+ mode_rots[m2][:, : modals[m2]],
+ mode_rots[m3][:, : modals[m3]],
+ mode_rots[m1][:, : modals[m1]],
+ mode_rots[m2][:, : modals[m2]],
+ mode_rots[m3][:, : modals[m3]],
+ )
+ return h3_rot
+def _rotate_dipole(d_integrals, mode_rots, modals):
+ r"""Generates VSCF rotated dipole.
+ Args:
+ d_integrals (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of n-mode expansion of dipole integrals
+ mode_rots (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ tuple(TensorLike[float]): a tuple of rotated dipole integrals
+ """
+ n = len(d_integrals)
+ nmodes = np.shape(d_integrals[0])[0]
+ imax = np.max(modals)
+ d1_rot = np.zeros((3, nmodes, imax, imax))
+ for alpha in range(3):
+ d1_rot[alpha, ::] = _rotate_one_body(
+ d_integrals[0][alpha, ::], nmodes, mode_rots, modals=modals
+ )
+ dip_data = [d1_rot]
+ if n > 1:
+ d2_rot = np.zeros((3, nmodes, nmodes, imax, imax, imax, imax))
+ for alpha in range(3):
+ d2_rot[alpha, ::] = _rotate_two_body(
+ d_integrals[1][alpha, ::], nmodes, mode_rots, modals=modals
+ )
+ dip_data = [d1_rot, d2_rot]
+ if n > 2:
+ d3_rot = np.zeros((3, nmodes, nmodes, nmodes, imax, imax, imax, imax, imax, imax))
+ for alpha in range(3):
+ d3_rot[alpha, ::] = _rotate_three_body(
+ d_integrals[2][alpha, ::], nmodes, mode_rots, modals=modals
+ )
+ dip_data = [d1_rot, d2_rot, d3_rot]
+ return dip_data
+def _rotate_hamiltonian(h_integrals, mode_rots, modals):
+ r"""Generates VSCF rotated Hamiltonian.
+ Args:
+ h_integrals (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of n-mode expansion of Hamiltonian integrals
+ mode_rots (list[TensorLike[float]]): list of rotation matrices for all vibrational modes
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each mode
+ Returns:
+ tuple(TensorLike[float]): tuple of rotated Hamiltonian integrals
+ """
+ n = len(h_integrals)
+ nmodes = np.shape(h_integrals[0])[0]
+ h1_rot = _rotate_one_body(h_integrals[0], nmodes, mode_rots, modals)
+ h_data = [h1_rot]
+ if n > 1:
+ h2_rot = _rotate_two_body(h_integrals[1], nmodes, mode_rots, modals)
+ h_data = [h1_rot, h2_rot]
+ if n > 2:
+ h3_rot = _rotate_three_body(h_integrals[2], nmodes, mode_rots, modals)
+ h_data = [h1_rot, h2_rot, h3_rot]
+ return h_data
+def vscf_integrals(h_integrals, d_integrals=None, modals=None, cutoff=None, cutoff_ratio=1e-6):
+ r"""Generates vibrational self-consistent field rotated integrals.
+ This function converts the Christiansen vibrational Hamiltonian integrals obtained in the harmonic
+ oscillator basis to integrals in the vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) basis.
+ The implementation is based on the method described in
+ `J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 235–248 `_.
+ Args:
+ h_integrals (list[TensorLike[float]]): List of Hamiltonian integrals for up to 3 coupled vibrational modes.
+ Look at the Usage Details for more information.
+ d_integrals (list[TensorLike[float]]): List of dipole integrals for up to 3 coupled vibrational modes.
+ Look at the Usage Details for more information.
+ modals (list[int]): list containing the maximum number of modals to consider for each vibrational mode.
+ Default value is the maximum number of modals.
+ cutoff (float): threshold value for including matrix elements into operator
+ cutoff_ratio (float): ratio for discarding elements with respect to biggest element in the integrals.
+ Default value is ``1e-6``.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: a tuple containing:
+ - list[TensorLike[float]]: List of Hamiltonian integrals in VSCF basis for up to 3 coupled vibrational modes.
+ - list[TensorLike[float]]: List of dipole integrals in VSCF basis for up to 3 coupled vibrational modes.
+ Returns ``None`` if ``d_integrals`` are ``None``.
+ **Example**
+ >>> h1 = np.array([[[0.00968289, 0.00233724, 0.0007408, 0.00199125],
+ [0.00233724, 0.02958449, 0.00675431, 0.0021936],
+ [0.0007408, 0.00675431, 0.0506012, 0.01280986],
+ [0.00199125, 0.0021936, 0.01280986, 0.07282307]]])
+ >>> qml.qchem.vscf_integrals(h_integrals=[h1], modals=[4,4,4])
+ (
+ [array([[[ 9.36124041e-03, 3.63798208e-19, -3.42019607e-19,
+ -3.83743044e-19],
+ [ 9.59982270e-19, 2.77803512e-02, 5.18290259e-18,
+ -4.82000376e-18],
+ [-2.73826508e-19, 4.88583546e-18, 4.63297357e-02,
+ -2.87022759e-18],
+ [-1.94549340e-19, -5.48544743e-18, -1.41379640e-18,
+ 7.92203227e-02]]])], None
+ )
+ .. details::
+ :title: Usage Details
+ The ``h_integral`` tensor must have one of these dimensions:
+ - 1-mode coupled integrals: `(n, m)`
+ - 2-mode coupled integrals: `(n, n, m, m, m, m)`
+ - 3-mode coupled integrals: `(n, n, n, m, m, m, m, m, m)`
+ where ``n`` is the number of vibrational modes in the molecule and ``m`` represents the number
+ of modals.
+ The ``d_integral`` tensor must have one of these dimensions:
+ - 1-mode coupled integrals: `(3, n, m)`
+ - 2-mode coupled integrals: `(3, n, n, m, m, m, m)`
+ - 3-mode coupled integrals: `(3, n, n, n, m, m, m, m, m, m)`
+ where ``n`` is the number of vibrational modes in the molecule, ``m`` represents the number
+ of modals and the first axis represents the ``x, y, z`` component of the dipole. Default is ``None``.
+ """
+ if len(h_integrals) > 3:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Building n-mode Hamiltonian is not implemented for n equal to {len(h_integrals)}."
+ )
+ if d_integrals is not None:
+ if len(d_integrals) > 3:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Building n-mode dipole is not implemented for n equal to {len(d_integrals)}."
+ )
+ nmodes = np.shape(h_integrals[0])[0]
+ imax = np.shape(h_integrals[0])[1]
+ max_modals = nmodes * [imax]
+ if modals is None:
+ modals = max_modals
+ else:
+ if np.max(modals) > imax:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Number of maximum modals cannot be greater than the modals for unrotated integrals."
+ )
+ imax = np.max(modals)
+ if cutoff is None:
+ max_val = np.max([np.max(np.abs(H)) for H in h_integrals])
+ cutoff = max_val * cutoff_ratio
+ _, mode_rots = _vscf(h_integrals, modals=max_modals, cutoff=cutoff)
+ h_data = _rotate_hamiltonian(h_integrals, mode_rots, modals)
+ if d_integrals is not None:
+ dip_data = _rotate_dipole(d_integrals, mode_rots, modals)
+ return h_data, dip_data
+ return h_data, None
diff --git a/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_cform_ham.hdf5 b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_cform_ham.hdf5
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4161e01aab8
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_cform_ham.hdf5 differ
diff --git a/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_vscf_result.hdf5 b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_vscf_result.hdf5
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fd04ae2a2e
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_ref_files/H2S_vscf_result.hdf5 differ
diff --git a/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_vscf.py b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_vscf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0198611917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qchem/vibrational/test_vscf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This module contains tests for functions needed to do vscf calculations.
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from pennylane.qchem import vibrational
+from pennylane.qchem.vibrational import vscf
+# pylint: disable=protected-access
+h5py = pytest.importorskip("h5py")
+cform_file = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "test_ref_files" / "H2S_cform_ham.hdf5"
+# Data was generated for H2S molecule with geometry (in Angstrom)
+# [['H', [0.0,-1.0,-1.0]], ['H', [0.0,1.0,-1.0]], ['S', [0.0,0.0,0.0]]],
+# basis=6-31g, quad_order=9 and nbos=4 for localized modes.
+with h5py.File(cform_file, "r") as f:
+ h1_h2s = f["H1"][()]
+ h2_h2s = f["H2"][()]
+ h3_h2s = f["H3"][()]
+ d1_h2s = f["D1"][()]
+ d2_h2s = f["D2"][()]
+ d3_h2s = f["D3"][()]
+h_data_h2s = [h1_h2s, h2_h2s, h3_h2s]
+dip_data_h2s = [d1_h2s, d2_h2s, d3_h2s]
+result_file = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "test_ref_files" / "H2S_vscf_result.hdf5"
+with h5py.File(result_file, "r") as f:
+ h1_h2s = f["H1_rot"][()]
+ h2_h2s = f["H2_rot"][()]
+ h3_h2s = f["H3_rot"][()]
+ d1_h2s = f["D1_rot"][()]
+ d2_h2s = f["D2_rot"][()]
+ d3_h2s = f["D3_rot"][()]
+ energy = f["energy"][()]
+ u_mat = f["u_mat"][()]
+ h1_full = f["H1_full"][()]
+ h2_full = f["H2_full"][()]
+h2s_exp_result = {
+ "h_data": [h1_h2s, h2_h2s, h3_h2s],
+ "h_full": [h1_full, h2_full],
+ "dip_data": [d1_h2s, d2_h2s, d3_h2s],
+ "energy": energy,
+ "u_mat": u_mat,
+def test_error_vscf_integrals():
+ r"""Test that an error is raised if wrong shape is provided for Hamiltonian"""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="Building n-mode Hamiltonian is not implemented for n equal to 4"
+ ):
+ vibrational.vscf_integrals(h_integrals=[1, 2, 3, 4])
+def test_error_vscf_dipole():
+ r"""Test that an error is raised if wrong shape is provided for dipole."""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="Building n-mode dipole is not implemented for n equal to 4"
+ ):
+ vibrational.vscf_integrals(h_integrals=[1, 2, 3], d_integrals=[1, 2, 3, 4])
+ ("h_data"),
+ [
+ (h_data_h2s),
+ ],
+def test_modal_error(h_data):
+ r"""Test that an error is raised if number of modals provided is incorrect"""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match="Number of maximum modals cannot be greater than the modals for unrotated integrals.",
+ ):
+ vibrational.vscf_integrals(h_integrals=h_data, modals=[5, 5, 5])
+ ("h_data", "h2s_result"),
+ [
+ (h_data_h2s, h2s_exp_result),
+ ],
+def test_vscf_calculation(h_data, h2s_result):
+ r"""Test that vscf calculation produces correct energy and rotation matrices"""
+ vib_energy, rot_matrix = vscf._vscf(h_data, modals=[3, 3, 3], cutoff=1e-8)
+ assert np.isclose(vib_energy, h2s_result["energy"])
+ assert np.allclose(rot_matrix, h2s_result["u_mat"])
+ ("h_data", "dip_data", "h2s_result"),
+ [
+ (h_data_h2s, dip_data_h2s, h2s_exp_result),
+ ],
+def test_vscf_integrals_dipole(h_data, dip_data, h2s_result):
+ r"""Test that correct rotated Hamiltonian and dipole is produced."""
+ result_h, result_dip = vscf.vscf_integrals(h_data, dip_data, modals=[3, 3, 3], cutoff=1e-8)
+ expected_h = h2s_result["h_data"]
+ expected_dip = h2s_result["dip_data"]
+ assert np.allclose(result_h[0], expected_h[0])
+ assert np.allclose(result_h[1], expected_h[1])
+ assert np.allclose(result_h[2], expected_h[2])
+ assert np.allclose(result_dip[0], expected_dip[0])
+ assert np.allclose(result_dip[1], expected_dip[1])
+ assert np.allclose(result_dip[2], expected_dip[2])
+ ("h_data", "h2s_result", "modals", "cutoff"),
+ [
+ (h_data_h2s, h2s_exp_result["h_data"], [3, 3, 3], 1e-8),
+ (h_data_h2s[0:2], h2s_exp_result["h_full"], None, None),
+ ],
+def test_vscf_integrals(h_data, h2s_result, modals, cutoff):
+ r"""Test that correct rotated Hamiltonian is produced."""
+ result_h, result_dip = vscf.vscf_integrals(h_data, modals=modals, cutoff=cutoff)
+ for idx, h in enumerate(result_h):
+ assert np.allclose(h, h2s_result[idx])
+ assert result_dip is None