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Releases: OMS-NetZero/FAIR

Restarts for Geoffroy temperature function and GIR carbon cycle

15 Feb 23:10
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An old feature given a new lease of life.

Updates to ozone forcing

25 Jan 21:19
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This micro version introduces an updated treatment to the ozone forcing, which allows for a dependence on N2O concentrations, and a temperature-dependent ozone feedback (this was previously included with the stevenson treatment, but has now been simplified to be a linear function of temperature). The new treatment follows CMIP6 and AerChemMIP experiments:

Thornhill et al., 2021:
Thornhill et al., accepted:
Skeie et al., 2020:

Default coefficients that link the emissions to the CMIP6 model forcing in Skeie et al. are provided. In fair_scm() use tropO3_forcing=thornhill-skeie to use the new treatment.

Ozone forcing is not split into tropospheric and stratospheric components. For ease of communication with existing versions of FaIR, we maintain the forcing column indices, but all ozone forcing is put into the tropospheric bin (index 4 in 13-species FaIR, or index 31 in 45-species FaIR).

45-species FaIR

29 Sep 14:39
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This version expands the multispecies version of FaIR to report 45 (previously 41) forcing species. Some fixes for running concentration driven runs with the 45-species FaIR have been implemented as well as including specified forcing and Geoffroy temperature options for inverse FaIR. scmdata interface has been removed.

Fix for 45-species concentration driven runs

17 Sep 10:02
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Minor version incremented to reflect bug fix that previously used 13-species indices for some species when concentration-driven. All other functionality same as 1.6.0 series.

Compatibility with scmdata-0.7.1

15 Sep 12:31
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No other changes, just plumbing

Delete rogue print statement

01 Sep 11:20
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v1.6 release candidate

13 Jul 09:36
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  • Geoffroy two-layer temperature specification
  • Reading of emissions files using the ScmDataFrame
  • setup and communication with openscm-runner

Day to day operation unchanged from v1.5 - should be no surprises.

openscm-runner alpha version

09 Jul 16:10
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This version should contain all the right stuff to run FaIR from openscm-runner.

openSCM testing

08 Jul 12:50
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Inclusion of airborne fraction

Also testing this version with PyPI upload through openscm-runner

more plumbing for openscm-runner

07 Jul 10:11
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Also graft the SSP data into the distribution.