diff --git a/src/misc/m.cdo.download/Makefile b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f21db8621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = m.cdo.download
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script
diff --git a/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.html b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c35bb2472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.html
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+m.cdo.download downloads data from
+NCEI's Climate Data
+Online (CDO) using their v2 API.
+This module uses the CDO
+Web Services v2 API to download CDO data.
+List available datasets:
+m.cdo.download fetch=datasets
+List available dataset IDs without column names:
+m.cdo.download -c fetch=datasets fields=id
+List available stations within (47.5204,-122.2047)-(47.6139,-122.1065):
+m.cdo.download fetch=stations extent=47.5204,-122.2047,47.6139,-122.1065
+List available "precipitation" and "average temperature"
+data types:
+m.cdo.download fetch=datatypes field=id,mindate,maxdate,name |
+grep -i "|precipitation\||average temperature"
+List 10 available stations with PRCP and TAVG data starting 2023-01-01:
+m.cdo.download fetch=stations datatypeid=PRCP,TAVG startdate=2023-01-01 limit=10
+Fetch daily PRCP and TAVG data for a station with mindate ≤ 2023-01-01 and
+save it into a file:
+# find dataset IDs for data types PRCP and TAVG; let's use GHCND (Daily Summary)
+m.cdo.download fetch=datasets datatypeid=PRCP,TAVG
+# find the first station ID with mindate ≤ 2023-01-01
+stationid=$(m.cdo.download -c fetch=stations datatypeid=PRCP,TAVG \
+ startdate=2023-01-01 fields=id limit=1)
+# fetch actual data and save it to data.txt
+m.cdo.download fetch=data datasetid=GHCND datatypeid=PRCP,TAVG \
+ stationid=$stationid startdate=2023-01-01 enddate=2023-10-15 \
+ output=data.txt
+Create a point vector map with all stations:
+# from a latlong location
+# download metadata for all stations
+m.cdo.download stations output=cdo_stations.txt
+# import cdo_stations.txt
+xy=$(awk -F'|' '{
+ if (NR == 1) {
+ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
+ if ($i == "latitude")
+ latind = i
+ else if ($i == "quot;longitude"quot;)
+ lonind = i
+ printf "x=%s y=%s", lonind, latind
+ exit
+ }
+}' cdo_stations.txt)
+v.in.ascii input=cdo_stations.txt output=cdo_stations skip=1 $xy
+# rename columns
+old_cols=$(db.columns table=cdo_stations exclude=cat)
+new_cols=$(head -1 cdo_stations.txt | sed 's/|/ /g')
+for old_new in $(echo $old_cols $new_cols |
+ awk '{
+ n = NF / 2
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ printf "%s,%s\n", $i, $(i + n)
+ }'); do
+ v.db.renamecolumn map=cdo_stations column=$old_new
+Huidae Cho, New Mexico State University
diff --git a/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.py b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..43d63da789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m.cdo.download.py
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# MODULE: m.cdo.download
+# AUTHOR(S): Huidae Cho
+# PURPOSE: Downloads data from NCEI's Climate Data Online (CDO) using
+# their v2 API.
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2023 by Huidae Cho and the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+# %module
+# % description: Downloads data from NCEI's Climate Data Online (CDO) using their v2 API.
+# % keyword: NOAA
+# % keyword: NCEI
+# % keyword: Climate Data Online
+# % keyword: CDO
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: fetch
+# % type: string
+# % description: Fetch available metadata or actual data for this specific item
+# % options: datasets,datacategories,datatypes,locationcategories,locations,stations,data
+# % answer: data
+# % required: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: datasetid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Dataset ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: datacategoryid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Data category ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: datatypeid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Data type ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: locationcategoryid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Location category ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: locationid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Location ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: stationid
+# % type: string
+# % description: Station ID
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: startdate
+# % type: string
+# % description: Start date in YYYY-MM-DD or date time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (for data only)
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: enddate
+# % type: string
+# % description: End date in YYYY-MM-DD or date time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (for data only)
+# %end
+# %option G_OPT_M_COORDS
+# % key: extent
+# % description: Extent in lower-left and upper-right coordinates in degrees
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: units
+# % type: string
+# % description: Units for data (raw for no conversion)
+# % options: raw,standard,metric
+# % answer: metric
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: includemetadata
+# % type: string
+# % description: Include metadata when actually fetching data (slower)
+# % options: true,false
+# % answer: false
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: sortfield
+# % type: string
+# % description: Sort field
+# % options: id,name,mindate,maxdate,datacoverage
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: sortorder
+# % type: string
+# % description: Sort order
+# % options: asc,desc
+# % answer: asc
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: limit
+# % type: integer
+# % description: Max number of results (0 for unlimited; can be > 1000)
+# % answer: 0
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: offset
+# % type: integer
+# % description: 1-based offset for the first result
+# % answer: 1
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: fields
+# % type: string
+# % description: Fields to print
+# % multiple: yes
+# %end
+# %option G_OPT_F_SEP
+# %end
+# %option
+# % key: indent
+# % type: integer
+# % description: Indent for JSON format (-1 for single line per record)
+# % answer: 2
+# %end
+# %option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
+# % required: no
+# %end
+# %flag
+# % key: c
+# % label: Do not include column names in output
+# %end
+# %flag
+# % key: j
+# % label: Print output in JSON
+# %end
+# %flag
+# % key: u
+# % label: Print the request URL and exit
+# %end
+import sys
+import os
+import requests
+import json
+import grass.script as grass
+from grass.script.utils import separator
+api_url = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/cdo-web/api/v2"
+datasets_url = f"{api_url}/datasets"
+datacategories_url = f"{api_url}/datacategories"
+datatypes_url = f"{api_url}/datatypes"
+locationcategories_url = f"{api_url}/locationcategories"
+locations_url = f"{api_url}/locations"
+stations_url = f"{api_url}/stations"
+data_url = f"{api_url}/data"
+max_limit = 1000
+# CDO API tokens
+tokens_env_name = "CDO_API_TOKENS"
+def append_url_params(url, params):
+ return f"{url}{'&' if '?' in url else '?'}{params}"
+def fetch_once(endpoint, offset, limit):
+ request_url = append_url_params(
+ f"{api_url}/{endpoint}", f"limit={limit}&offset={offset}"
+ )
+ response = None
+ for token in tokens:
+ ret = requests.get(request_url, headers={"token": token})
+ if ret.status_code != 200:
+ continue
+ try:
+ response = ret.json()
+ except:
+ continue
+ if "message" in response:
+ if token != tokens[len(tokens) - 1] and (
+ "per day" in response["message"] or "per second" in response["message"]
+ ):
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise Exception(response["message"])
+ break
+ if response is None:
+ grass.fatal(_("Failed to fetch data"))
+ return response
+def fetch_many(endpoint, offset, limit):
+ lim = min(limit, max_limit)
+ grass.message(_("Fetching %d-%d...") % (offset, offset + lim - 1))
+ response = fetch_once(endpoint, offset, lim)
+ records = response["results"] if "results" in response else [response]
+ if "metadata" in response:
+ count = response["metadata"]["resultset"]["count"]
+ offset += lim
+ limit -= lim
+ while offset <= count and offset <= limit:
+ lim = min(limit, max_limit)
+ grass.message(
+ _("Fetching %d-%d of %d...") % (offset, offset + lim - 1, count)
+ )
+ response = fetch_once(endpoint, offset, lim)
+ if "results" not in response:
+ response["results"] = []
+ for record in response["results"]:
+ records.append(record)
+ offset += lim
+ limit -= lim
+ return records
+def fetch_all(endpoint, offset=1):
+ limit = max_limit
+ grass.message(_("Fetching %d-%d...") % (offset, limit))
+ response = fetch_once(endpoint, offset, limit)
+ records = response["results"] if "results" in response else [response]
+ if "metadata" in response:
+ count = response["metadata"]["resultset"]["count"]
+ offset += limit
+ while offset <= count:
+ grass.message(
+ _("Fetching %d-%d of %d...") % (offset, offset + limit - 1, count)
+ )
+ response = fetch_once(endpoint, offset, limit)
+ if "results" not in response:
+ response["results"] = []
+ for record in response["results"]:
+ records.append(record)
+ offset += limit
+ return records
+def find_keys(records, fields):
+ keys = []
+ for record in records:
+ if fields:
+ for key in fields:
+ if key not in keys and key in record:
+ keys.append(key)
+ else:
+ for key in record:
+ if key not in keys:
+ keys.append(key)
+ return keys
+def print_json(outf, records, fields, indent):
+ if fields:
+ keys = find_keys(records, fields)
+ recs = []
+ for record in records:
+ rec = {}
+ for key in keys:
+ if key in record:
+ rec[key] = record[key]
+ recs.append(rec)
+ records = recs
+ if indent < 0:
+ print("[\n" + ",\n".join(json.dumps(rec) for rec in records) + "\n]", file=outf)
+ else:
+ print(json.dumps(records, indent=indent), file=outf)
+def print_table(outf, records, fields, fs, exclude_colnames):
+ if len(records) > 0:
+ keys = find_keys(records, fields)
+ if not exclude_colnames:
+ print(fs.join(keys), file=outf)
+ for record in records:
+ cols = []
+ for key in keys:
+ cols.append(record[key] if key in record else "")
+ print(fs.join(map(str, cols)), file=outf)
+def main():
+ global tokens
+ if tokens_env_name not in os.environ or not os.environ[tokens_env_name]:
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ "Please define an environment variable %s with CDO API tokens separated by a comma"
+ )
+ % tokens_env_name
+ )
+ tokens = os.environ[tokens_env_name].split(",")
+ fetch = options["fetch"]
+ datasetid = options["datasetid"]
+ datacategoryid = options["datacategoryid"]
+ datatypeid = options["datatypeid"]
+ locationcategoryid = options["locationcategoryid"]
+ locationid = options["locationid"]
+ stationid = options["stationid"]
+ startdate = options["startdate"]
+ enddate = options["enddate"]
+ extent = options["extent"]
+ units = options["units"]
+ includemetadata = options["includemetadata"]
+ sortfield = options["sortfield"]
+ sortorder = options["sortorder"]
+ limit = int(options["limit"])
+ offset = int(options["offset"])
+ fields = options["fields"]
+ fields = fields.split(",") if fields else []
+ fs = separator(options["separator"])
+ indent = int(options["indent"])
+ output = options["output"]
+ exclude_colnames = flags["c"]
+ json_format = flags["j"]
+ print_url = flags["u"]
+ if datacategoryid and fetch not in (
+ "datacategories",
+ "datatypes",
+ "locations",
+ "stations",
+ ):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ " supported only for fetching datacategories, datatypes, locations, or stations"
+ )
+ )
+ if datatypeid and fetch not in ("datasets", "datatypes", "stations", "data"):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ " supported only for fetching datasets, datatypes, stations, or data"
+ )
+ )
+ if locationcategoryid and fetch not in ("locationcategories", "locations"):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ " supported only for fetching locationcategories or locations"
+ )
+ )
+ if locationid and fetch not in (
+ "datasets",
+ "datacategories",
+ "datatypes",
+ "locations",
+ "stations",
+ "data",
+ ):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ " supported only for fetching datasets, datacategories, datatypes, locations, stations, or data"
+ )
+ )
+ if stationid and fetch not in (
+ "datasets",
+ "datacategories",
+ "datatypes",
+ "stations",
+ "data",
+ ):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(
+ " supported only for fetching datasets, datacategories, datatypes, stations, or data"
+ )
+ )
+ if extent:
+ if fetch == "stations":
+ extent = extent.split(",")
+ if len(extent) != 4:
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(" must have lower-left and upper-right coordinates")
+ )
+ else:
+ grass.fatal(_(" supported only for fetching stations"))
+ if fetch == "data" and (not datasetid or not startdate or not enddate):
+ grass.fatal(
+ _(" requires all of , , and ")
+ )
+ if limit < 0:
+ grass.fatal(_(" must be >= 0"))
+ if offset <= 0:
+ grass.fatal(_(" must be >= 1"))
+ if indent < -1:
+ grass.fatal(_(" must be >= -1"))
+ endpoint = fetch
+ if fetch.endswith("ies"):
+ itemid = fetch[: len(fetch) - 3] + "yid"
+ else:
+ itemid = fetch[: len(fetch) - 1] + "id"
+ if itemid in options:
+ endpoint += f"/{options[itemid]}"
+ for key in (
+ "datasetid",
+ "datacategoryid",
+ "datatypeid",
+ "locationcategoryid",
+ "locationid",
+ "stationid",
+ "startdate",
+ "enddate",
+ "extent",
+ "units",
+ "includemetadata",
+ "sortfield",
+ "sortorder",
+ ):
+ if options[key] and (
+ key not in ("units", "includemetadata") or fetch == "data"
+ ):
+ endpoint = append_url_params(endpoint, f"{key}={options[key]}")
+ if output in ("", "-", "/dev/stdout"):
+ outf = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ outf = open(output, "w")
+ try:
+ if print_url:
+ if limit > 0:
+ endpoint = append_url_params(endpoint, f"limit={limit}")
+ if offset > 1:
+ endpoint = append_url_params(endpoint, f"offset={offset}")
+ url = f"{api_url}/{endpoint}"
+ print(url, file=outf)
+ else:
+ if limit > 0:
+ records = fetch_many(endpoint, offset, limit)
+ else:
+ records = fetch_all(endpoint, offset)
+ if json_format:
+ print_json(outf, records, fields, indent)
+ else:
+ print_table(outf, records, fields, fs, exclude_colnames)
+ finally:
+ if outf is not sys.stdout:
+ outf.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m_cdo_download_cdo_stations.png b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m_cdo_download_cdo_stations.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..762e0770de
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/misc/m.cdo.download/m_cdo_download_cdo_stations.png differ