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Ost Wallet Browser Sdk Workflows

Workflows are a sequency of tasks that need to performed to achive the intended outcome. Ost Wallet Browser Sdk supports following workflows:

Setup Device Workflow

This workflow enables the browser-sdk to communicate with the Ost Platform and should be performed on every page load. Follow the these steps to perform setup device workflow.

Create an object of setup device workflow delegate,

    let sdkDelegate =  new OstSetupDeviceDelegate();

Define registerDevice method.

When the instance gets the callback, your application must post this data to your application server. When your application receives the request, the application sever must use the server side sdk's create device api.

    // Define register device.
    sdkDelegate.registerDevice = function( apiParams ) {
      // YOUR CODE HERE.

Define flowComplete method.

    //Define flowComplete
    sdkDelegate.flowComplete = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity ) => {
      console.log("setupDeviceWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowComplete called");
      // Other things your application might want to do.

Define flowInterupt method.

    //Define flowInterrupt
    sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt = (ostWorkflowContext , ostError) => {
      console.log("setupDeviceWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt called");
      // Your application may want to disable wallet related functionality here.

Invoke the workflow

To invoke the workflow you will need two things:

  • ost_user_id - User Id of the logged-in user.
  • token_id- Token Id of your brand token economy.
let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN USER'S OST-USER-ID";
let token_id = "YOUR ECONOMY'S Id";
let workflowId = OstWalletSdk.setupDevice(ost_user_id, token_id, sdkDelegate);

/// use workflowId to subscribe to events.

Create Session Workflow

A session is a period of time during which a sessionKey is authorized to sign transactions under a pre-set limit per transaction on behalf of the user. Follow the these steps to perform create session workflow.

Create an object of create session workflow delegate.

    let sdkDelegate =  new OstWorkflowDelegate();

Define requestAcknowledged method.

    //Define requestAcknowledged
    sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity) => {
      console.log("createSessionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged called");
      /* TODO: Show the QR code to the user. */

Define flowComplete method.

    //Define flowComplete
    sdkDelegate.flowComplete = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity ) => {
      console.log("createSessionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowComplete called");
      // Other things your application might want to do like executing transaction

Define flowInterupt method.

    //Define flowInterrupt
    sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt = (ostWorkflowContext , ostError) => {
      console.log("createSessionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt called");
      // Session creation failed

Invoke the workflow

To invoke the workflow you will need three things:

  • ost_user_id - User Id of the logged-in user.
  • expiryTime- session key expiry timestamp.
  • spendingLimit- higher unit spending limit once in a transaction of session.

Higher units conversion to Lower units is seen as the decimals specified for that token economy. If value of decimals is 6 then the conversion would be 1 Higher Unit = 1000000 Lower units.

let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN_USERS_OST_USER_ID";
/* Set session expiry to 7 days from now. */
let expiryTime = parseInt( + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
/* Set spedning limit as 100 BTs */
let spendingLimit = 100; 
let workflowId = OstWalletSdk.createSession(ost_user_id, expiryTime, spendingLimit ,sdkDelegate);

/// use workflowId to subscribe to events.

Execute Transaction Workflow

A transaction where tokens are transferred from a user to another actor within are signed using sessionKey if there is an active session. In the absence of an active session, a new session is authorized. Follow the these steps to perform Execute Transaction workflow.

Create an object of create session workflow delegate

    let sdkDelegate =  new OstWorkflowDelegate();

Define requestAcknowledged method

  //Define requestAcknowledged
  sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged = function(ostWorkflowContext, ostContextEntity) {
    console.log("ExecuteTransactionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged called");
    //  Main communication between the wallet SDK and Ost Platform server is complete.

Define flowComplete method

    //Define flowComplete
    sdkDelegate.flowComplete = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity ) => {
      console.log("ExecuteTransactionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowComplete called");
      // Execute Transaction is successfully executed.

Define flowInterupt method

    //Define flowInterrupt
    sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt = (ostWorkflowContext , ostError) => {
      console.log("ExecuteTransactionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt called");
      // Execute Transaction failed.

Invoke the workflow

There are two types of method available for invoking execute transaction.

  • Direct Transfer
  • Execute Pay

Direct Transfer

It is direct token to token transfer. To invoke the Direct Transfer you will need three things:

  • 'ost_user_id' - User Id of the logged-in user.
  • 'token_holder_addresses' - Token Holder Address of the receiver.
  • 'amounts' - Amount needed to be send.
let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN_USERS_OST_USER_ID";
let token_holder_address = "RECEPIENTS_TOKENHOLDER_ADDRESS";

let workflowId = OstWalletSdk.executeDirectTransfer(ost_user_id, {
                    token_holder_addresses : [token_holder_address],
                    amounts: [amount] 

Execute Pay

It accepts amount in cent and then internally converts it into token and send resultant amount to the receiver. To invoke the Execute Pay you will need three things:

  • 'ost_user_id' - User Id of the logged-in user.
  • 'token_holder_addresses' - Token Holder Address of the receiver.
  • 'amounts' - Amount needed to be send.
  • options parameter in which currency_code is passed. Currency_code determines currency type.

There are three currency type -

  • USD
  • GBP
  • EUR
let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN USER'S OST-USER-ID";
let token_holder_address = "TOKEN HOLDER ADDRESS OF RECEIVER";
let currency_type = "CURRENCY CODE SELECTED BY USER";

let workflowId = OstWalletSdk.executePayTransaction(currentUser.user_id, {
                    token_holder_addresses: [tokenHolderAddress],
                    amounts: [amount],
                    options: {
                        currency_code: currency_type
/// use workflowId to subscribe to events.

Subscribe to workflow events

Subscription to workflow events can be performed in three ways:

Susbscribe by workflow Id

All event of particular workflow id can be delivered on subscribing it.

 OstWalletSdk.subscribe("flowInitiated", workflowId, (workflowContext) => {
      consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);

 OstWalletSdk.subscribe("requestAcknowledged", workflowId, (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
      consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
      consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);
      //Perfrom action on requestAcknowledged

 OstWalletSdk.subscribe("flowCompleted", workflowId, (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
      consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
      consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);
      //Perfrom action on flowCompleted
 OstWalletSdk.subscribe("flowInterrupted", workflowId, (workflowContext, ostError) => {
      consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
      consloe.log("ostError : ", ostError);
      //Perfrom action on flowInterrupted

Susbscribe by user Id

To get all workflow events performed by user, subscribe to user id.

let userId = <OST_USER_ID>
OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInitiated", (workflowContext) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   //Perfrom action on flowInitiated for user id 
}, userId);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("requestAcknowledged", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);
   //Perfrom action on requestAcknowledged for user id 
}, userId);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowCompleted", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);
   //Perfrom action on flowCompleted for user id  
}, userId);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInterrupted", (workflowContext, ostError) => {
  consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
  consloe.log("ostError : ", ostError);
  //Perfrom action on flowInterrupted for user id
}, userId);

Susbscribe to all workflow events

Developer can subscribe to all workflow event.

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInitiated", (workflowContext) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("requestAcknowledged", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);


OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowCompleted", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInterrupted", (workflowContext, ostError) => {
  consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
  consloe.log("ostError : ", ostError);