diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index dadcb4f..09f210d 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ /.quarto/ /_site/ -NewGraphEnvironment.bib posts/2024-06-19-precipitation/data/*.nc posts/2024-06-30-land-cover/data/**/*.tif diff --git a/assets/NewGraphEnvironment.bib b/assets/NewGraphEnvironment.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16e0469 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/NewGraphEnvironment.bib @@ -0,0 +1,12028 @@ +@misc{20210506LDNUFNEMBmtgcountryfoodsendlanduseFinalpdf, + title = {2021-05-06\_{{LDN UFN EMB}} Mtg\_country Foods and End Land use\_{{Final}}.Pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RVNASXSJ/2021-05-06_ldn_ufn_emb_mtg_country_foods_and_end_land_use_final.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{adair_etal2002ManagementTechniques, + title = {Management and {{Techniques}} for {{Riparian Restoration}}}, + author = {Adair, Steve and Dereske, Mary Lee and Doyle, James and Edwards, Anthony and Jacobson, Sandra and Jemison, Roy and Lewis, Lisa and Melgin, Wendy and Napper, Carolyn and Ratcliff, Tom and Warhol, Terry}, + year = {2002}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr102_2.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q9ARQHRS/adair_et_al_2002_management_and_techniques_for_riparian_restoration.pdf} +} + +@article{adams_hale2009RiparianHealth, + title = {Riparian {{Health Assessmentfor Streams}} \& {{Small Rivers}}}, + author = {Adams, B W and Hale, G}, + year = {2009}, + pages = {128}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D3MCYWYF/adams_hale_2009_riparian_health_assessmentfor_streams_&_small_rivers.pdf} +} + +@techreport{akers_etal2022DuncanLake, + title = {Duncan {{Lake Reservoir Phosphorus Retention}}: {{Updated Analysis}} of {{Dam Operational Impacts}} (2021)}, + author = {Akers, J and Larratt and {Olson-Russello}, M.A.}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/corporate/environment-sustainability/water-use-planning/southern-interior/DDMWORKS-3-study-period-2021-2022nov01.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/225467ZB/2022 - DDMWORKS-3 Duncan Lake Reservoir Phosphorus Rete.pdf} +} + +@article{akre_etal2019Concurrentvisual, + title = {Concurrent Visual Encounter Sampling Validates {{eDNA}} Selectivity and Sensitivity for the Endangered Wood Turtle ({{Glyptemys}} Insculpta)}, + author = {Akre, Thomas S. and Parker, Lillian D. and Ruther, Ellery and Maldonado, Jesus E. and Lemmon, Lorien and McInerney, Nancy Rotzel}, + editor = {Doi, Hideyuki}, + year = {2019}, + month = apr, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {14}, + number = {4}, + pages = {e0215586}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0215586}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215586}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) has been used to record the presence of many different organisms in several different aquatic and terrestrial environments. Although eDNA has been demonstrated as a useful tool for the detection of invasive and/or cryptic and declining species, this approach is subject to the same considerations that limit the interpretation of results from traditional survey techniques (e.g. imperfect detection). The wood turtle is a cryptic semi-aquatic species that is declining across its range and, like so many chelonian species, is in-need of a rapid and effective method for monitoring distribution and abundance. To meet this need, we used an eDNA approach to sample for wood turtle presence in northern Virginia streams. At the same time, we used repeat visual encounter surveys in an occupancy-modelling framework to validate our eDNA results and reveal the relationship of detection and occupancy for both methods. We sampled 37 stream reaches of varying size within and beyond the known distribution of the wood turtle across northern Virginia. Wood turtle occupancy probability was 0.54 (0.31, 0.76) and while detection probability for wood turtle occupancy was high (0.88; 0.58, 0.98), our detection of turtle abundance was markedly lower (0.28; 0.21, 0.37). We detected eDNA at 76\% of sites confirmed occupied by VES and at an additional three sites where turtles were not detected but were known to occur. Environmental DNA occupancy probability was 0.55 (0.29, 0.78); directly comparable to the VES occupancy estimate. Higher probabilities of detecting wood turtle eDNA were associated with higher turtle densities, an increasing number of days since the last rainfall, lower water temperatures, and lower relative discharges. Our results suggest that eDNA technology holds promise for sampling aquatic chelonians in some systems, even when discharge is high and biomass is relatively low, when the approach is validated and sampling error is quantified.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ADFWTH44/Akre et al. - 2019 - Concurrent visual encounter sampling validates eDN.pdf} +} + +@article{albers_etal2015FloodingNechako, + title = {Flooding in the {{Nechako River Basin}} of {{Canada}}: {{A}} Random Forest Modeling Approach to Flood Analysis in a Regulated Reservoir System}, + shorttitle = {Flooding in the {{Nechako River Basin}} of {{Canada}}}, + author = {Albers, Sam J. and D{\'e}ry, Stephen J. and Petticrew, Ellen L.}, + year = {2015}, + journal = {Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques}, + volume = {41}, + number = {1-2}, + pages = {250--260}, + issn = {0701-1784, 1918-1817}, + doi = {10.1080/07011784.2015.1109480}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07011784.2015.1109480}, + urldate = {2021-11-22}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JECVNZPE/albers_et_al_2015_flooding_in_the_nechako_river_basin_of_canada_-_a_random_forest_modeling.pdf} +} + +@misc{allaire_etal2023rmarkdownDynamic, + title = {Rmarkdown: {{Dynamic Documents}} for {{R}}}, + shorttitle = {Rmarkdown}, + author = {Allaire, {\relax JJ} and Xie, Yihui and Dervieux, Christophe and McPherson, Jonathan and Luraschi, Javier and Ushey, Kevin and Atkins, Aron and Wickham, Hadley and Cheng, Joe and Chang, Winston and Iannone, Richard}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown}, + urldate = {2024-05-29}, + abstract = {Dynamic Documents for R}, + copyright = {GPL-3.0} +} + +@article{allison_etal2021effectsilica, + title = {The Effect of Silica Desiccation under Different Storage Conditions on Filter-Immobilized Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Allison, Michael J. and Round, Jessica M. and Bergman, Lauren C. and Mirabzadeh, Ali and Allen, Heather and Weir, Aron and Helbing, Caren C.}, + year = {2021}, + month = dec, + journal = {BMC Research Notes}, + volume = {14}, + number = {1}, + pages = {106}, + issn = {1756-0500}, + doi = {10.1186/s13104-021-05530-x}, + url = {https://bmcresnotes.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13104-021-05530-x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Objective:{\enspace} Silica gel beads have promise as a non-toxic, cost-effective, portable method for storing environmental DNA (eDNA) immobilized on filter membranes. Consequently, many ecological surveys are turning to silica bead filter desiccation rather than ethanol preservation. However, no systematic evaluation of silica bead storage conditions or duration past 1 week has been published. The present study evaluates the quality of filter-immobilized eDNA desiccated with silica gel under different storage conditions for over a year using targeted quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based assays. Results:{\enspace} While the detection of relatively abundant eDNA target was stable over 15 months from either ethanol- or silica gel-preserved filters at - 20 and 4 {$^\circ$}C, silica gel out-performed ethanol preservation at 23 {$^\circ$}C by preventing a progressive decrease in eDNA sample quality. Silica gel filter desiccation preserved low abundance eDNA equally well up to 1 month regardless of storage temperature (18, 4, or - 20 {$^\circ$}C). However only storage at - 20 {$^\circ$}C prevented a noticeable decrease in detectability at 5 and 12 months. The results indicate that brief storage of eDNA filters with silica gel beads up to 1 month can be successfully accomplished at a range of temperatures. However, longer-term storage should be at - 20 {$^\circ$}C to maximize sample integrity.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B8MT7HCK/Allison et al. - 2021 - The effect of silica desiccation under different s.pdf} +} + +@misc{ambrose_etalRiparianHealth, + title = {Riparian {{Health Assessment}} for {{Lakes}}, {{Sloughs}}, and {{Wetlands}} - {{Field Workbook Second Edition}}}, + author = {Ambrose, N and Ehlert, G and {Spicer-Rawe}}, + url = {https://cowsandfish.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/LakesandWetlandsRHAWorkbook2020-1.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Edition. Modified from Fitch, L., B. W. Adams, and G. Hale, 2001.\\ +Riparian Health Assessment for Streams and Small Rivers - Field\\ +Workbook. Lethbridge, Alberta. Cows and Fish program. 96 pgs.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KUCA5P5G/ambrose_et_al_riparian_health_assessment_for_lakes,_sloughs,_and_wetlands_-_field_workbook.pdf} +} + +@techreport{amec2014Appendix6E, + title = {Appendix 5.1.2.{{6E Blackwater Gold Project Effects Assessment}} of {{Davidson Creek Flow Augmentation}} on {{Homing}} of {{Salmonid Fish}}}, + author = {{AMEC}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f95e036fb0105768495/download/Appendix%}, + urldate = {2022-01-26}, + annotation = {Version A}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WXCYLVG8/amec_2014_appendix_5.1.2.6e_blackwater_gold_project_effects_assessment_of_davidson_creek.pdf} +} + +@misc{amec2015VolSec, + title = {Vol 3 - {{Sec}} 5.3.9 - {{Fish Habitat}}}, + author = {{AMEC}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f9ce036fb01057684f9/download/Vol%203%20-%20Sec%205.3.9%20-%20Fish%20Habitat.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NZUZJ93R/amec_2015_vol_3_-_sec_5.3.9_-_fish_habitat.pdf} +} + +@misc{amec2015VolSeca, + title = {Vol 4 - {{Sec}} 5.5 - {{Summary}} of {{Assessment}} of {{Environmental Effects}}}, + author = {{AMEC}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f9be036fb01057684e8/download/Vol%204%20-%20Sec%205.5%20-%20Summary%20of%20Assessment%20of%20Environmental%20Effects.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-26}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UBH8Q7Y7/amec_2015_vol_4_-_sec_5.5_-_summary_of_assessment_of_environmental_effects.pdf} +} + +@misc{amecenvironment&infrastructure2015Appendix6C, + title = {Appendix 5.1.2.{{6C}} - {{Fisheries Mitigation}} and {{Offsetting Plan}}.Pdf}, + author = {{AMEC Environment \& Infrastructure}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f95e036fb0105768497/download/Appendix%}, + urldate = {2021-04-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JXKDHNBN/amec_environment_&_infrastructure_2015_appendix_5.1.2.6c_-_fisheries_mitigation_and_offsetting_plan.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{amecenvironment&infrastructure2015Appendix6D, + title = {Appendix 5.1.2.{{6D}} - {{Instream Flow Study}}.Pdf}, + author = {{AMEC Environment \& Infrastructure}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f95e036fb0105768496/download/Appendix%}, + urldate = {2021-04-24} +} + +@misc{amies-galonski_etal2022FISSFish, + title = {{{FISS Fish Density Exploratory Analysis}} 2021}, + author = {{Amies-Galonski}, E and Thorley, J and Irvine, A and Norris, S}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Poisson Consulting}, + url = {https://poissonconsulting.ca/temporary-hidden-link/1386346791/fissr-explore-21/}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {Draft: 2022-03-31 09:57:34 The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is: Amies-Galonski, E.C., Thorley, J.L., Irvine, A., and Norris, S. (2022) FISS Fish Density Exploratory Analysis 2021. A Poisson Consulting Analysis Appendix.}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BSJ8MPBG/fissr-explore-21.html} +} + +@article{anderson_etal1997UseClove, + title = {The {{Use}} of {{Clove Oil}} as an {{Anesthetic}} for {{Rainbow Trout}} and {{Its Effects}} on {{Swimming Performance}}}, + author = {Anderson, W. Gary and McKinley, R. Scott and Colavecchia, Maria}, + year = {1997}, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {17}, + number = {2}, + pages = {301--307}, + issn = {1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/1548-8675(1997)017<0301:TUOCOA>2.3.CO;2}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1577/1548-8675%281997%29017%3C0301%3ATUOCOA%3E2.3.CO%3B2}, + urldate = {2024-11-05}, + abstract = {The only anesthetic registered in North America for use in fisheries science is 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester methanesulfate (tricaine or MS-222). Although MS-222 is a very effective anesthesia for several fish species, its application in the field is limited because U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines demand a 21-d withdrawal period after exposure to MS-222 before fish can be released and enter the food chain. As a consequence, carbon dioxide (CO2) has been used as a substitute anesthetic; however, induction and recovery times with CO2 are long, and anesthesia is shallow in comparison with MS-222. We compared the efficacy of MS-222 to that of clove oil, a naturally occurring substance, for use as an anesthetic for juvenile and adult rainbow trout Onchorhynchus mykiss. Clove oil was as effective as MS-222 in inducing anesthesia in both age-groups. Furthermore, exposure to either clove oil or MS-222 at the concentrations tested was not detrimental to critical swimming speed of juvenile or adult rainbow trout. We propose that clove oil be considered as an alternative to MS-222 for use as a fish anesthetic.}, + copyright = {{\copyright} 1997 American Fisheries Society}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{anderson_etal2013Dispersaltributary, + title = {Dispersal and Tributary Immigration by Juvenile Coho Salmon Contribute to Spatial Expansion during Colonisation}, + author = {Anderson, Joseph H. and Pess, George R. and Kiffney, Peter M. and Bennett, Todd R. and Faulds, Paul L. and Atlas, William I. and Quinn, Thomas P.}, + year = {2013}, + journal = {Ecology of Freshwater Fish}, + volume = {22}, + number = {1}, + pages = {30}, + issn = {0906-6691}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/13813204/Dispersal_and_tributary_immigration_by_juvenile_coho_salmon_contribute_to_spatial_expansion_during_colonisation}, + urldate = {2023-07-31}, + abstract = {Dispersal and tributary immigration by juvenile coho salmon contribute to spatial expansion during colonisation}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S3U3M2I8/anderson_et_al_2013_dispersal_and_tributary_immigration_by_juvenile_coho_salmon_contribute_to.pdf} +} + +@article{antill_etal2013RecruitmentBiochronology, + title = {Recruitment {{Biochronology}} of {{Nechako White Sturgeon}}}, + author = {Antill, Tim and Racicot, Mark and Yarmish, Jason}, + year = {2013}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8EHBKG7W/Antill - Recruitment Biochronology of Nechako White Sturgeo.pdf} +} + +@techreport{anzac_sens, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Anzac Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS14823018}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2013}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51630} +} + +@misc{App78BCBulltroutBrochpdf, + title = {App78\_{{BC}}\_{{Bulltrout}}\_{{Broch}}.Pdf}, + url = {https://www.nwcouncil.org/sites/default/files/App78_BC_Bulltrout_Broch.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-19} +} + +@misc{Appendix2AHumanHealthEcologicalRiskAssessmentpdf2015, + title = {Appendix 9.2.{{2A}} - {{Human Health}} and {{Ecological Risk Assessment}}.Pdf}, + year = {2015}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E2DU8MAZ/2015_appendix_9.2.2a_-_human_health_and_ecological_risk_assessment.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{Appendix6AFisheriesBaselinePartpdf, + title = {Appendix 5.1.2.{{6A}} - {{Fisheries Baseline}} ({{Part}} 1 of 2).Pdf}, + url = {https://projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f95e036fb010576849a/download/Appendix%}, + urldate = {2021-04-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8IFKP9CL/appendix_5.1.2.6a_-_fisheries_baseline_(part_1_of_2).pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{Appendix6BFishBaselinepdf, + title = {Appendix 5.1.2.{{6B}} - {{Fish Baseline}}.Pdf}, + url = {https://projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f95e036fb0105768498/download/Appendix%}, + urldate = {2021-04-25}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HZP9QJQC/appendix_5.1.2.6b_-_fish_baseline.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{AppendixB1SiteLocations2021kmz, + title = {Appendix {{B-1 Site Locations}} 2021.Kmz}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HI33JYPK/Appendix B-1 Site Locations.kmz} +} + +@techreport{aquaticecosystemsexpertteam2018AquaticEcosystems, + title = {Aquatic {{Ecosystems Cumulative Effects Assessment Report}}}, + author = {{Aquatic Ecosystems Expert Team}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects/final_ev_cemf_aquatic_ecosystems_cea_report_24072018.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-31}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K5DJ9GYT/aquatic_ecosystems_expert_team_2018_aquatic_ecosystems_cumulative_effects_assessment_report.pdf} +} + +@article{AquaticEffectsMonitoringProgramPlan2022, + title = {Aquatic {{Effects Monitoring Program Plan}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {150}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UK5TEYXD/2022_aquatic_effects_monitoring_program_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{AquaticEffectsMonitoringProgramPlan2022a, + title = {Aquatic {{Effects Monitoring Program Plan}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {150}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EHHYLTQQ/2022_aquatic_effects_monitoring_program_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{AquaticReportCatalogue, + title = {Aquatic {{Report Catalogue}}}, + journal = {First Nations Information Gathering on Kokanee, Bull Trout and Arctic Grayling TSEKHENE FIRST NATIONS FWCP PEA-F19-F-2866}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=57248}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3I8CEAAX/viewReport.html} +} + +@misc{aquaticresourcesltd_2000Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} of the {{Decker-Stearns Landscape Unit}}, {{Burns Lake Community Forest}}}, + author = {{Aquatic Resources Ltd.}}, + year = {2000}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=3360}, + urldate = {2024-03-27}, + annotation = {Prepared for:\\ +Babine Forest Products\\ +Burns Lake, BC}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z23M6Q6H/aquatic_resources_ltd._2000_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_of_the_decker-stearns.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/694B9EX3/viewReport.html} +} + +@article{armstrong_etal2023Liberatingtrails, + title = {Liberating Trails and Travel Routes in {{Gitxsan}} and {{Wet}}'suwet'en {{Territories}} from the Tyrannies of Heritage Resource Management Regimes}, + author = {Armstrong, Chelsey Geralda and Spice, Anne and Ridsdale, Mike and Welch, John R.}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {American Anthropologist}, + volume = {125}, + number = {2}, + pages = {361--376}, + issn = {1548-1433}, + doi = {10.1111/aman.13817}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/aman.13817}, + urldate = {2024-11-12}, + abstract = {Despite their unmistakable significance in regional histories and unique roles in cultural transmission and traditions, Indigenous trail systems are frequently ignored in non-Indigenous heritage resource management regimes. These regulatory regimes often require that heritage have discrete spatial and temporal boundaries and predefined material attributes and functions. However, as landscape-scale connectors of peoples, places, and times that blend spiritual, economic, and educational functions, trails challenge these proscriptions. Trails eschew cost-effective identification, documentation, and conservation. Accordingly, and because trails cannot be adequately documented without the expertise of people whose lands and communities they serve, archaeologists tasked with identifying heritage in advance of resource extraction and land alteration projects often omit trails from assessments. Shortcomings in heritage conservation regimes in British Columbia and elsewhere are resulting in the obliteration of Indigenous trails at precisely the time they are needed to support the revitalization of Territory-Community relationships at the core of Indigeneity. We address this tragedy by integrating archaeology, ethnography, remote sensing, and collaborative fieldwork to document trails in Wet'suwet'en and Gitxsan Territories. This enables protection in heritage management contexts and renewed and expanded trail use in intergenerational and intercultural contexts in support of Indigenous community futurity, survivance, and shared senses of community, geography, and stewardship.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {compliance archaeology,Gitxsan,heritage resource management,historical ecology,mapping,trail archaeology,trails,Wet'suwet'en}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YBP5EF6Q/aman.html} +} + +@techreport{artemisgoldinc2021AssessmentAlternatives, + title = {Assessment of {{Alternatives}} for {{Mine Waste Storage}} for the {{Blackwater Gold Project Summary}}}, + author = {{Artemis Gold Inc}}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {6}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/pdf/consultations/blackwater/02_Alternatives_Assessment_Report_PLS.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {June 2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FBYJVXJ6/artemis_gold_inc_2021_assessment_of_alternatives_for_mine_waste_storage_for_the_blackwater_gold.pdf} +} + +@article{Assemblagesgeomorphicunitsbuildingblockapproachanalysisinterpretationrivercharacterbehaviourconditionrecovery, + title = {Assemblages of Geomorphic Units: {{A}} Building Block Approach to Analysis and Interpretation of River Character, Behaviour, Condition and Recovery}, + shorttitle = {Assemblages of Geomorphic Units}, + doi = {10.1002/esp.5264}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/esp.5264}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M5BBV24S/esp.html} +} + +@article{AssessingEffectivenessFishHabitatCompensationActivitiesCanadaMonitoringDesignMetrics, + title = {Assessing the {{Effectiveness}} of {{Fish Habitat Compensation Activities}} in {{Canada}}: {{Monitoring Design}} and {{Metrics}}}, + pages = {24}, + abstract = {To report on their operational activities, DFO Habitat managers must evaluate the adequacy of fish habitat compensation projects in accomplishing the intended management goals. To assess the success of these habitat compensation works or activities in achieving the expected result, three broad categories of monitoring tools are available; `effectiveness' monitoring; `functional' monitoring, and `compliance' monitoring.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/85RRTELH/assessing_the_effectiveness_of_fish_habitat_compensation_activities_in_canada_-.pdf} +} + +@misc{AssessmentAlternativesMineWasteDisposalSummary, + title = {Assessment of {{Alternatives}} for {{Mine Waste Disposal Summary}}}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/pdf/consultations/blackwater/04_fhcp_plain_language_summary.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q5HJLQCS/assessment_of_alternatives_for_mine_waste_disposal_summary.pdf} +} + +@article{atkinson_lake2020Prioritizingriparian, + title = {Prioritizing Riparian Corridors for Ecosystem Restoration in Urbanizing Watersheds}, + author = {Atkinson, Samuel F. and Lake, Matthew C.}, + year = {2020}, + month = feb, + journal = {PeerJ}, + volume = {8}, + pages = {e8174}, + issn = {2167-8359}, + doi = {10.7717/peerj.8174}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7006517/}, + urldate = {2024-02-16}, + abstract = {Background Riparian corridors can affect nutrient, organic matter, and sediment transport, all of which shape water quality in streams and connected downstream waters. When functioning riparian corridors remain intact, they provide highly valued water quality ecosystem services. However, in rapidly urbanizing watersheds, riparian corridors are susceptible to development modifications that adversely affect those ecosystem services. Protecting high quality riparian corridors or restoring low quality corridors are widely advocated as watershed level water quality management options for protecting those ecosystem services. The two approaches, protection or restoration, should be viewed as complementary by watershed managers and provide a foundation for targeting highly functioning riparian corridors for protection or for identifying poorly functioning corridors for restoration. Ascertaining which strategy to use is often motivated by a specific ecosystem service, for example water quality, upon which watershed management is focused. We have previously reported on a spatially explicit model that focused on identifying riparian corridors that have specific characteristics that make them well suited for purposes of preservation and protection focused on water quality. Here we hypothesize that focusing on restoration, rather than protection, can be the basis for developing a watershed level strategy for improving water quality in urbanizing watersheds. Methods The model described here represents a geographic information system (GIS) based approach that utilizes riparian characteristics extracted from 40-meter wide corridors centered on streams and rivers. The model focuses on drinking water reservoir watersheds that can be analyzed at the sub-watershed level. Sub-watershed riparian data (vegetation, soil erodibility and surface slope) are scaled and weighted based on watershed management theories for water quality, and riparian restoration scores are assigned. Those scores are used to rank order riparian zones --the lower the score the higher the priority for riparian restoration. Results The model was applied to 90 sub-watersheds in the watershed of an important drinking water reservoir in north central Texas, USA. Results from this study area suggest that corridor scores were found to be most correlated to the amount of: forested vegetation, residential land use, soils in the highest erodibility class, and highest surface slope (r2~=~0.92, p~{$<~$}0.0001). Scores allow watershed managers to rapidly focus on riparian corridors most in need of restoration. A beneficial feature of the model is that it also allows investigation of multiple scenarios of restoration strategies (e.g.,~ revegetation, soil stabilization, flood plain leveling), giving watershed managers a tool to compare and contrast watershed level management plans.}, + pmcid = {PMC7006517}, + pmid = {32117600}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z9AWZFEE/atkinson_lake_2020_prioritizing_riparian_corridors_for_ecosystem_restoration_in_urbanizing.pdf} +} + +@misc{b_c_conservationdatacentre2021BCSpecies, + title = {{{BC Species}} and {{Ecosystems Explorer}}}, + author = {{B.C. Conservation Data Centre}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/}, + urldate = {2021-02-13}, + annotation = {B.C. Minist. of Environ. Victoria, B.C.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LTV63KVY/eswp.html} +} + +@misc{b_c_ministryofenvironment2014ManagementPlan, + title = {Management {{Plan}} for the {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Clarkii Lewisi) in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{B.C. Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eirs/finishDownloadDocument.do?subdocumentId=9781}, + urldate = {2020-11-23} +} + +@misc{b_c_ministryofwaterlandandresourcestewardship2023ManagementPlan, + title = {Management {{Plan}} for {{Bull Trout}} ({{Salvelinus}} Confluentus) in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship}}, + year = {2023}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B6DIT3MZ/2023 - Management Plan for Bull Trout (Salvelinus conflue.pdf} +} + +@article{babiukNulkiTachickLakes, + title = {Nulki-{{Tachick Lakes Macrophyte Harvesting Program Feasibility Study}}}, + author = {Babiuk, Sandra}, + number = {22}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2PYGBY6Q/Babiuk - Nulki-Tachick Lakes Macrophyte Harvesting Program .pdf} +} + +@article{bair_etal2021newdatadriven, + title = {A New Data-Driven Riparian Revegetation Design Method}, + author = {Bair, John H. and Loya, Sunny and Powell, Brian and Lee, James C.}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Ecosphere}, + volume = {12}, + number = {8}, + pages = {e03718}, + issn = {2150-8925}, + doi = {10.1002/ecs2.3718}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ecs2.3718}, + urldate = {2024-02-16}, + abstract = {Hydrologic and physical gradients influence vegetation zonation and can form the basis of riparian revegetation design. We present a new data-driven method to develop riparian revegetation designs by relating the ground height above river (HAR) or a low streamflow water surface as a groundwater proxy to existing vegetation cover types and applying those relationships to design conditions. Steps in the process are as follows: (1) map existing vegetation within the riparian corridor; (2) construct existing and design topographic and groundwater digital elevation models (DEMs), and then difference those DEMs to create a HAR detrended DEM (HAR dtDEM); (3) define existing vegetation habitat zones using the relationship between existing HAR dtDEM and mapped vegetation cover types; (4) apply habitat zone boundaries to detrended design topography; and (5) develop planting schematics using habitat zones and detrended design topography. We developed a revegetation design for a rehabilitation site on the Trinity River, California, using the HAR dtDEM method. We used a data-driven method to define five habitat zones in riparian areas: aquatic, emergent margin, mesic, mesic--xeric transition, and xeric zones. Zonal boundaries were identified using four criteria: (1) capillary fringe elevation above the low flow water surface, (2) shifts from herbaceous to woody-dominated cover types, (3) a difference equal to or {$>$}0.5 m between two adjacent ranked cover types, and (4) locations where a linear trendline intersected median HAR values or where a group of regression residuals changed from positive to negative or vice versa. The capillary fringe height was the most effective method when determining vegetation zones near the channel. The shift between herbaceous and woody-dominated cover types defined the boundary between the emergent margin and mesic zone. Elevation increases {$>$}0.5 m between adjacent ranked cover types defined the upper and lower mesic--xeric transition zone boundaries best. Comparing linear residuals was most useful for separating drier cover types occurring on higher ground surfaces. Existing habitat zone boundaries were applied to detrended design topography to direct which selected native plant species could be arranged within habitat zones to improve planting survival and increase ecological function following rehabilitation.}, + copyright = {{\copyright} 2021 The Authors.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {cover type,detrended DEM,habitat zones,height above river,revegetation,riparian restoration,riparian revegetation,vegetation patterns,zonation}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9PHQPE4I/bair_et_al_2021_a_new_data-driven_riparian_revegetation_design_method.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DZVJ7MHW/ecs2.html} +} + +@article{baird_hajibabaei2012Biomonitoring20, + title = {Biomonitoring 2.0: A New Paradigm in Ecosystem Assessment Made Possible by Next-generation {{DNA}} Sequencing}, + shorttitle = {Biomonitoring 2.0}, + author = {Baird, Donald J. and Hajibabaei, Mehrdad}, + year = {2012}, + month = apr, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {8}, + pages = {2039--2044}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05519.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05519.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Biological monitoring has failed to develop from simple binary assessment outcomes of the impacted {\textfractionsolidus} unimpacted type, towards more diagnostic frameworks, despite significant scientific effort over the past fifty years. It is our assertion that this is largely because of the limited information content of biological samples processed by traditional morphology-based taxonomy, which is a slow, imprecise process, focused on restricted groups of organisms. We envision a new paradigm in ecosystem assessment, which we refer to as `Biomonitoring 2.0'. This new schema employs DNA-based identification of taxa, coupled with high-throughput DNA sequencing on next-generation sequencing platforms. We discuss the transformational nature of DNA-based approaches in biodiversity discovery and ecosystem assessment and outline a path forward for their future widespread application.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HSUTBVCW/Baird and Hajibabaei - 2012 - Biomonitoring 2.0 a new paradigm in ecosystem ass.pdf} +} + +@book{baker_etal2014Testingeffectiveness, + title = {Testing the Effectiveness of Fish Passage Solutions}, + author = {Baker, C. F and Roygard, Jon and {Manawatu-Wanganui (N.Z.)} and {Horizons Regional Council} and {National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (N.Z.)} and {Envirolink}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://www.horizons.govt.nz/assets/publications/managing-our-environment/water-quality/aquatic-biodiversity/ABio2014Testing-the-Effectiveness-of-Fish-Passage-Solutions.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-08-25}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 907425992}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9UC4ZMAX/baker_et_al_2014_testing_the_effectiveness_of_fish_passage_solutions.pdf} +} + +@article{bakker_etal2017EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} Reveals Tropical Shark Diversity in Contrasting Levels of Anthropogenic Impact}, + author = {Bakker, Judith and Wangensteen, Owen S. and Chapman, Demian D. and Boussarie, Germain and Buddo, Dayne and Guttridge, Tristan L. and Hertler, Heidi and Mouillot, David and Vigliola, Laurent and Mariani, Stefano}, + year = {2017}, + month = dec, + journal = {Scientific Reports}, + volume = {7}, + number = {1}, + pages = {16886}, + issn = {2045-2322}, + doi = {10.1038/s41598-017-17150-2}, + url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17150-2}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Sharks are charismatic predators that play a key role in most marine food webs. Their demonstrated vulnerability to exploitation has recently turned them into flagship species in ocean conservation. Yet, the assessment and monitoring of the distribution and abundance of such mobile species in marine environments remain challenging, often invasive and resource-intensive. Here we pilot a novel, rapid and non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding approach specifically targeted to infer shark presence, diversity and eDNA read abundance in tropical habitats. We identified at least 21 shark species, from both Caribbean and Pacific Coral Sea water samples, whose geographical patterns of diversity and read abundance coincide with geographical differences in levels of anthropogenic pressure and conservation effort. We demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding can be effectively employed to study shark diversity. Further developments in this field have the potential to drastically enhance our ability to assess and monitor elusive oceanic predators, and lead to improved conservation strategies.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XUBG5AHY/Bakker et al. - 2017 - Environmental DNA reveals tropical shark diversity.pdf} +} + +@article{baldwin2015Potentialmitigation, + title = {Potential Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate-Driven Changes in {{California}}'s Highlands through Increased Beaver Populations}, + author = {Baldwin, Jeff}, + year = {2015}, + journal = {CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME}, + volume = {101}, + number = {4}, + abstract = {Climate models forecast significant changes in California's temperature and precipitation patterns. Those changes are likely to affect fluvial and riparian habitat. Across the American West several researchers and civil society groups promote increased beaver (Castor canadensis) presence as a means to moderate such changes. This study reviews three literatures in an effort to evaluate the potential for beaver to adapt to and to mitigate anticipated changes in California's higher elevation land- and waterscapes. First, I provide a synopsis of modeled changes in temperatures and precipitation. Forecasts agree that temperatures will continue to increase, to 1.5--4.0{$^\circ$} C by 2060; however, forecasts for precipitation are more variable in sign and among models. Second, researchers anticipate climate-driven changes in stream and riparian areas and project that snowpacks and summer flows will continue to decline, winter and spring flood magnitudes will increase, spring stream recession will likely continue to occur earlier and more quickly, and highland fires will be more extensive. Each of these changes has important implications for wildlife and public lands managers. A third focus reviews beaver natural histories and finds that where beaver dams are persistent, they may sequester sediment and create wet meadows that can moderate floods, augment early summer baseflows, sequester carbon in soils and standing biomass, decrease ecological problems posed by earlier spring stream recession, and potentially help cool early summer and post-wildfire stream temperatures. However, due in part to currently limited habitat suitability and to conflicts with other human interests, mitigation would likely be most meaningful on local rather than statewide scales.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JD68NUI7/baldwin_2015_potential_mitigation_of_and_adaptation_to_climate-driven_changes_in.pdf} +} + +@article{barnes_etal2014EnvironmentalConditions, + title = {Environmental {{Conditions Influence eDNA Persistence}} in {{Aquatic Systems}}}, + author = {Barnes, Matthew A. and Turner, Cameron R. and Jerde, Christopher L. and Renshaw, Mark A. and Chadderton, W. Lindsay and Lodge, David M.}, + year = {2014}, + month = feb, + journal = {Environmental Science \& Technology}, + volume = {48}, + number = {3}, + pages = {1819--1827}, + issn = {0013-936X, 1520-5851}, + doi = {10.1021/es404734p}, + url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es404734p}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveillance holds great promise for improving species conservation and management. However, few studies have investigated eDNA dynamics under natural conditions, and interpretations of eDNA surveillance results are clouded by uncertainties about eDNA degradation. We conducted a literature review to assess current understanding of eDNA degradation in aquatic systems and an experiment exploring how environmental conditions can influence eDNA degradation. Previous studies have reported macrobial eDNA persistence ranging from less than 1 day to over 2 weeks, with no attempts to quantify factors affecting degradation. Using a SYBR Green quantitative PCR assay to observe Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) eDNA degradation in laboratory mesocosms, our rate of Common Carp eDNA detection decreased over time. Common Carp eDNA concentration followed a pattern of exponential decay, and observed decay rates exceeded previously published values for aquatic macrobial eDNA. Contrary to our expectations, eDNA degradation rate declined as biochemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll, and total eDNA (i.e., from any organism) concentration increased. Our results help explain the widely divergent, previously published estimates for eDNA degradation. Measurements of local environmental conditions, consideration of environmental influence on eDNA detection, and quantification of local eDNA degradation rates will help interpret future eDNA surveillance results.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/R882V3XX/Barnes et al. - 2014 - Environmental Conditions Influence eDNA Persistenc.pdf} +} + +@article{barnes_turner2016ecologyenvironmental, + title = {The Ecology of Environmental {{DNA}} and Implications for Conservation Genetics}, + author = {Barnes, Matthew A. and Turner, Cameron R.}, + year = {2016}, + month = feb, + journal = {Conservation Genetics}, + volume = {17}, + number = {1}, + pages = {1--17}, + issn = {1566-0621, 1572-9737}, + doi = {10.1007/s10592-015-0775-4}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10592-015-0775-4}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QFNMRGQP/Barnes and Turner - 2016 - The ecology of environmental DNA and implications .pdf} +} + +@article{bassett_etal2018KOOTENAYLAKE, + title = {{{KOOTENAY LAKE NUTRIENT RESTORATION PROGRAM NORTH ARM AND SOUTH ARM}} 2014 {{AND}} 2015 {{REPORT}}}, + author = {Bassett, M C and Schindler, E U and Johner, D and Weir, T and Vidmanic, L and Ashley, K I}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=53229}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JZ34KK5R/Bassett et al. - KOOTENAY LAKE NUTRIENT RESTORATION PROGRAM NORTH A.pdf} +} + +@misc{bcassemblyoffirstnations2023GlenVowell, + title = {Glen {{Vowell}}}, + author = {{BC Assembly of First Nations}}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {British Columbia Assembly of First Nations}, + url = {https://www.bcafn.ca/first-nations-bc/north-coast/glen-vowell}, + urldate = {2023-02-15}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TCS3BXB7/glen-vowell.html} +} + +@techreport{bcconservationofficerservice2018WeigertCreek, + title = {Weigert {{Creek Access Management Area}} - {{Access Management Compliance}} and {{Enforcement Program}} ({{AMCEP}}) 2018 {{Report}}}, + author = {{BC Conservation Officer Service}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/kootenay/eco/reports/AMCEP%202018%20Final%20Report.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-09-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RNLTXCV9/bc_conservation_officer_service_2018_weigert_creek_access_management_area_-_access_management_compliance_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{bcgovernment2017PSCISUser, + title = {{{PSCIS User Guide}}}, + author = {{BC Government}}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/pscis-user-guide-v2.pdf} +} + +@misc{bcgovernment2022LidarBC, + title = {{{LidarBC}}}, + author = {{BC Government}}, + year = {2022}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/lidarbc}, + urldate = {2023-03-20}, + abstract = {LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an active remote sensing technology used to map the earth's surface. This page can be used to find B.C. Government Open LiDAR data including DEMs, Point Clouds, and other data.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2022-10-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RZ5CR4HC/lidarbc.html} +} + +@misc{bcministryofenvironment2009StrategicApproach, + title = {The {{Strategic Approach}}: {{Protocol}} for {{Planning}} and {{Prioritizing Culverted Sites}} for {{Fish Passage Assessment}} and {{Remediation}}: 3rd Edition}, + author = {{BC Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2009}, + url = {https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjSuLfwmJztAhXTvp4KHTSrCAMQFjAAegQIAhAC&url=ftp%3A%2F%2Fftp.for.gov.bc.ca%2FHCP%2Fexternal%2F!publish%2FWeb%2FFIA%2FProcess_Protocol.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3BZQEh97P3ojLtVyL-txAZ} +} + +@misc{bcparks2020ArcticPacific, + title = {Arctic {{Pacific Lakes Park}}}, + author = {{BC Parks}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://bcparks.ca/arctic-pacific-lakes-park/#park-reconciliation-container}, + urldate = {2023-03-23}, + abstract = {The main feature of the 13,887 hectare park is three small lakes that straddle the Continental Divide in a narrow, steep-sided glacial overflow channel. Arct...}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{bcparks2020ArcticPacifica, + title = {Arctic {{Pacific Lakes Park}}}, + author = {{BC Parks}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://bcparks.ca/arctic-pacific-lakes-park/#park-reconciliation-container}, + urldate = {2023-03-23}, + abstract = {The main feature of the 13,887 hectare park is three small lakes that straddle the Continental Divide in a narrow, steep-sided glacial overflow channel. Arct...}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XKVMZIIV/arctic-pacific-lakes-park.html} +} + +@misc{bcspecies&ecosystemexplorer2020Salvelinusconfluentus, + title = {Salvelinus Confluentus ({{Bull Trout}})}, + author = {{BC Species \& Ecosystem Explorer}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/reports.do?elcode=AFCHA05020}, + urldate = {2021-01-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MB2YHTZX/reports.html} +} + +@misc{bcspecies&ecosystemexplorer2020Salvelinusconfluentusa, + title = {Salvelinus Confluentus Pop. 10 ({{Bull Trout}} - {{Western Arctic Populations}})}, + author = {{BC Species \& Ecosystem Explorer}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/reports.do?elcode=AFCHA05122}, + urldate = {2020-06-06}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/64I936BZ/reports.html} +} + +@misc{bcspeciesecosystemexplorer2020Oncorhynchusclarkii, + title = {Oncorhynchus Clarkii Lewisi ({{Cutthroat Trout}}, Lewisi Subspecies)}, + author = {{BC Species \& Ecosystem Explorer}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/reports.do?elcode=AFCHA02088}, + urldate = {2021-01-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7QE3RZT5/reports.html} +} + +@misc{bcspeciesecosystemexplorer2020Salvelinusconfluentus, + title = {Salvelinus Confluentus Pop. 10 ({{Bull Trout}} - {{Western Arctic Populations}})}, + author = {{BC Species \& Ecosystem Explorer}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/reports.do?elcode=AFCHA05122}, + urldate = {2020-06-06} +} + +@article{beamer_etalFRESHWATERHABITAT, + title = {{{FRESHWATER HABITAT REARING PREFERENCES FOR STREAM TYPE}}}, + author = {Beamer, Eric and Shannahan, Jon-Paul and Wolf, Karen and Lowery, Erin and Pflug, David}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D8SUD33G/Beamer et al. - FRESHWATER HABITAT REARING PREFERENCES FOR STREAM .pdf} +} + +@article{bear_etal2005ThermalRequirements, + title = {Thermal {{Requirements}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}}}, + author = {Bear, Beth A and McMahon, Thomas E and Zale, Alexander V}, + year = {2005}, + pages = {32}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{bear_etal2007ComparativeThermal, + title = {Comparative {{Thermal Requirements}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} and {{Rainbow Trout}}: {{Implications}} for {{Species Interactions}} and {{Development}} of {{Thermal Protection Standards}}}, + shorttitle = {Comparative {{Thermal Requirements}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} and {{Rainbow Trout}}}, + author = {Bear, Elizabeth A. and McMahon, Thomas E. and Zale, Alexander V.}, + year = {2007}, + month = jul, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {136}, + number = {4}, + pages = {1113--1121}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T06-072.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/T06-072.1}, + urldate = {2020-10-01}, + abstract = {Water temperature appears to play a key role in determining population persistence of westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi, but specific thermal performance and survival criteria have not been defined. We used the acclimated chronic exposure laboratory method to determine upper thermal tolerances and growth optima of westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout O. mykiss, a potential nonnative competitor that occupies much of the former range of westslope cutthroat trout. Rainbow trout had a distinct survival advantage over westslope cutthroat trout at water temperatures above 208C. The ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature of rainbow trout (24.38C; 95\% confidence interval [CI] {$\frac{1}{4}$} 24.0--24.78C) was 4.78C higher than that of westslope cutthroat trout (19.68C; 95\% CI {$\frac{1}{4}$} 19.1--19.98C). In contrast, both species had similar growth rates and optimum growth temperatures (westslope cutthroat trout: 13.68C; rainbow trout: 13.18C) over the temperature range of 8--208C, although rainbow trout grew over a wider range and at higher temperatures than did westslope cutthroat trout. The rainbow trout's higher upper temperature tolerance and greater growth capacity at warmer temperatures may account for the species' displacement of westslope cutthroat trout at lower elevations. Our results indicate that maximum daily temperatures near the optimum growth temperature of 13--158C would ensure suitable thermal habitat for westslope cutthroat trout populations. The low upper temperature tolerance and optimum growth temperature of westslope cutthroat trout relative to those of other salmonids suggest that this subspecies may be particularly susceptible to stream temperature increases associated with global warming and anthropogenic habitat disturbance.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2013Assessmentassignment, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Anzac Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS14823018}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2013}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51630}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/64UB6N3T/beaudry_2013_assessment_and_assignment_of_sensitivity_ratings_to_sub-basins_of_the_anzac.pdf} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2013Assessmentassignmenta, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Anzac Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS14823018}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2013}, + institution = {{P. Beaudry and Associates Ltd.}}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51630} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2013Assessmentassignmentb, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Missinka Watershed in Parsnp Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS14FWH-006}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2013}, + institution = {{P. Beaudry and Associates Ltd.}}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51631} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2014Assessmentassignment, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Table Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS15823011}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51634} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2014Assessmentassignmenta, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Hominka Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS15823011}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51633} +} + +@techreport{beaudry2014Assessmentassignmentb, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the {{Table}} Watershed in {{Parsnip}} Drainage -- {{Ominieca}} Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS15823011}}}, + author = {Beaudry, P}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r51634/3_Beaudry_2014_Table_FSW_51634_1480368942206_0367832493.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XX9MEVAV/beaudry_2014_assessment_and_assignment_of_sensitivity_ratings_to_sub-basins_of_the_table.pdf} +} + +@misc{BECCodesStandardsBECdb, + title = {{{BEC}} {\textbar} {{Codes}} and {{Standards}} {\textbar} {{BECdb}}}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/ftp/hre/external/!publish/becdb/standards-becdb.htm}, + urldate = {2024-01-17} +} + +@misc{BECWEB, + title = {{{BEC WEB}}}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hre/becweb/index.html}, + urldate = {2024-01-17} +} + +@article{beechie_etal2010ProcessbasedPrinciples, + title = {Process-Based {{Principles}} for {{Restoring River Ecosystems}}}, + author = {Beechie, Timothy J. and Sear, David A. and Olden, Julian D. and Pess, George R. and Buffington, John M. and Moir, Hamish and Roni, Philip and Pollock, Michael M.}, + year = {2010}, + month = mar, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {60}, + number = {3}, + pages = {209--222}, + issn = {1525-3244, 0006-3568}, + doi = {10.1525/bio.2010.60.3.7}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article-lookup/doi/10.1525/bio.2010.60.3.7}, + urldate = {2022-12-12}, + abstract = {Process-based restoration aims to reestablish normative rates and magnitudes of physical, chemical, and biological processes that sustain river and floodplain ecosystems. Ecosystem conditions at any site are governed by hierarchical regional, watershed, and reach-scale processes controlling hydrologic and sediment regimes; floodplain and aquatic habitat dynamics; and riparian and aquatic biota. We outline and illustrate four process-based principles that ensure river restoration will be guided toward sustainable actions: (1) restoration actions should address the root causes of degradation, (2) actions must be consistent with the physical and biological potential of the site, (3) actions should be at a scale commensurate with environmental problems, and (4) actions should have clearly articulated expected outcomes for ecosystem dynamics. Applying these principles will help avoid common pitfalls in river restoration, such as creating habitat types that are outside of a site's natural potential, attempting to build static habitats in dynamic environments, or constructing habitat features that are ultimately overwhelmed by unconsidered system drivers.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RP6YYK4Q/beechie_et_al_2010_process-based_principles_for_restoring_river_ecosystems.pdf} +} + +@article{beechie_imaki2014Predictingnatural, + title = {Predicting Natural Channel Patterns Based on Landscape and Geomorphic Controls in the {{Columbia River}} Basin, {{USA}}}, + author = {Beechie, Tim and Imaki, Hiroo}, + year = {2014}, + journal = {Water Resources Research}, + volume = {50}, + number = {1}, + pages = {39--57}, + issn = {1944-7973}, + doi = {10.1002/2013WR013629}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/2013WR013629}, + urldate = {2021-11-19}, + abstract = {Based on known relationships of slope, discharge, valley confinement, sediment supply, and sediment caliber in controlling channel patterns, we developed multivariate models to predict natural channel patterns across the 674,500 km2 Columbia River basin, USA. We used readily available geospatial data sets to calculate reach slopes, 2 year flood discharge, and valley confinement, as well as to develop hypothesized landscape-level surrogates for sediment load and caliber (relative slope, percent of drainage area in alpine terrain, and percent of drainage area in erosive fine-grained lithologies). Using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier, we found that the four channel patterns were best distinguished by a model including all variables except valley confinement (82\% overall accuracy). We then used that model to predict channel pattern for the entire basin and found that the spatial distribution of straight, meandering, anabranching, and braided patterns were consistent with regional topography and geology. A simple slope-discharge model distinguished meandering channels from all other channel patterns, but did not clearly distinguish braided from straight channels (68\% overall accuracy). Addition of one or more of the hypothesized sediment supply surrogates improved prediction accuracy by 4--14\% over slope and discharge alone. Braided and straight channels were most clearly distinguished on an axis of relative slope, whereas braided and anabranching channels were most clearly distinguished by adding percent alpine area to the model.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {channel pattern,fluvial geomorphology,river restoration,statistical model} +} + +@misc{beechie2023HabitatAssessment, + title = {Habitat {{Assessment}} and {{Salmon Life-Cycle Models}} for the {{Chehalis Basin Aquatic Species Restoration Plan}}: {{Summary}} of {{Research Products}}}, + author = {Beechie, T.J.}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://repository.library.noaa.gov/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/50898/noaa_50898_DS1.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4XTIASLA/beechie_2023_habitat_assessment_and_salmon_life-cycle_models_for_the_chehalis_basin_aquatic.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RH2AK7IJ/viewer.html} +} + +@article{beechie2023HabitatAssessmenta, + title = {Habitat {{Assessment}} and {{Restoration Planning}} ({{HARP}}) {{Model}} for the {{Snohomish}} and {{Stillaguamish River Basins}}}, + author = {Beechie, T. J.}, + year = {2023}, + publisher = {Northwest Fisheries Science Center (U.S.)}, + doi = {10.25923/V2MT-NJ66}, + url = {https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/48860}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + copyright = {Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TFK4WF2D/beechie_2023_habitat_assessment_and_restoration_planning_(harp)_model_for_the_snohomish_and.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7XNCCXET/Beechie - 2023 - Habitat Assessment and Restoration Planning (HARP).html} +} + +@article{bellFisheriesHandbookEngineering1991, + title = {Fisheries {{Handbook}} of {{Engineering Requirements}} and {{Biological Criteria}}}, + author = {Bell, M.C.}, + year = {1991}, + url = {https://www.fs.fed.us/biology/nsaec/fishxing/fplibrary/Bell_1991_Fisheries_handbook_of_engineering_requirements_and.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-24}, + keywords = {duplicate-citation-key,Move}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/H93U3PAU/bell_1991_fisheries_handbook_of_engineering_requirements_and_biological_criteria.pdf} +} + +@misc{bellido-leiva_etal2021Modelingeffect, + title = {Modeling the Effect of Habitat Availability and Quality on Endangered Winter-Run {{Chinook}} Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha) Production in the {{Sacramento Valley}}}, + author = {{Bellido-Leiva}, F.J. and Lusardi, R.A. and Lund, J.R}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1850266}, + urldate = {2023-05-03}, + annotation = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030438002100082X}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E7EHR4U6/bellido-leiva_et_al_2021_modeling_the_effect_of_habitat_availability_and_quality_on_endangered.pdf} +} + +@techreport{bentrup2008ConservationBuffers, + title = {Conservation {{Buffers}}---{{Design}} Guidelines for Buffers, Corridors, and Greenways}, + author = {Bentrup, G.}, + year = {2008}, + number = {SRS-GTR-109}, + pages = {SRS-GTR-109}, + address = {Asheville, NC}, + institution = {U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station}, + doi = {10.2737/SRS-GTR-109}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/33522}, + urldate = {2024-10-16}, + abstract = {Over 80 illustrated design guidelines for conservation buffers are synthesized and developed from a review of over 1,400 research publications. Each guideline describes a specific way that a vegetative buffer can be applied to protect soil, improve air and water quality, enhance fish and wildlife habitat, produce economic products, provide recreation opportunities, or beautify the landscape. These science-based guidelines are presented as easy-to-understand rules-of-thumb for facilitating the planning and designing of conservation buffers in rural and urban landscapes. The online version of the guide includes the reference publication list as well as other buffer design resources www.bufferguidelines.net.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CYN2DX4B/Bentrup - 2008 - Conservation Buffers—Design guidelines for buffers.pdf} +} + +@article{bidlack_etal2014IdentifyingSuitable, + title = {Identifying {{Suitable Habitat}} for {{Chinook Salmon}} across a {{Large}}, {{Glaciated Watershed}}}, + author = {Bidlack, Allison and Benda, Lee and Miewald, Tom and Reeves, Gordon and McMahan, Gabriel}, + year = {2014}, + month = may, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {143}, + doi = {10.1080/00028487.2014.880739}, + abstract = {Ecosystem management requires information on habitat suitability across broad scales; however, comprehensive environmental surveys in remote areas are often impractical and expensive to carry out. Intrinsic Potential (IP) models provide a means to identify on a broad scale those portions of the landscape that can provide essential habitat for various freshwater fish species. These models are derived from watershed patterns and processes that are persistent and not readily affected by human activities. We developed an IP model for rearing habitat of Chinook Salmon throughout the Copper River watershed (63,000 km2) in southcentral Alaska, utilizing digital elevation models, expert opinion, and field surveys. Our model uses three variables---mean annual flow, gradient, and glacial influence---and adequately predicts where probable habitat for juvenile Chinook Salmon occurs across this large landscape. This model can help resource managers map critical habitat for salmon throughout the Copper River watershed, direct field research to appropriate stream reaches, and assist managers in prioritizing restoration actions, such as culvert replacement. Intrinsic Potential modeling is broadly applicable to other salmonid species and geographies and may inform future work on the ecological impacts of climate change in polar and subpolar river systems.Received August 23, 2013; accepted December 20, 2013} +} + +@article{bilski_etal2022EffectsInChannel, + title = {Effects of {{In-Channel Structure}} on {{Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat}} and {{Embryo Production}}}, + author = {Bilski, Robyn L. and Wheaton, Joseph M. and Merz, Joseph E.}, + year = {2022}, + month = jan, + journal = {Water}, + volume = {14}, + number = {1}, + pages = {83}, + issn = {2073-4441}, + doi = {10.3390/w14010083}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/14/1/83}, + urldate = {2022-06-09}, + abstract = {Adult salmonids are frequently observed building redds adjacent to in-channel structure, including boulders and large woody debris. These areas are thought to be preferentially selected for a variety of reasons, including energy and/or predation refugia for spawners, and increased hyporheic exchange for incubating embryos. This research sought to quantify in-channel structure effects on local hydraulics and hyporheic flow and provide a mechanistic link between these changes and the survival, development, and growth of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha embryos. Data were collected in an eight-kilometer reach, on the regulated lower Mokelumne River, in the California Central Valley. Nine paired sites, consisting of an area containing in-channel structure paired with an adjacent area lacking in-channel structure, were evaluated. Results indicated that in-channel structure disrupts surface water velocity patterns, creating pressure differences that significantly increase vertical hydraulic gradients within the subsurface. Overall, in-channel structure did not significantly increase survival, development, and growth of Chinook salmon embryos. However, at several low gradient downstream sites containing in-channel structure, embryo survival, development, and growth were significantly higher relative to paired sites lacking such features. Preliminary data indicate that adding or maintaining in-channel structure, including woody material, in suboptimal spawning reaches improves the incubation environment for salmonid embryos in regulated reaches of a lowland stream. More research examining temporal variation and a full range of incubation depths is needed to further assess these findings.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3Y6CSY9E/bilski_et_al_2022_effects_of_in-channel_structure_on_chinook_salmon_spawning_habitat_and_embryo.pdf} +} + +@article{binsted_ashley2006PhosphorusLoading, + title = {Phosphorus {{Loading}} to {{Kootenay Lake}} from the {{Kootenay}} and {{Duncan}} Rivers and {{Experimental Fertilization Program}}}, + author = {Binsted, G A and Ashley, K I}, + year = {2006}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KBZWM3UX/Binsted and Ashley - Phosphorus Loading to Kootenay Lake from the Koote.pdf} +} + +@misc{BiogeoclimaticEcosystemClassification, + title = {Biogeoclimatic {{Ecosystem Classification}}}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hre/becweb/resources/software/vpro/index.html}, + urldate = {2024-01-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8SZHGGA5/standards-becdb.html;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PTG8VFL4/index.html;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YI74EC5F/VENUS.html} +} + +@misc{biomark2010FishTagging, + title = {Fish {{Tagging}}: {{Abdominal Cavity Method2}}}, + author = {{Biomark}}, + year = {2010}, + month = aug, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkZN_rRlU_o}, + urldate = {2022-08-11} +} + +@misc{biomark2019FishTagging, + title = {Fish {{Tagging}}: {{Dorsal}} Sinus Method}, + shorttitle = {Fish {{Tagging}}}, + author = {{Biomark}}, + year = {2019}, + month = may, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxnKcDsx1kg}, + urldate = {2022-08-11} +} + +@misc{biomark2019FishTagginga, + title = {Fish {{Tagging}}: {{Abdominal}} Cavity Method}, + shorttitle = {Fish {{Tagging}}}, + author = {{Biomark}}, + year = {2019}, + month = may, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CKZ9yaS5o8}, + urldate = {2022-08-11} +} + +@misc{BiomarkYouTube, + title = {Biomark - {{YouTube}}}, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/biomarkinc}, + urldate = {2022-08-11}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YRSJR836/biomarkinc.html} +} + +@article{bjornn_reiser1991HabitatRequirements, + title = {Habitat {{Requirements}} of {{Salmonids}} in {{Streams}}}, + author = {Bjornn, T.C and Reiser, D.W.}, + year = {1991}, + journal = {American Fisheries Society}, + number = {Special Publication 19}, + pages = {83--138}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/ffip/Bjornn_TC1991.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-05} +} + +@book{blackburn2017TrendsDistribution, + title = {Trends in {{Distribution}} and {{Abundance}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} and {{Sedimentation}} in the {{Upper Oldman River Watershed}}, 2015-2016.}, + author = {Blackburn, Jason}, + year = {2017}, + abstract = {Westslope cutthroat trout (WSCT) is considered Threatened in Alberta under Canada's Species at Risk Act. Long-term survival of the species requires identification, protection and restoration of strongholds where genetically pure populations remain. One of the last remaining strongholds for the species is in the upper Oldman River watershed, which has undergone varying intensities of landscape disturbance. Fine sediment deposition from surrounding land-use activity has been identified as a key threat and major limiting factor affecting recovery of Alberta's WSCT populations. We completed a comprehensive, two-year study to document abundance, population structure and distribution of genetically pure WSCT relative to trends in sedimentation. We surveyed more than 25 km of stream at 73 randomly selected sampling sites along the mainstems of 18 streams, collecting fish, sediment, habitat, stream channel and pool information. We collected fish size, abundance and distribution information using backpack and totebarge electrofishing methods; measured sediment quantity and composition; and performed pool counts to determine pool frequency. We constructed generalized additive models of sediment quantity, and longitudinal WSCT abundance by maturity class, using single-pass electrofishing data corrected with capture-mark-recapture derived capture-efficiencies. In all, we captured 3,824 WSCT and collected 1,151 tissue samples for genetic (DNA) analysis. We recorded the highest catch rates of WSCT (all fish {$\geq$}70 mm fork length; FL) in Vicary Creek (355 fish/km), juveniles ({$\geq$}70 -- 149 mm FL) in Pasque Creek (321 fish/km) and adults ({$\geq$}150 mm) in Ridge Creek (247 fish/km). Rearing streams, where catches were dominated by juvenile fish and where fish sizes were the smallest, were Pasque (91\% juveniles, 83 mm FL), Oyster (91\% juveniles, 93 mm FL), Speers (84\% juveniles, 110 mm FL), and Beaver (79\% juveniles, 115 mm FL) creeks. Streams where catches were dominated by adult fish and median fish size was the largest were Deep (75\% adults, 189 mm FL), Ridge (71\% adults, 172 mm FL) and Lyall (71\% adults, 160 mm FL) creeks. Of the watersheds suitable for modelling longitudinal abundance of WSCT, the highest mainstem abundance was in Vicary Creek for both total fish (n = 20,930) and juveniles (n = 14,344), exceeding that of Racehorse, South Racehorse, North Racehorse, Dutch and Hidden creeks combined. The highest adult abundance occurred in White Creek (n = 9,012), exceeding that of Racehorse, South Racehorse, North Racehorse and Dutch creeks combined. Streams among those with both the highest proportion of fine sediment fractions {$<$}6 and {$<$}2 mm and median sediment volumes included Pasque, Speers, Oyster, Deep and Ridge creeks. Streams among those with the lowest fine sediment proportions and volumes included Daisy, Mean, Racehorse, North Racehorse, Dutch, Beehive and Hidden creeks. Scour-pool frequency was variable relative to sediment quantity; however, it was highest in many of the streams where median sediment volume was also highest. The highest scour-pool frequencies occurred in White Creek (36 pools/km), followed by Ridge and Oyster creeks (33 pools/km) and Pasque Creek (22 pools/km), which were also some of the streams with the highest WSCT catch rates. The relationship between sediment quantity and fish population structure within the watersheds in the study area was unclear. Pasque, Speers and Oyster creeks had both the highest proportions of fine sediment as well as juvenile fish. Conversely, Ridge and Deep creeks had the highest proportion of adult-sized fish but were still among the streams with the highest sediment levels. Through concurrent modelling of longitudinal sediment quantity, and WSCT abundance, we revealed that watersheds with the highest catch rates had a trend of decreasing deposited sediment quantity in a downstream direction, whereas those with the lowest catch rates had a trend of increasing deposited sediment quantity in a downstream direction. Variables such as reach-scale channel morphology, stream gradient and elevation may have confounded interpretation of relationships between sediment quantity and fish abundance by differentially altering sediment transport, retention and/or settling rates. For example, deep bedrock pools and high-gradient step-pool sequences retained fish but did not create scour-pools from which to measure transported sediment. Pool availability may also have confounded interpretation of maturity-class composition relative to sediment. Both Vicary and White creeks had similar measures of fine deposited sediment; however, White Creek, which had the most scour-pools per kilometre, had an inverse longitudinal relationship between adult and juvenile abundances, whereas Vicary Creek, which had fewer scour-pools, had a disproportionate abundance of juveniles. Proximity of disturbances to the stream channel may be a key variable influencing WSCT longitudinal population structure, given adult abundance in South Racehorse Creek plummeted sharply where the stream closely parallels a main road and access is increased.The interactions between fine deposited sediment, stream morphology, WSCT abundance and population structure were complex and will require considerable further analysis to better understand underlying mechanisms that impact WSCT populations in the upper Oldman River watershed.} +} + +@misc{BlackwaterFollowUpProgramCondition162022, + title = {Blackwater {{Follow-Up Program Condition}} 3.16}, + year = {2022}, + annotation = {Version B2 August 2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3ZWPB8MT/2022_blackwater_follow-up_program_condition_3.16.pdf} +} + +@misc{BlackwaterFollowUpProgramCondition16Final20220107pdf, + title = {Blackwater {{Follow-Up Program Condition}} 3.16\_{{Final}}\_2022-01-07.Pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DU97ICH9/blackwater_follow-up_program_condition_3.16_final_2022-01-07.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{BlackwaterFollowUpProgramReport14FinalDraft17Dec21pdf, + title = {Blackwater {{Follow-Up Program Report}} 3.14\_{{Final Draft}}\_17 {{Dec}} 21.Pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/84F73DJX/blackwater_follow-up_program_report_3.14_final_draft_17_dec_21.pdf.pdf} +} + +@article{BlackwaterGoldMineInvasivePlantManagement2022, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Mine Invasive Plant Management}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {4}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/I4ZRCZGI/2022_blackwater_gold_mine_invasive_plant_management.pdf} +} + +@article{BlackwaterGoldMineInvasivePlantSpeciesMonitoring2022, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Mine}} {{Invasive Plant Species Monitoring}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {5}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2GNSWRN2/2022_blackwater_gold_mine_invasive_plant_species_monitoring.pdf} +} + +@misc{BlackwaterGoldProject_MinistersReasonsDecisionpdf2019, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project}}\_{{Ministers}}' {{Reasons}} for {{Decision}}.Pdf}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/5d10f2ae2eab980021ee1a97/download/Blackwater%20Gold%20Project_Ministers'%20Reasons%20for%20Decision.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YV7HG899/2019_blackwater_gold_project_ministers'_reasons_for_decision.pdf.pdf} +} + +@article{BlackwaterGoldProjectChangesProposedMajorWorksdescribedInitialProjectDescriptionDecember20202021, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project}} -- {{Changes}} to {{Proposed Major Works}} as Described in the {{Initial Project Description}} ({{December}} 2020)}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {30}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/G8CAEL54/2021_blackwater_gold_project_–_changes_to_proposed_major_works_as_described_in_the.pdf} +} + +@article{blank_etal2020SwimmingPerformance, + title = {Swimming {{Performance}} of {{Rainbow Trout}} and {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} in an {{Open-Channel Flume}}}, + author = {Blank, Matt D. and Kappenman, Kevin M. and Plymesser, Kathryn and Banner, Katharine and Cahoon, Joel}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management}, + volume = {11}, + number = {1}, + pages = {217--225}, + issn = {1944-687X}, + doi = {10.3996/052019-JFWM-040}, + url = {https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfwm/article/11/1/217/436137/Swimming-Performance-of-Rainbow-Trout-and}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + abstract = {We used an open-channel flume to characterize the swimming performance of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi ranging nominally in fork length from 15 to 30 cm. With an open-channel flume, we observed volitional swim performance of wild-caught Rainbow Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout; the fish were not coerced, prodded, or spooked into action. We also observed the maximum short-duration swim speed of the fish, providing important effective leap or velocity challenge information for the design of intentional barriers. We conducted the experiment with a consistently low water velocity challenge and characterized swim speeds by using weighted least-squares regression, revealing no evidence of a difference in swim speeds between the two species. We estimated the overall average swim speed for Rainbow Trout to be 0.84 m/s (SE {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.02), with a 95\% confidence interval of 0.79--0.89 m/s, and that for Westslope Cutthroat Trout to be 0.84 m/s (SE {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.03), with a 95\% confidence interval of 0.78--0.90 m/s. The maximum swim speeds observed were 2.72 m/s for Rainbow Trout and 3.55 m/s for Westslope Cutthroat Trout. The project results provide new information on the swimming ability of wild Rainbow Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout that can be used to improve fish passage or barrier design.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{bohmann_etal2014EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} for Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity Monitoring}, + author = {Bohmann, Kristine and Evans, Alice and Gilbert, M. Thomas P. and Carvalho, Gary R. and Creer, Simon and Knapp, Michael and Yu, Douglas W. and De Bruyn, Mark}, + year = {2014}, + month = jun, + journal = {Trends in Ecology \& Evolution}, + volume = {29}, + number = {6}, + pages = {358--367}, + issn = {01695347}, + doi = {10.1016/j.tree.2014.04.003}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S016953471400086X}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5GHHWTGB/Bohmann et al. - 2014 - Environmental DNA for wildlife biology and biodive.pdf} +} + +@techreport{booth2022SummaryMinnow, + title = {Summary of {{Minnow}} Trapping Component of the {{SD}} 91/{{UNBC eDNA}} Project}, + author = {Booth, Barry}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=61991}, + urldate = {2024-02-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PC2YCIEK/booth_2023_summary_of_minnow_trapping_component_of_the_sd_91-unbc_edna_project.pdf} +} + +@techreport{booth2023SummaryMinnow, + title = {Summary of {{Minnow}} Trapping Component of the {{SD}} 91/{{UNBC eDNA}} Project}, + author = {Booth, Barry}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=61202}, + urldate = {2024-02-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WAR3GIBN/booth_2023_summary_of_minnow_trapping_component_of_the_sd_91-unbc_edna_project.pdf} +} + +@misc{booth2024SummaryMinnow, + title = {Summary of {{Minnow}} Trapping Component of the {{SD}} 91/{{UNBC eDNA}} Project}, + author = {Booth, Barry}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=62942}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z8EDERHU/PG23-802647_report_1709575995772_89A80DE518.pdf} +} + +@article{boothroyd_etal2016EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Detection and Habitat Occupancy of Threatened Spotted Gar ({{Lepisosteus}} Oculatus)}, + author = {Boothroyd, Margaret and Mandrak, Nicholas E. and Fox, Michael and Wilson, Chris C.}, + year = {2016}, + month = dec, + journal = {Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems}, + volume = {26}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1107--1119}, + issn = {1052-7613, 1099-0755}, + doi = {10.1002/aqc.2617}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aqc.2617}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Determining the occurrence and site occupancy of rare and endangered species can be challenging, particularly without causing harm or stress to the species of concern. Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection was used to assess habitat occupancy by spotted gar ( Lepisosteus oculatus ), which is federally listed as Threatened in Canada, with known occurrences limited to a small number of locations in southern Ontario. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays were developed to detect spotted gar eDNA, which was detected in all but one previously recorded location. The eDNA method was shown to be more effective than traditional netting for detecting spotted gar habitat use. The use of qPCR allowed for quantification of substantial variation in detection strength (copy number) among replicate eDNA samples, with implications for establishing sampling designs for detection and surveillance. The use of eDNA for detection and monitoring of aquatic species of conservation concern shows great potential as a non-invasive method for assessing species occurrences and habitat occupancy, as well as for informing targeted sampling by conventional capture methods. Copyright {\copyright} 2016 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6UYGBKXR/Boothroyd et al. - 2016 - Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection and habitat occ.pdf} +} + +@misc{bottoms_etal2023Criticalhabitats, + title = {Critical Habitats of {{Arctic}} Grayling in {{Parsnip}} Tributaries}, + author = {Bottoms, J.R and Martins, E.G. and Dextrase, A and Meth{\'e},, M.A. and O'Ferrall, C.M.}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r62852/PEA_F23_F_3652_1706805831952_705DB12CA1.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-05-23}, + annotation = {University of Northern British Columbia}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EPPHL4VG/bottoms_et_al_2023_critical_habitats_of_arctic_grayling_in_parsnip_tributaries.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YJZLRJ5I/PEA_F23_F_3652_Appendix_1_1706805993310_705DB12CA1.pdf} +} + +@article{boudreau2005BenefitProposed, + title = {Benefit of a {{Proposed Cold Water Release Facility}}}, + author = {Boudreau, Kristann}, + year = {2005}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MU7HF8Z7/Boudreau - 2005 - Benefit of a Proposed Cold Water Release Facility.pdf} +} + +@article{boughton_etal2009Spatialpatterning, + title = {Spatial Patterning of Habitat for {{Oncorhynchus}} Mykiss in a System of Intermittent and Perennial Streams}, + author = {Boughton, D. A. and Fish, H. and Pope, J. and Holt, G.}, + year = {2009}, + journal = {Ecology of Freshwater Fish}, + volume = {18}, + number = {1}, + pages = {92--105}, + issn = {1600-0633}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1600-0633.2008.00328.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0633.2008.00328.x}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {-- The salmonid Oncorhynchus mykiss tends to inhabit forested or snow-fed streams having cold reliable flows, but in the California chaparral they inhabit rain-fed stream networks with extensive areas of intermittent flow. We hypothesised that hydrological mechanisms in such watersheds tend to spatially segregate spawning and over-summering habitats, and tested the hypothesis using observations from a series of tributaries in a pristine watershed. Consistent with the hypothesis, reaches with suitably sized spawning gravels tended to occur in intermittent tributaries, and also the perennial mainstem (which was too warm for over-summering). In early summer, juvenile O. mykiss ({$<$}10 cm) occurred at similar densities in the intermittent and perennial tributaries, but larger fish had greater densities in perennial tributaries. Large wood debris would be expected to mitigate the spatial segregation of habitats somewhat, but was scarce, though stream-side outcrops appeared to partially compensate by forcing gravel bars in high-gradient channels.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {California,Mediterranean climate,self-fining,steelhead trout}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4PIV289N/j.1600-0633.2008.00328.html} +} + +@article{bourne_etal2011Barriersfish, + title = {Barriers to Fish Passage and Barriers to Fish Passage Assessments: {{The}} Impact of Assessment Methods and Assumptions on Barrier Identification and Quantification of Watershed Connectivity}, + shorttitle = {Barriers to Fish Passage and Barriers to Fish Passage Assessments}, + author = {Bourne, Christina and Kehler, Dan and Wiersma, Yolanda and Cote, David}, + year = {2011}, + journal = {Aquatic Ecology}, + volume = {45}, + pages = {389--403}, + doi = {10.1007/s10452-011-9362-z} +} + +@article{bouwes_etal2016Ecosystemexperiment, + title = {Ecosystem Experiment Reveals Benefits of Natural and Simulated Beaver Dams to a Threatened Population of Steelhead ({{Oncorhynchus}} Mykiss)}, + author = {Bouwes, Nicolaas and Weber, Nicholas and Jordan, Chris E. and Saunders, W. Carl and Tattam, Ian A. and Volk, Carol and Wheaton, Joseph M. and Pollock, Michael M.}, + year = {2016}, + month = sep, + journal = {Scientific Reports}, + volume = {6}, + number = {1}, + pages = {28581}, + issn = {2045-2322}, + doi = {10.1038/srep28581}, + url = {http://www.nature.com/articles/srep28581}, + urldate = {2021-11-19}, + abstract = {Abstract Beaver have been referred to as ecosystem engineers because of the large impacts their dam building activities have on the landscape; however, the benefits they may provide to fluvial fish species has been debated. We conducted a watershed-scale experiment to test how increasing beaver dam and colony persistence in a highly degraded incised stream affects the freshwater production of steelhead ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). Following the installation of beaver dam analogs (BDAs), we observed significant increases in the density, survival and production of juvenile steelhead without impacting upstream and downstream migrations. The steelhead response occurred as the quantity and complexity of their habitat increased. This study is the first large-scale experiment to quantify the benefits of beavers and BDAs to a fish population and its habitat. Beaver mediated restoration may be a viable and efficient strategy to recover ecosystem function of previously incised streams and to increase the production of imperiled fish populations.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ERPMJVB6/bouwes_et_al_2016_ecosystem_experiment_reveals_benefits_of_natural_and_simulated_beaver_dams_to_a.pdf} +} + +@article{boyer_etal2008Rainbowtrout, + title = {Rainbow Trout ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Mykiss}} ) Invasion and the Spread of Hybridization with Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Clarkii Lewisi}} )}, + author = {Boyer, Matthew C and Muhlfeld, Clint C and Allendorf, Fred W}, + year = {2008}, + month = apr, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {65}, + number = {4}, + pages = {658--669}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f08-001}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f08-001}, + urldate = {2021-01-10}, + abstract = {We analyzed 13 microsatellite loci to estimate gene flow among westslope cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi, populations and determine the invasion pattern of hybrids between native O. c. lewisi and introduced rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in streams of the upper Flathead River system, Montana (USA) and British Columbia (Canada). Fourteen of 31 sites lacked evidence of O. mykiss introgression, and gene flow among these nonhybridized O. c. lewisi populations was low, as indicated by significant allele frequency divergence among populations ({\texttheta}ST = 0.076, {$\rho$}ST = 0.094, P {$<$} 0.001). Among hybridized sites, O. mykiss admixture declined with upstream distance from a site containing a hybrid swarm with a predominant (92\%) O. mykiss genetic contribution. The spatial distribution of hybrid genotypes at seven diagnostic microsatellite loci revealed that O. mykiss invasion is facilitated by both long distance dispersal from this hybrid swarm and stepping-stone dispersal between hybridized populations. This study provides an example of how increased straying rates in the invasive taxon can contribute to the spread of extinction by hybridization and suggests that eradicating sources of introgression may be a useful conservation strategy for protecting species threatened with genomic extinction.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{boyle_etal2004Rapidquantitative, + title = {Rapid Quantitative Detection of Chytridiomycosis ({{Batrachochytrium}} Dendrobatidis) in Amphibian Samples Using Real-Time {{Taqman PCR}} Assay}, + author = {Boyle, Dg and Boyle, Db and Olsen, V and Morgan, Jat and Hyatt, Ad}, + year = {2004}, + journal = {Diseases of Aquatic Organisms}, + volume = {60}, + pages = {141--148}, + issn = {0177-5103, 1616-1580}, + doi = {10.3354/dao060141}, + url = {http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/dao/v60/n2/p141-148/}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a major pathogen of frogs worldwide, associated with declines in amphibian populations. Diagnosis of chytridiomycosis to date has largely relied upon histological and immunohistochemical examination of toe clips. This technique is invasive and insensitive particularly at early stages of infection when treatment may be possible. We have developed a real-time PCR Taqman assay that can accurately detect and quantify one zoospore in a diagnostic sample. This assay will assist the early detection of B. dendrobatidis in both captive and wild populations, with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, thus facilitating treatment and protection of endangered populations, monitoring of pristine environments and preventing further global spread via amphibian trade.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DYBKGW5L/Boyle et al. - 2004 - Rapid quantitative detection of chytridiomycosis (.pdf} +} + +@article{boyle_etal2004Rapidquantitativea, + title = {Rapid Quantitative Detection of Chytridiomycosis ({{Batrachochytrium}} Dendrobatidis) in Amphibian Samples Using Real-Time {{Taqman PCR}} Assay}, + author = {Boyle, Dg and Boyle, Db and Olsen, V and Morgan, Jat and Hyatt, Ad}, + year = {2004}, + journal = {Diseases of Aquatic Organisms}, + volume = {60}, + pages = {141--148}, + issn = {0177-5103, 1616-1580}, + doi = {10.3354/dao060141}, + url = {http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/dao/v60/n2/p141-148/}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a major pathogen of frogs worldwide, associated with declines in amphibian populations. Diagnosis of chytridiomycosis to date has largely relied upon histological and immunohistochemical examination of toe clips. This technique is invasive and insensitive particularly at early stages of infection when treatment may be possible. We have developed a real-time PCR Taqman assay that can accurately detect and quantify one zoospore in a diagnostic sample. This assay will assist the early detection of B. dendrobatidis in both captive and wild populations, with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, thus facilitating treatment and protection of endangered populations, monitoring of pristine environments and preventing further global spread via amphibian trade.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9AA4GZQY/Boyle et al. - 2004 - Rapid quantitative detection of chytridiomycosis (.pdf} +} + +@article{bradford_etal2015Scienceadvice, + title = {Science Advice on a Decision Framework for Managing Residual Impacts to Fish and Fish Habitat}, + author = {Bradford, Michael J and Koops, Marten A and Randall, Robert G}, + year = {2015}, + pages = {36}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{bradford_etal2021Migrationdistribution, + title = {Migration and Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the {{Nechako River}}, {{British Columbia}}, 1996}, + author = {Bradford, Michael J and Thompson, Amanda S and Taylor, Garth C}, + year = {2021}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AR3EUPPU/bradford_et_al_2021_migration_and_distribution_of_juvenile_chinook_salmon_in_the_nechako_river,.pdf} +} + +@article{bradford_taylor2023Diversityfreshwater, + title = {Diversity in Freshwater Life History in Spring and Summer {{Chinook Salmon}} from the {{Fraser River}}, {{Canada}}}, + author = {Bradford, Michael J. and Taylor, Garth C.}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {152}, + number = {2}, + pages = {129--144}, + issn = {1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1002/tafs.10396}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/tafs.10396}, + urldate = {2024-07-09}, + abstract = {Objective We describe juvenile migration tactics for spring/summer-run populations of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha that spawn in tributaries of the Fraser River, Canada. Methods We trapped juveniles migrating from tributaries, and sampled juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in the Fraser River. Result In four tributaries, we found two dominant life history types within each population: a natal-stream-rearing variant in which juveniles spend a year in their natal stream before migrating to the sea as yearling smolts; and a fry migrant variant in which juveniles disperse downstream from spawning areas to the Fraser River main stem soon after emergence. In a fifth tributary, where flows are regulated, juveniles migrated as parr later in the spring. Juveniles colonized the Fraser River main stem in spring and were distributed throughout the accessible length of the main stem. Their relative density in nearshore habitats was similar to that observed in other rivers. Migrants spend up to a year in the main stem before smolting as yearlings. Conclusion The extensive year-round use of the Fraser River main stem appears to be unique among Chinook Salmon-producing watersheds, likely due to favorable environmental conditions in the main stem during the spring and summer months. The diversity of habitats used by these populations is an important consideration for the design of conservation programs that are intended to maintain or improve freshwater productivity.}, + copyright = {{\copyright} 2022 His Majesty the King in Right of Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Fisheries Society. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {behavior,life history,threatened and endangered species}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6RTZFCUJ/bradford_taylor_2023_diversity_in_freshwater_life_history_in_spring_and_summer_chinook_salmon_from.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6NXMQX6H/tafs.html} +} + +@article{bramblett_etal2002SeasonalUse, + title = {Seasonal {{Use}} of {{Small Tributary}} and {{Main-Stem Habitats}} by {{Juvenile Steelhead}}, {{Coho Salmon}}, and {{Dolly Varden}} in a {{Southeastern Alaska Drainage Basin}}}, + author = {Bramblett, Robert G. and Bryant, Mason D. and Wright, Brenda E. and White, Robert G.}, + year = {2002}, + month = may, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {131}, + number = {3}, + pages = {498--506}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/1548-8659(2002)131<0498:SUOSTA>2.0.CO;2}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/1548-8659(2002)131<0498:SUOSTA>2.0.CO;2}, + urldate = {2023-03-15}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{braun_etal2019reviewfunctional, + title = {A Review of Functional Monitoring Methods to Assess Mitigation, Restoration, and Offsetting Activities in {{Canada}}}, + author = {Braun, Douglas C and Smokorowski, Karen E and Bradford, Michael J and Glover, Luc}, + year = {2019}, + pages = {86}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{brazier_etal2021BeaverNature, + title = {Beaver: {{Nature}}'s Ecosystem Engineers}, + shorttitle = {Beaver}, + author = {Brazier, Richard E. and Puttock, Alan and Graham, Hugh A. and Auster, Roger E. and Davies, Kye H. and Brown, Chryssa M. L.}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Wires. Water}, + volume = {8}, + number = {1}, + pages = {e1494}, + issn = {2049-1948}, + doi = {10.1002/wat2.1494}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7883483/}, + urldate = {2023-03-12}, + abstract = {Beavers have the ability to modify ecosystems profoundly to meet their ecological needs, with significant associated hydrological, geomorphological, ecological, and societal impacts. To bring together understanding of the role that beavers may play in the management of water resources, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems, this article reviews the state-of-the-art scientific understanding of the beaver as the quintessential ecosystem engineer. This review has a European focus but examines key research considering both Castor fiber---the Eurasian beaver and Castor canadensis---its North American counterpart. In recent decades species reintroductions across Europe, concurrent with natural expansion of refugia populations has led to the return of C. fiber to much of its European range with recent reviews estimating that the C. fiber population in Europe numbers over 1.5 million individuals. As such, there is an increasing need for understanding of the impacts of beaver in intensively populated and managed, contemporary European landscapes. This review summarizes how beaver impact: (a) ecosystem structure and geomorphology, (b) hydrology and water resources, (c) water quality, (d) freshwater ecology, and (e) humans and society. It concludes by examining future considerations that may need to be resolved as beavers further expand in the northern hemisphere with an emphasis upon the ecosystem services that they can provide and the associated management that will be necessary to maximize the benefits and minimize conflicts., This article is categorized under:Water and Life {$>$} Nature of Freshwater Ecosystems , This article reviews the state-of-the-art scientific understanding of the beaver as an ecosystem engineer. It summarizes how beaver impact: (a) ecosystem structure and geomorphology, (b) hydrology and water resources, (c) water quality, (d) freshwater ecology, and (e) humans and society.}, + pmcid = {PMC7883483}, + pmid = {33614026}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QWAV8FM7/brazier_et_al_2021_beaver_-_nature's_ecosystem_engineers.pdf} +} + +@inproceedings{brenkman_etal2011RiverscapeApproach, + title = {A {{Riverscape Approach}} to {{Assess Fish}} and {{Habitat Relationships Prior}} to {{Dam Removal}} on the {{Elwha River}}, {{Washington}}}, + author = {Brenkman, Samuel and Duda, Jeffrey and Torgersen, Christian and Welty, Ethan and Pess, G. and Peters, Roger and McHenry, Michael}, + year = {2011}, + month = sep, + abstract = {Dam removal has been increasingly proposed as a river restoration technique, with several projects scheduled to occur in the western United States. In 2011, two large hydroelectric dams will be removed from the Elwha River on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula in one of the nation's largest dam removal projects. Ten anadromous fish populations are expected to recolonize {\textasciitilde}130 km of historical habitats after dam removal. A key to understanding watershed recolonization and ecosystem restoration is the collection of spatially continuous information on fish and aquatic habitats. To date, no studies have described spatially continuous fish and habitat relationships prior to dam removal, and consecutive-year studies throughout an entire river are rare. We conducted concurrent snorkel and habitat surveys in the Elwha River from the headwaters to the mouth (rkm 65 to 0) in 2007 and 2008. This ``riverscape'' approach was used to characterize spatial extent, assemblage structure, abundances, densities, and length classes of Pacific salmonids along a nearly continuous longitudinal gradient of 316 channel units. The longitudinal fish assemblage patterns revealed that species richness was highest below the dams, where anadromous salmonids still have access. The percent composition of salmonids was nearly identical in 2007 and 2008 for rainbow and cutthroat trout (89\%; 88\%), Chinook salmon (8\%; 9\%), and bull trout (3\% in both years). Pink salmon were observed ({$<$}1\%) in 2007 only. Spatial patterns of abundance for rainbow and cutthroat trout (Pearson's correlation, r = 0.76) and bull trout (r = 0.70) were consistent between years despite differences in river flows in 2007 and 2008. Both multivariate and univariate analyses revealed clear differences in habitat structure along the river profile, due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. The generated fish and habitat profiles helped to visualize fish and habitat relationships and revealed unexpected spatial variations in fish abundances. This comprehensive view helped to highlight species-specific biological hotspots, revealing that 60-69\% of federally threatened bull trout occurred near or below the dams. The riverscape approach also helped to focus future monitoring efforts, and addressed linkages between fish and aquatic habitats prior to dam removal. Spatially continuous surveys will be vital in evaluating the effectiveness of upcoming dam removal projects at restoring anadromous salmonids. These surveys are part of a larger effort to complete an atlas of riverscapes in major Olympic Peninsula rivers.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X9KFGMWV/brenkman_et_al_2011_a_riverscape_approach_to_assess_fish_and_habitat_relationships_prior_to_dam.pdf} +} + +@article{brett1971EnergeticResponses, + title = {Energetic {{Responses}} of {{Salmon}} to {{Temperature}}. {{A Study}} of {{Some Thermal Relations}} in the {{Physiology}} and {{Freshwater Ecology}} of {{Sockeye Salmon}} ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Nerkd}} )}, + author = {Brett, John R.}, + year = {1971}, + month = feb, + journal = {American Zoologist}, + volume = {11}, + number = {1}, + pages = {99--113}, + issn = {0003-1569}, + doi = {10.1093/icb/11.1.99}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/icb/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/icb/11.1.99}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VN9VNPUT/Brett - 1971 - Energetic Responses of Salmon to Temperature. A St.pdf} +} + +@article{briggs_etal2021ExploringLocal, + title = {Exploring {{Local Riverbank Sediment Controls}} on the {{Occurrence}} of {{Preferential Groundwater Discharge Points}}}, + author = {Briggs, Martin A. and Jackson, Kevin E. and Liu, Fiona and Moore, Eric M. and Bisson, Alaina and Helton, Ashley M.}, + year = {2021}, + month = dec, + journal = {Water}, + volume = {14}, + number = {1}, + pages = {11}, + issn = {2073-4441}, + doi = {10.3390/w14010011}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/14/1/11}, + urldate = {2023-01-13}, + abstract = {Groundwater discharge to rivers takes many forms, including preferential groundwater discharge points (PDPs) along riverbanks that are exposed at low flows, with multi-scale impacts on aquatic habitat and water quality. The physical controls on the spatial distribution of PDPs along riverbanks are not well-defined, rendering their prediction and representation in models challenging. To investigate the local riverbank sediment controls on PDP occurrence, we tested drone-based and handheld thermal infrared to efficiently map PDP locations along two mainstem rivers. Early in the study, we found drone imaging was better suited to locating tributary and stormwater inflows, which created relatively large water surface thermal anomalies in winter, compared to PDPs that often occurred at the sub-meter scale and beneath riparian tree canopy. Therefore, we primarily used handheld thermal infrared imaging from watercraft to map PDPs and larger seepage faces along 12-km of the fifth-order Housatonic River in Massachusetts, USA and 26-km of the Farmington River in Connecticut, USA. Overall, we mapped 31 riverbank PDPs along the Housatonic reach that meanders through lower permeability soils, and 104 PDPs along the Farmington reach that cuts through sandier sediments. Riverbank soil parameters extracted at PDP locations from the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database did not differ substantially from average bank soils along either reach, although the Farmington riverbank soils were on average 5{\texttimes} more permeable than Housatonic riverbank soils, likely contributing to the higher observed prevalence of PDPs. Dissolved oxygen measured in discharge water at these same PDPs varied widely, but showed no relation to measured sand, clay, or organic matter content in surficial soils indicating a lack of substantial near-surface aerobic reaction. The PDP locations were investigated for the presence of secondary bank structures, and commonly co-occurred with riparian tree root masses indicating the importance of localized physical controls on the spatial distribution of riverbank PDPs.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YV8ZJV49/briggs_et_al_2021_exploring_local_riverbank_sediment_controls_on_the_occurrence_of_preferential.pdf} +} + +@book{britishcolumbia_britishcolumbia2010Fieldmanual, + title = {Field Manual for Describing Terrestrial Ecosystems}, + editor = {British Columbia and British Columbia}, + year = {2010}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + edition = {2nd ed}, + number = {25}, + publisher = {{B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range}}, + address = {Victoria}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-6356-6 978-0-7726-6357-3}, + langid = {english}, + lccn = {QH541.15.S95 F53 2010}, + keywords = {British Columbia,Colombie-Britannique,Ecological surveys,Etudes pedologiques,Forest site quality,Forest surveys,Guides manuels etc,Handbooks manuals etc,Inventaires ecologiques,Inventaires forestiers,Soil surveys,Stations forestieres,Typologie}, + annotation = {OCLC: ocn679520302}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RN5F4Q3A/british_columbia_british_columbia_2010_field_manual_for_describing_terrestrial_ecosystems.pdf} +} + +@book{britishcolumbia_britishcolumbia2010Fieldmanuala, + title = {Field Manual for Describing Terrestrial Ecosystems}, + editor = {British Columbia and British Columbia}, + year = {2010}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + edition = {2nd ed}, + number = {25}, + publisher = {{B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range}}, + address = {Victoria}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-6356-6 978-0-7726-6357-3}, + langid = {english}, + lccn = {QH541.15.S95 F53 2010}, + keywords = {British Columbia,Colombie-Britannique,Ecological surveys,Etudes pedologiques,Forest site quality,Forest surveys,Guides manuels etc,Handbooks manuals etc,Inventaires ecologiques,Inventaires forestiers,Soil surveys,Stations forestieres,Typologie}, + annotation = {OCLC: ocn679520302}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HS3KHKT4/british_columbia_british_columbia_2010_field_manual_for_describing_terrestrial_ecosystems.pdf} +} + +@article{brown_mackay1995Spawningecology, + title = {Spawning Ecology of Cutthroat Trout ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Clarki}} ) in the {{Ram River}}, {{Alberta}}}, + author = {Brown, Richard S. and Mackay, William C.}, + year = {1995}, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {52}, + number = {5}, + pages = {983--992}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f95-097}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f95-097}, + urldate = {2021-01-04}, + abstract = {Spawning movements of cutthroat trout (Oncorkeynchus ciarki) were evaluated using radiotelemetry in a montane river and a headwater tributary. The movements of 23 fish were monitored in spring I991 and 1992. Fish moved upstream and downstream to spawning areas. These movements fell into two distinct patterns: in one, fish emigrated to tributaries and in the other they traveled to main-stem or side-channel spawning grounds. The pre- and post-spawning movements made by fish that spawned in tributaries were longer than those made by fish that spawned in the main-stem or side-channel areas. While spawning, the fish stayed within 400-rnsections of a stream but frequently moved within this area. After spawning, trout moved upstream or downstream to summer rearing habitats where they stayed until observations were ended.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{brown1998Fallearly, + title = {Fall and Early Winter Movements of Cutthroat Trout, {{Oncorhynchus}} Clarki, in Relation to Water Temperature and Ice Conditions in {{Dutch Creek}}, {{Alberta}}}, + author = {Brown, Richard S}, + year = {1998}, + pages = {10}, + url = {https://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p80101/136826E.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{bt_cosewic, + type = {Report}, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Bull Trout Salvelinus Confluentus}, + author = {{Comittee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2012}, + url = {https://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/virtual_sara/files/cosewic/sr_omble_tete_plat_bull_trout_1113_e.pdf}, + shorthand = {COSEWIC} +} + +@article{buckwalter_kirsch2012Fishinventory, + title = {Fish Inventory and Anadromous Cataloging in the Upper {{Koyukuk River}} and {{Chandalar River}} Basins, 2010.}, + author = {Buckwalter, Joseph D and Kirsch, Jonathan M}, + year = {2012}, + pages = {653}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{buddendorf_etal2019Integrationjuvenile, + title = {Integration of Juvenile Habitat Quality and River Connectivity Models to Understand and Prioritise the Management of Barriers for {{Atlantic}} Salmon Populations across Spatial Scales}, + author = {Buddendorf, Willem B. and Jackson, Faye L. and Malcolm, Iain A. and Millidine, Karen J. and Geris, Josie and Wilkinson, Mark E. and Soulsby, Chris}, + year = {2019}, + month = mar, + journal = {Science of The Total Environment}, + volume = {655}, + pages = {557--566}, + issn = {00489697}, + doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.263}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0048969718346199}, + urldate = {2020-11-05}, + abstract = {Diadromous fish populations are strongly affected by in-stream barriers that cause river network fragmentation, constraining productivity or preventing completion of their lifecycle. Removal or reduction of barrier impacts is a restoration measure associated with unambiguous benefits. Management of barriers is therefore often prioritised above other restoration actions. Barrier management is prioritised at local and national scales depending on funding. However, barrier prioritisation is potentially sub-optimal because existing tools do not consider habitat quality. Furthermore, effects of partial barriers (those passable under certain conditions) are uncertain, depending on location and potential cumulative effects.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{Buildsoftwarebettertogether, + title = {Build Software Better, Together}, + journal = {GitHub}, + url = {https://github.com}, + urldate = {2024-06-17}, + abstract = {GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NR524RKK/access.html} +} + +@techreport{bull_trout_synthesis, + type = {Report}, + title = {Limiting Factors, Enhancement Potential, Critical Habitats, and Conservation Status for Bull Trout of the Williston Reservoir Watershed: {{Information}} Synthesis and Recommended Monitoring Framework}, + author = {Hagen, John and Weber, Susanne}, + year = {2019}, + url = {http://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2019/08/Bull-Trout-Info-Synthesis-Monitoring-Framework-_FINAL29Aug2019.pdf} +} + +@article{burns_etal202121463789Teck, + title = {21463789 --{{Teck Line Creek Operations LCO Dry Creek C}}\&{{S Project Early Works}} - {{CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN}}}, + author = {Burns, Michael and Kidd, Donald and Principalli, Daniel and Morgan, Peter W}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {28}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P57SGCTN/burns_et_al_2021_21463789_–teck_line_creek_operations_lco_dry_creek_c&s_project_early_works_-.pdf} +} + +@misc{burnslakelakesdistrictnews2022CoastalGasLink, + title = {Coastal {{GasLink}} Seeks Workforce Increase South of {{Houston}}}, + author = {{Burns Lake Lakes District News}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://www.burnslakelakesdistrictnews.com/news/coastal-gaslink-seeks-workforce-increase-south-of-houston/}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + abstract = {More people needed to meet construction schedule}, + chapter = {Home}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NA3V7VJA/coastal-gaslink-seeks-workforce-increase-south-of-houston.html} +} + +@misc{burton_burton2003ManualGrowing, + title = {A {{Manual}} for {{Growing}} and {{Using Seed}} from {{Herbaceous Plants Native}} to the {{Northern Interior}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Burton, Carla and Burton, Philip}, + year = {2003}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fia/documents/native_seed_manual/natplant_manual1.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + organization = {Symbios Research \& Restoration, Smithers, British Columbia, Canada.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FRTFLSHJ/burton_burton_2003_a_manual_for_growing_and_using_seed_from_herbaceous_plants_native_to_the.pdf} +} + +@article{busch_etal2011LandscapeLevelModela, + ids = {shallinbusch_etal2013LANDSCAPELEVELMODELb}, + title = {Landscape-{{Level Model}} to {{Predict Spawning Habitat For Lower Columbia River Fall Chinook Salmon}} ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha}}}} ): {{Intrinsic Potential Model}} for {{Spawning Fall Chinook Salmon}}}, + shorttitle = {{{LANDSCAPE-LEVEL MODEL TO PREDICT SPAWNING HABITAT FOR LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER FALL CHINOOK SALMON}} ( {{{\emph{ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA}}}} )}, + author = {Busch, D.Shallin and Sheer, Mindi and Burnett, Kelly and McElhany, Paul and Cooney, Tom}, + year = {2011}, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {29}, + number = {3}, + pages = {297--312}, + issn = {15351459}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.1597}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/pnw/publications/landscape-level-model-predict-spawning-habitat-lower-columbia-river-fall-chinook-salmon}, + urldate = {2021-02-24}, + abstract = {We developed an intrinsic potential (1P) model to estimate the potential of streams to provide habitat for spawning fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Lower Columbia River evolutionarily significant unit. This evolutionarily significant unit is a threatened species, and both fish abundance and distribution are reduced from historical levels. The IP model focuses on geomorphic conditions that lead to the development of a habitat that fish use and includes three geomorphic channel parameters: confinement, width and gradient. We found that the amount of potential habitat for each population does not correlate with current, depressed, total population abundance. However, reaches currently used by spawners have high IP, and IP model results correlate well with results from the complex Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment model. A disproportionately large amount of habitat with the best potential is currently inaccessible to fish because of anthropogenic barriers. Sensitivity analyses indicate that uncertainty in the relationship between channel width and habitat suitability has the largest influence on model results and that model form influences model results more for some populations than for others. Published in 2011 by John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/96AXJY7C/busch_et_al_2011_landscape-level_model_to_predict_spawning_habitat_for_lower_columbia_river_fall.pdf} +} + +@misc{bustard_schell2002ConservingMorice, + title = {Conserving {{Morice Watershed Fish Populations}} and Their {{Habitat}}}, + author = {Bustard, D and Schell, C}, + year = {2002}, + publisher = {Community Futures Development Corporation of Nadina}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/315091.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-03-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HP2PWVUQ/bustard_schell_2002_conserving_morice_watershed_fish_populations_and_their_habitat.pdf} +} + +@misc{bwgold2021LDNUFN, + title = {{{LDN}} and {{UFN EMB Preliminary}} Discussion on: {{Country Food Monitoring Program End Land Use Plan}}}, + author = {{BW Gold}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/FNFNES_Report_Summary_2020-05-27_FINAL.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-05-19}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/94H8F9HE/bw_gold_2021_ldn_and_ufn_emb_preliminary_discussion_on_-_country_food_monitoring_program_end.pdf} +} + +@misc{bwgoldltd_2022EnvironmentalMonitoring, + title = {Environmental {{Monitoring}} - {{Joint Mines Act}} / {{Environmental Management Act Permits Application}}}, + author = {{BW Gold Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + annotation = {202203}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AMG97JRG/bw_gold_ltd._2022_environmental_monitoring_-_joint_mines_act_-_environmental_management_act.pdf} +} + +@misc{bwgoldltd_2022StandardOperating, + title = {Standard {{Operating Procedure Riparian Area Management Version A}}.1}, + author = {{BW Gold Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + annotation = {2022-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/L8EBIY9N/bw_gold_ltd._2022_standard_operating_procedure_riparian_area_management_version_a.1.pdf} +} + +@article{bwgoldltd_2022TransmissionLine, + title = {Transmission {{Line}}: {{Initial Project Description}}}, + author = {{BW Gold Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {107}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Initial version february}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/L9P3EUI7/bw_gold_ltd._2022_transmission_line_-_initial_project_description.pdf} +} + +@article{bwgoldltd_2022TransmissionLinea, + title = {Transmission {{Line}}: {{Initial Project Description}}}, + author = {{BW Gold Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {109}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Revised version May 2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6SU2N6J9/bw_gold_ltd._2022_transmission_line_-_initial_project_description.pdf} +} + +@article{calvignac-spencer_etal2013Carrionflyderived, + title = {Carrion Fly-derived {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} as a Tool for Comprehensive and Cost-effective Assessment of Mammalian Biodiversity}, + shorttitle = {Carrion Fly-derived}, + author = {Calvignac-Spencer, S{\'e}bastien and Merkel, Kevin and Kutzner, Nadine and K{\"u}hl, Hjalmar and Boesch, Christophe and Kappeler, Peter M. and Metzger, Sonja and Schubert, Grit and Leendertz, Fabian H.}, + year = {2013}, + month = feb, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {22}, + number = {4}, + pages = {915--924}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/mec.12183}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mec.12183}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Large-scale monitoring schemes are essential in assessing global mammalian biodiversity, and in this framework, leeches have recently been promoted as an indirect source of DNA from terrestrial mammal species. Carrion feeding flies are ubiquitous and can be expected to feed on many vertebrate carcasses. Hence, we tested whether fly-derived DNA analysis may also serve as a novel tool for mammalian diversity surveys. We screened DNA extracted from 201 carrion flies collected in tropical habitats of Co{\textasciicircum}te d'Ivoire and Madagascar for mammal DNA using multiple PCR systems and retrieved DNA sequences from a diverse set of species (22 in Co{\textasciicircum}te d'Ivoire, four in Madagascar) exploiting distinct forest strata and displaying a broad range of body sizes. Deep sequencing of amplicons generated from pools of flies performed equally well as individual sequencing approaches. We conclude that the analysis of fly-derived DNA can be implemented in a very rapid and cost-effective manner and will give a relatively unbiased picture of local mammal diversity. Carrion flies therefore represent an extraordinary and thus far unexploited resource of mammal DNA, which will probably prove useful for future inventories of wild mammal communities.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/86A325QH/Calvignac‐Spencer et al. - 2013 - Carrion fly‐derived span style=font-variantsmal.pdf} +} + +@article{calvignac-spencer_etal2013invertebratestomachs, + title = {An Invertebrate Stomach's View on Vertebrate Ecology: {{Certain}} Invertebrates Could Be Used as ``Vertebrate Samplers'' and Deliver {{DNA}}-based Information on Many Aspects of Vertebrate Ecology}, + shorttitle = {An Invertebrate Stomach's View on Vertebrate Ecology}, + author = {Calvignac-Spencer, S{\'e}bastien and Leendertz, Fabian H. and Gilbert, M. Thomas P. and Schubert, Grit}, + year = {2013}, + month = nov, + journal = {BioEssays}, + volume = {35}, + number = {11}, + pages = {1004--1013}, + issn = {0265-9247, 1521-1878}, + doi = {10.1002/bies.201300060}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.201300060}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Recent studies suggest that vertebrate genetic material ingested by invertebrates (iDNA) can be used to investigate vertebrate ecology. Given the ubiquity of invertebrates that feed on vertebrates across the globe, iDNA might qualify as a very powerful tool for 21st century population and conservation biologists. Here, we identify some invertebrate characteristics that will likely influence iDNA retrieval and elaborate on the potential uses of invertebrate-derived information. We hypothesize that beyond inventorying local faunal diversity, iDNA should allow for more profound insights into wildlife population density, size, mortality, and infectious agents. Based on the similarities of iDNA with other low-quality sources of DNA, a general technical framework for iDNA analyses is proposed. As it is likely that no such thing as a single ideal iDNA sampler exists, forthcoming research efforts should aim at cataloguing invertebrate properties relevant to iDNA retrieval so as to guide future usage of the invertebrate tool box.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M3JS3SXV/Calvignac‐Spencer et al. - 2013 - An invertebrate stomach's view on vertebrate ecolo.pdf} +} + +@techreport{calvin_etal2023IPCCSummary, + title = {{{IPCC}}: {{Summary}} for {{Policymakers}}. {{In}}: {{Climate Change}} 2023: {{Synthesis Report}}}, + shorttitle = {{{IPCC}}, 2023}, + author = {Calvin, Katherine and Dasgupta, Dipak and Krinner, Gerhard and Mukherji, Aditi and Thorne, Peter W. and Trisos, Christopher and Romero, Jos{\'e} and Aldunce, Paulina and Barrett, Ko and Blanco, Gabriel and Cheung, William W.L. and Connors, Sarah and Denton, Fatima and {Diongue-Niang}, A{\"i}da and Dodman, David and Garschagen, Matthias and Geden, Oliver and Hayward, Bronwyn and Jones, Christopher and Jotzo, Frank and Krug, Thelma and Lasco, Rodel and Lee, Yune-Yi and {Masson-Delmotte}, Val{\'e}rie and Meinshausen, Malte and Mintenbeck, Katja and Mokssit, Abdalah and Otto, Friederike E.L. and Pathak, Minal and Pirani, Anna and Poloczanska, Elvira and P{\"o}rtner, Hans-Otto and Revi, Aromar and Roberts, Debra C. and Roy, Joyashree and Ruane, Alex C. and Skea, Jim and Shukla, Priyadarshi R. and Slade, Raphael and Slangen, Aim{\'e}e and Sokona, Youba and S{\"o}rensson, Anna A. and Tignor, Melinda and Van Vuuren, Detlef and Wei, Yi-Ming and Winkler, Harald and Zhai, Panmao and Zommers, Zinta and Hourcade, Jean-Charles and Johnson, Francis X. and Pachauri, Shonali and Simpson, Nicholas P. and Singh, Chandni and Thomas, Adelle and Totin, Edmond and Arias, Paola and Bustamante, Mercedes and Elgizouli, Ismail and Flato, Gregory and Howden, Mark and {M{\'e}ndez-Vallejo}, Carlos and Pereira, Joy Jacqueline and {Pichs-Madruga}, Ram{\'o}n and Rose, Steven K. and Saheb, Yamina and S{\'a}nchez Rodr{\'i}guez, Roberto and {\"U}rge-Vorsatz, Diana and Xiao, Cunde and Yassaa, Noureddine and Alegr{\'i}a, Andr{\'e}s and Armour, Kyle and {Bednar-Friedl}, Birgit and Blok, Kornelis and Ciss{\'e}, Gu{\'e}ladio and Dentener, Frank and Eriksen, Siri and Fischer, Erich and Garner, Gregory and Guivarch, C{\'e}line and Haasnoot, Marjolijn and Hansen, Gerrit and Hauser, Mathias and Hawkins, Ed and Hermans, Tim and Kopp, Robert and {Leprince-Ringuet}, No{\"e}mie and Lewis, Jared and Ley, Debora and Ludden, Chlo{\'e} and Niamir, Leila and Nicholls, Zebedee and Some, Shreya and Szopa, Sophie and Trewin, Blair and Van Der Wijst, Kaj-Ivar and Winter, Gundula and Witting, Maximilian and Birt, Arlene and Ha, Meeyoung and Romero, Jos{\'e} and Kim, Jinmi and Haites, Erik F. and Jung, Yonghun and Stavins, Robert and Birt, Arlene and Ha, Meeyoung and Orendain, Dan Jezreel A. and Ignon, Lance and Park, Semin and Park, Youngin and Reisinger, Andy and Cammaramo, Diego and Fischlin, Andreas and Fuglestvedt, Jan S. and Hansen, Gerrit and Ludden, Chlo{\'e} and {Masson-Delmotte}, Val{\'e}rie and Matthews, J.B. Robin and Mintenbeck, Katja and Pirani, Anna and Poloczanska, Elvira and {Leprince-Ringuet}, No{\"e}mie and P{\'e}an, Clotilde}, + year = {2023}, + month = jul, + edition = {First}, + institution = {Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)}, + doi = {10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647}, + url = {https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/}, + urldate = {2023-11-02}, + abstract = {The Synthesis Report (SYR) is a stand-alone synthesis of the most policy-relevant evidence from the scientific, technical, and socio-economic literature assessed in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The SYR distils and integrates the main findings of the three reports of the Working Groups of the IPCC during the AR6, and the three AR6 Special Reports into a concise document. It consists of a Summary for Policymakers and a longer report.}, + collaborator = {Lee, Hoesung}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6YU2BX28/calvin_et_al_2023_ipcc_-_summary_for_policymakers._in_-_climate_change_2023_-_synthesis_report.pdf} +} + +@book{canada_departmentoffisheriesandoceans2019Recoverystrategy, + title = {Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout ({{Oncorhynchus}} Clarkii Lewisi) {{Alberta}} Population (Also Known as {{Saskatchewan-Nelson River}} Populations) in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {{Canada} and {Department of Fisheries and Oceans}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/201/301/weekly_acquisitions_list-ef/2020/20-01/publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2020/mpo-dfo/En3-4-182-2019-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-02-11}, + isbn = {978-0-660-33345-8}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1135063030}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9WJMUK4F/canada_department_of_fisheries_and_oceans_2019_recovery_strategy_and_action_plan_for_the_westslope_cutthroat_trout.pdf} +} + +@book{canada_etal2017COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Sockeye Salmon, {{Oncorhynchus}} Nerka, 24 Designatable Units in the {{Fraser River}} Drainage Basin, in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {{Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change Canada} and {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + address = {Ottawa}, + url = {http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/201/301/weekly_acquisitions_list-ef/2018/18-44/publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/eccc/CW69-14-761-2018-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-10-20}, + isbn = {978-0-660-26819-4}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1081101240}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CZJQVBTD/canada_et_al_2017_cosewic_assessment_and_status_report_on_the_sockeye_salmon,_oncorhynchus_nerka,.pdf} +} + +@book{canada_etal2019COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Chinook Salmon, {{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha, Designatable Units in Southern {{British Columbia}} (Part One - Designatable Units with No or Low Levels of Artificial Releases in the Last 12 Years), in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {{Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change Canada} and {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW69-14-469-2019-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-10-28}, + isbn = {978-0-660-31323-8}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1127257061} +} + +@misc{canada2008CanadianAquatic, + type = {Navigation Page;Guidance}, + title = {Canadian {{Aquatic Biomonitoring Network}} Resources}, + author = {Canada, Environment {and} Climate Change}, + year = {2008}, + month = feb, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/canadian-aquatic-biomonitoring-network/resources.html}, + urldate = {2024-10-17}, + abstract = {Resources}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2024-02-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GX3IHW6R/resources.html} +} + +@misc{canada2010NationalWater, + type = {Service Description}, + title = {National {{Water Data Archive}}: {{HYDAT}}}, + shorttitle = {National {{Water Data Archive}}}, + author = {Canada, Environment {and} Climate Change}, + year = {2010}, + month = feb, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/quantity/monitoring/survey/data-products-services/national-archive-hydat.html}, + urldate = {2024-03-05}, + abstract = {Information about water quantity is required by a wide audience, including research scientists, policy-makers, design engineers and the general public. Water level, flow and sediment data are used by decision makers to resolve issues related to sustainable use, infrastructure planning and water apportionment. Hydrological models use the data to improve the forecasting of floods and water supplies, and to predict the impacts of changes on flow regimes to human and aquatic health and economic activity. Environment Canada is the federal agency responsible for the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of standardized water quantity data and information in Canada. EC has maintained the National Hydrometric Program through cost-shared agreements with the provinces and territories since the mid-1970s. Established in 1908, EC's Water Survey of Canada is the designated branch responsible for water resource monitoring in support of interjurisdictional agreements and treaties.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2018-07-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FIHIZT2Z/national-archive-hydat.html} +} + +@misc{canada2013Canadaforest, + title = {Canada's Forest Carbon Reporting System}, + author = {Canada, Natural Resources}, + year = {2013}, + month = sep, + publisher = {Natural Resources Canada}, + url = {https://natural-resources.canada.ca/climate-change/climate-change-impacts-forests/carbon-accounting/13087}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {The National Forest Carbon Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System (NFCMARS) is Canada's forest carbon reporting system.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2023-09-27}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7SN2VIM3/canada_2013_canada’s_forest_carbon_reporting_system.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/V5DP6HLS/13087.html} +} + +@misc{canada2020NationalWater, + type = {Service Description}, + title = {National {{Water Data Archive}}: {{HYDAT}}}, + shorttitle = {National {{Water Data Archive}}}, + author = {Canada, Environment {and} Climate Change}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {aem}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/quantity/monitoring/survey/data-products-services/national-archive-hydat.html}, + urldate = {2021-01-21}, + abstract = {Information about water quantity is required by a wide audience, including research scientists, policy-makers, design engineers and the general public. Water level, flow and sediment data are used by decision makers to resolve issues related to sustainable use, infrastructure planning and water apportionment. Hydrological models use the data to improve the forecasting of floods and water supplies, and to predict the impacts of changes on flow regimes to human and aquatic health and economic activity. Environment Canada is the federal agency responsible for the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of standardized water quantity data and information in Canada. EC has maintained the National Hydrometric Program through cost-shared agreements with the provinces and territories since the mid-1970s. Established in 1908, EC's Water Survey of Canada is the designated branch responsible for water resource monitoring in support of interjurisdictional agreements and treaties.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2018-07-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZAM3A44X/national-archive-hydat.html} +} + +@misc{canada2023NLNHCP, + type = {Navigation Page - Audience Page}, + title = {{{NL NHCP}} Web Page Update}, + author = {Canada, Environment {and} Climate Change}, + year = {2023}, + month = aug, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/nature-legacy/natural-heritage-conservation-program.html}, + urldate = {2024-10-12}, + abstract = {The Natural Heritage Conservation Program (NHCP) is a national program that establishes new protected and conserved areas by working with partners across Canada to secure ecologically sensitive private lands and private interests in lands.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{canada2024NationalWater, + type = {Service Description}, + title = {National {{Water Data Archive}}: {{HYDAT}}}, + shorttitle = {National {{Water Data Archive}}}, + author = {Canada, Environment {and} Climate Change}, + year = {2024}, + journal = {aem}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/quantity/monitoring/survey/data-products-services/national-archive-hydat.html}, + urldate = {2021-01-21}, + abstract = {Information about water quantity is required by a wide audience, including research scientists, policy-makers, design engineers and the general public. Water level, flow and sediment data are used by decision makers to resolve issues related to sustainable use, infrastructure planning and water apportionment. Hydrological models use the data to improve the forecasting of floods and water supplies, and to predict the impacts of changes on flow regimes to human and aquatic health and economic activity. Environment Canada is the federal agency responsible for the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of standardized water quantity data and information in Canada. EC has maintained the National Hydrometric Program through cost-shared agreements with the provinces and territories since the mid-1970s. Established in 1908, EC's Water Survey of Canada is the designated branch responsible for water resource monitoring in support of interjurisdictional agreements and treaties.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2018-07-05} +} + +@misc{canadianforestproductsltd_2004FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Culvert Inspections}} - {{Forest Investment Account FIRS}} \# {{NOTSA242348 FIA}}\# 2348011}, + author = {{Canadian Forest Products Ltd.}}, + year = {2004}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r24365/2348011Summary_1330983703392_7b9d8632ef49cf80a7d0f96e2beee24a0ef0fe15d0c12930daa961b30db89fe2.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-05-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/52CC6VGD/canadian_forest_products_ltd._2004_fish_passage_culvert_inspections_-_forest_investment_account_firs_#_notsa242348.pdf} +} + +@misc{canadianherpetofaunahealthworkinggroup2017DecontaminationProtocol, + title = {Decontamination {{Protocol}} for {{Field Work}} with {{Amphibians}} and {{Reptiles}} in {{Canada}}}, + author = {{Canadian Herpetofauna Health Working Group}}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://www.cwhc-rcsf.ca/docs/HHWG%20Decontamination%20Protocol%202017-05-30.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-10-23}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A3Q2QN7H/HHWG Decontamination Protocol 2017-05-30.pdf} +} + +@misc{canadianwildlifefederation2023CanadianAquatic, + title = {Canadian {{Aquatic Barrier Database}}}, + author = {{Canadian Wildlife Federation}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/Canadian-Wildlife-Federation/CABD}, + urldate = {2023-01-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EBZLSX84/CABD.html} +} + +@misc{candy_etal2002discussionpaper, + title = {A Discussion Paper on Possible New Stock Groupings ({{Conservation Units}}) for {{Fraser River}} Chinook Salmon - {{Document}} de Travail Sur Les Nouveaux Agr{\'e}gats Possibles de Stocks (Unit{\'e}s de Conservation) Pour Le Saumon Quinnat Du {{Fraser}}}, + author = {Candy, J R and Irvine, J R and Parken, C K and Lemke, S L and Bailey, R E and Wetklo, M and Jonsen, K}, + year = {2002}, + url = {https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/mpo-dfo/Fs70-5-2002-085-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-07-22}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FR6HJR2X/candy_et_al_2002_a_discussion_paper_on_possible_new_stock_groupings_(conservation_units)_for.pdf} +} + +@book{cannings_ptolemy1998RareFreshwater, + title = {Rare {{Freshwater Fish}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Cannings, S.G. and Ptolemy, J}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/LIBRARY/Documents/Bib77170.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + annotation = {Published by: B.C. Minist. Environ., Lands and Parks} +} + +@article{cannon_etal2011Sitespecificsalmon, + title = {Site-Specific Salmon Fisheries on the {{Central Coast}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Cannon, Aubrey and Yang, Dongya and Speller, Camilla}, + year = {2011}, + month = jan, + journal = {The Archaeology of North Pacific Fisheries}, + pages = {57--74}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5B538D5B/Cannon et al. - 2011 - Site-specific salmon fisheries on the Central Coas.pdf} +} + +@techreport{CapacityKnowledgeLearningActionPlanUnitedNationsDecadeEcosystemRestoration2023, + title = {Capacity, {{Knowledge}} and {{Learning Action Plan}} for the {{United Nations Decade}} on {{Ecosystem Restoration}}}, + year = {2023}, + month = jul, + institution = {FAO}, + doi = {10.4060/cc6592en}, + url = {http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cc6592en}, + urldate = {2024-03-14}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AURLZBJC/2023_capacity,_knowledge_and_learning_action_plan_for_the_united_nations_decade_on.pdf} +} + +@misc{caribouenvirotechltd_2005LakeStream, + title = {Lake and {{Stream Survey}} of 5 {{Mile Creek}} and {{Unnamed Lake}}}, + author = {{Caribou Envirotech Ltd.}}, + year = {2005}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RT9DNLQW/caribou_envirotech_ltd._2005_lake_and_stream_survey_of_5_mile_creek_and_unnamed_lake.pdf} +} + +@article{carim_etal2016environmentalDNA, + title = {An Environmental {{DNA}} Assay for Detecting {{Arctic}} Grayling in the Upper {{Missouri River}} Basin, {{North America}}}, + author = {Carim, K. J. and Dysthe, J. C. S. and Young, M. K. and McKelvey, K. S. and Schwartz, M. K.}, + year = {2016}, + month = sep, + journal = {Conservation Genetics Resources}, + volume = {8}, + number = {3}, + pages = {197--199}, + issn = {1877-7252, 1877-7260}, + doi = {10.1007/s12686-016-0531-1}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12686-016-0531-1}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The upper Missouri River basin in the northwestern US contains disjunct Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) populations of conservation concern. To assist efforts aimed at understanding Artic grayling distribution, we developed a quantitative PCR assay to detect the presence of Arctic grayling DNA in environmental samples. The assay amplified low concentrations of Arctic grayling DNA consistently, and did not amplify non-target species, including sympatric salmonid fishes.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SUF6E2TZ/Carim et al. - 2016 - An environmental DNA assay for detecting Arctic gr.pdf} +} + +@article{carimCarimPadgettStewart, + title = {Carim, {{K}}. {{J}}., {{T}}. {{Padgett-Stewart}}, {{T}}. {{M}}. {{Wilcox}}, {{M}}.{{K}}. {{Young}}, {{K}}.{{S}}. {{McKelvey}}, and {{M}}.{{K}}. {{Schwartz}}. (2015) {{Protocol}} for Collecting {{eDNA}} Samples from Streams. {{U}}.{{S}}.{{D}}.{{A}}. {{Forest Service}}, {{National Genomics Center}} for {{Wildlife}} and {{Fish Conservation}}. {{V2}}.3 ({{July}} 2015).}, + author = {Carim, Kellie}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YNTWXHW9/Carim - Carim, K. J., T. Padgett-Stewart, T. M. Wilcox, M..PDF} +} + +@article{carimCarimPadgettStewarta, + title = {Carim, {{K}}. {{J}}., {{T}}. {{Padgett-Stewart}}, {{T}}. {{M}}. {{Wilcox}}, {{M}}.{{K}}. {{Young}}, {{K}}.{{S}}. {{McKelvey}}, and {{M}}.{{K}}. {{Schwartz}}. (2015) {{Protocol}} for Collecting {{eDNA}} Samples from Streams. {{U}}.{{S}}.{{D}}.{{A}}. {{Forest Service}}, {{National Genomics Center}} for {{Wildlife}} and {{Fish Conservation}}. {{V2}}.3 ({{July}} 2015).}, + author = {Carim, Kellie}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2MI72Z5C/Carim - Carim, K. J., T. Padgett-Stewart, T. M. Wilcox, M..pdf} +} + +@article{carmignani_roy2017Ecologicalimpacts, + title = {Ecological Impacts of Winter Water Level Drawdowns on Lake Littoral Zones: A Review}, + shorttitle = {Ecological Impacts of Winter Water Level Drawdowns on Lake Littoral Zones}, + author = {Carmignani, Jason R. and Roy, Allison H.}, + year = {2017}, + month = oct, + journal = {Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {79}, + number = {4}, + pages = {803--824}, + issn = {1015-1621, 1420-9055}, + doi = {10.1007/s00027-017-0549-9}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00027-017-0549-9}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NPPTLP2E/Carmignani and Roy - 2017 - Ecological impacts of winter water level drawdowns.pdf} +} + +@article{carr_etal2020ImpactsVarying, + title = {Impacts of {{Varying Dam Outflow Elevations}} on {{Water Temperature}}, {{Dissolved Oxygen}}, and {{Nutrient Distributions}} in a {{Large Prairie Reservoir}}}, + author = {Carr, Meghan K. and Sadeghian, Amir and Lindenschmidt, Karl-Erich and Rinke, Karsten and {Morales-Marin}, Luis}, + year = {2020}, + month = jan, + journal = {Environmental Engineering Science}, + volume = {37}, + number = {1}, + pages = {78--97}, + issn = {1092-8758}, + doi = {10.1089/ees.2019.0146}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6983749/}, + urldate = {2020-07-28}, + abstract = {Dam operations are known to have significant impacts on reservoir hydrodynamics and solute transport processes. The Gardiner Dam, one of the structures that forms the Lake Diefenbaker reservoir located in the Canadian Prairies, is managed for hydropower generation and agricultural irrigation and is known to have widely altering temperature regimes and nutrient circulations. This study applies the hydrodynamic and nutrient CE-QUAL-W2 model to explore how various withdrawal depths (5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55\,m) influence the concentrations and distribution of nutrients, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO) within the Lake Diefenbaker reservoir. As expected, the highest dissolved nutrient (phosphate, PO43--P and nitrate, NO3--N) concentrations were associated with hypoxic depth horizons in both studied years. During summer high flow period spillway operations impact the distribution of nutrients, water temperatures, and DO as increased epilimnion flow velocities route the incoming water through the surface of the reservoir and reduce mixing and surface warming. This reduces reservoir concentrations but can lead to increased outflow nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. Lower withdrawal elevations pull warmer surface water deeper within the reservoir and decrease reservoir DO during summer stratification. During fall turnover low outflow elevations increase water column mixing and draws warmer water deeper, leading to slightly higher temperatures and nutrient concentrations than shallow withdrawal elevations. The 15\,m depth (540\,m above sea level) outflow generally provided the best compromise for overall reservoir and outflow nutrient reduction.}, + pmcid = {PMC6983749}, + pmid = {32051677} +} + +@article{carr-harris_etal2015JuvenileSalmon, + title = {Juvenile {{Salmon Usage}} of the {{Skeena River Estuary}}}, + author = {{Carr-Harris}, Charmaine and Gottesfeld, Allen S. and Moore, Jonathan W.}, + editor = {Krkosek, Martin}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {10}, + number = {3}, + pages = {e0118988}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0118988}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0118988}, + urldate = {2021-04-15}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mw} +} + +@article{carreau_etalDEPARTMENTBIOLOGY, + title = {{{DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY}}, {{MCGILL UNIVERSITY}}, {{MONTR{\'E}AL}}, {{CANADA}}}, + author = {Carreau, Jean and Webb, Mark and {\"O}berg, Meit and Cristescu, Melania}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7AZNEG5A/Carreau et al. - DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTRÉAL.pdf} +} + +@incollection{casi_etal2021TraditionalEcological, + title = {Traditional {{Ecological Knowledge}}}, + booktitle = {Situating {{Sustainability}}: {{A Handbook}} of {{Contexts}} and {{Concepts}}}, + author = {Casi, Corinna and Guttorm, Hanna Ellen and Virtanen, Pirjo Kristiina}, + editor = {Krieg, C. Parker and Toivanen, Reetta}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {181--194}, + publisher = {Helsinki University Press}, + doi = {10.33134/HUP-14-13}, + url = {https://hup.fi/site/chapters/e/10.33134/HUP-14-13/}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + abstract = {This chapter argues that the concept of Traditional Ecological Knowlegde means more than the accumulated environmental knowledge and comprehension of natural phenomena. Rather, it is constituted by a set of evolving beliefs and practices that understands its own dynamic relationship with other beings in the environment. The examples of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) illustrated in this chapter include Apurin{\~a} and Manchineri communities in Brazilian Amazonia, and S{\'a}mi communities in the Arctic.}, + isbn = {978-952-369-051-6}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A2Q9MUYS/casi_et_al_2021_traditional_ecological_knowledge.pdf} +} + +@misc{casselman_stanley2010BulkleyFulton, + title = {Bulkley/{{Fulton Watershed}} {{Fish Passage Culvert Assessment Program}}}, + author = {Casselman, J and Stanley, D}, + year = {2010}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r24143/8094011_Final_Report_Part_1328571584158_0bd68c842ee1398fde7c7fe754a7643122e5cb4e7c79ddd8436406d529bd7151.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-07-29}, + annotation = {Prepared by Ecofor Consulting Ltd. Prepared for Tweedsmuir~Forest~Ltd. Prince~George,~BC} +} + +@article{castro_etal2018USFish, + title = {{{US Fish}} and {{Wildlife Service National Oceanic}} and {{Atmospheric Administration University}} of {{Saskatchewan US Forest Service Woodruff}}}, + author = {Castro, Janine and Pollock, Michael and Jordan, Chris and Lewallen, Gregory}, + year = {2018}, + pages = {228}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y2ZMDTIJ/castro_et_al_2018_us_fish_and_wildlife_service_national_oceanic_and_atmospheric_administration.pdf} +} + +@article{castro_etalUSFish, + title = {{{US Fish}} and {{Wildlife Service National Oceanic}} and {{Atmospheric Administration University}} of {{Saskatchewan US Forest Service Woodruff}}}, + author = {Castro, Janine and Pollock, Michael and Jordan, Chris and Lewallen, Gregory}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AMQR7NPP/castro_et_al_us_fish_and_wildlife_service_national_oceanic_and_atmospheric_administration.pdf} +} + +@article{castro_thorne2019streamevolution, + title = {The Stream Evolution Triangle: {{Integrating}} Geology, Hydrology, and Biology}, + shorttitle = {The Stream Evolution Triangle}, + author = {Castro, Janine M. and Thorne, Colin R.}, + year = {2019}, + month = may, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {35}, + number = {4}, + pages = {315--326}, + issn = {1535-1459, 1535-1467}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.3421}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rra.3421}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {The foundations of river restoration science rest comfortably in the fields of geology, hydrology, and engineering, and yet, the impetus for many, if not most, stream restoration projects is biological recovery. Although Lane's stream balance equation from the mid-1950s captured the dynamic equilibrium between the amount of stream flow, the slope of the channel, and the amount and calibre of sediment, it completely ignored biology. Similarly, most of the stream classification systems used in river restoration design today do not explicitly include biology as a primary driver of stream form and process. To address this omission, we cast biology as an equal partner with geology and hydrology, forming a triumvirate that governs stream morphology and evolution. To represent this, we have created the stream evolution triangle, a conceptual model that explicitly accounts for the influences of geology, hydrology, and biology. Recognition of biology as a driver leads to improved understanding of reach-scale morphology and the dynamic response mechanisms responsible for stream evolution and adjustment following natural or anthropogenic disturbance, including stream restoration. Our aim in creating the stream evolution triangle is not to exclude or supersede existing stream classifications and evolutionary models but to provide a broader ``thinking space'' within which they can be framed and reconsidered, thus facilitating thought outside of the alluvial box.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MIQPA8TK/castro_thorne_2019_the_stream_evolution_triangle_-_integrating_geology,_hydrology,_and_biology.pdf} +} + +@misc{CEAATechnicalReviewEnvironmentalImpactStatementCommentsRequiringResponsedatedMarch2016pdf, + title = {{{CEAA Technical Review}} of the {{Environmental Impact Statement Comments Requiring}} a {{Response}}, Dated {{March}} 3, 2016.Pdf}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868fa0e036fb0105768533/download/CEAA%20Technical%20Review%20of%20the%20Environmental%20Impact%20Statement%20Comments%20Requiring%20a%20Response%2C%20dated%20March%203%2C%202016.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BMQX96C5/ceaa_technical_review_of_the_environmental_impact_statement_comments_requiring.pdf} +} + +@article{chalifour_etal2019Habitatuse, + title = {Habitat Use by Juvenile Salmon, Other Migratory Fish, and Resident Fish Species Underscores the Importance of Estuarine Habitat Mosaics}, + author = {Chalifour, L and Scott, Dc and MacDuffee, M and Iacarella, Jc and Martin, Tg and Baum, Jk}, + year = {2019}, + month = aug, + journal = {Marine Ecology Progress Series}, + volume = {625}, + pages = {145--162}, + issn = {0171-8630, 1616-1599}, + doi = {10.3354/meps13064}, + url = {https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v625/p145-162/}, + urldate = {2022-01-04}, + abstract = {Interfacing with land and sea, estuaries support a mosaic of habitats that underpin the production of many coastal fisheries. These ecosystems are threatened by multiple stressors, including habitat loss and climate change, but the relative importance of estuarine habitat types for different fish species remains poorly understood since direct habitat comparisons are rare. This knowledge gap is exemplified in temperate estuaries by salmon --- ecologically and commercially important species that use estuaries during their migrations to and from the ocean. Here, we tested for species-specific habitat use by sampling fishes in 3 interconnected estuarine habitats (brackish marsh, eelgrass, and sand flat), across seasons and temperature regimes. We quantified fish species richness, community distinctness, and catches (of Chinook and chum salmon, other migratory fishes, and resident fishes) in the Pacific Northwest's heavily urbanized Fraser River estuary, the terminus of what was once the world's most productive salmon basin. Overall, eelgrass habitat supported the greatest fish species richness (n = 37) and catches (37 402 fish), exceeding that of both the marsh (19 species, 7154 fish) and sand flat (22 species, 6697 fish). However, the majority of salmon were caught in the marsh (61\%). These differences, coupled with our finding that at least one unique fish species inhabited each habitat (eelgrass = 15, marsh = 8, sand flat = 1), demonstrate species-specific habitat use and underscore the importance of connected seascapes for biodiversity conservation.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RQKMCR5C/chalifour_et_al_2019_habitat_use_by_juvenile_salmon,_other_migratory_fish,_and_resident_fish_species.pdf} +} + +@article{chalifour_etal2021Chinooksalmon, + title = {Chinook Salmon Exhibit Long-Term Rearing and Early Marine Growth in the {{Fraser River}}, {{British Columbia}}, a Large Urban Estuary}, + author = {Chalifour, Lia and Scott, David C. and MacDuffee, Misty and Stark, Steven and Dower, John F. and Beacham, Terry D. and Martin, Tara G. and Baum, Julia K.}, + year = {2021}, + month = may, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {78}, + number = {5}, + pages = {539--550}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2020-0247}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2020-0247}, + urldate = {2022-01-04}, + abstract = {Estuaries represent a transition zone for salmon migrating from fresh water to marine waters, yet their contribution to juvenile growth is poorly quantified. Here, we use genetic stock identification and otolith analyses to quantify estuarine habitat use by Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) --- the Pacific salmon species considered most reliant on this habitat --- in Canada's most productive salmon river, the Fraser River. Two years of sampling revealed subyearling migrant (ocean-type) Chinook from the Harrison River to be the estuary's dominant salmon population throughout the emigration period. These Chinook salmon were caught predominantly in the estuary's brackish marshes but shifted to more saline habitats as they grew. Otolith analyses indicated that these Chinook salmon have wide-ranging entry timing (from February to May) and longer estuarine residency (weeks to months, mean 41.8 days) than estimated by prior studies, but similar daily growth rates (mean 6 SD: 0.57 6 0.13 mm) across entry dates and residency periods, implying sufficient foraging opportunities throughout the emigration period and habitats. Together, these results suggest that estuarine habitat is more important for early marine growth of subyearling migrant Chinook salmon than previously recognized.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JZKU8DVJ/chalifour_et_al_2021_chinook_salmon_exhibit_long-term_rearing_and_early_marine_growth_in_the_fraser.pdf} +} + +@article{chambert_etal2018analyticalframework, + title = {An Analytical Framework for Estimating Aquatic Species Density from Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}}}, + shorttitle = {An Analytical Framework for Estimating Aquatic Species Density from Environmental}, + author = {Chambert, Thierry and Pilliod, David S. and Goldberg, Caren S. and Doi, Hideyuki and Takahara, Teruhiko}, + year = {2018}, + month = mar, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {8}, + number = {6}, + pages = {3468--3477}, + issn = {2045-7758, 2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.3764}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3764}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis of water samples is on the brink of becoming a standard monitoring method for aquatic species. This method has improved detection rates over conventional survey methods and thus has demonstrated effectiveness for estimation of site occupancy and species distribution. The frontier of eDNA applications, however, is to infer species density. Building upon previous studies, we present and assess a modeling approach that aims at inferring animal density from eDNA. The modeling combines eDNA and animal count data from a subset of sites to estimate species density (and associated uncertainties) at other sites where only eDNA data are available. As a proof of concept, we first perform a cross-\-validation study using experimental data on carp in mesocosms. In these data, fish densities are known without error, which allows us to test the performance of the method with known data. We then evaluate the model using field data from a study on a stream salamander species to assess the potential of this method to work in natural settings, where density can never be known with absolute certainty. Two alternative distributions (Normal and Negative Binomial) to model variability in eDNA concentration data are assessed. Assessment based on the proof of concept data (carp) revealed that the Negative Binomial model provided much more accurate estimates than the model based on a Normal distribution, likely because eDNA data tend to be overdispersed. Greater imprecision was found when we applied the method to the field data, but the Negative Binomial model still provided useful density estimates. We call for further model development in this direction, as well as further research targeted at sampling design optimization. It will be important to assess these approaches on a broad range of study systems.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LHSLK99K/Chambert et al. - 2018 - An analytical framework for estimating aquatic spe.pdf} +} + +@misc{CHaMPmetricsColumbiaHabitatMonitoringProgramInPort, + title = {{{CHaMP}} Metrics - {{Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program}} {\textbar} {{InPort}}}, + url = {https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inport/item/18087}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/526T5GVM/18087.html} +} + +@misc{chapman_hatfield2021LCODry, + title = {{{LCO Dry Creek Water Conveyance}} and {{Supplementation Project}}. {{Fish Habitat Assessment}}. {{DRAFT V1}}}, + author = {Chapman, Jacqueline and Hatfield, Todd}, + year = {2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MWQH8GC3/chapman_hatfield_2021_lco_dry_creek_water_conveyance_and_supplementation_project._fish_habitat.pdf} +} + +@misc{ChapterCTDRelatedMeasurements, + title = {Chapter 3- {{CTD}} and {{Related Measurements}}}, + url = {https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/archive/arc0001/9900162/2.2/data/0-data/jgofscd/Files/protocols/chap3.html}, + urldate = {2024-05-22} +} + +@misc{cheng_etal2022InterfaceLeaflet, + title = {An {{R Interface}} to {{Leaflet Maps}}}, + author = {Cheng, J and Karambelkar, B and Xie, Y}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {R Interface to Leaflet Maps}, + howpublished = {RStudio}, + keywords = {gis,leaflet-map,r,spatial} +} + +@misc{cheng_etal2022InterfaceLeafleta, + title = {An {{R Interface}} to {{Leaflet Maps}}}, + author = {Cheng, J and Karambelkar, B and Xie, Y}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {R Interface to Leaflet Maps}, + howpublished = {RStudio}, + keywords = {gis,leaflet-map,r,spatial} +} + +@misc{cheng_sievert2022Crosstalk, + title = {Crosstalk}, + author = {Cheng, J and Sievert, C}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/crosstalk}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {Inter-htmlwidget communication for R (with and without Shiny)}, + howpublished = {RStudio} +} + +@misc{cheng_sievert2022Crosstalka, + title = {Crosstalk}, + author = {Cheng, J and Sievert, C}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/crosstalk}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {Inter-htmlwidget communication for R (with and without Shiny)}, + howpublished = {RStudio} +} + +@misc{cheslattacarriernationEnvironmentalStewardship, + title = {Environmental {{Stewardship}}}, + author = {{Cheslatta Carrier Nation}}, + journal = {Cheslatta Carrier Nation}, + url = {https://www.cheslatta.com/environmental-stewardship}, + urldate = {2024-04-07}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CF4X2J9T/environmental-stewardship.html} +} + +@article{chezik_etal2014Fishgrowth, + title = {Fish Growth and Degree-Days {{I}}: Selecting a Base Temperature for a within-Population Study}, + shorttitle = {Fish Growth and Degree-Days {{I}}}, + author = {Chezik, Kyle A. and Lester, Nigel P. and Venturelli, Paul A.}, + editor = {Tierney, Keith}, + year = {2014}, + month = jan, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {71}, + number = {1}, + pages = {47--55}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2013-0295}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0295}, + urldate = {2023-03-06}, + abstract = {Degree-days (DD) are an increasingly popular method for explaining variation in fish growth and development. By including a base temperature (To) the DD formula limits calculations to temperatures that are relevant to growth. However, our review of growth studies shows multiple To values in use for a given fish species. To determine how To affects the ability of DD to explain within-population growth variation, we first show that the ability of DD to describe a growing season is robust to low values of To. We then analyze immature length data from eight species and 85 water bodies in North America to show that there is a broad range of To values that effectively explain growth variation. Based on these results, we argue that precise To estimates are unwarranted for most single-population studies and recommend standard To values (0, 5, 10, 15 {$^\circ$}C). Standardization facilitates comparative studies and promotes the use of DD in future research. To this end, we provide equations for converting annual DD at a given To to annual DD at a standard To.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZSHZUGLH/chezik_et_al_2014_fish_growth_and_degree-days_i_-_selecting_a_base_temperature_for_a.pdf} +} + +@misc{ChilakoRiverCorridorHeadwaterRestorationDemonstration, + title = {Chilako {{River Corridor}} and {{Headwater Restoration Demonstration}}}, + journal = {Indigenous Watersheds Initiative}, + url = {https://www.indigenouswatersheds.ca/projects-overview/chilako}, + urldate = {2024-08-26}, + abstract = {Lheidli T'enneh First Nation}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HGXVZXIU/chilako.html} +} + +@article{chow_etalMOREINFORMATION, + title = {{{FOR MORE INFORMATION}}:}, + author = {Chow, Brian and Tschaplinski, Peter and Gillies, Clayton}, + pages = {2}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{ciotti_etal2021DesignCriteria, + title = {Design {{Criteria}} for {{Process-Based Restoration}} of {{Fluvial Systems}}}, + author = {Ciotti, Damion C and Mckee, Jared and Pope, Karen L and Kondolf, G Mathias and Pollock, Michael M}, + year = {2021}, + month = aug, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {71}, + number = {8}, + pages = {831--845}, + issn = {0006-3568, 1525-3244}, + doi = {10.1093/biosci/biab065}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/71/8/831/6307424}, + urldate = {2022-12-12}, + abstract = {Process-based restoration of fluvial systems removes human constraints on nature to promote ecological recovery. By freeing natural processes, a resilient ecosystem may be restored with minimal corrective intervention. However, there is a lack of meaningful design criteria to allow designers to evaluate whether a project is likely to achieve process-based restoration objectives. We describe four design criteria to evaluate a project's potential: the expansion of fluvial process space and connectivity lost because of human alterations, the use of intrinsic natural energy to do the work of restoration, the use of native materials that do not overstabilize project elements, and the explicit incorporation of time and adaptive management into project design to place sites on recovery trajectories as opposed to attempts to ``restore'' sites via a single intervention. Applications include stream and infrastructure design and low-carbon construction. An example is presented in California's Sierra Nevada foothills.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HBTJEMKQ/ciotti_et_al_2021_design_criteria_for_process-based_restoration_of_fluvial_systems.pdf} +} + +@article{ciotti_etal2021DesignCriteriaa, + title = {Design {{Criteria}} for {{Process-Based Restoration}} of {{Fluvial Systems}}}, + author = {Ciotti, Damion C and Mckee, Jared and Pope, Karen L and Kondolf, G Mathias and Pollock, Michael M}, + year = {2021}, + month = aug, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {71}, + number = {8}, + pages = {831--845}, + issn = {0006-3568, 1525-3244}, + doi = {10.1093/biosci/biab065}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/71/8/831/6307424}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {Process-based restoration of fluvial systems removes human constraints on nature to promote ecological recovery. By freeing natural processes, a resilient ecosystem may be restored with minimal corrective intervention. However, there is a lack of meaningful design criteria to allow designers to evaluate whether a project is likely to achieve process-based restoration objectives. We describe four design criteria to evaluate a project's potential: the expansion of fluvial process space and connectivity lost because of human alterations, the use of intrinsic natural energy to do the work of restoration, the use of native materials that do not overstabilize project elements, and the explicit incorporation of time and adaptive management into project design to place sites on recovery trajectories as opposed to attempts to ``restore'' sites via a single intervention. Applications include stream and infrastructure design and low-carbon construction. An example is presented in California's Sierra Nevada foothills.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6FMF7CAA/ciotti_et_al_2021_design_criteria_for_process-based_restoration_of_fluvial_systems.pdf} +} + +@article{clare_etal2021eDNAirproof, + title = {{{eDNAir}}: Proof of Concept That Animal {{DNA}} Can Be Collected from Air Sampling}, + shorttitle = {{{eDNAir}}}, + author = {Clare, Elizabeth L. and Economou, Chloe K. and Faulkes, Chris G. and Gilbert, James D. and Bennett, Frances and Drinkwater, Rosie and Littlefair, Joanne E.}, + year = {2021}, + month = mar, + journal = {PeerJ}, + volume = {9}, + pages = {e11030}, + issn = {2167-8359}, + doi = {10.7717/peerj.11030}, + url = {https://peerj.com/articles/11030}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) is one of the fastest developing tools for species biomonitoring and ecological research. However, despite substantial interest from research, commercial and regulatory sectors, it has remained primarily a tool for aquatic systems with a small amount of work in substances such as soil, snow and rain. Here we demonstrate that eDNA can be collected from air and used to identify mammals. Our proof of concept successfully demonstrated that eDNA sampled from air contained mixed templates which reflect the species known to be present within a confined space and that this material can be accessed using existing sampling methods. We anticipate this demonstration will initiate a much larger research programme in terrestrial airDNA sampling and that this may rapidly advance biomonitoring approaches. Lastly, we outline these and potential related applications we expect to benefit from this development.}, + copyright = {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EN96DN6S/Clare et al. - 2021 - eDNAir proof of concept that animal DNA can be co.pdf} +} + +@article{clarke2005OminecaRegion, + title = {Omineca {{Region Stocked Lake Assessment Report}} - {{Goose Lake}}}, + author = {Clarke, A}, + year = {2005}, + pages = {7}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{clarkinNationalInventoryAssessment2005, + title = {National {{Inventory}} and {{Assessment Procedure For Identifying Barriers}} to {{Aquatic Organism Passage}} at {{Road-Stream Crossings}}}, + author = {Clarkin, K and Connor, A and Furniss, M and Gubernick, B and Love, M and Moynan, K and WilsonMusser, S}, + year = {2005}, + publisher = {{United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Technology and Development Program}}, + url = {https://www.fs.fed.us/biology/nsaec/fishxing/publications/PDFs/NIAP.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-26}, + keywords = {duplicate-citation-key,Move}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JD47FNR2/clarkin_et_al_2005_national_inventory_and_assessment_procedure_for_identifying_barriers_to_aquatic.pdf} +} + +@book{cleator_etal2009InformationRelevant, + title = {Information {{Relevant}} to a {{Recovery Potential Assessment}} of {{Pure Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout}}, {{Alberta Population}}}, + author = {Cleator, H. and Earle, J and Fitch, L and Humphries, S and Koops, Marten and Martin, K and Mayhood, David and Petry, S and Pacas, C and Stelfox, J and Wig, D}, + year = {2009}, + month = jan, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PU3WN8XY/cleator_et_al_2009_information_relevant_to_a_recovery_potential_assessment_of_pure_native.pdf} +} + +@book{ClimateChange2014SynthesisReportGenevaSwitzerlandIntergovernmentalPanelClimateChangeIPCC2014, + title = {Climate {{Change}} 2014: {{Synthesis Report}}. {{Geneva}}, {{Switzerland}}: {{Intergovernmental Panel}} on {{Climate Change}} ({{IPCC}}).}, + shorttitle = {Climate {{Change}} 2014}, + year = {2014}, + publisher = {{Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [[Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)IPCC}}, + isbn = {978-92-9169-143-2} +} + +@misc{cluer_powers2020StageRestoration, + title = {Stage 0 {{Restoration}}: {{What}} It Is, and Why It's Important}, + author = {Cluer, Brian and Powers, Paul}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://fws.rev.vbrick.com/#/videos/22fde011-e839-430e-a51b-f1f6f120831d}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7QDR5SZX/fws.rev.vbrick.com.html} +} + +@article{cluer_thorne2014StreamEvolution, + title = {A {{Stream Evolution Model Integrating Habitat And Ecosystem Benefits}}: {{SEM Incorporating Habitat And Ecosystem Benefits}}}, + shorttitle = {A {{STREAM EVOLUTION MODEL INTEGRATING HABITAT AND ECOSYSTEM BENEFITS}}}, + author = {Cluer, B. and Thorne, C.}, + year = {2014}, + month = feb, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {30}, + number = {2}, + pages = {135--154}, + issn = {15351459}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.2631}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rra.2631}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {For decades, Channel Evolution Models have provided useful templates for understanding morphological responses to disturbance associated with lowering base level, channelization or alterations to the flow and/or sediment regimes. In this paper, two well-established Channel Evolution Models are revisited and updated in light of recent research and practical experience. The proposed Stream Evolution Model includes a precursor stage, which recognizes that streams may naturally be multi-threaded prior to disturbance, and represents stream evolution as a cyclical, rather than linear, phenomenon, recognizing an evolutionary cycle within which streams advance through the common sequence, skip some stages entirely, recover to a previous stage or even repeat parts of the evolutionary cycle.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5NXAZYJ2/cluer_thorne_2014_a_stream_evolution_model_integrating_habitat_and_ecosystem_benefits_-_sem.pdf} +} + +@article{coleman_fausch2007ColdSummer, + title = {Cold {{Summer Temperature Limits Recruitment}} of {{Age}}-0 {{Cutthroat Trout}} in {{High}}-{{Elevation Colorado Streams}}}, + author = {Coleman, Mark A. and Fausch, Kurt D.}, + year = {2007}, + month = sep, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {136}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1231--1244}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T05-244.1}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1577/T05-244.1}, + urldate = {2022-10-03}, + abstract = {Translocation is a key strategy for conserving native subspecies of cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii that have declined markedly throughout their native range. Previous research showed that successful translocations of cutthroat trout in high-elevation southern Rocky Mountain streams were more likely in streams with warm summer water temperature and led to the hypothesis that cold summer temperatures govern translocation success by limiting recruitment. We tested this by measuring the density and size of age-0 cutthroat trout (greenback cutthroat trout O. c. stomias and Colorado River cutthroat trout O. c. pleuriticus) in six headwater streams in north-central Colorado that varied in thermal characteristics. Surveys were conducted at peak emergence during 3 years in two widely spaced study reaches in each stream. Fry density increased with Celsius degree-days accumulated during the growing season but did not vary significantly among years. We used laboratory data on the growth and survivorship of age-0 cutthroat trout in three temperature regimes that were similar to those studied in the field to determine expected survivorship and size of fry at the start of winter, which occurred several weeks after peak emergence in our warmer reaches and coincided with emergence in colder reaches. Our results support the hypothesis that recruitment of native cutthroat trout in Colorado is limited by cold water temperatures that reduce growth and recruitment. High-elevation streams, like those studied, that accumulate 900--1,200 Celsius degree-days during the growing season afford the best opportunity for cutthroat trout recruitment and translocation success. Streams that provide 800--900 degree-days probably sustain recruitment in some years, and those with less than 800 degree-days are generally unsuitable for translocations because of a greater risk of recruitment failure and the smaller sizes attained by fry by the onset of winter.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VLM2M7IU/coleman_fausch_2007_cold_summer_temperature_limits_recruitment_of_age‐0_cutthroat_trout_in.pdf} +} + +@article{coleman_fausch2007ColdSummera, + title = {Cold {{Summer Temperature Regimes Cause}} a {{Recruitment Bottleneck}} in {{Age}}-0 {{Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Reared}} in {{Laboratory Streams}}}, + author = {Coleman, Mark A. and Fausch, Kurt D.}, + year = {2007}, + month = may, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {136}, + number = {3}, + pages = {639--654}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T05-288.1}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1577/T05-288.1}, + urldate = {2022-10-03}, + abstract = {Native salmonids are increasingly restricted to upstream habitats that may be too cold to sustain recruitment, and recruitment limitation owing to cold temperatures is a main hypothesis to explain translocation failures of native cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii in high-elevation streams in the southern Rocky Mountains. We subjected Colorado River cutthroat trout O. c. pleuriticus fry to one of three temperature regimes (cold, intermediate, or warm), which averaged 7.0, 8.5, and 10.08C during the warmest summer month, in each of 2 years. The regimes mimicked those of natural streams where translocated fish had died out or produced populations of cutthroat trout of low or high abundance. The mean fry survival rate from hatching through swim-up was high during both experiments, ranging from 97\% in the warm regime to 85\% in the cold. After swim-up, fry in the warm regime grew more than 60\% more on average than those in the cold regime by the onset of winter in 2003 during a 22-week period. Survival rates through midwinter were also higher in the warm regime (76\%) than in the intermediate (62\%) and cold (29\%) regimes. A similar pattern of temperature-related growth and mortality was apparent in the 2004 experiment (12 weeks), in which survival rates to early winter ranged from 44\% in the warm regime to 10\% in the cold. Most mortality in all three treatments occurred during a recruitment bottleneck encompassing a 4--6-week period following swimup. Analyses of size and percent dry weight indicated that the energy content of fry after swim-up was lower in colder regimes and declined during the recruitment bottleneck in all three regimes. Our findings indicate a strong recruitment bottleneck after swim-up when temperature-related energy deficits apparently cause significant mortality. Managers may increase the viability of these translocated populations by selecting sites that accumulate more than 900 degree-days during summer.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LERIGKBU/coleman_fausch_2007_cold_summer_temperature_regimes_cause_a_recruitment_bottleneck_in_age‐0.pdf} +} + +@article{colePrinciplesecosystem, + title = {Principles for Ecosystem Restoration to Guide the {{United Nations Decade}} 2021--2030}, + author = {Cole, Trevor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NPRHT7HI/cole_principles_for_ecosystem_restoration_to_guide_the_united_nations_decade.pdf} +} + +@misc{collins1927MoriceRiver, + title = {Morice {{River}}}, + author = {Collins, A.E.}, + year = {1927}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/documents/bib37360.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-05-14}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PXUGSD2H/collins_1927_morice_river.pdf} +} + +@misc{confirmation_checklist_2011, + title = {A {{Checklist}} for {{Fish Habitat Confirmation Prior}} to the {{Rehabilitation}} Fo a {{Stream Crossing}}}, + author = {{Fish Passage Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/checklist-for-fish-habitat-confirmation-201112.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-05} +} + +@misc{ConservationStatusReport, + title = {Conservation {{Status Report}}}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eswp/esr.do;jsessionid=HqyMWtnMJZ18kYG9cTYFTFTv76w3nlp21wJvlsT7DJnkyTL6wmKB!-1856054728?id=28632}, + urldate = {2023-03-16}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y5SUYMVT/esr.html} +} + +@article{cooney_holzer2006AppendixInterior, + title = {Appendix {{C}}: {{Interior Columbia Basin Stream Type Chinook Salmon}} and {{Steelhead Populations}}: {{Habitat Intrinsic Potential Analysis}}}, + author = {Cooney, Thomas and Holzer, Damon}, + year = {2006}, + pages = {21}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{cooper2017EstimationPotential, + title = {An {{Estimation Of Potential Salmonid Habitat Capacity In The Upper Mainstem Eel River}}, {{California}}}, + author = {Cooper, Emily Jeanne}, + year = {2017}, + pages = {146}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{cope_etal2016UpperFording, + title = {Upper {{Fording River Westslope}} {{Cutthroat Trout Population Assessment}} and {{Telemetry Project}}}, + author = {Cope, S and Schwarz, C.J and Prince, A and Bisset, J}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/Upper-Fording-River-Westslope-Cutthroat-Trout-Population-Assessment-and-Telemetry-Project,-Final-Report-(December-2016).pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-23} +} + +@misc{cope_etal2017UpperFording, + title = {Upper {{Fording River Westslope Cutthrout Trout Population Monitoring Project}}: 2017}, + author = {Cope, Scott and Schwarz, C.J and Prince, A}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/Upper-Fording-River-Westslope-Cutthroat-Trout-Population-Monitoring-Project,-2012-2017-(December-2017).pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-28} +} + +@misc{cope_morris2001WigwamRiver, + title = {Wigwam {{River Juvenile Bull Trout}} and {{Fish Habitat Monitoring Program}}: 2000 {{Data Report}}.}, + author = {Cope, R S and Morris, K J}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc718003/m2/1/high_res_d/786475.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-09}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ASSAK65D/cope_morris_2001_wigwam_river_juvenile_bull_trout_and_fish_habitat_monitoring_program_-_2000_data.pdf} +} + +@techreport{cope2020UpperFording, + title = {Upper {{Fording River Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population Monitoring Project}}: 2019}, + author = {Cope, Scott}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/UFR_WCT_Monitor_Final_Report_April_9_2020.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-02-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WBGNP2EZ/cope_2020_upper_fording_river_westslope_cutthroat_trout_population_monitoring_project_-.pdf} +} + +@misc{cosewic2010COSEWICAssessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC Assessment}} and {{Status Report}} on the {{Rocky Mountain Sculpin}} - {{Cottus}} Sp. {{Westslope Populations}} in {{Canada}}}, + author = {{COSEWIC}}, + year = {2010}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{cosewic2012COSEWICassessment, + type = {Report}, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the {{Bull Trout Salvelinus}} Confluentus in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {{COSEWIC}}, + year = {2012}, + institution = {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + url = {https://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/virtual_sara/files/cosewic/sr_omble_tete_plat_bull_trout_1113_e.pdf}, + shorthand = {COSEWIC} +} + +@techreport{cosewic2012COSEWICassessmenta, + type = {Report}, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the {{Bull Trout Salvelinus}} Confluentus in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {{COSEWIC}}, + year = {2012}, + institution = {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + url = {https://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/virtual_sara/files/cosewic/sr_omble_tete_plat_bull_trout_1113_e.pdf}, + shorthand = {COSEWIC} +} + +@techreport{cosewic2017COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the {{Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus}} Nerka, 24 {{Designatable Units}} in the {{Fraser River Drainage Basin}}, in {{Canada}}}, + author = {{COSEWIC}}, + year = {2017}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Committee on the\\ +Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9Z6EGR6J/cosewic_2017_cosewic_assessment_and_status_report_on_the_sockeye_salmon_oncorhynchus_nerka,.pdf} +} + +@misc{cosewic2018COSEWICAssessment, + type = {Program Results;Research}, + title = {{{COSEWIC Assessment}} and {{Status Report}} on the {{Chinook Salmon}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha) in {{Canada}} 2018}, + shorttitle = {Chinook {{Salmon}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha)}, + author = {{COSEWIC}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry/cosewic-assessments-status-reports/chinook-salmon-2018.html}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + abstract = {Chinook Salmon is the largest-bodied of the Pacific salmon, and can be distinguished by small black spots on the lower lobes of their caudal fin, a pointed lower jaw, and black gums.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2019-10-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MRQHNPJM/chinook-salmon-2018.html} +} + +@book{cote_etal2005Fishpassage, + title = {Fish Passage and Stream Habitat Restoration in {{Terra Nova National Park}} Highway Culverts}, + author = {Cote, David and Frampton, P and Langdon, M and Collier, R}, + year = {2005} +} + +@article{cowie_blackman2012OverviewSummary, + title = {An {{Overview}} and {{Summary}} of {{Methodologies}} of {{Arctic}} Grayling ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) {{Projects Conducted}} in the {{Parsnip}}, {{Table}}, and {{Anzac}} Rivers from 1995 to 2007}, + author = {Cowie, D. M. and Blackman, B. G.}, + year = {2012}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r38251/Report_349_GR_Summary_Parsnip_1379092828091_c3e946726980918f9466d47b59978ad28ded2b969041dd7fe53b83cfe3011493.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mw} +} + +@article{cowie_blackman2012OverviewSummarya, + title = {An {{Overview}} and {{Summary}} of {{Methodologies}} of {{Arctic}} Grayling ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) {{Projects Conducted}} in the {{Parsnip}}, {{Table}}, and {{Anzac}} Rivers from 1995 to 2007}, + author = {Cowie, D. M. and Blackman, B. G.}, + year = {2012}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r38251/Report_349_GR_Summary_Parsnip_1379092828091_c3e946726980918f9466d47b59978ad28ded2b969041dd7fe53b83cfe3011493.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mw}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4R3YG2JV/cowie_blackman_2012_an_overview_and_summary_of_methodologies_of_arctic_grayling_(thymallus.pdf} +} + +@misc{CowsFish, + title = {Cows \& {{Fish}}}, + journal = {Cows \& Fish}, + url = {https://cowsandfish.org/health-assessment-and-inventory-forms/}, + urldate = {2024-02-01}, + abstract = {What is the difference between Riparian Health Assessment and Riparian Health Inventory? Click through to find out.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/G9BRRF3A/Health Assessment and Inventory Forms.html} +} + +@article{coxson_etal2020Ecosystemimpact, + title = {Ecosystem Impact of Nutrient Enrichment by {{Kokanee}} in the {{Williston Reservoir Watershed}} ({{PEA-F19-F-2624}})}, + author = {Coxson, D. S. and Huber, D. P. and Shrimpton, J. M. and Wiensczyk, A.}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r58749/PEA_F19_F_2624_1594142909570_4139699754.pdf}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RBDH3LCK/coxson_et_al_2020_ecosystem_impact_of_nutrient_enrichment_by_kokanee_in_the_williston_reservoir.pdf} +} + +@misc{CreatingProjectQGISDocumentation, + title = {Creating a {{Project}} in {{QGIS}} {\textbar} {{Documentation}}}, + url = {https://merginmaps.com/docs/tutorials/creating-a-project-in-qgis/?utm_source=mergin-email-seq&utm_medium=retention&utm_campaign=start-found-feet}, + urldate = {2022-06-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q6JGFD4Z/creating-a-project-in-qgis.html} +} + +@article{creekConnectingFunctions, + title = {Connecting {{Functions}}, {{Values}}, {{Field Data}} -- {{Calculating Loss}}}, + author = {Creek, Mathews}, + pages = {32}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PJ9IDR3U/creek_connecting_functions,_values,_field_data_–_calculating_loss.pdf} +} + +@article{cristescu_hebert2018UsesMisusesa, + title = {Uses and {{Misuses}} of {{Environmental DNA}} in {{Biodiversity Science}} and {{Conservation}}}, + author = {Cristescu, Melania E. and Hebert, Paul D.N.}, + year = {2018}, + month = nov, + journal = {Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics}, + volume = {49}, + number = {1}, + pages = {209--230}, + issn = {1543-592X, 1545-2069}, + doi = {10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110617-062306}, + url = {https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110617-062306}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The study of environmental DNA (eDNA) has the potential to revolutionize biodiversity science and conservation action by enabling the census of species on a global scale in near-real time. To achieve this promise, technical challenges must be resolved. In this review, we explore the main uses of eDNA as well as the complexities introduced by its misuse. Current eDNA methods require refinement and improved calibration and validation along the entire workflow to lessen false positives/negatives. Moreover, there is great need for a better understanding of the ``natural history'' of eDNA---its origins, state, lifetime, and transportation---and for more detailed insights concerning the physical and ecological limitations of eDNA use. Although eDNA analysis can provide powerful information, particularly in freshwater and marine environments, its impact is likely to be less significant in terrestrial settings. The broad adoption of eDNA tools in conservation will largely depend on addressing current uncertainties in data interpretation.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JC79IQ5V/Cristescu and Hebert - 2018 - Uses and Misuses of Environmental DNA in Biodivers.pdf} +} + +@misc{crunchydata2022pgfeatureserv, + title = {Pg\_featureserv}, + author = {CrunchyData}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_featureserv}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {Lightweight RESTful Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go}, + copyright = {Apache-2.0}, + howpublished = {Crunchy Data} +} + +@misc{crunchydata2022pgtileserv, + title = {Pg\_tileserv}, + author = {{CrunchyData}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_tileserv}, + urldate = {2022-05-29}, + abstract = {A very thin PostGIS-only tile server in Go. Takes in HTTP tile requests, executes SQL, returns MVT tiles.}, + copyright = {Apache-2.0}, + howpublished = {Crunchy Data} +} + +@misc{CSTCCSFNs, + title = {About {{CSTC}} and the {{CSFNs}}}, + url = {https://carriersekani.ca/about-cstc-and-the-csfns/}, + urldate = {2024-07-19}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4YZNDC4Y/about-cstc-and-the-csfns.html} +} + +@misc{cullen2001SpawningGravel, + title = {Spawning {{Gravel Suitability Assessment Sonoma Creek Watershed}}}, + author = {Cullen, Reg}, + year = {2001}, + url = {http://www.krisweb.com/biblio/nsfb_sec_katzeletal_2001_sonspwngrvl.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{cupp_etalMONITORINGAPPROACH, + title = {{{MONITORING APPROACH AND PROCEDURES TO EVALUATE EFFECTIVENESS OF CULVERTS IN PROVIDING UPSTREAM PASSAGE OF SALMONIDS}}}, + author = {Cupp, C Edward and Metzler, JoAnn and Grost, Richard T and Tappel, Paul}, + pages = {53}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QF2PV6TD/cupp_et_al_monitoring_approach_and_procedures_to_evaluate_effectiveness_of_culverts_in.pdf} +} + +@article{currieEffectsAssessment, + title = {Effects {{Assessment}} of {{Proposed Change}} to {{Transmission Line Alignment Addendum Report}}}, + author = {Currie, Anne}, + pages = {561}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XZIVLPR3/currie_effects_assessment_of_proposed_change_to_transmission_line_alignment_addendum.pdf} +} + +@article{cutting_etal2018Linkingbeaver, + title = {Linking Beaver Dam Affected Flow Dynamics to Upstream Passage of {{Arctic}} Grayling}, + author = {Cutting, Kyle A. and Ferguson, Jake M. and Anderson, Michelle L. and Cook, Kristen and Davis, Stacy C. and Levine, Rebekah}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {8}, + number = {24}, + pages = {12905--12917}, + issn = {2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.4728}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ece3.4728}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + abstract = {Beaver reintroductions and beaver dam structures are an increasingly utilized ecological tool for rehabilitating degraded streams, yet beaver dams can potentially impact upstream fish migrations. We collected two years of data on Arctic grayling movement through a series of beaver dams in a low gradient mountain stream, utilizing radio-telemetry techniques, to determine how hydrology, dam characteristics, and fish attributes impeded passage and movement rates of spawning grayling. We compared fish movement between a ``normal'' flow year and a ``low'' flow year, determined grayling passage probabilities over dams in relation to a suite of factors, and predicted daily movement rates in relation to the number of dams each fish passed and distance between dams during upstream migration to spawning areas. We found that the average passage probability over unbreached beaver dams was 88\%, though we found that it fell below 50\% at specific dams. Upstream passage of grayling was affected by three main characteristics: (a) temperature, (b) breach status, and (c) hydrologic linkages that connect sections of stream above and below the dam. Other variables influence passage, but to a lesser degree. Cumulative passage varied with distance upstream and total number of dams passed in low versus normal flow years, while movement rates upstream slowed as fish swam closer to dams. Our findings demonstrate that upstream passage of fish over beaver dams is strongly correlated with hydrologic conditions with moderate controls by dam- and fish-level characteristics. Our results provide a framework that can be applied to reduce barrier effects when and where beaver dams pose a significant threat to the upstream migration of fish populations while maintaining the diverse ecological benefits of beaver activity when dams are not a threat to fish passage.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {adaptive management,beaver dam,biodiversity,Castor canadensis,fish passage,Thymallus arcticus}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T6K5U9YQ/cutting_et_al_2018_linking_beaver_dam_affected_flow_dynamics_to_upstream_passage_of_arctic_grayling.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J7TWRMFB/ece3.html} +} + +@misc{DaklehPlacenames, + title = {Dakleh {{Placenames}}}, + url = {https://www.ydli.org/dakinfo/DakelhPlacenames.html}, + urldate = {2024-07-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QHJ33G58/DakelhPlacenames.html} +} + +@article{DamFootprintImpacts2011, + title = {Dam {{Footprint Impacts}}}, + year = {2011}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZAJJ52JK/2011 - Dam Footprint Impacts.pdf} +} + +@inproceedings{dangelo_muhlfeld2011FactorsInfluencing, + title = {Factors {{Influencing}} the {{Distribution}} of {{Bull Trout}} and {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout West}} of the {{Continental Divide}} in {{Glacier National Park}}}, + author = {D'Angelo, Vin and Muhlfeld, Clint}, + year = {2011}, + abstract = {The reported decline of native bull trout Salvelinus confluentus and westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi populations west of the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park (GNP) prompted research to identify critical habitats and investigate factors influencing their distribution and relative abundance. We evaluated the association of six abiotic factors (stream width, elevation, gradient, large woody debris density, pool density, mean August stream temperature) and a biotic factor (the presence of nonnative lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush) with the occurrence and density of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in 79 stream reaches in five sub-drainages of the North Fork Flathead River in GNP. Logistic and linear regression models were used to quantify the influence of these independent variables on species occurrence (presence/absence) and density ({$>$}age-1 fish/100m2), and an information theoretic approach (AICc) was used to determine the most plausible combinations of variables in each case. The occurrence of westslope cutthroat trout was negatively associated with the presence of lake trout and positively associated with large woody debris and water temperature. Westslope cutthroat were detected throughout a wide range of mean summer (August) water temperatures (8.5 -- 16oC), stream widths and elevations, but were most abundant in narrow, complex reaches that were not connected to lakes supporting lake trout. Bull trout occurrence was positively related to stream width and negatively related to channel gradient and water temperature. Bull trout were most abundant in narrow ({$<$} 10 m) stream reaches with relatively cold August water temperatures (8 -- 10oC) and in stream reaches not affected by lake trout. The low densities and limited distribution of bull trout likely reflect their imperiled status in GNP, owing to the invasion and establishment of nonnative lake trout from Flathead Lake. These data may be used to monitor critical habitats and populations, inform conservation and recovery programs, and guide suppression efforts to reduce the deleterious impacts of nonnative invasive fishes.} +} + +@article{darling_knopff2021MITIGATIONPLAN, + title = {{{MITIGATION PLAN TO MINIMIZE ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM LINE CREEK DRY CREEK CONVEYANCE AND SUPPLEMENTATION SYSTEM}} 2021 {{ACTIVITIES ON LOCAL TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY}}}, + author = {Darling, Amy and Knopff, Kyle}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {51}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GMSBRXNE/darling_knopff_2021_mitigation_plan_to_minimize_adverse_effects_from_line_creek_dry_creek.pdf} +} + +@misc{data_fish_obs, + title = {Known {{BC}} Fish Observations and {{BC}} Fish Distributions}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/known-bc-fish-observations-and-bc-fish-distributions}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management} +} + +@article{daum_flannery2011CanadianOriginChinook, + title = {Canadian-{{Origin Chinook Salmon Rearing}} in {{Nonnatal U}}.{{S}}. {{Tributary Streams}} of the {{Yukon River}}, {{Alaska}}}, + author = {Daum, David W. and Flannery, Blair G.}, + year = {2011}, + month = may, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {140}, + number = {2}, + pages = {207--220}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1080/00028487.2011.545004}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1080/00028487.2011.545004}, + urldate = {2021-03-03}, + abstract = {Yukon River Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha are described as having a ``stream-type'' life history strategy. After emergence from river gravel, juveniles typically feed and grow in tributary streams of the Yukon River throughout their first summer, overwinter in freshwater, and usually leave their rearing areas for marine waters during the second spring or summer. Nonnatal rearing has been described in the upper Canadian portion of the drainage, but information is lacking for downstream U.S. waters. In 2006--2007, a study was conducted to document nonnatal rearing and the genetic origin of Chinook salmon in U.S. tributary streams of the Yukon River. Eight nonspawning streams were selected for study, seven located in a 260-km segment between the U.S.--Canada border and Circle, Alaska, and one located 742 km downstream from the border. Age-0 juveniles were captured in all eight streams. Genetic stock composition analyses using 13 standardized microsatellite loci assigned the fish to Canadian source populations. The Carmacks region (over 460 km upstream from the border) contributed 91\% to the mixtures in 2006 and 82\% in 2007. Canadian stocks nearest the border and from large river systems were underrepresented in the collections. Simulation and known-origin mixture analyses demonstrated that stock composition and individual assignment estimates derived from the genetic baseline were accurate and precise. Some juveniles may have traveled over 1,200 km to reach rearing areas in U.S. waters. Future studies would help define the importance of this life history strategy to the overall health and productivity of Yukon River Chinook salmon.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{david_etal2024JuvenilePacific, + title = {Juvenile {{Pacific}} Salmonid Habitat Use in Two {{Puget Sound}} Lowland Rivers}, + author = {David, Aaron T. and Gregersen, Christopher N. and Kubo, Joshua S. and Lantz, Daniel W. and Bower, James W.}, + year = {2024}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {n/a}, + number = {n/a}, + issn = {1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1002/tafs.10457}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/tafs.10457}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + abstract = {Objective Large rivers are complex, productive environments that support numerous species. However, humans have extensively modified these ecosystems, contributing to the decline of Pacific salmonid Oncorhynchus spp. populations. Salmon recovery efforts rely upon an understanding of salmonid habitat needs at different life stages, but data on juvenile salmonid habitat use within large rivers are rare due to the challenges of sampling in large rivers. To help fill this information need, we used a cataraft-mounted electrofisher to evaluate juvenile salmonid use of natural (bar, backwater, side channel, and unarmored bank) and human-modified (riprap-armored bank and biorevetment bank [armored banks with added wood]) channel edge habitats in the Snoqualmie and Green rivers within the Puget Sound region of Washington State. Methods We electrofished over 1000 25-m transects across seven spring rearing seasons (2016--2022) and measured transect water depths and widths of low-velocity habitat ({$\leq$}0.45 m/s). Result Bars, backwaters, and side channels were shallower and had wider low-velocity habitat than armored banks. River flow also influenced water depth and low-velocity width, but the relationship varied depending on the habitat type. Subyearling Chinook Salmon O. tshawytscha and subyearling Coho Salmon O. kisutch occurred more frequently and were more abundant along natural edge habitats than along armored banks, while their use of biorevetment banks was intermediate between their use of natural edge habitats and armored banks. In contrast, yearling Coho Salmon and trout occurred more frequently and were more abundant along armored, biorevetment, and unarmored banks than along bars and backwaters, but they also used side channels extensively. Habitat use shifted throughout the spring, but specific shifts varied by species or life history stage. Conclusion These results emphasize the importance of conserving natural edge habitats, removing bank armoring, and reconnecting or restoring side channels. Additionally, our results highlight that a diversity of habitat types and conditions is necessary to support multiple species and life history stages.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {habitat,Pacific salmonid,Puget Sound,river}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AMK8TKI9/david_et_al_2024_juvenile_pacific_salmonid_habitat_use_in_two_puget_sound_lowland_rivers.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EM5TJ9X3/tafs.html} +} + +@misc{davidbustardandassociatesltd_1997StreamInventory, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Thautil River Watershed}}, 1996}, + author = {{David Bustard and Associates Ltd.}}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=8131}, + urldate = {2021-04-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2DVK6KM4/david_bustard_and_associates_ltd._1997_stream_inventory_thautil_river_watershed,_1996.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y6K63TML/david_bustard_and_associates_ltd._1997_stream_inventory_thautil_river_watershed,_1996.pdf} +} + +@misc{davidbustardandassociatesltd_1999StreamInventorya, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Owen Creek Watershed}} 1998}, + author = {{David Bustard and Associates Ltd.}}, + year = {1999}, + url = {SKR Consultants Ltd.}, + urldate = {2021-01-20}, + annotation = {Prepared for Houston Forest Products Ltd. Funded by Forest Renewal BC} +} + +@misc{davidson_etal2018AquaticEcosystems, + title = {Aquatic {{Ecosystems Cumulative Effects Assessment Report}}.}, + author = {Davidson, A and Tepper, H and Bisset, J and Anderson, K and Tschaplinski, P.J and Chirico, A and Waterhouse, A and Franklin, W and Burt, W and MacDonald, R and Chow, E and Van Rensen, C and Ayele, T}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects/final_ev_cemf_aquatic_ecosystems_cea_report_24072018.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-31} +} + +@article{davies_etal2007ModelingStream, + title = {Modeling {{Stream Channel Characteristics From Drainage-Enforced DEMs}} in {{Puget Sound}}, {{Washington}}, {{USA1}}}, + author = {Davies, Jeremy R. and Lagueux, Kerry M. and Sanderson, Beth and Beechie, Timothy J.}, + year = {2007}, + journal = {JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association}, + volume = {43}, + number = {2}, + pages = {414--426}, + issn = {1752-1688}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00032.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00032.x}, + urldate = {2021-03-03}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {channel morphology,digital elevation models,drainage enforcement,fluvial geomorphology,geographic information systems,geospatial analysis,salmon habitat modeling}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7W54UL6B/j.1752-1688.2007.00032.html} +} + +@article{davy_etal2015DevelopmentValidation, + title = {Development and {{Validation}} of {{Environmental DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) {{Markers}} for {{Detection}} of {{Freshwater Turtles}}}, + author = {Davy, Christina M. and Kidd, Anne G. and Wilson, Chris C.}, + editor = {Mahon, Andrew R.}, + year = {2015}, + month = jul, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {10}, + number = {7}, + pages = {e0130965}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0130965}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0130965}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LPRUZBMS/Davy et al. - 2015 - Development and Validation of Environmental DNA (e.pdf} +} + +@article{decker_etalAnnualDistribution, + title = {Annual {{Distribution}} and {{Abundance}} of {{Steelhead Parr}} in the {{Lower Thompson River Basin}} during 2001-2008 in {{Relation}} to {{Spawner Abundance}} and {{Habitat Characteristics}}}, + author = {Decker, Scott and Hagen, John and Bison, Robert}, + pages = {88}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M6BBTACN/decker_et_al_annual_distribution_and_abundance_of_steelhead_parr_in_the_lower_thompson_river.pdf} +} + +@article{decker_hagenDISTRIBUTIONABUNDANCE, + title = {{{THE DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON ABUNDANCE IN THE LOWER THOMPSON RIVER BASIN IN RELATION TO SPAWNER ABUNDANCE AND HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS}}}, + author = {Decker, Scott and Hagen, John}, + pages = {96}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AG67BQWG/decker_hagen_the_distribution_and_abundance_of_juvenile_chinook_salmon_abundance_in_the.pdf} +} + +@article{dejean_etal2011PersistenceEnvironmental, + title = {Persistence of {{Environmental DNA}} in {{Freshwater Ecosystems}}}, + author = {Dejean, Tony and Valentini, Alice and Duparc, Antoine and {Pellier-Cuit}, St{\'e}phanie and Pompanon, Fran{\c c}ois and Taberlet, Pierre and Miaud, Claude}, + editor = {Gilbert, Jack Anthony}, + year = {2011}, + month = aug, + journal = {PLoS ONE}, + volume = {6}, + number = {8}, + pages = {e23398}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0023398}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0023398}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The precise knowledge of species distribution is a key step in conservation biology. However, species detection can be extremely difficult in many environments, specific life stages and in populations at very low density. The aim of this study was to improve the knowledge on DNA persistence in water in order to confirm the presence of the focus species in freshwater ecosystems. Aquatic vertebrates (fish: Siberian sturgeon and amphibian: Bullfrog tadpoles) were used as target species. In control conditions (tanks) and in the field (ponds), the DNA detectability decreases with time after the removal of the species source of DNA. DNA was detectable for less than one month in both conditions. The density of individuals also influences the dynamics of DNA detectability in water samples. The dynamics of detectability reflects the persistence of DNA fragments in freshwater ecosystems. The short time persistence of detectable amounts of DNA opens perspectives in conservation biology, by allowing access to the presence or absence of species e.g. rare, secretive, potentially invasive, or at low density. This knowledge of DNA persistence will greatly influence planning of biodiversity inventories and biosecurity surveys.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SGDWJQFI/Dejean et al. - 2011 - Persistence of Environmental DNA in Freshwater Eco.pdf} +} + +@article{dejean_etal2012Improveddetection, + title = {Improved Detection of an Alien Invasive Species through Environmental {{DNA}} Barcoding: The Example of the {{American}} Bullfrog {{{\emph{Lithobates}}}}{\emph{ Catesbeianus}}}, + shorttitle = {Improved Detection of an Alien Invasive Species through Environmental {{DNA}} Barcoding}, + author = {Dejean, Tony and Valentini, Alice and Miquel, Christian and Taberlet, Pierre and Bellemain, Eva and Miaud, Claude}, + year = {2012}, + month = aug, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {49}, + number = {4}, + pages = {953--959}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02171.x}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02171.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary 1. {\enspace}Alien invasive species (AIS) are one of the major causes of biodiversity loss and global homogenization. Once an AIS becomes established, costs of control can be extremely high and complete eradication is not always achieved. The ability to detect a species at a low density greatly improves the success of eradication and decreases both the costs of control and the impact on ecosystems. 2. {\enspace}In this study, we compare the sensitivity of traditional field methods, based on auditory and visual encounter surveys, with an environmental DNA (eDNA) survey for the detection of the American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana {$\quad$}={$\quad$} Lithobates catesbeianus , which is invasive in south-western France. 3. {\enspace}We demonstrate that the eDNA method is valuable for species detection and surpasses traditional amphibian survey methods in terms of sensitivity and sampling effort. The bullfrog was detected in 38 sites using the molecular method, compared with seven sites using the diurnal and nocturnal surveys, suggesting that traditional field surveys have strongly underestimated the distribution of the American bullfrog. 4. {\enspace} Synthesis and applications . The environmental DNA approach permits the early detection of alien invasive species (AIS), at very low densities and at any life stage, which is particularly important for the detection of rare and/or secretive aquatic species. This method can also be used to confirm the sensitivity of control operations and to better identify the distributions of vulnerable species, making this a very relevant tool for species inventory and management. , The environmental DNA approach permits the early detection of alien invasive species (AIS), at very low densities and at any life stage, which is particularly important for the detection of rare and/or secretive aquatic species. This method can also be used to confirm the sensitivity of control operations and to better identify the distributions of vulnerable species, making this a very relevant tool for species inventory and management.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IM2CTUN6/Dejean et al. - 2012 - Improved detection of an alien invasive species th.pdf} +} + +@misc{departmentoffisheriesandoceans1991Fishhabitat, + title = {Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program {{SISS Stream Summary Catalogue}}. {{Subdistrict 4D}}, {{Smithers}} ({{Volume}} 2). {{Bulkley}}.}, + author = {{Department of Fisheries and Oceans}}, + year = {1991}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/40602369.pdf}, + annotation = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/40602369.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DVGMM832/department_of_fisheries_and_oceans_1991_fish_habitat_inventory_and_information_program_siss_stream_summary_catalogue..pdf} +} + +@article{desouza_etal2016EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) {{Detection Probability Is Influenced}} by {{Seasonal Activity}} of {{Organisms}}}, + author = {De Souza, Lesley S. and Godwin, James C. and Renshaw, Mark A. and Larson, Eric}, + editor = {Doi, Hideyuki}, + year = {2016}, + month = oct, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {11}, + number = {10}, + pages = {e0165273}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0165273}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165273}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RU968S42/De Souza et al. - 2016 - Environmental DNA (eDNA) Detection Probability Is .pdf} +} + +@article{dewey_etal2022Beaverdams, + title = {Beaver Dams Overshadow Climate Extremes in Controlling Riparian Hydrology and Water Quality}, + author = {Dewey, Christian and Fox, Patricia M. and Bouskill, Nicholas J. and Dwivedi, Dipankar and Nico, Peter and Fendorf, Scott}, + year = {2022}, + month = nov, + journal = {Nature Communications}, + volume = {13}, + pages = {6509}, + issn = {2041-1723}, + doi = {10.1038/s41467-022-34022-0}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9643325/}, + urldate = {2023-05-03}, + abstract = {Hydrologic extremes dominate chemical exports from riparian zones and dictate water quality in major river systems. Yet, changes in land use and ecosystem services alongside growing climate variability are altering hydrologic extremes and their coupled impacts on riverine water quality. In the western U.S., warming temperatures and intensified aridification are increasingly paired with the expanding range of the American beaver---and their dams, which transform hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles in riparian systems. Here, we show that beaver dams overshadow climatic hydrologic extremes in their effects on water residence time and oxygen and nitrogen fluxes in the riparian subsurface. In a mountainous watershed in Colorado, U.S.A., we find that the increase in riparian hydraulic gradients imposed by a beaver dam is 10.7--13.3 times greater than seasonal hydrologic extremes. The massive hydraulic gradient increases hyporheic nitrate removal by 44.2\% relative to seasonal extremes alone. A drier, hotter climate in the western U.S. will further expand the range of beavers and magnify their impacts on watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry, illustrating that ecosystem feedbacks to climate change will alter water quality in river systems., Beaver dams increase water flow gradients and nitrate removal far more than seasonal climate extremes. An expanding beaver range is an ecosystem feedback to climate change which could improve water quality.}, + pmcid = {PMC9643325}, + pmid = {36347847}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WTJD9NYY/dewey_et_al_2022_beaver_dams_overshadow_climate_extremes_in_controlling_riparian_hydrology_and.pdf} +} + +@article{dezwart_etal2010DuncanDam, + title = {Duncan {{Dam Project Water Use Plan Duncan Reservoir Fish Habitat Use Monitoring Year}} 3 (2010) {{Data Report}}}, + author = {{de Zwart}, Ico and Andrusak, Greg and Thorley, Joe and Irvine, Robyn and Masse, Sylvie}, + year = {2010}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UR4YBBEP/de Zwart et al. - 2010 - Duncan Dam Project Water Use Plan Duncan Reservoir.pdf} +} + +@techreport{dezwart_etal2011DuncanDam, + title = {Duncan {{Dam Project Water Use Plan Duncan Reservoir Fish Habitat Use Monitoring Year}} 4 (2011) {{Interpretive Report Study Period}}: {{April}} 2011 -- {{January}} 2012}, + author = {{de Zwart}, Ico and Andrusak, Greg and Irvine, Robyn and Thorley, Joe and Masse, Sylvie}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/hydro/medialib/internet/documents/planning_regulatory/wup/southern_interior/2012q2/ddmmon-10_yr3_2012-06-14.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UZJ2X9C6/de Zwart et al. - 2011 - Year 4 (2011) Interpretive Report Study Period Ap.pdf} +} + +@misc{dfg_webmasteralaska_govFishSpecies, + title = {Fish {{Species Found}} in {{Alaska}}, {{Alaska Department}} of {{Fish}} and {{Game}}}, + author = {{dfg.webmaster@alaska.gov}}, + url = {https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=animals.listfish}, + urldate = {2022-07-19}, + abstract = {A list containing many of the fish species found in Alaska.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HMF9G6U8/index.html} +} + +@misc{dfo/flnro2019WaterTemperature, + title = {Water {{Temperature Data}}: {{Buck Creek Above Bridge}} 1 - {{Skeena Salmon Data Catalogue}}}, + shorttitle = {Water {{Temperature Data}}}, + author = {{DFO/FLNRO}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/water-temperature-monitoring-data-buck-creek-above-bridge}, + urldate = {2021-02-18}, + abstract = {These datasets contain hourly water temperature data for Buck Creek 100 m above Bridge \#1 on the Buck Flats Road from November 2016 - August 2019. Resources include a site description and yearly...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZTVXMTYZ/water-temperature-monitoring-data-buck-creek-above-bridge.html} +} + +@misc{dfo/flnro2019WaterTemperaturea, + title = {{Water Temperature Data: McQuarrie Creek Above North Rd - Skeena Salmon Data Catalogue}}, + shorttitle = {{Water Temperature Data}}, + author = {{DFO/FLNRO}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/ca/dataset/water-temperature-monitoring-data-mcquarrie-creek-at-north-rd}, + urldate = {2021-02-19}, + abstract = {These datasets contain water temperature data for McQuarrie Creek 200 m above North Road from November 2016 - October 2019. Resources include a site description and yearly deployment information,...}, + langid = {catalan}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DTQRL64T/water-temperature-monitoring-data-mcquarrie-creek-at-north-rd.html} +} + +@misc{dfo/flnro2019WaterTemperatureb, + title = {{Water Temperature Data: McQuarrie Creek above Hwy 16 - Skeena Salmon Data Catalogue}}, + shorttitle = {{Water Temperature Data}}, + author = {{DFO/FLNRO}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/no/dataset/water-temperature-monitoring-data-lower-mcquarrie-creek}, + urldate = {2021-02-19}, + abstract = {These datasets contain water temperature data for McQuarrie Creek 100 m above Highway 16 (McQuarrie Creek Lower) from November 2016 - October 2019. Resources include a site description and yearly...}, + langid = {norsk}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AE5GRAVQ/water-temperature-monitoring-data-lower-mcquarrie-creek.html} +} + +@misc{dfo1964FisheriesProblems, + title = {Fisheries {{Problems Associated With The Development Of Logging Plans Within The Morice River Drainage System}}}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {1964}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/40668940.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-10-26}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q7T7J2FC/dfo_1964_fisheries_problems_associated_with_the_development_of_logging_plans_within_the.pdf} +} + +@techreport{dfo1991FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Inventory}} and {{Information Program}}.}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {1991}, + address = {Vanvouver, B.C.}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/3d44aae6-5785-42d5-8c13-5e1fddb567a7/resource/d5cbda12-d373-4cd8-85c0-5d831eeea1a5/download/fish_habitat_inventory_info_program_stream_summary_catalogue.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-18}, + organization = {{Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)}}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ILII374B/dfo_1991_fish_habitat_inventory_and_information_program.pdf} +} + +@misc{dfo1998FishValue, + title = {Fish {{Value}} and {{Highway Culvert Inspection}}, {{August}} 1998}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset?q=Fish+Value+and+Highway+Culvert+Inspection%2C+August+1998}, + urldate = {2022-04-12} +} + +@misc{dfo2013ScienceAdvice, + title = {Science {{Advice}} on {{Offsetting Techniques}} for {{Managing}} the {{Productivity}} of {{Freshwater Fisheries}}}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {2013}, + abstract = {This Science Advisory Report (SAR) summarizes a literature review of methods that have been used to increase fisheries productivity and which might be potential methods for offsetting serious harm to fish under the Fisheries Protection Provisions (FPP) of the Fisheries Act (2012).}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{dfo2019BigBar, + title = {Big {{Bar Landslide Update}} - {{July}} 5, 2019}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fish-passage/big-bar-landslide-2019/20190705-big_bar_landslide_update.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9QAIS78S/dfo_2019_big_bar_landslide_update_-_july_5,_2019.pdf} +} + +@misc{dfo2021FishAttaining, + title = {Fish {{Attaining Natural Passage In The Thousands}}}, + author = {{DFO}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fish-passage/big-bar-landslide-2019/bb_info_23aug2021.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KXQEF3RW/bb_info_23aug2021.pdf} +} + +@article{diaz-ferguson_moyer2014Historyapplications, + title = {History, Applications, Methodological Issues and Perspectives for the Use of Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) in Marine and Freshwater Environments}, + author = {{D{\'i}az-Ferguson}, Edgardo E and Moyer, Gregory R}, + year = {2014}, + journal = {Rev. Biol. Trop.}, + volume = {62}, + abstract = {Genetic material (short DNA fragments) left behind by species in nonliving components of the environment (e.g. soil, sediment, or water) is defined as environmental DNA (eDNA). This DNA has been previously described as particulate DNA and has been used to detect and describe microbial communities in marine sediments since the mid-1980's and phytoplankton communities in the water column since the early-1990's. More recently, eDNA has been used to monitor invasive or endangered vertebrate and invertebrate species. While there is a steady increase in the applicability of eDNA as a monitoring tool, a variety of eDNA applications are emerging in fields such as forensics, population and community ecology, and taxonomy. This review provides scientist with an understanding of the methods underlying eDNA detection as well as applications, key methodological considerations, and emerging areas of interest for its use in ecology and conservation of freshwater and marine environments. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (4): 1273-1284. Epub 2014 December 01.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/26Y9CIQ3/Díaz-Ferguson and Moyer - 2014 - History, applications, methodological issues and p.pdf} +} + +@misc{dickhout2015LizardCreek, + title = {Lizard {{Creek Riparian Restoration}} {{Pilot Project F15-26}}}, + author = {Dickhout, Allison}, + year = {2015}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=49055}, + urldate = {2020-12-09} +} + +@article{diebel_etal2015EffectsRoad, + title = {Effects of {{Road Crossings}} on {{Habitat Connectivity}} for {{Stream-Resident Fish}}: {{STREAM-RESIDENT FISH HABITAT CONNECTIVITY}}}, + shorttitle = {Effects of {{Road Crossings}} on {{Habitat Connectivity}} for {{Stream-Resident Fish}}}, + author = {Diebel, M. W. and Fedora, M. and Cogswell, S. and O'Hanley, J. R.}, + year = {2015}, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {31}, + number = {10}, + pages = {1251--1261}, + issn = {15351459}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.2822}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/rra.2822}, + urldate = {2020-12-23}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{DistributionlifehistoryabundanceharvesthabitatlimitingfactorsbulltroutMetoliusRiverLakeBillyChinookOregon198394, + title = {Distribution, Life History, Abundance, Harvest, Habitat, and Limiting Factors of Bull Trout in {{Metolius River}} and {{Lake Billy Chinook}}, {{Oregon}}, 1983-94}, + url = {https://nrimp.dfw.state.or.us/CRL/Reports/Info/96-7.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-10-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HYSNCHBC/distribution,_life_history,_abundance,_harvest,_habitat,_and_limiting_factors.pdf} +} + +@article{dittbrenner_etal2018Modelingintrinsic, + title = {Modeling Intrinsic Potential for Beaver ({{Castor}} Canadensis) Habitat to Inform Restoration and Climate Change Adaptation}, + author = {Dittbrenner, Benjamin J. and Pollock, Michael M. and Schilling, Jason W. and Olden, Julian D. and Lawler, Joshua J. and Torgersen, Christian E.}, + year = {2018}, + month = feb, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {13}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e0192538}, + publisher = {Public Library of Science}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0192538}, + url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0192538}, + urldate = {2021-04-05}, + abstract = {Through their dam-building activities and subsequent water storage, beaver have the potential to restore riparian ecosystems and offset some of the predicted effects of climate change by modulating streamflow. Thus, it is not surprising that reintroducing beaver to watersheds from which they have been extirpated is an often-used restoration and climate-adaptation strategy. Identifying sites for reintroduction, however, requires detailed information about habitat factors---information that is not often available at broad spatial scales. Here we explore the potential for beaver relocation throughout the Snohomish River Basin in Washington, USA with a model that identifies some of the basic building blocks of beaver habitat suitability and does so by relying solely on remotely sensed data. More specifically, we developed a generalized intrinsic potential model that draws on remotely sensed measures of stream gradient, stream width, and valley width to identify where beaver could become established if suitable vegetation were to be present. Thus, the model serves as a preliminary screening tool that can be applied over relatively large extents. We applied the model to 5,019 stream km and assessed the ability of the model to correctly predict beaver habitat by surveying for beavers in 352 stream reaches. To further assess the potential for relocation, we assessed land ownership, use, and land cover in the landscape surrounding stream reaches with varying levels of intrinsic potential. Model results showed that 33\% of streams had moderate or high intrinsic potential for beaver habitat. We found that no site that was classified as having low intrinsic potential had any sign of beavers and that beaver were absent from nearly three quarters of potentially suitable sites, indicating that there are factors preventing the local population from occupying these areas. Of the riparian areas around streams with high intrinsic potential for beaver, 38\% are on public lands and 17\% are on large tracts of privately-owned timber land. Thus, although there are a large number of areas that could be suitable for relocation and restoration using beavers, current land use patterns may substantially limit feasibility in these areas.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Beavers,Climate change,Habitats,Land use,Valleys,Washington,Watersheds,Wetlands}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CE8ICSJ6/dittbrenner_et_al_2018_modeling_intrinsic_potential_for_beaver_(castor_canadensis)_habitat_to_inform.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M7M4XPXA/article.html} +} + +@book{docker2009COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Update Status Report on the {{Vancouver}} Lamprey, {{Lampetra}} Macrostoma in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Docker, Margaret Felice}, + year = {2009}, + publisher = {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + address = {Ottawa}, + url = {http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/environment_can/cws-scf/cosewic-cosepac/vancouver_lamprey-e/CW69-14-562-2009E.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-06}, + isbn = {978-1-100-12414-8}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 813526817} +} + +@misc{donas_newman2006BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed Overwintering Study}} 2005 - 2006}, + author = {Donas, Brenda and Newman, Natalie}, + year = {2006}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/514a5b48-aa8b-41b7-9d08-99666d91c8ad/resource/e293d7b4-fe2d-4b4c-a1b4-e277d94df889/download/upper-bulkley-overwintering-study-donas-newman-2005-06.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-08} +} + +@misc{donas_newman2007BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed Overwintering Study}} 2006 - 2007}, + author = {Donas, Brenda and Newman, Natalie}, + year = {2007}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/514a5b48-aa8b-41b7-9d08-99666d91c8ad/resource/b02f4709-9a53-4382-a3da-1c25e11b8c8f/download/bulkley_river_watershed_overwintering_study_2006-2007.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-08} +} + +@misc{donas_newman2008BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed Overwintering Study}} 2007 - 2008}, + author = {Donas, Brenda and Newman, Natalie}, + year = {2008}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/514a5b48-aa8b-41b7-9d08-99666d91c8ad/resource/ef022862-69c8-4a0f-a2c6-78a89a719327/download/upper-bulkley-overwintering-study-donas-newman-2007-08.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6JMXSLE4/donas_newman_2008_bulkley_river_watershed_overwintering_study_2007_-_2008.pdf} +} + +@misc{donas_newman2010BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed Overwintering Study}} 2009 - 2010}, + author = {Donas, Brenda and Newman, Natalie}, + year = {2010}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/514a5b48-aa8b-41b7-9d08-99666d91c8ad/resource/c2efd020-15b8-465c-ac4b-b6c902a0f350/download/upper-bulkley-overwintering-donas-newman-2009-10.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-08} +} + +@techreport{donas2022MissionCreek, + title = {Mission {{Creek Watershed Recovery Plan}}: {{Phase}} 1 {{Synopsis}}}, + author = {Donas, Brenda}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CGNDZS5Q/donas_2022_mission_creek_watershed_recovery_plan_-_phase_1_synopsis.pdf} +} + +@techreport{donas2022WaterfallCR, + title = {Waterfall {{CR}} Juvenile Monitoring Program}, + author = {Donas, Brenda}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A99J7CBF/donas_2022_waterfall_cr_juvenile_monitoring_program.pdf} +} + +@article{dougherty_etal2016EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} ( {{{\textsc{eDNA}}}} ) Detects the Invasive Rusty Crayfish {{{\emph{Orconectes}}}}{\emph{ Rusticus}} at Low Abundances}, + shorttitle = {Environmental}, + author = {Dougherty, Matthew M. and Larson, Eric R. and Renshaw, Mark A. and Gantz, Crysta A. and Egan, Scott P. and Erickson, Daniel M. and Lodge, David M.}, + editor = {Frid, Chris}, + year = {2016}, + month = jun, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {53}, + number = {3}, + pages = {722--732}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.12621}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12621}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary Early detection is invaluable for the cost-effective control and eradication of invasive species, yet many traditional sampling techniques are ineffective at the low population abundances found at the onset of the invasion process. Environmental DNA ( eDNA ) is a promising and sensitive tool for early detection of some invasive species, but its efficacy has not yet been evaluated for many taxonomic groups and habitat types. We evaluated the ability of eDNA to detect the invasive rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus and to reflect patterns of its relative abundance, in upper Midwest, USA , inland lakes. We paired conventional baited trapping as a measure of crayfish relative abundance with water samples for eDNA , which were analysed in the laboratory with a qPCR assay. We modelled detection probability for O.~rusticus eDNA using relative abundance and site characteristics as covariates and also tested the relationship between eDNA copy number and O.~rusticus relative abundance. We detected O.~rusticus eDNA in all lakes where this species was collected by trapping, down to low relative abundances, as well as in two lakes where trap catch was zero. Detection probability of O.~rusticus eDNA was well predicted by relative abundance of this species and lake water clarity. However, there was poor correspondence between eDNA copy number and O.~rusticus relative abundance estimated by trap catches. Synthesis and applications . Our study demonstrates a field and laboratory protocol for eDNA monitoring of crayfish invasions, with results of statistical models that provide guidance of sampling effort and detection probabilities for researchers in other regions and systems. We propose eDNA be included as a tool in surveillance for invasive or imperilled crayfishes and other benthic arthropods. , Our study demonstrates a field and laboratory protocol for eDNA monitoring of crayfish invasions, with results of statistical models that provide guidance of sampling effort and detection probabilities for researchers in other regions and systems. We propose eDNA be included as a tool in surveillance for invasive or imperilled crayfishes and other benthic arthropods.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VW7RWPI4/Dougherty et al. - 2016 - Environmental span style=font-variantsmall-caps.pdf} +} + +@misc{downie_wilson2002BurnsDecker, + title = {Burns and {{Decker Lakes Draft Management Plan}}}, + author = {Downie, A J and Wilson, Ian}, + year = {2002}, + url = {https://www.bclss.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/BurnsDeckerLakesPlan.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-27}, + langid = {english}, + organization = {Prepared for: The Lakes District Watershed Enhancement Society}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MUP2EXVQ/downie_wilson_2002_burns_and_decker_lakes_draft_management_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{dralle_etal2023salmonidsubsurface, + title = {The Salmonid and the Subsurface: {{Hillslope}} Storage Capacity Determines the Quality and Distribution of Fish Habitat}, + shorttitle = {The Salmonid and the Subsurface}, + author = {Dralle, D. N. and Rossi, G. and Georgakakos, P. and Hahm, W. J. and Rempe, D. M. and Blanchard, M. and Power, M. E. and Dietrich, W. E. and Carlson, S. M.}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {Ecosphere}, + volume = {14}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e4436}, + issn = {2150-8925}, + doi = {10.1002/ecs2.4436}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ecs2.4436}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {Water in rivers is delivered via the critical zone (CZ)---the living skin of the Earth, extending from the top of the vegetation canopy through the soil and down to fresh bedrock and the bottom of significantly active groundwater. Consequently, the success of stream-rearing salmonids depends on the structure and resulting water storage and release processes of this zone. Physical processes below the land surface (the subsurface component of the CZ) ultimately determine how landscapes ``filter'' climate to manifest ecologically significant streamflow and temperature regimes. Subsurface water storage capacity of the CZ has emerged as a key hydrologic variable that integrates many of these subsurface processes, helping to explain flow regimes and terrestrial plant community composition. Here, we investigate how subsurface storage controls flow, temperature, and energetic regimes that matter for salmonids. We illustrate the explanatory power of broadly applicable, storage-based frameworks across a lithological gradient that spans the Eel River watershed of California. Study sites are climatically similar but differ in their geologies and consequent subsurface CZ structure that dictates water storage dynamics, leading to dramatically different hydrographs, temperature, and riparian regimes---with consequences for every aspect of salmonid life history. Lithological controls on the development of key subsurface CZ properties like storage capacity suggest a heretofore unexplored link between salmonids and geology, adding to a rich literature that highlights various fluvial and geomorphic influences on salmonid diversity and distribution. Rapidly advancing methods for estimating and observing subsurface water storage dynamics at large scales present new opportunities for more clearly identifying landscape features that constrain the distributions and abundances of organisms, including salmonids, at watershed scales.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {flow regime,hillslope hydrology,rivers,salmonid,storage capacity,stream temperature}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z2VL6Z55/dralle_et_al_2023_the_salmonid_and_the_subsurface_-_hillslope_storage_capacity_determines_the.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MIRWG33U/ecs2.html} +} + +@article{duda_etalUsingaquatic, + title = {Using Aquatic Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) to Track Fish Recolonization Following Dam Removal on the {{Elwha River}}, {{Olympic National Park}}, {{Washington}}}, + author = {Duda, Jeffrey J and Hoy, Marshal and Chase, Dorothy and Ostberg, Carl and Brenkman, Samuel}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QQXCULID/Duda et al. - Using aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA) to track fi.pdf} +} + +@article{dunnington_etal18, + title = {Anthropogenic Activity in the {{Halifax}} Region, {{Nova Scotia}}, {{Canada}}, as Recorded by Bulk Geochemistry of Lake Sediments}, + author = {Dunnington, Dewey W. and Spooner, I. S. and Krko{\v s}ek, Wendy H. and Gagnon, Graham A. and Cornett, R. Jack and White, Chris E. and Misiuk, Benjamin and Tymstra, Drake}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {Lake and Reservoir Management}, + volume = {34}, + pages = {334--348}, + doi = {10.1080/10402381.2018.1461715} +} + +@article{dupuisRockyMountain, + title = {Rocky {{Mountain Tailed}} Frog}, + author = {Dupuis, Linda}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S4A2WFVE/Dupuis - Rocky Mountain Tailed frog.pdf} +} + +@article{durand_bioVEGETATIONWORK, + title = {{{VEGETATION WORK PLAN}}}, + author = {Durand, Ryan and Bio, R P}, + pages = {5}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NFSS97BK/durand_bio_vegetation_work_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{dwbconsultingservicesltd_2019FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Offsetting Plan Foreman Road Stabilization Works MoTI Project NO}}. 36706}, + author = {{DWB Consulting Services Ltd.}}, + year = {2019}, + annotation = {Prepared for: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ECLVSJI3/dwb_consulting_services_ltd._2019_fish_habitat_offsetting_plan_foreman_road_stabilization_works_moti_project_no..pdf} +} + +@misc{dwbforestry2017AquaticReport, + title = {Aquatic {{Report Catalogue}}}, + author = {{DWB Forestry}}, + year = {2017}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=54161}, + urldate = {2020-06-07}, + keywords = {table fish data raw peace}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UCR3PBQ6/viewReport.html} +} + +@article{dybala_etal2019Carbonsequestration, + title = {Carbon Sequestration in Riparian Forests: {{A}} Global Synthesis and Meta-analysis}, + shorttitle = {Carbon Sequestration in Riparian Forests}, + author = {Dybala, Kristen E. and Matzek, Virginia and Gardali, Thomas and Seavy, Nathaniel E.}, + year = {2019}, + month = jan, + journal = {Global Change Biology}, + volume = {25}, + number = {1}, + pages = {57--67}, + issn = {1354-1013, 1365-2486}, + doi = {10.1111/gcb.14475}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.14475}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {Restoration of deforested and degraded landscapes is a globally recognized strategy to sequester carbon, improve ecological integrity, conserve biodiversity, and provide additional benefits to human health and well-being. Investment in riparian forest restoration has received relatively little attention, in part due to their relatively small spatial extent. Yet, riparian forest restoration may be a particularly valuable strategy because riparian forests have the potential for rapid carbon sequestration, are hotspots of biodiversity, and provide numerous valuable ecosystem services. To inform this strategy, we conducted a global synthesis and meta-analysis to identify general patterns of carbon stock accumulation in riparian forests. We compiled riparian biomass and soil carbon stock data from 117 publications, reports, and unpublished data sets. We then modeled the change in carbon stock as a function of vegetation age, considering effects of climate and whether or not the riparian forest had been actively planted. On average, our models predicted that the establishment of riparian forest will more than triple the baseline, unforested soil carbon stock, and that riparian forests hold on average 68--158 Mg C/ha in biomass at maturity, with the highest values in relatively warm and wet climates. We also found that actively planting riparian forest substantially jump-starts the biomass carbon accumulation, with initial growth rates more than double those of naturally regenerating riparian forest. Our results demonstrate that carbon sequestration should be considered a strong co-benefit of riparian restoration, and that increasing the pace and scale of riparian forest restoration may be a valuable investment providing both immediate carbon sequestration value and long-term ecosystem service returns.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J9QUA9G3/dybala_et_al_2019_carbon_sequestration_in_riparian_forests_-_a_global_synthesis_and_meta‐analysis.pdf} +} + +@techreport{dyson1949BulkleyFalls, + title = {Bulkley {{Falls Investigation Report}}}, + author = {Dyson, J.B.}, + year = {1949}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/0af0ecf8-0d55-4d48-9bde-d869db0fb71a/resource/b3360add-f7df-4906-8cb5-c2cb4a3e7fa9/download/bulkley-falls-investigation-dfo-1949.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-12} +} + +@article{dysthe_etal2018Repurposingenvironmental, + title = {Repurposing Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Samples---Detecting the Western Pearlshell ( {{{\emph{Margaritifera}}}}{\emph{ Falcata}} ) as a Proof of Concept}, + shorttitle = {Repurposing Environmental}, + author = {Dysthe, Joseph C. and Rodgers, Torrey and Franklin, Thomas W. and Carim, Kellie J. and Young, Michael K. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Mock, Karen E. and Schwartz, Michael K.}, + year = {2018}, + month = mar, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {8}, + number = {5}, + pages = {2659--2670}, + issn = {2045-7758, 2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.3898}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3898}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Information on the distribution of multiple species in a common landscape is fundamental to effective conservation and management. However, distribution data are expensive to obtain and often limited to high-\-profile species in a system. A recently developed technique, environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling, has been shown to be more sensitive than traditional detection methods for many aquatic species. A second and perhaps underappreciated benefit of eDNA sampling is that a sample originally collected to determine the presence of one species can be re-\-analyzed to detect additional taxa without additional field effort. We developed an eDNA assay for the western pearlshell mussel (Margaritifera falcata) and evaluated its effectiveness by analyzing previously collected eDNA samples that were annotated with information including sample location and deposited in a central repository. The eDNA samples were initially collected to determine habitat occupancy by nonbenthic fish species at sites that were in the vicinity of locations recently occupied by western pearlshell. These repurposed eDNA samples produced results congruent with historical western pearlshell surveys and permitted a more precise delineation of the extent of local populations. That a sampling protocol designed to detect fish was also successful for detecting a freshwater mussel suggests that rapidly accumulating collections of eDNA samples can be repurposed to enhance the efficiency and cost-\-effectiveness of aquatic biodiversity monitoring.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3QMFRZ3J/Dysthe et al. - 2018 - Repurposing environmental span style=font-varian.pdf} +} + +@misc{e_b_lilles_etal2021FieldGuide, + title = {Field {{Guide}} to {{Site Identification}} and {{Interpretation}} within the {{Engelmann Spruce}} -- {{Subalpine Fir Woodland Subzones}} of the {{Skeena Region}}}, + author = {{E.B. Lilles} and Trowbridge, R. and MacKenzie, W.H.}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eirs/finishDownloadDocument.do;jsessionid=DA204B707834751C2B1CAC2E239485F0?subdocumentId=21541}, + urldate = {2024-01-16}, + annotation = {Supplement 2 to Land Management Handbook 26: A field guide to site identification and interpretation for the Prince Rupert Forest Region.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NTTFY7TF/e.b._lilles_et_al_2021_field_guide_to_site_identification_and_interpretation_within_the_engelmann.pdf} +} + +@article{ebersole_etal2006JuvenileCoho, + title = {Juvenile {{Coho Salmon Growth}} and {{Survival}} across {{Stream Network Seasonal Habitats}}}, + author = {Ebersole, Joseph L. and Wigington, Parker J. and Baker, Joan P. and Cairns, Michael A. and Church, M. Robbins and Hansen, Bruce P. and Miller, Bruce A. and LaVigne, Henry R. and Compton, Jana E. and Leibowitz, Scott G.}, + year = {2006}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {135}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1681--1697}, + issn = {0002-8487}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/26144311/Juvenile_coho_salmon_growth_and_survival_across_stream_network_seasonal_habitats}, + urldate = {2021-10-18}, + abstract = {Juvenile Coho Salmon Growth and Survival across Stream Network Seasonal Habitats}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y5ANYHNM/ebersole_et_al_2006_juvenile_coho_salmon_growth_and_survival_across_stream_network_seasonal_habitats.pdf} +} + +@misc{eccc2016Climatedata, + title = {Climate Data and Scenarios for {{Canada}}: {{Synthesis}} of Recent Observation and Modelling Results}, + author = {{ECCC}}, + year = {2016}, + publisher = {{Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)}}, + url = {https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/eccc/En84-132-2016-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T37WJSCY/eccc_2016_climate_data_and_scenarios_for_canada_-_synthesis_of_recent_observation_and.pdf} +} + +@techreport{ecologicconsultantsltd_2022BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Matthews Creek Channel Restoration}} \& {{Enhancement Vegetation Prescriptions}}}, + author = {{EcoLogic Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {20221208}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ANR5PHRF/ecologic_consultants_ltd._2022_blackwater_gold_project_matthews_creek_channel_restoration_&_enhancement.pdf} +} + +@techreport{ecoscapeenvironmentalconsultantsltd_2023Results2022, + title = {Results of 2022 {{Sampling Program}} to {{Reduce Uncertainty}} of {{Phosphorus Retention}} in {{Duncan Lake Reservoir}}}, + author = {{Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/corporate/environment-sustainability/water-use-planning/southern-interior/DDMWORKS-3-study-period-2022-2023aug01.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BUVVNCSK/ecoscape_environmental_consultants_ltd._2023_ddmworks-3_results_of_2022_sampling_program_to_reduce_uncertainty_of_phosphorus.pdf} +} + +@misc{edienvironmentaldynamicsinc_2022NulkiTachickLakes, + title = {Nulki-{{Tachick Lakes Macrophyte Harvesting Program Feasibility Study}}: {{A Proposal}}}, + author = {EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.}, + year = {2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6MBNHWYL/edi_environmental_dynamics_inc._2022_nulki-tachick_lakes_macrophyte_harvesting_program_feasibility_study_-_a_proposal.pdf} +} + +@misc{edienvironmentaldynamicsinc_2022PlanImprove, + title = {Plan to {{Improve Water Quality}} in the {{Nulki-Tachick Watershed}} by {{Wetland}} and {{Riparian Restoration}}: {{A Proposal}}}, + author = {{EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.}}, + year = {2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RVLD3MHZ/edi_environmental_dynamics_inc._2022_plan_to_improve_water_quality_in_the_nulki-tachick_watershed_by_wetland_and.pdf} +} + +@article{edienvironmentaldynamicsinc_2023PlaybookGuide, + title = {Playbook to {{Guide Landscape Recovery Strategies}} \& {{Priorities}} for {{Salmon Habitat Following Major Wildfires}}}, + author = {{EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.}}, + year = {2023}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {EDI Project ID: 21P0581\\ +October 2023}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B67TPQIS/edi_environmental_dynamics_inc._2023_playbook_to_guide_landscape_recovery_strategies_&_priorities_for_salmon_habitat.pdf} +} + +@misc{egbc2020WatershedAssessment, + title = {Watershed {{Assessment}} and {{Management}} of {{Hydrologic}} and {{Geomorphic Risk In theForest Sector}}}, + author = {{EGBC}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://www.egbc.ca/getmedia/8742bd3b-14d0-47e2-b64d-9ee81c53a81f/EGBC-ABCFP-Watershed-Assessment-V1-0.pdf.aspx}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + annotation = {VERSION 1.0\\ +PUBLISHED JANUARY 14, 2020\\ +\\ +[EGBC] Engineers And Geoscientists British Columbia And Association Of British Columbia Forest Professionals}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2ET7DMFD/egbc_2020_watershed_assessment_and_management_of_hydrologic_and_geomorphic_risk_in.pdf} +} + +@article{eiler_etal2018EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Detects the Pool Frog ({{Pelophylax}} Lessonae) at Times When Traditional Monitoring Methods Are Insensitive}, + author = {Eiler, Alexander and L{\"o}fgren, Anders and Hjerne, Olle and Nord{\'e}n, Sara and Saetre, Peter}, + year = {2018}, + month = apr, + journal = {Scientific Reports}, + volume = {8}, + number = {1}, + pages = {5452}, + issn = {2045-2322}, + doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-23740-5}, + url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-23740-5}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Detection of endangered species is invaluable for conservation efforts, yet many traditional sampling techniques are ineffective at low population abundances or during certain periods of the year. Here, we compared results from a newly developed eDNA approach and the traditional observational method for the endangered pool frog ( Pelophylax lessonae ). Analysis using an occupancy-modeling framework indicated that the probability of pools being occupied using eDNA (0.93) was higher than for the traditional method of counting calling males and silent observed individuals (0.72). Detailed analysis revealed complementarity among the methods. That is, the traditional method gave a high rate of observation in June, whereas eDNA gave at least as many or more observations during other parts of the year. Discrepancies among the methods depended on the dominant lifecycle stage, and eDNA concentrations were higher when juveniles were present than at times when spawning occurred. eDNA concentrations were also positively related to P. lessonae observations. Our study demonstrates that an eDNA protocol for monitoring of endangered amphibian species can be particularly valuable during periods when individuals are hard to detect by observational methods, and provides guidance to sampling efforts for research and monitoring programs in other regions and systems.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9W5H7QN6/Eiler et al. - 2018 - Environmental DNA (eDNA) detects the pool frog (Pe.pdf} +} + +@misc{ElkRiverAlliance2020, + title = {Elk {{River Alliance}}}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {Elk River Alliance}, + url = {https://www.elkriveralliance.ca/}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7MGQK6GQ/www.elkriveralliance.ca.html} +} + +@misc{elkriveralliance2020ElkRiver, + title = {Elk {{River Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} ({{WCT}}) {{Research Initiative}}: 2019 {{Report}}}, + shorttitle = {Research {{Initiative}}}, + author = {{Elk River Alliance}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/elkriveralliance/pages/240/attachments/original/1603756805/FRI_Phase_1_2019_Report_%28Report___Apps%29_compressed.pdf?1603756805}, + urldate = {2020-12-28} +} + +@techreport{elmer2021Initialassessment, + title = {Initial Assessment of Fish Habitat Usage and Accessibility in {{Clear Creek Eastern Side Channel}}}, + author = {Elmer, Laura}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=61024}, + urldate = {2024-04-15}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NVPM4LV9/viewReport.html} +} + +@misc{environmentalassessmentoffice2019ScheduleTable, + title = {Schedule {{B Table}} of {{Conditions}} for an {{Environmental Assessment Certificate}}}, + author = {{Environmental Assessment Office}}, + year = {2019}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZUVBWMIN/environmental_assessment_office_2019_schedule_b_table_of_conditions_for_an_environmental_assessment_certificate.pdf} +} + +@misc{erm2017BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project}} -- {{Consolidated Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Effects Assessment}}}, + author = {{ERM}}, + year = {2017}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YPUXBXEA/erm_2017_blackwater_gold_project_–_consolidated_fish_and_fish_habitat_effects_assessment.pdf} +} + +@article{evans_etal2017Fishcommunitya, + title = {Fish Community Assessment with {{eDNA}} Metabarcoding: Effects of Sampling Design and Bioinformatic Filtering}, + shorttitle = {Fish Community Assessment with {{eDNA}} Metabarcoding}, + author = {Evans, Nathan T. and Li, Yiyuan and Renshaw, Mark A. and Olds, Brett P. and Deiner, Kristy and Turner, Cameron R. and Jerde, Christopher L. and Lodge, David M. and Lamberti, Gary A. and Pfrender, Michael E.}, + year = {2017}, + month = sep, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {74}, + number = {9}, + pages = {1362--1374}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2016-0306}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2016-0306}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Species richness is a metric of biodiversity that represents the number of species present in a community. Traditional fisheries assessments that rely on capture of organisms often underestimate true species richness. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an alternative tool that infers species richness by collecting and sequencing DNA present in the ecosystem. Our objective was to determine how spatial distribution of samples and ``bioinformatic stringency'' affected eDNA-metabarcoding estimates of species richness compared with capture-based estimates in a 2.2 ha reservoir. When bioinformatic criteria required species to be detected only in a single sample, eDNA metabarcoding detected all species captured with traditional methods plus an additional 11 noncaptured species. However, when we required species to be detected with multiple markers and in multiple samples, eDNA metabarcoding detected only seven of the captured species. Our analysis of the spatial patterns of species detection indicated that eDNA was distributed relatively homogeneously throughout the reservoir, except near the inflowing stream. We suggest that interpretation of eDNA metabarcoding data must consider the potential effects of water body type, spatial resolution, and bioinformatic stringency.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/84JPQ62P/Evans et al. - 2017 - Fish community assessment with eDNA metabarcoding.pdf} +} + +@misc{evcemfwg2018ElkValley, + title = {Elk {{Valley Cumulative Effects Assessment}} and {{Management Report}}}, + author = {{EVCEMFWG}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects/final_elk_valley_ceam_12122018.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-31}, + annotation = {Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management Framework Working Group} +} + +@techreport{FactSheet2013, + type = {Fact {{Sheet}}}, + title = {Fact {{Sheet}}}, + year = {2013}, + series = {Fact {{Sheet}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YYR2ZAZE/2013 - Fact Sheet.pdf} +} + +@article{fairfax_whittle2020SmokeyBeaver, + title = {Smokey the {{Beaver}}: Beaver-Dammed Riparian Corridors Stay Green during Wildfire throughout the Western {{United States}}}, + shorttitle = {Smokey the {{Beaver}}}, + author = {Fairfax, Emily and Whittle, Andrew}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {Ecological Applications}, + volume = {30}, + number = {8}, + pages = {e02225}, + issn = {1939-5582}, + doi = {10.1002/eap.2225}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/eap.2225}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + abstract = {Beaver dams are gaining popularity as a low-tech, low-cost strategy to build climate resiliency at the landscape scale. They slow and store water that can be accessed by riparian vegetation during dry periods, effectively protecting riparian ecosystems from droughts. Whether or not this protection extends to wildfire has been discussed anecdotally but has not been examined in a scientific context. We used remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data to compare riparian vegetation greenness in areas with and without beaver damming during wildfire. We include data from five large wildfires of varying burn severity and dominant landcover settings in the western United States in our analysis. We found that beaver-dammed riparian corridors are relatively unaffected by wildfire when compared to similar riparian corridors without beaver damming. On average, the decrease in NDVI during fire in areas without beaver is 3.05 times as large as it is in areas with beaver. However, plant greenness rebounded in the year after wildfire regardless of beaver activity. Thus, we conclude that, while beaver activity does not necessarily play a role in riparian vegetation post-fire resilience, it does play a significant role in riparian vegetation fire resistance and refugia creation.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {beaver,burn,dam,drought,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,remote sensing,riparian,vegetation,wildfire}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MH5Z7JKQ/fairfax_whittle_2020_smokey_the_beaver_-_beaver-dammed_riparian_corridors_stay_green_during_wildfire.pdf} +} + +@article{farrington_lance2014DevelopmentGenetic, + title = {Development of {{Genetic Markers}} for {{Environmental DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) {{Monitoring}} of {{Sturgeon}}}, + author = {Farrington, Heather L and Lance, Richard F}, + year = {2014}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VJ3R55DR/Farrington and Lance - 2014 - Development of Genetic Markers for Environmental D.pdf} +} + +@misc{faulkner_etal2020DryCreek, + title = {Dry {{Creek Fish Habitat Assessment Report Year}} 4 {{Summary Report}}}, + author = {Faulkner, S and Ammerlaan, J and Swain, N and Ganshom, K and Hatfield, T}, + year = {2020} +} + +@misc{faulkner_etal2021SubjectMatter, + title = {Subject {{Matter Expert Report}}: {{CHANNEL DEWATERING}}. {{Evaluation}} of {{Cause}} -- {{Decline}} in {{Upper Fording River Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population}}}, + author = {Faulkner, S and Ammerlaan, H and Regehr, H and Carter, J and Hatfield, T}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/Channel-Dewatering-Stranding-SME-Stressor-Report-UFR-Evaluation-of-Cause.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-01}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/F59S68M4/faulkner_et_al_2021_subject_matter_expert_report_-_channel_dewatering._evaluation_of_cause_–_decline.pdf} +} + +@article{favaro_olszynski2017Authorizednet, + title = {Authorized Net Losses of Fish Habitat Demonstrate Need for Improved Habitat Protection in {{Canada}}}, + author = {Favaro, Brett and Olszynski, Martin}, + year = {2017}, + month = mar, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {74}, + number = {3}, + pages = {285--291}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2016-0480}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2016-0480}, + urldate = {2021-11-23}, + abstract = {Fish habitat is essential to the stability and productivity of fisheries. In Canada, the primary legal tool for protecting fish habitat is the federal Fisheries Act. In 2012, this law was changed to narrow the scope of habitat protection. The government's position was that the previous regime went beyond what was necessary to protect fish and fish habitat. Here, we tested that assertion by examining Fisheries Act authorizations to harmfully alter, disrupt, or destroy fish habitat issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada during a 6-month period in 2012, obtained using access to information processes. We found the majority of projects (67\%) were authorized to impact more habitat than proponents were required to compensate for, likely resulting in a net loss of fish habitat. Our analysis show an aggregate net loss --- defined as authorized impact minus required compensation --- of 2\,919\,143 m 2 authorized across 78 projects. Drawing from these results, we present four recommendations for an improved habitat protection regime under a renewed Fisheries Act, emphasizing the need to establish a public registry for authorizations and monitoring data.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/I3CTNLVR/favaro_olszynski_2017_authorized_net_losses_of_fish_habitat_demonstrate_need_for_improved_habitat.pdf} +} + +@article{fernandes_etal2017efficacyclove, + title = {The Efficacy of Clove Oil as an Anaesthetic and in Euthanasia Procedure for Small-Sized Tropical Fishes}, + author = {Fernandes, I. M. and Bastos, Y. F. and Barreto, D. S. and Louren{\c c}o, L. S. and Penha, J. M.}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasleira De Biologia}, + volume = {77}, + number = {3}, + pages = {444--450}, + issn = {1678-4375}, + doi = {10.1590/1519-6984.15015}, + abstract = {Clove oil is used as a fish anesthetic because it is a natural and inexpensive product with low toxicity risks. The goal of the present study was to determine the appropriate concentration of clove oil for small-sized tropical fish to be used in mark-recapture studies or when individuals are to be sacrificed. We applied three different clove oil concentrations (D1=0.05 mL, D2=0.10 mL and D3=0.20 mL per 500 mL of water) on three small-sized fish species. We found a negative relationship between induction time and treatment for two species (Hyphessobrycon sp.1 and Hemigrammus sp.), while concentration was unrelated to recovery time. Fish body length was positively related to induction time in the D2 treatment for Hemigrammus sp., and negatively for Hyphessobrycon sp.1 in the D1 treatment, but was unrelated to recovery time for three species and treatments. Mortality rates varied across treatments, but higher rates were observed with higher clove oil concentrations. We conclude that 0.05 mL of clove oil per 500 mL of water is the most efficient dose for studies where fish will be released back to their natural habitats, while 0.20 mL of clove oil is recommended for studies that require fish euthanization for further laboratory analyses.}, + langid = {english}, + pmid = {27683808}, + keywords = {Anesthesia,Animals,Clove Oil,Euthanasia,Fishes} +} + +@article{ficetola_etal2008Speciesdetectiona, + title = {Species Detection Using Environmental {{DNA}} from Water Samples}, + author = {Ficetola, Gentile Francesco and Miaud, Claude and Pompanon, Fran{\c c}ois and Taberlet, Pierre}, + year = {2008}, + month = aug, + journal = {Biology Letters}, + volume = {4}, + number = {4}, + pages = {423--425}, + issn = {1744-9561, 1744-957X}, + doi = {10.1098/rsbl.2008.0118}, + url = {https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsbl.2008.0118}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The assessment of species distribution is a first critical phase of biodiversity studies and is necessary to many disciplines such as biogeography, conservation biology and ecology. However, several species are difficult to detect, especially during particular time periods or developmental stages, potentially biasing study outcomes. Here we present a novel approach, based on the limited persistence of DNA in the environment, to detect the presence of a species in fresh water. We used specific primers that amplify short mitochondrial DNA sequences to track the presence of a frog ( Rana catesbeiana ) in controlled environments and natural wetlands. A multi-sampling approach allowed for species detection in all environments where it was present, even at low densities. The reliability of the results was demonstrated by the identification of amplified DNA fragments, using traditional sequencing and parallel pyrosequencing techniques. As the environment can retain the molecular imprint of inhabiting species, our approach allows the reliable detection of secretive organisms in wetlands without direct observation. Combined with massive sequencing and the development of DNA barcodes that enable species identification, this approach opens new perspectives for the assessment of current biodiversity from environmental samples.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IV8KBNU3/Ficetola et al. - 2008 - Species detection using environmental DNA from wat.pdf} +} + +@article{FinalTransmissionLineRoutingPlanPhase2022, + title = {Final {{Transmission Line Routing Plan}} ({{Phase}} 2)}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {64}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JY4MV69E/2022_final_transmission_line_routing_plan_(phase_2).pdf} +} + +@article{finnegan_etal2005Controlschannel, + title = {Controls on the Channel Width of Rivers: {{Implications}} for Modeling Fluvial Incision of Bedrock}, + shorttitle = {Controls on the Channel Width of Rivers}, + author = {Finnegan, Noah J. and Roe, Gerard and Montgomery, David R. and Hallet, Bernard}, + year = {2005}, + month = mar, + journal = {Geology}, + volume = {33}, + number = {3}, + pages = {229--232}, + issn = {0091-7613}, + doi = {10.1130/G21171.1}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1130/G21171.1}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {On the basis of the Manning equation and basic mass conservation principles, we derive an expression for scaling the steady-state width (W) of river channels as a function of discharge (Q), channel slope (S), roughness (n), and width-to-depth ratio ({$\alpha$}): W = [{$\alpha$}({$\alpha$} + 2)2/3]3/8Q3/8S-3/16n3/8. We propose that channel width-to-depth ratio, in addition to roughness, is a function of the material in which the channel is developed, and that where a river is confined to a given material, width-to-depth ratio and roughness can be assumed constant. Given these simplifications, the expression emulates traditional width-discharge relationships for rivers incising bedrock with uniformly concave fluvial long profiles. More significantly, this relationship describes river width trends in terrain with spatially nonuniform rock uplift rates, where conventional discharge-based width scaling laws are inadequate. We suggest that much of observed channel width variability in river channels confined by bedrock is a simple consequence of the tendency for water to flow faster in steeper reaches and therefore occupy smaller channel cross sections. We demonstrate that using conventional scaling relationships for channel width can result in underestimation of stream-power variability in channels incising bedrock and that our model improves estimates of spatial patterns of bedrock incision rates.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8TYKQDZ3/Controls-on-the-channel-width-of-rivers.html} +} + +@article{finnegan_etal2005Controlschannela, + title = {Controls on the Channel Width of Rivers: {{Implications}} for Modeling Fluvial Incision of Bedrock}, + shorttitle = {Controls on the Channel Width of Rivers}, + author = {Finnegan, Noah J. and Roe, Gerard and Montgomery, David R. and Hallet, Bernard}, + year = {2005}, + month = mar, + journal = {Geology}, + volume = {33}, + number = {3}, + pages = {229--232}, + issn = {0091-7613}, + doi = {10.1130/G21171.1}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1130/G21171.1}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {On the basis of the Manning equation and basic mass conservation principles, we derive an expression for scaling the steady-state width (W) of river channels as a function of discharge (Q), channel slope (S), roughness (n), and width-to-depth ratio ({$\alpha$}): W = [{$\alpha$}({$\alpha$} + 2)2/3]3/8Q3/8S-3/16n3/8. We propose that channel width-to-depth ratio, in addition to roughness, is a function of the material in which the channel is developed, and that where a river is confined to a given material, width-to-depth ratio and roughness can be assumed constant. Given these simplifications, the expression emulates traditional width-discharge relationships for rivers incising bedrock with uniformly concave fluvial long profiles. More significantly, this relationship describes river width trends in terrain with spatially nonuniform rock uplift rates, where conventional discharge-based width scaling laws are inadequate. We suggest that much of observed channel width variability in river channels confined by bedrock is a simple consequence of the tendency for water to flow faster in steeper reaches and therefore occupy smaller channel cross sections. We demonstrate that using conventional scaling relationships for channel width can result in underestimation of stream-power variability in channels incising bedrock and that our model improves estimates of spatial patterns of bedrock incision rates.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FVWIG2DK/Controls-on-the-channel-width-of-rivers.html} +} + +@misc{finsconsulting20142014Stream, + title = {2014 {{Stream Assessment}} for {{Select Areas}} and {{Road Crossings}} within {{Nadina Forest District}}}, + author = {{FINS Consulting}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51782}, + urldate = {2021-02-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AS7FLLEA/viewReport.html} +} + +@misc{finsconsultingltd_2000OperationalStream, + title = {Operational {{Stream Inventories}} for {{FL A-16825}} and {{A-16823}}}, + author = {{FINS Consulting Ltd.}}, + year = {2000}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=2838}, + urldate = {2024-08-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GV6UYBYL/fins_consulting_ltd._2000_operational_stream_inventories_for_fl_a-16825_and_a-16823.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TZHUIA2A/viewReport.html} +} + +@techreport{finsconsultingltd_2000Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory Subdrainages}} in the {{Babine Lake Watershed}}}, + author = {{FINS Consulting Ltd.}}, + year = {2000}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r375/babine_report_1065039027121_7b287371ea4c4aed99618cc2a0cfedd5.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7QKCEIPR/fins_consulting_ltd._2000_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_subdrainages_in_the.pdf} +} + +@article{fiore_etal2009Virtualexperiments, + title = {Virtual Experiments and Environmental Policy}, + author = {Fiore, Stephen M. and Harrison, Glenn W. and Hughes, Charles E. and Rutstr{\"o}m, E. Elisabet}, + year = {2009}, + month = jan, + journal = {Journal of Environmental Economics and Management}, + volume = {57}, + number = {1}, + pages = {65--86}, + issn = {00950696}, + doi = {10.1016/j.jeem.2008.08.002}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0095069608000983}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {We develop the concept of virtual experiments and consider their application to environmental policy. A virtual experiment combines insights from virtual reality in computer science, naturalistic decision-making from psychology, and field experiments from economics. The environmental policy applications of interest to us include traditional valuation tasks and less traditional normative decision-making. The methodological objective of virtual experiments is to bridge the gap between the artefactual controls of laboratory experiments and the naturalistic domain of field experiments or direct field studies. This should provide tools for policy analysis that combine the inferential power of replicable experimental treatments with the natural ``look and feel'' of a field domain.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CBQH36YN/fiore_et_al_2009_virtual_experiments_and_environmental_policy.pdf} +} + +@misc{FirstNationStatementIntentBoundariesBCDatasetsDataCatalogue, + title = {First {{Nation Statement}} of {{Intent Boundaries BC}} - {{Datasets}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/first-nation-statement-of-intent-boundaries-bc}, + urldate = {2022-12-12}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GWBQ6253/first-nation-statement-of-intent-boundaries-bc.html} +} + +@misc{firstpeoplesculturalcouncil2023LearnSecwepemc, + title = {Learn {{Secwepemc}} {\textbar} {{FirstVoices}}}, + author = {{First Peoples' Cultural Council}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data/Secwepemc/Secwepemctsin/Secwepemc/learn}, + urldate = {2023-05-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/28RQK63J/learn.html} +} + +@article{fischer_etal2000IMPROVINGRIPARIAN, + title = {{{IMPROVING RIPARIAN BUFFER STRIPS AND CORRIDORS FOR WATER QUALITY AND WILDLIFE}}}, + author = {Fischer, Richard A and Martin, Chester O and Fischenich, J Craig}, + year = {2000}, + abstract = {The management and restoration of riparian zones has received considerable attention throughout the United States. Numerous studies have shown that riparian buffer strips of sufficient width protect and improve water quality by intercepting non-point source pollutants. Buffer strips also clearly provide a diversity of other functions, including movement corridors and habitat for a large variety of organisms. However, criteria for determining proper dimensions of buffer strips for most ecological functions are not well established. Although riparian zones are being restored along thousands of streambank miles throughout the country, the ecological benefits of variable buffer strip designs (e.g., width, length, vegetation type, placement within the watershed) have not been adequately recognized. There have been few systematic attempts to establish criteria that mesh water quality width requirements with other riparian functions. Subsequently, management prescriptions (e.g., width recommendations) are frequently based upon anecdotal information with little regard for the full range of effects these decisions may have on other riparian functions. Our objectives are to address the suitability of riparian zones to protect water quality while enhancing biodiversity, and to discuss recent strides in providing improved guidance for corridor and buffer designs based primarily on ecological criteria.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2XD7M6W8/Fischer et al. - IMPROVING RIPARIAN BUFFER STRIPS AND CORRIDORS FOR.pdf} +} + +@article{fish_habitat_model, + title = {Fish Passage {{GIS}} Analysis Version 2.2 -- Methodology and Output Data Specifications}, + author = {Norris, Simon and Mount, Craig}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/bc-fish-passage-program} +} + +@manual{fish_passage_assessments, + type = {Manual}, + title = {Field Assessment for Determining Fish Passage Status of Closed Bottom Structures}, + author = {{BC Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2011}, + address = {Victoria, British Columbia}, + institution = {BC Ministry of Environment}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/field-assessment-for-determining-fish-passage-status-of-cbs.pdf} +} + +@article{fishandwildlifecompensationprogram2014PeaceBasin, + title = {Peace {{Basin Streams Action Plan}}}, + author = {{Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program}}, + year = {2014}, + pages = {30}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{fishandwildlifecompensationprogram2020PeaceRegion, + title = {Peace {{Region Rivers}}, {{Lakes}}, \& {{Reservoirs Action Plan}}}, + author = {{Fish} and {Wildlife Compensation Program}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2020/08/Action-Plan-Peace-Region-Rivers-Lakes-Reservoirs-Aug-11-2020.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-05-19}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QBZHNWB8/fish_wildlife_compensation_program_2020_peace_region_rivers,_lakes,_&_reservoirs_action_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{fishandwildlifecompensationprogram2020PeaceRegiona, + title = {Peace {{Region Rivers}}, {{Lakes}}, \& {{Reservoirs Action Plan}}}, + author = {{Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2020/08/Action-Plan-Peace-Region-Rivers-Lakes-Reservoirs-Aug-11-2020.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-05-19}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y5HWTKQ6/fish_and_wildlife_compensation_program_2020_peace_region_rivers,_lakes,_&_reservoirs_action_plan.pdf} +} + +@book{fisheriesandoceanscanada2005Canadapolicy, + title = {Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild {{Pacific}} Salmon}, + editor = {{Fisheries and Oceans Canada}}, + year = {2005}, + publisher = {{Fisheries and Oceans Canada}}, + address = {Vancouver}, + isbn = {978-0-662-40538-2}, + langid = {english}, + lccn = {SH346 .C35 2005}, + keywords = {Canada,Conservation Government policy,Pacific salmon}, + annotation = {OCLC: ocm61863454}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K54BJ5V6/fisheries_and_oceans_canada_2005_canada's_policy_for_conservation_of_wild_pacific_salmon.pdf} +} + +@article{fisheriesandoceanscanada2012AssessingEffectiveness, + title = {Assessing the {{Effectiveness}} of {{Fish Habitat Compensation Activities}} in {{Canada}}: {{Monitoring Design}} and {{Metrics}}}, + author = {{Fisheries and Oceans Canada}}, + year = {2012}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/347555.pdf}, + abstract = {To report on their operational activities, DFO Habitat managers must evaluate the adequacy of fish habitat compensation projects in accomplishing the intended management goals. To assess the success of these habitat compensation works or activities in achieving the expected result, three broad categories of monitoring tools are available; `effectiveness' monitoring; `functional' monitoring, and `compliance' monitoring.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/94G4WYMF/fisheries_and_oceans_canada_2012_assessing_the_effectiveness_of_fish_habitat_compensation_activities_in_canada_-.pdf} +} + +@misc{FisheriesHabitat, + title = {Fisheries -- {{Habitat}}}, + journal = {NEEF}, + url = {https://www.neef.ca/resources/fisheries/fisheries-habitat}, + urldate = {2021-11-22}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{FisheriesSimpcw, + title = {Fisheries -- {{Simpcw}}}, + url = {https://simpcw.com/fisheries/}, + urldate = {2024-08-01}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YBIGKGNI/fisheries.html} +} + +@misc{FishInventoriesDataQueries2020, + title = {Fish {{Inventories Data Queries}}}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {BC Ministry of Environment Fish Inventories Data Queries}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/fidq/welcome.do}, + urldate = {2020-05-30}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8LWZAEIH/welcome.html} +} + +@misc{fishpassagetechnicalworkinggroup2011ChecklistFish, + title = {A {{Checklist}} for {{Fish Habitat Confirmation Prior}} to the {{Rehabilitation}} Fo a {{Stream Crossing}}}, + author = {{Fish Passage Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/checklist-for-fish-habitat-confirmation-201112.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-05} +} + +@misc{fishpassagetechnicalworkinggroup2011ChecklistFisha, + title = {A {{Checklist}} for {{Fish Habitat Confirmation Prior}} to the {{Rehabilitation}} Fo a {{Stream Crossing}}}, + author = {{Fish Passage Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/checklist-for-fish-habitat-confirmation-201112.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-05} +} + +@misc{fishpassagetechnicalworkinggroup2011ChecklistFishb, + title = {A {{Checklist}} for {{Fish Habitat Confirmation Prior}} to the {{Rehabilitation}} Fo a {{Stream Crossing}}}, + author = {{Fish Passage Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/checklist-for-fish-habitat-confirmation-201112.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-05} +} + +@misc{fishpassagetechnicalworkinggroup2014FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Strategic Approach}}: {{Protocol}} for {{Prioritizing Sites}} for {{Fish Passage Remediation}}}, + author = {{Fish Passage Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fish-passage/strategic20approach20july202014.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-24} +} + +@misc{flnro2013BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Angling Management Plan}}}, + author = {{FLNRO}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fishery-resources/region-6-skeena/skeena-amp-bulkley-river-2013.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + organization = {{Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO)}} +} + +@misc{flnro2013OverviewAngling, + title = {Overview of {{Angling}} {{Management Plans}} for the {{Skeena Watershed}}}, + author = {{FLNRO}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fishery-resources/region-6-skeena/skeena-amp-overview-2013.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + organization = {Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO)} +} + +@misc{flnrord2013ZymoetzRiver, + title = {Zymoetz {{River Class I Section Angling Management Plan}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/skeena/fish/AMPs/Zymoetz1_AMP.pdf}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5MYKYCBR/flnrord_2013_zymoetz_river_class_i_section_angling_management_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{flnrord2017NaturalResource, + title = {Natural {{Resource Stewardship Monitoring}} and {{Assessment Report}} for the {{Wet}}'suwet'en {{Hereditary Territory}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/integrated-monitoring/nrsmonitoringandassessmentreport-wetsuweten.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-02-18}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NTRVCVXH/flnrord_2017_natural_resource_stewardship_monitoring_and_assessment_report_for_the.pdf} +} + +@misc{flnrord2019FreshwaterFishing, + title = {Freshwater {{Fishing Regulations Synopsis}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/fishing-and-hunting/freshwater-fishing/region_6_skeena.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + langid = {english}, + organization = {Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations \& Rural Development (FLNRORD)} +} + +@misc{flnrord2020DigitalRoad, + title = {Digital {{Road Atlas}} ({{DRA}}) - {{Master Partially-Attributed Roads}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/digital-road-atlas-dra-master-partially-attributed-roads}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + abstract = {Digital Road Atlas Master Partially-Attributed Roads (DGTL ROAD ATLAS MPAR SP) provides partial information about roads in British Columbia. This data set represents the public data that is available for the Digital Road Atlas. For more information on the DRA program please visit the DRA info page This dataset is updated on the 6th of every month to the warehouse}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MDHFTT6I/digital-road-atlas-dra-master-partially-attributed-roads.html} +} + +@misc{flnrord2020ForestTenure, + title = {Forest {{Tenure Road Section Lines}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/forest-tenure-road-section-lines}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + abstract = {This is a spatial layer that reflects operational activities for road sections contained within a road permit. The Forest Tenures Section (FTS) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of digital Forest Atlas files for the province of British Columbia encompassing Forest and Range Act Tenures. It also supports the forest resources programs delivered by MoFR}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD)}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CDWE4W9D/forest-tenure-road-section-lines.html} +} + +@misc{flnrord2021FreshwaterAtlas, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Wetlands}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-wetlands}, + urldate = {2021-07-06}, + abstract = {All wetland polygons for the province}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{flnrord2021FreshwaterAtlasa, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Lakes}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {FLNRORD}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-lakes}, + urldate = {2021-07-06}, + abstract = {All lake polygons for the province}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{flnrord2021FreshwaterAtlasb, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Stream Network}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-stream-network}, + urldate = {2021-07-06}, + abstract = {Flow network arcs (observed, inferred and constructed). Contains no banks, coast or watershed bourdary arcs. Directionalized and connected. Contains heirarchial key and route identifier}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{flnrord2021FreshwaterAtlasc, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Stream Network}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {FLNRORD}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-stream-network}, + urldate = {2021-07-06}, + abstract = {Flow network arcs (observed, inferred and constructed). Contains no banks, coast or watershed bourdary arcs. Directionalized and connected. Contains heirarchial key and route identifier}, + howpublished = {Published by Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{flnrordDigitalRoadAtlas2020, + title = {Digital {{Road Atlas}} ({{DRA}}) - {{Master Partially-Attributed Roads}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/digital-road-atlas-dra-master-partially-attributed-roads}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{flnrordForestTenureRoad2020, + title = {Forest {{Tenure Road Section Lines}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{FLNRORD}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/forest-tenure-road-section-lines}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{flores_etalEnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA Analysis}} of Tailed Frogs ({{Ascaphus}} Truei) in Northwestern {{BC}}}, + author = {Flores, Anne-Marie and Murray, Brent and Johnson, Chris and Todd, Melissa and Steventon, Doug}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D8XDUFPX/Flores et al. - Environmental DNA Analysis of tailed frogs (Ascaph.pdf} +} + +@misc{foodGrazingmanagement, + title = {Grazing Management Guide - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {and Food, Ministry of Agriculture}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/agricultural-land-and-environment/biodiversity/efp-grazing-management-guide}, + urldate = {2024-09-22}, + abstract = {Planning for Biodiversy - A Guide for BC Farmers and Ranchers}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2024-02-14}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YG2CVUS7/efp-grazing-management-guide.html} +} + +@misc{FootprintImpactBCHydroDamsAquaticWetlandPrimaryProductivityColumbiaBasin2007, + title = {Footprint {{Impact}} of {{BC Hydro Dams On Aquatic}} and {{Wetland Primary Productivity}} in the {{Columbia Basin}}}, + year = {2007}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/99HC5XN3/Footprint Impact of BC Hydro Dams on.pdf} +} + +@misc{ford_etal1995LiteratureReviews, + title = {Literature {{Reviews}} of the {{Life History}}, {{Habitat Requirements}} and {{Mitigation}}/{{Compensation Strategies}} for {{Thirteen Sprot Fish Species}} Int Eh {{Peace}}, {{Liard}} and {{Columbia River Drainages}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Ford, B.S and Higgins, P.S and Lewis, A.F and Cooper, T.A and Watson, T.A and Gee, C.M and Ennis, G.L and Sweeting, R.L}, + year = {1995}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2007/dfo-mpo/Fs97-4-2321E.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T3KBBEF3/ford_et_al_1995_literature_reviews_of_the_life_history,_habitat_requirements_and.pdf} +} + +@article{forestandrangepracticesact2018OrderFisheries, + title = {Order - {{Fisheries Sensitive Watershed Prince George Forest District}}}, + author = {{Forest and Range Practices Act}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/frpa/fsw/approved.html} +} + +@misc{ForestPlanningPracticesRegulation, + title = {Forest {{Planning}} and {{Practices Regulation}}}, + url = {https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/14_2004}, + urldate = {2021-05-14} +} + +@misc{forestsAquaticEcosystems, + title = {Aquatic {{Ecosystems Value}} - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {of Forests, Ministry}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects-framework/value-assessments-protocols/aquatic-ecosystems}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + abstract = {Provincial Aquatic Ecosystems Value for BC's Cumulative Effects Framework}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2023-10-05} +} + +@misc{forestsForestCarbon, + title = {Forest {{Carbon Initiative}} - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {of Forests, Ministry}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/natural-resources-climate-change/natural-resources-climate-change-mitigation/forest-carbon-initiative}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {British Columbia is investing in the carbon sequestration and emissions avoidance potential of forests through the Forest Carbon Initiative.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2022-06-10}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VM3G5GMS/forests_forest_carbon_initiative_-_province_of_british_columbia.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MF4UBVRI/Tools and Resources.html;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YBQLFEZD/forest-carbon-initiative.html} +} + +@misc{forestsInvasivefungus, + title = {Invasive Fungus and Disease - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {of Forests, Ministry}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/plants-animals-ecosystems/invasive-species/priority-species/fungus}, + urldate = {2024-11-08}, + abstract = {Learn how to stop the spread of invasive fungus and disease. Come to this page to identify invasive fungus and disease.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2024-04-22}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CSTL2R58/fungus.html} +} + +@misc{forestsPasturerange, + title = {Pasture and Range Health - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {of Forests, Ministry}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/rangelands/forage/health}, + urldate = {2024-09-22}, + abstract = {Maintaining pasture and range health is important. Come to this page for resources and information related to pasture and range health.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2024-08-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZLYPPS8G/health.html} +} + +@article{forsiteconsultantsltd_2017ColbourneCreek, + title = {Colbourne {{Creek Watershed Sensitivity Analysis}}}, + author = {{Forsite Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Final Report}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r52473/OminecaFSW_Colbourne_1494288009827_4287669967.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8UPVRULG/forsite_consultants_ltd._2017_colbourne_creek_watershed_sensitivity_analysis.pdf} +} + +@article{forsiteconsultantsltd_2017ReynoldsCreek, + title = {Reynolds {{Creek Watershed Sensitivity Analysis}}}, + author = {{Forsite Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Final Report}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r52475/OminecaFSW_Reynolds_1494289181105_4288926607.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FQNIGHMP/forsite_consultants_ltd._2017_reynolds_creek_watershed_sensitivity_analysis.pdf} +} + +@misc{foster_bachusky2005GhostTowns, + title = {Ghost {{Towns}} of {{British Columbia}} - {{Coal Creek}}}, + author = {Foster, S and Bachusky, J}, + year = {2005}, + url = {http://www.ghosttownpix.com/bc/coalcreek.html}, + urldate = {2022-03-07} +} + +@article{franklin_etal2019Usingenvironmental, + title = {Using Environmental {{DNA}} Methods to Improve Winter Surveys for Rare Carnivores: {{DNA}} from Snow and Improved Noninvasive Techniques}, + shorttitle = {Using Environmental {{DNA}} Methods to Improve Winter Surveys for Rare Carnivores}, + author = {Franklin, Thomas W. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Golding, Jessie D. and Mason, Daniel H. and Dysthe, Joseph C. and Pilgrim, Kristine L. and Squires, John R. and Aubry, Keith B. and Long, Robert A. and Greaves, Samuel E. and Raley, Catherine M. and Jackson, Scott and MacKay, Paula and Lisbon, Joshua and Sauder, Joel D. and Pruss, Michael T. and Heffington, Don and Schwartz, Michael K.}, + year = {2019}, + month = jan, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {229}, + pages = {50--58}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2018.11.006}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320718311807}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The management of rare species is a conservation priority worldwide, but this task is made difficult by detection errors in population surveys. Both false positive (misidentification) and false negative (missed detection) errors are prevalent in surveys for rare species and can affect resulting inferences about their population status or distribution. Environmental DNA (eDNA)---DNA shed from an organism in its environment---coupled with quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses, has become a reliable and extremely sensitive mean for identifying rare species in aquatic systems. Due to the demonstrated effectiveness of these methods, we tested their efficacy in surveys for rare species in terrestrial settings to reduce detection errors for three rare forest carnivores of conservation concern: Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), fisher (Pekania pennanti), and wolverine (Gulo gulo). We specifically investigated our ability to reliably: 1) identify species directly from snow samples collected within tracks; 2) identify species by collecting snow in locations where an animal had been photographed; and 3) identify species from hair samples collected during the summer after being deployed throughout the winter (i.e., overwinter surveys). Our findings indicated that qPCR assays can effectively detect DNA of all three species, including from snow-track surveys, snow collected at camera stations, and overwinter samples that failed to amplify with conventional PCR techniques. All results indicate that the sources of targeted DNA collection provided adequate quantities of DNA for robust species detection. We suggest that using qPCR methods to detect DNA has the potential to revolutionize winter surveys for rare species in terrestrial settings by reducing or eliminating misidentifications and missed detections.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7UDRMNTJ/Franklin et al. - 2019 - Using environmental DNA methods to improve winter .pdf} +} + +@techreport{fraserbasincouncil2015NechakoWatershed, + title = {Nechako {{Watershed Health Report}}}, + author = {{Fraser Basin Council}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://www.cmnbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Nechako-Mar31-2015_FINAL.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EBX5GEGI/fraser_basin_council_2015_nechako_watershed_health_report.pdf} +} + +@misc{FraserBasinCouncilReportsGuidesToolkits, + title = {Fraser {{Basin Council}} - {{Reports}}, {{Guides}} and {{Toolkits}}}, + url = {https://www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/resources_publications.html}, + urldate = {2024-03-27}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9WG72BVA/resources_publications.html} +} + +@misc{fsw_order, + title = {Order - Fisheries Sensitive Watershed Prince George Forest District}, + author = {{Forest and Range Practices Act}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/frpa/fsw/approved.html}, + keywords = {duplicate-citation-key} +} + +@article{fukumoto_etal2015basinscaleapplication, + title = {A Basin-scale Application of Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Assessment for Rare Endemic Species and Closely Related Exotic Species in Rivers: A Case Study of Giant Salamanders in {{Japan}}}, + shorttitle = {A Basin-scale Application of Environmental}, + author = {Fukumoto, Sou and Ushimaru, Atushi and Minamoto, Toshifumi}, + editor = {Crispo, Erika}, + year = {2015}, + month = apr, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {52}, + number = {2}, + pages = {358--365}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.12392}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12392}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary To prevent the invasion of exotic species causing a decline in an endangered endemic species, it is important to determine the distribution of both species at an early stage, when the density of the exotic species is still low, and to manage the invasion immediately. However, distinguishing between closely related species is difficult because they share similar characteristics. The identification of DNA fragments sampled from a body of water (environmental DNA ) has become a popular technique for rapidly determining the distribution of a target species. In this study, we analysed environmental DNA in water samples from 37 sites across the Katsura River basin in Japan. We used TaqMan real-time PCR to distinguish the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus from the closely related Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus , which is known to invade Japanese rivers and hybridize with the Japanese species. In environmental samples, we detected mt DNA of the endemic species at 25 sites and mt DNA of the exotic species at nine sites. The DNA detection sites were concentrated in the upstream region. The exotic species DNA was found beyond the limits of an earlier capturing survey. Synthesis and applications . Using environmental DNA to monitor the two salamander species requires less time and effort than traditional surveys, so a wide-ranging survey can be conducted rapidly. Our results showed that performing three environmental DNA surveys for each site between autumn and winter is desirable for giant salamanders. Further collection of environmental DNA , in combination with conventional population surveys, will provide valuable information that can help protect rare endemic species in a variety of aquatic ecosystems and can help monitor the invasion of exotic species. , Using environmental DNA to monitor the two salamander species requires less time and effort than traditional surveys, so a wide-ranging survey can be conducted rapidly. Our results showed that performing three environmental DNA surveys for each site between autumn and winter is desirable for giant salamanders. Further collection of environmental DNA , in combination with conventional population surveys, will provide valuable information that can help protect rare endemic species in a variety of aquatic ecosystems and can help monitor the invasion of exotic species.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WGN6VK82/Fukumoto et al. - 2015 - A basin‐scale application of environmental span s.pdf} +} + +@article{fukumoto_etal2015basinscaleapplicationa, + title = {A Basin-scale Application of Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Assessment for Rare Endemic Species and Closely Related Exotic Species in Rivers: A Case Study of Giant Salamanders in {{Japan}}}, + shorttitle = {A Basin-scale Application of Environmental}, + author = {Fukumoto, Sou and Ushimaru, Atushi and Minamoto, Toshifumi}, + editor = {Crispo, Erika}, + year = {2015}, + month = apr, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {52}, + number = {2}, + pages = {358--365}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.12392}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12392}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary To prevent the invasion of exotic species causing a decline in an endangered endemic species, it is important to determine the distribution of both species at an early stage, when the density of the exotic species is still low, and to manage the invasion immediately. However, distinguishing between closely related species is difficult because they share similar characteristics. The identification of DNA fragments sampled from a body of water (environmental DNA ) has become a popular technique for rapidly determining the distribution of a target species. In this study, we analysed environmental DNA in water samples from 37 sites across the Katsura River basin in Japan. We used TaqMan real-time PCR to distinguish the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus from the closely related Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus , which is known to invade Japanese rivers and hybridize with the Japanese species. In environmental samples, we detected mt DNA of the endemic species at 25 sites and mt DNA of the exotic species at nine sites. The DNA detection sites were concentrated in the upstream region. The exotic species DNA was found beyond the limits of an earlier capturing survey. Synthesis and applications . Using environmental DNA to monitor the two salamander species requires less time and effort than traditional surveys, so a wide-ranging survey can be conducted rapidly. Our results showed that performing three environmental DNA surveys for each site between autumn and winter is desirable for giant salamanders. Further collection of environmental DNA , in combination with conventional population surveys, will provide valuable information that can help protect rare endemic species in a variety of aquatic ecosystems and can help monitor the invasion of exotic species. , Using environmental DNA to monitor the two salamander species requires less time and effort than traditional surveys, so a wide-ranging survey can be conducted rapidly. Our results showed that performing three environmental DNA surveys for each site between autumn and winter is desirable for giant salamanders. Further collection of environmental DNA , in combination with conventional population surveys, will provide valuable information that can help protect rare endemic species in a variety of aquatic ecosystems and can help monitor the invasion of exotic species.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TNQ7MZCC/Fukumoto et al. - 2015 - A basin‐scale application of environmental span s.pdf} +} + +@article{FullIssuePDFVolume38Issue72013, + title = {Full {{Issue PDF Volume}} 38, {{Issue}} 7}, + year = {2013}, + month = jul, + journal = {Fisheries}, + volume = {38}, + number = {7}, + pages = {293--340}, + issn = {0363-2415, 1548-8446}, + doi = {10.1080/03632415.2013.820962}, + url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1080/03632415.2013.820962}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WE8INDVH/2013 - Full Issue PDF Volume 38, Issue 7.pdf} +} + +@article{furlan_etal2019eDNAsurveys, + title = {{{eDNA}} Surveys to Detect Species at Very Low Densities: {{A}} Case Study of {{European}} Carp Eradication in {{Tasmania}}, {{Australia}}}, + shorttitle = {{{eDNA}} Surveys to Detect Species at Very Low Densities}, + author = {Furlan, Elise M. and Gleeson, Dianne and Wisniewski, Chris and Yick, Jonah and Duncan, Richard P.}, + editor = {Strecker, Angela}, + year = {2019}, + month = nov, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {56}, + number = {11}, + pages = {2505--2517}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.13485}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.13485}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Eradications of invasive species are usually expensive and difficult to conduct. Knowing when to declare an eradication successful requires distinguishing between failed detection of the target species due to imperfect sensitivity of the detection method and true species absence. This is difficult because the sensitivities of many detection methods are unknown. Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods can be used to detect species by analysing DNA present in environmental samples. eDNA has been promoted as a particularly sensitive and cost-effective way to detect species at low densities and, importantly, the sensitivity of eDNA surveys can be quantified. Nevertheless, the effort and costs involved in detecting species at extremely low densities, such as required during eradication, have not been previously calculated. We evaluated the sensitivity of eDNA surveys in detecting the invasive European carp, Cyprinus carpio , in two lakes in Tasmania, Australia, one in which carp have been eradicated and a second in which carp are currently being eradicated. We determined the sampling effort and associated cost required to detect the species at very low density in these lakes. While our eDNA survey detected the current low density carp population present in Lake Sorell, we show that an exponential increase in sampling effort and associated cost will be required to confidently detect the species as the population declines. Similarly, while our eDNA survey corroborated the species absence from Lake Crescent, our detection confidence was low. We quantify the survey effort and financial investment required to confidently establish eradication success in Lake Crescent. Synthesis and applications . Estimating the environmental DNA (eDNA) survey effort and cost required to detect species at a given density will enable practitioners to make informed decisions on the feasibility of implementing such surveys. Quantifying the sensitivity of eDNA surveys will also inform the confidence practitioners should place in eDNA~detection~results to ensure appropriate management actions are implemented and provide a suitable stopping point at which to confidently declare eradication success.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XT897WDQ/Furlan et al. - 2019 - eDNA surveys to detect species at very low densiti.pdf} +} + +@article{FUSIONLDVLiDARprocessingvisualizationsoftwareversion402023, + title = {{{FUSION}}/{{LDV LiDAR}} Processing and Visualization Software (Version 4.40)}, + year = {Mon, 02/27/2023 - 16:55}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/pnw/products/dataandtools/tools/fusion/ldv-lidar-processing-and-visualization-software-version-4.40}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + abstract = {FUSION is a suite of software developed by station scientists to visualize and analyze airborne lidar data. The visualization components display project data using a 2D display typical of geographic information systems (GIS). Users interact with the 2D display to select subsets of LIDAR data for display in an interactive 3D visualization environment allowing the examination of spatially-explicit data subsets including lidar returns, images, surface models, and 3D objects (e.g. tree models).}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{gaboury_smith2016DevelopmentAquatic, + title = {Development {{Of Aquatic Restoration Designs And On-Farm Cattle Management Improvements}} within the {{Wet}}'suwet'en {{First Nation Territory}}}, + author = {Gaboury, M.N. and Smith, J.J.}, + year = {2016}, + organization = {{Prepared by: Wet'suwet'en First Nation, Yinka Dene Economic Development Limited Partnership Inc. and LGL Ltd. Prepared for: Fish Habitat Restoration Initiative Fishieries and Oceans Canada Ecosytem Management Branch}}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4AAI682C/gaboury_smith_2016_development_of_aquatic_restoration_designs_and_on-farm_cattle_management.pdf} +} + +@article{gallagher_etal2014Investigationrelationship, + title = {Investigation of the Relationship between Physical Habitat and Salmonid Abundance in Two Coastal Northern {{California}}}, + author = {Gallagher, Sean P and Ferreira, Joe and Lang, Emily and Holloway, Wendy and Wright, David W}, + year = {2014}, + journal = {CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME}, + volume = {100}, + number = {4}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ICRHIQTK/gallagher_et_al_2014_investigation_of_the_relationship_between_physical_habitat_and_salmonid.pdf} +} + +@article{gallant_dowling2003multiresolutionindex, + title = {A Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness for Mapping Depositional Areas}, + author = {Gallant, John C. and Dowling, Trevor I.}, + year = {2003}, + journal = {Water Resources Research}, + volume = {39}, + number = {12}, + issn = {1944-7973}, + doi = {10.1029/2002WR001426}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2002WR001426}, + urldate = {2024-07-09}, + abstract = {Valley bottoms function as hydrological buffers that significantly affect runoff behavior. Distinguishing valley bottoms from hillslopes is an important first step in identifying and characterizing sediment deposits for hydrologic and geomorphic purposes. Valley bottoms occur at a range of scales from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in extent. This paper describes an algorithm for using digital elevation models to identify valley bottoms based on their topographic signature as flat low-lying areas. The algorithm operates at a range of scales and combines the results at different scales into a single multiresolution index. This index classifies degrees of valley bottom flatness, which may be related to depth of deposit. The index can also be used to identify groundwater constrictions and to delineate hydrologic and geomorphic units.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {digital elevation model,landscape position,scale,slope,terrain analysis}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/88E9MT3C/2002WR001426.html} +} + +@article{gantz_etal2018EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Aquatic Invasive Plants in Lab Mesocosm and Natural Field Conditions}, + author = {Gantz, Crysta A. and Renshaw, Mark A. and Erickson, Daniel and Lodge, David M. and Egan, Scott P.}, + year = {2018}, + month = sep, + journal = {Biological Invasions}, + volume = {20}, + number = {9}, + pages = {2535--2552}, + issn = {1387-3547, 1573-1464}, + doi = {10.1007/s10530-018-1718-z}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10530-018-1718-z}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZZWX7W8I/Gantz et al. - 2018 - Environmental DNA detection of aquatic invasive pl.pdf} +} + +@misc{geobc2021MapWigwam, + title = {Map {{Wigwam Flats Mt}}. {{Boadwood Sprotsmans Ridge}}}, + author = {{GeoBC}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/motor-vehicle-prohibitions/region-4/motor-vehicle-closed-areas/mvpr_1_32_wigwam_flats_mt_broadwood_sportsman_ridge.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XC8U3H7U/geobc_2021_map_wigwam_flats_mt._boadwood_sprotsmans_ridge.pdf} +} + +@misc{geobc2022FreshwaterAtlas, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Watersheds}} - {{Datasets}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{GeoBC}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-watersheds}, + urldate = {2022-05-25} +} + +@misc{geobc2022FreshwaterAtlasa, + title = {Freshwater {{Atlas Watersheds}} - {{Datasets}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{GeoBC}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/freshwater-atlas-watersheds}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/76SEPLN2/freshwater-atlas-watersheds.html} +} + +@misc{gesistsabibcon, + title = {Gesistsa/Bibcon}, + url = {https://github.com/gesistsa/bibcon}, + urldate = {2024-05-27}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4DLNDS5F/bibcon.html} +} + +@article{ghosal_etal2018AttractingCommon, + title = {Attracting {{Common Carp}} to a Bait Site with Food Reveals Strong Positive Relationships between Fish Density, Feeding Activity, Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} , and Sex Pheromone Release That Could Be Used in Invasive Fish Management}, + shorttitle = {Attracting {{Common Carp}} to a Bait Site with Food Reveals Strong Positive Relationships between Fish Density, Feeding Activity, Environmental}, + author = {Ghosal, Ratna and Eichmiller, Jessica J. and Witthuhn, Bruce A. and Sorensen, Peter W.}, + year = {2018}, + month = jul, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {8}, + number = {13}, + pages = {6714--6727}, + issn = {2045-7758, 2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.4169}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.4169}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Measurement of environmental DNA (eDNA) is becoming a common technique to survey for rare and invasive fish due to its sensitivity and specificity. However, its utility is limited by an incomplete understanding of factors governing its sources and fates. Failure to detect eDNA is especially difficult to interpret so surveillance techniques often collect large numbers of samples across broad regions. If, however, fish could be reliably attracted to a single location where their eDNA could be easily measured that would be useful. We conducted a proof-\-of-\-concept study of this idea using invasive Common Carp. We monitored the distribution of radio-\-tagged Carp and their eDNA across a 67 ha lake focusing at the bait site while a pheromone (Prostaglandin F2{$\alpha$}; PGF2{$\alpha$}) was also measured to determine their reproductive condition. Prior to baiting, Carp were patchily distributed and while eDNA was occasionally detectable, it was patchy and only loosely associated with moderately dense groups of fish. Further, neither Carp, nor their eDNA were consistently measurable at the bait site and surrounding region, and the pheromone was not measurable at all. However, once baiting commenced, Carp started visiting the bait site and feeding, especially at night, where eDNA levels increased 500-\-fold as fish densities doubled and PGF2{$\alpha$} became detectable. Fish presence, eDNA and pheromone concentrations peaked at night after 6 days, strongly suggesting feeding activity was the main driver. While the presence of eDNA precisely coincided with this aggregation, levels had dropped dramatically within 5 m. PGF2{$\alpha$} levels dropped less rapidly and demonstrated the presence of live mature fish. We suggest that food could be used to train fish to come to locations where they otherwise are too scarce to be reliably measured, increasing their eDNA release, making them measurable, and their reproductive condition also discernable by measuring pheromones.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YYMCX9Y2/Ghosal et al. - 2018 - Attracting Common Carp to a bait site with food re.pdf} +} + +@misc{gilbert_etal2022Subhourlywater, + title = {Sub-Hourly Water Temperature Data Collected across the {{Nechako Watershed}}, 2019-2021 {\textbar} {{Elsevier Enhanced Reader}}}, + author = {Gilbert, D.E. and Morris, J.E. and Kaveney, A.R. and Dery, J.D.}, + year = {2022}, + doi = {10.1016/j.dib.2022.108425}, + url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S2352340922006229?token=7701E7A134A43BA35A1C4805242F6CB43FB60954BD55EE9D6FC49A607AA0FD272F6039DC4E7AC6046530FDD3BFD36F5A&originRegion=us-east-1&originCreation=20230313234723}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S3M7ESPC/gilbert_et_al_2022_sub-hourly_water_temperature_data_collected_across_the_nechako_watershed,.pdf} +} + +@article{gingera_etal2017EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} as a Detection Tool for Zebra Mussels {{Dreissena}} Polymorpha ({{Pallas}}, 1771) at the Forefront of an Invasion Event in {{Lake Winnipeg}}, {{Manitoba}}, {{Canada}}}, + author = {Gingera, Timothy and Bajno, Robert and Docker, Margaret and Reist, James}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Management of Biological Invasions}, + volume = {8}, + number = {3}, + pages = {287--300}, + issn = {19898649}, + doi = {10.3391/mbi.2017.8.3.03}, + url = {http://www.reabic.net/journals/mbi/2017/Issue3.aspx}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), an invasive bivalve in North America, was first recorded in Lake Winnipeg in 2013. Quagga mussel D. bugensis (Andrusov, 1897), a second invasive mussel to North America, has yet to be detected in Manitoba waters. The establishment and continued spread of zebra mussels is of concern. Accordingly, we developed two species-specific and one Dreissena-specific qPCR-based environmental DNA (eDNA) assays designed as a single multiplexed reaction able to identify the presence of zebra mussel and infer the presence of quagga mussel in water samples from at-risk and invaded locations. In 2014, samples were collected from four invaded harbours on Lake Winnipeg during the early (May) and late (October) seasons. Zebra mussel eDNA was detected in 0--33.3\% of samples per site early in the season, whereas late season sample detection ranged from 42.9 to 100\%. In order to confirm that there was no nonspecific amplification of DNA from local biota, samples were also collected from sites where neither adult nor veliger-stage zebra mussels had been previously observed. These sites included three harbours on Lake Winnipeg and six sites within the Manitoban portion of the Red River. No amplification of eDNA was recorded at these sites except for that at a float-plane dock in the Red River upstream of Lake Winnipeg. Zebra mussels were subsequently detected at this location by sampling for transformed attached individuals. Thus, we demonstrate that eDNA is an early indicator of the presence of zebra mussels and is a useful detection tool at the forefront of their recent invasion in Manitoba. This work provides the foundation for the development of a zebra mussel eDNA monitoring program for waterbodies in Manitoba and western Canada.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EJWWX85R/Gingera et al. - 2017 - Environmental DNA as a detection tool for zebra mu.pdf} +} + +@misc{gitanyowfisheriesauthority2023KitwangaRiver, + title = {Kitwanga {{River Salmon Enumeration Facility}}}, + author = {{Gitanyow Fisheries Authority}}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {Gitanyow Fisheries Authority}, + url = {http://www.gitanyowfisheries.com/projects/kitwanga-river-salmon-enumeration-facility-1}, + urldate = {2023-03-30}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JIJBS7LG/kitwanga-river-salmon-enumeration-facility-1.html} +} + +@misc{GitxsanHuwilpGovernment, + title = {Gitxsan {{Huwilp Government}}}, + url = {https://gitxsan.ca/}, + urldate = {2024-05-29}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FRKFJIQZ/gitxsan.ca.html} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2011MolecularDetection, + title = {Molecular {{Detection}} of {{Vertebrates}} in {{Stream Water}}: {{A Demonstration Using Rocky Mountain Tailed Frogs}} and {{Idaho Giant Salamanders}}}, + shorttitle = {Molecular {{Detection}} of {{Vertebrates}} in {{Stream Water}}}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Pilliod, David S. and Arkle, Robert S. and Waits, Lisette P.}, + editor = {Gratwicke, Brian}, + year = {2011}, + month = jul, + journal = {PLoS ONE}, + volume = {6}, + number = {7}, + pages = {e22746}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0022746}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022746}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Stream ecosystems harbor many secretive and imperiled species, and studies of vertebrates in these systems face the challenges of relatively low detection rates and high costs. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has recently been confirmed as a sensitive and efficient tool for documenting aquatic vertebrates in wetlands and in a large river and canal system. However, it was unclear whether this tool could be used to detect low-density vertebrates in fast-moving streams where shed cells may travel rapidly away from their source. To evaluate the potential utility of eDNA techniques in stream systems, we designed targeted primers to amplify a short, species-specific DNA fragment for two secretive stream amphibian species in the northwestern region of the United States (Rocky Mountain tailed frogs, Ascaphus montanus, and Idaho giant salamanders, Dicamptodon aterrimus). We tested three DNA extraction and five PCR protocols to determine whether we could detect eDNA of these species in filtered water samples from five streams with varying densities of these species in central Idaho, USA. We successfully amplified and sequenced the targeted DNA regions for both species from stream water filter samples. We detected Idaho giant salamanders in all samples and Rocky Mountain tailed frogs in four of five streams and found some indication that these species are more difficult to detect using eDNA in early spring than in early fall. While the sensitivity of this method across taxa remains to be determined, the use of eDNA could revolutionize surveys for rare and invasive stream species. With this study, the utility of eDNA techniques for detecting aquatic vertebrates has been demonstrated across the majority of freshwater systems, setting the stage for an innovative transformation in approaches for aquatic research.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KTZ4BRRM/Goldberg et al. - 2011 - Molecular Detection of Vertebrates in Stream Water.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2013EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} as a New Method for Early Detection of {{New Zealand}} Mudsnails ( {{{\emph{Potamopyrgus}}}}{\emph{ Antipodarum}} )}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Sepulveda, Adam and Ray, Andrew and Baumgardt, Jeremy and Waits, Lisette P.}, + year = {2013}, + month = sep, + journal = {Freshwater Science}, + volume = {32}, + number = {3}, + pages = {792--800}, + issn = {2161-9549, 2161-9565}, + doi = {10.1899/13-046.1}, + url = {https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1899/13-046.1}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Early detection of aquatic invasive species is a critical task for management of aquatic ecosystems. This task is hindered by the difficulty and cost of surveying aquatic systems thoroughly. The New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is a small, invasive parthenogenic mollusk that can reach very high population densities and severely affects ecosystem functioning. To assist in the early detection of this invasive species, we developed and validated a highly sensitive environmental deoxyribonucleic acid (eDNA) assay. We used a dose--response laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship between New Zealand mudsnail density and eDNA detected through time. We documented that as few as 1 individual in 1.5 L of water for 2 d could be detected with this method, and that eDNA from this species may remain detectable for 21 to 44 d after mudsnail removal. We used the eDNA method to confirm the presence of New Zealand mudsnail eDNA at densities as low as 11 to 144 snails/m2 in a eutrophic 5th-order river. Combined, these results demonstrate the high potential for eDNA surveys to assist with early detection of a widely distributed invasive aquatic invertebrate.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SIHZVDNA/Goldberg et al. - 2013 - Environmental DNA as a new method for early detect.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2013EnvironmentalDNAa, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} as a New Method for Early Detection of {{New Zealand}} Mudsnails ( {{{\emph{Potamopyrgus}}}}{\emph{ Antipodarum}} )}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Sepulveda, Adam and Ray, Andrew and Baumgardt, Jeremy and Waits, Lisette P.}, + year = {2013}, + month = sep, + journal = {Freshwater Science}, + volume = {32}, + number = {3}, + pages = {792--800}, + issn = {2161-9549, 2161-9565}, + doi = {10.1899/13-046.1}, + url = {https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1899/13-046.1}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Early detection of aquatic invasive species is a critical task for management of aquatic ecosystems. This task is hindered by the difficulty and cost of surveying aquatic systems thoroughly. The New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is a small, invasive parthenogenic mollusk that can reach very high population densities and severely affects ecosystem functioning. To assist in the early detection of this invasive species, we developed and validated a highly sensitive environmental deoxyribonucleic acid (eDNA) assay. We used a dose--response laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship between New Zealand mudsnail density and eDNA detected through time. We documented that as few as 1 individual in 1.5 L of water for 2 d could be detected with this method, and that eDNA from this species may remain detectable for 21 to 44 d after mudsnail removal. We used the eDNA method to confirm the presence of New Zealand mudsnail eDNA at densities as low as 11 to 144 snails/m2 in a eutrophic 5th-order river. Combined, these results demonstrate the high potential for eDNA surveys to assist with early detection of a widely distributed invasive aquatic invertebrate.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J7CWWDIX/Goldberg et al. - 2013 - Environmental DNA as a new method for early detect.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2015Movingenvironmental, + title = {Moving Environmental {{DNA}} Methods from Concept to Practice for Monitoring Aquatic Macroorganisms}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Strickler, Katherine M. and Pilliod, David S.}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {183}, + pages = {1--3}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.040}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320714004650}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The discovery that macroorganisms can be detected from their environmental DNA (eDNA) in aquatic systems has immense potential for the conservation of biological diversity. This special issue contains 11 papers that review and advance the field of eDNA detection of vertebrates and other macroorganisms, including studies of eDNA production, transport, and degradation; sample collection and processing to maximize detection rates; and applications of eDNA for conservation using citizen scientists. This body of work is an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to take eDNA detection of macroorganisms from technical breakthrough to established, reliable method that can be used in survey, monitoring, and research applications worldwide. While the rapid advances in this field are remarkable, important challenges remain, including consensus on best practices for collection and analysis, understanding of eDNA diffusion and transport, and avoidance of inhibition in sample collection and processing. Nonetheless, as demonstrated in this special issue, eDNA techniques for research and monitoring are beginning to realize their potential for contributing to the conservation of biodiversity globally.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/628QHGMY/Goldberg et al. - 2015 - Moving environmental DNA methods from concept to p.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2016Criticalconsiderations, + title = {Critical Considerations for the Application of Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Methods to Detect Aquatic Species}, + shorttitle = {Critical Considerations for the Application of Environmental}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Turner, Cameron R. and Deiner, Kristy and Klymus, Katy E. and Thomsen, Philip Francis and Murphy, Melanie A. and Spear, Stephen F. and McKee, Anna and Oyler-McCance, Sara J. and Cornman, Robert Scott and Laramie, Matthew B. and Mahon, Andrew R. and Lance, Richard F. and Pilliod, David S. and Strickler, Katherine M. and Waits, Lisette P. and Fremier, Alexander K. and Takahara, Teruhiko and Herder, Jelger E. and Taberlet, Pierre}, + editor = {Gilbert, M.}, + year = {2016}, + month = nov, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {7}, + number = {11}, + pages = {1299--1307}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.12595}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12595}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary Species detection using environmental DNA ( eDNA ) has tremendous potential for contributing to the understanding of the ecology and conservation of aquatic species. Detecting species using eDNA methods, rather than directly sampling the organisms, can reduce impacts on sensitive species and increase the power of field surveys for rare and elusive species. The sensitivity of eDNA methods, however, requires a heightened awareness and attention to quality assurance and quality control protocols. Additionally, the interpretation of eDNA data demands careful consideration of multiple factors. As eDNA methods have grown in application, diverse approaches have been implemented to address these issues. With interest in eDNA continuing to expand, supportive guidelines for undertaking eDNA studies are greatly needed. Environmental DNA researchers from around the world have collaborated to produce this set of guidelines and considerations for implementing eDNA methods to detect aquatic macroorganisms. Critical considerations for study design include preventing contamination in the field and the laboratory, choosing appropriate sample analysis methods, validating assays, testing for sample inhibition and following minimum reporting guidelines. Critical considerations for inference include temporal and spatial processes, limits of correlation of eDNA with abundance, uncertainty of positive and negative results, and potential sources of allochthonous DNA . We present a synthesis of knowledge at this stage for application of this new and powerful detection method.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2RCUIK2N/Goldberg et al. - 2016 - Critical considerations for the application of env.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2018Degradationdispersion, + title = {Degradation and Dispersion Limit Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Rare Amphibians in Wetlands: {{Increasing}} Efficacy of Sampling Designs}, + shorttitle = {Degradation and Dispersion Limit Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Rare Amphibians in Wetlands}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Strickler, Katherine M. and Fremier, Alexander K.}, + year = {2018}, + month = aug, + journal = {Science of The Total Environment}, + volume = {633}, + pages = {695--703}, + issn = {00489697}, + doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.295}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0048969718306958}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The detection of rare macroorganisms using environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful new method for conservation and management; the efficacy of this method is affected by physiological, ecological, and hydrological processes. Understanding the processes limiting eDNA detection and accounting for those factors with optimized sampling designs is critical for realizing the potential of this tool. Amphibians are a focus of conservation programs globally and are often difficult to detect, presenting a challenge for effective action. To increase the ability of eDNA techniques to inform conservation and management programs, we investigated the eDNA detection of amphibians compared with field surveys for six species across a gradient of environmental factors expected to affect eDNA detection in three different systems: perennial wetlands, intermittent wetlands, and acidic intermittent wetlands. We applied a baseline sampling design in each wetland and used an occupancy modeling approach to evaluate evidence for processes limiting detection for each species given the presence of the target species. Evidence weights indicated that limiting processes varied across systems and included those associated with increased degradation (pH b 5, temperature N 25 {$^\circ$}C) and limited dispersion (wetland area N 1200 m2, sample volume b 200 mL). Optimized sampling protocols based on model results included an increased number of sampling locations in large and highly degradative (acidic) wetlands and increased filter pore size in highparticulate systems. These improved designs compensated for the previously limiting factors and yielded average detection rates of 0.62--0.86 per water sample. Degradation and dispersion processes appear to strongly influence the detection of amphibians in wetlands. Optimized, adaptive sampling designs can greatly increase the efficacy of eDNA monitoring approaches.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6RUIVYYR/Goldberg et al. - 2018 - Degradation and dispersion limit environmental DNA.pdf} +} + +@article{goldberg_etal2018Degradationdispersiona, + title = {Degradation and Dispersion Limit Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Rare Amphibians in Wetlands: {{Increasing}} Efficacy of Sampling Designs}, + shorttitle = {Degradation and Dispersion Limit Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Rare Amphibians in Wetlands}, + author = {Goldberg, Caren S. and Strickler, Katherine M. and Fremier, Alexander K.}, + year = {2018}, + month = aug, + journal = {Science of The Total Environment}, + volume = {633}, + pages = {695--703}, + issn = {00489697}, + doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.295}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0048969718306958}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FMD756KB/Goldberg et al. - 2018 - Degradation and dispersion limit environmental DNA.pdf} +} + +@article{gollner_cain2014FISHPASSAGE, + title = {{{FISH PASSAGE CULVERT INVESTIGATIONS}} 2013}, + author = {Gollner, M C and Cain, Robijn}, + year = {2014}, + pages = {112}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=43108}, + abstract = {Methods Results Analysis and Recommendations Conclusions}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5G435KXD/gollner_cain_2014_fish_passage_culvert_investigations_2013.pdf} +} + +@techreport{gollner_etal2013FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Culvert Investigations}}}, + author = {Gollner, M. C. and Cain, Robijn and Russell, Krista}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=43046}, + urldate = {2022-12-28}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/25FJHBR9/viewReport.html} +} + +@techreport{gollner_etal2013FISHPASSAGE, + title = {{{FISH PASSAGE CULVERT}} {{INVESTIGATIONS}} - {{Prince George Timber Sales Business Area}} - {{CONTRACT}} \# {{PD13TGB001}}}, + author = {Gollner, M C and Cain, Robijn and Russell, Krista}, + year = {2013}, + pages = {86}, + institution = {MarLim Ecological Consulting Ltd.}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/advancedSearch.do?keywords=[PSCIS800]&searchKeyType=searchAll&sortColumn=title}, + abstract = {Methods Results Analysis and Recommendations Conclusions}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{gottesfeld_etal2002ConservingSkeena, + title = {Conserving {{Skeena Fish Populations}} and {{Their Habitat}} - {{Skeena Stage I Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan}}}, + author = {Gottesfeld, Allen and Rabnett, Ken and Hall, Peter}, + year = {2002}, + institution = {Skeena Fisheries Commission}, + url = {https://www.psf.ca/sites/default/files/Skeena%20WFSP%2012%20%28low%20res%29.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-21} +} + +@article{gottesfeld_etal2009CaseHistory, + title = {Case {{History}} of the {{Skeena Fisheries Commission}}: {{Developing Aboriginal Fishery Management Capacity}} in {{Northern British Columbia}}}, + author = {Gottesfeld, Allen and Barnes, Chris and Soto, Cristina}, + year = {2009}, + pages = {921--939}, + abstract = {Pacific salmon are important to the First Nations of the Skeena River watershed in British Columbia. The Skeena Fisheries Commission (SFC) was formed in 1985 through a memorandum of understanding between the watershed's five First Nations: Tsimshian, Gitxsan, Gitanyow, Wet'suwet'en, and Lake Babine. SFC focuses on salmon management, research, and conservation through governance and technical committees. This paper describes the development of fishery management capacity of SFC within the context of the cultural importance of salmon, the history of salmon management measures, and land claims. Capacity is analyzed in terms of the ability to perform eight management functions: policy making, negotiation and resource planning; stock assessment; fishery monitoring; enforcement and compliance; research, habitat and enhancement activities; data gathering and analysis for resource planning; creating benefits for fishermen and communities; and training and education. Policy making, negotiating, and planning occur between SFC and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) through formal and informal consultations and monthly technical meetings. SFC also participates in committees at the federal and international levels. Stock assessment activities include spawner enumerations, counting weirs, mark-recapture studies, hydroacoustic surveys, and sampling fish for genetic stock identification. Catch monitoring of the food fishery has been regularly conducted since 1991. First Nation Rangers and federal Fisheries Officers enforce traditional and federal law, respectively. Member First Nations conduct research projects with assistance from SFC staff and infrastructure. Habitat and conservation enhancement projects include road culvert assessments and hatchery rearing of Kitwanga Lake sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka. The creation of benefits for communities occurs through two in-river fisheries. Finally, training and education include SFC-run workshops and specialized training by external sources. SFC will conduct most management functions in the future; however, funding remains a constraint to program expansion. Key elements of the success of the SFC include: the cultural imperative to protect fish, the community origin and leadership of the SFC, a favorable political environment, the early recognition of the need for a watershed-wide organization, and the availability of government funding.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GD9TFU6E/gottesfeld_et_al_2009_case_history_of_the_skeena_fisheries_commission_-_developing_aboriginal_fishery.pdf} +} + +@misc{gottesfeld_rabnett2007SkeenaFish, + title = {Skeena {{Fish Populations}} and Their {{Habitat}}}, + author = {Gottesfeld, A and Rabnett, K}, + year = {2007}, + publisher = {Skeena Fisheries Commission}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IQ89I7BK/gottesfeld_rabnett_2007_skeena_fish_populations_and_their_habitat.pdf} +} + +@misc{Governance2021, + title = {Governance}, + year = {2021}, + month = apr, + journal = {Lake Babine Nation}, + url = {https://www.lakebabine.com/foundation/foundation-governance/}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + abstract = {What does the Foundation Agreement say about Governance? Summary of Governance Vision The Lake Babine Nation's (LBN), vision is for self-governance outside the Indian Act and under its inherent rig{\dots}}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/H8I5P4BA/foundation-governance.html} +} + +@misc{governmentofbritishcolumbia2022RangeTenure, + title = {Range {{Tenure}} - {{Datasets}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{Government of British Columbia}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/range-tenure}, + urldate = {2022-04-13} +} + +@misc{governmentofcanada2019BigBar, + title = {Big {{Bar}} Landslide Response Summary {\textbar} {{Pacific Region}} {\textbar} {{Fisheries}} and {{Oceans Canada}}}, + author = {{Government of Canada}, Fisheries {and} Oceans Canada}, + year = {2019}, + month = nov, + url = {https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/pacific-smon-pacifique/big-bar-landslide-eboulement/response-reponse-eng.html}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + abstract = {Big Bar landslide response summary}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2022-03-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PR4FAHGP/response-reponse-eng.html} +} + +@misc{governmentofcanada2021KitwangaRiver, + title = {Kitwanga {{River Salmon Enumeration Facility}}}, + author = {{Government of Canada}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/northcoast-cotenord/kitwanga-eng.html}, + urldate = {2023-03-30}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2021-07-07}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PXCKZ67H/kitwanga-eng.html} +} + +@misc{grainger20112011Fish, + title = {2011 {{Fish Passage Culvert Assessments}} within the {{Rocky Mountain Resource District}}}, + author = {Grainger, Karen L}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=42850}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{gregersen2019JuvenileChinook, + title = {Juvenile {{Chinook Use}} of {{Non-natal Tributaries}} in the {{Lower Green River}}}, + author = {Gregersen, Chris}, + year = {2019}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D3EVGKV6/Gregersen - Juvenile Chinook Use of Non-natal Tributaries in t.pdf} +} + +@techreport{hagen_2015_critical_habs, + title = {Critical Habitats for Bull Trout and Arctic Grayling within the Parsnip River and Pack River Watersheds}, + author = {Hagen, John and Williamson, Susanne and Stamford, Mike and Pillipow, Ray}, + year = {2015} +} + +@book{hagen_baxter20092008Westslope, + title = {2008 {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population Abundance Monitoring}} of {{Classified Waters}} in the {{East Kootenay Region}} of {{British Columbia}}.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Baxter, Jeremy}, + year = {2009}, + abstract = {The harvest of westslope cutthroat trout from classified waters in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia is highly restricted. However, angling pressure has increased significantly on these streams in recent years. This monitoring study was initiated by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment in response to concern that mortality or injury resulting from catch-and-release angling may begin to adversely affect westslope cutthroat trout populations and degrade the angling experience. In August and September, 2008, westslope cutthroat trout abundance in index sections of the Wigwam River, Michel Creek, and St. Mary River were assessed using snorkeling surveys. Trout density estimates for the index sections and for the entire streams were generated from snorkeling counts and mark-recapture estimates of snorkeling count accuracy made during previous studies, and compared to previous density estimates where possible. Among study streams, Michel Creek and the lower St. Mary River had significantly higher estimated densities (per stream kilometer) of trout {$>$}300 mm than did the Wigwam River and upper St. Mary River. In addition to having the highest westslope cutthroat trout densities, Michel Creek also had the highest estimated densities of large trout {$>$}400 mm. In the Wigwam River, westslope cutthroat trout densities were higher in upstream reaches and lower in an downstream reach relative to 2001 and 2002, but the overall population size estimates for fish {$>$}300 mm were comparable. In the lower St. Mary River, the mean density of cutthroat trout {$>$}300 mm had more than doubled since the time of lowest recorded densities in 1989 and 1990, but was still significantly lower than the highest recorded density estimate from 1982. Evidence of hooking injury, in the form of facial damage or bruising, could not be reliably detected in the St. Mary River but was obvious and widespread in the Wigwam River and especially Michel Creek.} +} + +@techreport{hagen_etal2015Criticalhabitats, + title = {Critical Habitats for Bull Trout and Arctic Grayling within the {{Parsnip River}} and {{Pack River}} Watersheds}, + author = {Hagen, John and Williamson, Susanne and Stamford, Mike and Pillipow, Ray}, + year = {2015} +} + +@techreport{hagen_etal2015Criticalhabitatsa, + title = {Critical Habitats for Bull Trout and Arctic Grayling within the {{Parsnip River}} and {{Pack River}} Watersheds}, + author = {Hagen, John and Williamson, Susanne and Stamford, Mike and Pillipow, Ray}, + year = {2015} +} + +@article{hagen_etal2019TrendAbundance, + title = {Trend in {{Abundance}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) in {{Index Sites}} of the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2018.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Pillipow, Ray and Gantner, Nikolaus}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=57235}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/78C3PSF7/hagen_et_al_2019_trend_in_abundance_of_arctic_grayling_(thymallus_arcticus)_in_index_sites_of.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_etal2020CriticalSpawning, + title = {Critical {{Spawning Habitats}} and {{Abundance}} of {{Bull Trout}} in the {{Williston Reservoir Watershed}}, 2019}, + author = {Hagen, John and Spendlow, Ian and Pillipow, Ray}, + year = {2020}, + pages = {57}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hagen_etal2020CriticalSpawninga, + title = {Critical {{Spawning Habitats}} and {{Abundance}} of {{Bull Trout}} in the {{Williston Reservoir Watershed}}, 2019}, + author = {Hagen, John and Spendlow, Ian and Pillipow, Ray}, + year = {2020}, + pages = {57}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/V6CSVK29/hagen_et_al_2020_critical_spawning_habitats_and_abundance_of_bull_trout_in_the_williston.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_etalPrecautionaryManagement, + title = {A {{Precautionary Management Strategy}} for {{Trout}} and {{Char}} in {{Streams}} of the {{Skeena Region}} -- {{Risk Assessment}} and {{Recommended Management Framework}}.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Lough, Jeff and Ells, Blair}, + pages = {89}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hagen_gantner2020AbundanceTrend, + title = {Abundance and {{Trend}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) in {{Index Sites}} of the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2019.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Gantner, Nikolaus}, + year = {2020}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NS6LCSCQ/hagen_gantner_2020_abundance_and_trend_of_arctic_grayling_(thymallus_arcticus)_in_index_sites_of.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_stamford2017FWCPArctic, + title = {{{FWCP Arctic Grayling Monitoring Framework}} for the {{Williston Reservoir Watershed}}}, + author = {Hagen, John and Stamford, Mike}, + year = {2017}, + pages = {14}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hagen_stamford2020ArcticGrayling, + title = {Arctic {{Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) {{Abundance}} and {{Trend}} in the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2020.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Stamford, Mike}, + year = {2020}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LRKV35WG/hagen_stamford_2020_arctic_grayling_(thymallus_arcticus)_abundance_and_trend_in_the_parsnip_river.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_stamford2021ArcticGrayling, + title = {Arctic {{Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) {{Abundance}} and {{Trend}} in the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2020.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Stamford, Mike}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r59157/PEA_F21_F_3203_1622500728936_967641590A.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QJ6RGI4M/hagen_stamford_2021_arctic_grayling_(thymallus_arcticus)_abundance_and_trend_in_the_parsnip_river.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_stamford2021ArcticGraylinga, + title = {Arctic {{Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) {{Abundance}} and {{Trend}} in the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2020.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Stamford, Mike}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r59157/PEA_F21_F_3203_1622500728936_967641590A.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/34ERPVCV/hagen_stamford_2021_arctic_grayling_(thymallus_arcticus)_abundance_and_trend_in_the_parsnip_river.pdf} +} + +@article{hagen_stamford2023ParsnipArctic, + title = {Parsnip {{Arctic Grayling Abundance}} and {{Critical Habitats}} 2018-2022 {{Final Report}}}, + author = {Hagen, John and Stamford, Mike}, + year = {2023}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/49CJN2M4/hagen_stamford_2023_parsnip_arctic_grayling_abundance_and_critical_habitats_2018-2022_final_report.pdf} +} + +@techreport{hagen_weber2019Limitingfactors, + type = {Report}, + title = {Limiting Factors, Enhancement Potential, Critical Habitats, and Conservation Status for Bull Trout of the Williston Reservoir Watershed: {{Information}} Synthesis and Recommended Monitoring Framework}, + author = {Hagen, John and Weber, Susanne}, + year = {2019}, + url = {http://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2019/08/Bull-Trout-Info-Synthesis-Monitoring-Framework-_FINAL29Aug2019.pdf} +} + +@techreport{hagen_weber2019Limitingfactorsa, + type = {Report}, + title = {Limiting Factors, Enhancement Potential, Critical Habitats, and Conservation Status for Bull Trout of the Williston Reservoir Watershed: {{Information}} Synthesis and Recommended Monitoring Framework}, + author = {Hagen, John and Weber, Susanne}, + year = {2019}, + url = {http://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2019/08/Bull-Trout-Info-Synthesis-Monitoring-Framework-_FINAL29Aug2019.pdf} +} + +@article{hagenTrendAbundanceArctic2018, + title = {Trend in {{Abundance}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus) in {{Index Sites}} of the {{Parsnip River Watershed}}, 1995-2018.}, + author = {Hagen, John and Pillipow, Ray and Gantner, Nikolaus}, + year = {2018}, + pages = {37}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hajibabaei_etal2012Assessingbiodiversity, + title = {Assessing Biodiversity of a Freshwater Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community through Non-Destructive Environmental Barcoding of {{DNA}} from Preservative Ethanol}, + author = {Hajibabaei, Mehrdad and Spall, Jennifer L and Shokralla, Shadi and Van Konynenburg, Steven}, + year = {2012}, + journal = {BMC Ecology}, + volume = {12}, + number = {1}, + pages = {28}, + issn = {1472-6785}, + doi = {10.1186/1472-6785-12-28}, + url = {http://bmcecol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6785-12-28}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Background: Characterizing biodiversity in a habitat or in targeted taxonomically or socioeconomically important groups remains a challenge. Standard DNA-based biodiversity identification tools such as DNA barcoding coupled with high-throughput Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies are rapidly changing the landscape of biodiversity analysis by targeting various habitats and a wide array of organisms. However, effective use of these technological advances requires optimized protocols and benchmarking against traditional tools. Here we investigate the use of commonly used preservative ethanol as a non-destructive and inexpensive source of DNA for NGS biodiversity analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates. We used the preservative ethanol added to field collected organisms (live sorted bulk benthic samples) as a source of community DNA for NGS environmental barcoding. We directly compare this approach with a DNA barcode library generated using Sanger sequencing of all individuals separated from abenthic sample as well as with NGS environmental barcoding of DNA extracted from mixed/ homogenized tissue specimens of the same benthic sample. We also evaluate a multiplex PCR strategy, as compared to commonly used single amplicon workflow, using three newly designed primer sets targeting a wide array of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa. Results: Our results indicate the effectiveness of ethanol-based DNA in providing sequence information from 87\% of taxa identified individually from mixture as compared to 89\% in conventional tissue extracted DNA. Missing taxa in both DNA sources were from species with the lowest abundance (e.g. 1 individual) in the benthic mixture. Interestingly, we achieved 100\% detection for taxa represented with more than 1\% individuals in the mixture in both sources of DNA. Our multiplex amplification regime increased the detection as compared to any single primer set indicating the usefulness of using multiple primer sets in initial amplification of target genes. Conclusions: Although NGS approaches have significantly increased the potential of using DNA information in biodiversity analysis, robust methods are needed to provide reliable data and alleviate sample-processing bottlenecks. Here we coupled non-destructive DNA access and a multiplex PCR approach in NGS environmental barcoding for effective data generation from benthic live-sorted samples collected in bulk and preserved in ethanol. Our study provides a possible solution to sampling and vouchering challenges in using benthic samples through next-generation environmental barcoding and facilitates wider utility of DNA information, especially species-specific DNA barcodes, in ecological and environmental studies and real-world applications such as biomonitoring programs.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SWJ5YERD/Hajibabaei et al. - 2012 - Assessing biodiversity of a freshwater benthic mac.pdf} +} + +@misc{hale_etal2009RiparianHealth, + title = {Riparian {{Health Assessment}} for {{Stream}} and {{Small Rivers}}}, + author = {Hale, G and Adams, B.W. and Hale, G}, + year = {2009}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Second\\ +Edition. Lethbridge, Alberta: Cows and Fish Program. 94 pages.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2YCLKLZU/hale_et_al_2009_riparian_health_assessment_for_stream_and_small_rivers.pdf} +} + +@article{hall_etal2016Evaluatingenvironmental, + title = {Evaluating Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} -based Quantification of Ranavirus Infection in Wood Frog Populations}, + shorttitle = {Evaluating Environmental}, + author = {Hall, Emily M. and Crespi, Erica J. and Goldberg, Caren S. and Brunner, Jesse L.}, + year = {2016}, + month = mar, + journal = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, + volume = {16}, + number = {2}, + pages = {423--433}, + issn = {1755-098X, 1755-0998}, + doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.12461}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1755-0998.12461}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {A variety of challenges arise when monitoring wildlife populations for disease. Sampling tissues can be invasive to hosts, and obtaining sufficient sample sizes can be expensive and time consuming, particularly for rare species and when pathogen prevalence is low. Environmental DNA (eDNA)-based detection of pathogens is an alternative approach to surveillance for aquatic communities that circumvents many of these issues. Ranaviruses are emerging pathogens of ectothermic vertebrates linked to die-offs of amphibian populations. Detecting ranavirus infections is critical, but non-lethal methods have the above issues and are prone to false negatives. We report on the feasibility and effectiveness of eDNA-based ranavirus detection in the field. We compared ranavirus titers in eDNA samples collected from pond water to titers in wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus; n=5) tadpoles in sites dominated by this one species (n= 20 pond visits). We examined whether ranavirus DNA can be detected in eDNA from pond water when infections are present in the pond and if viral titers detected in eDNA samples correlate with the prevalence or intensity of ranavirus infections in tadpoles. With three 250 mL water samples we were able to detect the virus in all visits with infected larvae (0.92 diagnostic sensitivity). Also, we found a strong relationship between the viral eDNA titers and titers in larval tissues. eDNA titers increased prior to observed die-offs and declined afterwards, and were 2 orders of magnitude higher in ponds with a die-off. Our results suggest that eDNA is useful for detecting ranavirus infections in wildlife and aquaculture.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X2GY6MD2/Hall et al. - 2016 - Evaluating environmental span style=font-variant.pdf} +} + +@incollection{hall_stednick2008AlseaWatershed, + title = {The {{Alsea Watershed Study}}}, + booktitle = {Hydrological and {{Biological Responses}} to {{Forest Practices}}: {{The Alsea Watershed Study}}}, + author = {Hall, James D. and Stednick, John D.}, + editor = {Stednick, John D.}, + year = {2008}, + series = {Ecological {{Studies}}}, + pages = {1--18}, + publisher = {Springer}, + address = {New York, NY}, + doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-69036-0_1}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-69036-0_1}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + isbn = {978-0-387-69036-0}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Coho Salmon,Cutthroat Trout,Oregon Coast,Vegetation Survey,Watershed Study}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BWFWGKAW/hall_stednick_2008_the_alsea_watershed_study.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/L3FA3AZ6/hall_stednick_2008_the_alsea_watershed_study.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P9ZV6GDE/hall_stednick_2008_the_alsea_watershed_study.pdf} +} + +@article{hall2016DRAFTIntegrated, + title = {{{DRAFT Integrated Strategic Plan}} for {{Southern BC Chinook Salmon}} ({{V6}} -- {{April}} 2016) -- **{{DO NOT CITE}}**}, + author = {Hall, Alex}, + year = {2016}, + pages = {97}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{hancock_etal1983CatalogueSalmon, + title = {Catalogue of {{Salmon Streams}} and {{Spawning Escapements}} of {{Statistical Area}} 4 ({{Upper Skeena River}})}, + author = {Hancock, M.J. and {Leaney-East}, A.J. and Marshall, D.E.}, + year = {1983}, + number = {394}, + pages = {324}, + address = {Vancouver, B.C.}, + institution = {{Department of Fisheries and Oceans Enhancement Services Branch}}, + url = {https://www.psf.ca/sites/default/files/15029.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-18} +} + +@article{hardiman_etal2004PredatorsInfluence, + title = {Do {{Predators Influence}} the {{Distribution}} of {{Age-0 Kokanee}} in a {{Colorado Reservoir}}?}, + author = {Hardiman, Jill M. and Johnson, Brett M. and Martinez, Patrick J.}, + year = {2004}, + month = nov, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {133}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1366--1378}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T03-1234.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/T03-1234.1}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + abstract = {Seasonal changes in reservoir conditions such as productivity, light, and temperature create spatiotemporal variation in habitat that may segregate or aggregate predators and prey, producing implications for the distribution, growth, and survival of fishes. We used hydroacoustics to document the diel vertical distribution of age-0 kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka relative to environmental gradients at Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado, during May--August of 2002. Temperature, light, and zooplankton density profiles were examined relative to foraging conditions for kokanee and their primary predator, lake trout Salvelinus namaycush. Age-0 kokanee displayed large diel vertical migrations in May despite the lack of an energetic advantage before reservoir stratification. Age-0 kokanee minimized near-surface foraging at this time, perhaps to avoid predation by visual predators, such as lake trout, in the well-lit surface waters. Strong reservoir stratification in midsummer appeared to provide a thermal refuge from lake trout that the kokanee exploited. By August vertical migrations were shallow and most kokanee remained in the epilimnion throughout the day. Although the energetic implications of the late-summer strategy are unclear, it appears that kokanee were responding to changes in their predator environment. A robust model for kokanee diel vertical migration across a range of systems should include a predator avoidance component.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YTZXKK2S/Hardiman et al. - 2004 - Do Predators Influence the Distribution of Age-0 K.pdf} +} + +@article{harman_etal2021StreamMitigation, + title = {Stream {{Mitigation Accounting Metrics Exploring}} the {{Use}} of {{Linear-based}}, {{Area-based}}, and {{Volume Units}} of {{Measure}} to {{Calculate Impacts}} and {{Offsets}} to {{Different Stream Archetypes}}}, + author = {Harman, W. and Nadeau, T-L. and Topping, B. and James, A. and Kondratieff, M. and Boyd, K. and Athanasakes, G. and Wheaton, J.}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {111}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356473973_Stream_Mitigation_Accounting_Metrics_Exploring_the_Use_of_Linear-based_Area-based_and_Volume_Units_of_Measure_to_Calculate_Impacts_and_Offsets_to_Different_Stream_Archetypes}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {EPA 840-R-21-003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GGKZWCD7/harman_et_al_2021_stream_mitigation_accounting_metrics_exploring_the_use_of_linear-based,.pdf} +} + +@article{harper_etal2019Prospectschallenges, + title = {Prospects and Challenges of Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Monitoring in Freshwater Ponds}, + author = {Harper, Lynsey R. and Buxton, Andrew S. and Rees, Helen C. and Bruce, Kat and Brys, Rein and Halfmaerten, David and Read, Daniel S. and Watson, Hayley V. and Sayer, Carl D. and Jones, Eleanor P. and Priestley, Victoria and M{\"a}chler, Elvira and M{\'u}rria, Cesc and {Garc{\'e}s-Pastor}, Sandra and Medupin, Cecilia and Burgess, Katherine and Benson, Gillian and Boonham, Neil and Griffiths, Richard A. and Lawson Handley, Lori and H{\"a}nfling, Bernd}, + year = {2019}, + month = jan, + journal = {Hydrobiologia}, + volume = {826}, + number = {1}, + pages = {25--41}, + issn = {0018-8158, 1573-5117}, + doi = {10.1007/s10750-018-3750-5}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10750-018-3750-5}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MKTBFQ42/Harper et al. - 2019 - Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDN.pdf} +} + +@article{harper_etal2019Prospectschallengesa, + title = {Prospects and Challenges of Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Monitoring in Freshwater Ponds}, + author = {Harper, Lynsey R. and Buxton, Andrew S. and Rees, Helen C. and Bruce, Kat and Brys, Rein and Halfmaerten, David and Read, Daniel S. and Watson, Hayley V. and Sayer, Carl D. and Jones, Eleanor P. and Priestley, Victoria and M{\"a}chler, Elvira and M{\'u}rria, Cesc and {Garc{\'e}s-Pastor}, Sandra and Medupin, Cecilia and Burgess, Katherine and Benson, Gillian and Boonham, Neil and Griffiths, Richard A. and Lawson Handley, Lori and H{\"a}nfling, Bernd}, + year = {2019}, + month = jan, + journal = {Hydrobiologia}, + volume = {826}, + number = {1}, + pages = {25--41}, + issn = {0018-8158, 1573-5117}, + doi = {10.1007/s10750-018-3750-5}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10750-018-3750-5}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4BDX6DKB/Harper et al. - 2019 - Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDN.pdf} +} + +@article{hartman_miles2001AssessmentTechniques, + title = {Assessment of {{Techniques}} for {{Rainbow Trout Transplanting}} and {{Habitat Management}} in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Hartman, H and Miles, M}, + year = {2001}, + journal = {Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 2562}, + pages = {76}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/ffip/Hartman_G2001_pt1.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{hasek_batchelar20212020Line, + title = {2020 {{Line Creek Operations Local Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program}} ({{LAEMP}}) {{Report}} for {{Dry Creek}}}, + author = {Hasek, Dave and Batchelar, Katharina}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/09_LCO_Dry_Creek_LAEMP_2020_Report_w_Cover_Page.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-02-25}, + annotation = {Prepared by Minnow Environmental Inc.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B839HBM8/hasek_batchelar_2021_2020_line_creek_operations_local_aquatic_effects_monitoring_program_(laemp).pdf} +} + +@article{hasnain_etalKeyEcological, + title = {Key {{Ecological Temperature Metrics}} for {{Canadian Freshwater Fishes}}}, + author = {Hasnain, Sarah S and Minns, C Ken and Shuter, Brian J}, + pages = {54}, + abstract = {Habitat temperature is a major determinant of performance and activity in fish. We examined the relationship between six temperature metrics describing the growth (optimal growth temperature and final temperature preferendum), survival (upper incipient lethal temperature and critical thermal maximum), and reproduction (optimum spawning temperature and optimum egg development temperature) requirements of 87 Canadian freshwater fish species. Our results suggest that all metrics were highly correlated, especially those within each life process. Values for different metrics fell into distinct groups that were associated with thermal preference classes, reproductive guilds, and spawning season. These results suggest that it may be possible to estimate missing metric values using known values. This compilation of metrics provides easy access to information for a broad range of fish species common to North America and should foster more extensive use of this information in fish ecology.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{hatlevik1985ReconnaissanceSurvey, + title = {A {{Reconnaissance Survey}} of {{Coffin Lake}}}, + author = {Hatlevik, S.P.}, + year = {1985}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r54856/AReconnaissanceSurveyofCoffinLake,1985,00999Bulk_1540249774271_0248447820.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-15} +} + +@misc{hatlevik1992LetterCommunications, + title = {Letter of {{Communications}} with the {{Tyhee Lake Protection Society}}}, + author = {Hatlevik, S.P.}, + year = {1992} +} + +@article{hauer_etal2016Gravelbedriver, + title = {Gravel-Bed River Floodplains Are the Ecological Nexus of Glaciated Mountain Landscapes}, + author = {Hauer, F. Richard and Locke, Harvey and Dreitz, Victoria J. and Hebblewhite, Mark and Lowe, Winsor H. and Muhlfeld, Clint C. and Nelson, Cara R. and Proctor, Michael F. and Rood, Stewart B.}, + year = {2016}, + month = jun, + journal = {Science Advances}, + volume = {2}, + number = {6}, + pages = {e1600026}, + issn = {2375-2548}, + doi = {10.1126/sciadv.1600026}, + url = {https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.1600026}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {Gravel-bed rivers are disproportionately important to regional biodiversity, species interactions, connectivity, and conservation. , Gravel-bed river floodplains in mountain landscapes disproportionately concentrate diverse habitats, nutrient cycling, productivity of biota, and species interactions. Although stream ecologists know that river channel and floodplain habitats used by aquatic organisms are maintained by hydrologic regimes that mobilize gravel-bed sediments, terrestrial ecologists have largely been unaware of the importance of floodplain structures and processes to the life requirements of a wide variety of species. We provide insight into gravel-bed rivers as the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes. We show why gravel-bed river floodplains are the primary arena where interactions take place among aquatic, avian, and terrestrial species from microbes to grizzly bears and provide essential connectivity as corridors for movement for both aquatic and terrestrial species. Paradoxically, gravel-bed river floodplains are also disproportionately unprotected where human developments are concentrated. Structural modifications to floodplains such as roads, railways, and housing and hydrologic-altering hydroelectric or water storage dams have severe impacts to floodplain habitat diversity and productivity, restrict local and regional connectivity, and reduce the resilience of both aquatic and terrestrial species, including adaptation to climate change. To be effective, conservation efforts in glaciated mountain landscapes intended to benefit the widest variety of organisms need a paradigm shift that has gravel-bed rivers and their floodplains as the central focus and that prioritizes the maintenance or restoration of the intact structure and processes of these critically important systems throughout their length and breadth.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S9FD5HRU/hauer_et_al_2016_gravel-bed_river_floodplains_are_the_ecological_nexus_of_glaciated_mountain.pdf} +} + +@techreport{healthcanada2018GuidanceEvaluating, + title = {Guidance for {{Evaluating Human Health Impacts}} in {{Environmental Assessment}}: {{Country Foods}}.}, + shorttitle = {Guidance for {{Evaluating Human Health Impacts}} in {{Environmental Assessment}}}, + author = {{Health Canada}}, + year = {2018}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/sc-hc/H129-54-5-2018-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-05-19}, + abstract = {'This document provides generic guidance on predicting human health risks associated with contaminants affecting country foods (also known as traditional foods) in federal environmental assessments (EA) of proposed major resource and infrastructure projects. It presents the principles, current practices and basic information Health Canada looks for when it reviews the environmental impact statement (EIS) or other reports submitted by project proponents as part of the EA process'--Purpose, p. 2.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1047616869 https://www.deslibris.ca/ID/10097444} +} + +@misc{healthywatershedsinitiative2021RiparianRestoration, + title = {Riparian {{Restoration Surveys}} on {{Streams}} near {{Terrace}} - {{Healthy Watersheds Initiative}}}, + author = {{Healthy Watersheds Initiative}}, + year = {2021}, + month = jun, + url = {https://healthywatersheds.ca/project/riparian-restoration-surveys-on-streams-near-terrace/}, + urldate = {2024-04-15}, + abstract = {SkeenaWild Conservation Trust is conducting riparian restoration surveys on four fish-bearing streams north of Terrace: Willow Creek, Spring Creek, Lean-To Creek, and Deep Creek. These surveys will identify priority areas for future restoration work and provide a baseline for future monitoring of stream characteristics. This project supports four jobs. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IGXCVHAP/riparian-restoration-surveys-on-streams-near-terrace.html} +} + +@techreport{hecky_guildford2022KootenayLake, + title = {Kootenay {{Lake}} ({{North}}) \& {{Arrow Lakes Reservoir Nutrient Restoration Program}} ({{NRP}}) {{Review}}}, + author = {Hecky, R.E and Guildford, S.J}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r61671/COL_F22_W_4119_DCA_1705946575582_02FBF805BC.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RPR9EP6I/COL_F22_W_4119_DCA_1705946575582_02FBF805BC.pdf} +} + +@article{heinoBiodiversityAquatic, + title = {Biodiversity of {{Aquatic Insects}}: {{Spatial Gradients}} and {{Environmental Correlates}} of {{Assemblage-Level Measures}} at {{Large Scales}}}, + shorttitle = {Biodiversity of {{Aquatic Insects}}}, + author = {Heino, Jani}, + journal = {Freshwater Reviews}, + volume = {2}, + number = {1}, + pages = {1--29}, + issn = {1755-084X}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/2875963/Biodiversity_of_aquatic_insects_spatial_gradients_and_environmental_correlates_of_assemblage-level_measures_at_large_scales}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + abstract = {Abstract Biodiversity embraces multiple facets of the variability of nature, although most research has dealt separately with population-, species-and assemblage-level measures. This review concentrates on aquatic insect biodiversity and the}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VW84VWG7/Biodiversity_of_aquatic_insects_spatial_gradients_and_environmental_correlates_of_assemblage-le.html} +} + +@techreport{helm_etal1980ReviewNechako, + title = {A {{Review}} of the {{Nechako River Watershed}}}, + author = {Helm, R and MacDonald, D and Sinclair, B and Chan, D and Herrington, T and Chalmers, A and Shepherd, B.G.}, + year = {1980}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/40597064.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-11}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XB769KIP/helm_et_al_1980_a_review_of_the_nechako_river_watershed.pdf} +} + +@misc{HelpingAmphibiansDisinfectionTechniquesReduceSpreadChytridFungus, + title = {Helping {{Amphibians}}: {{Disinfection Techniques}} to {{Reduce}} the {{Spread}} of {{Chytrid Fungus}}}, + shorttitle = {Helping {{Amphibians}}}, + journal = {Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy}, + url = {https://arcprotects.org/helping-amphibians-disinfection-techniques-to-reduce-the-spread-of-chytrid-fungus/}, + urldate = {2024-11-08}, + abstract = {The worldwide amphibian pandemic, chytridiomycosis has led to dramatic amphibian declines over the last several decades. This terrible disease is caused by a chytrid fungus called Batrachochytrium{\dots}}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NUIVYGAS/helping-amphibians-disinfection-techniques-to-reduce-the-spread-of-chytrid-fungus.html} +} + +@book{hester_bryan2022HappyGit, + title = {Happy {{Git}} and {{GitHub}} for the {{useR}}}, + author = {Hester, J and Bryan, J}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://happygitwithr.com/}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + abstract = {Using Git and GitHub with R, Rstudio, and R Markdown}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AN3RDHY5/Hester and Bryan - 2022 - Happy Git and GitHub for the useR.html} +} + +@book{hilty_etal2020Guidelinesconserving, + title = {Guidelines for Conserving Connectivity through Ecological Networks and Corridors}, + author = {Hilty, Jodi and Worboys, Graeme and Keeley, Annika and Woodley, Stephen and Lausche, Barbara and Locke, Harvey and Carr, Mark and Pulsford, Ian and Pittock, Jamie and White, J. Wilson and Theobald, David and Levine, Jessica and Reuling, Melly and Watson, James and Ament, Rob and Tabor, Gary}, + year = {2020}, + month = jul, + doi = {10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.PAG.30.en}, + abstract = {Executive summary: Ecological connectivity is the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of natural processes that sustain life on Earth. This definition has been endorsed by the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS, 2020) and underlines the urgency of protecting connectivity and its various elements, including dispersal, seasonal migration, fluvial processes and the connectivity that is inherently present in large wild areas. Fragmentation caused by human activities continues to disrupt habitats, threatening biodiversity and impeding climate change adaptation. A large body of science and theory has been developing to address this problem in the context of protected areas. The purpose of these Guidelines for Conserving Connectivity through Ecological Networks and Corridors is to consolidate this wealth of knowledge and best-available practices to support efforts to combat fragmentation. These Guidelines provide tools and examples (1) for applying ecological connectivity between protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and (2) for developing ecological networks for conservation. In doing so, these Guidelines advance best practices for protecting ecological networks that maintain, enhance and restore connectivity across both intact and human-dominated systems. As demand grows for innovative solutions at international, national and subnational levels, these Guidelines recommend formal recognition of ecological corridors to develop conservation networks and thus ensure effective conservation of biological diversity. Key messages {$\bullet$} Science overwhelmingly shows that interconnected protected areas and other areas for biological diversity conservation are much more effective than disconnected areas in human-dominated systems, especially in the face of climate change. {$\bullet$} Although it is well understood that ecological connectivity is critical to the conservation of biodiversity, approaches to identify, retain and enhance ecological connectivity have been scattered and inconsistent. At the same time, countries on every continent, along with regional and local governments, have advanced various forms of corridor legislation and policy to enhance connectivity. {$\bullet$} It is imperative that the world moves toward a coherent global approach for ecological connectivity conservation, and begins to measure and monitor the effectiveness of efforts to protect connectivity and thereby achieve functional ecological networks. To promote these goals, these Guidelines define ecological corridors as ways to identify, maintain, enhance and restore connectivity; summarise a large body of related science; and recommend means to formalise ecological corridors and networks.}, + isbn = {978-2-8317-2052-4}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AWP3QHAJ/hilty_et_al_2020_guidelines_for_conserving_connectivity_through_ecological_networks_and_corridors.pdf} +} + +@article{hinlo_etal2017Methodsmaximise, + title = {Methods to Maximise Recovery of Environmental {{DNA}} from Water Samples}, + author = {Hinlo, Rheyda and Gleeson, Dianne and Lintermans, Mark and Furlan, Elise}, + editor = {Doi, Hideyuki}, + year = {2017}, + month = jun, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {12}, + number = {6}, + pages = {e0179251}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0179251}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179251}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The environmental DNA (eDNA) method is a detection technique that is rapidly gaining credibility as a sensitive tool useful in the surveillance and monitoring of invasive and threatened species. Because eDNA analysis often deals with small quantities of short and degraded DNA fragments, methods that maximize eDNA recovery are required to increase detectability. In this study, we performed experiments at different stages of the eDNA analysis to show which combinations of methods give the best recovery rate for eDNA. Using Oriental weatherloach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) as a study species, we show that various combinations of DNA capture, preservation and extraction methods can significantly affect DNA yield. Filtration using cellulose nitrate filter paper preserved in ethanol or stored in a -20{\r{}}C freezer and extracted with the Qiagen DNeasy kit outperformed other combinations in terms of cost and efficiency of DNA recovery. Our results support the recommendation to filter water samples within 24hours but if this is not possible, our results suggest that refrigeration may be a better option than freezing for short-term storage (i.e., 3--5 days). This information is useful in designing eDNA detection of low-density invasive or threatened species, where small variations in DNA recovery can signify the difference between detection success or failure.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NQ5QMGFM/Hinlo et al. - 2017 - Methods to maximise recovery of environmental DNA .PDF} +} + +@techreport{hirst1991Impactsoperations, + title = {Impacts of the Operations of Existing Hydroelectric Developments on Fishery Resources in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Hirst, S. M.}, + year = {1991}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/124832main.pdf} +} + +@techreport{hirst1991Impactsoperationsa, + title = {Impacts of the Operations of Existing Hydroelectric Developments on Fishery Resources in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Hirst, S. M.}, + year = {1991}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/124832main.pdf} +} + +@misc{HistoryCheslattaCarrierNation, + title = {The {{History}} of the {{Cheslatta Carrier Nation}}}, + journal = {The History of the Cheslatta Carrier Nation}, + url = {https://www.cheslatta.com/history}, + urldate = {2024-07-29}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KR5WXKDD/history.html} +} + +@misc{HistoryWhoWeAre, + title = {History - {{Who We Are}}}, + journal = {McLeod Lake Indian Band}, + url = {https://www.mlib.ca/about/History}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WR4C4HIQ/History.html} +} + +@misc{HistoryWhoWeAre2023, + title = {History {{Who We Are}}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.mlib.ca/about/History/}, + urldate = {2023-02-22} +} + +@misc{HistoryWhoWeAre2023a, + title = {History {{Who We Are}}}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {McLeod Lake Indian Band}, + url = {https://www.mlib.ca/about/History/}, + urldate = {2023-02-22}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZWFEHXJX/History.html} +} + +@misc{HistoryWhoWeArea, + title = {History - {{Who We Are}}}, + journal = {McLeod Lake Indian Band}, + url = {https://www.mlib.ca/about/History}, + urldate = {2020-05-26}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GFNQM68R/History.html} +} + +@article{holt_etal2020quantitativetool, + title = {A Quantitative Tool for Evaluating Rebuilding Plans for {{Pacific}} Salmon}, + author = {Holt, Carrie A and Freshwater, Cameron and Holt, Kendra R and Huang, Ann-Marie}, + year = {2020}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J8D89MBE/holt_et_al_2020_a_quantitative_tool_for_evaluating_rebuilding_plans_for_pacific_salmon.pdf} +} + +@article{holzerInteriorColumbia, + title = {Interior {{Columbia Basin Stream Type Chinook Salmon}} and {{Steelhead Populations}}: {{Habitat Intrinsic Potential Analysis}}}, + shorttitle = {Interior {{Columbia Basin Stream Type Chinook Salmon}} and {{Steelhead Populations}}}, + author = {Holzer, Damon}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/16100984/Interior_Columbia_Basin_Stream_Type_Chinook_Salmon_and_Steelhead_Populations_Habitat_Intrinsic_Potential_Analysis}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A2BWRT59/Interior_Columbia_Basin_Stream_Type_Chinook_Salmon_and_Steelhead_Populations_Habitat_Intrinsic_.html} +} + +@misc{HomeBeefResearchca, + title = {Home - {{BeefResearch}}.Ca}, + journal = {Beef Research}, + url = {https://www.beefresearch.ca/}, + urldate = {2024-02-01}, + abstract = {The Beef Cattle Research Council strives for excellence in the production of Canadian beef and forage through research, innovation and extension.}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/86YREQPW/Interactive Production Tools & Calculators.html;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LVVHDI63/www.beefresearch.ca.html} +} + +@misc{HomeRuralRootsCanada2020, + title = {Home {\textbar} {{Rural Roots Canada}}}, + year = {2020}, + month = aug, + url = {https://www.ruralrootscanada.com/}, + urldate = {2024-02-01}, + abstract = {Rural Roots Canada tells unique stories from the agriculture community.}, + langid = {american} +} + +@techreport{hominka_sens, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Hominka Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS15823011}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51633} +} + +@article{honea_etalEvaluatinghabitat, + title = {Evaluating Habitat Effects on Population Status: Influence of Habitat Restoration on Spring-Run {{Chinook}} Salmon}, + shorttitle = {Evaluating Habitat Effects on Population Status}, + author = {Honea, Jon M. and Jorgensen, Jeffrey C. and McCLURE, Michelle M. and Cooney, Thomas D. and Engie, Kim and Holzer, Damon M. and Hilborn, Ray}, + journal = {Freshwater Biology}, + volume = {54}, + number = {7}, + pages = {1576--1592}, + issn = {0046-5070}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/12951888/Evaluating_habitat_effects_on_population_status_influence_of_habitat_restoration_on_spring_run_Chinook_salmon}, + urldate = {2021-02-23}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9KKH6QCE/Evaluating_habitat_effects_on_population_status_influence_of_habitat_restoration_on_spring_run_.html} +} + +@article{hooft2014PrinceGeorge, + title = {Prince {{George Forest District}}: {{Parsnip Watershed}} -- 468 Locations {{Contract}}: {{PD14TGB003}}}, + author = {Hooft, Jason}, + year = {2014}, + pages = {25}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=58639}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hossack_etal2006Divergentpatterns, + title = {Divergent Patterns of Abundance and Age-Class Structure of Headwater Stream Tadpoles in Burned and Unburned Watersheds}, + author = {Hossack, Blake R. and Corn, Paul Stephen and Fagre, Daniel B.}, + year = {2006}, + month = oct, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Zoology}, + volume = {84}, + number = {10}, + pages = {1482--1488}, + issn = {0008-4301, 1480-3283}, + doi = {10.1139/z06-143}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/z06-143}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Wildfire is a potential threat to many species with narrow environmental tolerances like the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus Mittleman and Myers, 1949), which inhabits a region where the frequency and intensity of wildfires are expected to increase. We compared pre- and post-fire counts of tadpoles in eight streams in northwestern Montana to determine the effects of wildfire on A. montanus. All streams were initially sampled in 2001, 2 years before four of them burned in a large wildfire, and were resampled during the 2 years following the fire. Counts of tadpoles were similar in the two groups of streams before the fire. After the fire, tadpoles were almost twice as abundant in unburned streams than in burned streams. The fire seemed to have the greatest negative effect on abundance of age-1 tadpoles, which was reflected in the greater variation in same-stream age-class structure compared with those in unburned streams. Despite the apparent effect on tadpoles, we do not expect the wildfire to be an extirpation threat to populations in the streams that we sampled. Studies spanning a chronosequence of fires, as well as in other areas, are needed to assess the effects of fires on streams with A. montanus and to determine the severity and persistence of these effects. Re{\textasciiacute}sume{\textasciiacute} : Les feux de brousse sont une menace potentielle a` de nombreuses espe`ces a` tole{\textasciiacute}rance environnementale e{\textasciiacute}troite et en particulier a` la grenouille a` queue des Rocheuses (Ascaphus montanus Mittleman et Myers, 1949) qui habite une re{\textasciiacute}gion ou` les feux de brousse risquent d'augmenter en fre{\textasciiacute}quence et en intensite{\textasciiacute} a` l'avenir. Nous avons compare{\textasciiacute} les de{\textasciiacute}nombrements de te{\textasciicircum}tards avant et apre`s un feu dans huit cours d'eau du nord-ouest du Montana afin de de{\textasciiacute}terminer les effets des feux de brousse sur A. montanus. Tous les cours d'eau ont e{\textasciiacute}te{\textasciiacute} e{\textasciiacute}chantillonne{\textasciiacute}s en 2001, 2 ans avant que quatre d'entre eux aient e{\textasciiacute}te{\textasciiacute} affecte{\textasciiacute}s par un important feu de brousse, et ils ont tous e{\textasciiacute}te{\textasciiacute} e{\textasciiacute}chantillonne{\textasciiacute}s a` nouveau 2 ans apre`s le feu. Les de{\textasciiacute}nombrements de te{\textasciicircum}tards e{\textasciiacute}taient semblables dans les deux groupes de cours d'eau avant le feu. Apre`s le feu, les te{\textasciicircum}tards e{\textasciiacute}taient presque deux fois plus nombreux dans les cours d'eau non affecte{\textasciiacute}s par le feu que dans les cours d'eau affecte{\textasciiacute}s. Malgre{\textasciiacute} cet effet apparent sur les te{\textasciicircum}tards, nous ne comptons pas que les feux de brousse constituent une menace d'e{\textasciiacute}limination des populations dans les cours d'eau que nous avons e{\textasciiacute}chantillonne{\textasciiacute}s. Il faudrait mener des e{\textasciiacute}tudes couvrant une chronose{\textasciiacute}quence de feux et faire des recherches dans d'autres re{\textasciiacute}gions afin d'e{\textasciiacute}valuer les effets sur les cours d'eau a` A. montanus et pour de{\textasciiacute}terminer la se{\textasciiacute}ve{\textasciiacute}rite{\textasciiacute} et la persistance des effets.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TYWWHAIH/Hossack et al. - 2006 - Divergent patterns of abundance and age-class stru.pdf} +} + +@article{hotchkiss_frei2007DesignFish, + title = {Design for {{Fish Passage}} at {{Roadway-Stream Crossings}}: {{Synthesis Report}}}, + author = {Hotchkiss, R and Frei, C}, + year = {2007}, + pages = {280}, + url = {https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/07033/07033.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-26}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{houlden_donas2002ChicagoCreek, + title = {Chicago {{Creek Hatchery Operations}} 2001 - 2002}, + author = {Houlden, G and Donas, B}, + year = {2002}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/388df1df-e0c4-45ce-9ae2-e8de23a0facf/resource/9cacb8b0-5d40-4a8a-83dd-dcb2cac2029d/download/chicago_creek_hatchery_operations_2001-02.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CTWK4RJ2/houlden_donas_2002_chicago_creek_hatchery_operations_2001_-_2002.pdf} +} + +@misc{houlden_etal2001ChicagoCreek, + title = {Chicago {{Creek Hatchery Operations Project}} \#00-06-01}, + author = {Houlden, G and Houlden, J and Donas, B}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/388df1df-e0c4-45ce-9ae2-e8de23a0facf/resource/1db8aa25-21cd-4004-9616-aac599692b51/download/chicago_creek_hatchery_operations_2000-01.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KIG98XVT/houlden_et_al_2001_chicago_creek_hatchery_operations_project_#00-06-01.pdf} +} + +@misc{HowShareTransferDeleteProjectDocumentation, + title = {How to {{Share}}, {{Transfer}} or {{Delete Project}} {\textbar} {{Documentation}}}, + url = {https://merginmaps.com/docs/manage/project-advanced/?utm_source=mergin-email-seq&utm_medium=retention&utm_campaign=start-found-feet}, + urldate = {2022-06-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S97FFFMR/project-advanced.html} +} + +@article{httpjournalsplosorgplosonearticleid101371journalpon, + title = {{{http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pon}}}, + abstract = {The difficulty of censusing marine animal populations hampers effective ocean management. Analyzing water for DNA traces shed by organisms may aid assessment. Here we tested aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA) as an indicator of fish presence in the lower Hudson River estuary. A checklist of local marine fish and their relative abundance was prepared by compiling 12 traditional surveys conducted between 1988--2015. To improve eDNA identification success, 31 specimens representing 18 marine fish species were sequenced for two mitochondrial gene regions, boosting coverage of the 12S eDNA target sequence to 80\% of local taxa. We collected 76 one-liter shoreline surface water samples at two contrasting estuary locations over six months beginning in January 2016. eDNA was amplified with vertebrate-specific 12S primers. Bioinformatic analysis of amplified DNA, using a reference library of GenBank and our newly generated 12S sequences, detected most (81\%) locally abundant or common species and relatively few (23\%) uncommon taxa, and corresponded to seasonal presence and habitat preference as determined by traditional surveys. Approximately 2\% of fish reads were commonly consumed species that are rare or absent in local waters, consistent with wastewater input. Freshwater species were rarely detected despite Hudson River inflow. These results support further exploration and suggest eDNA will facilitate fine-scale geographic and temporal mapping of marine fish populations at relatively low cost.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/87T9LARJ/httpjournals.plos.orgplosonearticleid=10.137.pdf} +} + +@article{hu_etal2021DeterminingOptimal, + title = {Determining the {{Optimal Biomass}} of {{Macrophytes}} during the {{Ecological Restoration Process}} of {{Eutrophic Shallow Lakes}}}, + author = {Hu, Wen and Wei, Weiwei and Ye, Chun and Li, Chunhua and Zheng, Ye and Shi, Xiaogang and Chang, Manqi and Chen, Hongsen}, + year = {2021}, + month = nov, + journal = {Water}, + volume = {13}, + number = {21}, + pages = {3142}, + issn = {2073-4441}, + doi = {10.3390/w13213142}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/21/3142}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + abstract = {Many studies have shown that macrophytes play a significant role in controlling eutrophication; however, only a few of these are based on macrophyte biomass. Based on the growth characteristic of macrophytes, we propose an approach for the assessment of the optimal biomass of macrophytes in the decay and growth periods in Lake Datong (a shallow lake), using a lake ecological model. The results showed that the pollution load of the lake should be reduced by 50\% while conforming to the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (EQSSW) Class III. In contrast, with an increase in the pollution load of 5\%, the results indicate that the lake may deteriorate to a turbid state over the next few years. The macrophyte biomass should be harvested during the decay period, when 80\% biomass is beneficial to the water quality of the eutrophic shallow lake. Based on macrophyte simulation from 2020--2024, the wet biomass of macrophytes should be controlled at 5.5 kg/m2. The current macrophyte biomass in Lake Datong is four-fold higher than the simulated optimal biomass. This study provides a reference for the adequate ecological restoration of the lake and its subsequent maintenance, as well as scientific support for improving the comprehensive evaluation standard of healthy lakes and the theoretical basis of lake ecological restoration.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YB3FBSFM/hu_et_al_2021_determining_the_optimal_biomass_of_macrophytes_during_the_ecological.pdf} +} + +@article{huang_etal2021Walkingforests, + title = {Walking through the Forests of the Future: Using Data-Driven Virtual Reality to Visualize Forests under Climate Change}, + shorttitle = {Walking through the Forests of the Future}, + author = {Huang, Jiawei and Lucash, Melissa S. and Scheller, Robert M. and Klippel, Alexander}, + year = {2021}, + month = jun, + journal = {International Journal of Geographical Information Science}, + volume = {35}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1155--1178}, + publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, + issn = {1365-8816}, + doi = {10.1080/13658816.2020.1830997}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2020.1830997}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {Communicating and understanding climate induced environmental changes can be challenging, especially using traditional representations such as graphs, maps or photos. Immersive visualizations and experiences offer an intuitive, visceral approach to otherwise rather abstract concepts, but creating them scientifically is challenging. In this paper, we linked ecological modeling, procedural modeling, and virtual reality to provide an immersive experience of a future forest. We mapped current tree species composition in northern Wisconsin using the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data and then forecast forest change 50~years into the future under two climate scenarios using LANDIS-II, a spatially-explicit, mechanistic simulation model. We converted the model output (e.g., tree biomass) into parameters required for 3D visualizations with analytical modeling. Procedural rules allowed us to efficiently and reproducibly translate the parameters into a simulated forest. Data visualization, environment exploration, and information retrieval were realized using the Unreal Engine. A system evaluation with experts in ecology provided positive feedback and future topics for a comprehensive ecosystem visualization and analysis approach. Our approach to create visceral experiences of forests under climate change can facilitate communication among experts, policy-makers, and the general public.}, + keywords = {3d visualization,geovisualization,landscape visualization,scientific visualization,Virtual reality}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IA7BTQBF/huang_et_al_2021_walking_through_the_forests_of_the_future_-_using_data-driven_virtual_reality_to.pdf} +} + +@misc{hughes_millions2020CoalCreek, + title = {Coal {{Creek Cottonwood Project Pilot}} - {{Restoration Plan}}}, + author = {Hughes, Chad and Millions, Beth}, + year = {2020}, + publisher = {Elk River Alliance}, + url = {https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/elkriveralliance/pages/1334/attachments/original/1604619045/Restoration_Plan_Coal_Creek_Trial_Oct_2020.pdf?1604619045}, + urldate = {2022-01-28}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{hwan_etal2018Dryseason, + title = {Dry Season Survival of Juvenile Salmonids in an Intermittent Coastal Stream}, + author = {Hwan, Jason L. and {Fern{\'a}ndez-Chac{\'o}n}, Albert and Buoro, Mathieu and Carlson, Stephanie M.}, + year = {2018}, + month = may, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {75}, + number = {5}, + pages = {746--758}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2017-0026}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2017-0026}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {We estimated dry season survival of imperiled salmonids in an intermittent coastal stream in California across 4 years (2009--2012). Our study encompassed two dry and two wet winters, allowing us to explore patterns of survival across and within dry seasons with different antecedent precipitation. Apparent survival of age-0+ steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was higher following wet winters compared with dry winters. Moreover, antecedent precipitation was positively correlated with cumulative survival of age-0+ steelhead. Within years, apparent survival of steelhead varied among weeks with a tendency to decrease in the late summer, indicating that fish exhibited some resistance to seasonal drought. Additionally, we found a slight but significant survival advantage for age-0+ coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) compared with equal-aged steelhead. Our results emphasize the influence of antecedent precipitation in driving the survival of imperiled salmonids and highlight that these fishes are somewhat resistant to seasonal drought, at least to a point.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5PGEQ8QX/hwan_et_al_2018_dry_season_survival_of_juvenile_salmonids_in_an_intermittent_coastal_stream.pdf} +} + +@article{iacarella_weller2024Predictingfavourable, + title = {Predicting Favourable Streams for Anadromous Salmon Spawning and Natal Rearing under Climate Change}, + author = {Iacarella, Josephine C. and Weller, J. Daniel}, + year = {2024}, + month = jan, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {81}, + number = {1}, + pages = {1--13}, + publisher = {NRC Research Press}, + issn = {0706-652X}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2023-0096}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/full/10.1139/cjfas-2023-0096}, + urldate = {2024-06-25}, + abstract = {Successful management of imperilled anadromous salmon stocks requires understanding how salmon will respond to a changing climate across their extensive ranges. Though largely unused for anadromous salmon to date, environmental niche models (ENMs) can provide a strong foundation for estimating where and how much habitat will likely remain favourable. We applied a comprehensive suite of ENM statistical approaches to five Pacific salmon species, focusing on freshwater spawning and natal rearing habitat as not only critical for population survival, but also highly susceptible to a changing climate. We developed ENMs for spawning ranges across British Columbia (BC), Canada, and western US, and projected future scenarios for BC. Projections indicated net expansion of favourable spawning habitat across species in BC, with the most change occurring by 2060. However, shifts in favourable habitat varied greatly geographically and by species, with notable reductions in coastal and southern interior streams. Our results provide a basis for identifying important changes in spawning and natal rearing habitat conditions to help inform priorities for restoration and protection actions.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SDQ3D9XR/Iacarella and Weller - 2024 - Predicting favourable streams for anadromous salmo.pdf} +} + +@misc{ibmbusinessconsultingservices2006ValuationWild, + title = {Valuation of the {{Wild Salmon Economy}} of the {{Skeena River Watershed}}}, + author = {{IBM Business Consulting Services}}, + year = {2006}, + url = {https://www.psf.ca/sites/default/files/IBM_skeena_report_061.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-15} +} + +@misc{ilmb2007MoriceLand, + title = {Morice {{Land}} and {{Resource Management Plan}}}, + author = {{ILMB}}, + year = {2007}, + publisher = {{\{Ministry of Agriculture and Lands - Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB)\vphantom\}}}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/natural-resource-use/land-water-use/crown-land/land-use-plans-and-objectives/skeena-region/morice-lrmp/morice_lrmp_july2007.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MVDJKSSJ/ilmb_2007_morice_land_and_resource_management_plan.pdf} +} + +@book{interiorfrasercohorecoveryteamcanada_departmentoffisheriesandoceans2007Conservationstrategy, + title = {Conservation Strategy for Coho Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch), Interior {{Fraser River}} Populations}, + author = {Interior Fraser Coho Recovery Team (Canada), Canada and {Department of Fisheries and Oceans}}, + year = {2007}, + publisher = {{Fisheries and Oceans Canada}}, + address = {Vancouver}, + url = {https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item?id=Fs23-517-2007E&op=pdf&app=Library}, + urldate = {2021-10-08}, + isbn = {978-0-662-45718-3}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 165868800}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HZ7U2NDV/interior_fraser_coho_recovery_team_(canada)_department_of_fisheries_and_oceans_2007_conservation_strategy_for_coho_salmon_(oncorhynchus_kisutch),_interior_fraser.pdf} +} + +@techreport{irvine_winterscheidt2023RestoringFish, + title = {Restoring {{Fish Passage}} in the {{Peace Region}} - 2022 - {{PEA-F23-F-3761-DCA}}}, + author = {Irvine, Allan and Winterscheidt, M}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_peace_2022_reporting/}, + urldate = {2023-08-08}, + abstract = {Restoring Fish Passage in the Peace Region}, + annotation = {Version 0.1.3 2023-08-16 . pdf at https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish\_passage\_peace\_2022\_reporting/blob/main/docs/Peace2022.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MT3C354S/Irvine and Winterscheidt - 2023 - Restoring Fish Passage in the Peace Region - 2022 .pdf} +} + +@book{irvine_wintersheidt2023SkeenaWatershed, + title = {Skeena {{Watershed Fish Passage Restoration Planning}} 2022}, + author = {Irvine, A and Wintersheidt}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.newgraphenvironment.com/fish_passage_skeena_2022_reporting/}, + urldate = {2024-05-29}, + abstract = {Skeena Fish Passage Planning 2022}, + annotation = {Updated in 2024 v0.1.1}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DPV7RKYY/fish_passage_skeena_2022_reporting.html} +} + +@techreport{irvine2018AnalysisPrioritya, + title = {Analysis {{And Priority Identification Of Existing Fish Passage Data}}: {{Bulkley River Watershed}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2018}, + pages = {114}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=56648}, + urldate = {2021-01-21}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Prepared for Ministry of Environment\\ +Ecosystem Branch}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VH8X6AKR/irvine_2018_analysis_and_priority_identification_of_existing_fish_passage_data_-_bulkley.pdf} +} + +@techreport{irvine2020ParsnipRiver, + title = {Parsnip {{River Watershed}} -- {{Fish Habitat Confirmations}} ({{PEA-F20-F-2967}})}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/Parsnip_Fish_Passage/}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IJTHHDD2/irvine_2020_parsnip_river_watershed_–_fish_habitat_confirmations_(pea-f20-f-2967).pdf} +} + +@techreport{irvine2020UpperElk, + title = {Upper {{Elk River}} and {{Flathead River Fish Passage Restoration Planning}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_elk_2020_reporting_cwf/}, + urldate = {2023-02-24}, + abstract = {My Description.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AF689PCH/fish_passage_elk_2020_reporting_cwf.html} +} + +@misc{irvine2021BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River}} and {{Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning}}}, + author = {{Irvine}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_bulkley_2020_reporting/}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A8D26EZV/irvine_2021_bulkley_river_and_morice_river_watershed_groups_fish_passage_restoration.pdf} +} + +@techreport{irvine2021BulkleyRivera, + title = {Bulkley {{River}} and {{Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_bulkley_2020_reporting/}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/45WUYE7X/irvine_2021_bulkley_river_and_morice_river_watershed_groups_fish_passage_restoration.pdf} +} + +@misc{irvine2021FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Data Management-20210825}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YD6W7HYD/irvine_2021_fish_passage_data_management-20210825.docx} +} + +@techreport{irvine2021UpperElk, + title = {Upper {{Elk River}} and {{Flathead River Fish Passage Restoration Planning}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_elk_2020_reporting_cwf/}, + annotation = {Prepared by New Graph Environment and Nupqu Limited Partnership Version 1.5 2021-08-26}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7CN2MKAD/irvine_2021_upper_elk_river_and_flathead_river_fish_passage_restoration_planning.pdf} +} + +@misc{irvine2022BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River}} and {{Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning}} 2021}, + author = {{Irvine}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_skeena_2021_reporting}, + urldate = {2022-05-24} +} + +@misc{irvine2022ElkRiver, + title = {Elk {{River Watershed Group Fish Passage Restoration Planning}} 2021}, + author = {{Irvine}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_elk_2021_reporting/} +} + +@misc{irvine2022ElkRivera, + title = {Elk {{River Watershed Group Fish Passage Restoration Planning}} 2021}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_elk_2021_reporting/}, + annotation = {Prepared for Nupqu Resource Limited Partnership. Prepared by New Graph Environment Ltd.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/V3VTJFIQ/irvine_2022_elk_river_watershed_group_fish_passage_restoration_planning_2021.pdf} +} + +@misc{irvine2022NewGraphEnvironmentfpr, + title = {{{NewGraphEnvironment}}/Fpr}, + author = {Irvine, Allan}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fpr}, + urldate = {2022-04-13}, + abstract = {Fish Passage Reporting functions} +} + +@techreport{irvine2022PEAF22F3577DCARestoring, + title = {{{PEA-F22-F-3577-DCA Restoring Fish Passage}} in the {{Peace Region}}}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://newgraphenvironment.github.io/fish_passage_parsnip_2021_reporting/}, + urldate = {2023-03-15} +} + +@misc{irvine2023BulkleyWatershed, + title = {Bulkley {{Watershed Fish Passage Restoration Planning}} 2022}, + author = {Irvine, A}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.newgraphenvironment.com/fish_passage_bulkley_2022_reporting/}, + urldate = {2024-03-21}, + abstract = {Bulkley Fish Passage Planning 2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LHFU5UYR/fish_passage_bulkley_2022_reporting.html} +} + +@misc{irvine2023NewGraphEnvironmentfpr, + title = {{{NewGraphEnvironment}}/Fpr}, + author = {Irvine, Allan}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fpr}, + urldate = {2022-04-13}, + abstract = {Fish Passage Reporting functions} +} + +@misc{irvine2024NewGraphEnvironmentfpr, + title = {{{NewGraphEnvironment}}/Fpr}, + author = {Irvine, Allan}, + year = {2024}, + month = jun, + url = {https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fpr}, + urldate = {2024-06-26}, + abstract = {Fish Passage Reporting functions for British Columbia} +} + +@article{irvineInteriorFraser, + title = {Interior {{Fraser River Coho Salmon}}}, + author = {Irvine, J R}, + pages = {7}, + abstract = {Coho salmon living in the interior Fraser River watershed originated from now extinct populations that survived glaciation in Columbia River refugia.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2V3CHLXQ/irvine_interior_fraser_river_coho_salmon.pdf} +} + +@article{isaak_etal2017NorWeSTSummer, + title = {The {{NorWeST Summer Stream Temperature Model}} and {{Scenarios}} for the {{Western U}}.{{S}}.: {{A Crowd-Sourced Database}} and {{New Geospatial Tools Foster}} a {{User Community}} and {{Predict Broad Climate Warming}} of {{Rivers}} and {{Streams}}}, + shorttitle = {The {{NorWeST Summer Stream Temperature Model}} and {{Scenarios}} for the {{Western U}}.{{S}}.}, + author = {Isaak, Daniel J. and Wenger, Seth J. and Peterson, Erin E. and Ver Hoef, Jay M. and Nagel, David E. and Luce, Charles H. and Hostetler, Steven W. and Dunham, Jason B. and Roper, Brett B. and Wollrab, Sherry P. and Chandler, Gwynne L. and Horan, Dona L. and {Parkes-Payne}, Sharon}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Water Resources Research}, + volume = {53}, + number = {11}, + pages = {9181--9205}, + issn = {1944-7973}, + doi = {10.1002/2017WR020969}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/2017WR020969}, + urldate = {2024-06-25}, + abstract = {Thermal regimes are fundamental determinants of aquatic ecosystems, which makes description and prediction of temperatures critical during a period of rapid global change. The advent of inexpensive temperature sensors dramatically increased monitoring in recent decades, and although most monitoring is done by individuals for agency-specific purposes, collectively these efforts constitute a massive distributed sensing array that generates an untapped wealth of data. Using the framework provided by the National Hydrography Dataset, we organized temperature records from dozens of agencies in the western U.S. to create the NorWeST database that hosts {$>$}220,000,000 temperature recordings from {$>$}22,700 stream and river sites. Spatial-stream-network models were fit to a subset of those data that described mean August water temperatures (AugTw) during 63,641 monitoring site-years to develop accurate temperature models (r2 = 0.91; RMSPE = 1.10{$^\circ$}C; MAPE = 0.72{$^\circ$}C), assess covariate effects, and make predictions at 1 km intervals to create summer climate scenarios. AugTw averaged 14.2{$^\circ$}C (SD = 4.0{$^\circ$}C) during the baseline period of 1993--2011 in 343,000 km of western perennial streams but trend reconstructions also indicated warming had occurred at the rate of 0.17{$^\circ$}C/decade (SD = 0.067{$^\circ$}C/decade) during the 40 year period of 1976--2015. Future scenarios suggest continued warming, although variation will occur within and among river networks due to differences in local climate forcing and stream responsiveness. NorWeST scenarios and data are available online in user-friendly digital formats and are widely used to coordinate monitoring efforts among agencies, for new research, and for conservation planning.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {big data,climate change,climate scenarios,river network,sensor,stream temperature}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2MYBKAEB/Isaak et al. - 2017 - The NorWeST Summer Stream Temperature Model and Sc.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P7WHIB7N/2017WR020969.html} +} + +@article{isaak_schwartzexpensiveefficient, + title = {From Expensive to Efficient: {{New eDNAtlas}} Shares Nationwide Aquatic Species Information}, + author = {Isaak, Daniel J and Schwartz, Michael K}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K7UY9LWW/Isaak and Schwartz - From expensive to efficient New eDNAtlas shares n.pdf} +} + +@article{jane_etal2015Distanceflow, + title = {Distance, Flow and {{{\textsc{PCR}}}} Inhibition: e {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Dynamics in Two Headwater Streams}, + shorttitle = {Distance, Flow And}, + author = {Jane, Stephen F. and Wilcox, Taylor M. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Young, Michael K. and Schwartz, Michael K. and Lowe, Winsor H. and Letcher, Benjamin H. and Whiteley, Andrew R.}, + year = {2015}, + month = jan, + journal = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, + volume = {15}, + number = {1}, + pages = {216--227}, + issn = {1755-098X, 1755-0998}, + doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.12285}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1755-0998.12285}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection has emerged as a powerful tool for monitoring aquatic organisms, but much remains unknown about the dynamics of aquatic eDNA over a range of environmental conditions. DNA concentrations in streams and rivers will depend not only on the equilibrium between DNA entering the water and DNA leaving the system through degradation, but also on downstream transport. To improve understanding of the dynamics of eDNA concentration in lotic systems, we introduced caged trout into two fishless headwater streams and took eDNA samples at evenly spaced downstream intervals. This was repeated 18 times from mid-summer through autumn, over flows ranging from approximately 1--96 L/s. We used quantitative PCR to relate DNA copy number to distance from source. We found that regardless of flow, there were detectable levels of DNA at 239.5 m. The main effect of flow on eDNA counts was in opposite directions in the two streams. At the lowest flows, eDNA counts were highest close to the source and quickly trailed off over distance. At the highest flows, DNA counts were relatively low both near and far from the source. Biomass was positively related to eDNA copy number in both streams. A combination of cell settling, turbulence and dilution effects is probably responsible for our observations. Additionally, during high leaf deposition periods, the presence of inhibitors resulted in no amplification for high copy number samples in the absence of an inhibition-releasing strategy, demonstrating the necessity to carefully consider inhibition in eDNA analysis.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6TXG92QV/Jane et al. - 2015 - Distance, flow and span style=font-variantsmall.pdf} +} + +@article{janowicz_etal2018Agegrowth, + title = {Age, Growth and Reproductive Biology of Threatened Westslope Cutthroat Trout {{Oncorhynchus}} Clarkii Lewisi Inhabiting Small Mountain Streams}, + author = {Janowicz, Mariola and Za{\l}achowski, W{\l}odzimierz and Rybczyk, Agnieszka and Dalton, Sheri and Fernandes, Eurielle and Fontoura, Nelson}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {Journal of Fish Biology}, + volume = {93}, + doi = {10.1111/jfb.13792}, + abstract = {Age, growth and reproductive characteristics of six westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi populations were studied in the south-western Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. Sagittal otoliths were collected from 605 fish ranging in size from 36 to 250 mm (fork length). The maximum detected age (13 years for females and 12 for males) was higher than has been reported previously in published literature; but no significant differences in age distributions between males and females were found. Length growth rates, estimated using the von Bertalanffy growth function, showed that males and females had similar growth rates. Sex ratios varied between 0{$\cdot$}3 to 2{$\cdot$}0 females per male. Age and size at 50\% maturity were greater for females than males (4{$\cdot$}9 years and 139 mm v. 3{$\cdot$}7 years and 125 mm). Mature females were yearly spawners with highly variable fecundities (mean {\textpm} S.D. = 223 {\textpm}94) and their ovaries contained both developed and undeveloped eggs. Across all populations, mean instantaneous mortality rate (Z) was estimated as 0{$\cdot$}555, annual survival rates for 0--1 year-old fish were 3{$\cdot$}2\% and 57{$\cdot$}4\% for older fish. An altitudinal distribution gradient was observed, with older fish occupying upper stream reaches. This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of biological characteristics and structure of O. c. lewisi populations inhabiting small, mountain streams and should provide useful basic information for management policies of this threatened species in eastern drainage of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.} +} + +@article{jenkins2021InteriorFraser, + title = {Interior {{Fraser Steelhead}}}, + author = {Jenkins, Erica FLNR:EX}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {38}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CRU3UNXG/jenkins_2021_interior_fraser_steelhead.pdf} +} + +@article{jerde_etal2011Sightunseendetection, + title = {``{{Sight-unseen}}'' Detection of Rare Aquatic Species Using Environmental {{DNA}}: {{eDNA}} Surveillance of Rare Aquatic Species}, + shorttitle = {``{{Sight-unseen}}'' Detection of Rare Aquatic Species Using Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Jerde, Christopher L. and Mahon, Andrew R. and Chadderton, W. Lindsay and Lodge, David M.}, + year = {2011}, + month = apr, + journal = {Conservation Letters}, + volume = {4}, + number = {2}, + pages = {150--157}, + issn = {1755263X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00158.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00158.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Effective management of rare species, including endangered native species and recently introduced nonindigenous species, requires the detection of populations at low density. For endangered species, detecting the localized distribution makes it possible to identify and protect critical habitat to enhance survival or reproductive success. Similarly, early detection of an incipient invasion by a harmful species increases the feasibility of rapid responses to eradicate the species or contain its spread. Here we demonstrate the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a detection tool in freshwater environments. Specifically, we delimit the invasion fronts of two species of Asian carps in Chicago, Illinois, USA area canals and waterways. Quantitative comparisons with traditional fisheries surveillance tools illustrate the greater sensitivity of eDNA and reveal that the risk of invasion to the Laurentian Great Lakes is imminent.}, + copyright = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/tdm\_license\_1.1}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YZNZRYKZ/Jerde et al. - 2011 - “Sight-unseen” detection of rare aquatic species u.pdf} +} + +@article{ji_etal2013Reliableverifiable, + title = {Reliable, Verifiable and Efficient Monitoring of Biodiversity via Metabarcoding}, + author = {Ji, Yinqiu and Ashton, Louise and Pedley, Scott M. and Edwards, David P. and Tang, Yong and Nakamura, Akihiro and Kitching, Roger and Dolman, Paul M. and Woodcock, Paul and Edwards, Felicity A. and Larsen, Trond H. and Hsu, Wayne W. and Benedick, Suzan and Hamer, Keith C. and Wilcove, David S. and Bruce, Catharine and Wang, Xiaoyang and Levi, Taal and Lott, Martin and Emerson, Brent C. and Yu, Douglas W.}, + editor = {Holyoak, Marcel}, + year = {2013}, + month = oct, + journal = {Ecology Letters}, + volume = {16}, + number = {10}, + pages = {1245--1257}, + issn = {1461-023X, 1461-0248}, + doi = {10.1111/ele.12162}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ele.12162}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {To manage and conserve biodiversity, one must know what is being lost, where, and why, as well as which remedies are likely to be most effective. Metabarcoding technology can characterise the species compositions of mass samples of eukaryotes or of environmental DNA. Here, we validate metabarcoding by testing it against three high-quality standard data sets that were collected in Malaysia (tropical), China (subtropical) and the United Kingdom (temperate) and that comprised 55,813 arthropod and bird specimens identified to species level with the expenditure of 2,505 person-hours of taxonomic expertise. The metabarcode and standard data sets exhibit statistically correlated alpha- and beta-diversities, and the two data sets produce similar policy conclusions for two conservation applications: restoration ecology and systematic conservation planning. Compared with standard biodiversity data sets, metabarcoded samples are taxonomically more comprehensive, many times quicker to produce, less reliant on taxonomic expertise and auditable by third parties, which is essential for dispute resolution.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8MHVTDIV/Ji et al. - 2013 - Reliable, verifiable and efficient monitoring of b.pdf} +} + +@techreport{johnson_buffler2008Riparianbuffer, + title = {Riparian Buffer Design Guidelines for Water Quality and Wildlife Habitat Functions on Agricultural Landscapes in the {{Intermountain West}}}, + author = {Johnson, Craig W. and Buffler, Susan}, + year = {2008}, + number = {RMRS-GTR-203}, + pages = {RMRS-GTR-203}, + address = {Ft. Collins, CO}, + institution = {U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station}, + doi = {10.2737/RMRS-GTR-203}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/29201}, + urldate = {2024-10-16}, + abstract = {Intermountain West planners, designers, and resource managers are looking for science-based procedures for determining buffer widths and management techniques that will optimize the benefits riparian ecosystems provide. This study reviewed the riparian buffer literature, including protocols used to determine optimum buffer widths for water quality and wildlife habitat functions. We selected an existing protocol for determining buffer widths for water quality functions that could be readily adapted for use in this region. The protocol is based on the best available science, uses existing or easily obtained data, and is practical for in-field applications. The protocol was modified to accommodate Intermountain West landscape attributes. In addition, a companion protocol was developed to determine buffer widths for wildlife habitat tiered to landowner willingness to participate in wildlife conservation. The research findings of this study have been compiled in handbook format. This handbook provides the user with a step-by-step protocol for determining optimal (variable) buffer widths for water quality and wildlife that maximize riparian ecosystem benefits and minimize the loss of productive farm and ranch land. It also includes a companion CD including a case study, data forms, worksheets, reference appendices, and other informational material to assist the user.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JCPDVF57/Johnson and Buffler - 2008 - Riparian buffer design guidelines for water qualit.pdf} +} + +@article{johnson_etal2017ScienceAdvancements, + title = {Science {{Advancements Key}} to {{Increasing Management Value}} of {{Life Stage Monitoring Networks}} for {{Endangered Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon}} in {{California}}}, + author = {Johnson, Rachel C. and Windell, Sean and {University of California, Davis} and Brandes, Patricia L. and {U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service} and Conrad, J. Louise and {California Department of Water Resources} and Ferguson, John and {Anchor QEA} and Goertler, Pascale A.L. and {California Department of Water Resources} and Harvey, Brett N. and {California Department of Water Resources} and Heublein, Joseph and {NOAA-NMFS} and Israel, Joshua A. and {U.S. Bureau of Reclamation} and Kratville, Daniel W. and {California Department of Fish and Wildlife} and Kirsch, Joseph E. and {U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service} and Perry, Russell W. and {U.S. Geological Survey} and Pisciotto, Joseph and {California Department of Fish and Wildlife} and Poytress, William R. and {U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service} and Reece, Kevin and {California Department of Water Resources} and Swart, Brycen G. and {NOAA-NMFS}}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science}, + volume = {15}, + number = {3}, + issn = {15462366, 15462366}, + doi = {10.15447/sfews.2017v15iss3art1}, + url = {http://escholarship.org/uc/item/6751j957}, + urldate = {2021-04-05}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{johnson_etal2020Biomicriver, + title = {Biomic River Restoration: {{A}} New Focus for River Management}, + shorttitle = {Biomic River Restoration}, + author = {Johnson, Matthew F. and Thorne, Colin R. and Castro, Janine M. and Kondolf, G. Mathias and Mazzacano, Celeste Searles and Rood, Stewart B. and Westbrook, Cherie}, + year = {2020}, + month = jan, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {36}, + number = {1}, + pages = {3--12}, + issn = {1535-1459, 1535-1467}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.3529}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rra.3529}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {River management based solely on physical science has proven to be unsustainable and unsuccessful, evidenced by the fact that the problems this approach intended to solve (e.g., flood hazards, water scarcity, and channel instability) have not been solved and long-term deterioration in river environments has reduced the capacity of rivers to continue meeting the needs of society. In response, there has been a paradigm shift in management over the past few decades, towards river restoration. But the ecological, morphological, and societal benefits of river restoration have, on the whole, been disappointing. We believe that this stems from the fact that restoration overrelies on the same physical analyses and approaches, with flowing water still regarded as the universally predominant driver of channel form and structural intervention seen as essential to influencing fluvial processes. We argue that if river restoration is to reverse long-standing declines in river functions, it is necessary to recognize the influence of biology on river forms and processes and re-envisage what it means to restore a river. This entails shifting the focus of river restoration from designing and constructing stable channels that mimic natural forms to reconnecting streams within balanced and healthy biomes, and so levering the power of biology to influence river processes. We define this new approach as biomic river restoration.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E88NNFK3/johnson_et_al_2020_biomic_river_restoration_-_a_new_focus_for_river_management.pdf} +} + +@misc{johnston_slaney1996FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Assessment Procedures}}}, + author = {Johnston, N.T. and Slaney, P.A.}, + year = {1996}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r15711/Fish_Habitat_Assessment_Procedures_1229454360370_60d06fb366d66d9a96f0f58ea082db1abc58c0fc1e3805cd799cd37fc0143bdb.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-16}, + annotation = {Watershed Restoration Technical Circular No. 8 revised April 1996}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P5CX3A8R/johnston_slaney_1996_fish_habitat_assessment_procedures.pdf} +} + +@article{kamath_etal2016Geneticreconstruction, + title = {Genetic Reconstruction of a Bullfrog Invasion to Elucidate Vectors of Introduction and Secondary Spread}, + author = {Kamath, Pauline L. and Sepulveda, Adam J. and Layhee, Megan}, + year = {2016}, + month = aug, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {6}, + number = {15}, + pages = {5221--5233}, + issn = {2045-7758, 2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.2278}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.2278}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Reconstructing historical colonization pathways of an invasive species is critical for uncovering factors that determine invasion success and for designing management strategies. The American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is endemic to eastern North America, but now has a global distribution and is considered to be one of the worst invaders in the world. In Montana, several introduced populations have been reported, but little is known of their sources and vectors of introduction and secondary spread. We evaluated the genetic composition of introduced populations at local (Yellowstone River floodplain) and regional (Montana and Wyoming) scales in contrast to native range populations. Our objectives were to (1) estimate the number of introductions, (2) identify probable native sources, (3) evaluate genetic variation relative to sources, and (4) characterize properties of local- and regional-scale spread. We sequenced 937 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b locus in 395 tadpoles collected along 100 km of the Yellowstone River, from three additional sites in MT and a proximate site in WY. Pairwise {$\Phi$}ST revealed high divergence among nonnative populations, suggesting at least four independent introductions into MT from diverse sources. Three cyt b haplotypes were identical to native haplotypes distributed across the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, and AMOVA confirmed the western native region as a likely source. While haplotype (Hd = 0.69) and nucleotide diversity (p = 0.005) were low in introduced bullfrogs, the levels of diversity did not differ significantly from source populations. In the Yellowstone, two identified haplotypes implied few introduction vectors and a significant relationship between genetic and river distance was found. Evidence for multiple invasions and lack of subsequent regional spread emphasizes the importance of enforcing legislation prohibiting bullfrog importation and the need for continuing public education to prevent transport of bullfrogs in MT. More broadly, this study demonstrates how genetic approaches can reveal key properties of a biological invasion to inform management strategies.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VA7CC4K6/Kamath et al. - 2016 - Genetic reconstruction of a bullfrog invasion to e.pdf} +} + +@article{katopodis_gervais2016Fishswimming, + title = {Fish Swimming Performance Database and Analyses}, + author = {Katopodis, C and Gervais, R}, + year = {2016}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/795S46XY/Katopodis and Gervais - Fish swimming performance database and analyses.pdf} +} + +@article{katz_etal2017Floodplainfarm, + title = {Floodplain Farm Fields Provide Novel Rearing Habitat for {{Chinook}} Salmon}, + author = {Katz, Jacob V. E. and Jeffres, Carson and Conrad, J. Louise and Sommer, Ted R. and Martinez, Joshua and Brumbaugh, Steve and Corline, Nicholas and Moyle, Peter B.}, + year = {2017}, + month = jun, + journal = {PLoS ONE}, + volume = {12}, + number = {6}, + pages = {e0177409}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0177409}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5462374/}, + urldate = {2024-02-07}, + abstract = {When inundated by floodwaters, river floodplains provide critical habitat for many species of fish and wildlife, but many river valleys have been extensively leveed and floodplain wetlands drained for flood control and agriculture. In the Central Valley of California, USA, where less than 5\% of floodplain wetland habitats remain, a critical conservation question is how can farmland occupying the historical floodplains be better managed to improve benefits for native fish and wildlife. In this study fields on the Sacramento River floodplain were intentionally flooded after the autumn rice harvest to determine if they could provide shallow-water rearing habitat for Sacramento River fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Approximately 10,000 juvenile fish (ca. 48 mm, 1.1 g) were reared on two hectares for six weeks (Feb-March) between the fall harvest and spring planting. A subsample of the fish were uniquely tagged to allow tracking of individual growth rates (average 0.76 mm/day) which were among the highest recorded in fresh water in California. Zooplankton sampled from the water column of the fields were compared to fish stomach contents. The primary prey was zooplankton in the order Cladocera, commonly called water fleas. The compatibility, on the same farm fields, of summer crop production and native fish habitat during winter demonstrates that land management combining agriculture with conservation ecology may benefit recovery of native fish species, such as endangered Chinook salmon.}, + pmcid = {PMC5462374}, + pmid = {28591141}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6K38RIEW/katz_et_al_2017_floodplain_farm_fields_provide_novel_rearing_habitat_for_chinook_salmon.pdf} +} + +@article{kaytorPROTECTINGBRITISH, + title = {{{PROTECTING BRITISH COLUMBIA}}'{{S WILDLIFE HABITAT FEATURES}} ({{WHFs}})}, + author = {Kaytor, Benita WLRS:EX}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D327L3UP/Kaytor - PROTECTING BRITISH COLUMBIA’S WILDLIFE HABITAT FEA.pdf} +} + +@article{kaytorWildlifeHabitat, + title = {Wildlife {{Habitat Features}}}, + author = {Kaytor, Benita}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/U39GIJRZ/Kaytor - Wildlife Habitat Features.pdf} +} + +@misc{keefer_peery2008LiteratureReview, + title = {A {{Literature Review Relevant}} to the {{Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon Habitat Use}}, {{Migration Behavior}}, and {{Survival}} in the {{Lower Snake River}}}, + author = {Keefer, M.L. and Peery, C.A.}, + year = {2008}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/21140250/A_LITERATURE_REVIEW_RELEVANT_TO_JUVENILE_FALL_CHINOOK_SALMON_HABITAT_USE_MIGRATION_BEHAVIOR_AND_SURVIVAL_IN_THE_LOWER_SNAKE_RIVER?email_work_card=view-paper}, + urldate = {2021-12-13}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IWZGYUP7/keefer_peery_2008_a_literature_review_relevant_to_the_juvenile_fall_chinook_salmon_habitat_use,.pdf} +} + +@article{keeferecologicalservicesltd_2016UlkatchoSocioEconomic, + title = {Ulkatcho {{Socio-Economic Assessment}}}, + author = {{Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.}}, + year = {2016}, + pages = {67}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KYBHHK88/keefer_ecological_services_ltd._2016_ulkatcho_socio-economic_assessment.pdf} +} + +@article{keeferecologicalservicesltd_2017Lhooskuz, + title = {Lhoosk'uz {{Den{\'e} Nation Socio-Economic Assessment}}}, + author = {{Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.}}, + year = {2017}, + pages = {77}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{keeferecologicalservicesltd_2019Lhooskuz, + title = {Lhoosk'uz {{Den{\'e} Nation}} and {{Ulkatcho First Nation Part C Blackwater Gold Mine Project}} ({{Blackwater}})}, + author = {{Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p80017/130537E.pdf} +} + +@misc{keeley_etal1996Estimatesfo, + title = {Estimates Fo {{Production Benefits}} for {{Salmonid Fishes}} from {{Stream Restoration Initiatives}}}, + author = {Keeley, E. R. and Slaney, P. A. and Zaldokas, D. and Keeley, E. R. and Slaney, P. A. and Zaldokas, D.}, + year = {1996}, + url = {https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, + urldate = {2021-04-04}, + abstract = {iABSTRACT}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZQKL2FFN/download.html} +} + +@article{keeley_slaney1996QuantitativeMeasures, + title = {Quantitative {{Measures}} of {{Rearing And Spawning Habitat Characteristics For Stream-Dwelling Salmonids}}: {{Guidelines For Habitat Restoration}}}, + shorttitle = {Quantitative {{Measures}} of {{Rearing And Spawning Habitat Characteristics For Stream-Dwelling Salmonids}}}, + author = {Keeley, Ernest and Slaney, P A}, + year = {1996}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/4530367/Quantitative_Measures_of_Rearing_And_Spawning_Habitat_Characteristics_For_Stream_Dwelling_Salmonids_Guidelines_For_Habitat_Restoration}, + urldate = {2024-03-24}, + abstract = {Quantitative Measures of Rearing And Spawning Habitat Characteristics For Stream-Dwelling Salmonids: Guidelines For Habitat Restoration}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GAWCYSY5/keeley_slaney_1996_quantitative_measures_of_rearing_and_spawning_habitat_characteristics_for.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3WXWT9DA/Quantitative_Measures_of_Rearing_And_Spawning_Habitat_Characteristics_For_Stream_Dwelling_Salmo.html} +} + +@misc{keisker2020DevelopingUnevenAged, + title = {Developing an {{Uneven-Aged Management System}} to {{Maintain Attributes Associated}} with {{Old Deciduous Stands}} - {{The SADO System}} ({{Self-sustaining All-aged Deciduous Old-growth}})}, + author = {Keisker, D.G.}, + year = {2020}, + annotation = {Prepared for: The Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern BC (SERNbc)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LASNWBKU/keisker_2020_developing_an_uneven-aged_management_system_to_maintain_attributes_associated.pdf} +} + +@article{keller_etal2017EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Genetic Monitoring of the Nuisance Freshwater Diatom, {{{\emph{Didymosphenia}}}}{\emph{ Geminata}} , in Eastern {{North American}} Streams}, + shorttitle = {Environmental}, + author = {Keller, Stephen R. and Hilderbrand, Robert H. and Shank, Matthew K. and Potapova, Marina}, + editor = {Zhan, Aibin}, + year = {2017}, + month = apr, + journal = {Diversity and Distributions}, + volume = {23}, + number = {4}, + pages = {381--393}, + issn = {1366-9516, 1472-4642}, + doi = {10.1111/ddi.12536}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.12536}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Aim Establishing the distribution and diversity of populations in the early stages of invasion when populations are at low abundance is a core challenge for conservation biologists. Recently, genetic monitoring for environmental DNA (eDNA) has become an effective approach for the early detection of invaders, especially for microscopic organisms where visual detection is challenging. Didymosphenia geminata is a globally distributed freshwater diatom that shows a recent emergence of nuisance blooms, but whose native versus exotic status in different areas has been debated. We address the hypothesis that the distribution and genetic diversity of D. geminata in eastern North America is related to the recent introduction of non-native lineages, and contrast that with the alternative hypothesis that D. geminata is cryptically native to the region (i.e. at low abundance) and only forms nuisance blooms when triggered by a change in environment.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3R8BS8RP/Keller et al. - 2017 - Environmental span style=font-variantsmall-caps.pdf} +} + +@article{keller3DAQUIFER, + title = {{{3D AQUIFER MODEL OF THE DEEP CREEK}}/{{BX CREEK WATERSHEDS}}, {{BRITISH COLUMBIA}}, {{CANADA}}}, + author = {Keller, Greg}, + pages = {7}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{kemp_ohanley2010Proceduresevaluating, + title = {Procedures for Evaluating and Prioritising the Removal of Fish Passage Barriers: {{A}} Synthesis: {{EVALUATION OF FISH PASSAGE BARRIERS}}}, + shorttitle = {Procedures for Evaluating and Prioritising the Removal of Fish Passage Barriers}, + author = {Kemp, P. S. and O'Hanley, J. R.}, + year = {2010}, + journal = {Fisheries Management and Ecology}, + pages = {no-no}, + issn = {0969997X, 13652400}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2400.2010.00751.x}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1365-2400.2010.00751.x}, + urldate = {2020-12-30}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {duplicate-citation-key} +} + +@article{kendall_etal2015Anadromyresidency, + title = {Anadromy and Residency in Steelhead and Rainbow Trout ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Mykiss}} ): A Review of the Processes and Patterns}, + shorttitle = {Anadromy and Residency in Steelhead and Rainbow Trout ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Mykiss}} )}, + author = {Kendall, Neala W. and McMillan, John R. and Sloat, Matthew R. and Buehrens, Thomas W. and Quinn, Thomas P. and Pess, George R. and Kuzishchin, Kirill V. and McClure, Michelle M. and Zabel, Richard W.}, + editor = {Bradford, Michael}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {72}, + number = {3}, + pages = {319--342}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2014-0192}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2014-0192}, + urldate = {2024-06-15}, + abstract = {Oncorhynchus mykiss form partially migratory populations with anadromous fish that undergo marine migrations and residents that complete their life cycle in fresh water. Many populations' anadromous components are threatened or endangered, prompting interest in understanding ecological and evolutionary processes underlying anadromy and residency. In this paper, we synthesize information to better understand genetic and environmental influences on O. mykiss life histories, identify critical knowledge gaps, and suggest next steps. Anadromy and residency appear to reflect interactions among genetics, individual condition, and environmental influences. First, an increasing body of literature suggests that anadromous and resident individuals differ in the expression of genes related to growth, smoltification, and metabolism. Second, the literature supports the conditional strategy theory, where individuals adopt a life history pattern based on their conditional status relative to genetic thresholds along with ultimate effects of size and age at maturation and iteroparity. However, except for a generally positive association between residency and high lipid content plus a large attainable size in fresh water, the effects of body size and growth are inconsistent. Thus, individuals can exhibit plasticity in variable environments. Finally, patterns in anadromy and residency among and within populations suggested a wide range of possible environmental influences at different life stages, from freshwater temperature to marine survival. Although we document a number of interesting correlations, direct tests of mechanisms are scarce and little data exist on the extent of residency and anadromy. Consequently, we identified as many data gaps as conclusions, leaving ample room for future research.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5F8LK5JV/kendall_et_al_2015_anadromy_and_residency_in_steelhead_and_rainbow_trout_(_ioncorhynchus.pdf} +} + +@article{kirsch_etal2014Fishinventorya, + title = {Fish Inventory and Anadromous Cataloging in the {{Susitna River}}, {{Matanuska River}}, and {{Knik River}} Basins, 2003 and 2011.}, + author = {Kirsch, J M and Buckwalter, Joseph D and Reed, Daniel J}, + year = {2014}, + pages = {149}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MFLSBMLI/kirsch_et_al_2014_fish_inventory_and_anadromous_cataloging_in_the_susitna_river,_matanuska_river,.pdf} +} + +@misc{kitsumkalumbandOurCulture, + title = {Our {{Culture}}}, + author = {{Kitsumkalum Band}}, + journal = {Kitsumkalum, a Galts'ap (community) of the Tsimshian Nation}, + url = {https://kitsumkalum.com/about/our-culture/}, + urldate = {2024-04-15}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DMSZBXZP/our-culture.html} +} + +@misc{KnightCreek2021, + title = {Knight {{Creek}}}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society}, + url = {https://www.newssociety.org/project-years/p2021/knight-creek-2/knight-creek}, + urldate = {2024-02-21}, + abstract = {Knight Creek Background Knight Creek is situated on the north side of the Nechako River downstream from the community of Vanderhoof. Knight Creek flows through forest...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UGB9XZ2X/knight-creek.html} +} + +@article{koehler_etal2006DietBioenergetics, + title = {Diet and {{Bioenergetics}} of {{Lake-Rearing Juvenile Chinook Salmon}} in {{Lake Washington}}}, + author = {Koehler, Michele E. and Fresh, Kurt L. and Beauchamp, David A. and Cordell, Jeffery R. and Simenstad, Charles A. and Seiler, David E.}, + year = {2006}, + month = nov, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {135}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1580--1591}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T05-178.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/T05-178.1}, + urldate = {2022-03-04}, + abstract = {Use of lake habitats by ocean-type Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha is rare under natural conditions. We studied aspects of the trophic ecology of naturally and hatchery-produced juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in the littoral zone of highly urbanized Lake Washington in Washington State. During February through May, naturally produced juvenile Chinook salmon occupied littoral habitats and consumed mostly epibenthic prey, primarily chironomid pupae (Diptera). In June, they switched to a diet dominated by plankton, specifically Daphnia spp. This diet shift from littoral prey to limnetic prey coincided with increasing temperature, a shift by the fish from littoral to limnetic habitats, the spring bloom of Daphnia, and increasing fish size. Bioenergetics modeling for these populations estimated that naturally produced juvenile Chinook salmon had high consumption rates and were generally feeding close to their maximum ration, even after large numbers of hatchery-produced Chinook salmon entered the lake. The feeding rates, growth rates, and proportions of maximum daily ration from the modeling suggested that under current conditions, both naturally produced and hatchery-produced juvenile Chinook salmon were finding ample food in littoral habitats of Lake Washington. These results further reveal that hatchery-produced Chinook salmon did not compete with naturally produced fish and that this was probably a result of hatchery juveniles entering the lake during the spring Daphnia bloom when this prey is abundant. Our results suggest that managers should focus Chinook salmon recovery efforts in the Lake Washington basin on other aspects of the species' lake use, such as predation or disease, or on other life stages (e.g., spawning adults).}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BTWZNAEF/koehler_et_al_2006_diet_and_bioenergetics_of_lake-rearing_juvenile_chinook_salmon_in_lake.pdf} +} + +@misc{kolotelo_etal2001SeedHandling, + title = {Seed {{Handling Guidebook}}}, + author = {Kolotelo, David and Van Steenis, Eric and Peterson, Michael and Bennett, Robb and Trotter, Dave and Dennis, John}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/tree-seed/tree-seed-publications/seed_handling_guidebook_hi.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + organization = {Ministry of Forests Tree Improvement Branch}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2ZA3W537/kolotelo_et_al_2001_seed_handling_guidebook.pdf} +} + +@article{kondolf_wolman1993sizessalmonid, + title = {The Sizes of Salmonid Spawning Gravels}, + author = {Kondolf, G. Mathias and Wolman, M. Gordon}, + year = {1993}, + month = jul, + journal = {Water Resources Research}, + volume = {29}, + number = {7}, + pages = {2275--2285}, + issn = {00431397}, + doi = {10.1029/93WR00402}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/93WR00402}, + urldate = {2021-09-14}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PZM2UKF6/kondolf_wolman_1993_the_sizes_of_salmonid_spawning_gravels.pdf} +} + +@article{korman_etal2010ComparisonElectrofishing, + title = {Comparison of {{Electrofishing}} and {{Snorkeling Mark}}--{{Recapture Estimation}} of {{Detection Probability}} and {{Abundance}} of {{Juvenile Steelhead}} in a {{Medium-Sized River}}}, + author = {Korman, Josh and Decker, A. Scott and Mossop, Brent and Hagen, John}, + year = {2010}, + month = oct, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {30}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1280--1302}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/M09-159.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/M09-159.1}, + urldate = {2022-01-19}, + abstract = {We compared nighttime electrofishing- and snorkeling-based mark--recapture methods for estimating the detection probability and abundance of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Cheakamus River, British Columbia. The reliability of abundance estimates largely depends on the precision and accuracy of detection probability (the fraction of marked individuals detected) as well as a few key assumptions of closed population models that we evaluated in this study. There was minimal bias ({\`A}2.5\%) in diver estimates of the fork lengths of juvenile steelhead, and the relationship between measured and estimated fork lengths was very precise (r2 {$\frac{1}{4}$} 95\%). With a hierarchical Bayesian model, estimates of the detection probability for smaller juveniles (40--60 mm) ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 with electrofishing and were near zero with snorkeling. In contrast, snorkeling-based detection probability was 0.6 and independent of size for larger juvenile steelhead (.60 mm) and much greater than that with electrofishing. These results provide strong evidence that there is considerable individual heterogeneity in detection probability driven by fish size for both methods. Owing to these differences, the abundance of age-0 steelhead based on snorkeling was underestimated by 50\%, but that of larger, age-1 fish was unbiased and more precise (10-fold) than that based on electrofishing. The use of electrofishing during marking resulted in a substantive reduction in snorkeling-based detection probability during recapture, but the converse was not true. Thus, there is strong evidence of behavioral heterogeneity in detection probability induced by electrofishing, but only when snorkeling is used to detect fish during recapture. The differences in detection probabilities among size-classes and sampling methods were probably driven by differences in concealment behavior, spatial distribution, and fright responses to sampling. Our results indicate that snorkeling is the better way to estimate abundance for larger juvenile steelhead, whereas electrofishing is preferred for smaller fish.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2E3YB96B/korman_et_al_2010_comparison_of_electrofishing_and_snorkeling_mark–recapture_estimation_of.pdf} +} + +@article{korman_etal2016EstimatingRiverwide, + title = {Estimating {{Riverwide Abundance}} of {{Juvenile Fish Populations}}: {{How Much Sampling}} Is {{Enough}}?}, + shorttitle = {Estimating {{Riverwide Abundance}} of {{Juvenile Fish Populations}}}, + author = {Korman, Josh and Schick, Jody and Mossop, Brent}, + year = {2016}, + month = mar, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {36}, + number = {2}, + pages = {213--229}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1080/02755947.2015.1114542}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1080/02755947.2015.1114542}, + urldate = {2022-01-19}, + abstract = {Estimating riverwide abundance of juvenile fish populations is challenging because detection probability is typically low and juveniles can be patchily distributed over large areas. We used a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate the abundance of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in two rivers in British Columbia over 3 years based on a multigear, two-phase sampling design. These estimates were used to drive a simulation model to evaluate how the precision of abundance estimates varied with the number of single-pass index and mark--recapture sites that were sampled, the proportion of shoreline sampled, and the mean and variation of detection probability and fish density across sites. The extent of variation in fish densities across index sites was the most important factor influencing the precision of river-wide abundance estimates, and increasing the number of index sites was the best approach to reduce variability in abundance estimates. River size, which controls the proportion of habitat sampled for a given level of sampling effort, had a moderate effect on precision, but only when the extent of site-to-site variation in fish density was high. Factors affecting detection probability, such as the number of mark--recapture sites, the mean detection probability, or the extent of variation in detection probability across sites, had much less influence on precision of abundance estimates unless the proportion of river sampled was high. Hierarchical Bayesian models are no substitute for collecting informative data, but they improve our understanding of variance structure, which is critical for providing realistic estimates of uncertainty and designing informative and efficient sampling programs.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/C3AI542V/korman_et_al_2016_estimating_riverwide_abundance_of_juvenile_fish_populations_-_how_much_sampling.pdf} +} + +@misc{korman_schick2021SynthesisAdult, + title = {Synthesis of {{Adult}} and {{Juvenile Steelhead Data}} to {{Evaluate Effects}} of the {{WUP Flow Regime}} in the {{Cheakamus River}}}, + author = {Korman, Josh and Schick, Jody}, + year = {2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BP5TNQX9/korman_schick_synthesis_of_adult_and_juvenile_steelhead_data_to_evaluate_effects_of_the_wup.pdf} +} + +@article{kossmanRoutineeffectiveness, + title = {Routine Effectiveness Evaluations on Selected Sites in the {{Bulkley TSA}}}, + author = {Kossman, Ralph}, + pages = {24}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TEH6TPAL/kossman_routine_effectiveness_evaluations_on_selected_sites_in_the_bulkley_tsa.pdf} +} + +@article{kubo2021SnoqualmieRiver, + title = {Snoqualmie {{River Juvenile Chinook}} with {{Extended Freshwater Rearing}}}, + author = {Kubo, Josh}, + year = {2021}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S35QF3WZ/Kubo - 2021 - Snoqualmie River Juvenile Chinook with Extended Fr.pdf} +} + +@article{kuiper_etal2023Advancesremote, + title = {Advances in Remote Sensing of Freshwater Fish Habitat: {{A}} Systematic Review to Identify Current Approaches, Strengths and Challenges}, + shorttitle = {Advances in Remote Sensing of Freshwater Fish Habitat}, + author = {Kuiper, Spencer Dakin and Coops, Nicholas C. and Hinch, Scott G. and White, Joanne C.}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {Fish and Fisheries}, + volume = {24}, + number = {5}, + pages = {829--847}, + issn = {1467-2979}, + doi = {10.1111/faf.12772}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/faf.12772}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + abstract = {Remote sensing technology offers the ability to derive information on freshwater fish habitats across broad geographic areas and has the potential to transform approaches to monitoring. However, the numerous platforms, sensors and analytical software that are available may overwhelm those interested in utilizing this important technology and thus limit its broad application and uptake. Our review is intended to shed light on the capacity of this technology to transform freshwater fish habitat monitoring by examining the fundamental characteristics of the major remote sensing technologies that have been used for characterizing freshwater habitats, conducting a systematic literature review of studies that have used remote sensing technologies to characterize freshwater fish habitats and, highlighting some of the key habitat features, fish species and regions, that have been examined. Lastly, we identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various remote sensing technologies that can be used, recommend future research that could help improve the use of these technologies, and, provide a series of important considerations for those who are interested in utilizing these technologies for freshwater fish habitat characterization.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {habitat complexity,Landsat,lidar,passage,temperature,UAV}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ASNHSQGR/kuiper_et_al_2023_advances_in_remote_sensing_of_freshwater_fish_habitat_-_a_systematic_review_to.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JTLBN4S2/faf.html} +} + +@misc{kuiper2023characterizationstream, + title = {The Characterization of Stream and Riparian Features of Importance for Fish Habitat Using Laser Scanning}, + author = {Kuiper, Spencer Dakin}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://open.library.ubc.ca/media/stream/pdf/24/1.0438561/4}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GRSQKFX4/kuiper_2023_the_characterization_of_stream_and_riparian_features_of_importance_for_fish.pdf} +} + +@article{kuparinen_etal2012Increasingbiological, + title = {Increasing Biological Realism of Fisheries Stock Assessment: Towards Hierarchical {{Bayesian}} Methods}, + shorttitle = {Increasing Biological Realism of Fisheries Stock Assessment}, + author = {Kuparinen, Anna and M{\"a}ntyniemi, Samu and Hutchings, Jeffrey A. and Kuikka, Sakari}, + year = {2012}, + month = jun, + journal = {Environmental Reviews}, + volume = {20}, + number = {2}, + pages = {135--151}, + issn = {1181-8700, 1208-6053}, + doi = {10.1139/a2012-006}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/a2012-006}, + urldate = {2022-01-11}, + abstract = {Excessively high rates of fishing mortality have led to rapid declines of several commercially important fish stocks. To harvest fish stocks sustainably, fisheries management requires accurate information about population dynamics, but the generation of this information, known as fisheries stock assessment, traditionally relies on conservative and rather narrowly data-driven modelling approaches. To improve the information available for fisheries management, there is a demand to increase the biological realism of stock-assessment practices and to better incorporate the available biological knowledge and theory. Here, we explore the development of fisheries stock-assessment models with an aim to increasing their biological realism, and focus particular attention on the possibilities provided by the hierarchical Bayesian modelling framework and ways to develop this approach as a means of efficiently incorporating different sources of information to construct more biologically realistic stock-assessment models. The main message emerging from our review is that to be able to efficiently improve the biological realism of stock-assessment models, fisheries scientists must go beyond the traditional stock-assessment data and explore the resources available in other fields of biological research, such as ecology, lifehistory theory and evolutionary biology, in addition to utilizing data available from other stocks of the same or comparable species. The hierarchical Bayesian framework provides a way of formally integrating these sources of knowledge into the stock-assessment protocol and to accumulate information from multiple sources and over time.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DJEDBKZF/kuparinen_et_al_2012_increasing_biological_realism_of_fisheries_stock_assessment_-_towards.pdf} +} + +@article{kuparinen_etal2012Increasingbiologicala, + title = {Increasing Biological Realism of Fisheries Stock Assessment: Towards Hierarchical {{Bayesian}} Methods}, + shorttitle = {Increasing Biological Realism of Fisheries Stock Assessment}, + author = {Kuparinen, Anna and M{\"a}ntyniemi, Samu and Hutchings, Jeffrey A. and Kuikka, Sakari}, + year = {2012}, + month = jun, + journal = {Environmental Reviews}, + volume = {20}, + number = {2}, + pages = {135--151}, + issn = {1181-8700, 1208-6053}, + doi = {10.1139/a2012-006}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/a2012-006}, + urldate = {2020-06-15}, + abstract = {Excessively high rates of fishing mortality have led to rapid declines of several commercially important fish stocks. To harvest fish stocks sustainably, fisheries management requires accurate information about population dynamics, but the generation of this information, known as fisheries stock assessment, traditionally relies on conservative and rather narrowly data-driven modelling approaches. To improve the information available for fisheries management, there is a demand to increase the biological realism of stock-assessment practices and to better incorporate the available biological knowledge and theory. Here, we explore the development of fisheries stock-assessment models with an aim to increasing their biological realism, and focus particular attention on the possibilities provided by the hierarchical Bayesian modelling framework and ways to develop this approach as a means of efficiently incorporating different sources of information to construct more biologically realistic stock-assessment models. The main message emerging from our review is that to be able to efficiently improve the biological realism of stock-assessment models, fisheries scientists must go beyond the traditional stock-assessment data and explore the resources available in other fields of biological research, such as ecology, lifehistory theory and evolutionary biology, in addition to utilizing data available from other stocks of the same or comparable species. The hierarchical Bayesian framework provides a way of formally integrating these sources of knowledge into the stock-assessment protocol and to accumulate information from multiple sources and over time.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{lacoursiere-roussel_etal2016Quantifyingrelative, + title = {Quantifying Relative Fish Abundance with {{{\textsc{eDNA}}}} : A Promising Tool for Fisheries Management}, + shorttitle = {Quantifying Relative Fish Abundance With}, + author = {Lacoursi{\`e}re-Roussel, Ana{\"i}s and C{\^o}t{\'e}, Guillaume and Leclerc, V{\'e}ronique and Bernatchez, Louis}, + editor = {Cadotte, Marc}, + year = {2016}, + month = aug, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {53}, + number = {4}, + pages = {1148--1157}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.12598}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12598}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary Assessment and monitoring of exploited fish populations are challenged by costs, logistics and negative impacts on target populations. These factors therefore limit large-scale effective management strategies. Evidence is growing that the quantity of eDNA may be related not only to species presence/absence, but also to species abundance. In this study, the concentrations of environmental DNA ( eDNA ) from a highly prized sport fish species, Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum 1792) , were estimated in water samples from 12 natural lakes and compared to abundance and biomass data obtained from standardized gillnet catches as performed routinely for fisheries management purposes. To reduce environmental variability among lakes, all lakes were sampled in spring, between ice melt and water stratification. The eDNA concentration did not vary significantly with water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity, but was significantly positively correlated with relative fish abundance estimated as catch per unit effort ( CPUE ), whereas the relationship with biomass per unit effort ( BPUE ) was less pronounced. The value of eDNA to inform about local aquatic species distribution was further supported by the similarity between the spatial heterogeneity of eDNA distribution and spatial variation in CPUE measured by the gillnet method. Synthesis and applications . Large-scale empirical evidence of the relationship between the eDNA concentration and species abundance allows for the assessment of the potential to integrate eDNA within fisheries management plans. As such, the eDNA quantitative method represents a promising population abundance assessment tool that could significantly reduce the costs associated with sampling and increase the power of detection, the spatial coverage and the frequency of sampling, without any negative impacts on fish populations. , Large-scale empirical evidence of the relationship between the eDNA concentration and species abundance allows for the assessment of the potential to integrate eDNA within fisheries management plans. As such, the eDNA quantitative method represents a promising population abundance assessment tool that could significantly reduce the costs associated with sampling and increase the power of detection, the spatial coverage and the frequency of sampling, without any negative impacts on fish populations.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/93IX4PC8/Lacoursière‐Roussel et al. - 2016 - Quantifying relative fish abundance with span sty.pdf} +} + +@misc{lamson2020EvaluationCurrent, + title = {Evaluation of {{Current Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Levels}} in the {{Upper Kootenay Drainage}}}, + author = {Lamson, Heather}, + year = {2020}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=58888}, + urldate = {2020-11-24} +} + +@misc{LandUseNechakoValley, + title = {Land {{Use}} in the {{Nechako Valley}}}, + url = {http://www.newssociety.org/newss_history.html}, + urldate = {2021-04-07}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WLY9UWZL/newss_history.html} +} + +@article{langlois_etal2021needrobust, + title = {The Need for Robust {{qPCR}}-based {{eDNA}} Detection Assays in Environmental Monitoring and Species Inventories}, + author = {Langlois, Valerie S. and Allison, Michael J. and Bergman, Lauren C. and To, Tuan Anh and Helbing, Caren C.}, + year = {2021}, + month = may, + journal = {Environmental DNA}, + volume = {3}, + number = {3}, + pages = {519--527}, + issn = {2637-4943, 2637-4943}, + doi = {10.1002/edn3.164}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/edn3.164}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Considerable promise and excitement exist in the application of environmental DNA (eDNA) methods to environmental monitoring and species inventories as eDNA can provide cost-effective and accurate biodiversity information. However, considerable variation in data quality, rigor, and reliability has eroded confidence in eDNA application and is limiting regulatory and policy uptake. Substantial effort has gone into promoting transparency in reporting and deriving standardized frameworks and methods for eDNA field workflow components, but surprisingly little scrutiny has been given to the design and performance elements of targeted eDNA detection assays which, by far, have been most used in the scientific literature. There are several methods used for eDNA detection. The most accessible, cost-effective, and conducive to standards development is targeted real-time or quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated as qPCR) eDNA analysis. The present perspective is meant to assist in the development and evaluation of qPCR-based eDNA assays. It evaluates six steps in the qPCR-based eDNA assay development and validation workflow identifying and addressing concerns pertaining to poor qPCR assay design and implementation; identifies the need for more fulsome mitochondrial genome sequence information for a broader range of species; and brings solutions toward best practices in forthcoming large-scale and worldwide eDNA applications, such as atrisk or invasive species assessments and site remediation monitoring.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RANK7IHT/Langlois et al. - 2021 - The need for robust qPCR‐based eDNA detection assa.pdf} +} + +@article{laramie_etal2015Characterizingdistribution, + title = {Characterizing the Distribution of an Endangered Salmonid Using Environmental {{DNA}} Analysis}, + author = {Laramie, Matthew B. and Pilliod, David S. and Goldberg, Caren S.}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {183}, + pages = {29--37}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.025}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320714004509}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Determining species distributions accurately is crucial to developing conservation and management strategies for imperiled species, but a challenging task for small populations. We evaluated the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis for improving detection and thus potentially refining the known distribution of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Methow and Okanogan Subbasins of the Upper Columbia River, which span the border between Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. We developed an assay to target a 90 base pair sequence of Chinook DNA and used quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to quantify the amount of Chinook eDNA in triplicate 1-L water samples collected at 48 stream locations in June and again in August 2012. The overall probability of detecting Chinook with our eDNA method in areas within the known distribution was 0.77 ({\textpm}0.05 SE). Detection probability was lower in June (0.62, {\textpm}0.08 SE) during high flows and at the beginning of spring Chinook migration than during base flows in August (0.93, {\textpm}0.04 SE). In the Methow subbasin, mean eDNA concentration was higher in August compared to June, especially in smaller tributaries, probably resulting from the arrival of spring Chinook adults, reduced discharge, or both. Chinook eDNA concentrations did not appear to change in the Okanogan subbasin from June to August. Contrary to our expectations about downstream eDNA accumulation, Chinook eDNA did not decrease in concentration in upstream reaches (0--120 km). Further examination of factors influencing spatial distribution of eDNA in lotic systems may allow for greater inference of local population densities along stream networks or watersheds. These results demonstrate the potential effectiveness of eDNA detection methods for determining landscape-level distribution of anadromous salmonids in large river systems.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JDUNC2DZ/Laramie et al. - 2015 - Characterizing the distribution of an endangered s.pdf} +} + +@misc{larkin1998KootenayLake, + title = {Kootenay {{Lake Phosphorus Loading}} from the {{Kootenay}} and {{Duncan Rivers}}}, + author = {Larkin, G.A.}, + year = {1998}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CWNRSJDR/Larkin_1998_Kootenay Lake Phosphorus Loading from the Kootenay and Duncan Rivers.pdf} +} + +@article{larsen_etal2018Bioticdrivers, + title = {Biotic Drivers of River and Floodplain Geomorphology -- {{New}} Molecular Methods for Assessing Present-day and Past Biota}, + author = {Larsen, Annegret and Alvarez, Nadir and Sperisen, Christoph and Lane, Stuart N.}, + year = {2018}, + month = jan, + journal = {Earth Surface Processes and Landforms}, + volume = {43}, + number = {1}, + pages = {333--338}, + issn = {0197-9337, 1096-9837}, + doi = {10.1002/esp.4238}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/esp.4238}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Geomorphology has increasingly considered the role of biotic factors as controls upon geomorphic processes across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Where timescales are long (centennial and longer), it has been possible to quantify relationships between geomorphic processes and vegetation using, for example, the pollen record. However, where the biotic agents are fauna, longer term reconstruction of the impacts of biological activity upon geomorphic processes is more challenging. Here, we review the prospect of using environmental DNA as a molecular proxy to decipher the presence and nature of faunal influences on geomorphic processes in both present and ancient deposits. When used appropriately, this method has the potential to improve our understanding of biotic drivers of geomorphic processes, notably fauna, over long timescales and so to reconstruct how such drivers might explain the landscape as we see it today. Copyright {\copyright} 2017 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2GJ25ZJB/Larsen et al. - 2018 - Biotic drivers of river and floodplain geomorpholo.pdf} +} + +@misc{LearnWitsuwitFirstVoices, + title = {Learn {{Witsuwit}}'en {\textbar} {{FirstVoices}}}, + url = {https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data/Athabascan/Witsuwit%E2%80%99en/Witsuwit%E2%80%99en/learn}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FQRC7TBX/learn.html} +} + +@article{levy_nicklin2018ChinookSockeye, + title = {Chinook and {{Sockeye Salmon Conservation}} in the {{Netʃa Koh}} ({{Nechako}}) {{River}} in {{Northern BC}}}, + author = {Levy, David A and Nicklin, Peter}, + year = {2018}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EBH7SSCC/Levy and Nicklin - A report prepared by the Upper Fraser Fisheries Co.pdf} +} + +@article{levy_nicklinreportprepared, + title = {A Report Prepared by the {{Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance}} ({{UFFCA}}) and the {{Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program}}}, + author = {Levy, David A and Nicklin, Peter}, + pages = {77}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GZXWM4ZT/levy_nicklin_a_report_prepared_by_the_upper_fraser_fisheries_conservation_alliance_(uffca).pdf} +} + +@book{levy_slaney1993reviewhabitat, + title = {A Review of Habitat Capacity for Salmon Spawning and Rearing}, + author = {Levy, D. A and Slaney, Tim L}, + year = {1993}, + publisher = {Resources Inventory Committee}, + address = {Victoria}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-3787-1}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 798300310} +} + +@article{lewis_etal1998TritonEnvironmental, + title = {Triton {{Environmental Consultants Ltd}}.}, + author = {Lewis, Mr Adam and Bio, R P and Pavey, Julie and Bio, R P and Martel, Dr Guy and Hill, Mr Ryan and Bio, R P and Lorenz, Mr Arne and Mattock, Mr Bruce and Bio, R P and Jennings, Mr Steve and Pegg, Mr James and Frederiksen, Mr Peter}, + year = {1998}, + pages = {36}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D6IMPRF9/lewis_et_al_1998_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KFWVRH6I/lewis_et_al_1998_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ULAD6928/lewis_et_al_1998_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/W5C8VQAJ/lewis_et_al_1998_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YJZS6RUN/lewis_et_al_1998_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf} +} + +@article{lewis_etalTritonEnvironmental, + title = {Triton {{Environmental Consultants Ltd}}.}, + author = {Lewis, Mr Adam and Bio, R P and Pavey, Julie and Bio, R P and Martel, Dr Guy and Hill, Mr Ryan and Bio, R P and Lorenz, Mr Arne and Mattock, Mr Bruce and Bio, R P and Jennings, Mr Steve and Pegg, Mr James and Frederiksen, Mr Peter}, + pages = {36}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/99X5KKBM/lewis_et_al_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf} +} + +@article{lewis_etalTritonEnvironmentala, + title = {Triton {{Environmental Consultants Ltd}}.}, + author = {Lewis, Mr Adam and Bio, R P and Pavey, Julie and Bio, R P and Martel, Dr Guy and Hill, Mr Ryan and Bio, R P and Lorenz, Mr Arne and Mattock, Mr Bruce and Bio, R P and Jennings, Mr Steve and Pegg, Mr James and Frederiksen, Mr Peter}, + pages = {34}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HEFKRP9F/lewis_et_al_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf} +} + +@article{lewis_etalTritonEnvironmentalb, + title = {Triton {{Environmental Consultants Ltd}}.}, + author = {Lewis, Mr Adam and Bio, R P and Pavey, Julie and Bio, R P and Martel, Dr Guy and Hill, Mr Ryan and Bio, R P and Lorenz, Mr Arne and Mattock, Mr Bruce and Bio, R P and Jennings, Mr Steve and Pegg, Mr James and Frederiksen, Mr Peter}, + pages = {34}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YRXAAWZX/lewis_et_al_triton_environmental_consultants_ltd.pdf} +} + +@article{lewis2007LiteratureReview, + title = {Literature {{Review}} of {{Habitat Productivity Models}} for 5 {{Pacific Salmon Species}}}, + author = {Lewis, Adam}, + year = {2007}, + pages = {101}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{lheidlitennehband19991999Reconnaissance, + title = {1999 {{Reconnaissance Level}} (1:20000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} in the {{Anzac River Watershed WSC}}: 236-313100 {{Watershed Report}}}, + author = {{Lheidli T'enneh Band}}, + year = {1999}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r146/anzac_1999_report_1057954296298_3b843b146a9f4b44b1b1c7d33514cca7.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/54JGF27E/lheidli_t'enneh_band_1999_1999_reconnaissance_level_(1_-20000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_in_the.pdf} +} + +@article{lidstrom_johnson2020Ecosystembased, + title = {Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management: {{A}} Perspective on the Critique and Development of the Concept}, + shorttitle = {Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management}, + author = {Lidstr{\"o}m, Susanna and Johnson, Andrew F.}, + year = {2020}, + month = jan, + journal = {Fish and Fisheries}, + volume = {21}, + number = {1}, + pages = {216--222}, + issn = {1467-2960, 1467-2979}, + doi = {10.1111/faf.12418}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/faf.12418}, + urldate = {2022-06-09}, + abstract = {The concept of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) has been subjected to debate since it was introduced in the late 1990s. The development of the concept seems to follow two separate but simultaneous trajectories of increased popularity but also sustained critique. This paper offers an analysis of potential mechanisms behind these disparate trajectories by drawing on a theoretical framework from science and technology studies (STS) centred around "black box" and actor-network theory. To support our analysis, we perform an exploratory literature review of how the EBFM concept has been used in a selection of high impact fisheries research papers. We find that the popularity of EBFM does not guarantee its integrity, usefulness or analytical insight, but also that persistent critique of how the concept is used seems to be driving some change. We think that a continued trajectory of increased understanding, contextualization and discernibility of EBFM can help overcome the considerable ambiguity associated with the concept and make it increasingly useful to fisheries management. This means moving away from routine use of the term towards a practicable and tangible approach to improve fisheries sustainability.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6CFJ22SB/lidstrom_johnson_2020_ecosystem‐based_fisheries_management_-_a_perspective_on_the_critique_and.pdf} +} + +@techreport{lievesley_etal2017MarshRiparian, + type = {Preprint}, + title = {Marsh and {{Riparian Habitat Compensation}} in the {{Fraser River Estuary}}: {{A Guide}} for {{Managers}} and {{Practitioners}}}, + shorttitle = {Marsh and {{Riparian Habitat Compensation}} in the {{Fraser River Estuary}}}, + author = {Lievesley, Megan and Stewart, Dan and Mason, Brad and Knight, Rob}, + year = {2017}, + month = nov, + institution = {MarXiv}, + doi = {10.31230/osf.io/v4kbf}, + url = {https://osf.io/v4kbf}, + urldate = {2021-11-23}, + abstract = {A guide designed to help improve the state of habitat compensation in the Fraser River Estuary by making sound, evidence-based recommendations guided by the findings of Lievesley and Stewart (2016), Assessing Habitat Compensation and Examining Limitation to Native Plant Establishment in the Lower Fraser River Estuary. The findings from this study indicate that only one-third of sampled marsh habitat compensation projects created between 1983 and 2010 are acceptably compensating for habitat losses; and that several riparian habitat compensation projects from this same time period had significant deficiencies. These findings indicate that there is still much room for improvement in the field of habitat compensation in the Fraser River Estuary.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/358VUABL/lievesley_et_al_2017_marsh_and_riparian_habitat_compensation_in_the_fraser_river_estuary_-_a_guide.pdf} +} + +@article{lievesley_etalAssessingHabitat, + title = {Assessing {{Habitat Compensation}} and {{Examining Limitations}} to {{Native Plant Establishment}} in the {{Lower Fraser River Estuary}}}, + author = {Lievesley, Megan and Stewart, Daniel and Knight, Rob and Mason, Brad}, + pages = {63}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZX6YB3LW/lievesley_et_al_assessing_habitat_compensation_and_examining_limitations_to_native_plant.pdf} +} + +@article{liggins2016MinistryAgriculture, + title = {Ministry of {{Agriculture Comments}} on the {{Application}} for an {{Environmental Assessment Certificate}}}, + author = {Liggins, Lavona}, + year = {2016}, + pages = {3}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NASSC4K8/liggins_2016_ministry_of_agriculture_comments_on_the_application_for_an_environmental.pdf} +} + +@article{limm_marchetti2009JuvenileChinook, + title = {Juvenile {{Chinook}} Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha) Growth in off-Channel and Main-Channel Habitats on the {{Sacramento River}}, {{CA}} Using Otolith Increment Widths}, + author = {Limm, Michael P. and Marchetti, Michael P.}, + year = {2009}, + month = jun, + journal = {Environmental Biology of Fishes}, + volume = {85}, + number = {2}, + pages = {141--151}, + issn = {0378-1909, 1573-5133}, + doi = {10.1007/s10641-009-9473-8}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10641-009-9473-8}, + urldate = {2020-10-28}, + abstract = {Few studies have quantified juvenile salmon growth among different habitats or evaluated the mechanisms controlling salmon growth and survival. We used otolith microstructure to compare daily relative growth rates among main-channel riverine areas, off-channel ponds, and non-natal seasonal tributaries of the Sacramento River, CA. We compared prey availability, prey preference, and stomach fullness between these sites. We observed larger average otolith growth increments, higher prey densities, and warmer water temperatures in both offchannel ponds and non-natal seasonal tributaries compared to the main-channel areas in both 2001 and 2002. Our findings suggest that warmer temperatures and abundant prey in off-channel habitats during Central Valley Chinook salmon rearing periods may lead to higher growth rates, which in turn may improve juvenile survival. Our results suggest that off-channel habitats may be critical habitats to include in conservation and management plans for juvenile salmon.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{limnotek2002ImplicationsReservoir, + title = {Implications of {{Reservoir Operational Changes}} to {{Littoral}} and {{Pelagic Activity}} in {{Duncan Reservoir}}}, + author = {{Limnotek}}, + year = {2002}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WN4DYFPE/littoral, pelagic productivity, DDM operationals changes, Limnotek, 20021119.pdf} +} + +@article{lin_etal2018Variationschemical, + title = {Variations in Chemical Speciation and Reactivity of Phosphorus between Suspended-Particles and Surface-Sediment in Seasonal Hypoxia-Influenced {{Green Bay}}}, + author = {Lin, Peng and Klump, J. Val and Guo, Laodong}, + year = {2018}, + month = oct, + journal = {Journal of Great Lakes Research}, + volume = {44}, + number = {5}, + pages = {864--874}, + issn = {03801330}, + doi = {10.1016/j.jglr.2018.05.022}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0380133018301151}, + urldate = {2024-10-28}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FLIAF8KM/Lin et al. - 2018 - Variations in chemical speciation and reactivity o.pdf} +} + +@article{lis2016BlackwaterMine, + title = {Blackwater {{Mine And The Collaborative Moose Health Monitoring Program}}}, + author = {Lis, Doron}, + year = {2016}, + pages = {163}, + url = {https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0300420}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{lloyd2005Fishpassage, + title = {Fish Passage {{Culvert Inspection City}} of {{Prince George}} in {{Bittner Creek}}, {{McMillan Creek}}, {{Haggith Creek}} and {{Parkridge Creek}} Watersheds}, + author = {Lloyd, Keri}, + year = {2005}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r11534/11534_1204234715553_8e248a68ce6c18f651b66354b1c87f5ef0c50d9fc3e.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RX63AU5F/lloyd_2005_fish_passage_culvert_inspection_city_of_prince_george_in_bittner_creek,.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WZ896C9Y/lloyd_2005_fish_passage_culvert_inspection_city_of_prince_george_in_bittner_creek,.pdf} +} + +@misc{lmforestresourcesolutionsltd_2021MonitoringEffectiveness, + title = {Monitoring the {{Effectiveness}} of {{Riparian Planting Along}} the {{Upper Bulkley River}}}, + author = {{LM Forest Resource Solutions Ltd.}}, + year = {2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZSX5ZFIH/lm_forest_resource_solutions_ltd._2021_monitoring_the_effectiveness_of_riparian_planting_along_the_upper_bulkley_river.pdf} +} + +@article{loeza-quintana_etal2021EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} Detection of Endangered and Invasive Species in {{Kejimkujik National Park}} and {{Historic Site}}}, + author = {{Loeza-Quintana}, Tzitziki and Crookes, Steven and Li, Pei Yuan and Reid, Darrin P. and Smith, Matthew and Hanner, Robert H.}, + year = {2021}, + month = mar, + journal = {Genome}, + volume = {64}, + number = {3}, + pages = {172--180}, + issn = {0831-2796, 1480-3321}, + doi = {10.1139/gen-2020-0042}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/gen-2020-0042}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) allows the early detection of aquatic species at low densities (e.g., elusive and invasive species), which otherwise could be challenging to monitor using conventional techniques. Here, we assess the ability of eDNA sampling to detect the presence or absence of one species at risk (Blanding's turtle) and two invasive species (chain pickerel and smallmouth bass) in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia, where the aquatic system is highly acidic and rich in organic compounds. Five replicates of 1 L water samples were taken per sampling site. Water filtration and eDNA extractions were performed on-site, while qPCR reactions were performed in the laboratory using species-specific assays. Samples were treated with an inhibition removal kit and analyzed pre- and post-inhibition removal. Despite the low pH and PCR inhibitors in water samples, our results showed positive eDNA detections in almost all expected positive sites (except in one site for Blanding's turtle). Detections of the target species were also observed at sites where their presence was previously unknown. Our study supports the advantage of eDNA to monitor species at low densities, revealing new distributions or recently invaded areas. We also demonstrate how eDNA can directly instruct management strategies in Kejimkujik.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SK8DWGSU/Loeza-Quintana et al. - 2021 - Environmental DNA detection of endangered and inva.pdf} +} + +@misc{loticenvironmentalltd__poissonconsultingltd_2022BackpackElectrofishing, + title = {Backpack {{Electrofishing Fish Density Survey Methods}} v0.0.1}, + author = {{Lotic Environmental Ltd.} and {Poisson Consulting Ltd.}}, + year = {2022}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SWXIH92E/lotic_environmental_ltd._poisson_consulting_ltd._2022_backpack_electrofishing_fish_density_survey_methods_v0.0.1.pdf} +} + +@misc{loticenvironmentalltd_2012FishCollection, + title = {Fish {{Collection Permit CB12-81893 Elk River Tributaries Habitat Suitability}}}, + author = {{Lotic Environmental Ltd.}}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=40397}, + urldate = {2020-12-30}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/C9CEGRET/viewReport.html} +} + +@article{love1977Targetstrength, + title = {Target Strength of an Individual Fish at Any Aspect}, + author = {Love, Richard H.}, + year = {1977}, + month = dec, + journal = {The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, + volume = {62}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1397--1403}, + issn = {0001-4966, 1520-8524}, + doi = {10.1121/1.381672}, + url = {https://pubs.aip.org/jasa/article/62/6/1397/744491/Target-strength-of-an-individual-fish-at-any}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + abstract = {A set of empirical equations has been developed for use in determining the target strength or acoustic cross section of an individual fish at any insonified aspect as a function of fish size and insonifying frequency in the range 1?L/{$\lambda$}? 100, where L is fish length and {$\lambda$} is acoustic wavelength. The equations were developed by interpolating experimental data obtained by insonifying individual fish as they were rotated about one of their principal axes. It was found that acoustic cross section {$\sigma$} is proportional to slightly less than L2 for each aspect, indicating that {$\sigma$} is approximately proportional to insonified area. Since {$\sigma$} is almost proportional to L2, a modified set of empirical equations was developed with {$\sigma$} exactly proportional to L2, thus eliminating the dependence of {$\sigma$} on frequency. The resulting errors are relatively minor and in some situations the modified equations lead to considerable simplifications which make their use quite convenient.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZY7UA6LS/Love - 1977 - Target strength of an individual fish at any aspec.pdf} +} + +@article{lusardi_etal2020Oversummergrowth, + title = {Oversummer Growth and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Kisutch}} ) across a Natural Gradient of Stream Water Temperature and Prey Availability: An in Situ Enclosure Experiment}, + shorttitle = {Oversummer Growth and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Kisutch}} ) across a Natural Gradient of Stream Water Temperature and Prey Availability}, + author = {Lusardi, Robert A. and Hammock, Bruce G. and Jeffres, Carson A. and Dahlgren, Randy A. and Kiernan, Joseph D.}, + year = {2020}, + month = feb, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {77}, + number = {2}, + pages = {413--424}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2018-0484}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0484}, + urldate = {2023-03-12}, + abstract = {Conservation efforts for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) increasingly prioritize maintenance of cool water temperatures that protect all freshwater life stages. However, development of appropriate temperature standards requires a robust understanding of the interactions among water temperature, ecosystem productivity, and fish performance. We used a series of in situ enclosures to examine how natural spatiotemporal gradients in thermal conditions and prey availability affected the summer growth and survival of age-0+ coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Coho salmon absolute growth rates peaked at a mean daily average water temperature (mean T) of 16.6 {$^\circ$}C and an associated maximum weekly maximum temperature (MWMT) of 21.1 {$^\circ$}C. Juvenile growth under these thermal conditions was sixfold greater than the growth rates observed for conspecifics rearing in the coolest study reach (mean T = 13.0 {$^\circ$}C; MWMT = 16.0 {$^\circ$}C). Even at the highest rearing temperature (mean T = 18.1 {$^\circ$}C; MWMT = 24.0 {$^\circ$}C), growth rates remained positive and above the study-wide average, although overall survival was reduced. Among the predictor variables examined, invertebrate prey abundance was the predominant factor influencing age-0+ coho salmon growth. These results suggest that abundant prey resources may mitigate the negative effects of elevated water temperature on fish growth in riverine environments. Given the likelihood of increasing stream temperatures with climate change, productive ecosystems may provide critical refuges for juvenile salmonids.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BNUTP2W8/lusardi_et_al_2020_oversummer_growth_and_survival_of_juvenile_coho_salmon_(_ioncorhynchus.pdf} +} + +@techreport{m_a_whelenandassociatesltd_2001Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory Borland Creek IFPA Study Area WSC}} 100-38500-98600-05600}, + author = {{M.A. Whelen and Associates Ltd.}}, + year = {2001}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AGC7EBX4/m.a._whelen_and_associates_ltd._2001_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_borland_creek_ifpa.pdf} +} + +@techreport{macdonald_etal1995SalmonWatershed, + title = {Salmon {{Watershed Planning Profiles}} for the {{Fraser River Basin}} within the {{Vanderhoof Land}} and {{Resource Management Plan}}}, + author = {MacDonald, L.B. and Leone, F.N and Rowland, D.E.}, + year = {1995}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TUNRPMWC/macdonald_et_al_1995_salmon_watershed_planning_profiles_for_the_fraser_river_basin_within_the.pdf} +} + +@article{macdonald_etal2007ExaminationFactors, + title = {Examination of {{Factors Influencing Nechako River Discharge}}, {{Temperature}}, and {{Aquatic Habitats}}}, + author = {Macdonald, J S and Morrison, J and Patterson, D A and Heinonen, J and Foreman, M}, + year = {2007}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IAQI87VE/macdonald_et_al_2007_examination_of_factors_influencing_nechako_river_discharge,_temperature,_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{macdonaldenvironmentalsciencesltd_2014ProceduresDeriving, + title = {Procedures for {{Deriving Refuge-Specific Water Quality Targets}} for the {{Protection}} of {{Natural Resources}} on {{National Wildlife Refuges}}}, + author = {{MacDonald Environmental Sciences Ltd.}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://ecos.fws.gov/ServCat/DownloadFile/114726?Reference=73991}, + urldate = {2023-03-15}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BIFE7TTX/macdonald_environmental_sciences_ltd._2014_procedures_for_deriving_refuge-specific_water_quality_targets_for_the.pdf} +} + +@article{macfarlane_etal2017Modelingcapacity, + title = {Modeling the Capacity of Riverscapes to Support Beaver Dams}, + author = {Macfarlane, William W. and Wheaton, Joseph M. and Bouwes, Nicolaas and Jensen, Martha L. and Gilbert, Jordan T. and {Hough-Snee}, Nate and Shivik, John A.}, + year = {2017}, + month = jan, + journal = {Geomorphology}, + volume = {277}, + pages = {72--99}, + issn = {0169555X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.019}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0169555X15302166}, + urldate = {2022-06-09}, + abstract = {The construction of beaver dams facilitates a suite of hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic, and ecological feedbacks that increase stream complexity and channel--floodplain connectivity that benefit aquatic and terrestrial biota. Depending on where beaver build dams within a drainage network, they impact lateral and longitudinal connectivity by introducing roughness elements that fundamentally change the timing, delivery, and storage of water, sediment, nutrients, and organic matter. While the local effects of beaver dams on streams are well understood, broader coverage network models that predict where beaver dams can be built and highlight their impacts on connectivity across diverse drainage networks are lacking. Here we present a capacity model to assess the limits of riverscapes to support dam-building activities by beaver across physiographically diverse landscapes. We estimated dam capacity with freely and nationally-available inputs to evaluate seven lines of evidence: (1) reliable water source, (2) riparian vegetation conducive to foraging and dam building, (3) vegetation within 100 m of edge of stream to support expansion of dam complexes and maintain large colonies, (4) likelihood that channel-spanning dams could be built during low flows, (5) the likelihood that a beaver dam is likely to withstand typical floods, (6) a suitable stream gradient that is neither too low to limit dam density nor too high to preclude the building or persistence of dams, and (7) a suitable river that is not too large to restrict dam building or persistence. Fuzzy inference systems were used to combine these controlling factors in a framework that explicitly also accounts for model uncertainty. The model was run for 40,561 km of streams in Utah, USA, and portions of surrounding states, predicting an overall network capacity of 356,294 dams at an average capacity of 8.8 dams/km. We validated model performance using 2852 observed dams across 1947 km of streams. The model showed excellent agreement with observed dam densities where beaver dams were present. Model performance was spatially coherent and logical, with electivity indices that effectively segregated capacity categories. That is, beaver dams were not found where the model predicted no dams could be supported, beaver avoided segments that were predicted to support rare or occasional densities, and beaver preferentially occupied and built dams in areas predicted to have pervasive dam densities. The resulting spatially explicit reach-scale (250 m long reaches) data identifies where dam-building activity is sustainable, and at what densities dams can occur across a landscape. As such, model outputs can be used to determine where channel--floodplain and wetland connectivity are likely to persist or expand by promoting increases in beaver dam densities.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JCT8INGK/macfarlane_et_al_2017_modeling_the_capacity_of_riverscapes_to_support_beaver_dams.pdf} +} + +@misc{machmer_steeger2002EffectivenessMonitoring, + title = {Effectiveness {{Monitoring Guidelines For Ecosystem Restoration}}}, + author = {Machmer, M and Steeger, C}, + year = {2002}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fia/documents/rest_effect_mon_guidelines_s.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Submitted to:\\ +Habitat Branch, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/D8BLIMVB/machmer_steeger_2002_effectiveness_monitoring_guidelines_for_ecosystem_restoration.pdf} +} + +@misc{macisaac2010SalmonidsHydrologic, + title = {Salmonids and the {{Hydrologic}} and {{Geomorphic Features}} of {{Their Spawning Streams}} in {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {MacIsaac, Erland A}, + year = {2010}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/pubs/docs/Lmh/Lmh66/}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{mackenzi_mahony2021EcologicalApproach, + title = {An {{Ecological Approach To Climate Change-Informed Tree Species Selection For Reforestation}}}, + author = {MacKenzi, William H. and Mahony, Colin R.}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345634719_An_ecological_approach_to_climate_change-informed_tree_species_selection_for_reforestation}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IQRBSBHI/mackenzi_mahony_2021_an_ecological_approach_to_climate_change-informed_tree_species_selection_for.pdf} +} + +@book{mackenzie_moran2004WetlandsBritish, + title = {Wetlands of {{British Columbia}}: A Guide to Identification}, + shorttitle = {Wetlands of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {MacKenzie, William H. and Moran, Jennifer R.}, + year = {2004}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + number = {52}, + publisher = {British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Forest Science Program}, + address = {Victoria, BC}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-5066-5}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/26BPYGW6/mackenzie_moran_2004_wetlands_of_british_columbia_-_a_guide_to_identification.pdf} +} + +@book{mackenzie_moran2004WetlandsBritisha, + title = {Wetlands of {{British Columbia}}: A Guide to Identification}, + shorttitle = {Wetlands of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {MacKenzie, William H. and Moran, Jennifer R.}, + year = {2004}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + number = {52}, + publisher = {British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Forest Science Program}, + address = {Victoria, BC}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-5066-5}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E8KVUSNP/mackenzie_moran_2004_wetlands_of_british_columbia_-_a_guide_to_identification.pdf} +} + +@book{macnaughton_etal2019STANDARDIZEDFIELD, + title = {{{STANDARDIZED FIELD SAMPLING METHOD FOR MONITORING THE DISTRIBUTION AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF THE WESTERN SILVERY MINNOW}} ({{HYBOGNATHUS ARGYRITIS}}) {{POPULATION IN CANADA}}}, + author = {Macnaughton, Camille and Rudolfsen, Tyana and Watkinson, Douglas and Enders, Eva}, + year = {2019}, + month = aug, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.24649.08805}, + abstract = {The Species at Risk Program's objective for the Western Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus argyritis) is to quantify and maintain current population levels throughout its Canadian range. In an effort to provide science information to meet the Species at Risk (SAR) Program objective, this report aims to provide a consistent sampling method and survey design that may accurately inform on changes in the distribution and relative abundance of the Western Silvery Minnow in the Milk River system in Alberta, where it is listed as Threatened. This report details (1) the sampling gear, (2) recommended sampling effort and timing, and (3) sampling sites for Western Silvery Minnow occurrence and abundance. This standardized sampling protocol is intended to improve the monitoring of the species throughout its Canadian range, the assessment of population trends, and consequently allow for a better informed management of the species over time.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M8MYDWBJ/macnaughton_et_al_2019_standardized_field_sampling_method_for_monitoring_the_distribution_and_relative.pdf} +} + +@article{mahlum_etal2014EvaluatingBarrier, + title = {Evaluating the {{Barrier Assessment Technique Derived}} from {{FishXing Software}} and the {{Upstream Movement}} of {{Brook Trout}} through {{Road Culverts}}}, + author = {Mahlum, Shad and Cote, David and Wiersma, Yolanda and Kehler, Dan and Clarke, K.}, + year = {2014}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {143}, + doi = {10.1080/00028487.2013.825641} +} + +@article{mahon_etal2013DNAbasedspecies, + title = {{{DNA-based}} Species Detection Capabilities Using Laser Transmission Spectroscopy}, + author = {Mahon, A. R. and Barnes, M. A. and Li, F. and Egan, S. P. and Tanner, C. E. and Ruggiero, S. T. and Feder, J. L. and Lodge, D. M.}, + year = {2013}, + month = jan, + journal = {Journal of The Royal Society Interface}, + volume = {10}, + number = {78}, + pages = {20120637}, + issn = {1742-5689, 1742-5662}, + doi = {10.1098/rsif.2012.0637}, + url = {https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsif.2012.0637}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Early detection of invasive species is critical for effective biocontrol to mitigate potential ecological and economic damage. Laser transmission spectroscopy (LTS) is a powerful solution offering real-time, DNA-based species detection in the field. LTS can measure the size, shape and number of nanoparticles in a solution and was used here to detect size shifts resulting from hybridization of the polymerase chain reaction product to nanoparticles functionalized with species-specific oligonucleotide probes or with the species-specific oligonucleotide probes alone. We carried out a series of DNA detection experiments using the invasive freshwater quagga mussel ( Dreissena bugensis ) to evaluate the capability of the LTS platform for invasive species detection. Specifically, we tested LTS sensitivity to (i) DNA concentrations of a single target species, (ii) the presence of a target species within a mixed sample of other closely related species, (iii) species-specific functionalized nanoparticles versus species-specific oligonucleotide probes alone, and (iv) amplified DNA fragments versus unamplified genomic DNA. We demonstrate that LTS is a highly sensitive technique for rapid target species detection, with detection limits in the picomolar range, capable of successful identification in multispecies samples containing target and non-target species DNA. These results indicate that the LTS DNA detection platform will be useful for field application of target species. Additionally, we find that LTS detection is effective with species-specific oligonucleotide tags alone or when they are attached to polystyrene nanobeads and with both amplified and unamplified DNA, indicating that the technique may also have versatility for broader applications.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7IDWJH42/Mahon et al. - 2013 - DNA-based species detection capabilities using las.pdf} +} + +@misc{mahoney_etal2022unifirUnifying, + title = {Unifir: {{A Unifying API}} for {{Working}} with {{Unity}} in {{R}}}, + shorttitle = {Unifir}, + author = {Mahoney, Michael J. and Beier, Colin M. and Ackerman, Aidan C.}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}, + volume = {7}, + number = {73}, + pages = {4388}, + doi = {10.21105/joss.04388}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04388}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {A unifying interface for calling Unity from R}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M3J6S48S/mahoney_et_al_2022_unifir_-_a_unifying_api_for_working_with_unity_in_r.pdf} +} + +@article{maki-petays2010APPLIEDISSUES, + title = {{{APPLIED ISSUES}}: {{Effects}} of Habitat Rehabilitation on Brown Trout ({{Salmo}} Trutta) in Boreal Forest Streams}, + shorttitle = {{{APPLIED ISSUES}}}, + author = {{M{\"a}ki-pet{\"a}ys}, Aki}, + year = {2010}, + month = jan, + journal = {Freshwater Biology}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/15283059/APPLIED_ISSUES_Effects_of_habitat_rehabilitation_on_brown_trout_Salmo_trutta_in_boreal_forest_streams}, + urldate = {2024-09-11}, + abstract = {APPLIED ISSUES: Effects of habitat rehabilitation on brown trout (Salmo trutta) in boreal forest streams}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5W8JSMZD/APPLIED_ISSUES_Effects_of_habitat_rehabilitation_on_brown_trout_Salmo_trutta_in_boreal_forest_s.html} +} + +@article{maki-petays2012AssessingHabitat, + title = {Assessing {{Habitat Suitability}} for {{Juvenile Atlantic Salmon}} in {{Relation}} to {{In-Stream Restoration}} and {{Discharge Variability}}}, + author = {{M{\"a}ki-pet{\"a}ys}, Aki}, + year = {2012}, + month = jan, + journal = {Restoration Ecology}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/12839344/Assessing_Habitat_Suitability_for_Juvenile_Atlantic_Salmon_in_Relation_to_In_Stream_Restoration_and_Discharge_Variability}, + urldate = {2024-08-28}, + abstract = {Assessing Habitat Suitability for Juvenile Atlantic Salmon in Relation to In-Stream Restoration and Discharge Variability} +} + +@article{malcolm_etal2019Developmentlargescale, + title = {Development of a Large-Scale Juvenile Density Model to Inform the Assessment and Management of {{Atlantic}} Salmon ({{Salmo}} Salar) Populations in {{Scotland}}}, + author = {Malcolm, Iain A. and Millidine, Karen J. and Glover, Ross S. and Jackson, Faye L. and Millar, Colin P. and Fryer, Robert J.}, + year = {2019}, + month = jan, + journal = {Ecological Indicators}, + volume = {96}, + pages = {303--316}, + issn = {1470160X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.005}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1470160X18306812}, + urldate = {2020-11-05}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{malczewski_etal2003GISMulticriteria, + title = {{{GIS}}--{{Multicriteria Evaluation}} with {{Ordered Weighted Averaging}} ({{OWA}}): {{Case Study}} of {{Developing Watershed Management Strategies}}}, + shorttitle = {{{GIS}}--{{Multicriteria Evaluation}} with {{Ordered Weighted Averaging}} ({{OWA}})}, + author = {Malczewski, Jacek and Chapman, Terry and Flegel, Cindy and Walters, Dan and Shrubsole, Dan and Healy, Martin A}, + year = {2003}, + month = oct, + journal = {Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space}, + volume = {35}, + number = {10}, + pages = {1769--1784}, + publisher = {SAGE Publications Ltd}, + issn = {0308-518X}, + doi = {10.1068/a35156}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1068/a35156}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {This paper focuses on the parameterized-ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method. OWA is a family of multicriteria evaluation (or combination) rules. The proposed approach uses a parameter that serves as a mechanism for guiding multicriteria evaluation procedures. The parameter is incorporated into a method for obtaining the optimal order weights and for developing a transformation function. The function provides us with a consistent way of modifying the criterion values so that the multicriteria combination procedures can be guided by specifying a single parameter. The parameterized-OWA method has been implemented in a GIS environment as a GIS--OWA module and it has been tested in a real-world situation for developing management strategies in the Cedar Creek watershed in Ontario, Canada. Given a set of evaluation criteria, the problem is to evaluate areas in the watershed for rehabilitation and enhancement projects. Using the GIS--OWA method, a number of alternative strategies for rehabilitation and enhancement projects have been generated and evaluated.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{malison_etal2014BeaversCastor, + title = {Beavers ( {{{\emph{Castor}}}}{\emph{ Canadensis}} ) Influence Habitat for Juvenile Salmon in a Large {{Alaskan}} River Floodplain}, + author = {Malison, Rachel L. and Lorang, Mark S. and Whited, Diane C. and Stanford, Jack A.}, + year = {2014}, + month = jun, + journal = {Freshwater Biology}, + volume = {59}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1229--1246}, + issn = {00465070}, + doi = {10.1111/fwb.12343}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/fwb.12343}, + urldate = {2022-03-04}, + abstract = {Our aim was to determine how beavers affect habitats and food resources for juvenile salmon in the Kwethluk River in western Alaska. 1. Habitat modification by beavers was quantified using 3 years of satellite imagery to assess the amount and spatial distribution of potential juvenile rearing habitat. Macroinvertebrate community composition and juvenile salmon abundance in beaver ponds, spring brooks with and without upstream beaver dams, and main channel shorelines were quantified to determine beaver influence. Presence of beaver dams and time-series measures of water levels were used to assess hydrological connectivity and fish access between the sites and the river as modified by beavers. 2. Of the off-channel aquatic habitat, 87.5\% was altered by beavers damming spring brooks. All beaver-free and beaver-influenced juvenile salmon habitats had similar physical characteristics [by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination], indicating that all are suitable as juvenile salmon rearing habitat. 3. Aquatic macroinvertebrate community composition differed between beaver ponds and spring brooks (by NMDS ordination) with differences driven by larval stoneflies in spring brooks compared to cladocerans, copepods and freshwater clams in beaver ponds. 4. Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon were predominant in all habitat types except late-successional ponds. Total fish species and salmon species richness was 2--39 higher, the proportion of young-of-the-year salmon was over 50\% compared to {$<$}5\%, and densities of juvenile salmon were 5--79 higher in spring brooks and early-successional ponds compared to latesuccessional ponds. 5. Early-successional ponds had high hydrological synchrony values (closely tracking water fluctuations in the main channel), while mid- and late-successional ponds, being farther from the main channel and with more dams blocking flow paths, had lower and highly variable synchrony values. Almost no movement of juvenile salmon occurred past dams at base flow. However, summer and autumn flooding mediated movement past dams, allowing individuals to `escape' or enter early-successional ponds. 6. Beavers reduced habitat connectivity and added variability to macroinvertebrate assemblages within habitats by damming floodplain spring brooks. Nonetheless, juvenile salmon were able to effectively inhabit and move between early-successional ponds and spring brooks in the Kwethluk River, although the presence of beaver dams strongly limited the use of late-successional ponds on the large alluvial river floodplain.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/C8HMHNT7/malison_et_al_2014_beavers_(_icastor_canadensis-i_)_influence_habitat_for_juvenile_salmon_in_a.pdf} +} + +@article{malison_etal2015Juvenilesalmonid, + title = {Juvenile Salmonid Growth, Survival, and Production in a Large River Floodplain Modified by Beavers ({{Castor}} Canadensis)}, + author = {Malison, Rachel L. and Eby, Lisa A. and Stanford, Jack A.}, + year = {2015}, + month = nov, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {72}, + number = {11}, + pages = {1639--1651}, + publisher = {NRC Research Press}, + issn = {0706-652X}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2015-0147}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2015-0147}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + abstract = {Beavers (Castor canadensis) may strongly influence juvenile salmon production by damming spring brooks that are primary rearing habitats on expansive floodplains of large Pacific Rim salmon rivers. We studied three floodplain rearing habitats in the Kwethluk River, Alaska: free-flowing (beaver-free, n = 3) and beaver-influenced (below beaver dams, n = 4) spring brooks and early-successional beaver ponds (n = 4). We analyzed juvenile coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytschwa) salmon movement, survival, densities, and growth using a multistate robust capture--mark--recapture design. Survival (46\% to 80\%) and densities (0.9 fish{$\cdot$}m-2) were highest in beaver-free spring brooks. Ponds had lower salmon densities, producing less biomass per unit area than beaver-influenced or beaver-free spring brooks (1.87 {\textpm} 0.57 g{$\cdot$}m-2 vs. 2.98 {\textpm} 1.22 and 3.23 {\textpm} 0.73 g{$\cdot$}m-2). However, ponds covered 2{\texttimes} greater area than either type of spring brook and therefore produced more salmon biomass at the floodplain scale than either type of spring brook (175 kg vs. 149 kg in beaver-influenced spring brooks and 140 kg in beaver-free spring brooks). We conclude that beaver damming of floodplain spring brooks produces bigger juveniles and more total biomass, but spring brooks produce significantly more, albeit smaller, coho and Chinook juveniles. Thus, the presence of beavers on the floodplain increases habitat variation, which provides a larger range of growth opportunities for juvenile salmon.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J88FIBPD/malison_et_al_2015_juvenile_salmonid_growth,_survival,_and_production_in_a_large_river_floodplain.pdf} +} + +@article{malt_etalStudyDesign, + title = {Study {{Design}} and {{Field Methods}}: {{Guidance}} on {{Coastal Tailed Frog Monitoring}} of {{Run-of-River Hydropower Projects}}}, + author = {Malt, Josh and Courcelles, Danielle and Nathan, Sarah}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7VR9XKP7/Malt et al. - Study Design and Field Methods Guidance on Coasta.pdf} +} + +@misc{ManageAccountProject, + title = {Manage {{Account}} \& {{Project}}}, + url = {https://merginmaps.com/docs/manage/project-advanced/}, + urldate = {2022-06-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UVY4HQEM/project-advanced.html} +} + +@article{ManagingGrazingLandsDrought, + title = {Managing {{Grazing Lands During Drought}}}, + abstract = {When faced with drought consider changing the distribution of your animals.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MK9ZB885/Managing Grazing Lands During Drought.pdf} +} + +@article{martinDFOApproaches, + title = {{{DFO Approaches}} for 2021}, + author = {Martin, Robert}, + pages = {16}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YTCN6MN8/martin_dfo_approaches_for_2021.pdf} +} + +@article{martins_etal2020SpatialEcology, + title = {Spatial {{Ecology}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} in the {{Parsnip Core Area}}}, + author = {Martins, E and O'Connor, B and Bottoms,, J and Clevenger,, I and {Auger-Meth{\'e}}, M and Power,, M and Patterson,, D and Shrimpton, M and Cooke, S}, + year = {2020}, + pages = {58}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=58754}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P3VZT5YQ/martins_et_al_2020_spatial_ecology_of_arctic_grayling_in_the_parsnip_core_area.pdf} +} + +@misc{martins_etal2022SpatialEcology, + title = {Spatial {{Ecology}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} in the {{Parsnip Core Area}}}, + author = {Martins, E and O'Connor, B and Bottoms, J and Clevenger, I and {Auger-Meth{\'e}}, M and Power, M and Patterson, D and Shrimpton, M and {Cooke}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r59889/PEA_F22_F_3388_1664380292568_8FCE11DCCD.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z57YUBK7/martins_et_al_2022_spatial_ecology_of_arctic_grayling_in_the_parsnip_core_area.pdf} +} + +@misc{martins_etal2022SpatialEcologya, + title = {Spatial {{Ecology}} of {{Arctic Grayling}} in the {{Parsnip Core Area}}}, + author = {Martins, E and O'Connor, B and Bottoms, J and Clevenger, I and {Auger-Meth{\'e}}, M and Power, M and Patterson,, D and Shrimpton, M and Cooke}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r59889/PEA_F22_F_3388_1664380292568_8FCE11DCCD.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KZU26QII/martins_et_al_2022_spatial_ecology_of_arctic_grayling_in_the_parsnip_core_area.pdf} +} + +@book{maslin_mckinnev1998IntermittentStreams, + title = {Intermittent {{Streams}} as {{Rearing Habitat}} for {{Sacramento}} {{River Chinook Salmon}}}, + author = {Maslin, Paul E and McKinnev, William R}, + year = {1998}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z97ETIAH/maslin_mckinnev_1998_intermittent_streams_as_rearing_habitat_for_sacramento_river_chinook_salmon.pdf} +} + +@article{mason_knight2001SensitiveHabitat, + title = {Sensitive {{Habitat Inventory Mapping}}}, + author = {Mason, B and Knight, R}, + year = {2001}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2HU85IGT/mason_knight_2001_sensitive_habitat_inventory_mapping.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LQAI85T2/SHIM_Methods.html} +} + +@misc{masseenvironmentalconsultantsltd_2015FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Confirmation Assessments East Kootenay Area Project PD15TFE010}}}, + author = {{Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=49504}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{masseenvironmentalconsultantsltd_2016ElkRiver, + title = {Elk {{River Tributaries EIA}} - 2016; {{CB16-235734}}}, + author = {{Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2016}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=52717}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LRSTRAQ2/CB16_235734_1505700005793_5694834224.xlsx} +} + +@article{matzek_etal2020Increasessoil, + title = {Increases in Soil and Woody Biomass Carbon Stocks as a Result of Rangeland Riparian Restoration}, + author = {Matzek, Virginia and Lewis, David and O'Geen, Anthony and Lennox, Michael and Hogan, Sean D. and Feirer, Shane T. and Eviner, Valerie and Tate, Kenneth W.}, + year = {2020}, + month = jul, + journal = {Carbon Balance and Management}, + volume = {15}, + number = {1}, + pages = {16}, + issn = {1750-0680}, + doi = {10.1186/s13021-020-00150-7}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1186/s13021-020-00150-7}, + urldate = {2024-02-15}, + abstract = {Globally, vegetation in riparian zones is frequently the target of restoration efforts because of its importance in reducing the input of eroded sediment and agricultural nutrient runoff to surface waters. Here we examine the potential of riparian zone restoration to enhance carbon sequestration. We measured soil and woody biomass carbon stocks, as well as soil carbon properties, in a long-term chronosequence of 42 streambank revegetation projects in northern California rangelands, varying in restoration age from 1 to 45~years old.}, + keywords = {California,Carbon storage,Floodplain,Grazing,Mediterranean,Restoration,Riparian buffer,Salix,Sequestration,Soil organic matter}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SS3782TN/matzek_et_al_2020_increases_in_soil_and_woody_biomass_carbon_stocks_as_a_result_of_rangeland.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XXIB9D37/s13021-020-00150-7.html} +} + +@article{matzinger_etal2007Effectsimpoundment, + title = {Effects of Impoundment on Nutrient Availability and Productivity in Lakes}, + author = {Matzinger, Andreas and Pieters, Roger and Ashley, Ken I. and Lawrence, Gregory A. and W{\"U}est, Alfred}, + year = {2007}, + month = nov, + journal = {Limnology and Oceanography}, + volume = {52}, + number = {6}, + pages = {2629--2640}, + issn = {0024-3590, 1939-5590}, + doi = {10.4319/lo.2007.52.6.2629}, + url = {https://aslopubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.4319/lo.2007.52.6.2629}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + abstract = {We investigate the hydraulic alteration and the effect on primary productivity of the Hugh Keenleyside Dam built at the outlet of the Arrow Lakes (British Columbia, Canada) in 1967. Three dam-induced hydraulic changes have been identified as relevant: (1) water level increase, (2) leveling of the seasonal outflow, and (3) subsurface release of water from the dam. The potential effect of these alterations on primary productivity were tested with a numerical model supported by field observations. Hydraulic modifications can reduce lake productivity by up to 40\%, primarily as a result of altered flow path and allowing nutrients to pass through the reservoir without entering the productive zone near the surface. This productivity loss is comparable to the reduction caused by nutrient retention behind dams constructed upstream of the Arrow Lakes Reservoir. The combined productivity loss from both of these two mechanisms is significant and may well be responsible for the dramatic decline of kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) observed in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir in the 1990s.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S7JGWY7I/Matzinger et al. - 2007 - Effects of impoundment on nutrient availability an.pdf} +} + +@article{maxwell2019ChilakoRiver, + title = {Chilako {{River Watershed Recovery Strategy}}}, + author = {Maxwell, Julie}, + year = {2019}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KKT36HUI/Maxwell - 2019 - Chilako River Watershed Recovery Strategy.pdf} +} + +@article{mayerRiparianbuffer, + title = {Riparian Buffer Width, Vegetative Cover, and Nitrogen Removal Effectiveness: {{A}} Review of Current Science and Regulations}, + author = {Mayer, P M}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WJCFU8MA/Mayer - Riparian buffer width, vegetative cover, and nitro.pdf} +} + +@book{mayhood2014Conceptualframework, + title = {Conceptual Framework and Recovery Guidelines for Restoring Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations in {{Alberta}}}, + author = {Mayhood, David}, + year = {2014}, + doi = {10.13140/2.1.1931.6809}, + abstract = {The westslope cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi, is the only true trout native to southwestern Alberta, where it once was widespread and abundant. Status reports have shown the subspecies to be much reduced in abundance, and facing serious threats to its conservation status. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada (COSEWIC) assessed the Alberta population of westslope cutthroat trout as Threatened in 2006, a positive Recovery Potential Assessment was prepared, and the Alberta population of the subspecies is now listed under Canada's Species At Risk Act (SARA). The Government of Alberta has designated westslope cutthroat trout as Threatened under the provincial Wildlife Act, and has prepared a recovery plan for the subspecies. The Government of Canada has prepared a recovery strategy for the subspecies unit in Alberta. This report was prepared on behalf of the Timberwolf Wilderness Society as a supplement to the Alberta Government recovery plan, and as a response to the Government of Canada's request for comment on its proposed recovery strategy. It presents a conceptual framework, which is a comprehensive outline for understanding the problem. It offers detailed guidelines for conserving the remaining populations. Finally, it identifies a variety of information gaps and research needs, with suggestions for dealing with them.} +} + +@book{mayhood2019Comments2019, + title = {Comments on the 2019 {{Proposed Recovery Strategy}} \& {{Action Plan}} for the {{Alberta Population}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}}. {{FWR Technical Note No}}. 2019/07-1}, + author = {Mayhood, David}, + year = {2019}, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.17310.48967}, + abstract = {Overview After a delay of four years, Canada's Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Coast Guard released a proposed recovery strategy and action plan for the Alberta populations of westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) on May 14, 2019. Comments on the document were solicited from the public. Here I comment on this document on behalf of Timberwolf Wilderness Society and FWR Freshwater Research Limited. The comments focus, in no particular order, on {$\bullet$} to what extent the document meets the requirements of the SARA, as itemized above, and {$\bullet$} to what extent the proposals constitute good conservation science that could be expected to recover the species sufficiently so that it reasonably could be delisted. In brief, I make the following main points. {$\bullet$} The document does not meet several of the requirements specified under the Species At Risk Act. In part this may be due to conflating the requirements and purposes of the recovery strategy and the action plan, which the Act contemplates as distinct functions. The document would benefit from separating these two topics into distinct sections and addressing the SARA requirements of each separately. {$\bullet$} The strategic goal of the recovery program skirts the need to actually recover the species, the entire purpose of the Species At Risk Act. The stated goal does not provide a quantitative target against which progress can be measured, and which can be used to determine objectively when the program has been successful. I make several suggestions about how to correct this problem. {$\bullet$} The definition of critical habitat and its geographic identification are internally contradictory, which will make management difficult and enforcement of SARA protections next to impossible. The science, if any, supporting the critical habitat work is not publicly available, so it is not clear whether the decisions regarding critical habitat are defensible. The recognition of critical habitat as extending into the terrestrial realm and upstream to the watershed boundary is a major improvement over the very limited identification of critical habitat given in the previous recovery strategy. Unfortunately, this section goes on to restrict critical habitat only to locations with the attributes listed in a table. None of the locations are actually identified on the maps, leaving critical habitat completely unidentified. The suggested correction is to identify the watershed and stream network above the lowest-elevation location holding pure cutthroats, including the terrestrial and aquatic realms, as critical habitat. {$\bullet$} No actual recovery actions are proposed after as much as six years of planning, but are urgently needed. Critical problem areas are known, as are cost-effective, proven solutions. Existing populations are far too small to survive, and are at very high risk of extirpation even in the short term. They must be enlarged. The only means of enlarging them sufficiently is to provide additional secure habitat free from hybridizing or competing species. Do it, or lose populations critical for successful recovery, one by one.} +} + +@article{mazany-wright_etal2021BulkleyRiver, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed}} ({{Laxyip}} {\textbar} {{Wedzin Kwah}})}, + author = {{Mazany-Wright}, Nick and Norris, Simon M and Noseworthy, Joshua and Rebellato, Betty and Sra, Sarah and Lapointe, Nicolas W R}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {46}, + url = {https://cwf-fcf.org/en/resources/research-papers/Bulkley_WCRP_10-08-2021.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{mazany-wright_etal2021BulkleyRivera, + title = {Bulkley {{River Watershed}} ({{Laxyip}} {\textbar} {{Wedzin Kwah}})}, + author = {{Mazany-Wright}, Nick and Norris, Simon M and Noseworthy, Joshua and Rebellato, Betty and Sra, Sarah and Lapointe, Nicolas W R}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {46}, + url = {https://cwf-fcf.org/en/resources/research-papers/Bulkley_WCRP_10-08-2021.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QDNMBFVR/mazany-wright_et_al_2021_bulkley_river_watershed_(laxyip_wedzin_kwah).pdf} +} + +@misc{mccarthy_fernando20152015Inventory, + title = {2015 {{Inventory}} of {{High Priority Culverted Fish Passage Barriers}} in the {{Lower}}/{{Middle Skeena}}, {{Bulkley}}, {{Morice}}, and {{Babine River Watersheds}}}, + author = {McCarthy, M and Fernando, A}, + year = {2015}, + annotation = {Prepared by: Gitxsan Watershed Authority. Submitted to Skeena Fisheries Commission \& Fisheries \& Oceans Canada}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QV3ATLEV/mccarthy_fernando_2015_2015_inventory_of_high_priority_culverted_fish_passage_barriers_in_the.pdf} +} + +@techreport{mcelhanney2022KitsumkalumRiver, + title = {Kitsumkalum {{River Flood Mitigation Plan}}}, + author = {{McElhanney}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://www.terrace.ca/sites/default/files/docs/Kitsumkalum%20River%20Flood%20Mitigation%20Plan_no%20appendices.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-15}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RMRB5VPD/Kitsumkalum River Flood Mitigation Plan_no appendices.pdf} +} + +@misc{mcelligott1999Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} of the {{Upper Nithi River Watershed WSC}} 180-37400-95200-12500}, + author = {McElligott, Paul}, + year = {1999}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r3377/upper_nithi_1125417112442_6223cd269e9e4ba3b386da9c9e624b89.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-05-05}, + annotation = {Prepared for:\\ +West Fraser Mills\\ +Fraser Lake Sawmill Division\\ +\\ +Prepared by:\\ +Aquatic Resources Ltd.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LRN9HHHR/mcelligott_1999_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_of_the_upper_nithi.pdf} +} + +@article{mcewanSpatialEcology, + title = {The {{Spatial Ecology}} of {{Coastal Tailed Frogs}} in {{Northwestern BC}}}, + author = {McEwan, A}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EKY79DWR/McEwan - The Spatial Ecology of Coastal Tailed Frogs in Nor.pdf} +} + +@article{mcewanSpatialEcologya, + title = {The {{Spatial Ecology}} of {{Coastal Tailed Frogs}} in {{Northwestern BC}}}, + author = {McEwan, A}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/V3BK9IMQ/McEwan - The Spatial Ecology of Coastal Tailed Frogs in Nor.pdf} +} + +@article{mcmahon_etal2007TemperatureCompetition, + title = {Temperature and {{Competition}} between {{Bull Trout}} and {{Brook Trout}}: {{A Test}} of the {{Elevation Refuge Hypothesis}}}, + shorttitle = {Temperature and {{Competition}} between {{Bull Trout}} and {{Brook Trout}}}, + author = {McMahon, Thomas E. and Zale, Alexander V. and Barrows, Frederic T. and Selong, Jason H. and Danehy, Robert J.}, + year = {2007}, + month = sep, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {136}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1313--1326}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T06-217.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/T06-217.1}, + urldate = {2020-10-01}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{mcmillan_etal2015UsingRedd, + title = {Using {{Redd Attributes}}, {{Fry Density}}, and {{Otolith Microchemistry}} to {{Distinguish}} the {{Presence}} of {{Steelhead}} and {{Rainbow Trout}} in the {{Elwha River Dam Removal Project}}}, + author = {McMillan, John R. and Pess, George R. and Liermann, Martin and Morley, Sarah A. and McHenry, Michael L. and Campbell, Lance A. and Quinn, Thomas P.}, + year = {2015}, + month = oct, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {35}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1019--1033}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1080/02755947.2015.1074965}, + url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1080/02755947.2015.1074965}, + urldate = {2024-06-15}, + abstract = {The removal of impassable dams can affect stream fish communities in many ways, including allowing previously separated anadromous and resident life history types to intermingle. Recolonization of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (anadromous Rainbow Trout) into areas that were previously occupied solely by resident conspecifics presents a challenge for monitoring because (1) staging or spawning adults may be difficult to directly observe; and (2) the offspring of the two life history forms are indistinguishable during early life. We evaluated the utility of using redd attributes, fry (age-0) size, and fry density to distinguish the presence of steelhead and Rainbow Trout in the Elwha River, Washington. Redd area and substrate size differed between forms: steelhead redds were significantly larger and had a greater median substrate particle size than Rainbow Trout redds. Fry density was significantly higher in steelhead spawning reaches than in Rainbow Trout reaches during both survey years (2010 and 2011). Steelhead fry tended to be slightly larger than Rainbow Trout fry but not significantly so in either year. Additionally, otolith microchemical analyses indicated that all fry collected from newly colonized habitat were of steelhead maternal origin, and these fish were intermediate in size to the steelhead and Rainbow Trout fry collected prior to dam removal. Thus, fry size may not effectively differentiate parental origin despite the tendency of anadromous parents to be larger and to spawn earlier than residents. Redd attributes and fry density may be useful for evaluating the spatial distributions and relative abundances of steelhead and Rainbow Trout after dam removal. Our results have implications for other dam removal projects and other monitored species.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QWY447ZQ/McMillan et al. - 2015 - Using Redd Attributes, Fry Density, and Otolith Mi.pdf} +} + +@misc{mcphail_carveth1993FieldKey, + title = {Field {{Key}} to the {{Freshwater Fishes}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {McPhail, J.D. and Carveth, R}, + year = {1993}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/field_key_to_freshwater_fishes_of_bc_field_size_water_resistant_version.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X2LCNIWM/mcphail_carveth_1993_field_key_to_the_freshwater_fishes_of_british_columbia.pdf} +} + +@misc{meehan1982APADOC, + title = {{{APA}}\_{{DOC}}\_no.\_670.Pdf}, + author = {Meehan, W}, + year = {1982}, + journal = {Inflence of Forest and Rangleand Management on Anadromous Fish Habitat in Western North America}, + url = {https://www.arlis.org/docs/vol2/hydropower/APA_DOC_no._670.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-03-27} +} + +@misc{merginmaps2023input, + title = {Input}, + author = {{MerginMaps}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/MerginMaps/input}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3DKWLL6B/input.html} +} + +@misc{merginmaps2023mergin, + title = {Mergin}, + author = {{MerginMaps}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/MerginMaps/mergin}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7U9UR6B2/mergin.html} +} + +@article{meyer_etal2007ContributionHeadwater, + title = {The {{Contribution}} of {{Headwater Streams}} to {{Biodiversity}} in {{River Networks1}}: {{The Contribution}} of {{Headwater Streams}} to {{Biodiversity}} in {{River Networks}}}, + shorttitle = {The {{Contribution}} of {{Headwater Streams}} to {{Biodiversity}} in {{River Networks1}}}, + author = {Meyer, Judy L. and Strayer, David L. and Wallace, J. Bruce and Eggert, Sue L. and Helfman, Gene S. and Leonard, Norman E.}, + year = {2007}, + month = jan, + journal = {JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association}, + volume = {43}, + number = {1}, + pages = {86--103}, + issn = {1093474X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00008.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00008.x}, + urldate = {2022-06-09}, + abstract = {The diversity of life in headwater streams (intermittent, first and second order) contributes to the biodiversity of a river system and its riparian network. Small streams differ widely in physical, chemical, and biotic attributes, thus providing habitats for a range of unique species. Headwater species include permanent residents as well as migrants that travel to headwaters at particular seasons or life stages. Movement by migrants links headwaters with downstream and terrestrial ecosystems, as do exports such as emerging and drifting insects. We review the diversity of taxa dependent on headwaters. Exemplifying this diversity are three unmapped headwaters that support over 290 taxa. Even intermittent streams may support rich and distinctive biological communities, in part because of the predictability of dry periods. The influence of headwaters on downstream systems emerges from their attributes that meet unique habitat requirements of residents and migrants by: offering a refuge from temperature and flow extremes, competitors, predators, and introduced species; serving as a source of colonists; providing spawning sites and rearing areas; being a rich source of food; and creating migration corridors throughout the landscape. Degradation and loss of headwaters and their connectivity to ecosystems downstream threaten the biological integrity of entire river networks.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/APQTW328/meyer_et_al_2007_the_contribution_of_headwater_streams_to_biodiversity_in_river_networks1_-_the.pdf} +} + +@misc{meyer2013StageAlluvial, + title = {``{{Stage}} 0'' {{Alluvial Valley Restoration}} on the {{South Fork McKenzie River}} below {{Cougar Dam}}}, + author = {Meyer, Kate}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://pweb.crohms.org/tmt/documents/FPOM/2010/Willamette_Coordination/WFSR/Day%203_0925_Meyer__USFS%20Stage%200_South%20Fork%20McKenzie%20R_WFSR%202019.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Stage 0 example projects}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LCHJRSHF/meyer_2013_“stage_0”_alluvial_valley_restoration_on_the_south_fork_mckenzie_river_below.pdf} +} + +@misc{meyer2018DeerCreek, + title = {Deer {{Creek}}: {{Stage}} 0 {{Alluvial Valley Restoration}} in the {{Western Cascades}} of {{Oregon}}}, + author = {Meyer, Kate}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/biology/nsaec/assets/streamnotes2018-05.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Stage 0 example projects}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GKMK56BF/meyer_2018_deer_creek_-_stage_0_alluvial_valley_restoration_in_the_western_cascades_of.pdf} +} + +@article{MigrationPatternsAdultBullTroutMetoliusRiverLakeBillyChinookOregon, + title = {Migration {{Patterns}} of {{Adult Bull Trout}} in the {{Metolius River}} and {{Lake Billy Chinook}}, {{Oregon}}.}, + url = {https://nrimp.dfw.state.or.us/CRL/Reports/Info/96-1.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-10-29} +} + +@article{millard-martin_etal2022EfficacyVisual, + title = {Efficacy of {{Visual Encounter Surveys}} for {{Coastal Tailed Frog Detection}}}, + author = {{Millard-Martin}, Ben and Todd, Melissa and Johnson, Chris J. and McEwan, Alexandria L.}, + year = {2022}, + month = jun, + journal = {Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management}, + volume = {13}, + number = {1}, + pages = {272--285}, + issn = {1944-687X}, + doi = {10.3996/JFWM-21-011}, + url = {https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfwm/article/13/1/272/476000/Efficacy-of-Visual-Encounter-Surveys-for-Coastal}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Coastal tailed frogs Ascaphus truei inhabit montane streams and forested habitats in the Coast and Cascade mountains from northern California to the Skeena River watershed in northwestern British Columbia. Terrestrial adults and juveniles of this cryptic biphasic species are difficult to survey as they are small, do not vocalize, and may be associated with woody ground structures or subsurface refugia at considerable distances from natal streams. We performed a comparative analysis of the detection rate of postmetamorphic coastal tailed frogs and ecological factors hypothesized to influence detection when conducting visual encounter and pitfall trap surveys. We conducted concurrent surveys in northwestern British Columbia at six sites over similar time periods using both techniques. The average detection rate of visual encounter surveys (mean {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.249, SD {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.702) was greater than that of pitfall sampling (mean {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.138, SD {$\frac{1}{4}$} 0.773) when cool temperatures and high humidity favor aboveground movement during the daytime. Light-touch ground searches of refuge habitats likely enhanced detection during visual surveys. Although the average detection rate was less, pitfall traps provided 24-h sampling and were less affected by the experience of the surveyor and the occurrence of ground cover. In general, variation in seasonal behavior influenced detection regardless of method. The relatively higher cost and fixed nature of pitfall traps should be weighed against the ability to apply more cost-effective visual encounter surveys to a greater number of sites.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FXXGZT5X/Millard-Martin et al. - 2022 - Efficacy of Visual Encounter Surveys for Coastal T.pdf} +} + +@article{millerStrategicSalmon, + title = {Strategic {{Salmon Health Initiative}} Papers}, + author = {Miller, Dr Kristi}, + pages = {5}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{minamoto_etal2012Surveillancefish, + title = {Surveillance of Fish Species Composition Using Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Minamoto, Toshifumi and Yamanaka, Hiroki and Takahara, Teruhiko and Honjo, Mie N. and Kawabata, Zen'ichiro}, + year = {2012}, + month = aug, + journal = {Limnology}, + volume = {13}, + number = {2}, + pages = {193--197}, + issn = {1439-8621, 1439-863X}, + doi = {10.1007/s10201-011-0362-4}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10201-011-0362-4}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YYW5LXEF/Minamoto et al. - 2012 - Surveillance of fish species composition using env.pdf} +} + +@article{minamoto_etal2017EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} Reflects Spatial and Temporal Jellyfish Distribution}, + author = {Minamoto, Toshifumi and Fukuda, Miho and Katsuhara, Koki R. and Fujiwara, Ayaka and Hidaka, Shunsuke and Yamamoto, Satoshi and Takahashi, Kohji and Masuda, Reiji}, + editor = {Doi, Hideyuki}, + year = {2017}, + month = feb, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {12}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e0173073}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0173073}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0173073}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Recent development of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis allows us to survey underwater macro-organisms easily and cost effectively; however, there have been no reports on eDNA detection or quantification for jellyfish. Here we present the first report on an eDNA analysis of marine jellyfish using Japanese sea nettle (Chrysaora pacifica) as a model species by combining a tank experiment with spatial and temporal distribution surveys. We performed a tank experiment monitoring eDNA concentrations over a range of time intervals after the introduction of jellyfish, and quantified the eDNA concentrations by quantitative real-time PCR. The eDNA concentrations peaked twice, at 1 and 8 h after the beginning of the experiment, and became stable within 48 h. The estimated release rates of the eDNA in jellyfish were higher than the rates previously reported in fishes. A spatial survey was conducted in June 2014 in Maizuru Bay, Kyoto, in which eDNA was collected from surface water and sea floor water samples at 47 sites while jellyfish near surface water were counted on board by eye. The distribution of eDNA in the bay corresponded with the distribution of jellyfish inferred by visual observation, and the eDNA concentration in the bay was {\textasciitilde}13 times higher on the sea floor than on the surface. The temporal survey was conducted from March to November 2014, in which jellyfish were counted by eye every morning while eDNA was collected from surface and sea floor water at three sampling points along a pier once a month. The temporal fluctuation pattern of the eDNA concentrations and the numbers of observed individuals were well correlated. We conclude that an eDNA approach is applicable for jellyfish species in the ocean.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IYYGQ3AD/Minamoto et al. - 2017 - Environmental DNA reflects spatial and temporal je.pdf} +} + +@misc{MinistersDecisionFinalConditionspdf, + title = {Ministers {{Decision}} and {{Final Conditions}}.Pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DGBA6FZZ/ministers_decision_and_final_conditions.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofenergy2020EastKootenay, + title = {The {{East Kootenay Coalfields}} - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Energy}, Mines {and} Low Carbon Innovation}, + year = {2020}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/mineral-exploration-mining/british-columbia-geological-survey/geology/coalfields/eastkootenay}, + urldate = {2020-12-31}, + abstract = {Details of coalfields in BC}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2019-05-09}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/76YYLV23/eastkootenay.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofenvironment2001SiteCard, + title = {Site {{Card FISS}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/scf.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-07-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7W7IW7RG/ministry_of_environment_2001_site_card_fiss.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BFM4PF4I/ministry_of_environment_2001_site_card_fiss.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FEJRDH9D/ministry_of_environment_2001_site_card_fiss.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofenvironment2001SiteCarda, + title = {Site {{Card Front}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/scf.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-07-05}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RBWJQ8KV/ministry_of_environment_2001_site_card_front.pdf} +} + +@article{ministryofenvironment2008Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}}: {{Site Card Field Guide}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2008}, + pages = {41}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/sitecard20.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MPCCFG2S/ministry_of_environment_2008_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_-_site_card_field_guide.pdf} +} + +@article{ministryofenvironment2008Reconnaissance20a, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}}: {{Site Card Field Guide}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2008}, + pages = {41}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y7X65TSR/ministry_of_environment_2008_reconnaissance_(1_-20,000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_-_site_card_field_guide.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofenvironment2011Fieldassessment, + title = {Field Assessment for Determining Fish Passage Status of Closed Bottom Structures}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/field-assessment-for-determining-fish-passage-status-of-cbs.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-25}, + organization = {BC Ministry of Environment (MoE)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K4GZJX8Z/ministry_of_environment_2011_field_assessment_for_determining_fish_passage_status_of_closed_bottom_structures.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofenvironmentlandsandparks1998SpeciesInventory, + title = {Species {{Inventory Fundamentals}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks}}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/spifml20.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-17}, + annotation = {Version 2.0 Standards for Components of British Columbia's Biodiversity No. 1\\ +\\ +Prepared by\\ +Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks\\ +Resources Inventory Branch (MELP) for the Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force\\ +Resources Inventory Committee}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PLIYH4QT/ministry_of_environment,_lands_and_parks_1998_species_inventory_fundamentals.pdf} +} + +@book{ministryofforests1998FishstreamIdentification, + title = {Fish-Stream {{Identification Guidebook}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + year = {1998}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + number = {45}, + publisher = {British Columbia Ministry of Forests Research Program}, + address = {Victoria, BC}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FFIP/BCMoF1998.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-11}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-3663-8 978-0-7726-3664-5}, + langid = {english}, + lccn = {SD397.P585 S55 1998}, + keywords = {British Columbia,Calamagrostis,Control,Effect of grazing on,Growth,Lodgepole pine,Plants,Range management,Sitka alder,Weed control,Weeds,Willows} +} + +@article{ministryofforests1999Coastalwatershed, + title = {Coastal Watershed Assessment Procedure Guidebook ({{CWAP}}); {{Interior}} Watershed Assessment Procedure Guidebook ({{IWAP}}). 2nd Ed., {{Ver}}. 2.1}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + year = {1999}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GZK6DGA7/ministry_of_forests_1999_coastal_watershed_assessment_procedure_guidebook_(cwap);_interior_watershed.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofforests2020ElkValley, + title = {Elk {{Valley Cumulative Effects Management Framework}} - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}, Lands}, + year = {2020}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects-framework/regional-assessments/kootenay-boundary/elk-valley-cemf}, + urldate = {2020-12-31}, + abstract = {Overview of the Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management Framework}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2020-07-09}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WGHJUDUE/elk-valley-cemf.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofforestsChanginghow, + title = {Changing How We Care for Old Growth Forests}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/old-growth-forests/deferral-areas}, + urldate = {2023-07-13}, + abstract = {We are taking steps to fundamentally transform the way we manage our forest lands and resources, including millions of hectares of ancient forests, by moving forward with First Nations.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T6BZHVWU/deferral-areas.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofforestsChanginghowa, + title = {Changing How We Care for Old Growth Forests}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/old-growth-forests/deferral-areas}, + urldate = {2023-07-13}, + abstract = {We are taking steps to fundamentally transform the way we manage our forest lands and resources, including millions of hectares of ancient forests, by moving forward with First Nations.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2022-04-01}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WIJDCLUG/deferral-areas.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofforestslandsnaturalresourceoperationsandruraldevelopment2019RiparianAreas, + title = {Riparian {{Areas Protection Regulation Technical Assessment Manual}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/riparian-areas-regulations/rapr_assessment_methods_manual_for_web_11.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/F9LA6BYG/ministry_of_forests,_lands,_natural_resource_operations_and_rural_development_2019_riparian_areas_protection_regulation_technical_assessment_manual.pdf} +} + +@misc{ministryofforestsRiparianAreas, + title = {Riparian {{Areas Protection Regulation}} ({{RAPR}}) - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/plants-animals-ecosystems/fish/aquatic-habitat-management/riparian-areas-regulation}, + urldate = {2024-03-20}, + abstract = {The Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) was enacted under Section 12 of the Fish Protection Act in July 2004. It calls on local governments to protect riparian areas during residential, commercial, and industrial development.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2022-06-14}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PP42JI2V/riparian-areas-regulation.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofforestsRiparianmanagement, + title = {Riparian Management Area Guidebook - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Forests}}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/silviculture/silvicultural-systems/silviculture-guidebooks/riparian-management-area-guidebook}, + urldate = {2024-02-16}, + abstract = {Riparian Management Area Guidebook}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2024-01-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BXVJA2W9/riparian-management-area-guidebook.html} +} + +@misc{ministryofwaterlandandresourcestewardship2023ProvincialObstacles, + title = {Provincial {{Obstacles}} to {{Fish Passage}}}, + author = {{Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship}}, + year = {2023}, + journal = {Data Catalogue}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage}, + urldate = {2023-02-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LH67DVEN/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage.html} +} + +@techreport{missinka_sens, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Missinka Watershed in Parsnp Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS14FWH-006}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2013}, + institution = {{P. Beaudry and Associates Ltd.}}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51631} +} + +@misc{mitchell1997RiparianInStream, + title = {Riparian and {{In-Stream Assessment}} of the {{Bulkley River System}}: {{An Examination}} and {{Prioritization}} of {{Impacts}} on the {{Tributaries}} to the {{Bulkley River Mainstem}}}, + author = {Mitchell, Sean}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/0064b105-8cc5-4710-b3de-50f2aff5106f/resource/77bbf18d-e0c5-4fdb-a5ae-3ff61373768d/download/riparian_in-stream_assessment_bulkley_river_system.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EDWDTDV7/mitchell_1997_riparian_and_in-stream_assessment_of_the_bulkley_river_system_-_an_examination.pdf} +} + +@article{mitchellBulkleyTSA, + title = {Bulkley {{TSA Critical Stream Reach Inventory}}}, + author = {Mitchell, Bob}, + pages = {67}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{miyakoshi_etal2003SizeDependentSmolt, + title = {Size-{{Dependent Smolt Yield}} and {{Overwinter Survival}} of {{Hatchery-Reared Masu Salmon Released}} in {{Fall}}}, + author = {Miyakoshi, Yasuyuki and Hayano, Hirofumi and Fujiwara, Makoto and Nagata, Mitsuhiro and Irvine, James}, + year = {2003}, + month = feb, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {23}, + pages = {264--269}, + doi = {10.1577/1548-8675(2003)023<0264:SDSYAO>2.0.CO;2}, + abstract = {To increase commercial marine catches of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in northern Japan, hatchery-reared juveniles are stocked at several life stages. To minimize mortality from freshwater angling, fish are often stocked in the fall when the fishing season is almost finished. In the fall of 1994--1998, we experimentally stocked hatchery-reared age-0 masu salmon (mean weights, 4.1--13.9 g) in the Masuhoro River of northern Japan. Mark--recapture experiments were conducted to estimate the numbers of hatchery-origin masu salmon smolts in the spring. Numbers of masu salmon parr in the river were estimated in July 1998--1999 when the smolt runs were almost finished. The proportion of fish smolting at age 1 (2.2--15.7\%) was positively correlated with mean weight at release. Overwinter survival (9.0--17.0\%) was also correlated with fish weight at release. Our study showed that size at release is an important factor when stocking age-0 masu salmon in the fall to maximize the number of smolts produced and thereby support marine fisheries.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PHE2MYTX/miyakoshi_et_al_2003_size-dependent_smolt_yield_and_overwinter_survival_of_hatchery-reared_masu.pdf} +} + +@article{moe2011, + title = {Field Assessment for Determining Fish Passage Status of Closed Bottom Structures}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/field-assessment-for-determining-fish-passage-status-of-cbs.pdf} +} + +@misc{moe2011Fieldassessment, + title = {Field Assessment for Determining Fish Passage Status of Closed Bottom Structures}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/field-assessment-for-determining-fish-passage-status-of-cbs.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-25}, + organization = {BC Ministry of Environment (MoE)} +} + +@misc{moe2020, + title = {Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage - Data Catalogue}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage} +} + +@misc{moe2020FishInventories, + title = {Fish {{Inventories Data Queries}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/fidq/searchSingleWaterbody.do}, + urldate = {2020-12-16}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YYCCENJ3/searchSingleWaterbody.html} +} + +@misc{moe2020StreamInventory, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Sample Sites}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/stream-inventory-sample-sites}, + urldate = {2024-06-13}, + abstract = {This spatial layer displays stream inventory sample sites that have had full or partial surveys, and contains measurements or indicator information of the data collected at each survey site on each date.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{moe2020StreamInventorya, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Sample Sites}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/stream-inventory-sample-sites}, + urldate = {2020-06-18}, + abstract = {This spatial layer displays stream inventory sample sites that have had full or partial surveys, and contains measurements or indicator information of the data collected at each survey site on each date.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6APQ637U/stream-inventory-sample-sites.html} +} + +@misc{moe2021PSCISAssessments, + title = {{{PSCIS Assessments}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/pscis-assessments}, + urldate = {2021-02-24}, + abstract = {Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to determine whether fish are able to migrate through the structure.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management (MoE)}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{moe2021PSCISRemediation, + title = {{{PSCIS Remediation}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/pscis-remediation}, + urldate = {2021-02-24}, + abstract = {Points where a barrier to fish passage has been rectified or remediated. This is the third phase in the process and can only follow after 1. An assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure and has found that structure to be a barrier to fish passage. 2. The site has been identified as a priority for remediation based on a variety of potential criteria: quality of habitat upstream, quantity of fish habitat upstream, number and importance of species present, operational plans for the road, cost of the proposed remediation, etc. 3. a design has been created for the site}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management (MoE)}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/62FULRSS/pscis-remediation.html} +} + +@misc{moe2023IndianReserves, + title = {Indian {{Reserves}} - {{Administrative Boundaries}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/indian-reserves-administrative-boundaries/resource/069ede78-fabc-4d02-96db-c7a17a3f8961}, + urldate = {2023-05-02}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management (MoE)}, + annotation = {BC Geographic Warehouse Custom Download - Data Catalogue}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A2DN5ZGC/069ede78-fabc-4d02-96db-c7a17a3f8961.html} +} + +@misc{moe2023KnownBC, + title = {Known {{BC Fish Observations}} and {{BC Fish Distributions}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/known-bc-fish-observations-and-bc-fish-distributions}, + urldate = {2023-01-12}, + annotation = {Ministry of Environment - Knowledge Management}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q6L9IGCY/known-bc-fish-observations-and-bc-fish-distributions.html} +} + +@misc{moe2023ProvincialObstacles, + title = {Provincial {{Obstacles}} to {{Fish Passage}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + abstract = {The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets. Records from the following datasets have been included: The Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS); the Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program (FHIIP); the Field Data Information System (FDIS) and the Resource Analysis Branch (RAB) inventory studies. The main intent of this layer is to have a single layer of all known obstacles to fish passage. It is important to note that not all waterbodies have been studied and, not all lengths of many waterbodies have been studied so there are a very high number of obstacles in the real world that are not recorded in this dataset. This layer simply reports the obstacles to fish that are known. It is also very important to note that we are acknowledging these features as obstacles to fish passage versus barriers to fish passage. This is because an obstacle may be a barrier at one time of year but not at other times depending on the volume of water present and also, what is a barrier to one species of fish is not necessarily a barrier to another species.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HGLL6PG2/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage.html} +} + +@misc{moe2023PSCISAssessments, + title = {{{PSCIS Assessments}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/pscis-assessments}, + urldate = {2023-01-06}, + abstract = {Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to determine whether fish are able to migrate through the structure.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment - Knowledge Management (MoE)}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZCST8Y34/pscis-assessments.html} +} + +@misc{moe2023PSCISHabitat, + title = {{{PSCIS Habitat Confirmations}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/pscis-habitat-confirmations}, + urldate = {2023-01-06}, + abstract = {Points where an evaluation of the fish habitat up and downstream of a road crossing have been carried out. Phase 2 of 4 in the Fish Passage Workflow, Habitat Confirmations are done at sites where the crossing structure is known to be a failure. The Habitat Confirmation is performed to ensure that the site in question is a good candidate for moving on to the Design (Phase 3) and Remediation (Phase 4) stages of the workflow. The Habitat Confirmation confirms the crossing is a barrier, places the crossing in context with respect to other roads and crossings in the watershed and also quantifies and qualifies how much habitat will be gained if the site is fixed.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management (MoE)}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BXBK45GW/pscis-habitat-confirmations.html} +} + +@misc{moe2024BritishColumbia, + title = {The {{British Columbia Field Sampling Manual}} -- {{Part E1}} -- {{Surface Water}}}, + author = {{moE}}, + year = {2024}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (MoE)}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EK2VVU5U/2024 - The British Columbia Field Sampling Manual – Part .pdf} +} + +@misc{moe2024FishInventories, + title = {Fish {{Inventories Data Queries}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/fidq/searchSingleWaterbody.do}, + urldate = {2020-12-16} +} + +@misc{moe2024ForestTenure, + title = {Forest {{Tenure Road Section Lines}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/forest-tenure-road-section-lines}, + urldate = {2020-12-19}, + abstract = {This is a spatial layer that reflects operational activities for road sections contained within a road permit. The Forest Tenures Section (FTS) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of digital Forest Atlas files for the province of British Columbia encompassing Forest and Range Act Tenures. It also supports the forest resources programs delivered by MoFR}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{moe2024KnownBC, + title = {Known {{BC Fish Observations}} and {{BC Fish Distributions}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/known-bc-fish-observations-and-bc-fish-distributions}, + urldate = {2023-01-12}, + annotation = {Ministry of Environment - Knowledge Management} +} + +@misc{moe2024ProvincialObstacles, + title = {Provincial {{Obstacles}} to {{Fish Passage}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + abstract = {The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets. Records from the following datasets have been included: The Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS); the Fish Habitat Inventory and Information Program (FHIIP); the Field Data Information System (FDIS) and the Resource Analysis Branch (RAB) inventory studies. The main intent of this layer is to have a single layer of all known obstacles to fish passage. It is important to note that not all waterbodies have been studied and, not all lengths of many waterbodies have been studied so there are a very high number of obstacles in the real world that are not recorded in this dataset. This layer simply reports the obstacles to fish that are known. It is also very important to note that we are acknowledging these features as obstacles to fish passage versus barriers to fish passage. This is because an obstacle may be a barrier at one time of year but not at other times depending on the volume of water present and also, what is a barrier to one species of fish is not necessarily a barrier to another species.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{moe2024StreamInventory, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Sample Sites}} - {{Datasets}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/stream-inventory-sample-sites}, + urldate = {2024-11-07}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZDMAEWK7/stream-inventory-sample-sites.html} +} + +@misc{moe2024StreamInventorya, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Sample Sites}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/stream-inventory-sample-sites}, + urldate = {2024-11-07}, + abstract = {This spatial layer displays stream inventory sample sites that have had full or partial surveys, and contains measurements or indicator information of the data collected at each survey site on each date.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{moeStreamInventorySample, + title = {Stream {{Inventory Sample Sites}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/stream-inventory-sample-sites}, + abstract = {This spatial layer displays stream inventory sample sites that have had full or partial surveys, and contains measurements or indicator information of the data collected at each survey site on each date.}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{MonitoringGrazingLands, + title = {Monitoring {{Grazing Lands}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E2GRK7TD/Monitoring Grazing Lands.pdf} +} + +@article{moore_etal2014Lifehistorydiversity, + title = {Life-History Diversity and Its Importance to Population Stability and Persistence of a Migratory Fish: Steelhead in Two Large {{North American}} Watersheds}, + shorttitle = {Life-History Diversity and Its Importance to Population Stability and Persistence of a Migratory Fish}, + author = {Moore, Jonathan W. and Yeakel, Justin D. and Peard, Dean and Lough, Jeff and Beere, Mark}, + editor = {Genner, Martin}, + year = {2014}, + month = sep, + journal = {Journal of Animal Ecology}, + volume = {83}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1035--1046}, + issn = {00218790}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2656.12212}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/1365-2656.12212}, + urldate = {2020-07-16}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{moore_schindler2022Gettingahead, + title = {Getting Ahead of Climate Change for Ecological Adaptation and Resilience}, + author = {Moore, Jonathan W. and Schindler, Daniel E.}, + year = {2022}, + month = jun, + journal = {Science}, + volume = {376}, + number = {6600}, + pages = {1421--1426}, + publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, + doi = {10.1126/science.abo3608}, + url = {https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abo3608}, + urldate = {2024-06-25}, + abstract = {Changing the course of Earth's climate is increasingly urgent, but there is also a concurrent need for proactive stewardship of the adaptive capacity of the rapidly changing biosphere. Adaptation ultimately underpins the resilience of Earth's complex systems; species, communities, and ecosystems shift and evolve over time. Yet oncoming changes will seriously challenge current natural resource management and conservation efforts. We review forward-looking conservation approaches to enable adaptation and resilience. Key opportunities include expanding beyond preservationist approaches by including those that enable and facilitate ecological change. Conservation should not just focus on climate change losers but also on proactive management of emerging opportunities. Local efforts to conserve biodiversity and generate habitat complexity will also help to maintain a diversity of future options for an unpredictable future.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6EMQ27RT/Moore and Schindler - 2022 - Getting ahead of climate change for ecological ada.pdf} +} + +@misc{MoricWatershedMonitoringTrustSummary, + title = {Moric {{Watershed Monitoring Trust}} - {{Summary}}}, + url = {https://poliswaterproject.org/files/2019/02/WebinarSummary_FINAL.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-21} +} + +@article{muhlfeld_etal2012ASSESSINGIMPACTS, + title = {{{ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF RIVER REGULATION ON NATIVE BULL TROUT}} ( {{{\emph{SALVELINUS CONFLUENTUS}}}} ) {{AND WESTSLOPE CUTTHROAT TROUT}} ( {{{\emph{ONCORHYNCHUS CLARKII LEWISI}}}} ) {{HABITATS IN THE UPPER FLATHEAD RIVER}}, {{MONTANA}}, {{USA}}: {{DAM IMPACTS ON NATIVE SALMONIDS}}}, + shorttitle = {{{ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF RIVER REGULATION ON NATIVE BULL TROUT}} ( {{{\emph{SALVELINUS CONFLUENTUS}}}} ) {{AND WESTSLOPE CUTTHROAT TROUT}} ( {{{\emph{ONCORHYNCHUS CLARKII LEWISI}}}} ) {{HABITATS IN THE UPPER FLATHEAD RIVER}}, {{MONTANA}}, {{USA}}}, + author = {Muhlfeld, C. C. and Jones, L. and Kotter, D. and Miller, W. J. and Geise, D. and Tohtz, J. and Marotz, B.}, + year = {2012}, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {28}, + number = {7}, + pages = {940--959}, + issn = {15351459}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.1494}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/rra.1494}, + urldate = {2020-10-01}, + abstract = {Hungry Horse Dam on the South Fork Flathead River, Montana, USA, has modified the natural flow regimen for power generation, flood risk management and flow augmentation for anadromous fish recovery in the Columbia River. Concern over the detrimental effects of dam operations on native resident fishes prompted research to quantify the impacts of alternative flow management strategies on threatened bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) habitats. Seasonal and life-stage specific habitat suitability criteria were combined with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic habitat model to assess discharge effects on usable habitats. Telemetry data used to construct seasonal habitat suitability curves revealed that subadult (fish that emigrated from natal streams to the river system) bull trout move to shallow, low-velocity shoreline areas at night, which are most sensitive to flow fluctuations. Habitat time series analyses comparing the natural flow regimen (predam, 1929--1952) with five postdam flow management strategies (1953--2008) show that the natural flow conditions optimize the critical bull trout habitats and that the current strategy best resembles the natural flow conditions of all postdam periods. Late summer flow augmentation for anadromous fish recovery, however, produces higher discharges than predam conditions, which reduces the availability of usable habitat during this critical growing season. Our results suggest that past flow management policies that created sporadic streamflow fluctuations were likely detrimental to resident salmonids and that natural flow management strategies will likely improve the chances of protecting key ecosystem processes and help to maintain and restore threatened bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the upper Columbia River Basin. Copyright {\copyright} 2011 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{muhlfeld_etal2016GeneticStatus, + title = {Genetic {{Status}} and {{Conservation}} of {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} in {{Glacier National Park}}}, + author = {Muhlfeld, Clint and D'Angelo, Vincent and Downs, Christopher and Powell, John and Amish, Stephen and Luikart, Gordon and Kovach, Ryan and Boyer, Matthew and Kalinowski, Steven}, + year = {2016}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {145}, + pages = {1093--1109}, + doi = {10.1080/00028487.2016.1173587}, + abstract = {Invasive hybridization is one of the greatest threats to the persistence of Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi. Large protected areas, where nonhybridized populations are interconnected and express historical life history and genetic diversity, provide some of the last ecological and evolutionary strongholds for conserving this species. Here, we describe the genetic status and distribution of Westslope Cutthroat Trout throughout Glacier National Park, Montana. Admixture between Westslope Cutthroat Trout and introduced Rainbow Trout O. mykiss and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout O. clarkii bouvieri was estimated by genotyping 1,622 fish collected at 115 sites distributed throughout the Columbia, Missouri, and South Saskatchewan River drainages. Currently, Westslope Cutthroat Trout occupy an estimated 1,465 km of stream habitat and 45 lakes (9,218 ha) in Glacier National Park. There was no evidence of introgression in samples from 32 sites along 587 km of stream length (40\% of the stream kilometers currently occupied) and 17 lakes (2,555 ha; 46\% of the lake area currently occupied). However, nearly all (97\%) of the streams and lakes that were occupied by nonhybridized populations occurred in the Columbia River basin. Based on genetic status (nonnative genetic admixture {$\leq$} 10\%), 36 Westslope Cutthroat Trout populations occupying 821 km of stream and 5,482 ha of lakes were identified as ``conservation populations.'' Most of the conservation populations (N = 27; 736 km of stream habitat) occurred in the Columbia River basin, whereas only a few geographically restricted populations were found in the South Saskatchewan River (N = 7; 55 km) and Missouri River (N = 2; 30 km) basins. Westslope Cutthroat Trout appear to be at imminent risk of genomic extinction in the South Saskatchewan and Missouri River basins, whereas populations in the Columbia River basin are widely distributed and conservation efforts are actively addressing threats from hybridization and other stressors. A diverse set of pro-active management approaches will be required to conserve, protect, and restore Westslope Cutthroat Trout populations in Glacier National Park throughout the 21st century. Received September 10, 2015; accepted March 30, 2016 Published online August 12, 2016} +} + +@article{munir_westbrook2021ThermalCharacteristics, + title = {Thermal {{Characteristics}} of a {{Beaver Dam Analogues Equipped Spring-Fed Creek}} in the {{Canadian Rockies}}}, + author = {Munir, Tariq M. and Westbrook, Cherie J.}, + year = {2021}, + month = jan, + journal = {Water}, + volume = {13}, + number = {7}, + pages = {990}, + publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, + issn = {2073-4441}, + doi = {10.3390/w13070990}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/7/990}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + abstract = {Beaver dam analogues (BDAs) are becoming an increasingly popular stream restoration technique. One ecological function BDAs might help restore is suitable habitat conditions for fish in streams where loss of beaver dams and channel incision has led to their decline. A critical physical characteristic for fish is stream temperature. We examined the thermal regime of a spring-fed Canadian Rocky Mountain stream in relation to different numbers of BDAs installed in series over three study periods (April--October; 2017--2019). While all BDA configurations significantly influenced stream and pond temperatures, single- and double-configuration BDAs incrementally increased stream temperatures. Single and double configuration BDAs warmed the downstream waters of mean maxima of 9.9, 9.3 {$^\circ$}C by respective mean maxima of 0.9 and 1.0 {$^\circ$}C. Higher pond and stream temperatures occurred when ponding and discharge decreased, and vice versa. In 2019, variation in stream temperature below double-configuration BDAs was lower than the single-configuration BDA. The triple-configuration BDA, in contrast, cooled the stream, although the mean maximum stream temperature was the highest below these structures. Ponding upstream of BDAs increased discharge and resulted in cooling of the stream. Rainfall events sharply and transiently reduced stream temperatures, leading to a three-way interaction between BDA configuration, rainfall and stream discharge as factors co-influencing the stream temperature regime. Our results have implications for optimal growth of regionally important and threatened bull and cutthroat trout fish species.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {BDA,bull trout,cutthroat trout,ecohydrology,stream restoration,stream temperature}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2Z2QWXUH/munir_westbrook_2021_thermal_characteristics_of_a_beaver_dam_analogues_equipped_spring-fed_creek_in.pdf} +} + +@misc{MurrayCreek2022, + title = {Murray {{Creek}}}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society}, + url = {https://www.newssociety.org/project-years/p2022/murray-creek-3}, + urldate = {2024-02-21}, + abstract = {Murray Creek Background angular rock, roughly the size of cobbles (64mm -- 256mm at intermediate axis), were placed along a section of eroding bank of Murray...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P5RQTAHN/murray-creek-3.html} +} + +@misc{MWMTAnnualMonitoringPlan2018DRAFTpdf, + title = {{{MWMT Annual Monitoring Plan}} 2018 {{DRAFT}}.Pdf}, + url = {http://moricetrust.ca/reports/MWMT%20Annual%20Monitoring%20Plan%202018%20DRAFT.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-16} +} + +@misc{NAITRestorationTechnicalResources, + title = {{{NAIT}} - {{Restoration Technical Resources}}}, + journal = {NAIT.ca/Industry}, + url = {https://www.nait.ca/applied-research/technical-resources}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + abstract = {Explore technical notes, videos, field guides, publications and tools from NAIT's Applied Research Centres}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/23V72GJN/technical-resources.html} +} + +@misc{napper2006BurnedArea, + title = {Burned {{Area Emergency Response Treatments Catalog}}}, + author = {Napper, C}, + year = {2006}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/eng/pubs/pdf/BAERCAT/lo_res/06251801L.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-30}, + annotation = {USDA Forest Service\\ +San Dimas Technology \&\\ +Development Center\\ +San Dimas, California}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9LPSULB3/napper_2006_burned_area_emergency_response_treatments_catalog.pdf} +} + +@article{nash_etal2021GreatExpectations, + title = {Great {{Expectations}}: {{Deconstructing}} the {{Process Pathways Underlying Beaver-Related Restoration}}}, + shorttitle = {Great {{Expectations}}}, + author = {Nash, Caroline S and Grant, Gordon E and Charnley, Susan and Dunham, jason B and Gosnell, Hannah and Hausner, Mark B and Pilliod, David S and Taylor, Jimmy D}, + year = {2021}, + month = mar, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {71}, + number = {3}, + pages = {249--267}, + issn = {0006-3568, 1525-3244}, + doi = {10.1093/biosci/biaa165}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/71/3/249/6104136}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + abstract = {Beaver-related restoration is a process-based strategy that seeks to address wide-ranging ecological objectives by reestablishing dam building in degraded stream systems. Although the beaver-related restoration has broad appeal, especially in water-limited systems, its effectiveness is not yet well documented. In this article, we present a process-expectation framework that links beaver-related restoration tactics to commonly expected outcomes by identifying the set of process pathways that must occur to achieve those expected outcomes. We explore the contingency implicit within this framework using social and biophysical data from project and research sites. This analysis reveals that outcomes are often predicated on complex process pathways over which humans have limited control. Consequently, expectations often shift through the course of projects, suggesting that a more useful paradigm for evaluating process-based restoration would be to identify relevant processes and to rigorously document how projects do or do not proceed along expected process pathways using both quantitative and qualitative data.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TZDNV2KS/nash_et_al_2021_great_expectations_-_deconstructing_the_process_pathways_underlying.pdf} +} + +@article{nathan_etal2014QuantifyingEnvironmental, + title = {Quantifying {{Environmental DNA Signals}} for {{Aquatic Invasive Species Across Multiple Detection Platforms}}}, + author = {Nathan, Lucas M. and Simmons, Megan and Wegleitner, Benjamin J. and Jerde, Christopher L. and Mahon, Andrew R.}, + year = {2014}, + month = nov, + journal = {Environmental Science \& Technology}, + volume = {48}, + number = {21}, + pages = {12800--12806}, + issn = {0013-936X, 1520-5851}, + doi = {10.1021/es5034052}, + url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es5034052}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + copyright = {http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/authorchoice\_termsofuse.html}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KME6SFJU/Nathan et al. - 2014 - Quantifying Environmental DNA Signals for Aquatic .pdf} +} + +@article{nationSubjectBriefing, + title = {Subject: {{Briefing Note}} -- {{Update}} and {{Check-in}} for {{Blackwater Project Fisheries}}}, + author = {Nation, Lhoosk'uz Den{\'e}}, + pages = {4}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TWHB3N7W/nation_subject_-_briefing_note_–_update_and_check-in_for_blackwater_project_fisheries.pdf} +} + +@misc{ncfdc1998MidBulkleyDetaileda, + title = {Mid-{{Bulkley Detailed Fish Habitat}}/{{Riparian}}/{{Channel Assessment}} for {{Watershed Restoration}}}, + author = {{NCFDC}}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=8931}, + urldate = {2020-07-29}, + organization = {Nadina Community Futures Development Corporation (NCFDC)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/33222K2G/ncfdc_1998_mid-bulkley_detailed_fish_habitat-riparian-channel_assessment_for_watershed.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AGU7Y3I4/ncfdc_1998_mid-bulkley_detailed_fish_habitat-riparian-channel_assessment_for_watershed.pdf} +} + +@misc{nechakoenvironmentandwaterstewardshipsocietyMurrayCreek, + title = {Murray {{Creek}}}, + author = {{Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society}}, + journal = {Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society}, + url = {https://www.newssociety.org/project-years/2020-and-prior/murray-creek-2/murray-creek}, + urldate = {2024-02-21}, + abstract = {Murray Creek Background Murray Creek is situated on the north bank of the Nechako River, and is one of the larger tributaries to the river. The Murray Creek...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MGMKU9QA/murray-creek.html} +} + +@misc{NechakoFisheriesConservationProgramHome, + title = {Nechako {{Fisheries Conservation Program}} {\textbar} {{Home}}}, + journal = {Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program}, + url = {https://www.nfcp.org/}, + urldate = {2021-11-22}, + abstract = {The Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program (NFCP) was established to implement the 1987 Settlement Agreement between Canada, B.C. and Alcan (now Rio Tinto). The Agreement anticipated modified flows in the Nechako River associated with the Kemano Completion Project (KCP) and the construction of a Kenney Dam Release Facility (KDRF). The Program has evolved significantly over the past thirty-three years and this updated NFCP web-site summarizes the evolution of the Program between 1988 through to the present.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{nechakowatershedroundtable2021StrategicPlan, + title = {Strategic {{Plan}} 2022-2026}, + author = {{Nechako Watershed Roundtable}}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://nechakowatershed.ca/uploads/_strategic_plan/2021_NWR_Strategic_Plan_2.0-web.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SLBDZYAG/nechako_watershed_roundtable_2021_strategic_plan_2022-2026.pdf} +} + +@misc{nechakowatershedroundtableWatershed, + title = {About the {{Watershed}}}, + author = {{Nechako Watershed Roundtable}}, + journal = {Nechako Watershed Roundtable}, + url = {https://nechakowatershed.ca/about/about-the-watershed-watershed}, + urldate = {2024-04-03}, + abstract = {How big is the Watershed? The Nechako Watershed is a roughly 47,200 km{$^2$}, which is over 1.5 times the area of Vancouver Island (31,285 km{$^2$}). The Watershed...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9RL8EBBX/about-the-watershed-watershed.html} +} + +@misc{NechakoWhiteSturgeonRecoveryInitiativeReports, + title = {Nechako {{White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative}} - {{Reports}}}, + journal = {Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative}, + url = {https://www.nechakowhitesturgeon.org/publications/reports}, + urldate = {2022-01-12}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{nelitz_etal2007HelpingPacific, + title = {Helping {{Pacific}} Salmon Survive the Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Habitats: Pursuing Proactive and Reactive Adaptation Strategies}, + shorttitle = {Helping {{Pacific}} Salmon Survive the Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Habitats}, + author = {Nelitz, Marc and Wieckowski, K and Pickard, D and Pawley, K and Marmorek, D.R.}, + year = {2007}, + publisher = {Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/25636699/Helping_Pacific_salmon_survive_the_impacts_of_climate_change_on_freshwater_habitats_Case_study_perspectives_from_the_Okanagan_Quesnel_Nicola_Cowichan_Nass_and_Englishman_River_watersheds}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 226810143} +} + +@misc{NEMIPROTOCOLSummaryPIBOEMP2012PHABProtocol, + title = {{{NEMI PROTOCOL Summary}} - {{PIBO-EMP}} 2012 {{PHAB Protocol}}}, + url = {https://www.nemi.gov/protocols/protocol_summary/642/}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XTKPP9PR/nemi_protocol_summary_-_pibo-emp_2012_phab_protocol.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S2F5SS7G/642.html} +} + +@article{neufeld_etal2018Incorporatingasymmetric, + ids = {neufeld_etal2018Incorporatingasymmetrica}, + title = {Incorporating Asymmetric Movement Costs into Measures of Habitat Connectivity to Assess Impacts of Hydrologic Alteration to Stream Fishes}, + author = {Neufeld, Kenton and Watkinson, Douglas A. and Tierney, Keith and Poesch, Mark S.}, + editor = {Zhan, Aibin}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {Diversity and Distributions}, + volume = {24}, + number = {5}, + pages = {593--604}, + issn = {13669516}, + doi = {10.1111/ddi.12713}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/ddi.12713}, + urldate = {2020-12-01}, + abstract = {Aim: Hydrologic alterations are widespread in freshwater ecosystems worldwide and often detrimentally impact fish populations. Habitat suitability models are commonly used to assess these impacts, but these models frequently rely upon observed fish--habitat relationships rather than more mechanistic underpinnings. The aim of this study was to demonstrate how to incorporate swim performance into a measure of habitat connectivity at a fine scale, providing a method for assessing the availability of suitable habitat for stream fishes.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{neuman_newcombe1977MinimumAcceptable, + title = {Minimum {{Acceptable Stream Flows}} in {{British Columbia}}: {{A Review}}}, + author = {Neuman, H.R. and Newcombe, C.P.}, + year = {1977}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/documents/bib56539.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-06-04} +} + +@techreport{newman_england2018MissionCreek, + title = {Mission {{Creek Stream Survey Summer}} 2018}, + author = {Newman, Natalie and England, Tasheena}, + year = {2018}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z7YHDNZC/newman_england_2018_mission_creek_stream_survey_summer_2018.pdf} +} + +@misc{newssGoldieCreek, + title = {Goldie {{Creek}}}, + author = {{NEWSS}}, + journal = {Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society}, + url = {https://newssociety.org/project-years/p2021/goldie-creek-2/goldie-creek}, + urldate = {2024-03-27}, + abstract = {Goldie Creek Background Goldie Creek is a tributary of Stoney Creek which is a tributary of the Nechako River. Like Stoney Creek, Goldie Creek has been severely...}, + langid = {english}, + organization = {{Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society (NEWSS)}}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/N7SBPRGF/goldie-creek.html} +} + +@misc{newws2021OrmondCreek, + title = {Ormond {{Creek Stream Restoration Project}}}, + author = {{NEWWS}}, + year = {2021}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {See pages 56-69}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TEQ5YC8S/newws_2021_ormond_creek_stream_restoration_project.pdf} +} + +@misc{nfcpNechakoRiver, + title = {Nechako {{River}}}, + author = {{NFCP}}, + journal = {Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program}, + url = {https://www.nfcp.org/nechako-river}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VGV7GMFT/nechako-river.html} +} + +@techreport{nfcptechnicalcommittee2023NechakoFisheries, + title = {The {{Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program}}: {{Past}}, {{Present}}, {{Future}}}, + author = {{NFCP Technical Committee}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.nfcp.org/uploads/nfcp_program_review/NFCP_Conservation_Report_Final_February_2023.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-04-04}, + annotation = {Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program (NFCP)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T3CGAVYS/NFCP_Conservation_Report_Final_February_2023.pdf} +} + +@misc{nicholas2017Ecoculturalrestoration, + title = {Eco-Cultural Restoration of Wetlands at {{Tl}}'ch{\'e}s ({{Chatham Islands}}), {{British Columbia}}, {{Canada}}}, + author = {Nicholas, Graham}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/83199520/Eco_cultural_restoration_of_wetlands_at_Tl_ch%C3%A9s_Chatham_Islands_British_Columbia_Canada}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + abstract = {My research project examined the restoration possibilities for two culturally important wetland ecosystems at Tl'ches (Chatham Islands, British Columbia, Canada). The first wetland is a sacred bathing pool and holds cultural significance, the second}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of theRequirements for the Degree ofMaster of Sciencein theEcological Restoration ProgramFaculty of Environment (SFU)andSchool of Construction and the Environment (BCIT)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RKMCFD9Z/nicholas_2017_eco-cultural_restoration_of_wetlands_at_tl’ches_(chatham_islands),_british.pdf} +} + +@misc{nordin_malkinson2020IntegratingGis, + title = {Integrating {{Gis And Ground-Based Methodologies With Pour-Point Sample Design For Routine-Level Watershed Assessment}}}, + author = {Nordin, David and Malkinson, Leah}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/frep/extension-notes/frep-techguidance7-routinelevelwatershedasses-july2020_final.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {FREP Technical Guidance \#7}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/C4EDIBLL/nordin_malkinson_2020_integrating_gis_and_ground-based_methodologies_with_pour-point_sample_design.pdf} +} + +@article{norris_mount2016Fishpassage, + title = {Fish Passage {{GIS}} Analysis Version 2.2 -- Methodology and Output Data Specifications}, + author = {Norris, Simon and Mount, Craig}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/bc-fish-passage-program}, + organization = {Latest Version (V2.3.1 at https://www.hillcrestgeo.ca/outgoing/fishpassage/data/FPTWG/v2.3.1/)} +} + +@misc{norris2021smnorrisbcdata, + title = {Smnorris/{{Bcdata}}}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2021}, + month = feb, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcdata}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {Python and command line tools for quick access to DataBC geo-data available via WFS/WCS.}, + keywords = {british-columbia,cli,databc,spatial-data,wfs} +} + +@misc{norris2021smnorrisbcfishpass, + title = {Smnorris/{{Bcfishpass}}}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2021}, + month = feb, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishpass}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {Scripts to prioritize assessment/remediation of potential barriers to fish passage, based primarily on stream gradient.}, + keywords = {bridges,british-columbia,dams,digital-road-atlas,dra,fish-observation,fish-passage,fwa,gradient-barriers,pscis,roads,stream-network,waterfalls} +} + +@misc{norris2021smnorrisfwapg, + title = {Smnorris/{{Fwapg}}}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2021}, + month = jan, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/fwapg}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {PostgreSQL tools for working with British Columbia's Freshwater Atlas}, + keywords = {british-columbia,freshwater-atlas,fwa,lakes,linear-referencing,postgis,rivers,streams,watersheds} +} + +@misc{norris2021smnorrisFWAToolsArchive, + title = {Smnorris/{{FWAToolsArchive}}}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2021}, + month = feb, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/FWAToolsArchive}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {Archive of Python methods for working with FWA data} +} + +@book{norris2022, + title = {Smnorris/Bcfishobs}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishobs} +} + +@misc{norris2022smnorrisbcfishobs, + title = {Smnorris/{{Bcfishobs}}}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishobs}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {Reference BC Known Fish Observations to the Freshwater Atlas stream network}, + keywords = {british-columbia,fish-observations,fish-obstacles,fiss,fwa,stream-network} +} + +@misc{norris2024smnorrisbcdata, + title = {Smnorris/Bcdata}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2024}, + month = feb, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcdata}, + urldate = {2024-03-12}, + abstract = {Python and command line tools for quick access to DataBC geo-data available via WFS/WCS.}, + copyright = {MIT}, + keywords = {british-columbia,cli,databc,spatial-data,wfs} +} + +@misc{norris2024smnorrisbcfishobs, + title = {Smnorris/Bcfishobs}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishobs}, + urldate = {2021-02-28}, + abstract = {Reference BC Known Fish Observations to the Freshwater Atlas stream network}, + copyright = {Apache-2.0 License , Apache-2.0 License}, + keywords = {british-columbia,fish-observations,fish-obstacles,fiss,fwa,stream-network} +} + +@misc{norris2024smnorrisbcfishpass, + title = {Smnorris/Bcfishpass}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2024}, + month = jan, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishpass}, + urldate = {2024-03-12}, + abstract = {Model and monitor aquatic habitat connectivity in BC. Tools to plan and prioritize the assessment and remediation of barriers.}, + copyright = {Apache-2.0}, + keywords = {british-columbia,connectivity,culverts,digital-road-atlas,dra,fish-habitat-models,fish-observation,fish-passage,freshwater-atlas,fwa,gradient-barriers,pscis,restoration,roads,stream-network} +} + +@misc{norris2024smnorrisfwapg, + title = {Smnorris/Fwapg}, + author = {Norris, Simon}, + year = {2024}, + month = jan, + url = {https://github.com/smnorris/fwapg}, + urldate = {2024-03-12}, + abstract = {PostgreSQL tools for working with British Columbia's Freshwater Atlas}, + copyright = {MIT}, + keywords = {british-columbia,freshwater-atlas,fwa,lakes,linear-referencing,postgis,rivers,streams,watersheds} +} + +@techreport{nortecconsulting2000WaterfallCreek, + title = {Waterfall {{Creek Enhancement Project}} 2000}, + author = {{Nortec Consulting}}, + year = {2000}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/waterfall-creek-enhancement-project-2000}, + urldate = {2022-12-12}, + abstract = {A restoration/rehabilitation plan was developed that recommended and initiated measures to address community concerns by supplying survey and design for rehabilitation work, while providing...}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Q8HXYNLP/waterfall-creek-enhancement-project-2000.html} +} + +@article{northwesthydraulicconsultants2014CoalCreek, + title = {Coal {{Creek Floodplain Mapping}}}, + author = {{Northwest Hydraulic Consultants}}, + year = {2014}, + pages = {54}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VZJSH4MY/northwest_hydraulic_consultants_2014_coal_creek_floodplain_mapping.pdf} +} + +@article{nowosadPHYLOGEOGRAPHYCONSERVATION, + title = {{{THE PHYLOGEOGRAPHY AND CONSERVATION OF THE BRASSY MINNOW}}, {{HYBOGNATHUS HANKINSONI}}}, + author = {Nowosad, Damon M}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7WC9DMS7/nowosad_the_phylogeography_and_conservation_of_the_brassy_minnow,_hybognathus_hankinsoni.pdf} +} + +@techreport{nowotny_hickey1993InventoryRating, + title = {Inventory and {{Rating}} of {{Salmonid Habitats Along}} the {{Fraser}} and {{Nechako Rivers}}}, + author = {Nowotny, C. and Hickey, D.G.}, + year = {1993}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZD52RSYK/nowotny_hickey_1993_inventory_and_rating_of_salmonid_habitats_along_the_fraser_and_nechako_rivers.pdf} +} + +@article{obrien_etal2019Mappingvalley, + title = {Mapping Valley Bottom Confinement at the Network Scale}, + author = {O'Brien, Gary R. and Wheaton, Joseph M. and Fryirs, Kirstie and Macfarlane, William W. and Brierley, Gary and Whitehead, Kelly and Gilbert, Jordan and Volk, Carol}, + year = {2019}, + month = may, + journal = {Earth Surface Processes and Landforms}, + pages = {esp.4615}, + issn = {0197-9337, 1096-9837}, + doi = {10.1002/esp.4615}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/esp.4615}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {In this article, we demonstrate the application of a continuous confinement metric across entire river networks. Confinement is a useful metric for characterizing and discriminating valley setting. At the reach scale, valley bottom confinement is measured and quantified as the ratio of the length of channel confined on either bank by a confining margin divided by the reach length. The valley bottom is occupied by the contemporary floodplain and/or its channel(s); confining margins can be any landform or feature that makes up the valley bottom margin, such as bedrock hillslopes, terraces, fans, or anthropogenic features such as stopbanks or constructed levees. To test the reliability of calculating confinement across entire networks, we applied our geoprocessing scripts across four physiographically distinct watersheds of the Pacific Northwest, USA using freely available national datasets. Comparison of manually digitized and mapped with modeled calculations of confinement revealed that roughly one-third of reaches were equivalent and about two-thirds of the sites differ by less than {\textpm}15\%. A sensitivity analysis found that a 500 m reach segmentation length produced reasonable agreement with manual, categorical, expert-derived analysis of confinement. Confinement accuracy can be improved (c. 4\% to 17\% gains) using a more accurately mapped valley bottom and channel position (i.e. with higher-resolution model inputs). This is particularly important when differentiating rivers in the partly confined valley setting. However, at the watershed scale, patterns derived from mapping confinement are not fundamentally different, making this a reasonably accurate and rapid technique for analysis and measurement of confinement across broad spatial extents. {\copyright} 2019 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DB2KINSQ/o'brien_et_al_2019_mapping_valley_bottom_confinement_at_the_network_scale.pdf} +} + +@misc{obrien_keeley1997PostSpawningMovements, + title = {Post-{{Spawning Movements}} of {{Steelhead Trout}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Mykiss) in the {{Skeena Watershed}} in 1995 and 1996.}, + author = {O'Brien, D and Keeley, E}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r2591/sk97_1112137503160_3d5a88b121d64318853db6ea14720bad.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-10-26}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9275V7HF/o'brien_keeley_1997_post-spawning_movements_of_steelhead_trout_(oncorhynchus_mykiss)_in_the_skeena.pdf} +} + +@misc{officeofthewetsuweten2013Wetsuwet, + title = {Wet'suwet'en {{Title}} and {{Rights Regarding Canada Department}} of {{Fisheries}} \& {{Oceans And Pacific Trails Pipeline}}.}, + author = {{Office of the Wet'suwet'en}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {http://www.wetsuweten.com/files/PTP_FHCP_Response_to_DFO-25Nov13-Final.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-02-18}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9FAFD28T/office_of_the_wet'suwet'en_2013_wet’suwet’en_title_and_rights_regarding_canada_department_of_fisheries_&_oceans.pdf} +} + +@misc{OfficeWetsuwet2021, + title = {Office of the {{Wet}}'suwet'en}, + year = {2021}, + url = {http://www.wetsuweten.com/}, + urldate = {2024-02-18}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PZS4WXNU/www.wetsuweten.com.html} +} + +@techreport{oliver2018Analysiswater, + title = {Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring in the {{Morice Water Management Area}}}, + author = {Oliver, Allison}, + year = {2018}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/analysis-of-water-quality-monitoring-in-the-morice-water-management-area/resource/17125deb-57c3-4a91-b64c-377735bc2c32}, + urldate = {2020-06-21} +} + +@misc{oliver2020Analysis2017, + title = {Analysis of 2017 {{Water Quality Monitoring}}: {{Upper Bulkley River Watershed}}}, + author = {Oliver, Allison}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/en_AU/dataset/analysis-of-2017-water-quality-monitoring-upper-bulkley-river-watershed}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QTD5WGZ4/ubr_2017_wq_report_oliver_final.pdf.pdf} +} + +@article{olson_etal2012eDNAapproach, + title = {An {{eDNA}} Approach to Detect Eastern Hellbenders ({{Cryptobranchus}} a. Alleganiensis) Using Samples of Water}, + author = {Olson, Zachary H. and Briggler, Jeffrey T. and Williams, Rod N.}, + year = {2012}, + journal = {Wildlife Research}, + volume = {39}, + number = {7}, + pages = {629}, + issn = {1035-3712}, + doi = {10.1071/WR12114}, + url = {http://www.publish.csiro.au/?paper=WR12114}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Context. Environmental DNA, or eDNA, methods are a novel application of non-invasive genetic sampling in which DNA from organisms is detected via sampling of water or soil, typically for the purposes of determining the presence or absence of an organism. eDNA methods have the potential to revolutionise the study of rare or endangered taxa.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/83KA2SZZ/Olson et al. - 2012 - An eDNA approach to detect eastern hellbenders (Cr.pdf} +} + +@article{orihel_etal2017Internalphosphorus, + title = {Internal Phosphorus Loading in {{Canadian}} Fresh Waters: A Critical Review and Data Analysis}, + shorttitle = {Internal Phosphorus Loading in {{Canadian}} Fresh Waters}, + author = {Orihel, Diane M. and Baulch, Helen M. and Casson, Nora J. and North, Rebecca L. and Parsons, Chris T. and Seckar, Dalila C.M. and Venkiteswaran, Jason J.}, + year = {2017}, + month = dec, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {74}, + number = {12}, + pages = {2005--2029}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2016-0500}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2016-0500}, + urldate = {2024-11-06}, + abstract = {Many physical, chemical, and biological processes in freshwater ecosystems mobilize the nutrient phosphorus (P) from sediments, which in turn may contribute to the formation of harmful algal blooms. Here, we critically reviewed internal P loading in Canadian fresh waters to understand the geographic patterns and environmental drivers of this important process. From 43 publications, we consolidated 618 estimates of internal P loading from Canadian freshwater ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and coastal wetlands (n = 70). Expressed in terms of total P, short-term gross rates in sediment samples (L gross ) ranged from -27 to 54 mg{$\cdot$}m -2 {$\cdot$}day -1 (n = 461), while long-term net rates in whole ecosystems (L net ) ranged from -1694 to 10\,640 mg{$\cdot$}m -2 {$\cdot$}year -1 (n = 157). The main environmental drivers of this variation were oxygen, pH, geology, and trophic state. Internal P loading tended to be higher during the open-water season and most prominent in small prairie lakes. Priorities for future research on internal P loading should include resolving methodological problems, assessing the relative importance of different mechanisms, examining the influence of anthropogenic activities, and quantifying rates in understudied ecosystems.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YQNT8MH9/orihel_et_al_2017_internal_phosphorus_loading_in_canadian_fresh_waters_-_a_critical_review_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{outgoingfishpassagedataFPTWGv2, + title = {/Outgoing/Fishpassage/Data/{{FPTWG}}/v2.3.1/}, + url = {https://www.hillcrestgeo.ca/outgoing/fishpassage/data/FPTWG/v2.3.1/}, + urldate = {2021-02-25}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RTKUVJAD/v2.3.1.html} +} + +@misc{pacificsalmonfoundation2022StageZero, + title = {Stage {{Zero Knowledge Exchange Workshop Welcome}} {{Dale Desrochers}} \& {{Colin McGregor}}, {{DFO}}; {{Jason Hwang}}, {{PSF}}.}, + author = {{Pacific Salmon Foundation}}, + year = {2022}, + month = nov, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQEGGzME8jE}, + urldate = {2024-02-22} +} + +@misc{Packages2e, + title = {R {{Packages}} (2e)}, + url = {https://r-pkgs.org/}, + urldate = {2022-07-10}, + abstract = {Learn how to create a package, the fundamental unit of shareable, reusable, and reproducible R code.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VQX8KVQX/r-pkgs.org.html} +} + +@article{padgett-stewart_etal2016eDNAassay, + title = {An {{eDNA}} Assay for River Otter Detection: A Tool for Surveying a Semi-Aquatic Mammal}, + shorttitle = {An {{eDNA}} Assay for River Otter Detection}, + author = {{Padgett-Stewart}, Ticha M. and Wilcox, Taylor M. and Carim, Kellie J. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Young, Michael K. and Schwartz, Michael K.}, + year = {2016}, + month = mar, + journal = {Conservation Genetics Resources}, + volume = {8}, + number = {1}, + pages = {5--7}, + issn = {1877-7252, 1877-7260}, + doi = {10.1007/s12686-015-0511-x}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12686-015-0511-x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) is an effective tool for the detection of elusive or low-density aquatic organisms. However, it has infrequently been applied to mammalian species. North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) are both broad ranging and semi-aquatic, making them an ideal candidate for examining the uses of eDNA for detection of mammals. We developed a speciesspecific assay for detection of North American river otters using eDNA. The assay was tested for specificity against closely-related mustelids native to western North America, and was validated through testing environmental samples.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5A6XNKV2/Padgett-Stewart et al. - 2016 - An eDNA assay for river otter detection a tool fo.pdf} +} + +@article{palmer2021BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Application}} for {{Authorization}} under {{Paragraphs}} 34.4(2)(b) and 35(2)(b) of the {{Fisheries Act}} ({{Non-Emergency Situations}}) {{Palmer Project}} \# 2006501}, + author = {{Palmer}}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {151}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S9YA224R/palmer_2021_blackwater_gold_project_application_for_authorization_under_paragraphs.pdf} +} + +@techreport{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2016BlackwaterProject, + title = {Blackwater {{Project Offsetting Plan}} for {{Fisheries Act Section}} 35(2)b {{Authorization}} and {{Schedule}} 2 {{MMER Amendment FOR DISCUSSION}}}, + author = {Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868fa4e036fb010576855e/download/2016%2004%2022%20Blackwater%20-%20Gold%20Project%20Fish%20Offset%20Plan%20PECG%20April%2020.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IGN7S7GM/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2016_blackwater_project_offsetting_plan_for_fisheries_act_section_35(2)b.pdf} +} + +@techreport{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2021BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan Pursuant}} to {{Section}} 27.1 of the {{Metal}} and {{Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations}}}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {204}, + url = {https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/pdf/consultations/blackwater/03_Blackwater-Project_ECCC_Compensation_Plan.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Version date 20210603}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BJQGRYZX/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2021_blackwater_gold_project_fish_habitat_compensation_plan_pursuant_to_section_27.1.pdf} +} + +@techreport{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2021BlackwaterGolda, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan}}}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {200}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SUUQ4RPN/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2021_blackwater_gold_project_fish_habitat_compensation_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2022BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan}} 20220412}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {239}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HWR6U4QR/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2022_blackwater_gold_project_fish_habitat_compensation_plan_20220412.pdf} +} + +@article{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2022BlackwaterGolda, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan}} 20220923}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {249}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {20220923}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RMPD8EMN/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2022_blackwater_gold_project_fish_habitat_compensation_plan_20220923.pdf} +} + +@article{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2022FishCollection, + title = {Fish {{Collection Permit Application}} 2022}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {6}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RGSKMLH7/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2022_fish_collection_permit_application_2022.pdf} +} + +@article{palmerenvironmentalconsultinggroupinc_2023BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan}}}, + author = {{Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc.}}, + year = {2023}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6YND98GS/palmer_environmental_consulting_group_inc._2023_blackwater_gold_project_fish_habitat_compensation_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{paquette_etal2000MurderCreek, + title = {Murder {{Creek}}: {{Instream Works}} to {{Improve Fish Spawning}} and {{Rearing Habitat}}}, + author = {Paquette, Jason and Chaplin, Jessica and Torunski, Lisa}, + year = {2000}, + pages = {5}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B9824WXM/paquette_et_al_2000_murder_creek_-_instream_works_to_improve_fish_spawning_and_rearing_habitat.pdf} +} + +@book{parker_watershedrestorationprogramb_c_2000Fishpassage, + ids = {parkerFishPassageCulvert2000a}, + title = {Fish Passage, Culvert Inspection Procedures.}, + author = {Parker, M. A and {Watershed Restoration Program (B.C.)}}, + year = {2000}, + publisher = {Ministry of Environment, Lands \& Parks, Watershed Restoration Program}, + address = {Williams Lake, BC}, + abstract = {This manual assesses fish passage at culverts and evaluates the findings in conjunction with other known barriers in order to identify priority barrier crossings that are eligible for improvement under Forest Renewal British Columbia's Watershed Restoration Program. After an outline of the products that should result from a culvert inspection, the manual describes procedures for planning field work, recording data (culvert \& stream characteristics, presence of fish), evaluating whether there is a barrier to fish passage, making calculations, assigning priorities for culvert improvement, and prescribing measures for improvement. The appendix contains copies of forms used in field data collection and reporting.}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-4290-5}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1069458688} +} + +@article{parkinson_etal2017EvidenceFreshwater, + title = {Evidence for {{Freshwater Residualism}} in {{Coho Salmon}}, {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Kisutch}}, {{From}} a {{Watershed}} on the {{North Coast}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Parkinson, Eric A and Perrin, Chris J and {Ramos-Espinoza}, Daniel and Taylor, Eric B}, + year = {2017}, + month = mar, + journal = {The Canadian Field-Naturalist}, + volume = {130}, + number = {4}, + pages = {336}, + issn = {0008-3550}, + doi = {10.22621/cfn.v130i4.1928}, + url = {https://www.canadianfieldnaturalist.ca/index.php/cfn/article/view/1928}, + urldate = {2022-03-04}, + abstract = {The Coho Salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, is one of seven species of Pacific salmon and trout native to northeastern Pacific Ocean watersheds. The species is typically anadromous; adults reproduce in fresh water where juveniles reside for 1--2 years before seaward migration after which the majority of growth occurs in the ocean before maturation at 2--4 years old when adults return to fresh water to spawn. Here, we report maturation of Coho Salmon in two freshwater lakes on the north coast of British Columbia apparently without their being to sea. A total of 15 mature fish (11 males and four females) were collected in two lakes across two years. The mature fish were all at least 29 cm in total length and ranged in age from three to five years old. The occurrence of Coho Salmon that have matured in fresh water without first going to sea is exceedingly rare in their natural range, especially for females. Such mature Coho Salmon may represent residual and distinct breeding populations from those in adjacent streams. Alternatively, they may result from the ephemeral restriction in the opportunity to migrate seaward owing to low water levels in the spring when Coho Salmon typically migrate to sea after 1--2 years in fresh water. Regardless of their origin, the ability to mature in fresh water without seaward migration may represent important adaptive life history plasticity in response to variable environments.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/78D6SBSV/parkinson_et_al_2017_evidence_for_freshwater_residualism_in_coho_salmon,_ioncorhynchus.pdf} +} + +@book{partridge_platts1978Rearingchinook, + title = {Rearing of Chinook Salmon in Tributaries of the {{South Fork Salmon River}}, {{Idaho}} /}, + author = {Partridge, Fred E. and Platts, William S.}, + year = {1978}, + publisher = {{Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,}}, + address = {Ogden, Utah :}, + doi = {10.5962/bhl.title.69015}, + url = {http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/69015}, + urldate = {2024-06-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WKCWDDSF/Partridge and Platts - 1978 - Rearing of chinook salmon in tributaries of the So.pdf} +} + +@misc{patterson2010ProjectCompletion, + title = {Project {{Completion Abstract Barren Creek}}, {{S3 Km}}. 18.2 {{Michelle Bay FSR Fish Passage Project}}}, + author = {Patterson, W.}, + year = {2010}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r26164/8102001Abstract_1332460013357_c88dd9f39c24d687b5b3a78f6dd8b0f6a3bd22c19460794ce61663225200de49.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-20}, + organization = {Allnorth Consultatns Limited} +} + +@article{pawlowski_etal2020EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}}: {{What}}'s behind the Term? {{Clarifying}} the Terminology and Recommendations for Its Future Use in Biomonitoring}, + shorttitle = {Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Pawlowski, Jan and Apoth{\'e}loz-Perret-Gentil, Laure and Altermatt, Florian}, + year = {2020}, + month = nov, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {29}, + number = {22}, + pages = {4258--4264}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/mec.15643}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mec.15643}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The last decade brought a spectacular development of so-called environmental (e)DNA studies. In general, ``environmental DNA'' is defined as DNA isolated from environmental samples, in opposition to genomic DNA that is extracted directly from specimens. However, the variety of different sources of eDNA and the range of taxonomic groups that are targeted by eDNA studies is large, which has led to some discussion about the breadth of the eDNA concept. In particular, there is a recent trend to restrict the use of the term ``eDNA'' to the DNA of macro-organisms, which are not physically present in environmental samples. In this paper, we argue that such a distinction may not be ideal, because the eDNA signal can come from organisms across the whole tree of life. Consequently, we advocate that the term ``eDNA'' should be used in its generic sense, as originally defined, encompassing the DNA of all organisms present in environmental samples, including microbial, meiofaunal, and macrobial taxa. We first suggest specifying the environmental origin of the DNA sample, such as water eDNA, sediment eDNA, or soil eDNA. A second specification would then define the taxonomic group targeted through PCR amplification, such as fish eDNA, invertebrate eDNA, bacterial eDNA. This terminology does also not require assumptions about the specific state of the DNA sampled (intracellular or extracellular). We hope that such terminology will help better define the scope of eDNA studies, especially for environmental managers, who use them as reference in routine biomonitoring and bioassessment.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ETXFBBLZ/Pawlowski et al. - 2020 - Environmental DNA What's behind the term Clarify.pdf} +} + +@techreport{pearce_etal2019FirstNations, + title = {First {{Nations Information Gathering}} on {{Kokanee}}, {{Bull Trout}} and {{Arctic Grayling}}: : {{Report}} for the {{Tse}}'khene {{Nation}} ({{McLeod Lake Indian Band}})}, + author = {Pearce, T and Lieske, S and Morgan, J and Salonas, A}, + year = {2019}, + pages = {31}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r57248/PEA-F19-F-2866-DCA-5-Final_Report-Arctic_North-Ko_1600902816644_0895426641.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{pearce_etal2019FirstNationsa, + title = {First {{Nations Information Gathering}} on {{Kokanee}}, {{Bull Trout}} and {{Arctic Grayling}}: : Report for the {{Tse}}'khene {{Nation}} ({{McLeod Lake Indian Band}})}, + author = {Pearce, T and Lieske, S and Morgan, J and Salonas, A}, + year = {2019}, + pages = {31}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r57248/PEA-F19-F-2866-DCA-5-Final_Report-Arctic_North-Ko_1600902816644_0895426641.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{pearce_etal2021Shorttermimpact, + title = {Short-Term Impact of Beaver Dam Analogues on Streambank Erosion and Deposition in {{Semi-Arid}} Landscapes of the {{Western USA}}}, + author = {Pearce, Casey and Vidon, Philippe and Lautz, Laura and Kelleher, Christa and Davis, Julianne}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {37}, + number = {7}, + pages = {1032--1037}, + issn = {1535-1467}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.3825}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/rra.3825}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + abstract = {River systems in the mountain western USA have been shaped by the presence of beavers for millennia. However, beavers have been extirpated from the landscape in many places, leading to excessive stream incision and streambank erosion. One common strategy to mitigate this issue is to deploy beaver dam analogue (BDAs) as a stream restoration technique. Although BDAs are intended to reduce erosion and stream incision, few studies directly document the impact of BDAs on stream channel geomorphology. This study, therefore, assesses how a complex of five BDAs along a 150 m long stream reach in Red Canyon Ranch near Lander, WY impacts stream bank erosion and deposition and channel evolution over a 1-year period post-installation. Relative to control locations not impacted by BDAs, the BDA reach showed greater spatial heterogeneity in erosion and deposition patterns than control locations, as well as less overall erosion. However, each BDA had unique effects on channel morphology. Large amounts of deposition were found at the most upstream BDA remaining after the first year at both inner and outer meander locations. High flow events created breaches that likely produced significant stream bank erosion observed immediately downstream of the BDA complex. From a design standpoint, the only BDAs that remained after a year were those built around fence posts inserted into the stream bed with a percussion fence post driver. Overall, our short-term data indicate that BDAs can be successfully used as a stream restoration practice to reduce stream bank erosion and increase channel geomorphological heterogeneity.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {beaver dam analogue,deposition,erosion,restoration,Wyoming} +} + +@techreport{pearce2019FirstNations, + title = {First {{Nations Information Gathering}} on {{Kokanee}}, {{Bull Trout}} and {{Arctic Grayling}}: {{TSE}}'{{KHENE FIRST NATIONS}} - {{McLEOD LAKE INDIAN BAND}}}, + author = {Pearce, Dr Tristan}, + year = {2019}, + pages = {31}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r57248/PEA-F19-F-2866-DCA-5-Final_Report-Arctic_North-Ko_1600902816644_0895426641.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{pearceSAULTEAUFIRST, + title = {{{SAULTEAU FIRST NATIONS}}}, + author = {Pearce, Dr Tristan}, + pages = {23}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r57246/PEA_F19_F_2866_DCA_3_1567173845457_7173270223.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{Peerreviewedarticlesbookchapters, + title = {Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters}, + journal = {River Styles}, + url = {https://riverstyles.com/peer-reviewed-articles-and-book-chapters/}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + langid = {australian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TLDQ6AXU/peer-reviewed-articles-and-book-chapters.html} +} + +@misc{perrin_korman1997PhosphorusBudget, + title = {A {{Phosphorus Budget}} and {{Limnological Descriptions}} for {{Duncan Lake Reservoir}}, 1994-95}, + author = {Perrin, C.J and Korman, J}, + year = {1997}, + organization = {{Report prepared by Limnotek Research and Development Inc.,}}, + annotation = {Vancouver, B. C., for BC Hydro, Castlegar, B.C.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/354HGUEY/perrin_korman_1997_a_phosphorus_budget_and_limnological_descriptions_for_duncan_lake_reservoir,.pdf} +} + +@article{pess_etalInfluencesBody, + title = {The {{Influences}} of {{Body Size}}, {{Habitat Quality}}, and {{Competition}} on the {{Movement}} and {{Survival}} of {{Juvenile Coho Salmon}} during the {{Early Stages}} of {{Stream Recolonization}}}, + author = {Pess, G. R. and Kiffney, P. M. and Liermann, M. C. and Bennett, T. R. and Anderson, J. H. and Quinn, T. P.}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {140}, + number = {4}, + pages = {883--897}, + issn = {0002-8487}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/13813266/The_Influences_of_Body_Size_Habitat_Quality_and_Competition_on_the_Movement_and_Survival_of_Juvenile_Coho_Salmon_during_the_Early_Stages_of_Stream_}, + urldate = {2021-10-18}, + abstract = {The Influences of Body Size, Habitat Quality, and Competition on the Movement and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon during the Early Stages of Stream {\dots}}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{pfleger_etal2016Savingdoomed, + title = {Saving the Doomed: {{Using eDNA}} to Aid in Detection of Rare Sturgeon for Conservation ({{Acipenseridae}})}, + shorttitle = {Saving the Doomed}, + author = {Pfleger, Mariah O. and Rider, Steven J. and Johnston, Carol E. and Janosik, Alexis M.}, + year = {2016}, + month = oct, + journal = {Global Ecology and Conservation}, + volume = {8}, + pages = {99--107}, + issn = {23519894}, + doi = {10.1016/j.gecco.2016.08.008}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2351989416300725}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S8PG8LAC/Pfleger et al. - 2016 - Saving the doomed Using eDNA to aid in detection .pdf} +} + +@misc{phillips2006COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Chinook Salmon, {{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha, {{Okanagan}} Population in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Phillips, Brent A}, + year = {2006}, + publisher = {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + url = {https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item?id=CW69-14-469-2006E&op=pdf&app=Library}, + urldate = {2020-10-28}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 84387192} +} + +@article{phillis_etal2018Endangeredwinterrun, + title = {Endangered Winter-Run {{Chinook}} Salmon Rely on Diverse Rearing Habitats in a Highly Altered Landscape}, + author = {Phillis, Corey C. and Sturrock, Anna M. and Johnson, Rachel C. and Weber, Peter K.}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {217}, + pages = {358--362}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2017.10.023}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320717306742}, + urldate = {2024-08-24}, + abstract = {Protecting habitats for imperiled species is central to conservation efforts. However, for migratory species, identifying juvenile habitats that confer success requires tracking individuals to reproduction. Here, we used otolith strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) to reconstruct juvenile habitat use by endangered Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon that survived to adulthood. The isotope data revealed that 44--65\% of surviving adults reared in non-natal habitats, most of which is not designated as critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act. Juveniles entered these non-natal habitats at small sizes, yet left freshwater at a similar size to those that reared in the mainstem Sacramento River, suggesting these alternate rearing habitats provide suitable growth conditions. These findings indicate Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon rely on rearing habitats across a broader geographic region than previously known, potentially opening up greater restoration and conservation opportunities for species recovery.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X5JAB47F/Phillis et al. - 2018 - Endangered winter-run Chinook salmon rely on diver.pdf} +} + +@article{pickard_etal2023BiiWenii, + title = {Bii {{Wenii Kwa}}/{{Owen Creek Watershed Status Evaluation Report}}}, + author = {Pickard, Darcy and {Reese-Hansen}, Lars and Morgan, Don and Thompson, Richard and Porter, Marc}, + year = {2023}, + month = mar, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RA873MUH/pickard_et_al_2023_bii_wenii_kwa-owen_creek_watershed_status_evaluation_report.pdf} +} + +@article{pickard_etalBiiWenii, + title = {Bii {{Wenii Kwa}} / {{Owen Creek}}}, + author = {Pickard, Prepared Darcy and Reese, Lars and Morgan, Don and Tripp, Derek and Carson, Brian and Porter, Marc}, + pages = {10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YG4HDIU5/pickard_et_al_bii_wenii_kwa_-_owen_creek.pdf} +} + +@misc{pickard_etalDRAFTOwen, + title = {{{DRAFT}} - {{Owen}}: {{Watershed Status}} {{Evaluation}}}, + author = {Pickard, D and Porter, M and {Reese-Hansen}, L and Thompson, R and Tripp, D and Morgan, D and Carson, B and Tamburello, N}, + annotation = {Unpublished} +} + +@article{pierce_etal2014WestslopeCutthroat, + title = {Westslope {{Cutthroat Trout Movements}} through {{Restored Habitat}} and {{Coanda Diversions}} in the {{Nevada Spring Creek Complex}}, {{Blackfoot Basin}}, {{Montana}}}, + author = {Pierce, Ron and Podner, Craig and Wendt, Tracy and Shields, Ron and Carim, Kellie}, + year = {2014}, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {143}, + number = {1}, + pages = {230--239}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1080/00028487.2013.839959}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1080/00028487.2013.839959}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + abstract = {In the Blackfoot basin of western Montana, the recovery of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi requires landscape conservation as well as restoration of spawning tributaries. Westslope Cutthroat Trout are now increasing in the Blackfoot River and several streams, including Nevada Spring Creek, where natural channel, flow, and temperature regimes have reestablished aquatic habitat and migration corridors. To examine whether restoration has improved corridors for migration, we tracked the movements of 14 adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout from wintering areas in lower Nevada Creek (downstream of Nevada Spring Creek) to spawning and summering areas. Ten fish moved through Nevada Spring Creek upstream a median distance of 7.7 km (range, 7.6--16.9) to spawning sites at the headwaters of Wasson Creek through stream reaches where channels were reconstructed, instream flows enhanced, and grazing practices improved. Eight of the 10 fish that entered Wasson Creek spawned in a concentrated area upstream of two experimental diversion--fish screen structures located in the main channel of Wasson Creek. Prespawning movements of the remaining four radio-tagged fish were much farther than those of Wasson Creek spawners (median, 51.8 km; range, 44.9--63.1). These four fish moved downstream through Nevada Creek into the Blackfoot River and then ascended upper Blackfoot River before entering two separate spawning tributaries. This telemetry study indicates that restoration can improve migration corridors which, in turn, promote the recovery of migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout, and that spring-influenced tributaries like Nevada Spring Creek provide important overwinter habitat for Westslope Cutthroat Trout that spawn and summer elsewhere in the basin.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@book{pike2010Compendiumforest, + title = {Compendium of Forest Hydrology and Geomorphology in {{British Columbia}}}, + editor = {Pike, Robin G.}, + year = {2010}, + series = {Land Management Handbook}, + number = {66}, + publisher = {{Ministry of Forests and Range}}, + address = {Victoria, B.C}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-6331-3}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {British Columbia,Forest hydrology,Geomorphology,Riparian ecology,Stream ecology,Water quality,Watershed hydrology,Watershed management} +} + +@article{pilliod_etal2013Estimatingoccupancy, + title = {Estimating Occupancy and Abundance of Stream Amphibians Using Environmental {{DNA}} from Filtered Water Samples}, + author = {Pilliod, David S. and Goldberg, Caren S. and Arkle, Robert S. and Waits, Lisette P.}, + editor = {Richardson, John}, + year = {2013}, + month = aug, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {70}, + number = {8}, + pages = {1123--1130}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2013-0047}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0047}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for detecting aquatic species are advancing rapidly, but with little evaluation of field protocols or precision of resulting estimates. We compared sampling results from traditional field methods with eDNA methods for two amphibians in 13 streams in central Idaho, USA. We also evaluated three water collection protocols and the influence of sampling location, time of day, and distance from animals on eDNA concentration in the water. We found no difference in detection or amount of eDNA among water collection protocols. eDNA methods had slightly higher detection rates than traditional field methods, particularly when species occurred at low densities. eDNA concentration was positively related to field-measured density, biomass, and proportion of transects occupied. Precision of eDNA-based abundance estimates increased with the amount of eDNA in the water and the number of replicate subsamples collected. eDNA concentration did not vary significantly with sample location in the stream, time of day, or distance downstream from animals. Our results further advance the implementation of eDNA methods for monitoring aquatic vertebrates in stream habitats.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LRE475JI/Pilliod et al. - 2013 - Estimating occupancy and abundance of stream amphi.pdf} +} + +@article{pilliod_etal2014Factorsinfluencing, + title = {Factors Influencing Detection of {{{\textsc{eDNA}}}} from a Stream-dwelling Amphibian}, + shorttitle = {Factors Influencing Detection Of}, + author = {Pilliod, David S. and Goldberg, Caren S. and Arkle, Robert S. and Waits, Lisette P.}, + year = {2014}, + month = jan, + journal = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, + volume = {14}, + number = {1}, + pages = {109--116}, + issn = {1755-098X, 1755-0998}, + doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.12159}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1755-0998.12159}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for detecting and estimating abundance of aquatic species are emerging rapidly, but little is known about how processes such as secretion rate, environmental degradation, and time since colonization or extirpation from a given site affect eDNA measurements. Using stream-dwelling salamanders and quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis, we conducted three experiments to assess eDNA: (i) production rate; (ii) persistence time under different temperature and light conditions; and (iii) detectability and concentration through time following experimental introduction and removal of salamanders into previously unoccupied streams. We found that 44--50 g individuals held in aquaria produced 77 ng eDNA/h for 2 h, after which production either slowed considerably or began to equilibrate with degradation. eDNA in both full-sun and shaded treatments degraded exponentially to {$<$}1\% of the original concentration after 3 days. eDNA was no longer detectable in full-sun samples after 8 days, whereas eDNA was detected in 20\% of shaded samples after 11 days and 100\% of refrigerated control samples after 18 days. When translocated into unoccupied streams, salamanders were detectable after 6 h, but only when densities were relatively high (0.2481 individuals/m2) and when samples were collected within 5 m of the animals. Concentrations of eDNA detected were very low and increased steadily from 6--24 h after introduction, reaching 0.0022 ng/L. Within 1 h of removing salamanders from the stream, eDNA was no longer detectable. These results suggest that eDNA detectability and concentration depend on production rates of individuals, environmental conditions, density of animals, and their residence time.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ERMJP3BC/Pilliod et al. - 2014 - Factors influencing detection of span style=font.pdf} +} + +@article{piotrowski_napiorkowski2019Simplemodifications, + title = {Simple Modifications of the Nonlinear Regression Stream Temperature Model for Daily Data}, + author = {Piotrowski, Adam P. and Napiorkowski, Jaroslaw J.}, + year = {2019}, + month = may, + journal = {Journal of Hydrology}, + volume = {572}, + pages = {308--328}, + issn = {0022-1694}, + doi = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.02.035}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169419301921}, + urldate = {2024-10-26}, + abstract = {Among various stream temperature models those based on nonlinear regression frequently attract attention due to their simplicity and small number of required variables. Among such approaches the logistic regression model developed twenty years ago for weekly data is still widely used in various scientific studies that require quick and simple calculation of stream water temperature. The model has been modified a number of times in recent years to capture the relationship between daily stream water temperatures, air temperatures and discharge. In this study, we propose further modifications of the logistic regression model that do not require any additional variables that may be hard to measure. The proposed models capture the relationship between the stream temperature and the declination of the Sun, the air temperature and the discharge from a number of recent observations. The proposed approaches are tested on six rivers located in diverse orographic conditions of temperate climate zones of Europe and USA. Although the proposed models remain very simple, their performances are competitive against the performances of more advanced semi-physical or data-driven models.}, + keywords = {air2stream,Artificial neural networks,Logistic regression,Model calibration,Mohseni's model,Stream water temperature modelling} +} + +@article{polivka2022IfYou, + title = {``{{If You Build It}}{\dots}'': {{Methodological Approaches}} to {{Detect Postrestoration Responses}} in {{Stream Fishes}}}, + shorttitle = {``{{If You Build It}}{\dots}''}, + author = {Polivka, Carlos M.}, + year = {2022}, + month = aug, + journal = {Fisheries}, + volume = {47}, + number = {8}, + pages = {346--355}, + issn = {0363-2415, 1548-8446}, + doi = {10.1002/fsh.10745}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fsh.10745}, + urldate = {2022-10-03}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RR47WI85/polivka_2022_“if_you_build_it…”_-_methodological_approaches_to_detect_postrestoration.pdf} +} + +@article{polivka2022IfYoua, + title = {``{{If You Build It}}{\dots}'': {{Methodological Approaches}} to {{Detect Postrestoration Responses}} in {{Stream Fishes}}}, + shorttitle = {``{{If You Build It}}{\dots}''}, + author = {Polivka, Carlos M.}, + year = {2022}, + month = aug, + journal = {Fisheries}, + volume = {47}, + number = {8}, + pages = {346--355}, + issn = {0363-2415, 1548-8446}, + doi = {10.1002/fsh.10745}, + url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fsh.10745}, + urldate = {2024-08-29}, + abstract = {Habitat restoration to recover fish populations takes place worldwide, yet studies of its efficacy are fraught with challenges. One difficulty comes from studies of fish responses that are too focused on whether abundance has increased in the restored habitat, limiting the methodology to observational data of fish density. However, many other tools are available for evaluation of restoration. I review a set of conceptually based methods that colleagues and I used to assess restoration efficacy in a model river system to show the strength of considering alternative approaches. Although it was relatively easy to determine that fish are attracted to instream restoration structures (engineered log jams), spatial and temporal variability in the results requires approaches that more closely examine the distinction between increases in density and increases in habitat capacity. Furthermore, I show that efficacy research should be augmented with consideration of behavior, the spatial scale of the post-restoration studies, the response of life history traits (e.g., growth), and the applicability of habitat selection theory. These detailed studies often, but not always, identify benefits of restoration that go beyond simple observations of fish abundance. They are therefore methods that are worth considering by researchers involved in postrestoration fish monitoring.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3FYCHFNS/Polivka - 2022 - “If You Build It…” Methodological Approaches to D.pdf} +} + +@article{pollock_etal2004ImportanceBeaver, + title = {The {{Importance}} of {{Beaver Ponds}} to {{Coho Salmon Production}} in the {{Stillaguamish River Basin}}, {{Washington}}, {{USA}}}, + author = {Pollock, Michael M. and Pess, George R. and Beechie, Timothy J. and Montgomery, David R.}, + year = {2004}, + month = aug, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {24}, + number = {3}, + pages = {749--760}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/M03-156.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/M03-156.1}, + urldate = {2023-03-23}, + abstract = {The use of beaver Castor canadensis ponds by juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and other fishes has been well established. However, the population-level effects on coho salmon resulting from the widespread removal of millions of beaver and their dams from Pacific Coast watersheds have not been examined. We assessed the current and historic distributions of beaver ponds and other coho salmon rearing habitat in the Stillaguamish River, a 1,771-km2 drainage basin in Washington and found that the greatest reduction in coho salmon smolt production capacity originated from the extensive loss of beaver ponds. We estimated the current summer smolt production potential (SPP) to be 965,000 smolts, compared with a historic summer SPP of 2.5 million smolts. Overall, current summer habitat capacity was reduced by 61\% compared with historic levels, most of the reduction resulting from the loss of beaver ponds. Current summer SPP from beaver ponds and sloughs was reduced by 89\% and 68\%, respectively, compared with historic SPP. A more dramatic reduction in winter habitat capacity was found; the current winter SPP was estimated at 971,000 smolts, compared with a historic winter SPP of 7.1 million smolts. In terms of winter habitat capacity, we estimated a 94\% reduction in beaver pond SPP, a 68\% loss in SPP of sloughs, a 9\% loss in SPP of tributary habitat, and an overall SPP reduction of 86\%. Most of the overall reduction resulted from the loss of beaver ponds. Our analysis suggests that summer habitat historically limited smolt production capacity, whereas both summer and winter habitats currently exert equal limits on production. Watershed-scale restoration activities designed to increase coho salmon production should emphasize the creation of ponds and other slow-water environments; increasing beaver populations may be a simple and effective means of creating slow-water habitat.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MZE4PMHR/pollock_et_al_2004_the_importance_of_beaver_ponds_to_coho_salmon_production_in_the_stillaguamish.pdf} +} + +@article{pollock_etal2011WORKINGBEAVER, + title = {{{WORKING WITH BEAVER TO RESTORE SALMON HABITAT IN THE BRIDGE CREEK INTENSIVELY MONITORED WATERSHED}}}, + author = {Pollock, Michael M and Wheaton, Joseph M and Bouwes, Nick and Jordan, Chris E}, + year = {2011}, + abstract = {The incised and degraded habitat of Bridge Creek is thought to be limiting the population of ESA-listed steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A logical restoration intervention is to improve their habitat through reconnecting the channel with portions of its former floodplain (now terraces) to increase stream habitat complexity and the extent of riparian vegetation. Using conventional restoration techniques, such interventions often involve massive grading operations, major revegetation efforts, and are extremely expensive. Here, we seek to partner with a small, extant beaver population to restore geomorphic, hydrologic and ecological functions of this degraded system by helping beaver build longerlived dams. Currently, the beaver population appears limited because their dams are short-lived. Most beaver dams are constructed within the incision trench and during high discharge events the full force of flood waters are concentrated on these dams rather than dissipating across floodplains. Consequently most dams breach and fail within their first season. The primary hypothesis we are testing is that by working with beaver to create stable colonies and aggrade incised reaches of Bridge Creek, there will be measurable improvements in riparian and stream habitat conditions and abundance of native steelhead. The main restoration design challenge was is to help beaver build dams that would last long enough to lead to the establishment of stable colonies. If this can be accomplished, the beaver dams should promote enough aggradation to reverse channel incision and reap a number of well documented positive ecosystem feedbacks associated with dynamic beaver dam complexes that will benefit steelhead and other species.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WS28XA3K/pollock_et_al_2011_working_with_beaver_to_restore_salmon_habitat_in_the_bridge_creek_intensively.pdf} +} + +@article{pollock_etal2022Fieldexperiments, + title = {Field Experiments to Assess Passage of Juvenile Salmonids across Beaver Dams during Low Flow Conditions in a Tributary to the {{Klamath River}}, {{California}}, {{USA}}}, + author = {Pollock, Michael M. and Witmore, Shari and Yokel, Erich}, + year = {2022}, + month = may, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {17}, + number = {5}, + pages = {e0268088}, + publisher = {Public Library of Science}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0268088}, + url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0268088}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {Across Eurasia and North America, beaver (Castor spp), their dams and their human-built analogues are becoming increasingly common restoration tools to facilitate recovery of streams and wetlands, providing a natural and cost-effective means of restoring dynamic fluvial ecosystems. Although the use of beaver ponds by numerous fish and wildlife species is well documented, debate continues as to the benefits of beaver dams, primarily because dams are perceived as barriers to fish movement, particularly migratory species such as salmonids. In this study, through a series of field experiments, we tested the ability of juvenile salmonids to cross constructed beaver dams (aka beaver dam analogues). Two species, coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (O. mykiss), were tracked using passive integrated transponder tags (PIT tags) as they crossed constructed beaver dam analogues. We found that when we tagged and moved these fishes from immediately upstream of the dams to immediately downstream of them, most were detected upstream within 36 hours of displacement. By the end of a 21-day field experiment, 91\% of the displaced juvenile coho and 54\% of the juvenile steelhead trout were detected on antennas upstream of the dams. In contrast, during the final week of the 21-day experiment, just 1 of 158 coho salmon and 6 of 40 (15\%) of the steelhead trout were still detected on antennas in the release pool below the dams. A similar but shorter 4-day pilot experiment with only steelhead trout produced similar results. In contrast, in a non-displacement experiment, juveniles of both species that were captured, tagged and released in a pool 50 m below the dams showed little inclination to move upstream. Further, by measuring hydraulic conditions at the major flowpaths over and around the dams, we provide insight into low-flow conditions under which juvenile salmonids are able to cross these constructed beaver dams, and that multiple types of flowpaths may be beneficial towards assisting fish movement past instream restoration structures. Finally, we compared estimates of the number of juvenile salmonids using the pond habitat upstream of the dam relative to the number that the dam may have prevented from moving upstream. Upstream of the dams we found an abundance of juvenile salmonids and a several orders of magnitude difference in favor of the number of juveniles using the pond habitat upstream of the dam. In sum, our study suggests beaver dams, BDAs, and other channel spanning habitat features should be preserved and restored rather than removed as perceived obstructions to fish passage.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Antennas,Beavers,Fish,Freshwater fish,Habitats,Ponds,Salmon,Trout}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/749CPTKZ/pollock_et_al_2022_field_experiments_to_assess_passage_of_juvenile_salmonids_across_beaver_dams.pdf} +} + +@article{polster_bio2002SOILBIOENGINEERING, + title = {{{SOIL BIOENGINEERING TECHNIQUES FOR RIPARIAN RESTORATION}}}, + author = {Polster, David F and Bio, M R P}, + year = {2002}, + pages = {10}, + abstract = {Soil bioengineering is the use of living plant materials to perform some engineering function. Soil bioengineering techniques can be used to treat eroding banks, excess gravel and unstable slopes and can provide a finished product that treats the problem as well as providing appropriate riparian vegetation. The natural successional process associated with development of a healthy, functioning riparian vegetation cover is the model that is used to design repair systems that encourage restoration of riparian values. By providing a living, growing system for repair of damaged sites, possibly with wood and rock, the repair can contribute to living riparian area.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X599JHKK/polster_bio_2002_soil_bioengineering_techniques_for_riparian_restoration.pdf} +} + +@misc{PolsterEnvironmentalBioengineering, + title = {Polster {{Environmental Bioengineering}}}, + journal = {Polster Environmental}, + url = {https://polsterenvironmental.com/methods/}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HEBKAA29/methods.html} +} + +@article{polvi_wohl2013BioticDrivers, + title = {Biotic {{Drivers}} of {{Stream Planform}}: {{Implications}} for {{Understanding}} the {{Past}} and {{Restoring}} the {{Future}}}, + shorttitle = {Biotic {{Drivers}} of {{Stream Planform}}}, + author = {Polvi, Lina and Wohl, Ellen}, + year = {2013}, + month = jun, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {63}, + pages = {439--452}, + doi = {10.1525/bio.2013.63.6.6}, + abstract = {provides insight into both the longer-term range of riv-erine forms and processes under a similar hydroclimatic regime and the underlying landscape template for resto-ration. Along the continuum of restoration from purely process-based modeling to restoring to a reference condi-tion, analysis of the historical range of variability of channel planform bridges these extremes by to reconstruct the past without requiring all biotic and physical processes and their interactions to be fully understood, a requirement that can be very difficult to meet in many systems. Biotic influences on stream planform Stream planform is typically characterized as a single-thread channel or as a multithread channel, with secondary channels that branch and rejoin downstream. Single-thread channels are further distinguished as straight or meandering on the basis of sinuosity, which is the ratio of a channel's length to its straight-line distance; a meandering channel has a sinuosity greater than 1.5. Multithread channels can be dif-ferentiated as braided channels, in which flow is separated by bars within a defined channel, or as anabranching channels, in which individual channels are separated by vegetated or otherwise stable bars and islands that are broad and long relative to the width of the channels and that divide flows at P rocess-based restoration of fluvial systems is intended}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MPQMX8DK/polvi_wohl_2013_biotic_drivers_of_stream_planform_-_implications_for_understanding_the_past_and.pdf} +} + +@article{pompanon_etal2012Whoeating, + title = {Who Is Eating What: Diet Assessment Using next Generation Sequencing}, + shorttitle = {Who Is Eating What}, + author = {Pompanon, Francois and Deagle, Bruce E. and Symondson, William O. C. and Brown, David S. and Jarman, Simon N. and Taberlet, Pierre}, + year = {2012}, + month = apr, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {8}, + pages = {1931--1950}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05403.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05403.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The analysis of food webs and their dynamics facilitates understanding of the mechanistic processes behind community ecology and ecosystem functions. Having accurate techniques for determining dietary ranges and components is critical for this endeavour. While visual analyses and early molecular approaches are highly labour intensive and often lack resolution, recent DNA-based approaches potentially provide more accurate methods for dietary studies. A suite of approaches have been used based on the identification of consumed species by characterization of DNA present in gut or faecal samples. In one approach, a standardized DNA region (DNA barcode) is PCR amplified, amplicons are sequenced and then compared to a reference database for identification. Initially, this involved sequencing clones from PCR products, and studies were limited in scale because of the costs and effort required. The recent development of next generation sequencing (NGS) has made this approach much more powerful, by allowing the direct characterization of dozens of samples with several thousand sequences per PCR product, and has the potential to reveal many consumed species simultaneously (DNA metabarcoding). Continual improvement of NGS technologies, on-going decreases in costs and current massive expansion of reference databases make this approach promising. Here we review the power and pitfalls of NGS diet methods. We present the critical factors to take into account when choosing or designing a suitable barcode. Then, we consider both technical and analytical aspects of NGS diet studies. Finally, we discuss the validation of data accuracy including the viability of producing quantitative data.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WGALG7QX/Pompanon et al. - 2012 - Who is eating what diet assessment using next gen.pdf} +} + +@article{porter_etal2000PredictiveModels, + title = {Predictive {{Models}} of {{Fish Species Distribution}} in the {{Blackwater Drainage}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Porter, Marc S. and Rosenfeld, Jordan and Parkinson, Eric A.}, + year = {2000}, + month = may, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {20}, + number = {2}, + pages = {349--359}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/1548-8675(2000)020<0349:PMOFSD>2.3.CO;2}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/1548-8675(2000)020<0349:PMOFSD>2.3.CO;2}, + urldate = {2021-10-19}, + abstract = {Management of fish biodiversity requires the ability to understand and predict expected species distributions. Models predicting species distributions can give insight into habitat requirements and expected probabilities of encountering species in unsampled areas, and help identify unique outlier populations and potential biodiversity hot spots. Previous research has shown that large-scale geomorphic variables can be linked to fish habitat use and used as predictors of fish species occurrence. Our goal was to determine whether reliable models of species distributions could be developed for freshwater fish in British Columbia, using large-scale macrohabitat data linkable to GIS (geographic information system) map coverages. We surveyed 48 streams in a representative watershed with high species diversity (the Blackwater) and developed statistical models based on macrohabitat variables to predict the distribution of 15 fish species found within the drainage. Correct classification rates of our logistic regression models based solely on map-based variables were generally high for most species found in the Blackwater (ranging from 73\% to 90\%) and showed only marginal improvement with inclusion of field-based information. The models correctly predicted the presence of individual species at stream sites 82.2\% of the time (on average) when applied to an independent data set from the Blackwater drainage, but were much less successful when applied to data from a geographically distant watershed (the Similkameen). Further refinements to quantify interregional variation in habitat conditions, however, should allow the development of regional fish distribution models as a GIS layer in British Columbia's new watershed atlas.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QMY6FLX6/porter_et_al_2000_predictive_models_of_fish_species_distribution_in_the_blackwater_drainage,.pdf} +} + +@techreport{porter_etal2008DevelopingFish, + title = {Developing {{Fish Habitat Models}} for {{Broad-Scale Forest Planning}} in the {{Southern Interior}} of {{B}}.{{C}}.}, + author = {Porter, Marc and Pickard, Darcy and Wieckowski, Katherine and Bryan, Katy}, + year = {2008}, + pages = {92}, + institution = {{ESSA Technologies Ltd. and B.C. Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for B.C. Forest Science Program}}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FIA/2008/FSP_Y081231.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-16} +} + +@article{porter_etal2010PredictiveModels, + title = {Predictive {{Models}} of {{Fish Species Distribution}} in the {{Blackwater Drainage}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Porter, Marc S and Rosenfeld, Jordan and Parkinson, Eric A}, + year = {2010}, + pages = {12}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{porter_etal2015WatershedStatus, + title = {Watershed {{Status Evaluation}}: {{An Assessment}} of 71 {{Watersheds}} Meeting {{BC}}'s {{Fisheries}} Sensitive {{Watershed Criteria}}}, + author = {Porter, M and Ochoski, N and Huang, S and Casley, S}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/watershed-status-evaluation/resource/02934429-a931-447d-8c2f-3f61c1c6ab6b}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IE3TPWYH/porter_et_al_2015_watershed_status_evaluation_-_an_assessment_of_71_watersheds_meeting_bc’s.pdf} +} + +@book{post_etal2012COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Bull Trout, {{Salvelinus}} Confluentus, South Coast {{British Columbia}} Populations, Western {{Arctic}} Populations, Upper {{Yukon}} Watershed Populations, {{Saskatchewan}} - {{Nelson}} Rivers Populations, {{Pacific}} Populations, in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Post, John Robert and Gow, Jennifer Louise and {Comit{\'e} sur la situation des esp{\`e}ces en p{\'e}ril au Canada}}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2013/ec/CW69-14-659-2013-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-06}, + isbn = {978-1-100-22290-5}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1100590540} +} + +@misc{pottingergahertyenvironmentalconsultantsltd__terra-silvaenvironmentalservicesltd_1996ReviewCattleCommunity, + title = {Review of {{Cattle-Community Watershed Conflicts}} in the {{Skeena Region}}}, + author = {{Pottinger Gaherty Environmental Consultants Ltd.} and {Terra-Silva Environmental Services Ltd.}}, + year = {1996}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/6a1dadcd-4aaf-4549-be93-eb1ec6c8a445/resource/b74a2faa-06a8-4d91-bcb9-3168948f3c0b/download/review_cattle_community_watershed_conflicts.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-11}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UAJMAN5N/pottinger_gaherty_environmental_consultants_ltd._terra-silva_environmental_services_ltd._1996_review_of_cattle-community_watershed_conflicts_in_the_skeena_region.pdf} +} + +@misc{powell_etal2018Gitxsan, + title = {Gitxsan}, + author = {Powell, J.V. and Jensen, Vickie D. and Pedersen, Anne-Marie}, + year = {2018}, + journal = {The Canadian Encyclopedia}, + url = {https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/gitksan}, + urldate = {2022-12-14}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VF5LDC89/gitksan.html} +} + +@article{powers_etal2018processbasedapproach, + title = {A Process-Based Approach to Restoring Depositional River Valleys to {{Stage}} 0, an Anastomosing Channel Network: {{RESTORING STREAMS TO STAGE}} 0 {{IN UNCONFINED VALLEYS IN THE USA}}}, + shorttitle = {A Process-Based Approach to Restoring Depositional River Valleys to {{Stage}} 0, an Anastomosing Channel Network}, + author = {Powers, Paul and Helstab, Matt and Niezgoda, Sue}, + year = {2018}, + month = nov, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {35}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.3378}, + abstract = {Stream restoration approaches most often quantify habitat degradation, and therefore recovery objectives, on aquatic habitat metrics based on a narrow range of species needs (e.g., salmon and trout), as well as channel evolution models and channel design tools biased toward single-threaded, and ``sediment-balanced'' channel patterns. Although this strategy enhances perceived habitat needs, it often fails to properly identify the underlying geomorphological and ecological processes limiting species recovery and ecosystem restoration. In this paper, a unique process-based approach to restoration that strives to restore degraded stream, river, or meadow systems to the premanipulated condition is presented. The proposed relatively simple Geomorphic Grade Line (GGL) design method is based on Geographic Information System (GIS) and field-based analyses and the development of design maps using relative elevation models that expose the relic predisturbance valley surface. Several case studies are presented to both describe the development of the GGL method and to illustrate how the GGL method of evaluating valley surfaces has been applied to Stage 0 restoration design. The paper also summarizes the wide applicability of the GGL method, the advantages and limitations of the method, and key considerations for future designers of Stage 0 systems anywhere in the world. By presenting this ongoing Stage 0 restoration work, the authors hope to inspire other practitioners to embrace the restoration of dynamism and diversity through restoring the processes that create multifaceted river systems that provide long-term resiliency, meta-stability, larger and more complex and diverse habitats, and optimal ecosystem benefits.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JKS7HXMV/powers_et_al_2018_a_process-based_approach_to_restoring_depositional_river_valleys_to_stage_0,_an.pdf} +} + +@article{powers_etal2019processbasedapproach, + title = {A Process-Based Approach to Restoring Depositional River Valleys to {{Stage}} 0, an Anastomosing Channel Network}, + author = {Powers, Paul D. and Helstab, Matt and Niezgoda, Sue L.}, + year = {2019}, + journal = {River Research and Applications}, + volume = {35}, + number = {1}, + pages = {3--13}, + issn = {1535-1467}, + doi = {10.1002/rra.3378}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/rra.3378}, + urldate = {2024-02-07}, + abstract = {Stream restoration approaches most often quantify habitat degradation, and therefore recovery objectives, on aquatic habitat metrics based on a narrow range of species needs (e.g., salmon and trout), as well as channel evolution models and channel design tools biased toward single-threaded, and ``sediment-balanced'' channel patterns. Although this strategy enhances perceived habitat needs, it often fails to properly identify the underlying geomorphological and ecological processes limiting species recovery and ecosystem restoration. In this paper, a unique process-based approach to restoration that strives to restore degraded stream, river, or meadow systems to the premanipulated condition is presented. The proposed relatively simple Geomorphic Grade Line (GGL) design method is based on Geographic Information System (GIS) and field-based analyses and the development of design maps using relative elevation models that expose the relic predisturbance valley surface. Several case studies are presented to both describe the development of the GGL method and to illustrate how the GGL method of evaluating valley surfaces has been applied to Stage 0 restoration design. The paper also summarizes the wide applicability of the GGL method, the advantages and limitations of the method, and key considerations for future designers of Stage 0 systems anywhere in the world. By presenting this ongoing Stage 0 restoration work, the authors hope to inspire other practitioners to embrace the restoration of dynamism and diversity through restoring the processes that create multifaceted river systems that provide long-term resiliency, meta-stability, larger and more complex and diverse habitats, and optimal ecosystem benefits.}, + copyright = {{\copyright} 2018 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {ecological uplift,Geomorphic Grade Line,relative elevation model,resilience,river restoration,Stage 0 anastomosing/anabranching,stream evolution,wetland restoration} +} + +@article{price_etal2010FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Effectiveness}} of {{Recently Constructed Road Crossing Culverts}} in the {{Puget Sound Region}} of {{Washington State}}}, + author = {Price, David M. and Quinn, Timothy and Barnard, Robert J.}, + year = {2010}, + month = oct, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {30}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1110--1125}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/M10-004.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/M10-004.1}, + urldate = {2022-02-16}, + abstract = {Fish passage barriers at road--stream crossings are widely recognized as salmon Oncorhynchus spp. habitat restoration priorities in Washington State and throughout the Pacific Northwest of the USA. More than 3,500 fish passage barriers (mostly culverts) have been repaired in Washington streams since 1999, costing more than US\$139 million. We evaluated fish passage at 77 randomly selected culverts (new and repaired) that were issued permits during three time periods (1998, 2003, and 2007). This sample represents approximately 85\% of the fish passage culverts permitted in the Puget Sound region of Washington State during the last 10 years. All study culverts were permitted for fish passage under the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) hydraulic project approval (HPA) permitting process and evaluated using physical criteria in the WDFW's fish passage barrier standard. Our results indicate that 30\% of culverts (23 of 77) permitted under the HPA process for fish passage were, in fact, barriers. Culverts permitted as no-slope (one of the most common design types) or as an unknown design type were barriers in 45\% of cases. Most culvert failures were due to noncompliance with permit provisions, particularly culvert slope, and a lack of critical evaluation of proposed plans in the context of site conditions by permitting biologists. We found no relationship between barrier status and permit date, experience of permitting biologists, quality of permit, or project sponsor type (private, public, or restoration entity). These results indicate the need for mechanisms to ensure better compliance from project sponsors and an improved process to critically evaluate the adequacy of proposed plans in the context of project site conditions.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HZDU5WMP/price_et_al_2010_fish_passage_effectiveness_of_recently_constructed_road_crossing_culverts_in.pdf} +} + +@article{price_etal2010FishPassagea, + title = {Fish {{Passage Effectiveness}} of {{Recently Constructed Road Crossing Culverts}} in the {{Puget Sound Region}} of {{Washington State}}}, + author = {Price, David M. and Quinn, Timothy and Barnard, Robert J.}, + year = {2010}, + month = oct, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {30}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1110--1125}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/M10-004.1}, + url = {https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/01339/wdfw01339.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-02}, + abstract = {Fish passage barriers at road--stream crossings are widely recognized as salmon Oncorhynchus spp. habitat restoration priorities in Washington State and throughout the Pacific Northwest of the USA. More than 3,500 fish passage barriers (mostly culverts) have been repaired in Washington streams since 1999, costing more than US\$139 million. We evaluated fish passage at 77 randomly selected culverts (new and repaired) that were issued permits during three time periods (1998, 2003, and 2007). This sample represents approximately 85\% of the fish passage culverts permitted in the Puget Sound region of Washington State during the last 10 years. All study culverts were permitted for fish passage under the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) hydraulic project approval (HPA) permitting process and evaluated using physical criteria in the WDFW's fish passage barrier standard. Our results indicate that 30\% of culverts (23 of 77) permitted under the HPA process for fish passage were, in fact, barriers. Culverts permitted as no-slope (one of the most common design types) or as an unknown design type were barriers in 45\% of cases. Most culvert failures were due to noncompliance with permit provisions, particularly culvert slope, and a lack of critical evaluation of proposed plans in the context of site conditions by permitting biologists. We found no relationship between barrier status and permit date, experience of permitting biologists, quality of permit, or project sponsor type (private, public, or restoration entity). These results indicate the need for mechanisms to ensure better compliance from project sponsors and an improved process to critically evaluate the adequacy of proposed plans in the context of project site conditions.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IE9MHJVP/price_et_al_2010_fish_passage_effectiveness_of_recently_constructed_road_crossing_culverts_in.pdf} +} + +@article{price_etal2019Geneticscentury, + ids = {priceGeneticsCenturyOld2019b}, + title = {Genetics of Century-old Fish Scales Reveal Population Patterns of Decline}, + author = {Price, Michael H.H. and Connors, Brendan M. and Candy, John R. and McIntosh, Brenda and Beacham, Terry D. and Moore, Jonathan W. and Reynolds, John D.}, + year = {2019}, + month = nov, + journal = {Conservation Letters}, + volume = {12}, + number = {6}, + issn = {1755-263X, 1755-263X}, + doi = {10.1111/conl.12669}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/conl.12669}, + urldate = {2020-06-01}, + abstract = {Conservation scientists rarely have the information required to understand changes in abundance over more than a few decades, even for important species like Pacific salmon. Such lack of historical information can underestimate the magnitude of decline for depressed populations. We applied genetic tools to a unique collection of 100-year-old salmon scales to reveal declines of 56\%--99\% in wild sockeye populations across Canada's second largest salmon watershed, the Skeena River. These analyses reveal century-long declines that are much greater than those based on modern era abundance data, which suggested that only 7 of 13 populations declined over the last five decades. Populations of larger-bodied fish have declined the most in abundance, likely because of size-selective commercial fisheries. Our findings illustrate how a deep historical perspective can expand our understanding of past abundances to a time before species incurred significant losses from fishing, and help inform conservation for diminished populations.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{price2014UpperBulkleya, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley}} Floodplain Habitat: Modifications, Physical Barriers, and Sites of Potential Importance to Salmonids -- {{Final Report}}}, + shorttitle = {Upper {{Bulkley Floodplain Habitat}}}, + author = {Price, Michael}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/upper-bulkley-floodplain-habitat-modifications-physical-barriers-sites-of-importance-to-salmonids/resource/62440a32-6fdc-47f9-8596-35213cee84ce}, + urldate = {2021-02-08}, + abstract = {The purpose of this assessment report was to document human-induced modifications to floodplain habitat and river channelization, investigate potential barriers to fish migration, and to assess...}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7JCL42Y3/price_2014_upper_bulkley_floodplain_habitat_-_modifications,_physical_barriers,_and_sites.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6HFBA3YD/62440a32-6fdc-47f9-8596-35213cee84ce.html} +} + +@misc{provinceofbritishcolumbia2013FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Activity Engineering Standards}}}, + author = {{Province of British Columbia}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/fishpassageactivityengstdsfinalapril2-2013.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WMMRZXGJ/province_of_british_columbia_2013_fish_passage_activity_engineering_standards.pdf} +} + +@misc{provinceofbritishcolumbia2017PSCISUser, + title = {{{PSCIS User Guide}} - {{Provincial Stream Crossing Information System}} - {{Version}} 2}, + author = {{Province of British Columbia}}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/land-based-investment/forests-for-tomorrow/pscis-user-guide-v2.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FLSISHAY/province_of_british_columbia_2017_pscis_user_guide_-_provincial_stream_crossing_information_system_-_version_2.pdf} +} + +@misc{provincialaquaticecosystemstechnicalworkinggroup2020InterimAssessment, + title = {Interim {{Assessment Protocol}} for {{Aquatic Ecosystems}} in {{British Columbia}} -- {{Standards}} for {{Assessing}} the {{Condition}} of {{Aquatic Ecosystems}} under {{British Columbia}}'s {{Cumulative Effects Framework}}. {{Version}} 1.3}, + author = {{Provincial Aquatic Ecosystems Technical Working Group}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/cumulative-effects/protocols/cef-aquatic-ecosystems-protocol-dec2020.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + annotation = {Prepared by: Provincial Aquatic Ecosystems Technical Working Group -- Ministry of Environment and\\ +Climate Change Strategy \& Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/I5K8HHVJ/provincial_aquatic_ecosystems_technical_working_group_2020_interim_assessment_protocol_for_aquatic_ecosystems_in_british_columbia_–.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RWI7AEBS/aquatic_protocol_appendix_gis_indicators_inputs_datadict_2018_20201015.xlsx;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6GH9MWQC/aquatic-ecosystems.html} +} + +@misc{ProvincialObstaclesFish, + title = {Provincial {{Obstacles}} to {{Fish Passage}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + author = {{MoE}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/provincial-obstacles-to-fish-passage}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Knowledge Management}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{pullinDoesuse, + title = {Does the Use of In-Stream Structures and Woody Debris Increase the Abundance of Trout and Salmon?}, + author = {Pullin, Andrew}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/30050656/Does_the_use_of_in_stream_structures_and_woody_debris_increase_the_abundance_of_trout_and_salmon}, + urldate = {2021-03-31}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CU2RR7MR/Does_the_use_of_in_stream_structures_and_woody_debris_increase_the_abundance_of_trout_and_salmo.html} +} + +@misc{puttock_etal2016Eurasianbeaver, + title = {Eurasian Beaver Activity Increases Water Storage, Attenuates Flow and Mitigates Diffuse Pollution from Intensively-Managed Grasslands {\textbar} {{Elsevier Enhanced Reader}}}, + author = {Puttock, A. and Graham, H.A. and Cunliffea, A.M. and Elliott, M and Brazier, R.E.}, + year = {2016}, + doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.122}, + url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0048969716323099?token=16A44701EB22D6B1529A01FE30FC1D39BE6BC79D056EF3E39A2616447186FDC1C3F19D53B3FB006BA3FD0B08906E551D&originRegion=us-east-1&originCreation=20220520202204}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E6DD538Y/puttock_et_al_2016_eurasian_beaver_activity_increases_water_storage,_attenuates_flow_and_mitigates.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GG4YD9DI/S0048969716323099.html} +} + +@misc{qgisdevelopmentteam2009QGISgeographic, + title = {{{QGIS}} Geographic Information System}, + author = {{QGIS Development Team}}, + year = {2009}, + url = {http://qgis.osgeo.org}, + organization = {Open Source Geospatial Foundation} +} + +@misc{quaaout-admin2021SecwepemcShuswap, + title = {The {{Secwepemc}} (or {{Shuswap}}) {{People}} and {{Their Culture}}}, + author = {{Quaaout-admin}}, + year = {2021}, + month = dec, + journal = {Quaaout}, + url = {https://quaaoutlodge.com/the-secwepemc-or-shuswap-people-and-their-culture/}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + abstract = {Traditional Secwepemc or Shuswap culture is still very much alive today and efforts are being made to ensure it stays that way. Continue reading to learn}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3JHACZ9F/the-secwepemc-or-shuswap-people-and-their-culture.html} +} + +@article{quinn_peterson1996influencehabitat, + title = {The Influence of Habitat Complexity and Fish Size on Over-Winter Survival and Growth of Individually Marked Juvenile Coho Salmon ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Kisutch}} ) in {{Big Beef Creek}}, {{Washington}}}, + author = {Quinn, T P and Peterson, N P}, + year = {1996}, + month = jul, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {53}, + number = {7}, + pages = {1555--1564}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f96-092}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f96-092}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + abstract = {Wild juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were individually marked in October 1990 and 1991 to evaluate the effects of habitat complexity and fish size on over-winter survival in Big Beef Creek, Washington. Habitat complexity was quantified for the habitat unit where the fish were collected and, in 1991, also for the 500-m reach downstream from the collection site. Survival, estimated from recovery of marked smolts at the stream's mouth, differed between years (25.4 and 46.2\%) and also varied among habitat units and reaches within years. Survival was at most weakly correlated with complexity of the habitat units but was strongly correlated with the quantity of woody debris and density of habitat units in the 500-m reach, and distance from the estuary. Because distance covaried with habitat complexity, we could not ascertain which factor had the primary influence on survival. In addition, larger fish generally survived at a higher rate than smaller individuals. However, fish tagged above William Symington Lake were smaller in the fall but larger as smolts and had higher survival rates than those tagged below the lake. Taken together, these results reveal complex relationships between size, habitat, and growth that may affect over-winter survival and subsequent life-history events.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/68C5QYCR/quinn_peterson_1996_the_influence_of_habitat_complexity_and_fish_size_on_over-winter_survival_and.pdf} +} + +@techreport{rabnett_etal2003KispioxWatershed, + title = {Kispiox {{Watershed Fish Sustainability Plan Stage II Briefing Backgrounder}}}, + author = {Rabnett, Kenny and Gottesfeld, Allen and Hall, Peter}, + year = {2003}, + pages = {79}, + url = {https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/333629.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HF6R4EG9/rabnett_et_al_2003_kispiox_watershed_fish_sustainability_plan_stage_ii_briefing_backgrounder.pdf} +} + +@techreport{rabnett_etal2017Dispersedtraditional, + title = {Dispersed Traditional Fisheries in the Upper {{Skeena Watershed}}}, + author = {Rabnett, K and Holland, K and Gottesfeld, A}, + year = {2017}, + urldate = {2022-04-11}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Gitksan Watershed Authorities, Hazelton, BC} +} + +@misc{rabnett_williams2004Highway16, + title = {Highway \#16 {{Fish Passage Assessment}} in {{Middle Skeena Watershed}}}, + author = {Rabnett, K. and Williams, L.}, + year = {2004}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/lv/dataset/raabnett-williams-2004-middle-skeena-fish-passage-pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{rae_etal1997EffectsFertilization, + title = {Effects of {{Fertilization}} on {{Phytoplankton}} in {{Kootenay Lake}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Rae, Rowena M. and Pick, Frances R. and Hamilton, Paul B. and Ashley, Kenneth I.}, + year = {1997}, + month = apr, + journal = {Lake and Reservoir Management}, + volume = {13}, + number = {1}, + pages = {57--66}, + issn = {1040-2381, 2151-5530}, + doi = {10.1080/07438149709354297}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07438149709354297}, + urldate = {2024-10-28}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/63X4TZT4/rae_et_al_1997_effects_of_fertilization_on_phytoplankton_in_kootenay_lake,_british_columbia.pdf} +} + +@misc{raleigh_etal1984Habitatsuitability, + title = {Habitat Suitability Information: Rainbow Trout}, + author = {Raleigh, R.F and Hickman, T and Solomon, R.C and Nelson, P.C}, + year = {1984}, + url = {http://www.sjrdotmdl.org/concept_model/bio-effects_model/documents/Raleigh_etal1984.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-04-25} +} + +@techreport{raleigh_etal1986HabitatSuitablility, + title = {Habitat {{Suitablility Index Models}} and {{Instream Flow Suitability Curves}}: {{Chinook Salmon}}}, + author = {Raleigh, R.F. and Miller, W.J. and Nelson, P.C.}, + year = {1986}, + pages = {64}, + institution = {U.S. Fish Wildlife Service}, + url = {https://archive.usgs.gov/archive/sites/www.nwrc.usgs.gov/wdb/pub/hsi/hsi-122.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-07-09}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DHMB3NJT/raleigh_et_al_1986_habitat_suitablility_index_models_and_instream_flow_suitability_curves_-_chinook.pdf} +} + +@misc{RangePlanningPracticesRegulation, + title = {Range {{Planning}} and {{Practices Regulation}}}, + url = {https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/lc/statreg/19_2004#section9}, + urldate = {2024-10-02} +} + +@manual{rcoreteam2022languageenvironment, + type = {Manual}, + title = {R: {{A}} Language and Environment for Statistical Computing}, + author = {{R Core Team}}, + year = {2022}, + address = {Vienna, Austria}, + institution = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing}, + url = {https://www.R-project.org/} +} + +@misc{rcoreteam2022languageenvironmenta, + title = {R: {{A}} Language and Environment for Statistical Computing}, + author = {{R Core Team}}, + year = {2022}, + address = {Vienna, Austria}, + url = {https://www.R-project.org/}, + organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing} +} + +@article{reavie_etal2000Paleolimnologicalanalyses, + title = {Paleolimnological Analyses of Cultural Eutrophication Patterns in {{British Columbia}} Lakes}, + author = {Reavie, Euan D and Smol, John P and Sharpe, Ian D and Westenhofer, Lisa A and Roberts, Marie}, + year = {2000}, + volume = {78}, + pages = {16}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/b00-058}, + abstract = {Diatom-based paleolimnological approaches were used to determine the effects of cultural impacts on eutrophication histories in four lakes from central British Columbia. Stratigraphic analysis of fossil diatoms in 210Pbdated cores and inferences of past total phosphorus concentrations using diatom-based models were used to reconstruct the nutrient histories of Takysie, Tchesinkut, Francois, and Tyhee lakes. Diatom microfossils indicate that these lakes are probably naturally productive, but some nutrient enrichment has likely occurred in response to human development (since A.D. 1850), particularly in Tyhee Lake. However, in Tchesinkut and Francois lakes, some reduction in total phosphorus may have occurred in recent decades. Takysie, Tchesinkut, and Francois lakes have been dominated by planktonic diatoms indicative of high productivity (e.g., Stephanodiscus, Asterionella, Fragilaria crotonensis, Aulacoseira). Tyhee Lake has been dominated by benthic Fragilaria species, but Stephanodiscus minutulus has increased in recent decades. These data were pooled with previously published paleolimnological data from British Columbia to summarize cultural eutrophication patterns in this region. Out of 11 British Columbia lakes considered, 10 were productive before human intervention, but 7 eutrophied further as a result of human activities. One lake exhibited no obvious post-1850 change in diatom assemblage, suggesting little human impact on water quality. In three of the lakes, recent improvements in water quality may have occurred in response to recent mitigation efforts.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HJGIHPI8/reavie_et_al_2000_paleolimnological_analyses_of_cultural_eutrophication_patterns_in_british.pdf} +} + +@misc{Reconnaissance20000FishFishHabitatInventoryResamplingPendletonSubunit2004042004, + title = {Reconnaissance 1\_20,000 {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory Resampling}} in the {{Pendleton Sub-unit}} 2004\_04}, + year = {2004}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r53706/Reconnaissance1_20,000FishandFishHabitatInventory_1519754200865_9753014851.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UIIZEC5L/2004_reconnaissance_1_20,000_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_resampling_in_the.pdf} +} + +@misc{Reconnaissance20000FishFishHabitatInventoryTelkwaRiverWatershed, + title = {Reconnaissance 1:20,000 {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} of the {{Telkwa River Watershed}}}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=10223}, + urldate = {2020-07-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/86XTKTGA/reconnaissance_1_-20,000_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_of_the_telkwa_river.pdf} +} + +@misc{ReconnaissanceSurveyChudnuslidaLake, + title = {A {{Reconnaissance Survey}} of {{Chudnuslida Lake}}}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KHZNHXDG/a_reconnaissance_survey_of_chudnuslida_lake.pdf} +} + +@misc{redden_jedrzejczyk1997FishFish, + title = {Fish and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} for {{Forest Licences A-16823}} and {{A-16825}}}, + author = {Redden, S and Jedrzejczyk, M}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r2477/endako_1111018814827_dc139a317a2f4b3ab4fbf5f65ac33401.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-25}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XZ9L7MP5/redden_jedrzejczyk_1997_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_for_forest_licences_a-16823_and_a-16825.pdf} +} + +@article{rees_etal2014applicationeDNA, + title = {The Application of {{{\textsc{eDNA}}}} for Monitoring of the {{Great Crested Newt}} in the {{UK}}}, + shorttitle = {The Application Of}, + author = {Rees, Helen C. and Bishop, Keith and Middleditch, David J. and Patmore, James R. M. and Maddison, Ben C. and Gough, Kevin C.}, + year = {2014}, + month = nov, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {4}, + number = {21}, + pages = {4023--4032}, + issn = {2045-7758, 2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.1272}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.1272}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Current ecological surveys for great crested newts are time-consuming and expensive and can only be carried out within a short survey window. Additional survey methods which would facilitate the detection of rare or protected species such as the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) would be extremely advantageous. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has been utilized for the detection of great crested newts in Denmark. Here, the same methodology has been applied to water samples taken from UK ponds concurrently with conventional field surveying techniques. Our eDNA analysis exhibited an 84\% success rate with a kappa coefficient of agreement between field and eDNA surveys of 0.86. One pond determined to be negative for great crested newt by field survey was positive by eDNA analysis, revealing the potential for improved detection rates using this methodology. Analysis of water samples collected in late summer indicates that eDNA analysis could be used to detect great crested newt after the optimal survey window for current field techniques had passed. Consequently, eDNA analysis could augment currently stipulated techniques for great crested newt surveying as a relatively quick and inexpensive tool for collecting great crested newt presence and distribution data within the UK instead of or prior to full field surveys.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SQDSNL3H/Rees et al. - 2014 - The application of span style=font-variantsmall.pdf} +} + +@article{rees_etal2014REVIEWdetection, + title = {{{REVIEW}}: {{The}} Detection of Aquatic Animal Species Using Environmental {{DNA}} -- a Review of {{eDNA}} as a Survey Tool in Ecology}, + shorttitle = {{{REVIEW}}}, + author = {Rees, Helen C. and Maddison, Ben C. and Middleditch, David J. and Patmore, James R.M. and Gough, Kevin C.}, + editor = {Crispo, Erika}, + year = {2014}, + month = oct, + journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, + volume = {51}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1450--1459}, + issn = {0021-8901, 1365-2664}, + doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.12306}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12306}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary Knowledge of species distribution is critical to ecological management and conservation biology. Effective management requires the detection of populations, which can sometimes be at low densities and is usually based on visual detection and counting. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the detection of short species-specific environmental DNA (e DNA ) fragments to allow aquatic species monitoring within different environments due to the potential of greater sensitivity over traditional survey methods which can be time-consuming and costly. Environmental DNA analysis is increasingly being used in the detection of rare or invasive species and has also been applied to e DNA persistence studies and estimations of species biomass and distribution. When combined with next-generation sequencing methods, it has been demonstrated that entire faunas can be identified. Different environments require different sampling methodologies, but there remain areas where laboratory methodologies could be standardized to allow results to be compared across studies. Synthesis and applications . We review recently published studies that use e DNA to monitor aquatic populations, discuss the methodologies used and the application of e DNA analysis as a survey tool in ecology. We include innovative ideas for how e DNA can be used for conservation and management citing test cases, for instance, the potential for on-site analyses, including the application of e DNA analysis to carbon nanotube platforms or laser transmission spectroscopy to facilitate rapid on-site detections. The use of e DNA monitoring is already being adopted in the UK for ecological surveys. , We review recently published studies that use e DNA to monitor aquatic populations, discuss the methodologies used and the application of e DNA analysis as a survey tool in ecology. We include innovative ideas for how e DNA can be used for conservation and management citing test cases, for instance, the potential for on-site analyses, including the application of e DNA analysis to carbon nanotube platforms or laser transmission spectroscopy to facilitate rapid on-site detections. The use of e DNA monitoring is already being adopted in the UK for ecological surveys.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZMDMQE7J/Rees et al. - 2014 - REVIEW The detection of aquatic animal species us.pdf} +} + +@techreport{reeves_etal1989Identificationphysical, + title = {Identification of Physical Habitats Limiting the Production of Coho Salmon in Western {{Oregon}} and {{Washington}}.}, + author = {Reeves, G.H. and Everest, F.H. and Nickelson, T.E.}, + year = {1989}, + number = {PNW-GTR-245}, + pages = {PNW-GTR-245}, + address = {Portland, OR}, + institution = {U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station}, + doi = {10.2737/PNW-GTR-245}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/9092}, + urldate = {2021-11-23}, + abstract = {Fishery managers are currently spending millions of dollars per year on habitat enhancement for anadromous salmonids but often do not have the tools needed to ensure success. An analysis of factors limiting production of salmonids in streams must be completed before any habitat-enhancement program is begun. This paper outlines the first formal procedure for identifying physical habitats limiting production of coho salmon.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5BLM7U2A/reeves_et_al_1989_identification_of_physical_habitats_limiting_the_production_of_coho_salmon_in.pdf} +} + +@article{reid_etalenvironmentalDNAbased, + title = {An Environmental {{DNA-based}} Survey for {{Redside Dace}} ({{Clinostomus}} Elongatus) in {{Greater Toronto Area}} Watersheds}, + author = {Reid, Scott M and Kopf, Victoria and Boothroyd, Margaret}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/H9HC5872/Reid et al. - An environmental DNA-based survey for Redside Dace.pdf} +} + +@article{reimchen_etalIsotopicEvidence, + title = {Isotopic {{Evidence}} for {{Enrichment}} of {{Salmon- Derived Nutrients}} in {{Vegetation}}, {{Soil}}, and {{Insects}} in {{Riparian Zones}} in {{Coastal British Columbia}}}, + author = {Reimchen, T E and Mathewson, D and Hocking, M D and Moran, J and Harris, D}, + abstract = {Anadromous fishes such as salmonids link marine and terrestrial ecosystems in coastal watersheds of western North America. We examine here the extent of isotopic enrichment of salmon-derived nutrients in soil, vegetation, and terrestrial insects among six watersheds from coastal British Columbia that differ in the density of salmon spawning abundance. Results demonstrate a direct relationship between the salmon spawning density and 15N enrichment in humus soil, in riparian vegetation (Tsuga heterophylla,Vaccinium parvifolium, Rubus spectabilis), and in riparian insects including herbivorous and carnivorous Carabidae (Pterostichus, Scaphinotus, Zacotus). The results suggest broad cycling of salmon-derived nutrients into multiple trophic levels of terrestrial ecosystems. We also describe for the first time the detection of salmon-derived nitrogen in wood samples extracted from old-growth riparian. This result suggests new opportunities for assessing relative nutrient transfer and salmon abundance in past centuries.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NJ8UE8NP/Reimchen et al. - Isotopic Evidence for Enrichment of Salmon- Derive.pdf} +} + +@misc{resourceinventorystandardscommittee2001Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20 000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory Standards}} and {{Procedures}}}, + author = {{Resource Inventory Standards Committee}}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/recce2c.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/68IUJWG7/resource_inventory_standards_committee_2001_reconnaissance_(1_-20_000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_standards_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{ResourceLibrary, + title = {Resource {{Library}}}, + journal = {NEEF}, + url = {https://www.neef.ca/resources/resource-library}, + urldate = {2022-01-13}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{resourcesinformationstandardscommittee2018ManualBritish, + title = {Manual of {{British Columbia Hydrometric Standards}}, {{Version}} 2.0, {{December}} 2018}, + author = {{Resources Information Standards Committee}}, + year = {2018}, + publisher = {{Knowledge Management Branch, B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Victoria, B.C.}}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/man_bc_hydrometric_stand_v2.pdf}, + annotation = {bibtex[shortauthor=RISC]} +} + +@misc{resourcesinventorycommittee1997FishCollection, + title = {Fish {{Collection Methods}} and {{Standards Version}} 4.0}, + author = {{Resources Inventory Committee}}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/fishml04.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B3MCLEMA/resources_inventory_committee_1997_fish_collection_methods_and_standards_version_4.0.pdf} +} + +@techreport{resourcesinventorycommittee2001Reconnaissance20a, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20 000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}}: {{Standards}} and {{Procedures}}. {{Version}} 2.0.}, + author = {{Resources Inventory Committee}}, + year = {2001}, + institution = {Resources Inventory Committee}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/nr-laws-policy/risc/recce2c.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-06}, + howpublished = {Prepared by BC Fisheries Information Services Branch}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AT8NRGAP/resources_inventory_committee_2001_reconnaissance_(1_-20_000)_fish_and_fish_habitat_inventory_-_standards_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{ResPetrosky1987IdahoHabitatEvaluationOffSiteMitigationRecordpdf, + title = {Res-{{Petrosky1987 Idaho Habitat Evaluation}} for {{Off-Site Mitigation Record}}.Pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YNVSVLYD/res-petrosky1987_idaho_habitat_evaluation_for_off-site_mitigation_record.pdf.pdf} +} + +@article{ResponsesLDNUFNTransmissionLineITTCommentID1012023, + title = {Responses for {{LDN}} and {{UFN Transmission Line ITT}}; {{Comment ID}}\#101}, + year = {2023}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8UZSFXDX/2023_responses_for_ldn_and_ufn_transmission_line_itt;_comment_id#101.pdf} +} + +@article{ResponsesLDNUFNTransmissionLineITTCommentID1372022, + title = {Responses for {{LDN}} and {{UFN Transmission Line ITT}}; {{Comment ID}}\#137}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9GS3ENTL/2022_responses_for_ldn_and_ufn_transmission_line_itt;_comment_id#137.pdf} +} + +@article{ResponsesLDNUFNTransmissionLineITTCommentID152, + title = {Responses for {{LDN}} and {{UFN Transmission Line ITT}}; {{Comment ID}}\#152}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JK4Z97JM/responses_for_ldn_and_ufn_transmission_line_itt;_comment_id#152.pdf} +} + +@book{RestorationAquaticEcosystemsScienceTechnologyPublicPolicy1992, + title = {Restoration of {{Aquatic Ecosystems}}: {{Science}}, {{Technology}}, and {{Public Policy}}}, + shorttitle = {Restoration of {{Aquatic Ecosystems}}}, + year = {1992}, + month = jan, + pages = {1807}, + publisher = {National Academies Press}, + address = {Washington, D.C.}, + doi = {10.17226/1807}, + url = {http://www.nap.edu/catalog/1807}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + isbn = {978-0-309-04534-6}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SBXKHCSD/1992 - Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems Science, Techno.pdf} +} + +@misc{reynoldson_resh1999DevelopmentProtocols, + title = {Development of {{Protocols}} for {{Establishing Reference Conditions}} in the {{Fraser River Catchment}}, {{British Columbia}}, {{Canada}}}, + author = {Reynoldson, T.B. and Resh, V.H.}, + year = {1999}, + url = {https://lms.unb.ca/content/enforced/250986-D2L_2024SM_NC_CPTR_1001_FRE01_352940/CABIN%20Module%202/Files/FRAP_CABINMod3.pdf?ou=250986}, + urldate = {2024-08-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3WE5Q7UJ/FRAP_CABINMod3.pdf} +} + +@article{rice_etal2018EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} Detects a Rare Large River Crayfish but with Little Relation to Local Abundance}, + shorttitle = {Environmental}, + author = {Rice, Christopher J. and Larson, Eric R. and Taylor, Christopher A.}, + year = {2018}, + month = may, + journal = {Freshwater Biology}, + volume = {63}, + number = {5}, + pages = {443--455}, + issn = {0046-5070, 1365-2427}, + doi = {10.1111/fwb.13081}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/fwb.13081}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Environmental DNA ( eDNA ) is DNA extracted from environmental samples (e.g. water) that can be used to infer presence or abundance of species, sometimes with greater sensitivity than conventional sampling methods. Previous eDNA applications to lotic ecosystems have shown promise in accurately inferring species presence, although studies attempting to estimate species abundance have had mixed results. This may be because eDNA applications in lotic environments are challenged by directional streamflow, which has the potential to transport detectable eDNA downstream from its source. Our study sought to evaluate whether results from eDNA corresponded well with the presence and abundance of the narrowly endemic, large river specialist crayfish Faxonius eupunctus obtained through a rigorous, well-tested conventional sampling method, or instead, if downstream eDNA transport in this large river system might overwhelm the effect of local species abundance. We used a species-specific quantitative PCR ( qPCR ) assay to amplify F.~eupunctus eDNA collected in surface water samples from streams within the Eleven Point River drainage, Arkansas and Missouri, U.S.A . We estimated F.~eupunctus eDNA detection probabilities and examined relationships between eDNA detection probability and site-scale variables using a hierarchical occupancy and detection probability modelling framework. Results from eDNA sampling showed {\texttildelow}90\% agreement relative to our conventional sampling method in estimating F.~eupunctus presence, although eDNA failed to detect F.~eupunctus eDNA at two upstream sites where conventional sampling detected F.~eupunctus individuals. We found a poor relationship between F.~eupunctus eDNA detection probability and local F.~eupunctus abundance, and a strong relationship between eDNA detection probability and upstream river distance, which we used as a proxy for the risk of downstream transport of eDNA from upstream F.~eupunctus populations. Our results demonstrate eDNA is a largely reliable tool for estimating the presence of benthic organisms in large, freshwater rivers. However, the likelihood of detecting F.~eupunctus eDNA presence in our study increased as we moved down the stream network, even though local species abundances were greatest at more upstream locations. Therefore, the ability of eDNA to accurately reflect species presence or abundance in some lotic environments may be hindered by the downstream transport of detectable eDNA .}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#am}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BM4KYR9F/Rice et al. - 2018 - Environmental span style=font-variantsmall-caps.pdf} +} + +@article{richey_etal2018DistributionPrevalence, + title = {Distribution and {{Prevalence}} of {{{\emph{Myxobolus}}}}{\emph{ Cerebralis}} in {{Postfire Areas}} of {{Plumas National Forest}}: {{Utility}} of {{Environmental}} {{{\textsc{DNA}}}} {{Sampling}}}, + shorttitle = {Distribution and {{Prevalence}} of {{{\emph{Myxobolus}}}}{\emph{ Cerebralis}} in {{Postfire Areas}} of {{Plumas National Forest}}}, + author = {Richey, Christine A. and Kenelty, Kirsten V. and Van Stone Hopkins, Kristina and Stevens, Brittany N. and Mart{\'i}nez-L{\'o}pez, Beatriz and Barnum, Samantha M. and Hallett, Sascha L. and Atkinson, Stephen D. and Bartholomew, Jerri L. and Soto, Esteban}, + year = {2018}, + month = jun, + journal = {Journal of Aquatic Animal Health}, + volume = {30}, + number = {2}, + pages = {130--143}, + issn = {0899-7659, 1548-8667}, + doi = {10.1002/aah.10014}, + url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aah.10014}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Myxobolus cerebralis is a myxozoan parasite and the etiological agent of whirling disease in salmonids. The parasite's life cycle involves waterborne spores and requires both a salmonid fish and the benthic freshwater oligochaete worm Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae). Wildfires can lead to the erosion of fine sediments into stream channels and have been implicated as promoting environmental conditions that are suitable for the survival and success of T. tubifex, whose presence in turn can affect the prevalence of M. cerebralis. Analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) has the potential to be a powerful tool for evaluating the presence of microorganisms, for which direct observation is impossible. We investigated the presence of M. cerebralis eDNA in river water and river sediment samples collected from areas affected by recent fire activity in Plumas National Forest, California. We compared eDNA loads in the environment to M. cerebralis infection in T. tubifex and sentinel-exposed Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and the presence of T. tubifex lineages in the same environment. For the latter, we developed a multiplex quantitative PCR assay for detection of T. tubifex lineages I, III, and V. Lineage III T. tubifex and M. cerebralis (eDNA as well as DNA extracted from fish and worm tissues) were detected only in samples obtained from areas affected by the Moonlight wildfire. The association between M. cerebralis infection in sentinel-exposed fish and eDNA detection in environmental samples only approached significance at a P-value of 0.056. However, given the difference in relative effort between the two sampling methods (host versus nonhost environment), our data suggest that eDNA sampling of water and substrate is a promising approach for surveillance of myxozoan fish parasites.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/95FWTSZV/Richey et al. - 2018 - Distribution and Prevalence of Myxobolus cerebr.pdf} +} + +@misc{RiverscapeAnalysisProject, + title = {The {{Riverscape Analysis Project}}}, + url = {https://www.umt.edu/riverscape-analysis-project/default.php}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FDXVG9H9/riverscape-analysis-project.html} +} + +@article{rivot_etal2008HierarchicalBayesian, + title = {Hierarchical {{Bayesian}} Modelling with Habitat and Time Covariates for Estimating Riverine Fish Population Size by Successive Removal Method}, + author = {Rivot, Etienne and Pr{\'e}vost, Etienne and Cuzol, Anne and Baglini{\`e}re, Jean-Luc and Parent, Eric}, + year = {2008}, + month = jan, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {65}, + number = {1}, + pages = {117--133}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f07-153}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f07-153}, + urldate = {2020-06-15}, + abstract = {We present a hierarchical Bayesian modelling (HBM) framework for estimating riverine fish population size from successive removal data via electrofishing. It is applied to the estimation of the population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles in the Oir River (France). The data set consists of 10 sampling sites sampled by one or two removals over a period of 20 years (1986--2005). We develop and contrast four models to assess the effect of temporal variations and habitat type on the density of fish and the probability of capture. The Bayes factor and the deviance information criterion are used to compare these models. The most credible and parsimonious model is the one that accounts for the effects of the years and the habitat type on the density of fish. It is used to extrapolate the population size in the entire river reach. This paper illustrates that HBM successfully accommodates large but sparse data sets containing poorly informative data for some units. Its conditional structure enables it to borrow strength from data-rich to data-poor units, thus improving the estimations. Predictions of the population size of the entire river reach can be derived, while accounting for all sources of uncertainty.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/68SGT47B/rivot_et_al_2008_hierarchical_bayesian_modelling_with_habitat_and_time_covariates_for_estimating.pdf} +} + +@article{robb_currie2021AssessmentAlternatives, + title = {Assessment of {{Alternatives}} for {{Mine Waste Disposal}}}, + author = {Robb, Tonia and Currie, Anne}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {584}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HLHYC3JR/robb_currie_2021_assessment_of_alternatives_for_mine_waste_disposal.pdf} +} + +@article{roberge_etal2002LifeHistory, + ids = {roberge_etalLifeHistorya}, + title = {Life {{History Characteristics}} of {{Freshwater Fishes Occurring}} in {{British Columbia}} and the {{Yukon}}, with {{Major Emphasis}} on {{Stream Habitat Characteristics}}}, + author = {Roberge, M and Hume, J M B and Minns, C K and Slaney, T}, + year = {2002}, + pages = {262}, + abstract = {Roberge, M., J.M.B. Hume, C.K. Minns, and T. Slaney. 2002. Life history characteristics of freshwater fishes occurring in British Columbia and the Yukon, with major emphasis on stream habitat characteristics. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2611: xiv + 248 p.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/C3643Y4I/roberge_et_al_2002_life_history_characteristics_of_freshwater_fishes_occurring_in_british_columbia.pdf} +} + +@misc{robinson_etal2016RDEKElk, + title = {{{RDEK Elk River Priority Flood}} and {{Erosion Mitigation Sites}}. {{Conceptual Design Report}}}, + author = {Robinson, M.D. and MacDonald, R.J. and McPherson, S.J}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/elkriveralliance/pages/240/attachments/original/1527799390/RDEK_Elk_River_Conceptual_Design_report.pdf?1527799390}, + urldate = {2020-12-28} +} + +@misc{robinson2008HartleyCreek, + title = {Hartley {{Creek Restoration Project-}} 2007 {{As-built Report}}}, + author = {Robinson, M}, + year = {2008}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r17419/CB07-33440_1260486454871_646983b1d9f09543fe0a164e9d8f87aba56727b93c864d764128d16812f85f1c.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-12-28} +} + +@article{rose_fukudaUsingEnvironmental, + title = {Using {{Environmental DNA}} to {{Detect Estuarine Crocodiles}}, a {{Cryptic-Ambush Predator}} of {{Humans}}}, + author = {Rose, Alea and Fukuda, Yusuke}, + abstract = {Negative human--wildlife interactions can be better managed by early detection of the wildlife species involved. However, many animals that pose a threat to humans are highly cryptic, and detecting their presence before the interaction occurs can be challenging. We describe a method whereby the presence of the estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), a cryptic and potentially dangerous predator of humans, was detected using traces of DNA shed into the water, known as environmental DNA (eDNA). The estuarine crocodile is present in waterways throughout southeast Asia and Oceania and has been responsible for {$>$}1,000 attacks upon humans in the past decade. A critical factor in the crocodile's capability to attack humans is their ability to remain hidden in turbid waters for extended periods, ambushing humans that enter the water or undertake activities around the waterline. In northern Australia, we sampled water from aquariums where crocodiles were present or absent, and we were able to discriminate the presence of estuarine crocodile from the freshwater crocodile (C. johnstoni), a closely related sympatric species that does not pose a threat to humans. Further, we could detect the presence of estuarine crocodiles within an hour of its entry and up to 72 hours after the crocodiles were removed from aquariums. We conclude that eDNA could be a valuable tool for reducing human--wildlife conflict through early detection of the species.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XI6MITZM/Rose and Fukuda - Using Environmental DNA to Detect Estuarine Crocod.pdf} +} + +@misc{rosenberg_resh1993Introductionfreshwater, + title = {Introduction to Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates}, + author = {Rosenberg, D.M. and Resh, V.H.}, + year = {1993}, + url = {https://lms.unb.ca/content/enforced/250986-D2L_2024SM_NC_CPTR_1001_FRE01_352940/CABIN%20Module%201/Files/RosenbergResh1993-1.pdf?ou=250986}, + urldate = {2024-06-26}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZUDG8ZQS/RosenbergResh1993-1.pdf} +} + +@article{rosenfeld_etal2000Habitatfactors, + ids = {rosenfeld_etal2000Habitatfactorsb}, + title = {Habitat Factors Affecting the Abundance and Distribution of Juvenile Cutthroat Trout ({{Oncorhynchus}} Clarki) and Coho Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch)}, + author = {Rosenfeld, Jordan and Porter, Marc and Parkinson, Eric}, + year = {2000}, + volume = {57}, + pages = {9}, + abstract = {The distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of juvenile anadromous coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were evaluated using survey data from 119 sites in coastal British Columbia. Both cutthroat and coho occurred at their highest densities in very small streams ({$<$} 5 m channel width), and bankfull channel width was the single best predictor of cutthroat presence (p = 0.0001) and density (R 2 = 0.55). Within a channel, densities of coho and larger (yearling and older) cutthroat parr were highest in pools, while densities of young-of-the-year cutthroat were significantly lower in pools and highest in shallower habitats. Abundance of larger cutthroat parr and pool habitat were positively correlated with large woody debris (LWD) within a subset of intermediate-gradient gravel--cobble streams, where pools appear to be limiting to larger cutthroat parr abundance. More than 50\% of pools were formed by scour associated with LWD in streams ranging from 1.2 to 11 m channel width, and pools formed by LWD scour were on average 10\% deeper than pools formed by other mechanisms. Disproportionate use of small streams by cutthroat indicates that protection of small stream habitat is important for long-term conservation of sea-run populations.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EP3EXP7M/rosenfeld_et_al_2000_habitat_factors_affecting_the_abundance_and_distribution_of_juvenile_cutthroat.pdf} +} + +@article{rourke_etal2022EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) as a Tool for Assessing Fish Biomass: {{A}} Review of Approaches and Future Considerations for Resource Surveys}, + shorttitle = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) as a Tool for Assessing Fish Biomass}, + author = {Rourke, Meaghan L. and Fowler, Ashley M. and Hughes, Julian M. and Broadhurst, Matt K. and DiBattista, Joseph D. and Fielder, Stewart and Wilkes Walburn, Jackson and Furlan, Elise M}, + year = {2022}, + month = jan, + journal = {Environmental DNA}, + volume = {4}, + number = {1}, + pages = {9--33}, + issn = {2637-4943, 2637-4943}, + doi = {10.1002/edn3.185}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/edn3.185}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) has revolutionized our ability to identify the presence and distributions of terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Recent evidence suggests the concentration of eDNA could also provide a rapid, cost-\-effective indicator of abundance and/or biomass for fisheries stock assessments. Globally, fisheries resources are under immense pressure, and their sustainable harvest requires accurate information on the sizes of fished stocks. However, in many cases the required information remains elusive because of a reliance on imprecise or costly fishery-\-dependent and independent data. Here, we review the literature describing relationships between eDNA concentrations and fish abundance and/or biomass, as well as key influencing factors, as a precursor to determining the broader utility of eDNA for monitoring fish populations. We reviewed 63 studies published between 2012 and 2020 and found 90\% identified positive relationships between eDNA concentrations and the abundance and/or biomass of focal species. Key influencing biotic factors included the taxon examined as well as their body size, distribution, reproduction, and migration. Key abiotic factors mostly comprised hydrological processes affecting the dispersal and persistence of eDNA, especially water flow and temperature, although eDNA collection methods were also influential. The cumulative influence of these different factors likely explains the substantial variability observed in eDNA concentrations, both within and among studies. Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence to support using eDNA as an ancillary tool for assessing fish population abundance and/or biomass across discrete spatio-\-temporal scales, following preliminary investigations to determine species-\- and context-\-specific factors influencing the eDNA abundance/biomass relationship. Advantages of eDNA monitoring relative to other approaches include reduced costs, increased efficiencies, and nonlethal sampling.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/H24237PG/Rourke et al. - 2022 - Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a tool for assessing f.pdf} +} + +@article{rubin_etal2017EvaluatingStream, + title = {Evaluating {{Stream Restoration Projects}}: {{What Do We Learn}} from {{Monitoring}}?}, + shorttitle = {Evaluating {{Stream Restoration Projects}}}, + author = {Rubin, Zan and Kondolf, G. and {Rios-Touma}, Blanca}, + year = {2017}, + month = feb, + journal = {Water}, + volume = {9}, + number = {3}, + pages = {174}, + issn = {2073-4441}, + doi = {10.3390/w9030174}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/9/3/174}, + urldate = {2022-02-16}, + abstract = {Two decades since calls for stream restoration projects to be scientifically assessed, most projects are still unevaluated, and conducted evaluations yield ambiguous results. Even after these decades of investigation, do we know how to define and measure success? We systematically reviewed 26 studies of stream restoration projects that used macroinvertebrate indicators to assess the success of habitat heterogeneity restoration projects. All 26 studies were previously included in two meta-analyses that sought to assess whether restoration programs were succeeding. By contrast, our review focuses on the evaluations themselves, and asks what exactly we are measuring and learning from these evaluations. All 26 studies used taxonomic diversity, richness, or abundance of invertebrates as biological measures of success, but none presented explicit arguments why those metrics were relevant measures of success for the restoration projects. Although changes in biodiversity may reflect overall ecological condition at the regional or global scale, in the context of reach-scale habitat restoration, more abundance and diversity may not necessarily be better. While all 26 studies sought to evaluate the biotic response to habitat heterogeneity enhancement projects, about half of the studies (46\%) explicitly measured habitat alteration, and 31\% used visual estimates of grain size or subjectively judged `habitat quality' from protocols ill-suited for the purpose. Although the goal of all 26 projects was to increase habitat heterogeneity, 31\% of the studies either sampled only riffles or did not specify the habitats sampled. One-third of the studies (35\%) used reference ecosystems to define target conditions. After 20 years of stream restoration evaluation, more work remains for the restoration community to identify appropriate measures of success and to coordinate monitoring so that evaluations are at a scale capable of detecting ecosystem change.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WTJMS48D/rubin_et_al_2017_evaluating_stream_restoration_projects_-_what_do_we_learn_from_monitoring.pdf} +} + +@article{ruckelshaus_seebClimateChange, + title = {Climate {{Change}}, {{Ecosystem Impacts}},}, + author = {Ruckelshaus, Mary and Seeb, Jim}, + pages = {5}, + abstract = {As climate change intensifies, there is increasing interest in developing models that reduce uncertainties in projections of global climate and refine these projections to finer spatial scales. Forecasts of climate impacts on ecosystems are far more challenging and their uncertainties even larger because of a limited understanding of physical controls on biological systems. Management and conservation plans that explicitly account for changing climate are rare and even those generally rely on retrospective analyses rather than future scenarios of climatic conditions and associated responses of specific ecosystems. Using past biophysical relationships as a guide to predicting the impacts of future climate change assumes that the observed relationships will remain constant. However, this assumption involves a long chain of uncertainty about future greenhouse gas emissions, climate sensitivity to changes in greenhouse gases, and the ecological consequences of climate change. These uncertainties in forecasting biological responses to changing climate highlight the need for resource management and conservation policies that are robust to unknowns and responsive to change. We suggest how policy might develop despite substantial uncertainties about the future state of salmon ecosystems.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{rysavy_etal1999TyheeLake, + title = {Tyhee {{Lake Management Plan}}}, + author = {Rysavy, Shauna and Sharpe, Ian and Westenhofer, Lisa A and Gaudreau, Eloise}, + year = {1999}, + publisher = {BC Environment}, + url = {https://www.rdbn.bc.ca/application/files/3015/4526/1890/Tyhee-Lake-Draft-LMP.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-13}, + annotation = {Prepared for: The Tyhee Lake Protection Society} +} + +@misc{saldi-caromile_etal2004StreamHabitat, + title = {Stream {{Habitat Restoration Guidlines}}}, + author = {{Saldi-Caromile}, K and Bates, K and Skidmore, P and Barenti, J and Pineo, D}, + year = {2004}, + url = {https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/00043/wdfw00043.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KHWHQ3T6/saldi-caromile_et_al_2004_stream_habitat_restoration_guidlines.pdf} +} + +@misc{sanfranciscoestuaryinstitute-aquaticsciencecenter2023RestorationPlan, + title = {Restoration {{Plan}} for the {{Laguna}} de {{Santa Rosa}}.}, + author = {{San Francisco Estuary Institute-Aquatic Science Center}}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://www.sfei.org/sites/default/files/biblio_files/Restoration%20Concepts%20Laguna%20de%20Santa%20Rosa%20SFEI%2008242023_medres.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + annotation = {An SFEI Resilient Landscapes Program report developed in cooperation with Sonoma Water, the Laguna de Santa Rosa\\ +Foundation, a Technical Advisory Committee, and a Management Advisory Committee.Publication \#1123. San\\ +Francisco Estuary Institute-Aquatic Science Center, Richmond, CA.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LE7CJUFQ/san_francisco_estuary_institute-aquatic_science_center_2023_restoration_plan_for_the_laguna_de_santa_rosa.pdf} +} + +@techreport{SanJuanWatershedRestorationProgramFishHabitatPrescriptions1998, + title = {San {{Juan Watershed Restoration Program Fish Habitat Prescriptions}}}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r23233/San-Juan-Wat-Fish-Hab-Presc-1998_1308256187616_6cea9664f31d1c4f508e17f5040d9c86cdf6f97ee3bb243f3ceb24054daf211e.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VKB4IVU8/1998_san_juan_watershed_restoration_program_fish_habitat_prescriptions.pdf} +} + +@article{sansom_sassoubre2017EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) {{Shedding}} and {{Decay Rates}} to {{Model Freshwater Mussel eDNA Transport}} in a {{River}}}, + author = {Sansom, Brandon J. and Sassoubre, Lauren M.}, + year = {2017}, + month = dec, + journal = {Environmental Science \& Technology}, + volume = {51}, + number = {24}, + pages = {14244--14253}, + issn = {0013-936X, 1520-5851}, + doi = {10.1021/acs.est.7b05199}, + url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.7b05199}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Freshwater mussels are vital components of stream ecosystems, yet remain threatened. Thus, timely and accurate species counts are critical for proper conservation and management. Mussels live in stream sediments and can be challenging to survey given constraints related to water depth, flow, and time of year. The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to monitor mussel distributions and diversity is a promising tool. Before it can be used as a monitoring tool, however, we need to know how much eDNA mussels shed into their environment and how long the eDNA persists. Here, we present a novel application of eDNA to estimate both the presence/absence and abundance of a freshwater mussel species, Lampsilis siliquoidea. The eDNA shedding and decay rates reported within are the first for freshwater mussels. We determined that eDNA shedding was statistically similar across mussel densities, but that first-order decay constants varied between experimental treatments. Finally, we effectively modeled downstream transport of eDNA and present a model that can be used as a complementary tool to estimate mussel density. Our results suggest that eDNA has the potential to be a complementary tool to survey mussels and enhance current efforts to monitor and protect freshwater mussel biodiversity.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/5GT74IQ2/Sansom and Sassoubre - 2017 - Environmental DNA (eDNA) Shedding and Decay Rates .pdf} +} + +@misc{schell2003BriefOverview, + title = {A {{Brief Overview}} of {{Fish}}, {{Fisheries}} and {{Aquatic Habitat Resources}} in the {{Morice TSA}}}, + author = {Schell, Chris}, + year = {2003}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/ffip/Schell_C2003.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + organization = {{Morice Land and Resource Management Plan}} +} + +@article{schindler_etal2020Characterizingphytoplankton, + title = {Characterizing the Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities in {{Kootenay Lake}}: A Time Series Analysis of 24 Years of Nutrient Addition}, + shorttitle = {Characterizing the Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities in {{Kootenay Lake}}}, + author = {Schindler, Eva U. and Shafii, Bahman and Anders, Paul J. and Price, William J. and Holderman, Charlie and Ashley, Ken I. and Bassett, Marley}, + year = {2020}, + month = may, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {77}, + number = {5}, + pages = {904--916}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2018-0429}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0429}, + urldate = {2024-10-28}, + abstract = {Large-scale seasonal addition of limiting nutrients has been used for restoration in Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, since 1992 to mitigate cultural oligotrophication resulting from upstream hydropower development, river channelization, mysid shrimp introduction, and extensive tributary floodplain loss. Historical (1949) in-lake nutrient levels were targeted to stimulate bottom-up carbon transfer from native plankton communities to planktivorous and piscivorous fish populations that support popular fisheries. Analysis of 24 years of monitoring data assessed the effects of nutrient addition on the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. Assessment involved comparisons of plankton community metric data from North Arm (1992--2003) and North + South arms (2004--2015) nutrient addition periods. A before--after, control--impact (BACI) analysis adjusted for these effects involved a series of phytoplankton and zooplankton metrics across the two lake arms. Time series analyses revealed significant serial correlation structure, significant increases in phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and biomass, and increased stability within the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. Results confirmed that adaptively managed nutrient restoration can effectively restore biological productivity and community structure in a large culturally oligotrophic lake.}, + copyright = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/about/CorporateTextAndDataMining}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{schmetterling2001SeasonalMovements, + title = {Seasonal {{Movements}} of {{Fluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout}} in the {{Blackfoot River Drainage}}, {{Montana}}}, + author = {Schmetterling, David}, + year = {2001}, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {21}, + pages = {507--520}, + doi = {10.1577/1548-8675(2001)021<0507:SMOFWC>2.0.CO;2}, + abstract = {I studied the seasonal movements and habitat use of fluvial westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi from 1997 to 1999 in the Blackfoot River drainage in western Montana to help guide restoration efforts and lead to a better understanding of this subspecies. Of 22 radio-tagged fish, 16 migrated during the spawning period (mean length, 371 mm). Ten of the 22 fish were tracked over a 2-year period, and 2 of these fish migrated in both 1997 and 1998. Migrations to tributaries occurred during the rising limb of the hydrograph in both years and lasted for an average of 10 d (range, 1-14 d) in 1998. Migratory fish moved both upriver and downriver to reach spawning tributaries during both years. In 1998 the mean distance traveled to access tributaries was 31 km (range, 3-72 km). Fish staged at the mouths of tributaries for up to 14 d before entering near the peak in the hydrograph. They remained in tributaries for an average of 27 d (range, 4-63 d), the duration varying with size of tributary and flow year. Once in tributaries, fish generally remained within a 200-m reach, but frequently moved within the area. In four tributaries to the Blackfoot River, actively spawning fish were observed in May 1998 as flows subsided after the peak discharge. Neither of the two repeat migrants spawned within 3 km of their previous year's spawning location, though both spawned in the same tributaries. After leaving tributaries, fish moved both up- and downriver to overwintering areas and did not move more than 100 m thereafter. Fish did not exhibit fidelity to their prespawning main-stem locations. At least six fish died after spawning (38\%). Westslope cutthroat trout movements, prespawning and postspawning, exhibited a plasticity not previously reported in Montana and demonstrate the large spatial extent to which fluvial westslope cutthroat trout utilize aquatic resources. To enable continued improvement of the westslope cutthroat trout population in the Blackfoot River drainage, I recommend riparian timber management that continues long-term input of large woody debris to tributaries, continued closure of the Blackfoot River watershed to angling harvest, and the use of culvert designs that will pass spawning fish under most flow conditions.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X5IHKAFK/schmetterling_2001_seasonal_movements_of_fluvial_westslope_cutthroat_trout_in_the_blackfoot_river.pdf} +} + +@misc{schneider_etal2022ReviewStage, + title = {A {{Review}} of {{Stage}} 0 {{Restoration Practices}} in {{California}} and {{Oregon}}}, + author = {Schneider, Charlie and Flitcroft, Rebecca and Giannico, Guillermo}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Stage 0 example projects}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6KBET3YV/schneider_et_al_2022_a_review_of_stage_0_restoration_practices_in_california_and_oregon.pdf} +} + +@article{schoen_etal2015Temperaturedepth, + title = {Temperature and Depth Mediate Resource Competition and Apparent Competition between {{{\emph{Mysis}}}}{\emph{ Diluviana}} and Kokanee}, + author = {Schoen, Erik R. and Beauchamp, David A. and Buettner, Anna R. and Overman, Nathanael C.}, + year = {2015}, + month = oct, + journal = {Ecological Applications}, + volume = {25}, + number = {7}, + pages = {1962--1975}, + issn = {1051-0761, 1939-5582}, + doi = {10.1890/14-1822.1}, + url = {https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1890/14-1822.1}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + abstract = {In many food webs, species in similar trophic positions can interact either by competing for resources or boosting shared predators (apparent competition), but little is known about how the relative strengths of these interactions vary across environmental gradients. Introduced Mysis diluviana shrimp interact with planktivorous fishes such as kokanee salmon (lacustrine Oncorhynchus nerka) through both of these pathways, and effective management depends on understanding which interaction is more limiting under different conditions. An ``environmental matching'' hypothesis predicts the ecological impacts of Mysis are maximized under cool conditions near its thermal optimum. In addition, we hypothesized Mysis is more vulnerable to predation by lake trout in relatively shallow waters, and therefore Mysis enhances lake trout density and limits kokanee through apparent competition more strongly in shallower habitats. We tested whether these hypotheses could explain food web differences between two connected lake basins, one relatively shallow and the other extremely deep. The shallower basin warmed faster, thermally excluded Mysis from surface waters for 75\% longer, and supported 2.5--18 times greater seasonal production of cladoceran zooplankton than the deeper basin, standardized by surface area. Mysis consumed 14--22\% less zooplankton in the shallower basin, and lower ratios of total planktivore consumption to zooplankton production (C:P) indicated less potential for resource competition with kokanee, consistent with environmental matching. Lake trout diets contained more Mysis in the shallower basin and at shallower sampling sites within both basins. The catch rate of lake trout was seven times greater and the predation risk for kokanee was 4--5 times greater in the shallower basin than in the deeper basin, consistent with stronger apparent competition in shallower habitats. Understanding how the strengths of these interactions are mediated by temperature and depth would enable managers to select appropriate strategies to address the unique combinations of conditions in hundreds of affected systems.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FAUP8HY4/Schoen et al. - 2015 - Temperature and depth mediate resource competition.pdf} +} + +@article{schuett-hames_pleus1996MonitoringRecommendations, + title = {Monitoring {{Recommendations For Salmonid Spawning Habitat Availability}}}, + author = {{Schuett-Hames}, Dave and Pleus, Allen}, + year = {1996}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/6273966/MONITORING_RECOMMENDATIONS_FOR_SALMONID_SPAWNING_HABITAT_AVAILABILITY}, + urldate = {2021-05-20}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{schultze1985evaluationcoop, + title = {An Evaluation of the Co-Op Lake Fishery}, + author = {Schultze, G C}, + year = {1985}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/R6A8I49M/schultze_1985_an_evaluation_of_the_co-op_lake_fishery.pdf} +} + +@article{schwarz_etal2013Integratingbatch, + title = {Integrating Batch Marks and Radio Tags to Estimate the Size of a Closed Population with a Movement Model}, + author = {Schwarz, Carl James and Cope, Scott and Fratton, Glenda}, + year = {2013}, + journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {3}, + number = {15}, + pages = {5023--5030}, + issn = {2045-7758}, + doi = {10.1002/ece3.876}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3892365/}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + abstract = {Movement models require individually identifiable marks to estimate the movement rates among strata. But they are relatively expensive to apply and monitor. Batch marks can be readily applied, but individual animal movements cannot be identified. We describe a method to estimate population size in a stratified population when movement takes place among strata and animals are marked with a combination of batch and individually identifiable tags. A hierarchical model with Bayesian inference is developed that pools information across segments on the detection efficiency based on radio-tagged fish and also uses the movement of the radio-tagged fish to impute the movement of the batch-marked fish to provide estimates of the population size on a segment and river level. The batch marks provide important information to help estimate the movement rates, but contribute little to the overall estimate of the population size. In this case, the approximate equal catchability among strata in either sample obviates the need for stratification.}, + pmcid = {PMC3892365}, + pmid = {24455133}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CWTAQ7ED/schwarz_et_al_2013_integrating_batch_marks_and_radio_tags_to_estimate_the_size_of_a_closed.pdf} +} + +@book{schweigert_etal2017COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the {{Coho}} Salmon, {{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch, Interior {{Fraser}} Population, in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Schweigert, J. F and Sinclair, Alan and {Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change Canada} and {Canadian Wildlife Service} and {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {{Environment and Climate Change Canada}}, + address = {Ottawa}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/CW69-14-289-2017-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-10-20}, + isbn = {978-0-660-07778-9}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1013869053}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MAZGC7MB/schweigert_et_al_2017_cosewic_assessment_and_status_report_on_the_coho_salmon,_oncorhynchus_kisutch,.pdf} +} + +@book{schweigert_etal2017COSEWICassessmenta, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the {{Westslope Cutthroat Trout}}, {{Oncorhynchus}} Clarkii Lewisi, {{Saskatchewan-Nelson River}} Populations, {{Pacific}} Populations, in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Schweigert, J. F and Post, John Robert and {Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change Canada} and {Canadian Wildlife Service} and {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {{Environment and Climate Change Canada}}, + address = {Ottawa}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/CW69-14-506-2017-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-09-08}, + isbn = {978-0-660-07765-9}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1013869118} +} + +@article{scrivener_etal1994JuvenileChinook, + title = {Juvenile {{Chinook Salmon}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Tshawytscha) {{Utilization}} of {{Hawks Creek}}, a {{Small}} and {{Nonnatal Tributary}} of the {{Upper Fraser River}}}, + author = {Scrivener, J. Charles and Brown, Thomas G. and Andersen, Bruce C.}, + year = {1994}, + month = may, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {51}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1139--1146}, + publisher = {NRC Research Press}, + issn = {0706-652X}, + doi = {10.1139/f94-113}, + url = {https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/abs/10.1139/f94-113}, + urldate = {2024-08-24}, + abstract = {Hawks Creek, a small tributary of the upper Fraser River where there is no record of spawning salmonids, was examined from May to November 1990 for the presence of juvenile salmonids. Age 0+ wild chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) appeared in May, increased to peak densities of 0.76 fish{$\bullet$}m-2 in late August, and were absent in November. Average residence time of marked chinook juveniles was 9{\enspace}d. Duration of residency was size dependent, as small fish remained longer than large fish. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) also had a short residency (mean{\enspace}={\enspace}21{\enspace}d). We suggest that unsuitable rearing conditions (e.g., sediment load) in the mainstem Fraser River during the spring and summer favour the use of small, clear, and nonnatal tributaries by juvenile salmonids. Physical and biological explanations are proposed for their temporary use. These salmonid refuge habitats need to be protected.} +} + +@misc{SealaskaHeritageInstitute, + title = {{{SealaskaHeritageInstitute}}}, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/c/SealaskaHeritageInstitute} +} + +@incollection{seliger_zeiringer2018RiverConnectivity, + title = {River {{Connectivity}}, {{Habitat Fragmentation}} and {{Related Restoration Measures}}}, + booktitle = {Riverine {{Ecosystem Management}}}, + author = {Seliger, Carina and Zeiringer, Bernhard}, + editor = {Schmutz, Stefan and Sendzimir, Jan}, + year = {2018}, + pages = {171--186}, + publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, + address = {Cham}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73250-3_9}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-73250-3_9}, + urldate = {2023-03-15}, + isbn = {978-3-319-73249-7 978-3-319-73250-3}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3XYNFP3E/seliger_zeiringer_2018_river_connectivity,_habitat_fragmentation_and_related_restoration_measures.pdf} +} + +@article{selong_etalEffectTemperature, + title = {Effect of {{Temperature}} on {{Growth}} and {{Survival}} of {{Bull Trout}}, with {{Application}} of an {{Improved Method}} for {{Determining Thermal Tolerance}} in {{Fishes}}}, + author = {Selong, Jason H and Mcmahon, Thomas E and Zale, Alexander V and Barrows, Frederic T}, + pages = {13}, + abstract = {Elevated temperature is considered an important factor in the decline of the threatened bull trout Salvelinus confluentus, but the thermal requirements of this species have not been defined. We used the acclimated chronic exposure (ACE) method to assess the upper thermal limits and growth optima of bull trout fed daily to satiation over test temperatures ranging from 8{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C to 28{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C during 60-d trials. Survival of age-0 bull trout was at least 98\% at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C, but 0\% at 22, 24, 26, and 28{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C after 60 d. The predicted ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature for these trout was 20.9{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C. Peak growth, as estimated by regression analysis, occurred at 13.2{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C (95\% confidence interval, 10.9--15.4{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C). Feed consumption declined significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) at temperatures greater than 16{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C, and fish held at temperatures of 22{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C and above did not feed. Feed, lipid, and protein efficiencies were similar at 8--18{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C but declined significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) at 20{\cyrchar\CYRNJE}C. Our results corroborate field investigations suggesting that bull trout have among the lowest upper thermal limits and growth optima of North American salmonids. The slower acclimation times and long-term duration of the ACE method resulted in a more realistic measure of thermal tolerance in natural situations than would have been obtained with traditional methods and afforded sufficient time for sublethal differences in growth rate, feed consumption, and feed efficiency to become apparent.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WF6H9H5T/selong_et_al_effect_of_temperature_on_growth_and_survival_of_bull_trout,_with_application_of.pdf} +} + +@misc{SEPARCDisinfectingGuidelines10Rpdf, + title = {{{SEPARCDisinfectingGuidelines-10R}}.Pdf}, + journal = {Google Docs}, + url = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0RIvato4N7peFhxVHFMU2lSQUE/view?resourcekey=0-pO_v5E9SlTqLC55GiX9fvw&usp=embed_facebook}, + urldate = {2024-11-08}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZZ9Z4A95/view.html} +} + +@book{sereda_etal2017COSEWICassessment, + title = {{{COSEWIC}} Assessment and Status Report on the Pygmy Whitefish, {{Prosopium}} Coulterii, Southwestern {{Yukon Beringian}} Populations, {{Yukon River}} Populations, {{Pacific}} Populations, Western {{Arctic}} Populations, {{Great Lakes}} - {{Upper St}}. {{Lawrence}} Populations, {{Waterton Lake}} Populations, {{Saskatchewan}} - {{Nelson}} Rivers Populations, in {{Canada}}.}, + author = {Sereda, Jeffrey Michael and Taylor, Eric Burke and Mandrak, Nicholas Edward and {Canada} and {Environment and Climate Change Canada} and {Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {COSEWIC, Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada}, + address = {Ottawa}, + url = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/eccc/CW69-14-744-2017-eng.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-13}, + isbn = {978-0-660-07761-1}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 1018285390} +} + +@misc{SERNbcAGMManagersReport2021docx, + title = {{{SERNbc AGM Managers Report}} 2021.Docx}, + journal = {Dropbox}, + url = {https://www.dropbox.com/s/avssf0l9bpjzple/SERNbc%20AGM%20Managers%20Report%202021.docx?dl=0}, + urldate = {2021-12-02}, + abstract = {Shared with Dropbox}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{SERNbcSocietyEcosystemRestorationNorthernBCHome, + title = {{{SERNbc}} - {{Society}} for {{Ecosystem Restoration}} in {{Northern BC}} {\textbar} {{Home}}}, + journal = {SERNbc - Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern BC}, + url = {https://sernbc.ca/}, + urldate = {2024-03-14}, + abstract = {SERNbc's mission is to manage the structure and function of vulnerable and degraded ecosystems in Northern BC to achieve a desired future condition that will sustain ecological services and human socio-economic needs.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J7RWRNYM/sernbc.ca.html} +} + +@article{serrao_etal2021Moleculargenetic, + title = {Molecular Genetic Analysis of Air, Water, and Soil to Detect Big Brown Bats in {{North America}}}, + author = {Serrao, Natasha R. and Weckworth, Julie K. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Dysthe, Joseph C. and Schwartz, Michael K.}, + year = {2021}, + month = sep, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {261}, + pages = {109252}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109252}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320721003049}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Cave-hibernating bats are widespread in North America but are facing precipitous population declines due to the impacts of white-nose syndrome (WNS). It is in winter hibernacula that bats are most vulnerable to the fungus that causes WNS, but the locations of over-wintering sites in western North America are largely unknown. This poses a significant challenge for bat monitoring, disease surveillance, and management efforts at the disease front. To advance initiatives to locate bats on the landscape, we developed real-time PCR assays to detect big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from environmental DNA samples (eDNA). Three assays were designed, one each for eastern, western, and southern North America, to account for the high intra-specific genetic variability within big brown bats. We demonstrate that these assays can detect bat DNA in environmental samples, including air, water, and soil, and are able to detect target DNA at concentrations as low as 2 copies per reaction. Although the assays are highly sensitive, detections from samples collected in field samples were modest. Our findings suggest that eDNA may provide a much-needed, non-invasive alternative to conventional tools used to detect bats on the landscape but require further research to optimize their field application.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SKTUJMAH/Serrao et al. - 2021 - Molecular genetic analysis of air, water, and soil.pdf} +} + +@book{shahverdian_etal2019ChapterBackground, + title = {Chapter 1 - {{Background}} and {{Purpose}}: {{In Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration}} of {{Riverscapes}}: {{Design Manual}}}, + shorttitle = {Chapter 1 - {{Background}} and {{Purpose}}}, + author = {Shahverdian, Scott and Wheaton, Joseph and Bennett, Stephen and Bouwes, Nick and Maestas, Jeremy}, + year = {2019}, + month = mar, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.14138.03529}, + abstract = {- Riverscapes are composed of connected floodplain and channel habitats that together make up the valley bottom. - The scope of degradation of riverscapes is massive. Tens of thousands of miles of riverscapes are in poor or fair condition. - Structural-starvation is both a direct cause of degradation, as well as a consequence of land use changes and direct modification of stream and riparian areas. - Engineering-based restoration tends to emphasize channel form and stability, rather than promoting the processes that create and maintain healthy riverscapes, which leads to increased costs and a limited ability to restore more miles of riverscapes. - Process-based restoration focuses on restoring physical processes that lead to healthy riverscapes. - Low-cost, simple, hand-built structures have been used for over a century. Restoration principles are needed to guide the use of low-tech structures in order to address the scope of degradation, which will require that practitioners "let the system do the work." - The overarching goal of low-tech restoration is to improve the health of as many miles of riverscapes as possible and to promote and maintain the full range of self-sustaining riverscape processes.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YRJZVY8R/shahverdian_et_al_2019_chapter_1_-_background_and_purpose_-_in_low-tech_process-based_restoration_of.pdf} +} + +@book{shahverdian_etal2019ChapterMimicking, + title = {Chapter 4 -- {{Mimicking}} and {{Promoting Wood Accumulation}} and {{Beaver Dam Activity}} with {{Post-Assisted Log Structures}} and {{Beaver Dam Analogues}}}, + author = {Shahverdian, Scott and Wheaton, Joseph and Bennett, Stephen and Bouwes, Nick and Camp, Reid and Jordan, Chris and Portugal, Elijah and Weber, Nick}, + year = {2019}, + month = mar, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.22526.64324}, + abstract = {Chapter Four of Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes: Design Manual (http://lowtechpbr.restoration.usu.edu Post-assisted log structures (PALS) and beaver dam analogues (BDAs) are hand-built structures. PALS mimicand promote the processes of wood accumulation; whereas BDAs mimic and promote beaver dam activity. {$\bullet$}PALS and BDAs are permeable, temporary structures, built using natural materials. {$\bullet$}BDAs differ from PALS in and that BDAs create ponds using a variety of fill materials; PALS are built with only woody material, which tends to be larger diameter than the woody material used for BDAs.{$\bullet$}PALS and BDAs are both intended to address the broad impairment of structural starvation in wadeable streams, but can also be used to mitigate against a range of more specific impairments. {$\bullet$}PALS and BDAs can be built using a variety of natural materials, and built to a range of different shapes, sizes and orientations.{$\bullet$}PALS and BDAs are most likely to achieve restoration goals when built in high numbers.{$\bullet$}Some PALS and BDAs are likely to breach and/or lose some wood, but when many structures are installed, that material will accumulate on downstream structures or in natural accumulation areas leading to more complexity.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NKD73SDQ/shahverdian_et_al_2019_chapter_4_–_mimicking_and_promoting_wood_accumulation_and_beaver_dam_activity.pdf} +} + +@article{sharpe2019UpperBulkley, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley}} and {{Morice Water}} and {{Salmon Sustainability Views}}}, + author = {Sharpe, Ian}, + year = {2019}, + pages = {45}, + url = {https://bvcentre.ca/files/research_reports/Upper_Bulkley-Morice_Final_Report%28Novov.2019%29.pdf}, + abstract = {Methods 5 Questions 6 Results 7 Conclusions}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QQCZMA2X/sharpe_2019_upper_bulkley_and_morice_water_and_salmon_sustainability_views.pdf} +} + +@article{shaw_etal2016Importancepartial, + title = {Importance of Partial Barriers and Temporal Variation in Flow When Modelling Connectivity in Fragmented River Systems}, + author = {Shaw, Edward A. and Lange, Eckart and Shucksmith, James D. and Lerner, David N.}, + year = {2016}, + journal = {Ecological Engineering}, + volume = {91}, + pages = {515--528}, + issn = {09258574}, + doi = {10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.01.030}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0925857416300301}, + urldate = {2020-12-23}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{shaw_tuominenWaterQuality, + title = {Water {{Quality In The Fraser River Basin}}}, + author = {Shaw, D Patrick and Tuominen, Taina}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y9U6IBK8/shaw_tuominen_water_quality_in_the_fraser_river_basin.pdf} +} + +@misc{sheedyBlackwaterTransmission, + title = {Blackwater {{Transmission Line Stream}} {{Locations}}}, + author = {Sheedy, Lauren}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PXGAMR4Q/sheedy_blackwater_transmission_line_stream_locations.pdf} +} + +@inproceedings{sheer_etal2009DevelopmentManagement, + title = {Development and {{Management}} of {{Fish Intrinsic Potential Data}} and {{Methodologies}}: {{State}} of the {{IP}} 2008. {{Summary Report Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership National Oceanic}} and {{Atmospheric Administration}}, {{National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership Series}} 2009-004}, + shorttitle = {Development and {{Management}} of {{Fish Intrinsic Potential Data}} and {{Methodologies}}}, + author = {Sheer, Mindi and Busch, D. and Gilbert, Erin and Bayer, Jennifer and Lanigan, Steve and Schei, Jacquelyn and Kelly, Burnett and Miller, Dan}, + year = {2009}, + month = jan, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.1.3548.2960}, + abstract = {Executive Summary The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service hosted a workshop in Portland, Oregon, November 19--20, 2008, on Intrinsic Potential (IP) analyses. The purpose of the workshop was to improve the state of the knowledge and consistency of IP analyses and methodologies for anadromous and resident salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and California. This is a summary report from that workshop; it contains background reference material compiled in advance of the workshop, summaries of the sessions held, contributions from participants, and a synthesis of this input in the form of guidelines for conducting IP analyses. This report is intended to provide general guidance and scientific and technical perspectives for reach-based habitat potential analyses. The first day was devoted to discussion of the development and maintenance of spatial datasets. The second day was devoted to biological considerations of IP models. Sixty-two participants attended the workshop, from six Federal agencies, two State agencies, three Tribal entities, six nongovernmental organizations, and seven private firms. Prior to the workshop, approximately 15 individuals provided information about their research relevant to IP analyses; some of this information is summarized and synthesized in this report. The workshop resulted in an increase in regional knowledge, awareness, and input on this new paradigm for describing habitat potential for aquatic organisms. It brought together scientists, GIS analysts, and resource managers to facilitate a greater understanding of the importance of data quality, scale, sources, and gaps in the context of designing biological models. Specifically, spatial analysts and biologists gained perspective on both the accuracy and precision of hydrogeomorphic variables and the accuracy and precision of species-specific preference curves and thresholds based on the same variables. Workshop accomplishments include the following: {$\bullet$} Improved state of the knowledge and consistency of approach for IP analyses on anadromous and resident salmonids in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and northern California); {$\bullet$} Enhanced working relationships among State,Tribal, private and Federal fisheries biologists, spatial analysts, and resource managers who develop IP-type models or utilize their results; {$\bullet$} Shared IP-related habitat data and species preference curves; and {$\bullet$} Gained consensus on the need for coordination regarding IP-related research and application. This report is a summary of the workshop proceedings, input received in advance of the workshop, and expert opinion of the workshop leaders. It is not a traditional workshop summary. Our goal for this report is to provide the reader with background information (much of it refereed), general guidance and common perspectives (from attendees), an overall synthesis, and suggested guidelines from the authors and their combined expertise in IP analyses. There was a large volume of information offered and referenced by participants in advance of and during the workshop; this report is our attempt to share that information in an outlet that can be referenced in the future. The report emphasizes the current state of knowledge and use of IP models; however, we also attempted to capture discussion about needs for development of additional tools, resources, and guidelines. These perspectives will be incorporated into upcoming peer-reviewed manuscripts that will include a guidance framework to help researchers develop IP models.} +} + +@article{sheer_steel2006LostWatersheds, + title = {Lost {{Watersheds}}: {{Barriers}}, {{Aquatic Habitat Connectivity}}, and {{Salmon Persistence}} in the {{Willamette}} and {{Lower Columbia River Basins}}}, + shorttitle = {Lost {{Watersheds}}}, + author = {Sheer, M. B. and Steel, E. A.}, + year = {2006}, + month = nov, + journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, + volume = {135}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1654--1669}, + issn = {0002-8487, 1548-8659}, + doi = {10.1577/T05-221.1}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1577/T05-221.1}, + urldate = {2021-02-22}, + abstract = {Large portions of watersheds and streams are lost to anadromous fishes because of anthropogenic barriers to migration. The loss of these streams and rivers has shifted the distribution of accessible habitat, often reducing the diversity of accessible habitat and the quantity of high-quality habitat. We combined existing inventories of barriers to adult fish passage in the Willamette and Lower Columbia River basins and identified 1,491 anthropogenic barriers to fish passage blocking 14,931 km of streams. We quantified and compared the stream quality, land cover, and physical characteristics of lost versus currently accessible habitat by watershed, assessed the effect of barriers on the variability of accessible habitats, and investigated potential impacts of habitat reduction on endangered or threatened salmonid populations. The majority of the study watersheds have lost more than 40\% of total fish stream habitat. Overall, 40\% of the streams with spawning gradients suitable for steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss), 60\% of streams with riparian habitat in good condition, and 30\% of streams draining watersheds with all coniferous land cover are no longer accessible to anadromous fish. Across watersheds, hydrologic and topographic watershed characteristics were correlated with barrier location, barrier density, and the impacts of barriers on habitat. Population-based abundance scores for spring Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha were strongly correlated with the magnitude of habitat lost and the number of lowland fish passage barriers. The characteristics of barrier and habitat distribution presented in this paper indicate that barrier removal projects and mitigation for instream barriers should consider both the magnitude and quality of the lost habitat.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{sheffieldREARINGCOHO, + title = {{{REARING COHO SALMON}} ({{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch) {{SURVEYS OF}} 16}, + author = {Sheffield, Bill}, + pages = {112}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FNAK5DN7/sheffield_rearing_coho_salmon_(oncorhynchus_kisutch)_surveys_of_16.pdf} +} + +@article{shokralla_etal2012Nextgenerationsequencing, + title = {Next-generation Sequencing Technologies for Environmental {{DNA}} Research}, + author = {Shokralla, Shadi and Spall, Jennifer L. and Gibson, Joel F. and Hajibabaei, Mehrdad}, + year = {2012}, + month = apr, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {8}, + pages = {1794--1805}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05538.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05538.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Since 2005, advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have revolutionized biological science. The analysis of environmental DNA through the use of specific gene markers such as species-specific DNA barcodes has been a key application of nextgeneration sequencing technologies in ecological and environmental research. Access to parallel, massive amounts of sequencing data, as well as subsequent improvements in read length and throughput of different sequencing platforms, is leading to a better representation of sample diversity at a reasonable cost. New technologies are being developed rapidly and have the potential to dramatically accelerate ecological and environmental research. The fast pace of development and improvements in nextgeneration sequencing technologies can reflect on broader and more robust applications in environmental DNA research. Here, we review the advantages and limitations of current next-generation sequencing technologies in regard to their application for environmental DNA analysis.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/E5KW7ZEA/Shokralla et al. - 2012 - Next‐generation sequencing technologies for enviro.pdf} +} + +@misc{shrimpton_clarkea_d_2012shrimptonclarke, + title = {Shrimpton\_clarke\_2012\_graylng\_genetics}, + shorttitle = {Genetic Analysis of {{Arctic}} Grayling Population Structure in the {{Williston Watershed}}: Samples from the {{Finlay River}}}, + author = {Shrimpton, J.M. and Clarke, A.D.}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r38263/Report_354_genetics_FINLAY_2012_1379342627570_8b8d61b276b6c14fafa324fc1ca4d94fbc220e61d679b29499ff964066a3acdb.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-05-23} +} + +@article{shrimpton_etal2014Freshwatermovement, + title = {Freshwater Movement Patterns by Juvenile {{Pacific}} Salmon {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}} Spp. before They Migrate to the Ocean: {{Oh}} the Places You'll Go!: Movement Patterns in Juvenile {\emph{Oncorhynchus}} Spp.}, + shorttitle = {Freshwater Movement Patterns by Juvenile {{Pacific}} Salmon {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}} Spp. before They Migrate to the Ocean}, + author = {Shrimpton, J. M. and Warren, K. D. and Todd, N. L. and McRae, C. J. and Glova, G. J. and Telmer, K. H. and Clarke, A. D.}, + year = {2014}, + month = oct, + journal = {Journal of Fish Biology}, + volume = {85}, + number = {4}, + pages = {987--1004}, + issn = {00221112}, + doi = {10.1111/jfb.12468}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/jfb.12468}, + urldate = {2020-10-28}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/26TFZBB4/shrimpton_et_al_2014_freshwater_movement_patterns_by_juvenile_pacific_salmon_ioncorhynchus-i.pdf} +} + +@techreport{shrimptonj_m__etal2012Geneticanalysis, + title = {Genetic Analysis of {{Arctic}} Grayling Population Structure in the {{Williston Watershed}}}, + author = {Shrimpton, J.M. and Roberts, S.L. and Clarke, A.D.}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r38246/Report_311_GR_genetics_2012_1379090176074_c3e946726980918f9466d47b59978ad28ded2b969041dd7fe53b83cfe3011493.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-05-23} +} + +@techreport{shrimptonj_m__etal2012Geneticanalysisa, + title = {Genetic Analysis of {{Arctic}} Grayling Population Structure in the {{Williston Watershed}}}, + author = {Shrimpton, J.M. and Roberts, S.L. and Clarke, A.D.}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r38246/Report_311_GR_genetics_2012_1379090176074_c3e946726980918f9466d47b59978ad28ded2b969041dd7fe53b83cfe3011493.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-05-23}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QERTFNGQ/shrimpton,_j.m._et_al_2012_genetic_analysis_of_arctic_grayling_population_structure_in_the_williston.pdf} +} + +@article{shu_etal2020StandardsMethods, + title = {Standards for {{Methods Utilizing Environmental DNA}} for {{Detection}} of {{Fish Species}}}, + author = {Shu, Lu and Ludwig, Arne and Peng, Zuogang}, + year = {2020}, + month = mar, + journal = {Genes}, + volume = {11}, + number = {3}, + pages = {296}, + issn = {2073-4425}, + doi = {10.3390/genes11030296}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/11/3/296}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques are gaining attention as cost-effective, non-invasive strategies for acquiring information on fish and other aquatic organisms from water samples. Currently, eDNA approaches are used to detect specific fish species and determine fish community diversity. Various protocols used with eDNA methods for aquatic organism detection have been reported in different eDNA studies, but there are no general recommendations for fish detection. Herein, we reviewed 168 papers to supplement and highlight the key criteria for each step of eDNA technology in fish detection and provide general suggestions for eliminating detection errors. Although there is no unified recommendation for the application of diverse eDNA in detecting fish species, in most cases, 1 or 2 L surface water collection and eDNA capture on 0.7-{\textmu}m glass fiber filters followed by extraction with a DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit or PowerWater DNA Isolation Kit are useful for obtaining high-quality eDNA. Subsequently, species-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene markers or eDNA metabarcoding based on both 12S and 16S rRNA markers via high-throughput sequencing can effectively detect target DNA or estimate species richness. Furthermore, detection errors can be minimized by mitigating contamination, negative control, PCR replication, and using multiple genetic markers. Our aim is to provide a useful strategy for fish eDNA technology that can be applied by researchers, advisors, and managers.}, + copyright = {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZSK5DNUT/Shu et al. - 2020 - Standards for Methods Utilizing Environmental DNA .pdf} +} + +@article{SightunseenEnvironmentalDNAeDNAdetectionvulnerablemanateespeciesusingstateartdigitaldropletPCR, + title = {Sight Unseen: {{Environmental DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Detection of Vulnerable Manatee Species Using State-of-the-Art Digital Droplet {{PCR}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/782K5UTA/Sight unseen Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection o.pdf} +} + +@article{sigsgaard_etal2015Monitoringextinct, + title = {Monitoring the Near-Extinct {{European}} Weather Loach in {{Denmark}} Based on Environmental {{DNA}} from Water Samples}, + author = {Sigsgaard, Eva Egelyng and Carl, Henrik and M{\o}ller, Peter Rask and Thomsen, Philip Francis}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {183}, + pages = {46--52}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.023}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320714004480}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The European weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis) represents one of many European freshwater fishes in decline. Efficient monitoring is essential if conservation efforts are to be successful, but due to the species' cryptic biology, traditional monitoring methods currently in use are inefficient, time consuming and likely prone to non-detection error. Here, we investigate the usefulness of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring as an alternative or supplementary method for surveying the Danish weather loach population, which is presumed to consist primarily of a single group of no more than 50 individuals. In 2008, the majority of historical Danish localities were surveyed, using traditional fishing techniques. We then applied eDNA methods to a number of these, as well as other potential localities. We successfully detected the weather loach at multiple sites in the single known remaining locality; a result that was later confirmed when local managers caught eight live specimens. Furthermore, the eDNA method indicated presence of the weather loach in another historical locality, where the species has not been observed since 1995. At the remaining localities, weather loach eDNA was not detected, providing further evidence for its absence. Importantly, the eDNA survey required less effort in person-hours and lower costs than the traditional fishing survey. This study confirms that eDNA monitoring is a valid supplement to traditional monitoring methods currently applied to monitor rare freshwater fishes. We propose that by providing reliable distribution data at lower cost and limited effort, the eDNA method can allow for increased management efficiency of endangered freshwater species such as the European weather loach. {\'O} 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7PNJLEMJ/Sigsgaard et al. - 2015 - Monitoring the near-extinct European weather loach.pdf} +} + +@misc{SikEDakhGlenVowellBand2023, + title = {Sik-{{E-Dakh}} ({{Glen Vowell Band}})}, + year = {2023}, + url = {http://sik-e-dakh.com/wordpress/}, + urldate = {2023-02-16}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LSZQKRS2/wordpress.html} +} + +@misc{SimpcwFirstNationHistory, + title = {Simpcw {{First Nation History}}}, + journal = {Simpcw First Nation}, + url = {https://www.simpcw.com/our-history.htm}, + urldate = {2024-07-29}, + abstract = {The Simpcw are a culturally proud community, valuing healthy, holistic lifestyles based upon respect, responsibility and continuous participation in growth and education. The Simpcw people look to the future with confidence. Our governance system is strong and our rights and title to the Simpcw territory within the Secwepemc Nation is being increasingly recognized. Simpcw's membership is well educated, healthy and economically stable. Simpcw provides services in education, health and wellness, public works, lands, natural resources, Simpcw fisheries, social development, archives and genealogy and also has a volunteer fire department.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AHR542YN/our-history.html} +} + +@misc{simpson1986DucksUnlimited, + title = {Ducks {{Unlimited Preliminary Development Proposal}}, {{Coffin Lake}}, 1986}, + author = {Simpson, F}, + year = {1986}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r54857/DucksUnlimitedPreliminaryDevelopmentProposal,Coff_1542766817365_2765305620.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-15} +} + +@misc{skeenaknowledgetrustUBRWater, + title = {{{UBR Water Temperature Monitoring Dashboard Draft}} {\textbar} {{Tableau Public}}}, + author = {{Skeena Knowledge Trust}}, + url = {https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/skeena.knowledge.trust/viz/UBRWaterTemperatureMonitoringDashboardDraft/UBRWaterTemp_Dashboard}, + urldate = {2024-10-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JWJRJDUV/UBRWaterTemp_Dashboard.html} +} + +@misc{SkeenaRegionSkSeriesFisheriesReports, + title = {Skeena {{Region}}: {{Sk Series Fisheries Reports}}}, + url = {http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/skeena/fish/sk_series_reports/sk_report_index.htm}, + urldate = {2020-07-16}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9RI9A855/sk_report_index.html} +} + +@misc{skeenasokeyebibliography, + title = {Skeena\_sokeye\_bibliography}, + url = {https://skeenawatershedinitiative.com/libraryfiles/lib538.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-06-16}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z5PV6B8I/skeena_sokeye_bibliography.pdf} +} + +@article{SkeenaWatershedEcosystemValuationProjectPlan, + title = {Skeena {{Watershed Ecosystem Valuation Project Plan}}}, + pages = {34}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2GQC2I9J/skeena_watershed_ecosystem_valuation_project_plan.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/G9Z8UYVS/skeena_watershed_ecosystem_valuation_project_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{SkeenaWatershedEcosystemValuationProjectPlana, + title = {Skeena {{Watershed Ecosystem Valuation Project Plan}}}, + pages = {34}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YCBGQWZZ/skeena_watershed_ecosystem_valuation_project_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{skidmore_wheaton2022Riverscapesnatural, + title = {Riverscapes as Natural Infrastructure: {{Meeting}} Challenges of Climate Adaptation and Ecosystem Restoration}, + shorttitle = {Riverscapes as Natural Infrastructure}, + author = {Skidmore, Peter and Wheaton, Joseph}, + year = {2022}, + month = jun, + journal = {Anthropocene}, + volume = {38}, + pages = {100334}, + issn = {22133054}, + doi = {10.1016/j.ancene.2022.100334}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2213305422000157}, + urldate = {2022-06-09}, + abstract = {Rivers have been diminished, simplified, and degraded globally by the concentration of agriculture, trans\- portation, and development in valley bottoms over decades and centuries, substantially limiting their ecological health and value. More recently, climate change is steadily increasing stress on aging traditional, gray infra\- structure. Recent trends in river management present an opportunity to address both the ecological degradation and climate stress. A strategic focus on riverscapes as critical natural infrastructure can serve as ecosystem-based adaptation to improve resilience to climate change and restore river ecosystem health. As traditional, gray infrastructure ages and fails under increasing climate stress, there is opportunity to rebuild with improved un\- derstanding of the value of the ecosystem services that healthy riverscapes provide. River valley bottoms, including source-water wetlands and riverscape floodplains, are the critical natural infrastructure areas deserving of protection and restoration to build resilience to increased frequency and severity of fires, floods and droughts associated with climate change. Since healthy riverscapes need space and water, the long-standing focus on restoring natural flow regimes makes sense. Equally crucial to restoring river health is to give rivers space and freedom to exercise (i.e., flood and adjust their channels).}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RRXD5WUT/skidmore_wheaton_2022_riverscapes_as_natural_infrastructure_-_meeting_challenges_of_climate_adaptation.pdf} +} + +@misc{skrconsultantsltd_2001StreamReSampling, + title = {Stream {{Re-Sampling}} in the {{Owen Creek Watershed}} 2000 ({{WSC}}: 460-600600-23900) - {{Addendum}} to {{Stream Inventory Owen Creek Watershed}} 1998 ({{Bustard}} 1999)}, + author = {{SKR Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2001}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=9317}, + urldate = {2024-08-06}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3XJ3D7LU/viewReport.html} +} + +@misc{skrconsultantsltd_2006FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Culvert Inspection}} Where {{Yellowhead Highway}} 16 Crosses {{Station}} (Alias {{Mission}}) {{Creek}}. {{Contract 356CS0561}}}, + author = {{SKR Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2006}, + annotation = {Prepared for Ministry of Transportation \\ +Northern Region. Prince George, BC.} +} + +@article{slaney_zaldokas1997FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Rehabilitation Procedures}}}, + author = {Slaney, P A and Zaldokas, D}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FFIP/Slaney_PA1997_A.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Watershed Restoration Technical Circular No. 9}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/2B8HRRU4/slaney_zaldokas_1997_fish_habitat_rehabilitation_procedures.pdf} +} + +@book{slaneyFishHabitatRehabilitation1997, + title = {Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Procedures}, + author = {Slaney, P. A and Zaldokas, Daiva O and {Watershed Restoration Program (B.C.)}}, + year = {1997}, + publisher = {Watershed Restoration Program}, + address = {Vancouver, B.C.}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FFIP/Slaney_PA1997_A.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-24}, + abstract = {The fish habitat restoration procedures presented in this guide provide the technical basis for a suite of integrated restorative measures to accelerate natural recovery processes in forested watersheds impacted by past practices that would otherwise require decades to recover naturally. An introductory section contains chapters on planning fish habitat rehabilitation, watershed geomorphology and fish habitat, salmonid biostandards for estimating production benefits of rehabilitation techniques, and screening criteria for restoration projects. Sections on the application of rehabilitation techniques cover such topics as fish access and spawning sites, stream banks, off-channel habitat, using large woody debris, log-jam habitats, juvenile salmonid habitat, mainstem holding and rearing habitat, nutrient replacement, habitats in channelized or uniform streams, augmenting streamflows, and managing beaver habitat for salmonids. Includes glossary.}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-3320-0}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{sloat_etal2017Streamnetwork, + title = {Stream Network Geomorphology Mediates Predicted Vulnerability of Anadromous Fish Habitat to Hydrologic Change in Southeast {{Alaska}}}, + author = {Sloat, Matthew R. and Reeves, Gordon H. and Christiansen, Kelly R.}, + year = {2017}, + month = feb, + journal = {Global Change Biology}, + volume = {23}, + number = {2}, + pages = {604--620}, + issn = {13541013}, + doi = {10.1111/gcb.13466}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/gcb.13466}, + urldate = {2021-03-03}, + abstract = {In rivers supporting Pacific salmon in southeast Alaska, USA, regional trends toward a warmer, wetter climate are predicted to increase mid- and late-21st-century mean annual flood size by 17\% and 28\%, respectively. Increased flood size could alter stream habitats used by Pacific salmon for reproduction, with negative consequences for the substantial economic, cultural, and ecosystem services these fish provide. We combined field measurements and model simulations to estimate the potential influence of future flood disturbance on geomorphic processes controlling the quality and extent of coho, chum, and pink salmon spawning habitat in over 800 southeast Alaska watersheds. Spawning habitat responses varied widely across watersheds and among salmon species. Little variation among watersheds in potential spawning habitat change was explained by predicted increases in mean annual flood size. Watershed response diversity was mediated primarily by topographic controls on stream channel confinement, reach-scale geomorphic associations with spawning habitat preferences, and complexity in the pace and mode of geomorphic channel responses to altered flood size. Potential spawning habitat loss was highest for coho salmon, which spawn over a wide range of geomorphic settings, including steeper, confined stream reaches that are more susceptible to streambed scour during high flows. We estimated that 9--10\% and 13--16\% of the spawning habitat for coho salmon could be lost by the 2040s and 2080s, respectively, with losses occurring primarily in confined, higher-gradient streams that provide only moderate-quality habitat. Estimated effects were lower for pink and chum salmon, which primarily spawn in unconfined floodplain streams. Our results illustrate the importance of accounting for valley and reach-scale geomorphic features in watershed assessments of climate vulnerability, especially in topographically complex regions. Failure to consider the geomorphic context of stream networks will hamper efforts to understand and mitigate the vulnerability of anadromous fish habitat to climate-induced hydrologic change.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/W8HLSVEI/Sloat et al. - 2017 - Stream network geomorphology mediates predicted vu.pdf} +} + +@book{smith_etal1987Sockeyesalmon, + title = {Sockeye Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Nerka) Population Biology and Future Management: Proceedings of the {{International Sockeye Salmon Symposium}} Held at {{Nanaimo}}, {{British Columbia}}, {{Nov}}. 19 - 22, 1985}, + shorttitle = {Sockeye Salmon ({{Oncorhynchus}} Nerka) Population Biology and Future Management}, + editor = {Smith, Howard D. and Margolis, L. and Wood, Christopher C. and {Kanada}}, + year = {1987}, + series = {Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + number = {96}, + publisher = {{Minister of Supply and Services Canada}}, + address = {Ottawa}, + isbn = {978-0-660-12658-6}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PUAAMYJY/Smith et al. - 1987 - Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population bio.pdf} +} + +@misc{smith_gaboury2016BUILTREPORT, + title = {{{AS-BUILT REPORT OF AQUATIC RESTORATION AND ON-FARM CATTLE MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE WET}}'{{SUWET}}'{{EN FIRST NATION TERRITORY}}, 2016}, + author = {Smith, J.J. and Gaboury, M.N.}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/a66af7d3-202a-40e5-aaa6-2f3df82fafe9/resource/8998bc61-23f4-4c12-9d60-bd0a2fa5afeb/download/wfn-fhri-2016-as-built-report.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-10-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WBWKREDH/wfn-fhri-2016-as-built-report.pdf} +} + +@misc{smith_gabouryBUILTREPORT, + title = {{{AS-BUILT REPORT OF FISH PASSAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS WITHIN THE WET}}'{{SUWET}}'{{EN FIRST NATION TERRITORY}}, 2017}, + author = {Smith, J.J. and Gaboury, M.N.}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/328ff804-324e-423c-a5af-f90bd8e0d2b7/resource/9fddb989-f34a-4747-9f3d-014c3959bf5f/download/wfn-moti-2017_as-built-report_5dec2017.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-10-17}, + annotation = {LGL Limited environmental research associates}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3SL5RFZS/wfn-moti-2017_as-built-report_5dec2017.pdf} +} + +@misc{smith2018AssessingBarriers, + title = {Assessing {{Barriers To Fish Passage Within The Wetsuweten First Nation Traditional Territory}}}, + author = {Smith, Jason J}, + year = {2018}, + publisher = {{Prepared for: BC Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. Prepared by LGL Limited environmental Research associates and Yinka Dene Economic Development Limited Partnership Inc.}}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Prepared for: BC Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation.\\ + Prepared by: Wet'suwet'en First Nation\\ +Yinka Dene Economic Development Limited Partnership Inc. and LGL Limited environmental research associates}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EYHXW29X/smith_2018_assessing_barriers_to_fish_passage_within_the_wetsuweten_first_nation.pdf} +} + +@misc{smithersdistrictchamberofcommerce2022TobogganCreek, + title = {Toboggan {{Creek Salmon}} \& {{Steelhead Enhancement Society}} - {{Business Directory}}}, + author = {{Smithers District Chamber of Commerce}}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Smithers District Chamber of Commerce}, + url = {https://smitherschamber.com/business-directory/toboggan-creek-salmon-steelhead-enhancement-society}, + urldate = {2022-04-11}, + abstract = {Established in 1985 the Toboggan Creek Hatchery has been operated by the Toboggan Creek Salmon \& Steelhead Enhancement Society, a non-profit organization lar...}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{smithersinteriornews2017Moricetownsubdivision, + title = {Moricetown Subdivision Evacuated}, + author = {{Smithers Interior News}}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Smithers Interior News}, + url = {https://www.interior-news.com/news/moricetown-subdivision-evacuated/}, + urldate = {2022-04-11}, + abstract = {Bulkley Valley Search and Rescue helps Moricetown subdivision evacuate after beaver dam burst.}, + chapter = {News}, + langid = {american} +} + +@misc{SockeyesalmonreturnWilliamsLakeWilliamsLakeTribune, + title = {Sockeye Salmon Return to {{Williams Lake}} - {{Williams Lake Tribune}}}, + url = {https://www.wltribune.com/news/sockeye-salmon-return-to-williams-lake/}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FPKFQWWM/sockeye-salmon-return-to-williams-lake.html} +} + +@misc{speciesregistrycanada2020BullTrout, + title = {Bull {{Trout}} ({{Salvelinus}} Confluentus), {{Western Arctic}} Populations - {{Species}} Search - {{Species}} at Risk Registry}, + author = {{Species Registry Canada}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://species-registry.canada.ca/index-en.html#/species/1202-869}, + urldate = {2020-06-06} +} + +@misc{speciesregistrycanada2020BullTrouta, + title = {Bull {{Trout}} ({{Salvelinus}} Confluentus), {{Western Arctic}} Populations - {{Species}} Search - {{Species}} at Risk Registry}, + author = {{Species Registry Canada}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://species-registry.canada.ca/index-en.html#/species/1202-869}, + urldate = {2020-06-06}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MQU6JUTS/index-en.html} +} + +@article{st2022BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Mathews Creek Channel Restoration}} \& {{Enhancement Vegetation Prescriptions}}}, + author = {St, Burrard}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LI62TWYU/st_2022_blackwater_gold_project_mathews_creek_channel_restoration_&_enhancement.pdf} +} + +@article{stamford_etal2017FWCPArctic, + title = {{{FWCP Arctic Grayling Synthesis Report}}}, + author = {Stamford, Mike and Hagen, John and Williamson, Susanne}, + year = {2017}, + pages = {148}, + url = {http://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2017/07/FWCP_Grayling_Synthesis_Final.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{stamford_etal2017FWCPArctica, + title = {{{FWCP Arctic Grayling Synthesis Report}}}, + author = {Stamford, Mike and Hagen, John and Williamson, Susanne}, + year = {2017}, + pages = {148}, + url = {http://fwcp.ca/app/uploads/2017/07/FWCP_Grayling_Synthesis_Final.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6SKHWJ27/stamford_et_al_2017_fwcp_arctic_grayling_synthesis_report.pdf} +} + +@article{StandardspracticeguideecosystemrestorationcontributionUnitedNationsDecadeEcosystemRestoration, + title = {Standards of Practice to Guide Ecosystem Restoration: {{A}} Contribution to the {{United Nations Decade}} on {{Ecosystem Restoration}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PPAVNEPA/standards_of_practice_to_guide_ecosystem_restoration_-_a_contribution_to_the.pdf} +} + +@techreport{sterlingwoodgroupinc_1997TroutCreek, + title = {Trout {{Creek}}/{{Moricetown Watershed Assessment Project}}}, + author = {{Sterling Wood Group Inc.}}, + year = {1997}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/trout-creek-moricetown-watershed-assessment-project}, + urldate = {2022-12-13}, + abstract = {This document contains information on the Level I Sediment Source Assessment. The Consolidated Access Management Plan (AMP) and the Interior Watershed Assessment Program (IWAP) reports are listed...}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6GSUIY3U/trout-creek-moricetown-watershed-assessment-project.html} +} + +@article{stewart_etal2007Fishlife, + title = {Fish Life History and Habitat Use in the {{Northwest Territories}}: {{Arctic}} Grayling ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus)}, + author = {Stewart, D B and Mochnacz, N J and Reist, J D and Carmichael, T J and Sawatzky, C D}, + year = {2007}, + journal = {Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2797}, + pages = {64}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255580930_Fish_life_history_and_habitat_use_in_the_Northwest_Territories_Arctic_grayling_Thymallus_arcticus}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GJXWIECX/stewart_et_al_2007_fish_life_history_and_habitat_use_in_the_northwest_territories_-_arctic_grayling.pdf} +} + +@article{stewartFishLifeHistory2007, + title = {Fish Life History and Habitat Use in the {{Northwest Territories}}: {{Arctic}} Grayling ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus)}, + author = {Stewart, D B and Mochnacz, N J and Reist, J D and Carmichael, T J and Sawatzky, C D}, + year = {2007}, + journal = {Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2797}, + pages = {64}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{stokes1956UpperBulkley, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Survey}} 1956}, + author = {Stokes, J}, + year = {1956}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/6d9cc7a6-683e-4de5-879e-77b592882a35/resource/9ff7c750-1a1d-40b3-9ee1-6bbb46bdf38e/download/dfo-ubulkley-hab-survey-1956.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-12} +} + +@misc{strategyIncidentalObservations, + title = {Incidental {{Observations}} - {{Province}} of {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Strategy, Ministry of Environment {and} Climate Change}, + publisher = {Province of British Columbia}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/plants-animals-ecosystems/wildlife/wildlife-conservation/amphibians-reptiles/frogwatching/incidental-observations}, + urldate = {2024-01-17}, + abstract = {Single-time data recording about amphibians and reptiles found in the wild in B.C.}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Last Modified: 2018-12-04}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/44DUJXXD/incidental-observations.html} +} + +@article{street2020InitialProject, + title = {Initial {{Project Description}}}, + author = {Street, W Hastings}, + year = {2020}, + pages = {106}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UMY8R9SF/street_2020_initial_project_description.pdf} +} + +@article{street2021BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Fish}} and {{Aquatic Resources}} 2021 {{Field Survey Report}}}, + author = {Street, Granville}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {276}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T3SAPLQU/street_2021_blackwater_gold_project_fish_and_aquatic_resources_2021_field_survey_report.pdf} +} + +@article{street2022BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Application}} for {{Authorization}} under {{Paragraph}} 35(2)(b) of the {{Fisheries Act}} ({{Non- Emergency Situations}})}, + author = {Street, Granville}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {1241}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UQIZZLGH/street_2022_blackwater_gold_project_application_for_authorization_under_paragraph_35(2)(b).pdf} +} + +@misc{strong2015McNeilSubstrate, + title = {{{McNeil Substrate Sampling Program}} 2015 {{Summary Report}}}, + author = {Strong, J.S}, + year = {2015}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r49787/McNeilSubstrateSamplingProgram2015_1450121365556_0119709988.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-09}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MARLNPIT/strong_2015_mcneil_substrate_sampling_program_2015_summary_report.pdf} +} + +@misc{SummaryPolicymakers, + title = {Summary for {{Policymakers}}}, + url = {https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/summary-for-policymakers}, + urldate = {2023-11-02}, + abstract = {.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{swales_levings1989RoleOffChannel, + title = {Role of {{Off-Channel Ponds}} in the {{Life Cycle}} of {{Coho Salmon}} ( {{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch ) and {{Other Juvenile Salmonids}} in the {{Coldwater River}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Swales, Stephen and Levings, C.}, + year = {1989}, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences - CAN J FISHERIES AQUAT SCI}, + volume = {46}, + pages = {232--242}, + doi = {10.1139/f89-032}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249530897_Role_of_Off-Channel_Ponds_in_the_Life_Cycle_of_Coho_Salmon_Oncorhynchus_kisutch_and_Other_Juvenile_Salmonids_in_the_Coldwater_River_British_Columbia}, + abstract = {Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, steelhead trout Salmo gairdneri and Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma were generally scarce in the ponds, although they were numerous in the main river. Coho salmon were predominant at "natural' river sites while steelhead trout was the main species at sites with "rip-rap' bank stabilization. Catches of juvenile coho were much much lower in the main river than in the ponds where they were the main species, and were more variable in the river. Population density and biomass estimates of juvenile coho in the ponds ranged from 0.100 fish.m-2 and 1.00 g.m-2 to 1.00 fish.m-2 and 5.15 g.m-2, compared with density estimates of 0.08-0.23 fish.m-2 in the river. The coho population in the ponds consisted of 0+ and 1+ age-groups in similar proportions; in the main river the 0+ age-group was much more abundant. Growth rate of coho in the ponds was faster than in the main river, with pond fish reaching mean lengths of 62-79 mm at the end of the 1st growing season, compared with 53 mm in the main river. Smolt outmigration from the main study pond occurred in late spring with peak outmigration in May and June coinciding with peak river discharge and increasing water temperatures in the main river and pond. -from Authors}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WISRRBL2/swales_levings_1989_role_of_off-channel_ponds_in_the_life_cycle_of_coho_salmon_(_oncorhynchus.pdf} +} + +@article{swales_levings1989RoleOffChannela, + title = {Role of {{Off-Channel Ponds}} in the {{Life Cycle}} of {{Coho Salmon}} ( {{{\emph{Oncorhynchus}}}}{\emph{ Kisutch}} ) and {{Other Juvenile Salmonids}} in the {{Coldwater River}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Swales, S. and Levings, C. D.}, + year = {1989}, + month = feb, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {46}, + number = {2}, + pages = {232--242}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f89-032}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f89-032}, + urldate = {2023-03-15}, + abstract = {Off-channel ponds in the upper reaches of the Coldwater River, British Columbia, were major rearing areas for juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri), and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) were generally scarce in the ponds, although they were numerous in the main river. Coho salmon were predominant at "natural" river sites while steelhead trout was the main species at sites with "rip-rap" bank stabilization. Catches of juvenile coho were much lower in the main river than in the ponds where they were the main species, and were more variable in the river. Population density and biomass estimates of juvenile coho in the ponds ranged from 0.100{\enspace}fish{$\bullet$}m -2 and 1.00{\enspace}g{$\bullet$}m -2 to 1.00{\enspace}fish{$\bullet$}m -2 and 5.15{\enspace}g{$\bullet$}m -2 , compared with density estimates of 0.08--0.23{\enspace}fish{$\bullet$}m -2 in the river. The coho population in the ponds consisted of 0+ and 1+ age-groups in similar proportions, while in the main river the 0+ age-group was much more abundant. The growth rate of coho in the ponds was faster than in the main river, with pond fish reaching mean lengths of 62--79{\enspace}mm at the end of the first growing season, compared with 53{\enspace}mm in the main river. Smolt outmigration from the main study pond occurred in late spring with peak outmigration in May and June coinciding with peak river discharge and increasing water temperatures in the main river and pond.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{swalesRoleOffChannelPonds1989, + title = {Role of {{Off-Channel Ponds}} in the {{Life Cycle}} of {{Coho Salmon}} ( {{Oncorhynchus}} Kisutch ) and {{Other Juvenile Salmonids}} in the {{Coldwater River}}, {{British Columbia}}}, + author = {Swales, Stephen and Levings, C.}, + year = {1989}, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences - CAN J FISHERIES AQUAT SCI}, + volume = {46}, + pages = {232--242}, + doi = {10.1139/f89-032}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249530897_Role_of_Off-Channel_Ponds_in_the_Life_Cycle_of_Coho_Salmon_Oncorhynchus_kisutch_and_Other_Juvenile_Salmonids_in_the_Coldwater_River_British_Columbia}, + abstract = {Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, steelhead trout Salmo gairdneri and Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma were generally scarce in the ponds, although they were numerous in the main river. Coho salmon were predominant at "natural' river sites while steelhead trout was the main species at sites with "rip-rap' bank stabilization. Catches of juvenile coho were much much lower in the main river than in the ponds where they were the main species, and were more variable in the river. Population density and biomass estimates of juvenile coho in the ponds ranged from 0.100 fish.m-2 and 1.00 g.m-2 to 1.00 fish.m-2 and 5.15 g.m-2, compared with density estimates of 0.08-0.23 fish.m-2 in the river. The coho population in the ponds consisted of 0+ and 1+ age-groups in similar proportions; in the main river the 0+ age-group was much more abundant. Growth rate of coho in the ponds was faster than in the main river, with pond fish reaching mean lengths of 62-79 mm at the end of the 1st growing season, compared with 53 mm in the main river. Smolt outmigration from the main study pond occurred in late spring with peak outmigration in May and June coinciding with peak river discharge and increasing water temperatures in the main river and pond. -from Authors} +} + +@misc{swanerpreserveandecocenter2022DamGood, + title = {A {{Dam Good Job}}: {{Three Years}} of {{Beaver Dam Analog Restoration}} \& {{Research}} on the {{Swaner Preserve}}}, + shorttitle = {A {{Dam Good Job}}}, + author = {{Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter}}, + year = {2022}, + month = jul, + url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6s9bfe5cns}, + urldate = {2024-02-08}, + abstract = {Join us to learn about beaver dams, beaver dam analogs (BDAs), and their effects on the Swaner Preserve ecosystem over the last few years with Marshall Wolf - watershed scientist at Utah State University! Get an inside look into his research on understanding beaver-mediated changes to stream habitat and ecosystem services on the Swaner Preserve with a dive into his final findings. Marshall Wolf is a PhD candidate in USUs Watershed Sciences Department who studies beaver-mediated changes to ecosystems and how well beaver-mimicry projects like BDAs are emulating the real deal. His research interests are aquatic and riparian ecology with a focus on stream restoration.} +} + +@misc{sweetingRestorationFish, + title = {Restoration of {{Fish Passage}} at {{Highway Culverts}} on {{Tea Creek}} and {{John Brown Creek}}.}, + author = {Sweeting, Karolyn}, + url = {https://stewardshipcentrebc.ca/scbc-case-studies/353-2/}, + urldate = {2023-02-06}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CPKNGMRR/353-2.html} +} + +@misc{SwimDistanceWaterVelocityTool, + title = {Swim {{Distance}} \& {{Water Velocity Tool}}}, + url = {https://fishprotectiontools.ca/distancevelocity.html}, + urldate = {2024-05-30}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/54GSAA57/distancevelocity.html} +} + +@article{t_silva_etal2017futurefish, + title = {The Future of Fish Passage Science, Engineering, and Practice}, + author = {T. Silva, Ana and Lucas, Martyn and {Castro-Santos}, Theodore and Katopodis, C. and Baumgartner, Lee and Thiem, Jason and Aarestrup, Kim and Pompeu, Paulo and O'Brien, Gordon Craig and Braun, Douglas and Burnett, Nicholas and Zhu, David and Fjeldstad, Hans-Petter and Forseth, Torbj{\o}rn and Rajaratnam, N. and Williams, John and Cooke, Steven}, + year = {2017}, + month = nov, + journal = {Fish and Fisheries}, + doi = {10.1111/faf.12258}, + abstract = {Much effort has been devoted to developing, constructing and refining fish passage facilities to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science, engineering and practice remain imperfect. In this review, 17 experts from different fish passage research fields (i.e., biology, ecology, physiology, ecohydraulics, engineering) and from different continents (i.e., North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia) identified knowledge gaps and provided a roadmap for research priorities and technical developments. Once dominated by an engineering-focused approach, fishway science today involves a wide range of disciplines from fish behaviour to socioeconomics to complex modelling of passage prioritization options in river networks. River barrier impacts on fish migration and dispersal are currently better understood than historically, but basic ecological knowledge underpinning the need for effective fish passage in many regions of the world, including in biodiversity hotspots (e.g., equatorial Africa, South-East Asia), remains largely unknown. Designing efficient fishways, with minimal passage delay and post-passage impacts, requires adaptive management and continued innovation. While the use of fishways in river restoration demands a transition towards fish passage at the community scale, advances in selective fishways are also needed to manage invasive fish colonization. Because of the erroneous view in some literature and communities of practice that fish passage is largely a proven technology, improved international collaboration, information sharing, method standardization and multidisciplinary training are needed. Further development of regional expertise is needed in South America, Asia and Africa where hydropower dams are currently being planned and constructed.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6CRKS44D/t._silva_et_al_2017_the_future_of_fish_passage_science,_engineering,_and_practice.pdf} +} + +@article{taberlet_etal2012EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Taberlet, Pierre and Coissac, Eric and Hajibabaei, Mehrdad and Rieseberg, Loren H.}, + year = {2012}, + month = apr, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {8}, + pages = {1789--1793}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05542.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05542.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/USUB6ZJ7/Taberlet et al. - 2012 - Environmental DNA.pdf} +} + +@techreport{table_sens, + type = {Report}, + title = {Assessment and Assignment of Sensitivity Ratings to Sub-Basins of the Table Watershed in Parsnip Drainage -- Ominieca Region. {{Contract}} Number: {{GS15823011}}}, + author = {Beaudry, Pierre G.}, + year = {2014}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=51634} +} + +@article{takahara_etal2013UsingEnvironmental, + title = {Using {{Environmental DNA}} to {{Estimate}} the {{Distribution}} of an {{Invasive Fish Species}} in {{Ponds}}}, + author = {Takahara, Teruhiko and Minamoto, Toshifumi and Doi, Hideyuki}, + editor = {Consuegra, Sofia}, + year = {2013}, + month = feb, + journal = {PLoS ONE}, + volume = {8}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e56584}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0056584}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0056584}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Knowledge of the presence of an invasive species is critical to monitoring the sustainability of communities and ecosystems. Environmental DNA (eDNA), DNA fragments that are likely to be bound to organic matters in the water or in shed cells, has been used to monitor the presence of aquatic animals. Using an eDNA-based method, we estimated the presence of the invasive bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, in 70 ponds located in seven locales on the Japanese mainland and on surrounding islands. We quantified the concentration of DNA copies in a 1 L water sample using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) with a primer/probe set. In addition, we visually observed the bluegill presence in the ponds from the shoreline. We detected bluegill eDNA in all the ponds where bluegills were observed visually and some where bluegills were not observed. Bluegills were also less prevalent on the islands than the mainland, likely owing to limited dispersal and introduction by humans. Our eDNA method simply and rapidly detects the presence of this invasive fish species with less disturbance to the environment during field surveys than traditional methods.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UQWL3D8F/Takahara et al. - 2013 - Using Environmental DNA to Estimate the Distributi.pdf} +} + +@article{takahashi_etal2018Seasonaldiel, + title = {Seasonal and Diel Signature of Eastern Hellbender Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Takahashi, Mizuki K. and Meyer, Mark J. and Mcphee, Carolyn and Gaston, Jordan R. and Venesky, Matthew D. and Case, Brian F.}, + year = {2018}, + month = jan, + journal = {The Journal of Wildlife Management}, + volume = {82}, + number = {1}, + pages = {217--225}, + issn = {0022-541X, 1937-2817}, + doi = {10.1002/jwmg.21349}, + url = {https://wildlife.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jwmg.21349}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Examination of environmental DNA (eDNA) is a non-invasive conservation tool that has been used for the detection of aquatic organisms. When coupled with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), eDNA sampling may be used to infer seasonal or diel activities of target species. To survey the status of eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis), fully aquatic cryptic salamanders of conservation concern, through eDNA analyses, we collected water samples monthly from 13 sites across 8 tributaries of the West Branch Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, USA, from June through October 2014. We also examined the effects of the breeding season, diel activity, and stream environmental variables (e.g., temp, pH) on eDNA concentration estimates. We repeatedly detected hellbender eDNA from all 4 tributaries known to contain hellbenders, and from downstream sites of 2 of the 4 tributaries without known records of hellbenders. In the tributaries known to contain hellbenders, we observed notable increases in eDNA concentrations during the September breeding season, suggesting possible reproductive events. However, such seasonal eDNA signature was lacking from the eDNA positive sites of the tributaries without known records of hellbenders. There was no difference in eDNA estimates between diurnal and nocturnal samples, indicating that diel activity was inconsequential to eDNA estimates. Our statistical analyses of the eDNA positive sites revealed no effects of the stream variables on eDNA estimates. Yet, the presence of hellbenders was positively associated with stream temperature and negatively with pH. The positive association with temperature was likely to be an artifact of the sampling design, whereas the negative association with pH may indicate negative effects of farming and livestock on hellbenders. Our findings concur with recent studies on the importance of temporal sampling in interpreting eDNA signature in relation to life histories of target species. Further studies are needed to characterize the core habitats of newly found populations for future management of the declining hellbender populations. {\'O} 2017 The Wildlife Society.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/77TS2P58/Takahashi et al. - 2018 - Seasonal and diel signature of eastern hellbender .pdf} +} + +@article{tamblyn_croft2003PlanConserve, + title = {A {{Plan}} to {{Conserve}} and {{Protect Morice Watershed Fish Populations}} and Their {{Habitat}} -- {{Stage II}}}, + author = {Tamblyn, Greg and Croft, Chad}, + year = {2003}, + pages = {52}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PKMWNF4R/tamblyn_croft_2003_a_plan_to_conserve_and_protect_morice_watershed_fish_populations_and_their.pdf} +} + +@misc{tamblyn_jessop2000DetailedFish, + title = {Detailed {{Fish Habitat}}, {{Riparian}} and {{Channel Assessment}} for {{Select Central Bulkley River Tributaries}}}, + author = {Tamblyn, Greg and Jessop, Matthew}, + year = {2000}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/d7b0840a-382b-4f96-875a-a7db8ac2ad6c/resource/0ff53aa4-a6f8-45e2-bf78-dd55f60f3774/download/fish_habitat_riparian_channel_assessment_central_bulkley_tributaries.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-04-29}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KNTZU2BJ/tamblyn_jessop_2000_detailed_fish_habitat,_riparian_and_channel_assessment_for_select_central.pdf} +} + +@article{tamblyn2005PlanConserve, + title = {A {{Plan}} to {{Conserve}} and {{Protect Morice Watershed Fish Populations}}}, + author = {Tamblyn, Gregory C}, + year = {2005}, + pages = {78}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7SEY62KW/tamblyn_2005_a_plan_to_conserve_and_protect_morice_watershed_fish_populations.pdf} +} + +@article{tarbuck0215644Wetland, + title = {C.1- 0215644 {{Wetland Classification Expanded LSA}}\_{{TL Access Roads}}}, + author = {Tarbuck, Robert}, + pages = {89}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/CG5GPVUU/tarbuck_c.1-_0215644_wetland_classification_expanded_lsa_tl_access_roads.pdf} +} + +@article{taylor_etal2005SamplingStatistical, + title = {Sampling and {{Statistical Considerations}} for {{Hydroacoustic Surveys Used}} in {{Estimating Abundance}} of {{Forage Fishes}} in {{Reservoirs}}}, + author = {Taylor, J. Christopher and Thompson, Jessica S. and Rand, Peter S. and Fuentes, Montserrat}, + year = {2005}, + month = feb, + journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, + volume = {25}, + number = {1}, + pages = {73--85}, + issn = {0275-5947, 1548-8675}, + doi = {10.1577/M03-241.1}, + url = {https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1577/M03-241.1}, + urldate = {2024-05-10}, + abstract = {An understanding of the spatial distribution of forage fish resources is required to make informed fishery management decisions. We used mobile hydroacoustics to assess the distribution and abundance of forage fish in Badin Lake, a reservoir in central North Carolina. By sampling a series of cross-channel and longitudinal transects and analyzing the data using geostatistics, we characterized both large- and small-scale spatial patterns in forage fish density. Forage fish were observed in higher densities in upstream regions of the reservoir and were seen only in surface waters during July 2000 owing to the existence of a strong thermo--oxycline and in two layers (surface and near bottom) during mixed conditions in December 2001. We observed differences in the scale of patchiness (200--700 m) in forage fish distribution depending on the region of the reservoir where sampling took place, and we infer that these patterns are governed by prevailing limnological conditions. Modeling the spatial variation in the acoustic data using geostatistics resulted in similar average densities (July 2000: 0.56 Ϯ 0.28 [mean Ϯ SD] fish/m2; December 2001: 0.57 Ϯ 0.49 fish/m2) and improvements in the precision of abundance estimates based on approximated variance (July 2000: 7.05 ϫ 106 Ϯ 8.30 ϫ 105 fish; December 2001: 7.07 ϫ 106 Ϯ 2.10 ϫ 106 fish) when compared with arithmetic averaging and extrapolation (July 2000: 0.60 Ϯ 0.61 fish/m2, 7.5 ϫ 106 Ϯ 4.61 ϫ 106 fish; December 2001: 0.60 Ϯ 0.69 fish/m2, 8.00 ϫ 106 Ϯ 6.34 ϫ 106 fish). We found that sampling along longitudinal transects is a more efficient way to characterize the spatial patterns of forage fish distribution and to estimate systemwide abundance and biomass than using data collected with both a longitudinal and cross-channel sampling design in this system.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IE7DUYZD/Taylor et al. - 2005 - Sampling and Statistical Considerations for Hydroa.pdf} +} + +@misc{taylor_mochnacz2013ProtocolNative, + title = {Protocol -- {{Native}} Stream Fish Occupancy Monitoring for {{Banff National Park Stream}} Fishes Occupancy Monitoring}, + author = {Taylor, Mark and Mochnacz, Neil}, + year = {2013}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{teckcoallimited2020TributaryManagement, + title = {Tributary {{Management Plan}}}, + author = {{Teck Coal Limited}}, + year = {2020}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZZZF7TVQ/teck_coal_limited_2020_tributary_management_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{teckcoallimitedlinecreekoperations2009LineCreek, + title = {Line {{Creek Operations Phase}} Ll {{Project Description}}}, + author = {{Teck Coal Limited Line Creek Operations}}, + year = {2009}, + url = {http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/pubdocs/bcdocs2013/529460/1254268211692_e13e225d8619af051b58f58b9c73dff23c2f53e6fa0f9f37bf2026f8dc4dc647.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y3MP4PZ2/teck_coal_limited_line_creek_operations_2009_line_creek_operations_phase_ll_project_description.pdf} +} + +@misc{teckresourceslimited2014ElkValley, + title = {Elk {{Valley Water Quality Plan}}}, + author = {{Teck Resources Limited}}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/2015-Water-elk_valley_water_quality_plan_T3.2.3.2.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LDZ9MG6S/teck_resources_limited_2014_elk_valley_water_quality_plan.pdf} +} + +@misc{TerrestrialEcosystemMapping, + title = {Terrestrial {{Ecosystem Mapping}}}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fia/terrecomap.htm}, + urldate = {2024-01-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/24R8T5KW/Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping.html} +} + +@article{test2003GuidelinesforInstream, + title = {Guidelinesfor {{In-stream}} and {{Off-Channel Routine Effectiveness Evaluation}}}, + author = {{test}}, + year = {2003}, + pages = {36}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/N3YYZUTQ/test_2003_guidelinesfor_in-stream_and_off-channel_routine_effectiveness_evaluation.pdf} +} + +@misc{texelcemc2023WilliamsLake, + title = {Williams {{Lake First Nation}}}, + author = {{T'exelcemc}}, + year = {2023}, + month = feb, + journal = {Williams Lake First Nation}, + url = {https://www.wlfn.ca}, + urldate = {2023-04-21}, + abstract = {The Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN), or the T'exelcemc (people of WLFN) have belonged to the Secwepemc (or Shuswap) Nation for over 6500 years.}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SAEEL5YM/www.wlfn.ca.html} +} + +@article{thalinger_etal2021validationscale, + title = {A Validation Scale to Determine the Readiness of Environmental {{DNA}} Assays for Routine Species Monitoring}, + author = {Thalinger, Bettina and Deiner, Kristy and Harper, Lynsey R. and Rees, Helen C. and Blackman, Rosetta C. and Sint, Daniela and Traugott, Michael and Goldberg, Caren S. and Bruce, Kat}, + year = {2021}, + month = jul, + journal = {Environmental DNA}, + volume = {3}, + number = {4}, + pages = {823--836}, + issn = {2637-4943, 2637-4943}, + doi = {10.1002/edn3.189}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/edn3.189}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis for species monitoring requires rigorous validation---\-from field sampling to the analysis of PCR-\-based results---\-for meaningful application and interpretation. Assays targeting eDNA released by individual species are typically validated with no predefined criteria to answer specific research questions in one ecosystem. Hence, the general applicability of assays, as well as associated uncertainties and limitations, often remain undetermined. The absence of clear guidelines for assay validation prevents targeted eDNA assays from being incorporated into species monitoring and policy; thus, their establishment is essential for realizing the potential of eDNA-b\- ased surveys. We describe the measures and tests necessary for successful validation of targeted eDNA assays and the associated pitfalls to form the basis of guidelines. A list of 122 variables was compiled, consolidated into 14 thematic blocks (e.g., ``in silico analysis''), and arranged on a 5-l\-evel validation scale from ``incomplete'' to ``operational'' with defined minimum validation criteria for each level. These variables were evaluated for 546 published single-\-species assays. The resulting dataset was used to provide an overview of current validation practices and test the applicability of the validation scale for future assay rating. Of the 122 variables, 20\% to 76\% were reported; the majority (30\%) of investigated assays were classified as Level 1 (incomplete), and 15\% did not achieve this first level. These assays were characterized by minimal in silico and in vitro testing, but their share in annually published eDNA assays has declined since 2014. The meta-\-analysis demonstrates the suitability of the 5-\-level validation scale for assessing targeted eDNA assays. It is a user-\-friendly tool to evaluate previously published assays for future research and routine monitoring, while also enabling the appropriate interpretation of results. Finally, it provides guidance on validation and reporting standards for newly developed assays.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EGZSSPV9/Thalinger et al. - 2021 - A validation scale to determine the readiness of e.pdf} +} + +@article{thomas_etal2018eDNASampler, + title = {{{eDNA Sampler}}: {{A}} Fully Integrated Environmental {{DNA}} Sampling System}, + shorttitle = {{{eDNA Sampler}}}, + author = {Thomas, Austen C. and Howard, Jesse and Nguyen, Phong L. and Seimon, Tracie A. and Goldberg, Caren S.}, + editor = {Golding, Nick}, + year = {2018}, + month = jun, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {9}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1379--1385}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.12994}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12994}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Species monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful new technique for natural resource scientists and the number of research groups employing eDNA detection is growing rapidly. However, current eDNA sampling technologies consist mainly of do-it-yourself solutions, and the lack of purpose-built sampling equipment is limiting the efficiency and standardization of eDNA studies. Here, we describe the first fully integrated sampling system (Smith-Root eDNA Sampler) designed by a team of molecular ecologists and engineers for high-throughput eDNA sample collection. It consists of a backpack portable pump that integrates sensor feedback, a pole extension with remote pump controller, custom-made filter housings in single-use packets for each sampling site and onboard sample storage. The system is optimized for sampling speed and replicability, while minimizing risk of contamination. We present an example pilot study designed to identify optimal eDNA Sampler system parameter values (i.e. pump pressure, flow rate, filter pore size, sample volume) in a new sampling environment. We identified a peak in filtration efficiency at a flow rate threshold of 1.0~L/m, and found that 5~{$\mu$}m filters captured significantly more target eDNA than 1~{$\mu$}m filters. Results also suggest that high filtration pressures may reduce eDNA retention, which implies that pressure should be standardized to avoid biasing detection data. Similar to the technological evolution of backpack electrofishers, eDNA sampling technology is in the process of transitioning from a nascent phase to professionally engineered research tools. Such innovations will be essential as eDNA monitoring becomes one of the industry standard methods used for species detection and management.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/392X6SCT/Thomas et al. - 2018 - eDNA Sampler A fully integrated environmental DNA.pdf} +} + +@article{thomas_etal2018eDNASamplera, + title = {{{eDNA Sampler}}: {{A}} Fully Integrated Environmental {{DNA}} Sampling System}, + shorttitle = {{{eDNA Sampler}}}, + author = {Thomas, Austen C. and Howard, Jesse and Nguyen, Phong L. and Seimon, Tracie A. and Goldberg, Caren S.}, + editor = {Golding, Nick}, + year = {2018}, + month = jun, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {9}, + number = {6}, + pages = {1379--1385}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.12994}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12994}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract Species monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful new technique for natural resource scientists and the number of research groups employing eDNA detection is growing rapidly. However, current eDNA sampling technologies consist mainly of do-it-yourself solutions, and the lack of purpose-built sampling equipment is limiting the efficiency and standardization of eDNA studies. Here, we describe the first fully integrated sampling system (Smith-Root eDNA Sampler) designed by a team of molecular ecologists and engineers for high-throughput eDNA sample collection. It consists of a backpack portable pump that integrates sensor feedback, a pole extension with remote pump controller, custom-made filter housings in single-use packets for each sampling site and onboard sample storage. The system is optimized for sampling speed and replicability, while minimizing risk of contamination. We present an example pilot study designed to identify optimal eDNA Sampler system parameter values (i.e. pump pressure, flow rate, filter pore size, sample volume) in a new sampling environment. We identified a peak in filtration efficiency at a flow rate threshold of 1.0~L/m, and found that 5~{$\mu$}m filters captured significantly more target eDNA than 1~{$\mu$}m filters. Results also suggest that high filtration pressures may reduce eDNA retention, which implies that pressure should be standardized to avoid biasing detection data. Similar to the technological evolution of backpack electrofishers, eDNA sampling technology is in the process of transitioning from a nascent phase to professionally engineered research tools. Such innovations will be essential as eDNA monitoring becomes one of the industry standard methods used for species detection and management.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VBJAB7W2/Thomas et al. - 2018 - eDNA Sampler A fully integrated environmental DNA.pdf} +} + +@article{thomas_etal2019selfpreservingpartially, + title = {A Self-preserving, Partially Biodegradable {{eDNA}} Filter}, + author = {Thomas, Austen C. and Nguyen, Phong L. and Howard, Jesse and Goldberg, Caren S.}, + editor = {Jentoft, Sissel}, + year = {2019}, + month = aug, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {10}, + number = {8}, + pages = {1136--1141}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.13212}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.13212}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Abstract eDNA studies often rely on water filtration in the field and immediate sample preservation to prevent DNA degradation during sample transport. However, filter membrane transfer steps for preservation can increase risk of sample contamination and the reliance on typical single-use filter housings produces significant plastic waste. We created a new eDNA filter housing (compatible with any suction pump) partially comprised of a biodegradable, hydrophilic material that functions to automatically preserve captured eDNA via desiccation---no filter membrane transfer steps, no chemical or cold storage required. We tested the self-preservation capabilities of the desiccating filter housings by filtering replicate samples in an eDNA mesocosm study and compared with ethanol preservation. Self-preserving filters were placed back into original packaging for storage, and samples for both preservation methods were kept at room temperature until extraction at prescribed time points (11~days, 18~days, 25~days, 32~days, 60~days, 88~days, 172~days) post-filtration. Paired field samples were also collected from six pond locations targeting an additional species to demonstrate field performance. Quantitative PCR results from the mesocosm study indicated that both methods effectively preserved eDNA over a 6-month storage period, with the self-preserving filters yielding slightly more target DNA on average (SQ~=~329 copies) than ethanol-preserved samples (SQ~=~288 copies) ( F 1,38 ~=~4.050, p ~=~0.051). Neither method showed signs of degradation after 172~days. Results from field sampling indicated a larger difference between preservation methods, with the self-preserving filters containing approximately 2X the eDNA of ethanol-preserved samples on average (paired t test, p ~=~0.020). These data suggest that self-preserving eDNA filter housings are a viable alternative to standard ethanol preservation methods and may provide higher detection sensitivity in some circumstances. The new filter housings should also help in reducing the risk of sample contamination, minimize protocol steps and result in less plastic waste. Such innovations are important to assure eDNA data quality and to help in facilitating the inclusion of non-expert sample collectors (e.g. citizen scientists) in research programs.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UI3BXST5/Thomas et al. - 2019 - A self‐preserving, partially biodegradable eDNA fi.pdf} +} + +@article{thompson2004FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat}} in {{Freshwater Streams}}}, + author = {Thompson, Lisa}, + year = {2004}, + month = jan, + abstract = {The habitat requirements of fish in streams are in many ways similar to those of humans in our own environment. Fish need a place to live and reproduce, oxygen, tolerable temperatures, food, and clean water free of excess sediment or pollutants. The existence of good fish habitat is dependent on a number of factors, such as geology , climate, water flow, the absence of barriers to upstream or downstream movement, habitat structure (pools, riffles, shelter), water quality, the presence of sufficient food, and the lack of excessive numbers of predators and competitors. This publication provides information on how these factors affect fish, with particular attention given to anadromous salmonids. Salmonids are fish in the taxonomic family Salmonidae, including the many species of salmon and trout (Moyle and Cech 2000). Salmonids present in California include Chinook, coho, chum, pink, and kokanee salmon, steel-head, char, rainbow trout, brook trout, and brown trout. Anadromous refers to fish that are born in fresh water, migrate to the sea where they grow and mature, and then return to fresh water to spawn.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RY2AAIH8/thompson_2004_fish_habitat_in_freshwater_streams.pdf} +} + +@article{thompson2013AssessingFish, + ids = {thompsonAssessingFishPassagea,thompsonAssessingFishPassageb}, + title = {Assessing {{Fish Passage}} at {{Culverts}} -- the Method, Its Metrics and Preliminary Findings from over 4,000 Assessments.}, + author = {Thompson, Richard}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fish-passage/assessing_fish_passage_at_culverts.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PUEQYI5E/thompson_2013_assessing_fish_passage_at_culverts_–_the_method,_its_metrics_and_preliminary.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T7SVJCFC/thompson_2013_assessing_fish_passage_at_culverts_–_the_method,_its_metrics_and_preliminary.pdf} +} + +@article{thompsonABUNDANCEPRODUCTION, + title = {{{ABUNDANCE AND PRODUCTION OF ZOOPLANKTON AND KOKANEE SALMON}} \{\vphantom\}{{ONCORHYNCHUS NERKA}}) {{IN K O O T E N A Y L A K E}} , {{BRITISH C O L U M B I A DURING ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZATION}}}, + author = {Thompson, Lisa Colleen}, + abstract = {Experimental fertilization was conducted on Kootenay Lake, B.C. from 1992 to 1997 to compensate for nutrients lost behind hydroelectric dams upstream of the lake. Declining nutrient loads were correlated with lower in-lake nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a concentrations, and macrozooplankton densities, and a dramatic decline in kokanee salmon \{Oncorhynchus nerka) stocks. A simulation model of the lake suggested that increased zooplankton production resulting from fertilization might be shunted into increased abundance of Mysis relicta, an exotic crustacean that competes with kokanee, and that nutrient additions might actually hasten the kokanee decline. In an attempt to test this prediction, nutrients were applied at the north end of the lake, and the response of the food web was monitored along the expected longitudinal productivity gradient. The food web structure along the lake suggests that a trophic gradient of grazeable phytoplankton abundance was established, but that M. relicta may have grazed down any increase in zooplankton production in the fertilized end of the lake. Kokanee distribution and size-at-age along the lake did not correlate with the nutrient gradient. Surprisingly, M. relicta abundance decreased during the experiment, while kokanee abundance increased four-fold, and Gerrard rainbow trout \{Oncorhynchus mykiss), which prey mainly on kokanee, also increased in abundance. M. relicta is vulnerable to mortality due to export out of the lake during high flow years, whereas zooplankton replace flow-related mortality through rapid reproduction and kokanee can actively avoid export. High surface water turnover rates, due to large winter snow accumulation during the experiment, likely contributed to increased M. relicta mortality. This physical factor may have shifted the competitive equilibrium between kokanee and M. relicta, by suppressing an increase in M. relicta abundance, and allowed kokanee to take advantage of increased zooplankton availability.\vphantom{\}\}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DLQZW2E9/Thompson - ABUNDANCE AND PRODUCTION OF ZOOPLANKTON AND KOKANE.pdf} +} + +@article{thompsonAssessingFishPassage2013, + ids = {thompsonAssessingFishPassagea,thompsonAssessingFishPassageb}, + title = {Assessing {{Fish Passage}} at {{Culverts}} {\^A}{\texteuro}`` the Method, Its Metrics and Preliminary Findings from over 4,000 Assessments.}, + author = {Thompson, Richard}, + year = {2013}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/plants-animals-and-ecosystems/fish-fish-habitat/fish-passage/assessing_fish_passage_at_culverts.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-24} +} + +@article{thomsen_etal2012DetectionDiverse, + title = {Detection of a {{Diverse Marine Fish Fauna Using Environmental DNA}} from {{Seawater Samples}}}, + author = {Thomsen, Philip Francis and Kielgast, Jos and Iversen, Lars L{\o}nsmann and M{\o}ller, Peter Rask and Rasmussen, Morten and Willerslev, Eske}, + editor = {Lin, Senjie}, + year = {2012}, + month = aug, + journal = {PLoS ONE}, + volume = {7}, + number = {8}, + pages = {e41732}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0041732}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0041732}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Marine ecosystems worldwide are under threat with many fish species and populations suffering from human overexploitation. This is greatly impacting global biodiversity, economy and human health. Intriguingly, marine fish are largely surveyed using selective and invasive methods, which are mostly limited to commercial species, and restricted to particular areas with favourable conditions. Furthermore, misidentification of species represents a major problem. Here, we investigate the potential of using metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) obtained directly from seawater samples to account for marine fish biodiversity. This eDNA approach has recently been used successfully in freshwater environments, but never in marine settings. We isolate eDNA from K-litre seawater samples collected in a temperate marine ecosystem in Denmark. Using next-generation DNA sequencing of PCR amplicons, we obtain eDNA from 15 different fish species, including both important consumption species, as well as species rarely or never recorded by conventional monitoring. We also detect eDNA from a rare vagrant species in the area; European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus). Additionally, we detect four bird species. Records in national databases confirmed the occurrence of all detected species. To investigate the efficiency of the eDNA approach, we compared its performance with 9 methods conventionally used in marine fish surveys. Promisingly, eDNA covered the fish diversity better than or equal to any of the applied conventional methods. Our study demonstrates that even small samples of seawater contain eDNA from a wide range of local fish species. Finally, in order to examine the potential dispersal of eDNA in oceans, we performed an experiment addressing eDNA degradation in seawater, which shows that even small (100-bp) eDNA fragments degrades beyond detectability within days. Although further studies are needed to validate the eDNA approach in varying environmental conditions, our findings provide a strong proof-ofconcept with great perspectives for future monitoring of marine biodiversity and resources.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/P9X3GBPX/Thomsen et al. - 2012 - Detection of a Diverse Marine Fish Fauna Using Env.pdf} +} + +@article{thomsen_etal2012Monitoringendangered, + title = {Monitoring Endangered Freshwater Biodiversity Using Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Thomsen, Philip Francis and Kielgast, Jos and Iversen, Lars L. and Wiuf, Carsten and Rasmussen, Morten and Gilbert, M. Thomas P and Orlando, Ludovic and Willerslev, Eske}, + year = {2012}, + month = jun, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {11}, + pages = {2565--2573}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05418.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05418.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Freshwater ecosystems are among the most endangered habitats on Earth, with thousands of animal species known to be threatened or already extinct. Reliable monitoring of threatened organisms is crucial for data-driven conservation actions but remains a challenge owing to nonstandardized methods that depend on practical and taxonomic expertise, which is rapidly declining. Here, we show that a diversity of rare and threatened freshwater animals---representing amphibians, fish, mammals, insects and crustaceans---can be detected and quantified based on DNA obtained directly from small water samples of lakes, ponds and streams. We successfully validate our findings in a controlled mesocosm experiment and show that DNA becomes undetectable within 2 weeks after removal of animals, indicating that DNA traces are near contemporary with presence of the species. We further demonstrate that entire faunas of amphibians and fish can be detected by high-throughput sequencing of DNA extracted from pond water. Our findings underpin the ubiquitous nature of DNA traces in the environment and establish environmental DNA as a tool for monitoring rare and threatened species across a wide range of taxonomic groups.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UPS42JGD/Thomsen et al. - 2012 - Monitoring endangered freshwater biodiversity usin.pdf} +} + +@article{thomsen_etal2012Monitoringendangereda, + title = {Monitoring Endangered Freshwater Biodiversity Using Environmental {{DNA}}}, + author = {Thomsen, Philip Francis and Kielgast, Jos and Iversen, Lars L. and Wiuf, Carsten and Rasmussen, Morten and Gilbert, M. Thomas P and Orlando, Ludovic and Willerslev, Eske}, + year = {2012}, + month = jun, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {11}, + pages = {2565--2573}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05418.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05418.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Freshwater ecosystems are among the most endangered habitats on Earth, with thousands of animal species known to be threatened or already extinct. Reliable monitoring of threatened organisms is crucial for data-driven conservation actions but remains a challenge owing to nonstandardized methods that depend on practical and taxonomic expertise, which is rapidly declining. Here, we show that a diversity of rare and threatened freshwater animals---representing amphibians, fish, mammals, insects and crustaceans---can be detected and quantified based on DNA obtained directly from small water samples of lakes, ponds and streams. We successfully validate our findings in a controlled mesocosm experiment and show that DNA becomes undetectable within 2 weeks after removal of animals, indicating that DNA traces are near contemporary with presence of the species. We further demonstrate that entire faunas of amphibians and fish can be detected by high-throughput sequencing of DNA extracted from pond water. Our findings underpin the ubiquitous nature of DNA traces in the environment and establish environmental DNA as a tool for monitoring rare and threatened species across a wide range of taxonomic groups.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Z4GNA739/Thomsen et al. - 2012 - Monitoring endangered freshwater biodiversity usin.pdf} +} + +@article{thomsen_willerslev2015EnvironmentalDNA, + title = {Environmental {{DNA}} -- {{An}} Emerging Tool in Conservation for Monitoring Past and Present Biodiversity}, + author = {Thomsen, Philip Francis and Willerslev, Eske}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {183}, + pages = {4--18}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.019}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320714004443}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The continuous decline in Earth's biodiversity represents a major crisis and challenge for the 21st century, and there is international political agreement to slow down or halt this decline. The challenge is in large part impeded by the lack of knowledge on the state and distribution of biodiversity -- especially since the majority of species on Earth are un-described by science. All conservation efforts to save biodiversity essentially depend on the monitoring of species and populations to obtain reliable distribution patterns and population size estimates. Such monitoring has traditionally relied on physical identification of species by visual surveys and counting of individuals. However, traditional monitoring techniques remain problematic due to difficulties associated with correct identification of cryptic species or juvenile life stages, a continuous decline in taxonomic expertise, non-standardized sampling, and the invasive nature of some survey techniques. Hence, there is urgent need for alternative and efficient techniques for large-scale biodiversity monitoring. Environmental DNA (eDNA) -- defined here as: genetic material obtained directly from environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, etc.) without any obvious signs of biological source material -- is an efficient, non-invasive and easy-to-standardize sampling approach. Coupled with sensitive, cost-efficient and ever-advancing DNA sequencing technology, it may be an appropriate candidate for the challenge of biodiversity monitoring. Environmental DNA has been obtained from ancient as well as modern samples and encompasses single species detection to analyses of ecosystems. The research on eDNA initiated in microbiology, recognizing that culture-based methods grossly misrepresent the microbial diversity in nature. Subsequently, as a method to assess the diversity of macro-organismal communities, eDNA was first analyzed in sediments, revealing DNA from extinct and extant animals and plants, but has since been obtained from various terrestrial and aquatic environmental samples. Results from eDNA approaches have provided valuable insights to the study of ancient environments and proven useful for monitoring contemporary biodiversity in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In the future, we expect the eDNA-based approaches to move from single-marker analyses of species or communities to meta-genomic surveys of entire ecosystems to predict spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns. Such advances have applications for a range of biological, geological and environmental sciences. Here we review the achievements gained through analyses of eDNA from macro-organisms in a conservation context, and discuss its potential advantages and limitations for biodiversity monitoring.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K7H6CDBL/Thomsen and Willerslev - 2015 - Environmental DNA – An emerging tool in conservati.pdf} +} + +@misc{thorley_etal2021ChannelWidthb, + title = {Channel {{Width}} 2021b}, + author = {Thorley, J and Norris, S and Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Poisson Consulting}, + url = {https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/859859031}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {Draft: 2021-12-09 12:24:55 The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is: Thorley, J.L., Norris, S. \& Irvine A. (2021) Channel Width 2021b. A Poisson Consulting Analysis Appendix. URL: https://www.}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/J2USZJN2/channel-width-21b.html} +} + +@misc{thorley_etal2021ChannelWidthc, + title = {Channel {{Width}} 2021b}, + author = {Thorley, J.L. and Norris, S. and Irvine, A.}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/859859031} +} + +@misc{thorley_etal2021ChannelWidthd, + title = {Channel {{Width}} 2021b}, + author = {Thorley, J and Norris, S and Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Poisson Consulting}, + url = {https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/859859031}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {Draft: 2021-12-09 12:24:55 The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is: Thorley, J.L., Norris, S. \& Irvine A. (2021) Channel Width 2021b. A Poisson Consulting Analysis Appendix. URL: https://www.}, + langid = {american} +} + +@misc{thorley_etal2021UpperFording, + title = {Upper {{Fording River Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population Monitoring}} 2020}, + author = {Thorley, J.L. and Kortello, A.K. and Robinson, M.}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/14_UFR_WCT_Population_Monitoring_2020_Report_w_Cover_Page.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-03-01}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/MYABAICN/thorley_et_al_2021_upper_fording_river_westslope_cutthroat_trout_population_monitoring_2020.pdf} +} + +@techreport{thorley_etal2022UpperFording, + title = {Upper {{Fording River Westslope Cutthroat}}{\textbackslash}{{nTrout Population Monitoring}} 2021}, + author = {Thorley, J.L. and Kortello, A.K. and Brooks, J. and Robinson, M}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://www.teck.com/media/Upper-Fording-River-Westslope-Cutthroat-Trout-Population-Monitoring-2021.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-03-08}, + annotation = {A Poisson Consulting and Lotic Environmental report prepared for Teck Coal Ltd.,\\ +Sparwood, BC.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SKFPH72Z/thorley_et_al_2022_upper_fording_river_westslope_cutthroat-ntrout_population_monitoring_2021.pdf} +} + +@misc{thorley_irvine2021ChannelWidth, + title = {Channel {{Width}} 2021}, + author = {Thorley, J and Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/1792764180}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {Draft: 2021-04-10 14:43:36 The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is: Thorley, J.L. \& Irvine A. (2021) Channel Width 2021. A Poisson Consulting Analysis Appendix. URL: https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/1792764180. Background The primary goal of the current analyses is to answer the following question:}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UVWIT7XA/channel-width-21.html} +} + +@misc{thorley_irvine2021ChannelWidtha, + title = {Channel {{Width}} 2021}, + author = {Thorley, J and Irvine, A}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Poisson Consulting}, + url = {https://poissonconsulting.ca/temporary-hidden-link/1792764180/channel-width-21/}, + urldate = {2022-05-25}, + abstract = {Draft: 2021-04-10 14:43:36 The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is: Thorley, J.L. \& Irvine A. (2021) Channel Width 2021. A Poisson Consulting Analysis Appendix. URL: https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/1792764180. Background The primary goal of the current analyses is to answer the following question:}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EAVE699D/channel-width-21.html} +} + +@article{thorp_etal2010LinkingEcosystem, + title = {Linking {{Ecosystem Services}}, {{Rehabilitation}}, and {{River Hydrogeomorphology}}}, + author = {Thorp, James H. and Flotemersch, Joseph E. and Delong, Michael D. and Casper, Andrew F. and Thoms, Martin C. and Ballantyne, Ford and Williams, Bradley S. and O'Neill, Brian J. and Haase, C. Stephen}, + year = {2010}, + month = jan, + journal = {BioScience}, + volume = {60}, + number = {1}, + pages = {67--74}, + issn = {1525-3244, 0006-3568}, + doi = {10.1525/bio.2010.60.1.11}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article-lookup/doi/10.1525/bio.2010.60.1.11}, + urldate = {2024-02-07}, + abstract = {Assignment of values for natural ecological benefits and anthropocentric ecosystem services in riverine landscapes has been problematic, because a firm scientific basis linking these to the river's physical structure has been absent. We highlight some inherent problems in this process and suggest possible solutions on the basis of the hydrogeomorphic classification of rivers. We suggest this link can be useful in fair asset trading (mitigation and offsets), selection of sites for rehabilitation, cost-benefit decisions on incremental steps in restoring ecological functions, and general protection of rivers.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YW9S97JX/thorp_et_al_2010_linking_ecosystem_services,_rehabilitation,_and_river_hydrogeomorphology.pdf} +} + +@misc{thunderstorm_grubb2007upperbulkley, + title = {Upper\_bulkley\_watershed\_stream\_surveys\_summer\_2007.Pdf}, + author = {Thunderstorm, Leaf and Grubb, Gavin}, + year = {2007}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/f5f9739c-e617-4d7c-b6d3-3dac07700fd8/resource/7042ac32-9d51-471f-920c-5e4f12b7d98e/download/upper_bulkley_watershed_stream_surveys_summer_2007.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-08} +} + +@misc{tibballs2021PHOTOSAerial, + title = {{{PHOTOS}}: {{Aerial}} Perspective Captures Changes to {{Coal Creek}} near {{Fernie}}}, + shorttitle = {{{PHOTOS}}}, + author = {Tibballs, Scott}, + year = {2021}, + journal = {Cranbrook Daily Townsman}, + url = {https://www.cranbrooktownsman.com/news/photos-aerial-perspective-captures-changes-to-coal-creek-near-fernie/}, + urldate = {2022-03-07}, + abstract = {A local photographer used his drone to take striking images of how much the creek has moved due to high rainfall in mid-November}, + chapter = {News}, + langid = {american} +} + +@article{tillotson_etal2018Concentrationsenvironmentala, + title = {Concentrations of Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) Reflect Spawning Salmon Abundance at Fine Spatial and Temporal Scales}, + author = {Tillotson, Michael D. and Kelly, Ryan P. and Duda, Jeffrey J. and Hoy, Marshal and Kralj, James and Quinn, Thomas P.}, + year = {2018}, + month = apr, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {220}, + pages = {1--11}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2018.01.030}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006320717313277}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Developing fast, cost-effective assessments of wild animal abundance is an important goal for many researchers, and environmental DNA (eDNA) holds much promise for this purpose. However, the quantitative relationship between species abundance and the amount of DNA present in the environment is likely to vary substantially among taxa and with ecological context. Here, we report a strong quantitative relationship between eDNA concentration and the abundance of spawning sockeye salmon in a small stream in Alaska, USA, where we took temporally- and spatially-replicated samples during the spawning period. This high-resolution dataset suggests that (1) eDNA concentrations vary significantly day-to-day, and likely within hours, in the context of the dynamic biological event of a salmon spawning season; (2) eDNA, as detected by species-specific quantitative PCR probes, seems to be conserved over short distances (tens of meters) in running water, but degrade quickly over larger scales (ca. 1.5 km); and (3) factors other than the mere presence of live, individual fish --- such as location within the stream, live/dead ratio, and water temperature --- can affect the eDNA-biomass correlation in space or time. A multivariate model incorporating both biotic and abiotic variables accounted for over 75\% of the eDNA variance observed, suggesting that where a system is well-characterized, it may be possible to predict species' abundance from eDNA surveys, although we underscore that species- and system-specific variables are likely to limit the generality of any given quantitative model. Nevertheless, these findings provide an important step toward quantitative applications of eDNA in conservation and management.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XW8C7J74/Tillotson et al. - 2018 - Concentrations of environmental DNA (eDNA) reflect.pdf} +} + +@misc{todayinbc2019Pipelinecamp, + title = {Pipeline Camp Workers to Buy Locally, {{TC Energy}} Says}, + author = {{Today in BC}}, + year = {2019}, + journal = {Pipeline camp workers to buy locally, TC Energy says}, + url = {https://www.todayinbc.com/news/pipeline-camp-workers-to-buy-locally-tc-energy-says-2/}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + abstract = {As preparations for TC Energy's Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline project pick up steam across the region, more details of how construction will pan out come into view.}, + chapter = {News}, + langid = {american}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4WZTBQT4/pipeline-camp-workers-to-buy-locally-tc-energy-says-2.html} +} + +@article{todd_etal2022BlackwaterGold, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Transmission Line Sedimentation Monitoring Plan}} - {{Framework}} and {{Guidelines}}}, + author = {Todd, Ryan and Environment, {\relax VP} and St, Burrard}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {46}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HIKIR9VD/todd_et_al_2022_blackwater_gold_project_transmission_line_sedimentation_monitoring_plan_-.pdf} +} + +@article{todd_etal2022BlackwaterGolda, + title = {Blackwater {{Gold Project Transmission Line Sedimentation Monitoring Plan}} - {{Framework}} and {{Guidelines}}}, + author = {Todd, Ryan and Environment, {\relax VP} and St, Burrard}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {46}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/B6X8HD48/todd_et_al_2022_blackwater_gold_project_transmission_line_sedimentation_monitoring_plan_-.pdf} +} + +@article{tompalski_etal2017Characterizingstreams, + title = {Characterizing Streams and Riparian Areas with Airborne Laser Scanning Data}, + author = {Tompalski, Piotr and Coops, Nicholas C. and White, Joanne C. and Wulder, Michael A. and Yuill, Anna}, + year = {2017}, + month = apr, + journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, + volume = {192}, + pages = {73--86}, + issn = {00344257}, + doi = {10.1016/j.rse.2017.01.038}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0034425717300469}, + urldate = {2024-02-28}, + abstract = {The established position and increasing availability of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) as an important source of information including forest inventory, allows additional applications to be developed when such data are already available. One key focus area for the application of ALS data is the assessment of riparian ecosystems, due to their critical role for providing, regulating and supporting important ecosystem services. ALS data provide detailed and accurate digital terrain models (DTMs) under forest canopy, which in turn enable the characterization of detailed stream networks, stream properties, and associated vegetation characteristics in adjacent riparian ecotones. In a complex Pacific Northwest coastal forest, we demonstrate how ALS point clouds can be used to map a stream network and characterize stream properties including stream order, width, gradient, sinuosity, and solar shading. Of relevance to regulatory and sustainability related elements of forest management, we demonstrate the use of these data to identify stream classes and related riparian zones, as well as the fish-bearing potential of the stream. The total length of identified streams was 6421.8 km, of which 55\% were of the lowest order streams. The median stream gradient was 16.4\% with median stream width varying between 0.58 and 19.67 m for the smallest to largest streams respectively. Stream class and fish bearing potential were evaluated using independent data, with overall accuracies of 61.0\% for stream class and 82.9\% for fish-bearing potential. The median of stand height, canopy cover, and stand vertical variability within riparian management areas was 19.8 m, 88.6\%, and 68\%, respectively, and in general did not vary across stream orders. The majority of streams (74.4\%) were not accessible for anadromous fish. For fish-bearing streams, we found that only 0.2\% had a mean stand height b 2 m, while 2.4\% had canopy cover of b 20\%, and only 7.3\% received b10 h of shade. The ALS data thus enabled a holistic characterization of riparian ecotones, providing useful information on both stream and vegetation properties that can support sustainable forest management, inform on erosion risk, and become a foundation for the quantification of ecosystem goods and services.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/699XPGWC/tompalski_et_al_2017_characterizing_streams_and_riparian_areas_with_airborne_laser_scanning_data.pdf} +} + +@misc{TopicModelPartialBBNHabitatIntrinsicPotential, + title = {Topic: {{Model}} \#2 {{Partial BBN}} - {{Habitat Intrinsic Potential}}}, + url = {http://www.netmaptools.org/Pages/NetMapHelp/model__2_partial_bbn___habitat_intrinsic_potential.htm}, + urldate = {2022-02-11} +} + +@article{TransmissionLineConstructionEnvironmentalManagementPlan2022, + title = {Transmission {{Line Construction Environmental Management Plan}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {116}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RCNQQ8PF/2022_transmission_line_construction_environmental_management_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{TransmissionLineInitialProjectDescription2022, + title = {Transmission {{Line}}: {{Initial Project Description}}}, + year = {2022}, + pages = {101}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QZPAVZQA/2022_transmission_line_-_initial_project_description.pdf} +} + +@misc{tredger_etal1984NechakoRiver, + title = {Nechako {{River Reconnaissance}}}, + author = {Tredger, D and Yaworski, B and Ptolemy, J}, + year = {1984}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/eirs/finishDownloadDocument.do?subdocumentId=1009}, + urldate = {2021-11-19}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XETIXEM2/tredger_et_al_1984_nechako_river_reconnaissance.pdf} +} + +@article{tredger1982UpperBulkley, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Reconnaissance}} with {{Reference}} to {{Juvenile Steelhead Carrying Capacity}}}, + author = {Tredger, C.D.}, + year = {1982}, + pages = {77}, + abstract = {Bioreconnaissance o f the Upper Bulkley River system was conducted i n l a t e summer o f 1981 b y t h e F i s h H a b i tat Improvement Section. O b j e c t i v e s were t o o u t l i n e present standing crop and an estimate o f carrying capacity f o r juvenile steelhead. N o r e l i a b l e information on adult steelhead spawning d i s t r i b u t i o n o r escapements was available. V e r y rough e s t i mates o f steelhead d i s t r i b u t i o n and j u v e n i l e s t a n d i n g crop were made. P o p u l a t i o n s i n t h e o r d e r o f 9 2 , 0 0 0 f r y a n d 48,000 p a r r were estimated, t r a n s l a t i n g t o a d u l t escapement i n t h e range o f 155 t o 1 , 2 6 0 . T h e m a j o r p r o b l e m i n d e t e r m i n i n g s t e e l h e a d d i s t r i b u t i o n and standing crop was the uncertainty i n separating steelhead from resident rainbow t r o u t populations. A recommendation f o r f u r t h e r assessment t o determine steelhead d i s t r i b u t i o n and t h e r a t i o o f r e s i d e n t trout-steelhead was made.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GHLKWDEF/tredger_1982_upper_bulkley_river_reconnaissance_with_reference_to_juvenile_steelhead.pdf} +} + +@misc{tripp_etal2009VersionProtocol, + title = {Version 6.0, {{Protocol}} for {{Evaluating}} the {{Condition}} of {{Streams}} and {{Riparian Management Areas}} ({{Riparian Management Routine Effectiveness Evaluation}})}, + author = {Tripp, Derek and Tschaplinski, Peter and Hogan, Daniel and Bird, Stephen}, + year = {2009/2020}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/frep/full_riparianprotocol_2020-117pp.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-12-16}, + annotation = {Version 6.0. Revised by D.B.Tripp and L.J. Nordin. Forest and\\ +Range Evaluation Program, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Range, Natural Resource Operations and\\ +Rural Development.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T8YIE87K/tripp_et_al_2009_version_6.0,_protocol_for_evaluating_the_condition_of_streams_and_riparian.pdf} +} + +@misc{tripp_etal2009VersionProtocola, + title = {Version 6.1, {{Protocol}} for {{Evaluating}} the {{Condition}} of {{Streams}} and {{Riparian Management Areas}} ({{Riparian Management Routine Effectiveness Evaluation}})}, + author = {Tripp, Derek and Tschaplinski, Peter and Hogan, Daniel and Bird, Stephen}, + year = {2009/2022}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/frep/protocol-documents/frep-riparianprotocol-2022-v4-lowres.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-03-30}, + annotation = {Version 6.1\\ +Revised by D. McGeough, L.J. Nordin,\\ +Forest and Range Evaluation Program, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Range,\\ +Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/X5X2ZQ4W/tripp_et_al_2009_version_6.1,_protocol_for_evaluating_the_condition_of_streams_and_riparian.pdf} +} + +@misc{tripp_etal2024EvaluatingCondition, + title = {Evaluating the {{Condition}} of {{Streams}} and {{Riparian Management Areas Riparian Management Routine Effectiveness Evaluation}}}, + author = {Tripp, D.B and Tschaplinski, P.J and Bird, S.A and Hogan, D.L.}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/frep/frep-docs/frep-riparianprotocol-2024.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + annotation = {Version 6.2. Revised by D. McGeough and L.J. Nordin. Forest and Range Evaluation Program, B.C. Ministry of Forests.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/78243X4C/tripp_et_al_2024_evaluating_the_condition_of_streams_and_riparian_management_areas_riparian.pdf} +} + +@misc{tritonenvironmentalconsultantsltd_1993LiteratureReview, + title = {A {{Literature Review}} of {{Riparian Revegetation Techniques}}}, + author = {{Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {1993}, + url = {https://www.nfcp.org/uploads/research-riparian_zone/A_Literature_Review_of_Riparian_Revegetation_Techniques,_1993.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-01-16}, + annotation = {NECHAKO FISHERIES CONSERVATION PROGRAM\\ +Report No. RM90-3.1}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/KBP759NA/triton_environmental_consultants_ltd._1993_a_literature_review_of_riparian_revegetation_techniques.pdf} +} + +@techreport{tritonenvironmentalconsultantsltd_1998RecconnaissanceLevel, + title = {Recconnaissance {{Level Fish}} and {{Habitat Inventory}} in the {{Bulkley T}}.{{S}}.{{A}}}, + author = {{Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {1998}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/4eb5b985-0996-4857-9877-c32056c86d64/resource/0966cc0c-3eb3-4539-a0e4-6c6b33787585/download/reconnaissance_level_fish_habiat_inventory_bulkley_t.s.a._zymoetz_vol1pdf.pdf}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3CX44XCT/triton_environmental_consultants_ltd._1998_recconnaissance_level_fish_and_habitat_inventory_in_the_bulkley_t.s.a.pdf} +} + +@misc{tritonenvironmentalconsultantsltd_1999Reconnaissance20, + title = {Reconnaissance (1:20,000) {{Fish}} and {{Fish Habitat Inventory}} of the {{Missinka River Watershed WSC}}: 236-614900}, + author = {{Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {1999}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=154} +} + +@misc{tritonenvironmentalconsultantsltd_2014Highway97, + title = {Highway 97: {{Williams Lake I}}.{{R}}. to {{Lexington Road Creek Assessments}} ({{Asahal}} and 5-{{Mile Creeks}}). {{Memo}} to {{Duane Wells}}, {{MOTI}}}, + author = {{Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2014}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FS6YR4NS/triton_environmental_consultants_ltd._2014_highway_97_-_williams_lake_i.r._to_lexington_road_creek_assessments_(asahal_and.pdf} +} + +@misc{tritonenvironmentalconsultantsltd_2020GlenVowell, + title = {Glen {{Vowell Creek Water Intake Replacement Fish Inventory}} - 2018}, + author = {{Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.}}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=59191}, + urldate = {2023-02-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SBZCXDW4/viewReport.html} +} + +@misc{TseKheneMcLeodLakeHomeExploreFirstVoices, + title = {Tse'{{Khene}} ({{McLeod Lake}}) {{Home}} {\textbar} {{Explore}} {\textbar} {{FirstVoices}}}, + url = {https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data/Athabascan/Tse'Khene%20(McLeod%20Lake)/Tse'Khene%20(McLeod%20Lake)}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HPN9HXJU/Tse'Khene (McLeod Lake).html} +} + +@misc{TseKheneMcLeodLakeHomeExploreFirstVoicesa, + title = {Tse'{{Khene}} ({{McLeod Lake}}) {{Home}} {\textbar} {{Explore}} {\textbar} {{FirstVoices}}}, + url = {https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data/Athabascan/Tse'Khene%20(McLeod%20Lake)/Tse'Khene%20(McLeod%20Lake)}, + urldate = {2022-07-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/924JIQ34/Tse'Khene (McLeod Lake).html} +} + +@article{turner_etal2000TraditionalEcological, + title = {Traditional {{Ecological Knowledge And Wisdom Of Aboriginal Peoples In British Columbia}}}, + author = {Turner, Nancy J. and Ignace, Marianne Boelscher and Ignace, Ronald}, + year = {2000}, + month = oct, + journal = {Ecological Applications}, + volume = {10}, + number = {5}, + pages = {1275--1287}, + issn = {1051-0761}, + doi = {10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[1275:TEKAWO]2.0.CO;2}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[1275:TEKAWO]2.0.CO;2}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + abstract = {This paper discusses the characteristicsand applicationof TraditionalEcological KnowledgeandWisdom(TEKW) ofaboriginalpeoples inBritishColumbia,Canada. Examples are provided fromvarious groups, most notably,the Secwepemc (Shuswap) InteriorSalish and Kwakwaka'wakw and Nuu-Chah-Nulthpeoples oftheNorthwestCoast, coveringa rangeof featurescomprisingTEKW: knowledgeof ecological principles,such as succession and interrelatednesosf all componentsof theenvironmentu;se of ecological indicators;adaptive strategiesformonitoringe,nhancing,and sustainablyharvestingresources;effectivesystemsofknowledgeacquisitionand transferr;espectfual nd interactive attitudesand philosophies; close identificationwithancestrallands; and beliefs thatrecognize the power and spiritualityof nature.These characteristicst,akenin totality,have enabled manygroupsof aboriginalpeoples to live sustainablywithintheirlocal environmentsformanythousandsof years. In orderforTEKW to be incorporatedappropriately into currentecosystem-basedmanagementstrategies,the completecontextof TEKW, includingitsphilosophicalbases, mustbe recognizedandrespected.A case studyofecological and culturalknowledgeofthetraditionarl ootvegetablesyellowavalanchelily(Erythronium grandifloruma) nd balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) illustratesways in which these componentscan be integrated. Key words: Balsamorhiza sagittata;Balsamroot, BritishColumbia Plateau; Erythroniumgrandiflorum;indigenouspeoples; Nor-thwesCtoast; sustainable resource use; TraditionalEcological Knowledgeand Wisdom;traditionalland management,yellowavalanche lily.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NLNHVL3Z/turner_et_al_2000_traditional_ecological_knowledge_and_wisdom_of_aboriginal_peoples_in_british.pdf} +} + +@article{turner_etal2014Particlesize, + title = {Particle Size Distribution and Optimal Capture of Aqueous Macrobial {{{\textsc{eDNA}}}}}, + shorttitle = {Particle Size Distribution and Optimal Capture of Aqueous Macrobial}, + author = {Turner, Cameron R. and Barnes, Matthew A. and Xu, Charles C. Y. and Jones, Stuart E. and Jerde, Christopher L. and Lodge, David M.}, + editor = {Gilbert, M.}, + year = {2014}, + month = jul, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {5}, + number = {7}, + pages = {676--684}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.12206}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12206}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary Using environmental DNA ( eDNA ) to detect aquatic macroorganisms is a new survey method with broad applicability. However, the origin, state and fate of aqueous macrobial eDNA -- which collectively determine how well eDNA can serve as a proxy for directly observing organisms and how eDNA should be captured, purified and assayed -- are poorly understood. The size of aquatic particles provides clues about their origin, state and fate. We used sequential filtration size fractionation to measure the particle size distribution (PSD) of macrobial eDNA , specifically Common Carp (hereafter referred to as Carp) eDNA . We compared it to the PSDs of total eDNA (from all organisms) and suspended particle matter (SPM). We quantified Carp mitochondrial eDNA using a custom qPCR assay, total eDNA with fluorometry and SPM with gravimetric analysis. In a lake and a pond, we found Carp eDNA in particles from {$>$}180 to {$<$}0{$\cdot$}2~{$\mu$}m, but it was most abundant from 1 to 10~{$\mu$}m. Total eDNA was most abundant below 0{$\cdot$}2~{$\mu$}m, and SPM was most abundant above 100~{$\mu$}m. SPM consisted of {$\leq$}0{$\cdot$}1\% total eDNA , and total eDNA consisted of {$\leq$}0{$\cdot$}0004\% Carp eDNA . 0{$\cdot$}2~{$\mu$}m filtration maximized Carp eDNA capture (85\%~{\textpm}~6\%) while minimizing total (i.e. non-target) eDNA capture (48\%~{\textpm}~3\%), but filter clogging limited this pore size to a sample volume {$<$}250~ mL . To mitigate this limitation, we estimated a continuous PSD model for Carp eDNA and derived an equation for calculating isoclines of pore size and water volume that yield equivalent amounts of Carp eDNA . Our results suggest that aqueous macrobial eDNA predominantly exists inside mitochondria or cells, and that settling may therefore play an important role in its fate. For optimal eDNA capture, we recommend 0{$\cdot$}2~{$\mu$}m filtration or a combination of larger pore size and water volume that exceeds the 0{$\cdot$}2~{$\mu$}m isocline. In situ filtration of large volumes could maximize detection probability when surveying large habitats for rare organisms. Our method for eDNA particle size analysis enables future research to compare the PSDs of eDNA from other organisms and environments, and to easily apply them for ecological monitoring.}, + copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PM44YWZL/Turner et al. - 2014 - Particle size distribution and optimal capture of .pdf} +} + +@article{turner_etal2015Fishenvironmental, + title = {Fish Environmental {{DNA}} Is More Concentrated in Aquatic Sediments than Surface Water}, + author = {Turner, Cameron R. and Uy, Karen L. and Everhart, Robert C.}, + year = {2015}, + month = mar, + journal = {Biological Conservation}, + volume = {183}, + pages = {93--102}, + issn = {00063207}, + doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.017}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S000632071400442X}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Genetic identification of aqueous environmental DNA (eDNA) provides site occupancy inferences for rare aquatic macrofauna that are often easier to obtain than direct observations of organisms. This relative ease makes eDNA sampling a valuable tool for conservation biology. Research on the origin, state, transport, and fate of eDNA shed by aquatic macrofauna is needed to describe the spatiotemporal context for eDNA-based occupancy inferences and to guide eDNA sampling design. We tested the hypothesis that eDNA is more concentrated in surficial sediments than in surface water by measuring the concentration of aqueous and sedimentary eDNA from an invasive fish, bigheaded Asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.), in experimental ponds and natural rivers. We modified a simple, low-cost DNA extraction method to yield inhibitor-free eDNA from both sediment and water samples. Carp eDNA was 8--1800 times more concentrated per gram of sediment than per milliliter of water and was detected in sediments up to 132 days after carp removal -- five times longer than any previous reports of macrobial eDNA persistence in water. These results may be explained by particle settling and/or retarded degradation of sedimentadsorbed DNA molecules. Compared to aqueous eDNA, sedimentary eDNA could provide a more abundant and longer-lasting source of genetic material for inferring current-or-past site occupancy by aquatic macrofauna, particularly benthic species. However, resuspension and transport of sedimentary eDNA could complicate the spatiotemporal inferences from surface water sampling, which is currently the predominant eDNA-based approach. We discuss these implications in the context of conservation-oriented monitoring in aquatic ecosystems.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YYBRYB9F/Turner et al. - 2015 - Fish environmental DNA is more concentrated in aqu.pdf} +} + +@misc{UFFCAEndakoWeir, + title = {{{UFFCA}} - {{Endako Weir}}}, + url = {https://upperfraser.ca/endako-weir.html}, + urldate = {2024-08-24}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BXXK2EDS/endako-weir.html} +} + +@misc{UFFCAResourcePage, + title = {{{UFFCA Resource Page}}}, + url = {https://upperfraser.ca/resource.html}, + urldate = {2022-01-12} +} + +@misc{unitednationsgeneralassembly2007UnitedNations, + title = {United {{Nations Declaration}} on the {{Rights}} of {{Indigenous Peoples}} : {{Resolution}} / Adopted by the {{General Assembly}}, 2 {{October}} 2007, {{A}}/{{RES}}/61/295}, + author = {{United Nations General Assembly}}, + year = {2007}, + url = {https://www.refworld.org/docid/471355a82.html}, + urldate = {2022-05-17}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HM5D5J8J/united_nations_general_assembly_2007_united_nations_declaration_on_the_rights_of_indigenous_peoples_-_resolution_-.pdf} +} + +@techreport{UpperBulkleyRiverWatershedWaterTemperatureMonitoringProgram201621DataReportAppendices, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Watershed Water Temperature Monitoring Program}} 2016-21 {{Data Report Appendices}}}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/e0e8cb6b-1bc1-45d5-9d51-799c4c5d7d1e/resource/805c33dc-e94c-4cde-b22a-2e32800d33fc/download/2016-21-report-appendices-combined-final_opt.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-03-11}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UMY3R527/upper_bulkley_river_watershed_water_temperature_monitoring_program_2016-21_data.pdf} +} + +@misc{UpperZymoetzCopperRiverWRPOverviewFishRiparianAssessmentUpperZymoetzCopperRiverWRPOverviewFishRiparianAssessmentSkeenaSalmonDataCatalogue, + title = {Upper {{Zymoetz}} ({{Copper River}}) {{WRP Overview Fish}} and {{Riparian Assessment}} - {{Upper Zymoetz}} ({{Copper River}}) {{WRP Overview Fish}} and {{Riparian Assessment}} - {{Skeena Salmon Data Catalogue}}}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/upper-zymoetz-copper-river-wrp-overview-fish-and-riparian-assessment/resource/2ac64660-d41d-4e1d-9c56-b6d0f3d0e60a}, + urldate = {2022-12-12}, + abstract = {This report summarizes fish and fish habitat values within the Copper River watershed and describes impacts to both the fisheries resource and riparian habitats regulating from forest development...}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mateo}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T26L6EGC/2ac64660-d41d-4e1d-9c56-b6d0f3d0e60a.html} +} + +@misc{Usefullinks, + title = {Useful Links}, + journal = {Niwhkinic}, + url = {https://www.niwhkinic.ca/usefullinks}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + abstract = {Become a Society Member with the Witsuwit'en Language \& Culture Society today! All Witsuwit'en and family are welcome.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/DUDZYJ84/usefullinks.html} +} + +@article{valentini_etal2009DNAbarcoding, + title = {{{DNA}} Barcoding for Ecologists}, + author = {Valentini, Alice and Pompanon, Fran{\c c}ois and Taberlet, Pierre}, + year = {2009}, + month = feb, + journal = {Trends in Ecology \& Evolution}, + volume = {24}, + number = {2}, + pages = {110--117}, + issn = {01695347}, + doi = {10.1016/j.tree.2008.09.011}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0169534708003443}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + copyright = {https://www.elsevier.com/tdm/userlicense/1.0/}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/UTRRKW5E/Valentini et al. - 2009 - DNA barcoding for ecologists.pdf} +} + +@misc{ValleyconfinementalgorithmVCARockyMountainResearchStation, + title = {Valley Confinement Algorithm ({{VCA}}) {\textbar} {{Rocky Mountain Research Station}}}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/rmrs/projects/valley-confinement-algorithm-vca}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {RMRS - US Forest Service}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y2XRRNG8/valley-confinement-algorithm-vca.html} +} + +@article{vandervorste_etal2020Refugesecological, + title = {Refuges and Ecological Traps: {{Extreme}} Drought Threatens Persistence of an Endangered Fish in Intermittent Streams}, + shorttitle = {Refuges and Ecological Traps}, + author = {Vander Vorste, Ross and Obedzinski, Mariska and Nossaman Pierce, Sarah and Carlson, Stephanie M. and Grantham, Theodore E.}, + year = {2020}, + journal = {Global Change Biology}, + volume = {26}, + number = {7}, + pages = {3834--3845}, + issn = {1365-2486}, + doi = {10.1111/gcb.15116}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/gcb.15116}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {Recent droughts raise global concern over potential biodiversity loss and mitigating impacts to vulnerable species has become a management priority. However, drought impacts on populations are difficult to predict, in part, because habitat refuges can buffer organisms from harsh environmental conditions. In a global change context, more extreme droughts may turn previously suitable habitats into ecological traps, where vulnerable species can no longer persist. Here, we explore the impacts of California's recent record-breaking drought on endangered juvenile Coho salmon. We estimated the variability of cumulative salmon survival using mark--recapture of nearly 20,000 tagged fish in intermittent stream pools during a 7-year period encompassing drought and non-drought conditions. We then determined the relative importance of physical habitat, streamflow, precipitation, landscape, and biological characteristics that may limit survival during drought. Our most striking result was an increase in the number of pools with reduced or zero survival during drought years and a coincident increase in spatial variability in survival among study reaches. In nearly half of the stream pools, salmon survival during drought was similar to mean survival of pools assessed during non-drought years, indicating some pools had remarkable resistance (ability to withstand disturbance) to extreme drought. Lower survival was most attributable to longer duration of disconnection between upstream and downstream habitats, a consequence of increasing drought severity. Our results not only suggest that many pools sustain juvenile salmon in non-drought years transition into ecological traps during drought but also highlight that some pools serve as refuges even under extreme drought conditions. Projected increases in drought severity that lead to longer droughts and greater habitat fragmentation could transform an increasing proportion of suitable habitats into ecological traps. Predicting future impacts of drought on Coho salmon and other sensitive species will require identification and protection of drought refuges and management strategies that prevent further habitat fragmentation.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {abiotic,isolated pools,mixed models,mortality,Pacific salmon,river drying,threatened species,water abstraction}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JA7JJCMY/vander_vorste_et_al_2020_refuges_and_ecological_traps_-_extreme_drought_threatens_persistence_of_an.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RDJ72HSB/gcb.html} +} + +@misc{vastresourcesolutionsinc_20132012Fish, + title = {2012 {{Fish Passage Assessments}} in {{BCTS Kootenay Business Area}} ({{PD13TFE006}})}, + author = {{VAST Resource Solutions Inc.}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/acat/documents/r43047/PD13TFE006_VAST_FinalReport_1405379598103_5374008940.pdf}, + urldate = {2020-11-27} +} + +@misc{vastresourcesolutionsinc_2013FishHabitat, + title = {Fish {{Habitat Assessments}} for {{Fish Passage Restoration}} in the {{Kootenay Business Area}}}, + author = {{Vast Resource Solutions Inc.}}, + year = {2013}, + url = {http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r50151/PD13TFE005_1457969740338_7968134938.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-01-30}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ND865BHJ/vast_resource_solutions_inc._2013_fish_habitat_assessments_for_fish_passage_restoration_in_the_kootenay_business.pdf} +} + +@article{verdonschot2009Causesfailure, + title = {Causes of Failure and Success of Lowland Stream Restoration}, + author = {Verdonschot, Piet}, + year = {2009}, + month = jan, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/69874322/Causes_of_failure_and_success_of_lowland_stream_restoration}, + urldate = {2024-09-11}, + abstract = {Over the last decades millions of euros were allocated to lowland steam recovery, and hundreds of streams were actively restored. An evaluation of restoration projects showed comparable results. What is worrisome is that the majority of the projects}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GBLQ4NTZ/Causes_of_failure_and_success_of_lowland_stream_restoration&nav_from=33e6019c-3623-4842-a00b-c6.html} +} + +@article{verdonschotfortyyears, + title = {Over Forty Years of Lowland Stream Restoration: {{Lessons}} Learned?}, + shorttitle = {Over Forty Years of Lowland Stream Restoration}, + author = {Verdonschot, Piet}, + journal = {Journal of Environmental Management}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/69874210/Over_forty_years_of_lowland_stream_restoration_Lessons_learned}, + urldate = {2024-09-11}, + abstract = {Over forty years of lowland stream restoration: Lessons learned?}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3Y5FUWRA/Over_forty_years_of_lowland_stream_restoration_Lessons_learned.html} +} + +@article{vidon_smith2008AssessingInfluence, + title = {Assessing the {{Influence}} of {{Drainage Pipe Removal}} on {{Wetland Hydrology Restoration}}: {{A Case Study}}}, + shorttitle = {Assessing the {{Influence}} of {{Drainage Pipe Removal}} on {{Wetland Hydrology Restoration}}}, + author = {Vidon, Phillipe and Smith, A.}, + year = {2008}, + month = mar, + journal = {Ecological Restoration}, + volume = {26}, + pages = {33--43}, + doi = {10.3368/er.26.1.33}, + abstract = {In this study, we assessed the restoration of a riparian wetland in a moderately incised glacial till valley of the Midwest where drainage pipes were either removed or disabled in 2000 and 2004. The study determined whether wetland hydrology was restored at the site and whether former drainage pipe locations still influenced wetland hydrology after restoration ended. Water table level measurements in 2004 and 2005 indicate that wetland hydrology has been restored in areas of the riparian zone with poorly drained loamy soil. These areas are characterized by an average water table depth of 10 cm below ground surface (BGS) for approximately six months of the year and a water level above 30 cm BGS for at least 14 consecutive days during the growing season. High-resolution water table measurements during and after precipitation events did not indicate that former drainage pipe locations affect the hydrology of the site either by allowing a quick water table drawdown or by acting as preferential conduits for groundwater during precipitation events. Overall, data indicate that wetland hydrology was restored and that the technique of cutting the drainage pipes into several sections or removing them by hand and compacting the disturbed soil back into place without adding any extra material was an appropriate restoration technique for this site.} +} + +@misc{viveiros2010FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Culvert Inspections Kalum TSA}} 10 and {{Kispiox TSA}} 12 {{FIA}}\# 8008002 {{FIA}}\# 8090001}, + author = {Viveiros, Mike}, + year = {2010}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r24140/Final_Report_FIA_FPCI_WQEE_2009_1328568098676_b5fbb763c44062fbdc154d13a1e6e4d0fc116035dcad01d41bb306d50efb0fc4.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-07-13}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EENXDVPF/viveiros_2010_fish_passage_culvert_inspections_kalum_tsa_10_and_kispiox_tsa_12_fia#_8008002.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T3TXFNI5/8008002_Geodatabase_1328568118856_b5fbb763c44062fbdc154d13a1e6e4d0fc116035dcad01d41bb306d50efb0fc4.zip;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/U2HCSH69/8008002_Maps_1328738383032_4507152270bf7b34051e918124cff49136d18a4a3c56221e6ea0084b72d961aa.zip} +} + +@misc{viveiros2011FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Evaluations}} for {{Closed Bottom Structures}} in the {{Copper Zymoetz River Watershed FIA}}\# 4031505}, + author = {Viveiros, Mike}, + year = {2011}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/documents/r24163/Project4031505FinalReport_1328651657063_cd1871ebf148450325f94a1b78f1e818bb2442f0fe147ad8b85b30afc9db5569.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-07-13}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/S5PVZRN7/viveiros_2011_fish_passage_evaluations_for_closed_bottom_structures_in_the_copper_zymoetz.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T8KY5EZC/4031505_Maps_1328651746143_cd1871ebf148450325f94a1b78f1e818bb2442f0fe147ad8b85b30afc9db5569.zip} +} + +@article{vokoun_watrous2009Determiningswim, + title = {Determining Swim Speed Performance Characteristics for Fish Passage of Burbot Using an Experimental Flume and Nature- like Fishway}, + author = {Vokoun, J.C and Watrous, D.C.}, + year = {2009}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268044077_Determining_Swim_Speed_Performance_Characteristics_for_Fish_Passage_of_Burbot_Using_an_Experimental_Flume_and_Nature-Like_Fishway}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/T4APCE9A/Vokoun - Determining swim speed performance characteristics.pdf} +} + +@misc{VolSecAquaticEnvironmentEffectsAssessmentpdf, + title = {Vol 3 - {{Sec}} 5.3 - {{Aquatic Environment Effects Assessment}}.Pdf}, + url = {https://www.projects.eao.gov.bc.ca/api/public/document/58868f9de036fb0105768502/download/Vol%203%20-%20Sec%205.3%20-%20Aquatic%20Environment%20Effects%20Assessment.pdf}, + urldate = {2022-01-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PAKMYAVB/vol_3_-_sec_5.3_-_aquatic_environment_effects_assessment.pdf.pdf} +} + +@misc{wagner2022FollowupPrograms, + title = {Follow-up {{Programs}} for {{Condition}} 3.16 of the {{Blackwater Mine Project Decision Statement Issued}} under {{Section}} 54 of the {{Canadian Environmental Assessment Act}}, 2012}, + author = {Wagner, Glen}, + year = {2022}, + annotation = {April 2022. BW Gold Ltd.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PRD3K7MT/wagner_2022_follow-up_programs_for_condition_3.16_of_the_blackwater_mine_project_decision.pdf} +} + +@misc{walker_etal2016ElkRiver, + title = {Elk {{River Flood Strategy}}}, + author = {Walker, L and MacDonald, S and Barnes, C and Cipriano, C and Preston, G and Clarke, M and Marcotte, D and Hopkins, C and Byrne, J}, + year = {2016}, + url = {https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/elkriveralliance/pages/149/attachments/original/1465941478/Elk_River_Flood_Strategy_June10_Final_Report.pdf?1465941478}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WQX8SD7T/walker_et_al_2016_elk_river_flood_strategy.pdf} +} + +@article{walter_merritts2008NaturalStreams, + title = {Natural {{Streams}} and the {{Legacy}} of {{Water-Powered Mills}}}, + author = {Walter, Robert C. and Merritts, Dorothy J.}, + year = {2008}, + month = jan, + journal = {Science}, + volume = {319}, + number = {5861}, + pages = {299--304}, + issn = {0036-8075, 1095-9203}, + doi = {10.1126/science.1151716}, + url = {https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1151716}, + urldate = {2024-02-07}, + abstract = {Gravel-bedded streams are thought to have a characteristic meandering form bordered by a self-formed, fine-grained floodplain. This ideal guides a multibillion-dollar stream restoration industry. We have mapped and dated many of the deposits along mid-Atlantic streams that formed the basis for this widely accepted model. These data, as well as historical maps and records, show instead that before European settlement, the streams were small anabranching channels within extensive vegetated wetlands that accumulated little sediment but stored substantial organic carbon. Subsequently, 1 to 5 meters of slackwater sedimentation, behind tens of thousands of 17th- to 19th-century milldams, buried the presettlement wetlands with fine sediment. These findings show that most floodplains along mid-Atlantic streams are actually fill terraces, and historically incised channels are not natural archetypes for meandering streams.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/A8JA7HFP/walter_merritts_2008_natural_streams_and_the_legacy_of_water-powered_mills.pdf} +} + +@article{wang_etal2012ClimateWNAHighResolution, + title = {{{ClimateWNA}}---{{High-Resolution Spatial Climate Data}} for {{Western North America}}}, + author = {Wang, Tongli and Hamann, Andreas and Spittlehouse, D. and Murdock, Trevor}, + year = {2012}, + month = jan, + journal = {Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology}, + volume = {51}, + pages = {16--29}, + doi = {10.1175/JAMC-D-11-043.1}, + abstract = {This study addresses the need to provide comprehensive historical climate data and climate change projections at a scale suitable for, and readily accessible to, researchers and resource managers. This database for western North America (WNA) includes over 20 000 surfaces of monthly, seasonal, and annual climate variables from 1901 to 2009; several climate normal periods; and multimodel climate projections for the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. A software package, ClimateWNA, allows users to access the database and query point locations, obtain time series, or generate custom climate surfaces at any resolution. The software uses partial derivative functions of temperature change along elevation gradients to improve medium-resolution baseline climate estimates and calculates biologically relevant climate variables such as growing degree-days, number of frost-free days, extreme temperatures, and dryness indices. Historical and projected future climates are obtained by using monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies to adjust the interpolated baseline data for the location of interest. All algorithms used in the software package are described and evaluated against observations from weather stations across WNA. The downscaling algorithms substantially improve the accuracy of temperature variables over the medium-resolution baseline climate surfaces. Climate variables that are usually calculated from daily data are estimated from monthly climate variables with high statistical accuracy.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TXIAA2NG/wang_et_al_2012_climatewna—high-resolution_spatial_climate_data_for_western_north_america.pdf} +} + +@article{wang_etal2012ClimateWNAHighResolutiona, + title = {{{ClimateWNA}}---{{High-Resolution Spatial Climate Data}} for {{Western North America}}}, + author = {Wang, Tongli and Hamann, Andreas and Spittlehouse, D. and Murdock, Trevor}, + year = {2012}, + month = jan, + journal = {Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology}, + volume = {51}, + pages = {16--29}, + doi = {10.1175/JAMC-D-11-043.1}, + abstract = {This study addresses the need to provide comprehensive historical climate data and climate change projections at a scale suitable for, and readily accessible to, researchers and resource managers. This database for western North America (WNA) includes over 20 000 surfaces of monthly, seasonal, and annual climate variables from 1901 to 2009; several climate normal periods; and multimodel climate projections for the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. A software package, ClimateWNA, allows users to access the database and query point locations, obtain time series, or generate custom climate surfaces at any resolution. The software uses partial derivative functions of temperature change along elevation gradients to improve medium-resolution baseline climate estimates and calculates biologically relevant climate variables such as growing degree-days, number of frost-free days, extreme temperatures, and dryness indices. Historical and projected future climates are obtained by using monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies to adjust the interpolated baseline data for the location of interest. All algorithms used in the software package are described and evaluated against observations from weather stations across WNA. The downscaling algorithms substantially improve the accuracy of temperature variables over the medium-resolution baseline climate surfaces. Climate variables that are usually calculated from daily data are estimated from monthly climate variables with high statistical accuracy.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NTHEBN5A/wang_et_al_2012_climatewna—high-resolution_spatial_climate_data_for_western_north_america.pdf} +} + +@article{warkentin_etal2022Lowsummer, + title = {Low Summer River Flows Associated with Low Productivity of {{Chinook}} Salmon in a Watershed with Shifting Hydrology}, + author = {Warkentin, Luke and Parken, Charles K. and Bailey, Richard and Moore, Jonathan W.}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Ecological Solutions and Evidence}, + volume = {3}, + number = {1}, + pages = {e12124}, + issn = {2688-8319}, + doi = {10.1002/2688-8319.12124}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/2688-8319.12124}, + urldate = {2022-05-20}, + abstract = {Climate change and human activities are transforming river flows globally, with potentially large consequences for freshwater life. To help inform watershed and flow management, there is a need for empirical studies linking flows and fish productivity. We tested the effects of river conditions and other factors on 22 years of Chinook salmon productivity in a watershed in British Columbia, Canada. Freshwater conditions during adult salmon migration and spawning, as well as during juvenile rearing, explained a large amount of variation in productivity. August river flows while salmon fry reared had the strongest effect on productivity---our model predicted that cohorts that experience 50\% below average flow in the August of rearing have 21\% lower productivity. These contemporary relationships are set within long-term changes in climate, land use, and hydrology. Over the last century, average August river discharge decreased by 26\%, air temperatures warmed, and water withdrawals increased. Seventeen percent of the watershed was logged in the last 20 years. Our results suggest that, in order to remain stable, this Chinook salmon population being assessed for legal protection requires substantially higher August flow than previously recommended. Changing flow regimes---driven by watershed impacts and climate change---can threaten imperilled fish populations.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Chinook salmon,climate change,cumulative effects,drought,environmental flows,flow regime,hydrology}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/I8I5E2BQ/warkentin_et_al_2022_low_summer_river_flows_associated_with_low_productivity_of_chinook_salmon_in_a.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GTYQSJEI/2688-8319.html} +} + +@misc{washingtondepartmentoffish&wildlife2009FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Barrier}} and {{Surface Water Diversion Screening Assessment}} and {{Prioritization Manual}}}, + author = {{Washington Department of Fish \& Wildlife}}, + year = {2009}, + publisher = {{Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington.}}, + url = {https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/00061/wdfw00061.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-13} +} + +@misc{washingtondepartmentoffishwildlife2009FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Barrier}} and {{Surface Water Diversion Screening Assessment}} and {{Prioritization Manual}}}, + author = {{Washington Department of Fish \& Wildlife}}, + year = {2009}, + publisher = {{Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington.}}, + url = {https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/00061/wdfw00061.pdf}, + urldate = {2021-02-13} +} + +@article{washingtontrout2004EvaluationFisheries, + title = {Evaluation of {{Fisheries Benefits Arising}} from the {{Repair}}, {{Replacement}} and {{Removal}} of {{Culverts}} for {{Selected Projects Funded}} by {{The National Fish}} and {{Wildlife Foundation}}}, + author = {{Washington Trout}}, + year = {2004}, + pages = {225}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/WLERER2T/washington_trout_2004_evaluation_of_fisheries_benefits_arising_from_the_repair,_replacement_and.pdf} +} + +@article{watershedrestorationprogram2004WatershedRestoration, + title = {Watershed {{Restoration Planning And Priority Setting}} - {{An Emphasis}} on {{Fish Habitat}}}, + author = {{Watershed Restoration Program}}, + year = {2004}, + url = {https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/documents/fia_docs/rev_WLplan21.pdf}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Modified from `Planning and Priority Setting for the Next Five Years,\\ +Phase 3 Watershed-Level Planning, Working Draft, May 15, 2000', prepared by the WRP Provincial Coordination Team.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JMAHAJ33/watershed_restoration_program_2004_watershed_restoration_planning_and_priority_setting_-_an_emphasis_on_fish.pdf} +} + +@article{wathen_etal2019Beaveractivity, + title = {Beaver Activity Increases Habitat Complexity and Spatial Partitioning by Steelhead Trout}, + author = {Wathen, Gus and Allgeier, Jacob E. and Bouwes, Nicolaas and Pollock, Michael M. and Schindler, Daniel E. and Jordan, Chris E.}, + year = {2019}, + month = jul, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {76}, + number = {7}, + pages = {1086--1095}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/cjfas-2018-0171}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0171}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + abstract = {Freshwater habitat restoration is a major conservation objective, motivating efforts to restore habitat complexity and quality for fishes. Restoration based on the engineering activities of beavers (Castor canadensis) increases fish habitat complexity, but how this affects fish habitat use and movement behaviours is not well known. We used a network of passive integrated transponder antennas to quantify small-scale movement and microhabitat use of 175 individual juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a stream channel with a complex bathymetric profile resulting from a beaver impoundment and in a simplified channel devoid of beaver activity. Our results show that juvenile steelhead exploit microhabitat heterogeneity by employing a range of behaviours that maximizes available habitat via spatial and temporal partitioning among individuals. These results suggest spatial resource partitioning as a potential mechanism for the previously established positive correlations among steelhead density, survival, and production with beaver-based restoration within the study watershed. More broadly, our findings provide insight as to how populations can exploit habitat complexity through spatial partitioning that can be informative for planning restoration and management actions.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8XYTCBIF/wathen_et_al_2019_beaver_activity_increases_habitat_complexity_and_spatial_partitioning_by.pdf} +} + +@article{weber_etal2017Alterationstream, + title = {Alteration of Stream Temperature by Natural and Artificial Beaver Dams}, + author = {Weber, Nicholas and Bouwes, Nicolaas and Pollock, Michael M. and Volk, Carol and Wheaton, Joseph M. and Wathen, Gus and Wirtz, Jacob and Jordan, Chris E.}, + year = {2017}, + month = may, + journal = {PLOS ONE}, + volume = {12}, + number = {5}, + pages = {e0176313}, + publisher = {Public Library of Science}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0176313}, + url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0176313}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {Beaver are an integral component of hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic processes within North American stream systems, and their propensity to build dams alters stream and riparian structure and function to the benefit of many aquatic and terrestrial species. Recognizing this, beaver relocation efforts and/or application of structures designed to mimic the function of beaver dams are increasingly being utilized as effective and cost-efficient stream and riparian restoration approaches. Despite these verities, the notion that beaver dams negatively impact stream habitat remains common, specifically the assumption that beaver dams increase stream temperatures during summer to the detriment of sensitive biota such as salmonids. In this study, we tracked beaver dam distributions and monitored water temperature throughout 34 km of stream for an eight-year period between 2007 and 2014. During this time the number of natural beaver dams within the study area increased by an order of magnitude, and an additional 4 km of stream were subject to a restoration manipulation that included installing a high-density of Beaver Dam Analog (BDA) structures designed to mimic the function of natural beaver dams. Our observations reveal several mechanisms by which beaver dam development may influence stream temperature regimes; including longitudinal buffering of diel summer temperature extrema at the reach scale due to increased surface water storage, and creation of cool---water channel scale temperature refugia through enhanced groundwater---surface water connectivity. Our results suggest that creation of natural and/or artificial beaver dams could be used to mitigate the impact of human induced thermal degradation that may threaten sensitive species.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Beavers,Ponds,Rivers,Seasons,Summer,Surface temperature,Surface water,Temperature analysis}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HU56SA4R/weber_et_al_2017_alteration_of_stream_temperature_by_natural_and_artificial_beaver_dams.pdf} +} + +@misc{WEBINARManagingForestRecreationValues, + title = {{{WEBINAR}}: {{Managing Forest Recreation Values}}}, + shorttitle = {{{WEBINAR}}}, + journal = {Forest Practices Board}, + url = {https://www.bcfpb.ca/news-resources/videos/webinar-managing-forest-recreation-values-webinar/}, + urldate = {2024-11-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HRGBTT94/webinar-managing-forest-recreation-values-webinar.html} +} + +@article{weller_etal2024Streamthermalscape, + title = {Stream Thermalscape Scenarios for {{British Columbia}}, {{Canada}}}, + author = {Weller, J. Daniel and Moore, R. D. (Dan) and Iacarella, Josephine C.}, + year = {2024}, + month = apr, + journal = {Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques}, + volume = {49}, + number = {2}, + pages = {233--252}, + publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, + issn = {0701-1784}, + doi = {10.1080/07011784.2023.2267028}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2023.2267028}, + urldate = {2024-06-25}, + abstract = {Water temperature is a key feature of freshwater ecosystems but comprehensive datasets are severely lacking, a limiting factor in research and management of freshwater species and habitats. An existing statistical stream temperature model developed for British Columbia (BC), Canada, was refit to predict August mean stream temperatures, a common index of stream thermal regime also used in thermalscapes developed for the western United States (US). Thermalscapes of predicted August mean stream temperature were produced for 680,000 km of stream network at approximately 400 m intervals. Temperature predictions were averaged for 20-year periods from 1981-2100 to produce 86 scenarios: one for each historical period (i.e. 1981-2000, 2001-2020), and 21 for each future period (i.e. six global climate models and an ensemble average under three representative concentration pathways). The final model performance was consistent with other published regional-scale statistical models (R2 = 0.79, RMSE = 1.53 {$^\circ$}C, MAE = 1.18 {$^\circ$}C), performing well given the relative paucity of data, large geographic extent, and range of climatic and physiographic conditions. Model results suggested an average increase of August mean stream temperature of 2.9 {\textpm} 1.0 {$^\circ$}C (RCP 4.5 ensemble mean {\textpm} SD) by end of century, with significant heterogeneity in predicted temperatures and warming rates across the province. Compared to stream temperature predictions from the western US, the predictions for BC showed good agreement at cross-border streams (Pearson's r = 0.91), suggesting the possible integration of both products for a thermalscape covering much of western North America. These stream thermalscapes for BC address a major data deficiency in freshwater ecosystems and have potential applications to stream ecology, species distribution modelling, and evaluation of climate change impacts.}, + keywords = {August mean temperature,British Columbia,freshwater habitat,Stream temperature,thermalscape}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NNGMHESM/Weller et al. - 2024 - Stream thermalscape scenarios for British Columbia.pdf} +} + +@article{werring_chapmanLawDisorder, + title = {Law and {{Disorder}}: {{A Review}} of {{Habitat Legislation}} and {{Protection}} for {{BC}}'s {{Salmon Streams}}}, + author = {Werring, John and Chapman, Doug}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/VNVBW2AB/Werring and Chapman - Law and Disorder A Review of Habitat Legislation .pdf} +} + +@misc{westcott2020UpperBulkley, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Watershed Temperature Monitoring}} 2016-19 {{Data Report}}}, + author = {Westcott, Bob}, + year = {2020}, + langid = {english} +} + +@techreport{westcott2022UpperBulkley, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Watershed Water Temperature Monitoring Program}} 2016-21 {{Data Report}}}, + author = {Westcott, Bob}, + year = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/GDIEY9YS/westcott_2022_upper_bulkley_river_watershed_water_temperature_monitoring_program_2016-21_data.pdf} +} + +@article{westcott2022UpperBulkleya, + title = {Upper {{Bulkley River Watershed Water Temperature Monitoring Program}} 2016-21 {{Data Report}}}, + author = {Westcott, Bob}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/en_AU/dataset/upper-bulkley-water-temperature-monitoring-data/resource/995cca24-a884-4a56-816f-37991378d652}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3D335NRE/Westcott - Upper Bulkley River Watershed Water Temperature Mo.pdf} +} + +@article{WESTSLOPECUTTHROATTROUTOncorhynchusclarkilewisi2004, + title = {``{{WESTSLOPE}}'' {{CUTTHROAT TROUT Oncorhynchus}} Clarki Lewisi}, + year = {2004}, + volume = {2004}, + pages = {16}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/JR7UUK2D/2004_“westslope”_cutthroat_trout_oncorhynchus_clarki_lewisi.pdf} +} + +@misc{WetlandKnowledgeExchange, + title = {Wetland {{Knowledge Exchange}}}, + journal = {Vimeo}, + url = {https://vimeo.com/wetlandknowledgeexchange}, + urldate = {2024-05-15}, + abstract = {The purpose of the Wetland Knowledge Exchange is to provide a venue for sharing and exchanging information about boreal wetland and waterfowl best management practices{\dots}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6TFK8DJ9/wetlandknowledgeexchange.html} +} + +@article{WetlandManagementOffsettingPlan, + title = {Wetland {{Management}} and {{Offsetting}}\hphantom{,}{{Plan}}}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TN98NPWN/wetland_management_and_offsetting_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{WetlandManagementOffsettingPlan2021, + title = {Wetland {{Management}} and {{Offsetting}}\hphantom{,}{{Plan}}}, + year = {2021}, + pages = {88}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8UPKP52Z/2021_wetland_management_and_offsetting_plan.pdf} +} + +@article{Wetsuweten2022, + title = {Wet'suwet'en}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Wikipedia}, + url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wet%CA%BCsuwet%CA%BCen&oldid=1122718916}, + urldate = {2023-01-31}, + abstract = {The Wet'suwet'en (English: (listen) wet-SOH-ih-tin) are a First Nation who live on the Bulkley River and around Burns Lake, Broman Lake, and Fran{\c c}ois Lake in the northwestern Central Interior of British Columbia. The endonym Wet'suwet'en means "People of the Wa Dzun Kwuh River (Bulkley River)".The Wet'suwet'en are a branch of the Dakelh or Carrier people, and in combination with the Babine people have been referred to as the Western Carrier. They speak Witsuwit'en, a dialect of the Babine-Witsuwit'en language which, like its sister language Carrier, is a member of the Athabaskan family. Their oral history, called kungax, recounts that their ancestral village, Dizkle or Dzilke, once stood upstream from the Bulkley Canyon. This cluster of cedar houses on both sides of the river is said to have been abandoned because of an omen of impending disaster. The exact location of the village has been lost. The neighbouring Gitxsan people of the Hazelton area have a similar tale, though the village in their version is named Dimlahamid (Temlahan).}, + copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Page Version ID: 1122718916}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3TICDA6B/Wetʼsuwetʼen.html} +} + +@article{Wetsuweten2022a, + title = {Wet'suwet'en}, + year = {2022}, + journal = {Wikipedia}, + url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wet%CA%BCsuwet%CA%BCen&oldid=1122718916}, + urldate = {2024-02-18}, + abstract = {The Wet'suwet'en (English: wet-SOH-ih-tin) are a First Nation who live on the Bulkley River and around Burns Lake, Broman Lake, and Fran{\c c}ois Lake in the northwestern Central Interior of British Columbia. The endonym Wet'suwet'en means "People of the Wa Dzun Kwuh River (Bulkley River)".The Wet'suwet'en are a branch of the Dakelh or Carrier people, and in combination with the Babine people have been referred to as the Western Carrier. They speak Witsuwit'en, a dialect of the Babine-Witsuwit'en language which, like its sister language Carrier, is a member of the Athabaskan family. Their oral history, called kungax, recounts that their ancestral village, Dizkle or Dzilke, once stood upstream from the Bulkley Canyon. This cluster of cedar houses on both sides of the river is said to have been abandoned because of an omen of impending disaster. The exact location of the village has been lost. The neighbouring Gitxsan people of the Hazelton area have a similar tale, though the village in their version is named Dimlahamid (Temlahan).}, + copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {Page Version ID: 1122718916}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/QHGU3MRB/index.html} +} + +@misc{WETSUWETLANGUAGEGLOSSARY, + title = {{{WET}}'{{SUWET}}'{{EN LANGUAGE GLOSSARY}}}, + journal = {Widzin Kwah Water Sustainability Project}, + url = {https://www.widzinkwahproject.ca/resources}, + urldate = {2024-02-07}, + langid = {canadian} +} + +@book{wheaton_etal2019LowTechProcessBased, + title = {Low-{{Tech Process-Based Restoration}} of {{Riverscapes}}: {{Design Manual}}. {{Version}} 1.0}, + shorttitle = {Low-{{Tech Process-Based Restoration}} of {{Riverscapes}}}, + author = {Wheaton, Joseph and Bennett, Stephen and Bouwes, Nick and Maestas, Jeremy and Shahverdian, Scott}, + year = {2019}, + month = mar, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.19590.63049/2}, + abstract = {The purpose of this design manual is to provide restoration practitioners with guidelines for implementing a subset of low-tech tools ---namely beaver dam analogues (BDAs) and post-assisted log structures (PALS)---for initiating process-based restoration in structurally-starved riverscapes. While the concept of process-based restoration in riverscapes has been advocated for at least two decades, details and specific examples on how to implement it remain sparse. Here, we describe `low-tech process-based restoration' (LT-PBR) as a practice of using simple, low unit-cost, structural additions (e.g. wood and beaver dams) to riverscapes to mimic functions and initiate specific processes. Hallmarks of this approach include: - An explicit focus on the processes that a low-tech restoration intervention is meant to promote - A conscious effort to use cost-effective, low-tech treatments (e.g. hand-built, natural materials, non-engineered, short-term design life-spans) because of the need to efficiently scale-up application. - `Letting the system do the work' which defers critical decision making to riverscapes and nature's ecosystem engineers. Other resources available at: http://lowtechpbr.restoration.usu.edu}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/SHK5CAFX/wheaton_et_al_2019_low-tech_process-based_restoration_of_riverscapes_-_design_manual._version_1.0.pdf} +} + +@misc{wheaton_zollitsch2017BRATBeaver, + title = {{{BRAT}} ({{Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool}}) for {{Planning}} \& {{Prioritizing Watershed Restoration}}}, + author = {Wheaton, Joseph and Zollitsch, Brenda}, + year = {2017}, + month = may, + doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.10896.81922}, + abstract = {This was a webinar for BLM's joint forum between the Soil, Water \& Air Group, Fisheries and Aquatics Group, and Riparian Group.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4NPLQFPD/wheaton_zollitsch_2017_brat_(beaver_restoration_assessment_tool)_for_planning_&_prioritizing_watershed.pdf} +} + +@misc{wheaton2021LowtechProcessBased, + title = {Low-Tech {{Process-Based Restoration}}. {{Applications}} to {{Post Wildfire Landscapes}}}, + author = {Wheaton, Joe}, + year = {2021}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/LKWHE5QI/wheaton_2021_low-tech_process-based_restoration._applications_to_post_wildfire_landscapes.pdf} +} + +@misc{wheaton2021LowTechRestoration, + title = {Low-{{Tech Restoration}}, {{How}} to Use It on Your Ranch}, + author = {Wheaton, Joe}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348848989_Low-Tech_Restoration_How_to_use_it_on_your_ranch}, + annotation = {California Rangeland Coalition Summit 2021}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/EM7P4M8J/wheaton_2021_low-tech_restoration,_how_to_use_it_on_your_ranch.pdf} +} + +@article{wheatonLOWTECHPROCESSBASED, + title = {{{LOW-TECH PROCESS-BASED RESTORATION}}}, + author = {Wheaton, Joe}, + pages = {49}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/M5HYZ86K/wheaton_low-tech_process-based_restoration.pdf} +} + +@article{whipple_viers2019Couplinglandscapes, + title = {Coupling Landscapes and River Flows to Restore Highly Modified Rivers}, + author = {Whipple, A. A. and Viers, J. H.}, + year = {2019}, + journal = {Water Resources Research}, + volume = {55}, + number = {6}, + pages = {4512--4532}, + issn = {1944-7973}, + doi = {10.1029/2018WR022783}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2018WR022783}, + urldate = {2024-03-15}, + abstract = {Modifications to landscapes and flow regimes of rivers have altered the function, biodiversity, and productivity of freshwater ecosystems globally. Reestablishing geomorphological and hydrological conditions necessary to sustain ecosystems is a central challenge for restoration within highly altered systems. Meeting this challenge requires simultaneously addressing multiple and interacting stressors within the context of irreversible changes and socio-economic constraints. Traditionally, river restoration approaches either physically change the landscape or channel (channel-floodplain manipulation) or adjust hydrology (environmental flows), and such actions are often independent. We juxtapose these two subfields of river restoration, which have undergone parallel transformations, from goals of reproducing static representations of form and flow regime to goals of reestablishing processes. The parallel transformations have generated shared ideas, which point to benefits of coupling channel-floodplain manipulation and environmental flow actions to achieve process-based goals. Such coupling supports comprehensive river restoration efforts aimed at supporting resilient ecosystems within human dominated landscapes in a nonstationary climate. We identify four elements of coupled approaches for restoring highly modified rivers: (1) identify physical and ecological process potential given interactive effects of altered landscapes and flows; (2) consider capacity for sustaining identified processes under potential future change; (3) model alternatives for coupled restoration actions to support identified processes; and (4) evaluate alternatives using metrics representing integrative effects of coupled actions. We suggest these emergent elements contribute to the development of standard practices for restoring highly modified rivers and encourage an increasing number and quality of coupled applications.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {environmental flows,habitat restoration,highly modified rivers,hydrogeomorphology,process based,river restoration}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6AFQPCNB/whipple_viers_2019_coupling_landscapes_and_river_flows_to_restore_highly_modified_rivers.pdf;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NS8GKXXE/2018WR022783.html} +} + +@misc{WhirlingDiseaseColoradosTrout, + title = {Whirling {{Disease}} and {{Colorado}}'s {{Trout}}}, + url = {https://cpw.cvlcollections.org/items/show/493}, + urldate = {2024-11-08}, + abstract = {About Whirling DiseaseMyxobolus cerebralis, a metazoan parasite, can cause a serious affliction in some species of trout and salmon known as whirling disease. The water-borne parasite may not directly kill trout, but severely infected youngtrout often develop debilitating deformities of the skull and spinal column or display the erratic tail-chasing behavior from which the disease gets its name. Eventually, heavily infected young fish may die. The parasitic disease probably originated in{\dots}}, + copyright = {IN COPYRIGHT - NON-COMMERCIAL USE PERMITTED}, + annotation = {Context Object: ctx\_ver=Z39.88-2004\&rft\_val\_fmt=info\%3Aofi\%2Ffmt\%3Akev\%3Amtx\%3Adc\&rfr\_id=info\%3Asid\%2Fomeka.org\%3Agenerator\&rft.description=About+Whirling+DiseaseMyxobolus+cerebralis\%2C+a+metazoan+parasite\%2C+can+cause+a+serious+affliction+in+some+species+of+trout+and+salmon+known+as+whirling+disease.+The+water-borne+parasite+may+not+directly+kill+trout\%2C+but+severely+infected+youngtrout+often+develop+debilitating+deformities+of+the+skull+and+spinal+column+or+display+the+erratic+tail-chasing+behavior+from+which+the+disease+gets+its+name.+Eventually\%2C+heavily+infected+young+fish+may+die.\%0D\%0AThe+parasitic+disease+probably+originated+in\%E2\%80\%A6\&rft.rights=IN+COPYRIGHT+-+NON-COMMERCIAL+USE+PERMITTED\&rft.title=Whirling+Disease+and+Colorado\%27s+Trout\&rft.identifier=https\%3A\%2F\%2Fcpw.cvlcollections.org\%2Fitems\%2Fshow\%2F493}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IWCS3FK2/493.html} +} + +@article{whited_etal2012RiverscapeAnalysis, + title = {A {{Riverscape Analysis Tool Developed}} to {{Assist Wild Salmon Conservation Across}} the {{North Pacific Rim}}}, + author = {Whited, Diane and Kimball, J. and Lucotch, J. and Maumenee, Niels and Wu, Huan and Chilcote, Samantha and Stanford, Jack}, + year = {2012}, + month = jul, + journal = {Fisheries}, + volume = {37}, + pages = {305--314}, + doi = {10.1080/03632415.2012.696009}, + abstract = {A major constraint for management and conservation of wild salmon is the large geographic area and diversity of rivers that provide critical freshwater habitats for salmon production and sustainability. These habitats span lengths of entire river systems, crossing international borders and management jurisdictions, while encompassing a range of climate and landscape conditions and human impacts. We developed the Riverscape Analysis Project (RAP) to provide a consistent and comprehensive geospatial database to document, assess, and compare the physical habitats of large salmon rivers of the North Pacific Rim (NPR). Here, we introduce and summarize a web-based GIS and decision support system (DSS) to assist salmon conservation around the NPR. The foundation of the RAP database is a seamless mosaic of moderate (30 m) resolution, multispectral satellite imagery from the Landsat TM instrument series, mapped with coincident 90-m resolution digital terrain Digital Evaluation Model (DEM) information to a consistent global projection; these data produced a set of watershed, river, and floodplain physical features and derived riverine freshwater habitat metrics important for salmon. The RAP DSS is publicly available online (http://rap.ntsg.umt.edu) and includes user-friendly tools and tutorials to allow users to compare, query, and download geospatial summary data across a suite of physical metrics.} +} + +@article{whiteTraditionalecological, + title = {Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Science. {{Pp}}. 18-26 {{In Spirit}} of the {{Salmon}}: {{Wy-}}\-{{Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit}} ({{Report}})}, + shorttitle = {Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Science. {{Pp}}. 18-26 {{In Spirit}} of the {{Salmon}}}, + author = {White, Seth}, + url = {https://www.academia.edu/16351218/Traditional_ecological_knowledge_and_science_Pp_18_26_In_Spirit_of_the_Salmon_Wy_Kan_Ush_Mi_Wa_Kish_Wit_Report_}, + urldate = {2021-06-03}, + langid = {english} +} + +@incollection{whyte_etal1997Restoringfish, + title = {Restoring Fish Access and Rehabilitation of Spawning Sites}, + booktitle = {Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Procedures. {{Watershed}} Restoration Technical Circular No. 9}, + author = {Whyte, Ian and Babakaiff, Scott and Adam, Mark A. and Giroux, Paul A.}, + editor = {Slaney, P.A. and {D. Zaldokas}}, + year = {1997}, + pages = {5-1 - 5-13}, + publisher = {Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/FFIP/Slaney_PA1997_A.pdf} +} + +@misc{Whyyoushouldconsideraddingcarboncreditsyourclimateactionplan2023, + title = {Why You Should Consider Adding Carbon Credits to Your Climate Action Plan}, + year = {2023}, + month = jan, + journal = {World Economic Forum}, + url = {https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/consider-adding-carbon-credits-climate-action-plan/}, + urldate = {2024-03-14}, + abstract = {Carbon credits can help offset hard-to-shift emissions and fund nature-based solutions as organizations make the transition to a net-zero world}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BCIWEGAZ/consider-adding-carbon-credits-climate-action-plan.html} +} + +@misc{wickham_grolemund2022DataScience, + title = {R for {{Data Science}}}, + author = {Wickham, H and Grolemund, G}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://r4ds.had.co.nz/}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NTYELB4A/Wickham and Grolemund - 2022 - R for Data Science.html} +} + +@misc{WidzinKwahWaterSustainabilityProject, + title = {Widzin {{Kwah Water Sustainability Project}}}, + journal = {Widzin Kwah Water Sustainability Project}, + url = {https://www.widzinkwahproject.ca/about-project}, + urldate = {2024-03-07}, + abstract = {The Widzin Kwah Water Sustainability Project is located on the Wet'suwet'en yintah. The Wet'suwet'en governance system includes five clans and 13 house groups which have caretaking responsibilities for the yintah (territories) and t'oh (water). The Wet'suwet'en have stewarded the Widzin Kwah watersh}, + langid = {canadian}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/YA36XP8R/about-project.html} +} + +@article{wigington_etal2006CohoSalmon, + title = {Coho {{Salmon Dependence}} on {{Intermittent Streams}}}, + author = {Wigington, P. J. and Ebersole, J. L. and Colvin, M. E. and Leibowitz, S. G. and Miller, B. and Hansen, B. and Lavigne, H. R. and White, D. and Baker, J. P. and Church, M. R. and Brooks, J. R. and Cairns, M. A. and Compton, J. E.}, + year = {2006}, + journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment}, + volume = {4}, + number = {10}, + eprint = {3868899}, + eprinttype = {jstor}, + pages = {513--518}, + publisher = {Ecological Society of America}, + issn = {1540-9295}, + url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/3868899}, + urldate = {2023-03-12}, + abstract = {In February 2006, the US Supreme Court heard cases that may affect whether intermittent streams are jurisdictional waters under the Clean Water Act. In June 2006, however, the cases were remanded to the circuit court, leaving the status of intermittent streams uncertain once again. The presence of commercial species, such as coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), can be an important consideration when determining jurisdiction. These salmon spawn in the upper portions of Oregon coastal stream networks, where intermittent streams are common. In our study of a coastal Oregon watershed, we found that intermittent streams were an important source of coho salmon smolts. Residual pools in intermittent streams provided a means by which juvenile coho could survive during dry periods; smolts that overwintered in intermittent streams were larger than those from perennial streams. Movement of juvenile coho into intermittent tributaries from the mainstem was another way in which the fish exploited the habitat and illustrates the importance of maintaining accessibility for entire stream networks. Loss of intermittent stream habitat would have a negative effect on coho salmon populations in coastal drainages, including downstream navigable waters.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/9LVI9UC8/wigington_et_al_2006_coho_salmon_dependence_on_intermittent_streams.pdf} +} + +@article{wigingtonjr_etal2006Cohosalmon, + title = {Coho Salmon Dependence on Intermittent Streams}, + author = {Wigington Jr, Pj and Ebersole, Jl and Colvin, Me and Leibowitz, Sg and Miller, B. and Hansen, B. and Lavigne, Hr and White, D. and Baker, Jp and Church, Mr and Brooks, Jr and Cairns, Ma and Compton, Je}, + year = {2006}, + journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment}, + volume = {4}, + number = {10}, + pages = {513--518}, + issn = {1540-9309}, + doi = {10.1890/1540-9295(2006)4[513:CSDOIS]2.0.CO;2}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/1540-9295%282006%294%5B513%3ACSDOIS%5D2.0.CO%3B2}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {In February 2006, the US Supreme Court heard cases that may affect whether intermittent streams are jurisdictional waters under the Clean Water Act. In June 2006, however, the cases were remanded to the circuit court, leaving the status of intermittent streams uncertain once again. The presence of commercial species, such as coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), can be an important consideration when determining jurisdiction. These salmon spawn in the upper portions of Oregon coastal stream networks, where intermittent streams are common. In our study of a coastal Oregon watershed, we found that intermittent streams were an important source of coho salmon smolts. Residual pools in intermittent streams provided a means by which juvenile coho could survive during dry periods; smolts that overwintered in intermittent streams were larger than those from perennial streams. Movement of juvenile coho into intermittent tributaries from the mainstem was another way in which the fish exploited the habitat and illustrates the importance of maintaining accessibility for entire stream networks. Loss of intermittent stream habitat would have a negative effect on coho salmon populations in coastal drainages, including downstream navigable waters.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/3MXYVZKN/1540-9295(2006)4[513CSDOIS]2.0.html} +} + +@misc{WildlifeManagementUnitsDataCatalogue, + title = {Wildlife {{Management Units}} - {{Data Catalogue}}}, + url = {https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/wildlife-management-units}, + urldate = {2021-09-24}, + abstract = {The Province is divided into nine administrative regions, having a total of 225 wildlife management units (WMU) for the purpose of efficient game management.}, + langid = {english} +} + +@misc{wilhere_etal2017IncorporatingClimate, + title = {Incorporating {{Climate Change}} into the Esign of {{Water Crossing Structures}}}, + author = {Wilhere, G and V, J and Quinn, T and Helbrecht, L and Tohver, I}, + year = {2017}, + url = {https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/01867/wdfw01867_0.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-11-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6VURV29M/wilhere_et_al_2017_incorporating_climate_change_into_the_esign_of_water_crossing_structures.pdf} +} + +@misc{williamslaketribune2022Sockeyesalmon, + title = {Sockeye Salmon Return to {{Williams Lake}}}, + author = {{Williams Lake Tribune}}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://www.wltribune.com/news/sockeye-salmon-return-to-williams-lake/}, + urldate = {2023-05-02}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K9ZWENJ3/sockeye-salmon-return-to-williams-lake.html} +} + +@techreport{williamson_2004, + title = {Region 7a, {{Omineca Arctic}} Grayling ({{Thymallus}} Arcticus): Data Consolidation Review and Gap Analysis.}, + author = {Williamson, S.A and Zimmerman, J.T.}, + year = {2005}, + institution = {{B.C. Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection}} +} + +@techreport{williamson_zimmerman2005Region7a, + title = {Region 7a, {{Omineca Arctic Grayling}} (Thymallus {{Arcticus}}): {{Data Consolidation Review}} and {{Gap Analysis}}.}, + author = {Williamson, S.A and Zimmerman, J.T.}, + year = {2005}, + institution = {{B.C. Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection}} +} + +@article{willsonVariationSalmonid, + title = {Variation in {{Salmonid Life Histories}}: {{Patterns}} and {{Perspectives}}}, + author = {Willson, Mary F}, + abstract = {Willson, Mary F. 1997. Variation in salmonid life histories: patterns and perspectives. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-498. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 50 p. Salmonid fishes differ in degree of anadromy, age of maturation, frequency of reproduction, body size and fecundity, sexual dimorphism, breeding season, morphology, and, to a lesser degree, parental care. Patterns of variation and their possible significance for ecology and evolution and for resource management are the focus of this review.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/BP3WQUDY/willson_variation_in_salmonid_life_histories_-_patterns_and_perspectives.pdf} +} + +@article{wilson_fernando20182018McCully, + title = {2018 {{McCully Creek Fish Habitat Assessment}}}, + author = {Wilson, Tim and Fernando, Alicia}, + year = {2018}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/59SM6NY5/wilson_fernando_2018_2018_mccully_creek_fish_habitat_assessment.pdf} +} + +@article{wilson_rabnett2007FishPassage, + title = {Fish {{Passage Assessment}} of {{Highway}} 16 and {{CN Rail}} in the {{Bulkley Watershed}}}, + author = {Wilson, Tim and Rabnett, Ken}, + year = {2007}, + pages = {124}, + url = {https://data.skeenasalmon.info/dataset/fish-passage-assessment-highway-16-cn-rail-bulkley}, + urldate = {2020-11-22}, + abstract = {This Bulkley fish passage assessment is part of a larger regional effort to improve fish passage limited by highways and secondary roads throughout the Skeena Basin. The purpose of this report is to present background information and survey results for fish passage assessments conducted at stream crossings of Highway \#16 and CN Rail in the Bulkley Watershed. In 2006, Skeena Fisheries Commission was retained by the Pacific Salmon Commission to conduct a Fish Passage and Culvert Inspection (FPCI) on all non-bridged Highway \#16 and CN Rail stream crossings distinguished with fish presence throughout the Bulkley Watershed.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/8SUN8SYA/wilson_rabnett_2007_fish_passage_assessment_of_highway_16_and_cn_rail_in_the_bulkley_watershed.pdf} +} + +@book{wilson_wright2014Usingenvironmental, + title = {Using Environmental {{DNA}} ({{eDNA}}) as a Tool in Risk-Based Decision-Making}, + author = {Wilson, Chris and Wright, Elizabeth}, + year = {2014}, + publisher = {Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources}, + address = {Peterborough, Ontario}, + abstract = {Environmental DNA (eDNA) is the genetic material that can be detected by sampling the non-living environment (e.g., water, soil) to provide information about what organisms may be, are, or were recently present. eDNA testing provides a unique opportunity to detect species at lower abundances than using conventional sampling approaches. A confirmed positive detection of eDNA means DNA from the species was present at that location at the time the sample was collected, but provides no information about the source of the DNA (i.e., live or dead animal, animal part, etc). Ongoing studies at MNR's Codrington Research Facility are helping to demonstrate the usefulness and limitations of the eDNA tool, and have confirmed species specificity as well as biomass and temporal sensitivity of eDNA detection. When used to provide information about invasive species and species at risk, eDNA detections can help target conventional sampling methods to increase the probability of capturing species of interest. Detections provide new information that was previously not available, helping to reduce the uncertainty associated with natural resource management decisions regarding the presence of a target species}, + isbn = {978-1-4606-1036-7}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 894028572}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HESU7J9T/Wilson and Wright - 2014 - Using environmental DNA (eDNA) as a tool in risk-b.pdf} +} + +@article{winther_etal2021AssessmentKitsumkalum, + title = {Assessment of {{Kitsumkalum River}} Chinook Salmon with Revised Escapement Estimates 1984 to 2020}, + author = {Winther, Ivan and {V{\'e}lez-Espino}, L Antonio and Brown, Gayle S and Wor, Catarina}, + year = {2021}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7ZGHTZKQ/Winther et al. - Assessment of Kitsumkalum River chinook salmon wit.pdf} +} + +@misc{WitsetFirstNation2019, + title = {Witset {{First Nation}}}, + year = {2019}, + journal = {Witset Band Office}, + url = {https://www.witset.ca/about}, + urldate = {2023-01-30}, + abstract = {Witset First Nation (formerly known as Moricetown) is located in the Witsuwit'en Nation of north west British Columbia.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {mw}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/N2A6R8RK/about.html} +} + +@misc{WitsuwitHomeExploreFirstVoices, + title = {Witsuwit'en {{Home}} {\textbar} {{Explore}} {\textbar} {{FirstVoices}}}, + url = {https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data/Athabascan/Witsuwit%E2%80%99en/Witsuwit%E2%80%99en}, + urldate = {2022-07-20}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/AGSX9HLW/Witsuwit’en.html} +} + +@misc{WitsuwitWitsuwitLanguageCultureSocietySmithers, + title = {Witsuwit'en {\textbar} {{Witsuwit}}'en {{Language}} \& {{Culture Society}} {\textbar} {{Smithers}}}, + journal = {Niwhkinic}, + url = {https://www.niwhkinic.ca}, + urldate = {2022-07-12}, + abstract = {Become a Society Member with the Witsuwit'en Language \& Culture Society today! All Witsuwit'en and family are welcome.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6W8BECUV/www.niwhkinic.ca.html} +} + +@misc{wlrs2024BritishColumbia, + title = {British {{Columbia Approved Water Quality Guidelines}}: {{Aquatic Life}}, {{Wildlife}} \& {{Agriculture}}}, + author = {{WLRS}}, + year = {2024}, + url = {https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/air-land-water/water/waterquality/water-quality-guidelines/approved-wqgs/wqg_summary_aquaticlife_wildlife_agri.pdf}, + urldate = {2024-10-17}, + howpublished = {Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship}, + annotation = {Water Protection \& Sustainability Branch (WLRS)}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IHDYPLKQ/wqg_summary_aquaticlife_wildlife_agri.pdf} +} + +@article{woelfle-erskine_etal2017Abiotichabitat, + title = {Abiotic Habitat Thresholds for Salmonid Over-Summer Survival in Intermittent Streams}, + author = {{Woelfle-Erskine}, Cleo and Larsen, Laurel G. and Carlson, Stephanie M.}, + year = {2017}, + journal = {Ecosphere}, + volume = {8}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e01645}, + issn = {2150-8925}, + doi = {10.1002/ecs2.1645}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ecs2.1645}, + urldate = {2023-03-11}, + abstract = {Intermittent streams lose surface flow during part of the year but can provide important habitat for imperiled fishes in residual pools. However, extended intermittency can drive high mortality as pool contraction decreases pool quality, and some pools dry completely. We evaluated the influence of a suite of abiotic habitat characteristics on the over-summer survival of two imperiled salmonid fishes (coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch; steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss) at four study sites on two tributaries of Salmon Creek (Sonoma County, California, USA) from 2012 to 2014, during deepening drought conditions. Study sites spanned an intermittency gradient from continuous flow to near-dry conditions, and included alluvial and bedrock stream reaches. We estimated over-summer survival at the pool scale from fish presence--absence data based on paired early-late summer snorkel surveys. We measured pool dimensions and water quality parameters monthly (more frequently during summer dry down) and, in 2013 and 2014, recorded water quality with continuous loggers in selected pools. We performed: (1) logistic regression in a generalized linear modeling framework to identify factors limiting over-summer survival and (2) classification trees using the random forests ensemble learning method to identify abiotic thresholds for sustaining salmonids. Results suggested that different factors governed mortality of the two species. Coho salmon, which tended to survive in large, deep pools, were limited by minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. In contrast, steelhead trout, which tended to survive in pools with large surface area, were sensitive to pool geometry and temperature. Both species persisted for weeks in large pools with low DO levels, including in pools where at least part of the water column reached sublethal or lethal levels. Our results suggest that shallow, lateral hyporheic flow may be important for maintaining DO and temperatures suitable for sustaining salmonids in isolated pools, whereas groundwater discharge originating from deeper flow paths may generate low-DO conditions that inhibit salmonid persistence. Geomorphically complex watersheds with a variety of pool geometries and high rates of lateral hyporheic exchange are those most likely to serve as ``sanctuary reaches'' for imperiled Pacific salmonid populations in semi-arid regions in the context of a changing climate.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {drought,hyporheic flow,intermittent streams,salmonids,water quality}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FV7AR5ZA/woelfle-erskine_et_al_2017_abiotic_habitat_thresholds_for_salmonid_over-summer_survival_in_intermittent.pdf} +} + +@misc{wohl_etal2019ManagingLarge, + title = {Managing for {{Large Wood}} and {{Beaver Dams}} in {{Stream Corridors}}}, + author = {Wohl, E and Scott, D and Yochum, S}, + year = {2019}, + url = {https://www.fs.usda.gov/rm/pubs_series/rmrs/gtr/rmrs_gtr404.pdf}, + urldate = {2023-05-03}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XS8WKJW9/wohl_et_al_2019_managing_for_large_wood_and_beaver_dams_in_stream_corridors.pdf} +} + +@article{wohl_etal2021RediscoveringReevaluating, + title = {Rediscovering, {{Reevaluating}}, and {{Restoring Lost River-Wetland Corridors}}}, + author = {Wohl, Ellen and Castro, Janine and Cluer, Brian and Merritts, Dorothy and Powers, Paul and Staab, Brian and Thorne, Colin}, + year = {2021}, + month = jun, + journal = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, + volume = {9}, + pages = {653623}, + issn = {2296-6463}, + doi = {10.3389/feart.2021.653623}, + url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2021.653623/full}, + urldate = {2022-12-07}, + abstract = {River-wetland corridors form where a high degree of connectivity between the surface (rheic) and subsurface (hyporheic) components of streamflow creates an interconnected system of channels, wetlands, ponds, and lakes. River-wetland corridors occur where the valley floor is sufficiently wide to accommodate a laterally unconfined river planform that may feature morphologically complex, multi-threaded channels with vegetated bars, islands, and floodplains. River-wetland corridors can develop anywhere there is valley expansion along a drainage network, from the headwaters to estuaries or deltas, and they are found across all latitudes and within all biomes and hydroclimates. River-wetland corridors may be longitudinally continuous but are commonly interspersed with singlethread reaches in narrower portions of the valley. The development and persistence of river-wetland corridors is driven by combinations of geologic, biotic, and geomorphic processes that create a river environment that is diverse, heterogeneous, patchy, and dynamically stable, and within which patterns of flow, sediment features, and habitats shift continually. Hence, we describe these polydimensional river corridors as ``kaleidoscope rivers.'' Historically, river-wetland corridors were pervasive in wide, alluvial valley reaches, but their presence has been so diminished worldwide (due to a diverse range of anthropogenic activities and impacts) that the general public and even most river managers are unaware of their former pervasiveness. Here, we define river-wetland corridors as a river type; review paleoenvironmental and historical records to establish their past ubiquity; describe the geologic, biotic, and geomorphic processes responsible for their formation and persistence; and provide examples of river-wetland corridor remnants that still survive. We close by highlighting the significance of the diverse river functions supported by river-wetland corridors, the consequences of diminution and neglect of this river type, and the implications for river restoration.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RNQJK7JS/wohl_et_al_2021_rediscovering,_reevaluating,_and_restoring_lost_river-wetland_corridors.pdf} +} + +@misc{woll_etal2017SalmonEcological, + title = {Salmon {{Ecological Systems}}}, + author = {Woll, Christine and Albert, David and Whited, Diane}, + year = {2017}, + publisher = {The Nature Conservancy}, + url = {https://www.conservationgateway.org/ConservationByGeography/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/alaska/sw/cpa/Documents/TNC_A_Salmon_Ecological_Systems_Model_Nushagak_Kvichak.pdf}, + langid = {english} +} + +@article{woll2015Landscapescalemapping, + title = {Landscape-Scale Mapping of {{Pacific}} Salmon and Their Freshwater Habitats in the {{Mat-Su Basin}}}, + author = {Woll, Christine}, + year = {2015}, + pages = {106}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/FK53J3YQ/woll_2015_landscape-scale_mapping_of_pacific_salmon_and_their_freshwater_habitats_in_the.pdf} +} + +@article{wood_etal2020Experimentalassessment, + title = {Experimental Assessment of Optimal Lotic {{eDNA}} Sampling and Assay Multiplexing for a Critically Endangered Fish}, + author = {Wood, Zachary T. and Erdman, Bradley F. and York, Geneva and Trial, Joan G. and Kinnison, Michael T.}, + year = {2020}, + month = oct, + journal = {Environmental DNA}, + volume = {2}, + number = {4}, + pages = {407--417}, + issn = {2637-4943, 2637-4943}, + doi = {10.1002/edn3.64}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/edn3.64}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Designing eDNA tools to detect and quantify rare species includes inherent assumptions about the spatial distribution of the organism, spatial nature of eDNA dynamics, and the real-world performance of alternate assays under field conditions. Here, we use cage experiments with small numbers of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), to reveal that eDNA detection rates and eDNA quantities follow a predictable, but nonlinear relationship with distance from a point source. In contrast to the common assumption of consistent eDNA degradation moving away from a source, eDNA detections and concentrations increased up to roughly 70 m downstream before declining steadily. We apply our eDNA distance functions to selection of stream sampling intervals for detecting fish without known locations and find that even a single juvenile salmon can be reliably detected with intervals up to 400 m spacing. Finally, we show that two different qPCR eDNA assays provide very different detection probabilities in nature despite similar efficiency in laboratory testing, demonstrating the importance of experimentally assessing assay efficiencies in the wild as well as the capacity for multiplexing as a strategy to ensure high detection efficiency when monitoring rare species.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/4USMNPXP/Wood et al. - 2020 - Experimental assessment of optimal lotic eDNA samp.pdf} +} + +@article{woody_etal2002Cloveoil, + title = {Clove Oil as an Anaesthetic for Adult Sockeye Salmon: Field Trials}, + shorttitle = {Clove Oil as an Anaesthetic for Adult Sockeye Salmon}, + author = {Woody, C. A. and Nelson, J. and Ramstad, K.}, + year = {2002}, + journal = {Journal of Fish Biology}, + volume = {60}, + number = {2}, + pages = {340--347}, + issn = {1095-8649}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1095-8649.2002.tb00284.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2002.tb00284.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-05}, + abstract = {Wild migrating sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka exposed to 20, 50 and 80 mg 1-1 of clove oil could be handled within 3 min, recovered within 10 min, and survived 15 min exposure trials. Fish tested at 110 mg 1-1 did not recover from 15 min exposure trials. Response curves developed for induction and recovery time considered the following predictors: clove oil concentration, sex, fish length and depth. A significant positive dependence was observed between induction time and fish length for 20, 50 and 80 mg 1-1 test concentrations; no dependence was observed between induction time and length at 110 and 140 mg 1-1. Recovery time differed as a function of clove oil concentration, but not fish size. A concentration of 50 mg 1-1 is recommended for anaesthetizing sockeye salmon ranging in length from 400 to 550 mm at water temperatures averaging 9--10{$^\circ$} C.}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {clove oil,fish anaesthesia,Oncorhynchus nerka,sockeye salmon}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/I83BQ6WD/j.1095-8649.2002.tb00284.html} +} + +@misc{WorkingBeaversBeneficialManagementPractices, + title = {Working with {{Beavers}} - {{Beneficial Management Practices}}}, + url = {https://www.workingwithbeavers.ca/coexist_bmp.php}, + urldate = {2024-05-15}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/HLB8MABA/resources_reports.html;/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/NKRW5TR2/coexist_bmp.html} +} + +@misc{wrench2022RichfieldCreek, + title = {Richfield {{Creek Riparian Fencing Installation Report}} 2021}, + author = {Wrench, A}, + year = {2022}, + annotation = {Prepared For: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada \& Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern British Columbia \\ +\\ +Prepared By: Adam Wrench B.NRSc. on behalf of Northwest Research and Monitoring Ltd.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/7ZP6KDXY/wrench_2022_richfield_creek_riparian_fencing_installation_report_2021.pdf} +} + +@misc{wrench2023RichfieldCreek, + title = {Richfield {{Creek Riparian Exclusion Fencing}} and {{Restoration Installation Report}}}, + author = {Wrench, A}, + year = {2023}, + url = {https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_skeena_2022_reporting/raw/master/docs/SERN_Richfield_Fencing_2022_Final Report.pdf}, + annotation = {Prepared for: Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern British Columbia}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/TK9DI3RW/wrench_2023_richfield_creek_riparian_exclusion_fencing_and_restoration_installation_report.pdf} +} + +@misc{wwwgovbccaftpHFPexternalpublishMotorVehicleClosedAreas, + title = {Www.for.Gov.Bc.ca - /Ftp/{{HFP}}/External/!Publish/{{Motor Vehicle Closed Areas}}/}, + url = {https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/ftp/HFP/external/!publish/Motor%20Vehicle%20Closed%20Areas/}, + urldate = {2021-09-24} +} + +@article{wyatt2002Estimatingriverine, + title = {Estimating Riverine Fish Population Size from Single- and Multiple-Pass Removal Sampling Using a Hierarchical Model}, + author = {Wyatt, Robin J}, + year = {2002}, + month = apr, + journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, + volume = {59}, + number = {4}, + pages = {695--706}, + issn = {0706-652X, 1205-7533}, + doi = {10.1139/f02-041}, + url = {http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/10.1139/f02-041}, + urldate = {2020-06-15}, + abstract = {A hierarchical model is described for estimating population size from single- and multiple-pass removal sampling. The model is appropriate for two-stage sampling schemes, typified by surveys of riverine fish populations, in which multiple sites are surveyed, but a low number of passes are undertaken at each site. The model estimates the average population size within the target area from the raw catch data, and thus allows for differences in the sampling procedure at each site, such as including single-pass sampling. The model also uses the data from all sites to estimate the population size at each individual site. This results in generally improved precision for multiple-pass sites and provides comparable estimates from single-pass sites. A Bayesian approach is described for estimating the parameters of the hierarchical model using sampling importance resampling (SIR). An empirical Bayesian approach, which ignores prior uncertainty but is simpler to implement, is also described. Application of the hierarchical model is illustrated with electrofishing data for 0+ trout (Salmo trutta) in the River Inny, U.K.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/K7V7WSP3/wyatt_2002_estimating_riverine_fish_population_size_from_single-_and_multiple-pass_removal.pdf} +} + +@misc{xie_etal2022interfaceDataTables, + title = {An {{R}} Interface to the {{DataTables}} Library}, + author = {Xie, Y and Cheng, J and Tan, X}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/DT}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {R Interface to the jQuery Plug-in DataTables}, + howpublished = {RStudio}, + keywords = {datatables,htmlwidgets,javascript,r,r-package,shiny} +} + +@misc{xie_etal2022interfaceDataTablesa, + title = {An {{R}} Interface to the {{DataTables}} Library}, + author = {Xie, Y and Cheng, J and Tan, X}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/DT}, + urldate = {2022-05-30}, + abstract = {R Interface to the jQuery Plug-in DataTables}, + howpublished = {RStudio}, + keywords = {datatables,htmlwidgets,javascript,r,r-package,shiny} +} + +@misc{yihui2024rstudiobookdown, + title = {Rstudio/Bookdown}, + author = {Yihui, Xie}, + year = {2024}, + month = may, + url = {https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown}, + urldate = {2024-05-29}, + abstract = {Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown}, + copyright = {GPL-3.0}, + howpublished = {RStudio}, + keywords = {book,bookdown,epub,gitbook,html,latex,rmarkdown} +} + +@article{yoccoz2012futureenvironmental, + title = {The Future of Environmental {{DNA}} in Ecology}, + author = {Yoccoz, Nigel G.}, + year = {2012}, + month = apr, + journal = {Molecular Ecology}, + volume = {21}, + number = {8}, + pages = {2031--2038}, + issn = {0962-1083, 1365-294X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05505.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05505.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The contributions of environmental DNA to ecology are reviewed, focusing on diet, trophic interactions, species distributions and biodiversity assessment. Environmental DNA has the potential to dramatically improve quantitative studies in these fields. Achieving this, however, will require large investments of time and money into developing the relevant databases, models, and software.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/ZBDXR4RF/Yoccoz - 2012 - The future of environmental DNA in ecology.pdf} +} + +@article{yokohata_etal2019VisualizingInterconnections, + title = {Visualizing the {{Interconnections Among Climate Risks}}}, + author = {Yokohata, T. and Tanaka, K. and Nishina, K. and Takahashi, K. and Emori, S. and Kiguchi, M. and Iseri, Y. and Honda, Y. and Okada, M. and Masaki, Y. and Yamamoto, A. and Shigemitsu, M. and Yoshimori, M. and Sueyoshi, T. and Iwase, K. and Hanasaki, N. and Ito, A. and Sakurai, G. and Iizumi, T. and Nishimori, M. and Lim, W. H. and Miyazaki, C. and Okamoto, A. and Kanae, S. and Oki, T.}, + year = {2019}, + month = feb, + journal = {Earth's Future}, + volume = {7}, + number = {2}, + pages = {85--100}, + issn = {2328-4277, 2328-4277}, + doi = {10.1029/2018EF000945}, + url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2018EF000945}, + urldate = {2021-11-22}, + abstract = {It is now widely recognized that climate change affects multiple sectors in virtually every part of the world. Impacts on one sector may influence other sectors, including seemingly remote ones, which we call ``interconnections of climate risks.'' While a substantial number of climate risks are identified in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report, there have been few attempts to explore the interconnections between them in a comprehensive way. To fill this gap, we developed a methodology for visualizing climate risks and their interconnections based on a literature survey. Our visualizations highlight the need to address climate risk interconnections in impact and vulnerability studies. Our risk maps and flowcharts show how changes in climate impact natural and socioeconomic systems, ultimately affecting human security, health, and well-being. We tested our visualization approach with potential users and identified likely benefits and issues. Our methodology can be used as a communication tool to inform decision makers, stakeholders, and the general public of the cascading risks that can be triggered by climate change. Plain Language Summary The paper demonstrates in a most holistic manner how climate change can generate various risks and how they are actually interconnected. Based on a literature survey using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report, we identified 91 climate risks and 253 causal relationships among them and graphically drew such interconnected risks. We found that changes in the climate system impact the natural and socioeconomic system, influencing ultimately human security, health, and well-being. This indicates that climate change can trigger a cascade of impacts across sectors. Our findings point to the need to address the climate risk interconnections in impact and vulnerability studies. We tested our visualization approach with potential users and identified likely benefits and issues. The implications of our study go beyond science. Our study is useful to inform stakeholders of a broad yet fresh perspective of climate risks that have not been presented before.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XZCRY25Y/yokohata_et_al_2019_visualizing_the_interconnections_among_climate_risks.pdf} +} + +@techreport{young_etal2017phylogeographywestslope, + type = {Preprint}, + title = {The Phylogeography of Westslope Cutthroat Trout}, + author = {Young, Michael K. and McKelvey, Kevin S. and Jennings, Tara and Carter, Katie and Cronn, Richard and Keeley, Ernest R. and Loxterman, Janet L. and Pilgrim, Kristy L. and Schwartz, Michael K.}, + year = {2017}, + institution = {Evolutionary Biology}, + doi = {10.1101/213363}, + url = {http://biorxiv.org/lookup/doi/10.1101/213363}, + urldate = {2020-12-28}, + abstract = {Identifying units of conservation of aquatic species is fundamental to informed natural resources science and management. We used a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear molecular methods to identify potential units of conservation of Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi, a taxon native to montane river basins of the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada. Mitogenomic sequencing identified two major lineages composed of nine monophyletic clades, and a well-supported subclade within one of these, largely delineated by river basins. Analyses of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms corroborated most of these groupings, sometimes with less resolution but demonstrating more complex connections among clades. The mitochondrial and nuclear analyses revealed that Pleistocene glacial cycles profoundly influenced the distribution and divergence of Westslope Cutthroat Trout, that this taxon crossed the Continental Divide in two separate events, and that genetically pure but nonindigenous fish were widely distributed. Herein, we recognize nine geographically discrete, cytonuclear lineages largely circumscribed by major river basins as potential units of conservation: (1) John Day; (2) Coeur d'Alene; (3) St. Joe; (4) North Fork Clearwater; (5) Salmon; (6) Clearwater headwaters; (7) Clearwater--eastern Cascades; (8) neoboreal, consisting of most of the Columbia upstream from central Washington, the Fraser in British Columbia, and the South Saskatchewan in Alberta; and (9) Missouri.}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/Y4WJ547Q/young_et_al_2017_the_phylogeography_of_westslope_cutthroat_trout.pdf} +} + +@article{yu_etal2012Biodiversitysoup, + title = {Biodiversity Soup: Metabarcoding of Arthropods for Rapid Biodiversity Assessment and Biomonitoring}, + shorttitle = {Biodiversity Soup}, + author = {Yu, Douglas W. and Ji, Yinqiu and Emerson, Brent C. and Wang, Xiaoyang and Ye, Chengxi and Yang, Chunyan and Ding, Zhaoli}, + year = {2012}, + month = aug, + journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, + volume = {3}, + number = {4}, + pages = {613--623}, + issn = {2041-210X, 2041-210X}, + doi = {10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00198.x}, + url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00198.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Summary 1. {\enspace}Traditional biodiversity assessment is costly in time, money and taxonomic expertise. Moreover, data are frequently collected in ways (e.g. visual bird lists) that are unsuitable for auditing by neutral parties, which is necessary for dispute resolution. 2. {\enspace}We present protocols for the extraction of ecological, taxonomic and phylogenetic information from bulk samples of arthropods. The protocols combine mass trapping of arthropods, mass-PCR amplification of the COI barcode gene, pyrosequencing and bioinformatic analysis, which together we call `metabarcoding'. 3. {\enspace}We construct seven communities of arthropods (mostly insects) and show that it is possible to recover a substantial proportion of the original taxonomic information. We further demonstrate, for the first time, that metabarcoding allows for the precise estimation of pairwise community dissimilarity (beta diversity) and within-community phylogenetic diversity (alpha diversity), despite the inevitable loss of taxonomic information inherent to metabarcoding. 4. {\enspace}Alpha and beta diversity metrics are the raw materials of ecology and the environmental sciences, facilitating assessment of the state of the environment with a broad and efficient measure of biodiversity. , Presentation}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/RNK2JQFT/Yu et al. - 2012 - Biodiversity soup metabarcoding of arthropods for.pdf} +} + +@book{zaldokas_etal1997Fishhabitat, + title = {Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Procedures}, + author = {Zaldokas, D and Slaney, P. A and {Watershed Restoration Program (B.C.)}}, + year = {1997}, + publisher = {Watershed Restoration Program}, + address = {Vancouver, B.C.}, + abstract = {The fish habitat restoration procedures presented in this guide provide the technical basis for a suite of integrated restorative measures to accelerate natural recovery processes in forested watersheds impacted by past practices that would otherwise require decades to recover naturally. An introductory section contains chapters on planning fish habitat rehabilitation, watershed geomorphology and fish habitat, salmonid biostandards for estimating production benefits of rehabilitation techniques, and screening criteria for restoration projects. Sections on the application of rehabilitation techniques cover such topics as fish access and spawning sites, stream banks, off-channel habitat, using large woody debris, log-jam habitats, juvenile salmonid habitat, mainstem holding and rearing habitat, nutrient replacement, habitats in channelized or uniform streams, augmenting streamflows, and managing beaver habitat for salmonids. Includes glossary.}, + isbn = {978-0-7726-3320-0}, + langid = {english}, + annotation = {OCLC: 612968234} +} + +@misc{zathy2020MemorandumFish, + title = {Memorandum: {{Fish}} Collection Permit {{CB20-610905 Line Creek Aquatic Monitoring}}}, + author = {Zathy, Nicole}, + year = {2020}, + url = {https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=59299}, + urldate = {2022-02-17}, + annotation = {Report prepared by Lotic Environmental Ltd.}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/XMQ8P9NN/zathy_2020_memorandum_-_fish_collection_permit_cb20-610905_line_creek_aquatic_monitoring.pdf} +} + +@article{zeale_etal2011TaxonspecificPCR, + title = {Taxon-specific {{PCR}} for {{DNA}} Barcoding Arthropod Prey in Bat Faeces}, + author = {Zeale, Matt R. K. and Butlin, Roger K. and Barker, Gary L. A. and Lees, David C. and Jones, Gareth}, + year = {2011}, + month = mar, + journal = {Molecular Ecology Resources}, + volume = {11}, + number = {2}, + pages = {236--244}, + issn = {1755-098X, 1755-0998}, + doi = {10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02920.x}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02920.x}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {The application of DNA barcoding to dietary studies allows prey taxa to be identified in the absence of morphological evidence and permits a greater resolution of prey identity than is possible through direct examination of faecal material. For insectivorous bats, which typically eat a great diversity of prey and which chew and digest their prey thoroughly, DNAbased approaches to diet analysis may provide the only means of assessing the range and diversity of prey within faeces. Here, we investigated the effectiveness of DNA barcoding in determining the diets of bat species that specialize in eating different taxa of arthropod prey. We designed and tested a novel taxon-specific primer set and examined the performance of short barcode sequences in resolving prey species. We recovered prey DNA from all faecal samples and subsequent cloning and sequencing of PCR products, followed by a comparison of sequences to a reference database, provided species-level identifications for 149 {\textfractionsolidus} 207 (72\%) clones. We detected a phylogenetically broad range of prey while completely avoiding detection of nontarget groups. In total, 37 unique prey taxa were identified from 15 faecal samples. A comparison of DNA data with parallel morphological analyses revealed a close correlation between the two methods. However, the sensitivity and taxonomic resolution of the DNA method were far superior. The methodology developed here provides new opportunities for the study of bat diets and will be of great benefit to the conservation of these ecologically important predators.}, + copyright = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/6HPKE8SH/Zeale et al. - 2011 - Taxon‐specific PCR for DNA barcoding arthropod pre.pdf} +} + +@techreport{zemlak_langston1995FishSpecies, + title = {Fish {{Species Presence}} and {{Abundance Of}} the {{Table River}}, 1995}, + author = {Zemlak, R. J. and Langston, A. R.}, + year = {1995}, + institution = {{Peace/Williston Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program}}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/PUGYVY4V/zemlak_langston_1995_fish_species_presence_and_abundance_of_the_table_river,_1995.pdf} +} + +@article{zhou_etal2013Ultradeepsequencing, + title = {Ultra-Deep Sequencing Enables High-Fidelity Recovery of Biodiversity for Bulk Arthropod Samples without {{PCR}} Amplification}, + author = {Zhou, Xin and Li, Yiyuan and Liu, Shanlin and Yang, Qing and Su, Xu and Zhou, Lili and Tang, Min and Fu, Ribei and Li, Jiguang and Huang, Quanfei}, + year = {2013}, + month = dec, + journal = {GigaScience}, + volume = {2}, + number = {1}, + pages = {4}, + issn = {2047-217X}, + doi = {10.1186/2047-217X-2-4}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article-lookup/doi/10.1186/2047-217X-2-4}, + urldate = {2024-11-01}, + abstract = {Background Next-generation-sequencing (NGS) technologies combined with a classic DNA barcoding approach have enabled fast and credible measurement for biodiversity of mixed environmental samples. However, the PCR amplification involved in nearly all existing NGS protocols inevitably introduces taxonomic biases. In the present study, we developed new Illumina pipelines without PCR amplifications to analyze terrestrial arthropod communities. Results Mitochondrial enrichment directly followed by Illumina shotgun sequencing, at an ultra-high sequence volume, enabled the recovery of Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit 1 (COI) barcode sequences, which allowed for the estimation of species composition at high fidelity for a terrestrial insect community. With 15.5 Gbp Illumina data, approximately 97\% and 92\% were detected out of the 37 input Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), whether the reference barcode library was used or not, respectively, while only 1 novel OTU was found for the latter. Additionally, relatively strong correlation between the sequencing volume and the total biomass was observed for species from the bulk sample, suggesting a potential solution to reveal relative abundance. Conclusions The ability of the new Illumina PCR-free pipeline for DNA metabarcoding to detect small arthropod specimens and its tendency to avoid most, if not all, false positives suggests its great potential in biodiversity-related surveillance, such as in biomonitoring programs. However, further improvement for mitochondrial enrichment is likely needed for the application of the new pipeline in analyzing arthropod communities at higher diversity.}, + copyright = {http://www.springer.com/tdm}, + langid = {english}, + file = {/Users/airvine/Zotero/storage/IYVPRKPL/Zhou et al. - 2013 - Ultra-deep sequencing enables high-fidelity recove.pdf} +} + +@misc{zotero-2379, + type = {Misc} +} + +@misc{zotero-3051, + type = {Misc} +}