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File metadata and controls

44 lines (28 loc) · 1.36 KB


Various Scripts for making life easier. Includes files in various formats, but primarily in PowerShell.

Suggestions, recommendations, and pull requests highly appreciated!


Below are some tips when it comes to using these scripts. They aren't requirements, but do make use a lot simpler.


For ease of use (especially on more complex scripts), I recommend creating a PSD1 file containing your preset parameters, and then splatting those parameters at execution time.

For an example using /CISA Vulnerability Management/Get-CisaReport.ps1:

  1. Mirror or download the repository to a secure local directory

  2. Create the file /CISA Vulnerability Management/params_Get-CisaReport.psd1

  3. Give it contents such as:

	ConfigPath = 'C:\\scripts\\CISA\\cisa_config.csv'
	OutputPath = 'C:\\scripts\\CISA\\Outputs'
	UseNumericName = $true
	BulkAssignments = $true


Make sure you properly escape any required characters! The hashtable will be parsed as a standard PowerShell object.

Then, when calling the script from PowerShell, do it like so:

# Read parameters from PSD1 file
$params = Import-PowerShellDataFile .\params_Get-CisaReport.psd1

# Splat them at the script, and add any additionals after.
.\Get-CisaReport.ps1 @params -BulletinUrl ""