IdaiKuri (Generic Simple Template Engine)
A Generic Simple Template Engine which maps Function Calls and Variables in templates(based on regex pattern) with code to create Files as variants of the Template Choosen.
Check out the example code in repo ( ) for reference
To be used to fill a template from code using
variables and function definitions in code and
function calls in template
Sample usage of the file is as given below (Refer TemplateFiles for template examples)
from IdaiKuri .Filler import FillerTemplateEngine as TemplateEngine
from IdaiKuri .Filler import Interface
TE = TemplateEngine ();
TE .InFile ("TemplateFiles/Template_DefaultCase1.html" , True );
temp_vars = TE .VARS ();
temp_vars .Portrait = "images/GuidoVanRossum.png" ;
temp_vars .Logo = "images/PythonLogo.png" ;
temp_vars .FullName = "Guido Van Rossum" ;
temp_vars .Position = "Python's Benevolent Dictator for life" ;
temp_vars .Quote = "In Python, every symbol you type is essential." ;
temp_vars .Author = "Guido van Rossum" ;
result_dict = TE .OutFile (temp_vars , "GeneratedFiles/GuidoVanRossum_DefaultCase1.html" );
Interface is the decorator to be used to define methods in child class extended from class
Sample code for using Interface decorator is shown below (Refer Examples for more understanding)
from IdaiKuri .Filler import FillerTemplateEngine as TemplateEngine
from IdaiKuri .Filler import Interface
class AdvancedTemplate (TemplateEngine ):
def get_portrait (self , name ):
return "images/" + name .replace (" " ,"" )+ ".png" ;
def get_logo (self , contrib ):
return "images/" + contrib + "Logo.png"
TemplateEngine (class from
Initialising class helps to configure the RegexEdges and it also validates the pattern based on the second parameter FuncCallTemplate
Arg1 - RegexEdges (a tuple with start and end delimiters)
Arg2 - FuncCallTemplate is the sample string with "self.FUNC_CALL()" keyword to validate the RegexEdges
Sample regex configurations in TemplateEngine Initialisation is shown below.
## Default RegexEdges=("{{", "}}"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{{self.FUNC_CALL()}}"
TE1 = TemplateEngine ();
## RegexEdges=("_StArT_", "_eNd_"),
## FuncCallTemplate="_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_"
TE2 = TemplateEngine (("_StArT_" , "_eNd_" ), "_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_" );
## RegexEdges=("<<", ">>"),
## FuncCallTemplate="<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>"
TE3 = TemplateEngine (("<<" , ">>" ), "<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>" );
## RegexEdges=("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]"
TE4 = TemplateEngine (("\\ [\\ [" , "\\ ]\\ ]" ), "[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]" );
## RegexEdges=("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]"
TE5 = TemplateEngine (("{\\ [<{\\ [" , "}\\ ]>}\\ ]" ), "{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]" );
Gets the Template Name/Path of the template function calls that is going to be used.
Will initialize the MapDict for updating the function calls in the template.
## Definition
def InFile (self , TemplateName , DebugTokens = False ):
Arg1 - TemplateName (a String that contains the Path/Name of the template)
Arg2 - DebugTokens (If True prints the function calls of template, If false doesnt print)
Returns an Instance of the an empty class, for argument variables storage.
Defines the file Name/Path that needs to be generated with the filled content from the template.
It edits the template based on the dependencies/arguments of the template function calls.
## Definition
def OutFile (self , FuncArgVars , UniqueName ):
Arg 1 - FuncArgVars (an instance of class with appropriate members filled)
Arg 2 - UniqueName (filename to be generated with the edited template content)
MapDict - the result as a dictionary ( keys : func_calls and values : Return_values)
To be used to parse a file by comparing
function calls in a template and
file that is generated using the template
Sample usage of the file is as given below (Refer TemplateFiles for template examples)
from IdaiKuri .Parser import ParserTemplateEngine as TemplateEngine
PE = TemplateEngine ();
print ("\n " , "Template_DefaultCase1.html" , "GuidoVanRossum_DefaultCase1.html" , "\n " );
diffdict = PE .Root ("TemplateFiles/Template_DefaultCase1.html" , "GeneratedFiles/GuidoVanRossum_DefaultCase1.html" );
for key in diffdict .keys ():
print (" " , key , "->" , diffdict [key ]);
TemplateEngine (class from
Initialising class helps to configure the RegexEdges and it also validates the pattern based on the second parameter FuncCallTemplate
Arg1 - RegexEdges (a tuple with start and end delimiters)
Arg2 - FuncCallTemplate is the sample string with "self.FUNC_CALL()" keyword to validate the RegexEdges
Sample regex configurations in TemplateEngine Initialisation is shown below
## Default RegexEdges=("{{", "}}"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{{self.FUNC_CALL()}}"
TE1 = TemplateEngine ();
## RegexEdges=("_StArT_", "_eNd_"),
## FuncCallTemplate="_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_"
TE2 = TemplateEngine (("_StArT_" , "_eNd_" ), "_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_" );
## RegexEdges=("<<", ">>"),
## FuncCallTemplate="<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>"
TE3 = TemplateEngine (("<<" , ">>" ), "<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>" );
## RegexEdges=("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]"
TE4 = TemplateEngine (("\\ [\\ [" , "\\ ]\\ ]" ), "[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]" );
## RegexEdges=("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]"
TE5 = TemplateEngine (("{\\ [<{\\ [" , "}\\ ]>}\\ ]" ), "{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]" );
Parses the template Name/Path and file Name/Path.
Returns the differences between them as a dict.
## Definition
def Root (self , TemplateName , FileName ):
Arg 1 - TemplateName (Name of the template to be edited)
Arg 2 - FileName (filename to be generated with the edited template content)
RootDict - the result as a dictionary (keys : func_calls and values : Return_values)