Meeting links:
Meeting ID:926-356-596
- Show github project struct
- Where to find the docs
- The server API originally developed in Ruby has been completely rewritten in Golang.
- Integrate Gitaly as the default git server.
- Remove the need for a domain name to run application space, inference, and fine-tuning on a local machine.
Release notes:
- Dataset Viewer enhanced to support subset and split filter, and to support content search.
- Prompt library to create, save and share good LLM prompts.
- Move tag management from csghub to csghub-server
- Move discussion module from csghub to csghub-server
- Install csghub with all-in-one script, but can't run model inference
- v0.9.0 initialises hardware resources, inference and funetine frameworks in all-in-one install script