DBX provides a macro to hook all queries (exec
or query
This can be done with around_query_or_exec(&block) macro.
This macro allows injecting code to be run before and after the execution
of the request. It should return the yielded value. It must be called with 1
block argument that will be used to pass the args : Enumerable
This macro should be called at the top level, not from a method.
DBX.around_query_or_exec do |args|
puts "before"
res = yield
puts "after"
puts res.class
puts "exec" if res.is_a?(DB::ExecResult)
puts "query" if res.is_a?(DB::ResultSet)
puts "with args:"
pp args
Be careful of the performance penalty that each hook may cause, be aware that your code will be executed at each query and exec.
around_query_or_exec(&block) is useful for debugging and profiling all queries.
Example to measure query execution time:
DBX.around_query_or_exec do |args|
start = Time.monotonic
res = yield
elapsed_time = Time.monotonic - start
puts "Query execution time: #{elapsed_time}"