I. Assembly Language Programming Exercises/Experiments using 8086 Trainer kit
II. Exercises/Experiments using MASM (PC required)
III. Interfacing Exercises/Experiments with 8086 trainer kit through Assembly Language programming
IV. Exercises/Experiments using 8051 trainer kit
I. Experiments related to the operating system.
II. Exercises/Experiments related to the assemblers, loaders and macroprocessors
(Minimum 10 Exercises (at least 2 questions from each part I, II, III & IV) ) : 2 Hrs/week
I. Assembly Language Programming Exercises/Experiments using 8086 Trainer kit
1. Implementation of simple decimal arithmetic and bit manipulation operations.
2. Implementation of code conversion between BCD, Binary, Hexadecimal and ASCII.
3. Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
II. Exercises/Experiments using MASM (PC Required)
4. Study of Assembler and Debugging commands.
5. Implementation of decimal arithmetic (16 and 32 bit) operations.
6. Implementation of String manipulations.
7. Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
III. Interfacing Exercises/Experiments with 8086 trainer kit through Assembly Language Programming
8. Interfacing with stepper motor - Rotate through any given sequence.
9. Interfacing with 8255 (mode0 and mode1 only).
10. Interfacing with 8279 (Rolling message, 2 key lockout and N-key rollover implementation).
11. Interfacing with Digital-to-Analog Converter.
IV. Exercises/Experiments using 8051 trainer kit
12. Familiarization of 8051 trainer kit by executing simple Assembly Language programs such as decimal arithmetic and bit manipulation.
13. Implementation of Timer programming (in mode1).
(Minimum 8 Exercises (at least 3 and 5 questions from each part V and VI)) : 2 Hrs/week
V. Exercises/Experiments from operating system
1. Simulate the following non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find turnaround time and waiting time.
a) FCFS b) SJF c) Round Robin (pre-emptive) d) Priority
2. Simulate the following file allocation strategies.
a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
3. Implement the different paging techniques of memory management.
4. Simulate the following file organization techniques
a) Single level directory b) Two level directory c) Hierarchical
5. Implement the banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
6. Simulate the following disk scheduling algorithms.
7. Simulate the following page replacement algorithms:
VI. Exercises/Experiments from assemblers, loaders and macroprocessor
1. Implement pass one of a two pass assembler.
2. Implement pass two of a two pass assembler.
3. Implement a single pass assembler.
4. Implement a two pass macro processor
5.Implement a single pass macro processor.
6. Implement an absolute loader.
7. Implement a relocating loader