This repo contains my lab works and solved problems from different books
Code::Blocks IDE for most C/C++ programs in College and {C} & C++ (Tested in Windows 7 and Windows 10)
Turbo C++ 4.5 for Computer Graphics (Tested in Windows 10)
MATLAB R2016a for Computer Organization and Architecture (COA), Data Communication and Digital Signal Analysis and Processing (DSAP) (Tested in Windows 7)
Visual Studio Community 2015 for some programs in {C} and C++ (Tested in Windows 7)
8085 simulator for the programs in Microprocessor. To install the simulator run SETUP.exe. (Tested in Windows 7)
SWI-Prolog for the lab programs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Tested in Windows 7)
Tested the codes in Operating System (OS) in Ubuntu
- Let Us C Thirteenth Edition by Yashavant P. Kanetkar for Let Us C
- A Simplified Book on Computer Science Grade-XII First Edition 2011 by Suresh Kumar Shrestha and Bidya Nand Yadav for Computer Book
- Let Us C++ Second Edition by Yashavant P. Kanetkar for Let Us C++
- Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition by Robert Lafore for Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (pdf for this book is in this folder)