init_db.sh script from qs_prod (Rust QuickStart)
Adapt init_db.sh to Python/Alembic
How do we create the DB Schema programmatically with Alembic?
Fix FK Constraints on the alembic revision
Add indices and confirm unique constraints in the alembic revision
Create models/schemas --> scrap schemas for mapping functions
Read: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/metadata.html#accessing-tables-and-columns
Read: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/basic_relationships.html#basic-relationship-patterns
Transitions TextNote Table, Model, Alembic code to Event table
Transition EventKind PK to not be AUTO INCREMENT
Read about SQLAlchemy ORM: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/
Read about SQLAlchemy Integration with dataclasses: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/dataclasses.html
For Models and Alembic - Determine whether to use server_default or default
Read: https://amercader.net/blog/beware-of-json-fields-in-sqlalchemy/
Examine relationships between job, batch, filter, subscription, and relay
Pre-populate some data (within pipeline) based on filter_handler and job_manager
Adapt init_db.sh to spin up a test DB or create independent tests.sh script
Ensure tests and fixtures work
Determine a test DB setup for now
Create CRUD strategy and implement for first involved DB tables: Admin (Relay, Relay Config) *** BOOKMARK ***
Finish making changes to Admin and add tests
Implement CRUD strategy for FilterManager (Subscription) and JobManager (Job, potentally New Batch table)
Fill out and create tests for all other classes
Read enough information from DB to setup examples/historical v0.1 process
Establish DB Connection code for the application itself (https://testdriven.io/blog/fastapi-sqlmodel/)
Read about Tornado and explore Async options
Read: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/extensions/asyncio.html
Determine what type to use for
on the Event table -
Upgrade SQLModel and Alebmic to use async code (https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/cookbook.html)
FastAPI for Admin and other functions
Write the daily and onboard processes for the scheduler
Fix tests
Write Relays, Relay Configs, Job Config, Filter Config, Subscription Record Database
Logging system
Setup equivalent to the Rust CI/CD Pipeline
- Is there a way to include DB migrations in CI/CD?
Tests and Test DB startup script (copy postgres data between 2 schemas; shutdown the test-db after running)