.. shortname:: IDA
.. built_in_by_default::
.. deprecated_driver:: version_targeted_for_removal: 3.5 env_variable: GDAL_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_DRIVER_IDA
GDAL supports reading and writing IDA images with some limitations. IDA images are the image format of WinDisp 4. The files are always one band only of 8bit data. IDA files often have the extension .img though that is not required.
Projection and georeferencing information is read though some projections (i.e. Meteosat, and Hammer-Aitoff) are not supported. When writing IDA files the projection must have a false easting and false northing of zero. The support coordinate systems in IDA are Geographic, Lambert Conformal Conic, Lambert Azimuth Equal Area, Albers Equal-Area Conic and Goodes Homolosine.
IDA files typically contain values scaled to 8bit via a slope and offset. These are returned as the slope and offset values of the bands and they must be used if the data is to be rescaled to original raw values for analysis.
NOTE: Implemented as gdal/frmts/raw/idadataset.cpp
See Also: WinDisp
.. supports_createcopy::
.. supports_create::
.. supports_georeferencing::
.. supports_virtualio::