diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/execute-results/html.json b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/execute-results/html.json index c0469fa..aba5078 100644 --- a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/execute-results/html.json +++ b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/execute-results/html.json @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { - "hash": "ce4083462c73006aa212a21024561275", + "hash": "07cad3ed80372fe50830d24f44828b6c", "result": { "engine": "knitr", - "markdown": "---\ntitle: \"Getting details of historic orthophoto imagery with R\"\nauthor: \"al\"\ndate: \"2024-11-15\"\ndate-modified: \"2024-11-17\"\ncategories: [fwapg, r, bcdata]\nimage: \"image.jpg\"\nparams:\n repo_owner: \"NewGraphEnvironment\"\n repo_name: \"new_graphiti\"\n post_name: \"2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic\"\n update_gis: FALSE\nformat: \n html:\n code-fold: true\n---\n\n\nWe would like to obtain historic ortho photo imagery so that we can compare historic watershed conditions compared to current (ex. floodplain vegetation clearing, channel morphology, etc.). First we will generate an area of interest. In our first few code chunks we load our packages and load in some functions that will help us do this work.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nsuppressMessages(library(tidyverse))\nlibrary(ggplot2)\nlibrary(bcdata)\nlibrary(fwapgr)\nsuppressMessages(library(sf))\n# library(leaflet)\n# library(leafem)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\npath_post <- fs::path(\n here::here(),\n \"posts\",\n params$post_name\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nstaticimports::import(\n dir = fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\"\n ),\n outfile = fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\",\n \"staticimports\",\n ext = \"R\"\n )\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nsource(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\",\n \"staticimports\",\n ext = \"R\"\n )\n)\n\n\nlfile_name <- function(dat_name = NULL, ext = \"geojson\") {\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\",\n paste0(dat_name, \".\", ext)\n )\n}\n\nlburn_sf <- function(dat = NULL, dat_name = NULL) {\n if (is.null(dat_name)) {\n cli::cli_abort(\"You must provide a name for the GeoJSON file using `dat_name`.\")\n }\n \n dat |>\n sf::st_write(\n lfile_name(dat_name),\n delete_dsn = TRUE\n # append = FALSE\n )\n}\n\n# Function to validate and repair geometries\nlngs_geom_validate <- function(layer) {\n layer <- sf::st_make_valid(layer)\n layer <- layer[sf::st_is_valid(layer), ]\n return(layer)\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n## Download Spatial Data Layers\nHere we download our area of interest which is the Neexdzii Kwah River (a.k.a Upper Bulkley River) which is located between Houston, BC (just south of Smithers) and Topley, BC which is east of Houston and north of Burns Lake, BC. We hit up our remote database managed by Simon Norris with a package built by Poisson Consulting specifically for the task. We use the `downstream_route_measure` of the Bulkley River (identified through a unique `blue_line_key`) to query the watershed area upstream of the point where the Neexdzii Kwah River enters the Wedzin Kwah River (a.k.a Morice River).\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# lets build a custom watersehed just for upstream of the confluence of Neexdzii Kwa and Wetzin Kwa\n# blueline key\nblk <- 360873822\n# downstream route measure\ndrm <- 166030.4\n\naoi <- fwapgr::fwa_watershed_at_measure(blue_line_key = blk, \n downstream_route_measure = drm) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326)\n\n\n#get the bounding box of our aoi\n# aoi_bb <- sf::st_bbox(aoi)\n\n#lets burn this so we don't need to download each time\naoi <- lngs_geom_validate(aoi)\nlburn_sf(\n aoi,\n deparse(substitute(aoi)))\n```\n:::\n\n\nNext we grab a few key layers from the BC Data Catalougue API using convience functions in our `rfp` package (\"Reproducable Field Products\") which wrap the provincially maintained `bcdata` package. We grab:\n\n - Railways\n - Streams in the Bulkley Watershed group that are 5th order or greater.\n - [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points)\n - [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons)\n - [NTS 1:50,000 Grid](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/) (we will see why in a second)\n - [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids)\n \n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# grab all the railways\nl_rail <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"whse_basemapping.gba_railway_tracks_sp\"\n) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names() \n\n\n# streams in the bulkley and then filter to just keep the big ones\nl_streams <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"whse_basemapping.fwa_stream_networks_sp\",\n col_filter = \"watershed_group_code\",\n col_filter_value = \"BULK\",\n # grab a smaller object by including less columns\n col_extract = c(\"linear_feature_id\", \"stream_order\", \"gnis_name\", \"downstream_route_measure\", \"blue_line_key\", \"length_metre\")\n) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names() |> \n dplyr::filter(stream_order > 4)\n\n# historic orthophotos\n# WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POLY\n#https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points\nl_imagery <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_ORTHOPHOTO_TILES_POLY\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\nl_imagery_hist <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\nl_imagery_grid <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_BASEMAPPING.NTS_50K_GRID\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n```\n:::\n\n\nFollowing download we run some clean up to ensure the geometry of our spatial files is \"valid\", trim to our area of interest and burn locally so that every time we rerun iterations of this memo we don't need to wait for the download process which takes a little longer than we want to wait.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# get a list of the objects in our env that start with l_\nls <- ls()[stringr::str_starts(ls(), \"l_\")] \n\nlayers_all <- tibble::lst(\n !!!mget(ls)\n)\n\n# Apply validation to the AOI and layers\nlayers_all <- purrr::map(\n layers_all, \n lngs_geom_validate\n )\n\n# clip them with purrr and sf\nlayers_trimmed <- purrr::map(\n layers_all,\n ~ sf::st_intersection(.x, aoi)\n) \n\n# Burn each `sf` object to GeoJSON\npurrr::walk2(\n layers_trimmed,\n names(layers_trimmed),\n lburn_sf\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# lets use the nts mapsheet to query the photo centroids to avoid a massive file download\ncol_value <- layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid |> \n dplyr::pull(map_tile) \n\n \n\nl_photo_centroids <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP\",\n col_filter = \"nts_tile\",\n col_filter_value = col_value) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\n# Apply validation to the AOI and layers\nl_photo_centroids <-lngs_geom_validate(l_photo_centroids)\n\n# clip to aoi - can use layers_trimmed$aoi \nl_photo_centroids <- sf::st_intersection(l_photo_centroids, aoi)\n\n\nlburn_sf(l_photo_centroids, \"l_photo_centroids\")\n```\n:::\n\n\nNext - we read the layers back in. The download step is skipped now unless we turn it on again by changing the `update_gis` param in our memo `yaml` header to `TRUE`.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# now we read in all the sf layers that are local so it is really quick\nlayers_to_load <- fs::dir_ls(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\"),\n glob = \"*.geojson\"\n)\n\nlayers_trimmed <- layers_to_load |>\n purrr::map(\n ~ sf::st_read(\n .x, quiet = TRUE)\n ) |> \n purrr::set_names(\n nm =tools::file_path_sans_ext(\n basename(\n names(\n layers_to_load\n )\n )\n )\n )\n```\n:::\n\n\nOK, seems we cannot get machine readable historical air photo information from the downloaded from the BC data catalogue [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points)\n and [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons) layers perhpas because the majority of the photos are not georeferenced? What we see in the map under the table below (red dot on map) is one point which contains 8 records including links to pdfs and kmls which are basically a georeferenced drawing of where the imagery overlaps. From as far as I can tell - if we wanted to try to use these kmls or pdfs to select orthoimagery we would need to manually eyeball where the photo polygons overlap where we want to see imagery for and manually write down identifiers for photo by hand. Maybe I am missing something but it sure seems that way. \n \n \n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n#This what the information in the [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer looks like.\n\nlayers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist |> \n sf::st_drop_geometry() |> \n knitr::kable()\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n\n\n|id | historical_index_map_id|scale_category |geoextent_mapsheet |map_tag | start_year| end_year|kml_url |pdf_url | objectid|se_anno_cad_data | area_ha|localcode_ltree |refine_method |wscode_ltree |\n|:---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------:|:--------------|:------------------|:--------|----------:|--------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------:|:----------------|--------:|:-----------------|:-------------|:------------|\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.557 | 557|large |093l_e |093l_e_1 | 1950| 1963|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_1_1950_1963.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_1_20ch_1950_1963.pdf | 1860|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.558 | 558|large |093l_e |093l_e_2 | 1971| 1974|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_2_1971_1974.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_2_20ch_1971_1974.pdf | 1861|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.559 | 559|large |093l_e |093l_e_3 | 1975| 1975|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_3_1975.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_3_20k_1975.pdf | 1862|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.560 | 560|large |093l_e |093l_e_4 | 1980| 1980|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_4_1980.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_4_20k_1980.pdf | 1863|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.561 | 561|large |093l_e |093l_e_5 | 1980| 1980|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_5_1980.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_5_10k_1980.pdf | 1864|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.562 | 562|large |093l_e |093l_e_6 | 1981| 1983|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_6_1981_1983.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_6_20k_1981_1983.pdf | 1865|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.563 | 563|large |093l_e |093l_e_7 | 1989| 1989|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_7_1989.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_7_15k_1989.pdf | 1866|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.564 | 564|large |093l_e |093l_e_8 | 1990| 1990|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_8_1990.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_8_10k_15k_1990_bw_1990_colour.pdf | 1867|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap <- ggplot() +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$aoi,\n fill = \"transparent\",\n color = \"black\",\n linewidth = .5\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_streams,\n color = \"blue\",\n size = 1\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_rail,\n color = \"black\",\n size = 1\n ) +\n # geom_sf(\n # data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery,\n # alpha = 0,\n # ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist,\n color = \"red\",\n size = 2\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid,\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) +\n geom_sf_text(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid,\n aes(label = map_tile),\n size = 3 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed\n )\n # ggdark::dark_theme_void()\n\n\nmap\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\nIt does however seem that the [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids) are georeferenced \n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n#if we go through the online interface, we can use a NTS 1:50,000 map sheet to export a CSV file that does contain information about individual air photo locations (centre coordinate?). Our study area is huge so to begin with we can look at the area from somewhere around the confluence of McQuarie Creek and the Neexdzii Kwah up to say the upstream end of Bulkley Lake. For this area we just have two 1:50,000 map sheets (`093L09` and `093L08`). \n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# ## Download Photo Information\n\n# Next, we go into the provincial [WIMSI](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/digital-imagery/air-photos) service and for each NTS 1:50,000 grid - we state the date range we would like to search and export. Thinking we may be able to hit the API directly with a query in the future which would eliminate the painful point and click portion of this workflow. For now though - we are doing this piece manually and chose the following options:\n# \n# - `Years from`: 1950 to 2024\n# - `Media`: All\n# - `Only show georeferenced images`: - No\n# \n# Running these options exports a csv for each query. We saved them in this repo with their original sane names `airphotos.{mapsheet}.csv`.\n\nknitr::include_graphics(fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"fig\",\n \"Screenshot1\",\n ext = \"png\"\n )\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# At this point we have downloaded two csvs (one for each NTS 1:50,000 mapsheet of course) with information about the airphotos including UTM coordinates that we will assume for now are the photo centres. In our next steps we read in what we have, turn into spatial object, trim to overall study area and plot.\n# list csvs\nls <- fs::dir_ls(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\"),\n glob = \"*.csv\"\n)\n\nphotos_raw <- ls |> \n purrr::map_df(\n readr::read_csv\n ) |> \n sf::st_as_sf(\n coords = c(\"Longitude\", \"Latitude\"), crs = 4326\n ) |> \n janitor::clean_names() |> \n dplyr::mutate(photo_date = lubridate::mdy(photo_date)) \n\n\nphotos_aoi <- sf::st_intersection(\n photos_raw, \n layers_trimmed$aoi |> st_make_valid()\n )\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids,\n alpha = 0.25\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map2-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n # geom_sf_text(\n # data = photos_aoi,\n # aes(\n # label = \n # paste(\n # # roll_frame_series,\n # frame,\n # sep = \"-\"\n # )\n # ),\n # size = 2 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed\n # )\n```\n:::\n\n\nThat is a lot of photos! 7910 photos to be exact!!!\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nq_buffer <- 500\nq_drm_main <- 263795\nq_drm_other <- 5000\n```\n:::\n\n\n## Clip Photo Information with Streams Buffers\nHere are our query parameters to narrow down the area within our selected mapsheets in which we want to find photos for:\n\n - Buffer: 500m - size of buffer used on either side of stream lines selected\n - Stream segments: \n + Bulkley River (`gnis_name` in the stream layer)\n + Maxan Creek\n + Buck Creek\n + stream segments which begin before 5000 from the mainstem\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# We use the `downstream_route_measure` of the stream layer to exclude areas upstream of Bulkley Lake (also known as Taman Creek). We find it in QGIS by highlighting the stream layer and clicking on our segment of interest while we have the information tool selected - the resulting pop-up looks like this in QGIS.\nknitr::include_graphics(fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"fig\",\n \"Screenshot2\",\n ext = \"png\"\n )\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\naoi_refined_raw <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> \n # removed & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_main for bulkley as doestn't cahnge 1960s query and increases beyond just by 5 photos\n dplyr::filter(gnis_name == \"Bulkley River\"|\n gnis_name != \"Bulkley River\" & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_other |\n gnis_name %in% c(\"Maxan Creek\", \"Buck Creek\")) |> \n # dplyr::arrange(downstream_route_measure) |>\n # calculate when we get to length_m by adding up the length_metre field and filtering out everything up to length_m\n # dplyr::filter(cumsum(length_metre) <= length_m) |>\n sf::st_union() |> \n # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list...\n sf::st_sf()\n \naoi_refined_buffered <- sf::st_buffer(\n aoi_refined_raw,\n q_buffer, endCapStyle = \"FLAT\"\n) \n\nphotos_aoi_refined <- sf::st_intersection(\n layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids, \n aoi_refined_buffered\n )\n```\n:::\n\n\nLet's plot again and include our buffered areas around the first 5000m of streams (area in red) along with the location of the photo points that land within that area. Looks like this give us 968 photos.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = aoi_refined_buffered,\n color = \"red\",\n alpha= 0\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = photos_aoi_refined,\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map3-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\n## Filter Photos by Date\nNow lets filter by date to see what our options are including the earliest photos possible. Here is our range to choose from:\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nrange(photos_aoi_refined$photo_date)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n[1] \"1963-08-07\" \"2019-09-18\"\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nq_date_end1 <- \"1969-12-31\"\nq_date_start1 <- \"1970-01-01\"\nq_date_end2 <- \"1975-12-31\"\n```\n:::\n\n\nThere is lots going on here so we will map a comparison of a couple of options. First we will look at all photos available for before 1970 (red dots on map below). We will also see what photos we have for between 1970-01-01 and on or before 1975-12-31 (blue dots on map below)?\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nphotos1 <- photos_aoi_refined |> \n dplyr::filter(\n photo_date <= q_date_end1\n )\n\nphotos2 <- photos_aoi_refined |> \n dplyr::filter(\n photo_date >= q_date_start1 &\n photo_date <= q_date_end2\n )\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = photos1,\n color = \"red\",\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map4-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap + \n geom_sf(\n data = photos2,\n color = \"blue\",\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map4-2.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\nWell we have some tough decisions to make as we seem to have better coverage in the Maxan Creek drainage in the 70s (144 photos) but good coverage of the mainstem Neexdzii Kwah in the 60s (83 photos)...\n\n
\n\n \nThe table below can be used to filter photos from any time (provided it's location falls in the watershed area we clipped our downloaded points to) and export the result to csv or excel file. This could be useful for narrowing down our search not only to timescales but also to specific mapsheets with options given for both NTS 1:50,000 as well as BCGS 1:20,000 grid mapsheets.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nphotos_aoi_refined |> \n my_dt_table(cols_freeze_left = 2)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n\n```{=html}\n
\n\n```\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n## Export `csv` Files with Photo Information\nLet's burn out some csvs that can be used to find the imagery for:\n\n - \"before 1969-12-31\" \n - 1970-01-01 to 1975-12-31 timeline\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nlfile_name_photos <- function(dat = NULL){\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"exports\",\n paste(\n \"airphotos\",\n paste(range(dat$photo_date), collapse = \"_\"),\n sep = \"_\"\n ),\n ext = \"csv\"\n )\n}\n\n# path_output <- fs::path(\n# path_post,\n# \"exports\",\n# paste(\n# \"airphotos\",\n# paste(range(photos$photo_date), collapse = \"_\"),\n# sep = \"_\"\n# ),\n# ext = \"csv\"\n# )\n\nphotos1 |> \n readr::write_csv(\n lfile_name_photos(photos1), na =\"\"\n )\n\nphotos2 |> \n readr::write_csv(\n lfile_name_photos(photos2), na =\"\"\n )\n\nlpath_link <- function(dat = NULL){\n paste0(\n \"https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/\",\n basename(\n lfile_name_photos(dat)\n )\n )\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\nWe can view and download exported csv files [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/)\n\n## Pick a Horse\nWe are absolutely privaledged to potentially have the assistance of [Mike Price](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael-Price-14) to help us obtain this imagery from the UBC archives. Sooo... - unless he has a preference that 100% can override our recommendation - we would think that he would probably prefer clear direction from us. Soooo - to start - thinking the best plan is to go with the imagery in the timeframe of 1971-06-05, 1975-09-18\" since the coverage seems much better than the earlier images... The name of the csv with that information is `airphotos_1971-06-05_1975-09-18.csv` and the file can found along with the other export at the link above or individually [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/airphotos_1971-06-05_1975-09-18.csv).\n\n## Outstanding Issues\n\n - Why does the date range of the photos we can get IDs for through the [WIMSI](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/digital-imagery/air-photos) online portal not overlap the dates listed in the BC Data Catalouge [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) for the dates in the Historic Imagery Points that are listed as 1950 - 1963 vs our earliest records from the portal at 1963-08-07??!!\n\n\n", + "markdown": "---\ntitle: \"Getting details of historic orthophoto imagery with R\"\nauthor: \"al\"\ndate: \"2024-11-15\"\ndate-modified: \"2024-11-17\"\ncategories: [fwapg, r, bcdata, imagery, api]\nimage: \"image.jpg\"\nparams:\n repo_owner: \"NewGraphEnvironment\"\n repo_name: \"new_graphiti\"\n post_name: \"2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic\"\n update_gis: FALSE\nformat: \n html:\n code-fold: true\n---\n\n\nWe would like to obtain historic ortho photo imagery so that we can compare historic watershed conditions compared to current (ex. floodplain vegetation clearing, channel morphology, etc.). First we will generate an area of interest. In our first few code chunks we load our packages and load in some functions that will help us do this work.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nsuppressMessages(library(tidyverse))\nlibrary(ggplot2)\nlibrary(bcdata)\nlibrary(fwapgr)\nlibrary(knitr)\nsuppressMessages(library(sf))\n# library(leaflet)\n# library(leafem)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\npath_post <- fs::path(\n here::here(),\n \"posts\",\n params$post_name\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nstaticimports::import(\n dir = fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\"\n ),\n outfile = fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\",\n \"staticimports\",\n ext = \"R\"\n )\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nsource(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"scripts\",\n \"staticimports\",\n ext = \"R\"\n )\n)\n\n\nlfile_name <- function(dat_name = NULL, ext = \"geojson\") {\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\",\n paste0(dat_name, \".\", ext)\n )\n}\n\nlburn_sf <- function(dat = NULL, dat_name = NULL) {\n if (is.null(dat_name)) {\n cli::cli_abort(\"You must provide a name for the GeoJSON file using `dat_name`.\")\n }\n \n dat |>\n sf::st_write(\n lfile_name(dat_name),\n delete_dsn = TRUE\n # append = FALSE\n )\n}\n\n# Function to validate and repair geometries\nlngs_geom_validate <- function(layer) {\n layer <- sf::st_make_valid(layer)\n layer <- layer[sf::st_is_valid(layer), ]\n return(layer)\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n## Download Spatial Data Layers\nHere we download our area of interest which is the Neexdzii Kwah River (a.k.a Upper Bulkley River) which is located between Houston, BC (just south of Smithers) and Topley, BC which is east of Houston and north of Burns Lake, BC. We hit up our remote database managed by Simon Norris with a package built by Poisson Consulting specifically for the task. We use the `downstream_route_measure` of the Bulkley River (identified through a unique `blue_line_key`) to query the watershed area upstream of the point where the Neexdzii Kwah River enters the Wedzin Kwah River (a.k.a Morice River).\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# lets build a custom watersehed just for upstream of the confluence of Neexdzii Kwa and Wetzin Kwa\n# blueline key\nblk <- 360873822\n# downstream route measure\ndrm <- 166030.4\n\naoi <- fwapgr::fwa_watershed_at_measure(blue_line_key = blk, \n downstream_route_measure = drm) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326)\n\n\n#get the bounding box of our aoi\n# aoi_bb <- sf::st_bbox(aoi)\n\n#lets burn this so we don't need to download each time\naoi <- lngs_geom_validate(aoi)\nlburn_sf(\n aoi,\n deparse(substitute(aoi)))\n```\n:::\n\n\nNext we grab a few key layers from the BC Data Catalougue API using convience functions in our `rfp` package (\"Reproducable Field Products\") which wrap the provincially maintained `bcdata` package. We grab:\n\n - Railways\n - Streams in the Bulkley Watershed group that are 4th order or greater.\n - [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points)\n - [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons)\n - [NTS 1:50,000 Grid](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/) (we will see why in a second)\n - [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids)\n \n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# grab all the railways\nl_rail <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"whse_basemapping.gba_railway_tracks_sp\"\n) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names() \n\n\n# streams in the bulkley and then filter to just keep the big ones\nl_streams <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"whse_basemapping.fwa_stream_networks_sp\",\n col_filter = \"watershed_group_code\",\n col_filter_value = \"BULK\",\n # grab a smaller object by including less columns\n col_extract = c(\"linear_feature_id\", \"stream_order\", \"gnis_name\", \"downstream_route_measure\", \"blue_line_key\", \"length_metre\")\n) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names() |> \n dplyr::filter(stream_order >= 4)\n\n# historic orthophotos\n# WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POLY\n#https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points\nl_imagery <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_ORTHOPHOTO_TILES_POLY\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\nl_imagery_hist <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\nl_imagery_grid <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_BASEMAPPING.NTS_50K_GRID\") |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n```\n:::\n\n\nFollowing download we run some clean up to ensure the geometry of our spatial files is \"valid\", trim to our area of interest and burn locally so that every time we rerun iterations of this memo we don't need to wait for the download process which takes a little longer than we want to wait.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# get a list of the objects in our env that start with l_\nls <- ls()[stringr::str_starts(ls(), \"l_\")] \n\nlayers_all <- tibble::lst(\n !!!mget(ls)\n)\n\n# Apply validation to the AOI and layers\nlayers_all <- purrr::map(\n layers_all, \n lngs_geom_validate\n )\n\n# clip them with purrr and sf\nlayers_trimmed <- purrr::map(\n layers_all,\n ~ sf::st_intersection(.x, aoi)\n) \n\n# Burn each `sf` object to GeoJSON\npurrr::walk2(\n layers_trimmed,\n names(layers_trimmed),\n lburn_sf\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# lets use the nts mapsheet to query the photo centroids to avoid a massive file download\ncol_value <- layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid |> \n dplyr::pull(map_tile) \n\n \n\nl_photo_centroids <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(\n bcdata_record_id = \"WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP\",\n col_filter = \"nts_tile\",\n col_filter_value = col_value) |> \n sf::st_transform(4326) |> \n janitor::clean_names()\n\n# Apply validation to the AOI and layers\nl_photo_centroids <-lngs_geom_validate(l_photo_centroids)\n\n# clip to aoi - can use layers_trimmed$aoi \nl_photo_centroids <- sf::st_intersection(l_photo_centroids, aoi)\n\n\nlburn_sf(l_photo_centroids, \"l_photo_centroids\")\n```\n:::\n\n\nNext - we read the layers back in. The download step is skipped now unless we turn it on again by changing the `update_gis` param in our memo `yaml` header to `TRUE`.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# now we read in all the sf layers that are local so it is really quick\nlayers_to_load <- fs::dir_ls(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\"),\n glob = \"*.geojson\"\n)\n\nlayers_trimmed <- layers_to_load |>\n purrr::map(\n ~ sf::st_read(\n .x, quiet = TRUE)\n ) |> \n purrr::set_names(\n nm =tools::file_path_sans_ext(\n basename(\n names(\n layers_to_load\n )\n )\n )\n )\n```\n:::\n\n\nOK, seems we cannot get machine readable historical air photo information from the downloaded from the BC data catalogue [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer perhaps because the majority of the photos are not georeferenced? What we see in the map and table below (red dot on map) is one point which contains 8 records including links to pdfs and kmls which are basically a georeferenced drawing of where the imagery overlaps (@fig-1). From as far as I can tell - if we wanted to try to use the kmls or pdfs linked in the attribute tables of the \"Historic Imagery Points\" layer to select orthoimagery we would need to eyeball where the photo polygons overlap where we want to see imagery for and manually write down identifiers for photo by hand. Maybe I am missing something but it sure seems that way. \n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap <- ggplot() +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$aoi,\n fill = \"transparent\",\n color = \"black\",\n linewidth = .5\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_streams,\n color = \"blue\",\n size = 1\n ) +\n geom_sf_text(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_streams |> dplyr::distinct(gnis_name, .keep_all = TRUE),\n aes(\n label = gnis_name\n ),\n size = 2 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_rail,\n color = \"black\",\n size = 1\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist,\n color = \"red\",\n size = 2\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid,\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) +\n geom_sf_text(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_grid,\n aes(label = map_tile),\n size = 3 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed\n )\n\nmap\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map1-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n#This what the information in the [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer looks like.\n\nlayers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist |> \n sf::st_drop_geometry() |> \n knitr::kable()\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n\n\n|id | historical_index_map_id|scale_category |geoextent_mapsheet |map_tag | start_year| end_year|kml_url |pdf_url | objectid|se_anno_cad_data | area_ha|localcode_ltree |refine_method |wscode_ltree |\n|:---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------:|:--------------|:------------------|:--------|----------:|--------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------:|:----------------|--------:|:-----------------|:-------------|:------------|\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.557 | 557|large |093l_e |093l_e_1 | 1950| 1963|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_1_1950_1963.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_1_20ch_1950_1963.pdf | 1860|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.558 | 558|large |093l_e |093l_e_2 | 1971| 1974|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_2_1971_1974.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_2_20ch_1971_1974.pdf | 1861|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.559 | 559|large |093l_e |093l_e_3 | 1975| 1975|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_3_1975.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_3_20k_1975.pdf | 1862|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.560 | 560|large |093l_e |093l_e_4 | 1980| 1980|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_4_1980.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_4_20k_1980.pdf | 1863|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.561 | 561|large |093l_e |093l_e_5 | 1980| 1980|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_5_1980.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_5_10k_1980.pdf | 1864|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.562 | 562|large |093l_e |093l_e_6 | 1981| 1983|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_6_1981_1983.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_6_20k_1981_1983.pdf | 1865|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.563 | 563|large |093l_e |093l_e_7 | 1989| 1989|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_7_1989.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_7_15k_1989.pdf | 1866|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n|WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POINT.564 | 564|large |093l_e |093l_e_8 | 1990| 1990|https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/kml/large_scale/093/93l_e_8_1990.kml |https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/flight_indices/pdf/large_scale_block_10000_to_25000/093_nts/93l_e/93l_e_sheet_8_10k_15k_1990_bw_1990_colour.pdf | 1867|NA | 231944.7|400.431358.585806 |CUT |400.431358 |\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n \n
\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmy_caption <- \"Screenshot of kml downloaded from link provided in Historic Imagery Points.\"\nknitr::include_graphics(fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"fig\",\n \"Screenshot1\",\n ext = \"png\"\n )\n)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![Screenshot of kml downloaded from link provided in Historic Imagery Points.](fig/Screenshot1.png){#fig-1 width=1492}\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n
\n \nFor the [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons) layer the range of `year_operational` is 1996, 2013. This is not as far back as we would prefer to be looking.\n \n\n
\n\nIt does however seem that each of the [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids) are georeferenced with a date range of:\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nrange(layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids$photo_date)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n[1] \"1963-08-07\" \"2019-09-18\"\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# At this point we have downloaded two csvs (one for each NTS 1:50,000 mapsheet of course) with information about the airphotos including UTM coordinates that we will assume for now are the photo centres. In our next steps we read in what we have, turn into spatial object, trim to overall study area and plot.\n# list csvs\nls <- fs::dir_ls(\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"data\"),\n glob = \"*.csv\"\n)\n\nphotos_raw <- ls |> \n purrr::map_df(\n readr::read_csv\n ) |> \n sf::st_as_sf(\n coords = c(\"Longitude\", \"Latitude\"), crs = 4326\n ) |> \n janitor::clean_names() |> \n dplyr::mutate(photo_date = lubridate::mdy(photo_date)) \n\n\nphotos_aoi <- sf::st_intersection(\n photos_raw, \n layers_trimmed$aoi |> st_make_valid()\n )\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids,\n alpha = 0.25\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map2-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\nThat is a lot of photos! 7910 photos to be exact!!!\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nq_buffer <- 500\nq_drm_main <- 263795\nq_drm_other <- 5000\n```\n:::\n\n\n## Clip Photo Information with Streams Buffers\nHere are our query parameters to narrow down the area within our study are watershed in which we want to find photos for:\n\n - Buffer: 500m - size of buffer used on either side of stream lines selected\n - Stream segments: \n + Bulkley River (`gnis_name` in the stream layer)\n + Maxan Creek\n + Buck Creek\n + for each remaining stream - segments of that stream which begin before 5000m from the downstream system\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# We use the `downstream_route_measure` of the stream layer to exclude areas upstream of Bulkley Lake (also known as Taman Creek). We find it in QGIS by highlighting the stream layer and clicking on our segment of interest while we have the information tool selected - the resulting pop-up looks like this in QGIS.\nknitr::include_graphics(fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"fig\",\n \"Screenshot2\",\n ext = \"png\"\n )\n)\n```\n:::\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nr_streams <- c(\"Maxan Creek\", \"Buck Creek\")\n\naoi_refined_raw <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> \n # removed & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_main for bulkley as doestn't cahnge 1960s query and increases beyond just by 5 photos\n dplyr::filter(gnis_name == \"Bulkley River\"|\n gnis_name != \"Bulkley River\" & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_other |\n gnis_name %in% r_streams) |> \n # dplyr::arrange(downstream_route_measure) |>\n # calculate when we get to length_m by adding up the length_metre field and filtering out everything up to length_m\n # dplyr::filter(cumsum(length_metre) <= length_m) |>\n sf::st_union() |> \n # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list...\n sf::st_sf()\n \naoi_refined_buffered <- sf::st_buffer(\n aoi_refined_raw,\n q_buffer, endCapStyle = \"FLAT\"\n) \n\nphotos_aoi_refined <- sf::st_intersection(\n layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids, \n aoi_refined_buffered\n )\n```\n:::\n\n\nLet's plot again and include our buffered areas around the first 5000m of streams (area in red) along with the location of the photo points that land within that area. Looks like this give us 1506 photos.\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = aoi_refined_buffered,\n color = \"red\",\n alpha= 0\n ) +\n geom_sf(\n data = photos_aoi_refined,\n alpha = 0.25,\n ) \n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map3-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\nThat is not as many photos - but still quite a few (1506). The table below can be used to filter these photos from any time and/or mapsheet and export the result to csv or excel file. \n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nphotos_aoi_refined |> \n my_dt_table(cols_freeze_left = 2)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n\n```{=html}\n
\n\n```\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n## Filter Photos by Date\nNow lets map by year to see what our options are including the earliest photos possible. Here is our range to choose from:\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nrange(photos_aoi_refined$photo_date)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n[1] \"1963-08-07\" \"2019-09-18\"\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n`\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\ngeom_sf(\n data = photos_aoi_refined |> dplyr::filter(photo_year <= \"1975\")\n ) +\n facet_wrap(~ photo_year)\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map4-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\nWell - looks like we get really good coverage of the Bulkley River mainstem in 1968 then much better coverage of the Buck Creek drainage and Maxan Creek in 1971. For 1975 - the coverage of the Bulkley mainstem and Maxan Creek is pretty good...\n\n
\n\nThinking the ideal thing to do is to grab the photos from:\n\n - 1968 all\n - 1971 for the Buck Creek and Maxan Creek areas only\n - 1975 Maxan Creek only\n\n
\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\n# spatially represent just Buck and Maxan, buffer and clip the 1971 photos\n# \"r_\" is for \"refine\"\nr_year1 <- \"1968\"\nr_year2 <- \"1971\"\nr_year3 <- \"1975\"\n\nr_streams2 <- c(\"Maxan Creek\")\n\nl_streams_refined1 <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> \n # we defined r_streams in chunk way above \n dplyr::filter(gnis_name %in% r_streams) |> \n sf::st_union() |> \n # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list...\n sf::st_sf()\n \naoi_refined_buffered2 <- sf::st_buffer(\n l_streams_refined1,\n q_buffer, endCapStyle = \"FLAT\"\n) \n\nl_streams_refined2 <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> \n # we defined r_streams in chunk way above \n dplyr::filter(gnis_name %in% r_streams2) |> \n sf::st_union() |> \n # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list...\n sf::st_sf()\n \naoi_refined_buffered3 <- sf::st_buffer(\n l_streams_refined2,\n q_buffer, endCapStyle = \"FLAT\"\n) \n\n# filter first year\nphotos1 <- photos_aoi_refined |> \n dplyr::filter(\n photo_year == r_year1\n )\n\n# filter second year using just the streams we want to include\nphotos2 <- sf::st_intersection(\n layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids |> dplyr::filter(photo_year == r_year2), \n aoi_refined_buffered2\n )\n\n# filter second year using just the streams we want to include\nphotos3 <- sf::st_intersection(\n layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids |> dplyr::filter(photo_year == r_year3), \n aoi_refined_buffered3\n )\n\nphotos_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(photos1, photos2, photos3)\n```\n:::\n\n\n\nNow let's have a look at what we have\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nmap +\n geom_sf(\n data = photos_all\n )\n```\n\n::: {.cell-output-display}\n![](index_files/figure-html/map5-1.png){width=672}\n:::\n:::\n\n\n## Export `csv` with Photo Information\nLet's burn out csv that can be used to find the imagery for the 137 photos above.\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.r .cell-code}\nlfile_name_photos <- function(dat = NULL){\n fs::path(\n path_post,\n \"exports\",\n paste(\n \"airphotos\",\n paste(range(dat$photo_date), collapse = \"_\"),\n sep = \"_\"\n ),\n ext = \"csv\"\n )\n}\n\nphotos_all |> \n readr::write_csv(\n lfile_name_photos(photos_all), na =\"\"\n )\n\n\nlpath_link <- function(dat = NULL){\n paste0(\n \"https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/\",\n basename(\n lfile_name_photos(dat)\n )\n )\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\nWe can view and download exported csv files [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/). \n\n\n\n\n", "supporting": [ "index_files" ], diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map1-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map1-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9163181 Binary files /dev/null and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map1-1.png differ diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map2-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map2-1.png index 229a01b..88ea1c8 100644 Binary files a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map2-1.png and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map2-1.png differ diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map3-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map3-1.png index c236a1c..8e2bc45 100644 Binary files a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map3-1.png and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map3-1.png differ diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map4-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map4-1.png index 9a691d3..f2d4abd 100644 Binary files a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map4-1.png and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map4-1.png differ diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map5-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map5-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32ada6e Binary files /dev/null and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/map5-1.png differ diff --git a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png index 275bc4e..9163181 100644 Binary files a/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png and b/_freeze/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png differ diff --git a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/data/l_streams.geojson b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/data/l_streams.geojson index e860e09..73120f5 100644 --- a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/data/l_streams.geojson +++ b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/data/l_streams.geojson @@ -4,35 +4,98 @@ "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } }, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17079329, "stream_order": 6, "gnis_name": "Bulkley River", "downstream_route_measure": 203964.02077159, "blue_line_key": 360873822, "length_metre": 283.817596166258, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.4799452, 54.4976495 ], [ -126.478499899999989, 54.4991891 ], [ -126.4780806, 54.4994768 ], [ -126.4775455, 54.4997516 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17081504, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": "North Ailport Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 592.66960243761002, "blue_line_key": 360864097, "length_metre": 3773.1880106194499, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.159466299999977, 54.4881643 ], [ -126.159461, 54.4882269 ], [ -126.159401300000013, 54.488442 ], [ -126.1592038, 54.4886172 ], [ -126.158943099999988, 54.4887909 ], [ -126.1587093, 54.4888208 ], [ -126.158707, 54.4888479 ], [ -126.1585638, 54.4889262 ], [ -126.15826, 54.48909 ], [ -126.1580778, 54.4892566 ], [ -126.157925800000015, 54.4894418 ], [ -126.157775500000014, 54.489608399999987 ], [ -126.1576543, 54.4898035 ], [ -126.1576871, 54.489993 ], [ -126.1579253, 54.4901154 ], [ -126.157998, 54.4901795 ], [ -126.1580082, 54.4902607 ], [ -126.157923400000016, 54.4903675 ], [ -126.157755400000013, 54.4905427 ], [ -126.1577385, 54.4905968 ], [ -126.1575205, 54.4908432 ], [ -126.157201300000011, 54.4909885 ], [ -126.1568689, 54.4910882 ], [ -126.156570300000013, 54.4911622 ], [ -126.1560368, 54.4913032 ], [ -126.155760199999989, 54.4914941 ], [ -126.1558828, 54.4917134 ], [ -126.1560391, 54.4919142 ], [ -126.156072, 54.4921307 ], [ -126.156052, 54.4921663 ], [ -126.155823200000015, 54.4923671 ], [ -126.1556047, 54.4926149 ], [ -126.155464, 54.4928713 ], [ -126.155436, 54.4930593 ], [ -126.15561, 54.4932174 ], [ -126.1557479, 54.4934353 ], [ -126.15594990000001, 54.493666 ], [ -126.1562272, 54.4938782 ], [ -126.156237399999981, 54.4939594 ], [ -126.1562662, 54.4941944 ], [ -126.1562492, 54.4942214 ], [ -126.156173400000014, 54.4944265 ], [ -126.155992500000011, 54.4946102 ], [ -126.1559418, 54.4946629 ], [ -126.155891700000012, 54.4947071 ], [ -126.155694200000013, 54.4948823 ], [ -126.1555741, 54.4950674 ], [ -126.155420399999983, 54.4952711 ], [ -126.155327, 54.4955118 ], [ -126.1553098, 54.4957453 ], [ -126.15532730000001, 54.4959433 ], [ -126.1553307, 54.4961327 ], [ -126.1553379, 54.4962225 ], [ -126.155303099999983, 54.496518699999989 ], [ -126.1551631, 54.4967665 ], [ -126.155010899999979, 54.4969246 ], [ -126.1547459, 54.4972066 ], [ -126.1546695, 54.4974202 ], [ -126.154727900000012, 54.4976823 ], [ -126.15484, 54.497856 ], [ -126.1549336, 54.4980469 ], [ -126.154999, 54.4982277 ], [ -126.155060299999988, 54.4984542 ], [ -126.155093799999989, 54.498635099999987 ], [ -126.1551216, 54.4989142 ], [ -126.1551397, 54.4991036 ], [ -126.155140100000011, 54.4993016 ], [ -126.1550791, 54.4995067 ], [ -126.155082, 54.4997046 ], [ -126.1551007, 54.4998855 ], [ -126.155091, 54.500000500000013 ], [ -126.1550909, 54.5000023 ], [ -126.1550829, 54.5001276 ], [ -126.154989, 54.5003769 ], [ -126.154984899999988, 54.500656 ], [ -126.154925600000013, 54.5008426 ], [ -126.1547748, 54.5010106 ], [ -126.154556199999988, 54.5012656 ], [ -126.1543235, 54.501512 ], [ -126.1540575, 54.5017484 ], [ -126.153703600000014, 54.5019563 ], [ -126.153522700000011, 54.50214 ], [ -126.153286900000012, 54.502395 ], [ -126.1530895, 54.5025702 ], [ -126.1529842, 54.5027482 ], [ -126.152999, 54.5027752 ], [ -126.1529638, 54.5028465 ], [ -126.1527793, 54.5030401 ], [ -126.1526575, 54.5032438 ], [ -126.152531700000011, 54.503493 ], [ -126.1524046, 54.5037594 ], [ -126.1522988, 54.5039459 ], [ -126.152218, 54.5042407 ], [ -126.152140899999978, 54.5044359 ], [ -126.1520044, 54.5046395 ], [ -126.1518677, 54.5048161 ], [ -126.1517134, 54.5050283 ], [ -126.1516076, 54.5052149 ], [ -126.1515159, 54.5054371 ], [ -126.151423099999988, 54.5056422 ], [ -126.1512535, 54.5058629 ], [ -126.1511636, 54.5060595 ], [ -126.1510713, 54.5062631 ], [ -126.150900100000015, 54.5065295 ], [ -126.1507758, 54.5067331 ], [ -126.1506557, 54.5069183 ], [ -126.1503855, 54.5072629 ], [ -126.150232399999979, 54.507458 ], [ -126.150104200000015, 54.5077415 ], [ -126.1500136, 54.5079195 ], [ -126.1499071, 54.5081146 ], [ -126.1496692, 54.5084237 ], [ -126.1495184, 54.5085917 ], [ -126.149327700000015, 54.5088922 ], [ -126.149180699999988, 54.5092212 ], [ -126.148978199999988, 54.5094861 ], [ -126.1487438, 54.509751 ], [ -126.148607700000014, 54.5099191 ], [ -126.148432899999975, 54.5102025 ], [ -126.1483258, 54.5104062 ], [ -126.1481233, 54.5106711 ], [ -126.147872799999988, 54.510926 ], [ -126.1476116, 54.5111354 ], [ -126.1472894, 54.5113162 ], [ -126.1470617, 54.5114729 ], [ -126.1470412, 54.5115441 ], [ -126.146702599999983, 54.5117435 ], [ -126.146459, 54.5119172 ], [ -126.1462451, 54.5121109 ], [ -126.1460334, 54.5122847 ], [ -126.1457704, 54.5125126 ], [ -126.1455552, 54.5126963 ], [ -126.145373, 54.5128629 ], [ -126.145064, 54.5130894 ], [ -126.1446976, 54.513270200000015 ], [ -126.1442677, 54.5134298 ], [ -126.143937200000011, 54.5135309 ], [ -126.143541599999978, 54.5136562 ], [ -126.143208699999988, 54.513791499999989 ], [ -126.1428569, 54.5139453 ], [ -126.1424141, 54.5140792 ], [ -126.1419548, 54.5142387 ], [ -126.1415092, 54.514435199999987 ], [ -126.1412308, 54.5146446 ], [ -126.1411522, 54.5148853 ], [ -126.1409148, 54.5151858 ], [ -126.1405039, 54.5153197 ], [ -126.1403463, 54.5153695 ], [ -126.1400908, 54.5155077 ], [ -126.1398443, 54.515717 ], [ -126.139598799999987, 54.5158822 ], [ -126.139472, 54.5159421 ], [ -126.1393866, 54.5160574 ], [ -126.139065, 54.5162297 ], [ -126.1387781, 54.5163665 ], [ -126.138411, 54.5165288 ], [ -126.1383614, 54.5165716 ], [ -126.138225399999982, 54.5167667 ], [ -126.1382259, 54.5169646 ], [ -126.1382207, 54.5170273 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17082310, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": "Barren Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 4385.6749615108502, "blue_line_key": 360869846, "length_metre": 577.07427611560297, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.5631111, 54.4839714 ], [ -126.5631678, 54.4840269 ], [ 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"Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17078883, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": null, "downstream_route_measure": 0.0, "blue_line_key": 360747751, "length_metre": 17.962357591266102, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.4775455, 54.4997516 ], [ -126.4777535, 54.4998585 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17075485, "stream_order": 5, "gnis_name": "Richfield Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 1647.9288294196999, "blue_line_key": 360788426, "length_metre": 184.50088329492999, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.335637899999981, 54.5184843 ], [ -126.3355807, 54.51865380000001 ], [ -126.3355908, 54.5187435 ], [ -126.3355818, 54.5188873 ], [ -126.3355628, 54.5189414 ], [ 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[ -126.31448730000001, 54.4635611 ], [ -126.314469300000013, 54.4633631 ], [ -126.3144241, 54.4633175 ], [ -126.3143371, 54.463252 ], [ -126.314155599999978, 54.4631765 ], [ -126.3138415, 54.4630256 ], [ -126.3135309, 54.4628304 ], [ -126.3133982, 54.4627279 ], [ -126.3132103, 54.4625527 ], [ -126.3130669, 54.4623975 ], [ -126.312906199999986, 54.4622494 ], [ -126.312657499999986, 54.4620457 ], [ -126.312437800000012, 54.4618705 ], [ -126.3121685, 54.461711 ], [ -126.3120343, 54.461654 ], [ -126.311779399999978, 54.461523 ], [ -126.311493899999988, 54.4614091 ], [ -126.311288, 54.4612781 ], [ -126.3111372, 54.4612125 ], [ -126.3107925, 54.4610516 ], [ -126.3105394, 54.4609291 ], [ -126.3102209, 54.4608323 ], [ -126.3100839, 54.4608109 ], [ -126.3098089, 54.4607782 ], [ -126.3096996, 54.4607753 ], [ -126.309374600000012, 54.4607867 ], [ -126.3092376, 54.4607653 ], [ -126.308999300000011, 54.4606429 ], [ -126.3088612, 54.4606315 ], [ -126.308691199999984, 54.4606272 ], [ -126.3084741, 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[ -126.2636353, 54.5790445 ], [ -126.2634516, 54.5792382 ], [ -126.2632526, 54.5794404 ], [ -126.2631335, 54.57959 ], [ -126.2629829, 54.5797666 ], [ -126.262787100000011, 54.5799247 ], [ -126.262655, 54.5800557 ], [ -126.2624087, 54.5802665 ], [ -126.2622298, 54.5803975 ], [ -126.26204030000001, 54.5804474 ], [ -126.2616747, 54.5805641 ], [ -126.2614105, 54.5806026 ], [ -126.2610688, 54.5806311 ], [ -126.260724, 54.5806681 ], [ -126.2604437, 54.5806895 ], [ -126.260257900000013, 54.5806937 ], [ -126.260025899999988, 54.5806895 ], [ -126.2598253, 54.5806937 ], [ -126.2596086, 54.580688 ], [ -126.259376100000011, 54.5806923 ], [ -126.259148, 54.5806425 ], [ -126.2588476, 54.5805186 ], [ -126.258523, 54.5804844 ], [ -126.2582306, 54.5804773 ], [ -126.257939, 54.580426 ], [ -126.2576646, 54.5803747 ], [ -126.2574646, 54.5803704 ], [ -126.257186, 54.5803733 ], [ -126.256922, 54.5803761 ], [ -126.2566124, 54.580369 ], [ -126.2562425, 54.5803519 ], [ -126.256011, 54.5803462 ], [ 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-126.459593200000015, 54.1857818 ], [ -126.459491500000013, 54.1857263 ], [ -126.4593525, 54.1857135 ], [ -126.4592599, 54.1857206 ], [ -126.459184900000011, 54.1857192 ], [ -126.4591069, 54.1857263 ], [ -126.459014299999978, 54.1857334 ], [ -126.4588766, 54.1857306 ], [ -126.4587389, 54.1857277 ], [ -126.458616400000011, 54.1857163 ], [ -126.4584958, 54.1856864 ], [ -126.4583909, 54.185639400000014 ], [ -126.458334900000011, 54.1855853 ], [ -126.4583232, 54.1855298 ], [ -126.4582471, 54.1855112 ], [ -126.458141700000013, 54.1854728 ], [ -126.4580058, 54.1854244 ], [ -126.4578711, 54.1853859 ], [ -126.4577042, 54.185356 ], [ -126.4575665, 54.1853532 ], [ -126.457460399999988, 54.1853503 ], [ -126.4573057, 54.1853475 ], [ -126.457185, 54.1853175 ], [ -126.4571271, 54.185262 ], [ -126.4571478, 54.1851908 ], [ -126.457227599999982, 54.1851381 ], [ -126.4572934, 54.1850769 ], [ -126.457311, 54.1850142 ], [ -126.4572995, 54.1849515 ], [ -126.457258, 54.1848703 ], [ -126.4571721, 54.1848048 ], [ -126.4570673, 54.1847578 ], [ -126.456947899999989, 54.1847108 ], [ -126.456872300000015, 54.1846909 ], [ -126.4567346, 54.184661 ], [ -126.4566291, 54.1846496 ], [ -126.4565383, 54.1846382 ], [ -126.456447, 54.1846282 ], [ -126.4563543, 54.1846083 ], [ -126.4562641, 54.184588399999988 ], [ -126.45617510000001, 54.1845584 ], [ -126.4560856, 54.18453 ], [ -126.456010600000013, 54.184501499999982 ], [ -126.4558607, 54.1844445 ], [ -126.4557858, 54.184416 ], [ -126.4556949, 54.1843776 ], [ -126.45562, 54.1843491 ], [ -126.455545, 54.1843206 ], [ -126.4554555, 54.1842921 ], [ -126.4553799, 54.1842722 ], [ -126.45530380000001, 54.1842537 ], [ -126.455227599999986, 54.1842423 ], [ -126.4550746, 54.184248 ], [ -126.4549838, 54.1842366 ], [ -126.454891800000013, 54.1842352 ], [ -126.4548151, 54.1842252 ], [ -126.4546951, 54.1841867 ], [ -126.4546073, 54.1841397 ], [ -126.4545335, 54.1840742 ], [ -126.4545226, 54.184003 ], [ -126.454587099999983, 54.1839318 ], [ -126.4546547, 54.183852 ], [ -126.4547218, 54.1837737 ], [ -126.4547724, 54.1836939 ], [ -126.454788799999974, 54.183648399999988 ], [ -126.4548564, 54.1835686 ], [ -126.454936800000013, 54.1835074 ], [ -126.4550178, 54.1834376 ], [ -126.455141599999976, 54.1834048 ], [ -126.455293899999987, 54.1834077 ], [ -126.455431600000011, 54.1834376 ], [ -126.4555662, 54.183476 ], [ -126.455656399999981, 54.183496 ], [ -126.4557649, 54.1834988 ], [ -126.455888, 54.1835017 ], [ -126.4559952, 54.1834675 ], [ -126.456060400000013, 54.1834148 ], [ -126.4560665, 54.1833436 ], [ -126.456039, 54.183271 ], [ -126.455981799999989, 54.1832069 ], [ -126.455926299999987, 54.1831243 ], [ -126.4558361, 54.1830773 ], [ -126.455716699999982, 54.1830303 ], [ -126.4555966, 54.1829918 ], [ -126.455476, 54.1829619 ], [ -126.455351099999987, 54.1829776 ], [ -126.4551957, 54.1830103 ], [ -126.455075099999988, 54.1830075 ], [ -126.4549842, 54.182969 ], [ -126.4549123, 54.1829049 ], [ -126.4548557, 54.1828323 ], [ -126.4547825, 54.1827582 ], [ 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-126.4486195, 54.1832752 ], [ -126.448568899999984, 54.183355 ], [ -126.4485945, 54.1834461 ], [ -126.4486664, 54.1835373 ], [ -126.4487084, 54.1835829 ], [ -126.448718199999988, 54.183664 ], [ -126.4486987, 54.1837452 ], [ -126.448586599999985, 54.1838136 ], [ -126.448506099999989, 54.1838748 ], [ -126.4484714, 54.1839375 ], [ -126.448453099999981, 54.1840087 ], [ -126.4484642, 54.1840728 ], [ -126.4485513, 54.1841283 ], [ -126.448656700000015, 54.1841668 ], [ -126.4487938, 54.1842052 ], [ -126.4488979, 54.1842337 ], [ -126.448987, 54.1842907 ], [ -126.449013799999989, 54.1843448 ], [ -126.4490089, 54.184426 ], [ -126.4489747, 54.1844872 ], [ -126.4489266, 54.1845399 ], [ -126.448891199999977, 54.1846111 ], [ -126.4488572, 54.1846653 ], [ -126.4487896, 54.184745 ], [ -126.448695, 54.1848048 ], [ -126.4486, 54.1848661 ], [ -126.4484891, 54.184917299999988 ], [ -126.448347799999979, 54.1849515 ], [ -126.4481949, 54.1849572 ], [ -126.4480583, 54.1849444 ], [ -126.4479219, 54.1849245 ], [ 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54.5779578 ], [ -126.4590583, 54.578012 ], [ -126.4589592, 54.5781273 ], [ -126.458894699999988, 54.5781715 ], [ -126.458512500000012, 54.5783523 ], [ -126.4581291, 54.5785503 ], [ -126.45799959999998, 54.5786471 ], [ -126.457895099999988, 54.5788067 ], [ -126.4579082, 54.5788608 ], [ -126.4579184, 54.5789234 ], [ -126.4579919, 54.5789875 ], [ -126.4580995, 54.5790174 ], [ -126.4582061, 54.5790288 ], [ -126.4584401, 54.579006 ], [ -126.458739099999988, 54.5789234 ], [ -126.4590401, 54.5788209 ], [ -126.4591818, 54.5787881 ], [ -126.4594325, 54.5787312 ], [ -126.459685799999974, 54.578645699999988 ], [ -126.459793, 54.5786486 ], [ -126.460038599999976, 54.5786984 ], [ -126.46034, 54.5788209 ], [ -126.4606913, 54.5788921 ], [ -126.4609649, 54.5789605 ], [ -126.4612825, 54.5790929 ], [ -126.4615094, 54.5791613 ], [ -126.461769300000014, 54.5792197 ], [ -126.4620291, 54.579271 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17061709, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": 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54.3858035 ], [ -126.1465889, 54.3856796 ], [ -126.146584600000011, 54.385535700000013 ], [ -126.1465852, 54.3855272 ], [ -126.1467597, 54.3854503 ], [ -126.14677, 54.3853064 ], [ -126.1468539, 54.3851825 ], [ -126.147158800000014, 54.3850017 ], [ -126.1472457, 54.3848692 ], [ -126.147362, 54.3847638 ], [ -126.1475512, 54.3846869 ], [ -126.1477717, 54.3846385 ], [ -126.1480142, 54.3846713 ], [ -126.1481465, 54.384772399999989 ], [ -126.148374299999986, 54.3848322 ], [ -126.1486015, 54.3848735 ], [ -126.148818299999988, 54.3848422 ], [ -126.1489358, 54.3847197 ], [ -126.148932099999982, 54.3845402 ], [ -126.1489289, 54.384386400000011 ], [ -126.149043399999982, 54.3842725 ], [ -126.14922030000001, 54.3841685 ], [ -126.1492766, 54.3840261 ], [ -126.1491615, 54.3838979 ], [ -126.1490774, 54.3837783 ], [ -126.1491337, 54.3836359 ], [ -126.1493555, 54.3835703 ], [ -126.1496175, 54.383549 ], [ -126.1498526, 54.3835006 ], [ -126.149983600000013, 54.3833952 ], [ -126.1500871, 54.38321 ], [ -126.150120699999988, 54.3831915 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17104647, "stream_order": 5, "gnis_name": "Buck Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 32596.216511045601, "blue_line_key": 360886221, "length_metre": 3958.3246325289001, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.600859700000015, 54.2204784 ], [ -126.600768699999975, 54.220467 ], [ -126.6006753, 54.2204556 ], [ -126.6004929, 54.2204343 ], [ -126.6003427, 54.2204044 ], [ -126.6002059, 54.2203574 ], [ -126.6000708, 54.2202919 ], [ -126.5999974, 54.2202449 ], [ -126.5999534, 54.2202178 ], [ -126.5998506, 54.220143699999987 ], [ -126.5997166, 54.2200683 ], [ -126.5995827, 54.2199856 ], [ -126.5994658, 54.2199102 ], [ -126.5993635, 54.2198276 ], [ -126.599334, 54.2197734 ], [ -126.599306299999981, 54.2197279 ], [ -126.599282, 54.2196111 ], [ -126.5992752, 54.2194929 ], [ -126.5992944, 54.2194046 ], [ -126.599328799999981, 54.2193419 ], [ -126.599384199999989, 54.2191995 ], [ -126.5994834, 54.2190571 ], [ -126.5995331, 54.2189859 ], [ -126.599584, 54.2189246 ], [ -126.5996681, 54.2187907 ], [ -126.599705199999988, 54.2186654 ], [ -126.5997103, 54.2185757 ], [ -126.5996374, 54.218520100000013 ], [ -126.5995646, 54.2184646 ], [ -126.59952, 54.2184461 ], [ -126.599446, 54.2184005 ], [ -126.599279200000012, 54.2183421 ], [ -126.599129499999989, 54.2182766 ], [ -126.599012699999989, 54.218194 ], [ -126.5989679, 54.2181484 ], [ -126.5989894, 54.218067200000014 ], [ -126.5990064, 54.2180402 ], [ -126.599022199999979, 54.2180231 ], [ -126.599089299999989, 54.2179163 ], [ -126.599187, 54.2178194 ], [ -126.5992374, 54.2177667 ], [ -126.5992701, 54.2177226 ], [ -126.5993237, 54.2176058 ], [ -126.5993286, 54.217489 ], [ -126.5992439, 54.2173708 ], [ -126.599126500000011, 54.2172967 ], [ -126.598989100000011, 54.2172583 ], [ -126.598836100000014, 54.217264 ], [ -126.598741299999986, 54.2173252 ], [ -126.598071399999981, 54.2177439 ], [ -126.5979308, 54.217803800000013 ], [ -126.5978376, 54.2178194 ], [ -126.597745499999988, 54.217818 ], [ -126.5975602, 54.2178322 ], [ -126.5973299, 54.2178636 ], [ -126.597205, 54.2178792 ], [ -126.5970977, 54.2178864 ], [ -126.596864900000014, 54.2179177 ], [ -126.596633900000015, 54.2179305 ], [ -126.596528299999989, 54.2179191 ], [ -126.5964525, 54.2178992 ], [ -126.596256, 54.2178422 ], [ -126.5960922, 54.2177753 ], [ -126.596000600000011, 54.2177382 ], [ -126.595910800000013, 54.2177098 ], [ -126.595699599999989, 54.2176599 ], [ -126.5954543, 54.2176371 ], [ -126.595334200000011, 54.2176257 ], [ -126.595212100000012, 54.2176058 ], [ -126.5950003, 54.2175645 ], [ -126.5948816, 54.2174733 ], [ -126.594855700000011, 54.2174093 ], [ -126.594857799999986, 54.2173551 ], [ -126.5949115, 54.2172312 ], [ -126.5950386, 54.2171614 ], [ -126.5951735, 54.2171999 ], [ -126.595308, 54.217274 ], [ -126.595442, 54.2173494 ], [ -126.5956069, 54.2174064 ], [ -126.595697199999989, 54.2174263 ], [ -126.5957747, 54.2174278 ], [ -126.5959417, 54.2174306 ], [ -126.596098399999988, 54.2174078 ], [ -126.596224299999989, 54.2173551 ], [ -126.596288, 54.2172854 ], [ -126.5962925, 54.2172042 ], [ -126.5963152, 54.2171059 ], [ -126.596288, 54.2170247 ], [ -126.5962005, 54.2169692 ], [ -126.596032600000015, 54.2169208 ], [ -126.595837300000014, 54.2168809 ], [ -126.5956395, 54.216841 ], [ -126.595458199999982, 54.2168097 ], [ -126.5953537, 54.2167541 ], [ -126.5953442, 54.2166644 ], [ -126.5953463, 54.2166103 ], [ -126.5953491, 54.216547600000013 ], [ -126.595343500000013, 54.2164123 ], [ -126.5953338, 54.2162955 ], [ -126.595337699999988, 54.2162229 ], [ -126.5953558, 54.2161787 ], [ -126.5953309, 54.2160705 ], [ -126.595243900000014, 54.2159793 ], [ -126.595094800000012, 54.2159124 ], [ -126.594944599999977, 54.2158825 ], [ -126.594835499999988, 54.2158811 ], [ -126.5947897, 54.2158797 ], [ -126.594634399999975, 54.2159124 ], [ -126.5945402, 54.2159651 ], [ -126.594349799999989, 54.2160691 ], [ -126.5942098, 54.2161203 ], [ -126.594086, 54.216126 ], [ -126.5939787, 54.2161061 ], [ -126.5939081, 54.2160235 ], [ -126.593852799999979, 54.2159324 ], [ -126.5937658, 54.2158412 ], [ -126.593660699999987, 54.2157942 ], [ -126.593555599999988, 54.2157472 ], [ -126.593387799999974, 54.2157258 ], [ -126.593204899999989, 54.215713 ], [ -126.5930976, 54.2157201 ], [ -126.5930032, 54.2157458 ], [ -126.592955300000014, 54.2157985 ], [ -126.592904300000015, 54.2158597 ], [ -126.5928716, 54.2159039 ], [ -126.592898299999987, 54.2159865 ], [ -126.5929552, 54.216032 ], [ -126.5930744, 54.2161146 ], [ -126.593102099999982, 54.2161602 ], [ -126.5931603, 54.2162158 ], [ -126.5932485, 54.2162898 ], [ -126.5932732, 54.216371 ], [ -126.593284, 54.2164436 ], [ -126.5932666, 54.2165063 ], [ -126.593172200000012, 54.2165391 ], [ -126.593048599999989, 54.2165647 ], [ -126.5928942, 54.2165604 ], [ -126.5927582, 54.2165319 ], [ -126.5925775, 54.2164921 ], [ -126.592409, 54.2164522 ], [ -126.592255900000012, 54.2164579 ], [ -126.5921136, 54.2165362 ], [ -126.5919861, 54.2166416 ], [ -126.5918715, 54.2167655 ], [ -126.59174320000001, 54.216852400000015 ], [ -126.59164939999998, 54.2168695 ], [ -126.5915116, 54.2168666 ], [ -126.591358399999976, 54.2168453 ], [ -126.5911953, 54.2167698 ], [ -126.5909467, 54.2165576 ], [ -126.590829899999989, 54.216475 ], [ -126.590709, 54.2164451 ], [ -126.590584, 54.2164607 ], [ -126.5904886, 54.2165305 ], [ -126.5904367, 54.2166288 ], [ -126.590401599999979, 54.2167 ], [ -126.5903689, 54.2167442 ], [ -126.5902541, 54.216841 ], [ -126.590100600000014, 54.2168823 ], [ -126.5899616, 54.2168624 ], [ -126.5898588, 54.2167883 ], [ -126.5898363, 54.2166801 ], [ -126.5898882, 54.2165547 ], [ -126.5899215, 54.216502 ], [ -126.5899413, 54.2164394 ], [ -126.589965, 54.2163041 ], [ -126.5899413, 54.2161787 ], [ -126.589840199999983, 54.2160862 ], [ -126.5897046, 54.2160292 ], [ -126.589564400000015, 54.2160534 ], [ -126.589451, 54.2161602 ], [ -126.5893848, 54.21623 ], [ -126.589335800000015, 54.2162927 ], [ -126.5892376, 54.2164251 ], [ -126.589091599999989, 54.2165206 ], [ -126.5889364, 54.2165804 ], [ -126.5887823, 54.216596 ], [ -126.588633699999988, 54.2165206 ], [ -126.588563099999973, 54.2164109 ], [ -126.5885658, 54.2163482 ], [ -126.5885846, 54.2162955 ], [ -126.5886382, 54.2161787 ], [ -126.588689500000015, 54.2160548 ], [ -126.5887111, 54.2159737 ], [ -126.588713200000015, 54.2159195 ], [ -126.5887212, 54.2157942 ], [ -126.5886535, 54.2156489 ], [ -126.588578200000015, 54.2155934 ], [ -126.588503699999976, 54.2155564 ], [ -126.588308399999988, 54.2155165 ], [ -126.5881513, 54.215567799999988 ], [ -126.5880711, 54.215629 ], [ -126.588022, 54.2156988 ], [ -126.5879502, 54.215859699999989 ], [ -126.5879429, 54.2160036 ], [ -126.5879523, 54.2160662 ], [ -126.5879807, 54.2161303 ], [ -126.587988599999989, 54.2162386 ], [ -126.587937700000012, 54.2163269 ], [ -126.587827699999977, 54.2163966 ], [ -126.5876847, 54.2164565 ], [ -126.587529300000014, 54.2164892 ], [ -126.5873769, 54.2164864 ], [ -126.587255499999983, 54.2164579 ], [ -126.58712220000001, 54.2164009 ], [ -126.58700349999998, 54.2163169 ], [ -126.586884900000015, 54.2162257 ], [ -126.586769199999978, 54.2161332 ], [ -126.586681, 54.2160591 ], [ -126.5866088, 54.215995 ], [ -126.5865341, 54.2159309 ], [ -126.586432499999987, 54.2158469 ], [ -126.586282199999985, 54.2157899 ], [ -126.5861308, 54.2157429 ], [ -126.5859807, 54.215713 ], [ -126.5858898, 54.2157016 ], [ -126.5858129, 54.2156917 ], [ -126.5855665, 54.215686 ], [ -126.5853074, 54.2156817 ], [ -126.5851842, 54.2156788 ], [ -126.585047, 54.2156675 ], [ -126.5847731, 54.2156432 ], [ -126.584515599999989, 54.2155934 ], [ -126.584392799999989, 54.2155549 ], [ -126.5842731, 54.2155079 ], [ -126.5840794, 54.2154225 ], [ -126.5838852, 54.2153385 ], [ -126.583688599999974, 54.2152886 ], [ -126.5835383, 54.2152316 ], [ -126.5834209, 54.2151576 ], [ -126.583348, 54.215075 ], [ -126.583322599999988, 54.2150023 ], [ -126.5832944, 54.2149311 ], [ -126.583315299999981, 54.2148585 ], [ -126.5833644, 54.2147887 ], [ -126.583398300000013, 54.2147346 ], [ -126.583402899999982, 54.2146805 ], [ -126.583361599999989, 54.2145637 ], [ -126.5832002, 54.2144697 ], [ -126.58309509999998, 54.2144227 ], [ -126.5829883, 54.2143942 ], [ -126.5827478, 54.2143444 ], [ -126.5824873, 54.2143031 ], [ -126.5823677, 54.2142831 ], [ -126.582276099999973, 54.2142532 ], [ -126.582095900000013, 54.2141777 ], [ -126.5818882, 54.2140837 ], [ -126.5818136, 54.2140467 ], [ -126.581532299999978, 54.2138516 ], [ -126.5814634, 54.2137163 ], [ -126.5814839, 54.2136451 ], [ -126.5815324, 54.213591 ], [ -126.581705199999988, 54.2135226 ], [ -126.581938, 54.2134913 ], [ -126.5821222, 54.213487 ], [ -126.5822588, 54.2135069 ], [ -126.5823768, 54.2135724 ], [ -126.5824942, 54.2136736 ], [ -126.5825665, 54.2137376 ], [ -126.5826106, 54.2137846 ], [ -126.582743400000012, 54.2138772 ], [ -126.5828778, 54.2139513 ], [ -126.5829535, 54.2139712 ], [ -126.5830273, 54.2139897 ], [ -126.5831963, 54.213994 ], [ -126.5833352, 54.2139869 ], [ -126.583443099999982, 54.2139712 ], [ -126.583567800000012, 54.2139285 ], [ -126.583649400000013, 54.2138772 ], [ -126.583696699999976, 54.2138331 ], [ -126.5837471, 54.2137804 ], [ -126.583766199999985, 54.2136992 ], [ -126.583786499999988, 54.2136009 ], [ -126.583808, 54.2134927 ], [ -126.583799, 54.2133944 ], [ -126.5837584, 54.2133033 ], [ -126.5836708, 54.2132207 ], [ -126.583567, 54.2131566 ], [ -126.5834788, 54.2130825 ], [ -126.583407699999981, 54.2130085 ], [ -126.58332009999998, 54.2129258 ], [ -126.583187400000014, 54.2128333 ], [ -126.5831728, 54.2128333 ], [ -126.583098299999989, 54.2127962 ], [ -126.5830232, 54.2127678 ], [ -126.582854799999978, 54.2127549 ], [ -126.5826826, 54.2128148 ], [ -126.5825403, 54.2128931 ], [ -126.582414300000011, 54.2129529 ], [ -126.5822595, 54.2129771 ], [ -126.582106499999981, 54.2129828 ], [ -126.581968, 54.2129614 ], [ -126.5818477, 54.212923 ], [ -126.5817592, 54.2128774 ], [ -126.5816704, 54.2128119 ], [ -126.58154, 54.2126923 ], [ -126.5814807, 54.2126467 ], [ -126.581380900000013, 54.212537 ], [ -126.581310899999977, 54.2124188 ], [ -126.581267899999986, 54.2123547 ], [ -126.581240899999983, 54.2123006 ], [ -126.581169, 54.212208 ], [ -126.5810974, 54.2121354 ], [ -126.5810222, 54.2120799 ], [ -126.58095, 54.2120158 ], [ -126.5808771, 54.2119332 ], [ -126.5807292, 54.2118491 ], [ -126.580639399999981, 54.2118207 ], [ -126.5805643, 54.2117922 ], [ -126.5803972, 54.2117623 ], [ -126.58024420000001, 54.211768 ], [ -126.580087599999985, 54.2118178 ], [ -126.579928899999985, 54.2118876 ], [ -126.579758399999989, 54.211956 ], [ -126.5796037, 54.2119802 ], [ -126.5795142, 54.2118961 ], [ -126.579488499999982, 54.211852 ], [ -126.579431899999989, 54.2117509 ], [ -126.579359, 54.2116683 ], [ -126.579302, 54.2115956 ], [ -126.5793079, 54.2115244 ], [ -126.5793722, 54.2114532 ], [ -126.579482899999988, 54.2114019 ], [ -126.5796077, 54.2113592 ], [ -126.579717300000013, 54.211325 ], [ -126.5798422, 54.2113094 ], [ -126.579979899999984, 54.2112852 ], [ -126.5801183, 54.2112795 ], [ -126.5802567, 54.2112738 ], [ -126.5804244, 54.2112951 ], [ -126.580589899999978, 54.2113435 ], [ -126.5807412, 54.2113905 ], [ -126.5808604, 54.211439 ], [ -126.580935, 54.2115031 ], [ -126.580975599999988, 54.2115672 ], [ -126.581002699999985, 54.2116483 ], [ -126.581012800000011, 54.2117295 ], [ -126.58104, 54.2118107 ], [ -126.58114040000001, 54.2119118 ], [ -126.5812155, 54.2119403 ], [ -126.581307, 54.2119503 ], [ -126.581398499999978, 54.2119531 ], [ -126.5814759, 54.2119545 ], [ -126.581553199999988, 54.2119289 ], [ -126.5816465, 54.2119132 ], [ -126.581754800000013, 54.2118961 ], [ -126.5818487, 54.2118719 ], [ -126.581959499999982, 54.2118207 ], [ -126.5820904, 54.2116782 ], [ -126.5820916, 54.2116611 ], [ -126.582077899999987, 54.2115971 ], [ -126.5820667, 54.2115258 ], [ -126.5820742, 54.2114361 ], [ -126.582049399999988, 54.2113279 ], [ -126.581990600000012, 54.2112809 ], [ -126.5818861, 54.2112253 ], [ -126.5817517, 54.2111513 ], [ -126.5816178, 54.211075799999989 ], [ -126.5816184, 54.2110673 ], [ -126.5814688, 54.2110017 ], [ -126.5813174, 54.2109619 ], [ -126.5811966, 54.210959 ], [ -126.5810102, 54.2109832 ], [ -126.5808712, 54.2109975 ], [ -126.5807486, 54.2109861 ], [ -126.580629, 54.2109391 ], [ -126.580556800000011, 54.210875 ], [ -126.5805144, 54.2108024 ], [ -126.580503099999987, 54.2107383 ], [ -126.580523500000012, 54.2106671 ], [ -126.580540899999988, 54.2106044 ], [ -126.580591899999988, 54.2105431 ], [ -126.5806258, 54.210489 ], [ -126.580672600000014, 54.2104463 ], [ -126.580694200000011, 54.2103651 ], [ -126.580696399999979, 54.210311 ], [ -126.5807016, 54.2102483 ], [ -126.5806433, 54.2101657 ], [ -126.5805564, 54.2100746 ], [ -126.580454899999978, 54.2099834 ], [ -126.5803538, 54.2098909 ], [ -126.5802646, 54.2098268 ], [ -126.5801912, 54.2097798 ], [ -126.5801026, 54.2097413 ], [ -126.5799805, 54.209694299999988 ], [ -126.579879099999985, 54.2096302 ], [ -126.579775200000014, 54.2095733 ], [ -126.57967, 54.2094992 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17101088, "stream_order": 5, "gnis_name": "Maxan Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 24577.677760352199, "blue_line_key": 360881038, "length_metre": 647.47306545405502, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.0709198, 54.2645719 ], [ -126.070937, 54.2645449 ], [ -126.071003300000015, 54.2644837 ], [ -126.071311299999977, 54.2644552 ], [ -126.0714553, 54.2643683 ], [ -126.0716956, 54.2642316 ], [ -126.0720205, 54.2642031 ], [ -126.072070200000013, 54.2641675 ], [ -126.072088099999974, 54.2641319 ], [ -126.072002700000013, 54.2640322 ], [ -126.0719629, 54.263941 ], [ -126.0719452, 54.2637431 ], [ -126.071944500000015, 54.2635451 ], [ -126.0720076, 54.263313 ], [ -126.07178949999998, 54.2631363 ], [ -126.0717285, 54.2631164 ], [ -126.0716848, 54.2630893 ], [ -126.0716602, 54.2630167 ], [ -126.0717132, 54.2629184 ], [ -126.071966100000012, 54.2628074 ], [ -126.0720968, 54.2627034 ], [ -126.0721346, 54.2626137 ], [ -126.0721061, 54.2625781 ], [ -126.0720459, 54.2625496 ], [ -126.071835399999983, 54.2624983 ], [ -126.0716207, 54.2624855 ], [ -126.0713055, 54.2625937 ], [ -126.071245, 54.2625923 ], [ -126.0711257, 54.2625453 ], [ -126.0710715, 54.2624271 ], [ -126.071037800000013, 54.2622462 ], [ -126.0709945, 54.2622177 ], [ -126.0709494, 54.2622078 ], [ -126.070871900000014, 54.2622063 ], [ -126.070519100000013, 54.2621978 ], [ -126.070472599999988, 54.2622049 ], [ -126.070426700000013, 54.2622035 ], [ -126.070100899999986, 54.2622676 ], [ -126.069916499999977, 54.2622719 ], [ -126.069868899999989, 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54.185115300000014 ], [ -126.4826555, 54.1851609 ], [ -126.4826532, 54.185215 ], [ -126.4826495, 54.1852592 ], [ -126.48263009999998, 54.1853133 ], [ -126.482566100000014, 54.1853831 ], [ -126.4824541, 54.1854443 ], [ -126.4823304, 54.1854771 ], [ -126.4822055, 54.1854927 ], [ -126.48207020000001, 54.1854628 ], [ -126.4819501, 54.1854244 ], [ -126.4818775, 54.1853418 ], [ -126.481852499999974, 54.1852691 ], [ -126.4818543, 54.185216399999987 ], [ -126.4818737, 54.1851623 ], [ -126.481876699999987, 54.1850996 ], [ -126.4818816, 54.1850455 ], [ -126.481883899999985, 54.1849914 ], [ -126.4818869, 54.1849287 ], [ -126.4818771, 54.1848746 ], [ -126.4818479, 54.1848205 ], [ -126.481791699999988, 54.1847464 ], [ -126.4817034, 54.1847009 ], [ -126.4816119, 54.184671 ], [ -126.481521699999988, 54.184651 ], [ -126.4814157, 54.184614 ], [ -126.481327900000011, 54.184567 ], [ -126.481300399999981, 54.1844944 ], [ -126.481353399999989, 54.1844146 ], [ -126.4814325, 54.1843434 ], [ -126.4815129, 54.1842821 ], [ -126.4816091, 54.1842309 ], [ -126.4816895, 54.1841696 ], [ -126.481755299999975, 54.1841084 ], [ -126.481820399999975, 54.1840286 ], [ -126.4818398, 54.1839745 ], [ -126.481858100000011, 54.1839304 ], [ -126.4818611, 54.1838677 ], [ -126.4818635, 54.1838136 ], [ -126.4818512, 54.1837595 ], [ -126.4818384, 54.1837139 ], [ -126.4817519, 54.1836498 ], [ -126.481646399999974, 54.1836113 ], [ -126.4815568, 54.1835829 ], [ -126.4814185, 54.18356150000001 ], [ -126.4813131, 54.1835501 ], [ -126.481205800000012, 54.1835572 ], [ -126.4810675, 54.1835629 ], [ -126.4809444, 54.1835601 ], [ -126.480821299999974, 54.1835843 ], [ -126.4807245, 54.183637 ], [ -126.4806893, 54.1837353 ], [ -126.480715499999988, 54.1837979 ], [ -126.480713099999988, 54.183852 ], [ -126.4807089, 54.1838976 ], [ -126.4807077, 54.1839418 ], [ -126.480640099999974, 54.1840215 ], [ -126.4806049, 54.1840927 ], [ -126.4806177, 54.1841383 ], [ -126.4806738, 54.1842195 ], [ -126.4807927, 54.184295 ], [ -126.4808811, 54.1843676 ], [ -126.480908500000012, 54.1844132 ], [ -126.4808721, 54.1844943 ], [ -126.480807, 54.1845741 ], [ -126.480681499999974, 54.1846254 ], [ -126.480542499999984, 54.1846396 ], [ -126.480418299999982, 54.1846467 ], [ -126.4803268, 54.1846439 ], [ -126.4802494, 54.1846425 ], [ -126.4801575, 54.184641 ], [ -126.480051399999979, 54.1846382 ], [ -126.4798675, 54.1846353 ], [ -126.479761400000015, 54.1846325 ], [ -126.479684, 54.1846311 ], [ -126.4795914, 54.1846382 ], [ -126.4794994, 54.1846368 ], [ -126.4794226, 54.1846339 ], [ -126.4792873, 54.184604 ], [ -126.479197700000014, 54.1845755 ], [ -126.4788979, 54.1844616 ], [ -126.4788229, 54.1844331 ], [ -126.478732, 54.1843947 ], [ -126.4786431, 54.1843576 ], [ -126.4785535, 54.1843291 ], [ -126.4784773, 54.1842907 ], [ -126.4783883, 54.1842537 ], [ -126.4782982, 54.1842337 ], [ -126.4782073, 54.1842223 ], [ -126.4780532, 54.1842109 ], [ -126.477899, 54.1842337 ], [ -126.477787, 54.184295 ], [ -126.4777376, 54.1843648 ], [ -126.4777328, 54.1844459 ], [ -126.4778047, 54.18451 ], [ -126.4779091, 54.1845584 ], [ -126.4779987, 54.184614 ], [ -126.4780712, 54.1846695 ], [ -126.47806820000001, 54.1847322 ], [ -126.478064499999988, 54.1848034 ], [ -126.478074400000011, 54.1848846 ], [ -126.478115299999985, 54.1849672 ], [ -126.4782025, 54.1850227 ], [ -126.478307300000012, 54.1850697 ], [ -126.478428, 54.1850996 ], [ -126.4785054, 54.1851011 ], [ -126.478598, 54.1850939 ], [ -126.4786912, 54.1850783 ], [ -126.478783199999981, 54.1850526 ], [ -126.4789104, 54.1850099 ], [ -126.479001200000013, 54.1849943 ], [ -126.479094499999988, 54.1849786 ], [ -126.4791877, 54.184962899999988 ], [ -126.479281499999985, 54.18494579999998 ], [ -126.479374100000015, 54.1849387 ], [ -126.479524599999976, 54.1849601 ], [ -126.4796002, 54.18498 ], [ -126.479704399999989, 54.1850356 ], [ -126.4797776, 54.1851096 ], [ -126.479820300000014, 54.1851737 ], [ -126.4797851, 54.1852449 ], [ -126.479718699999978, 54.1853147 ], [ -126.479592, 54.185375900000011 ], [ -126.479514099999975, 54.1854101 ], [ -126.4793575, 54.18546 ], [ -126.4792795, 54.1854941 ], [ -126.4791851, 54.1855198 ], [ -126.479106500000015, 54.1855625 ], [ -126.479026100000013, 54.1855967 ], [ -126.4789463, 54.1856494 ], [ -126.47888420000001, 54.1856935 ], [ -126.4787411, 54.1857804 ], [ -126.4785827, 54.1858488 ], [ -126.4784871, 54.1858915 ], [ -126.4783622, 54.1859613 ], [ -126.478248299999976, 54.1860482 ], [ -126.4781673, 54.186118 ], [ -126.478148499999989, 54.1861635 ], [ -126.47813210000001, 54.1862162 ], [ -126.4781279, 54.1862618 ], [ -126.4781255, 54.1863159 ], [ -126.478102399999983, 54.1864142 ], [ -126.478038399999988, 54.1864569 ], [ -126.4779587, 54.1865096 ], [ -126.477833800000013, 54.1865523 ], [ -126.4777576, 54.186568 ], [ -126.477665, 54.1865751 ], [ -126.477587, 54.1865822 ], [ -126.4774329, 54.1865979 ], [ -126.477356699999987, 54.1865865 ], [ -126.477205, 54.1865751 ], [ -126.477069, 54.1865267 ], [ -126.4769204, 54.1864797 ], [ -126.4768149, 54.1864412 ], [ -126.4767247, 54.1864213 ], [ -126.476614399999988, 54.186437 ], [ -126.4765212, 54.186452599999988 ], [ -126.476431, 54.1864327 ], [ -126.4763566, 54.1863957 ], [ -126.4763303, 54.1863401 ], [ -126.4763048, 54.1862689 ], [ -126.476308899999978, 54.1861963 ], [ -126.4763588, 54.1861251 ], [ -126.476452, 54.1860823 ], [ -126.4765745, 54.1860937 ], [ -126.476725699999989, 54.1861336 ], [ -126.4768159, 54.1861806 ], [ -126.4769049, 54.1862176 ], [ -126.4770384, 54.1862661 ], [ -126.4771615, 54.186296 ], [ -126.477298, 54.1863159 ], [ -126.4774041, 54.1863188 ], [ -126.47751190000001, 54.1863031 ], [ -126.4776075, 54.1862604 ], [ -126.4776252, 54.1861977 ], [ -126.4776452, 54.186135 ], [ -126.4776957, 54.1860824 ], [ -126.4777578, 54.1860382 ], [ -126.4778248, 54.185967 ], [ -126.4778003, 54.185858700000011 ], [ -126.477729, 54.1857861 ], [ -126.4776412, 54.1857121 ], [ -126.4775211, 54.1856465 ], [ -126.477402799999979, 54.1855896 ], [ -126.477268099999975, 54.1855511 ], [ -126.477131, 54.1855127 ], [ -126.4770554, 54.1854927 ], [ -126.4769805, 54.1854642 ], [ -126.4768909, 54.1854358 ], [ -126.4768159, 54.1854073 ], [ -126.476741, 54.1853788 ], [ -126.476591, 54.1853218 ], [ -126.4764563, 54.1852563 ], [ -126.4763819, 54.1852264 ], [ -126.476232599999989, 54.1851609 ], [ -126.4760997, 54.1850769 ], [ -126.476041200000012, 54.1850227 ], [ -126.475985099999988, 54.1849757 ], [ -126.4758357, 54.1848832 ], [ -126.4757187, 54.1848091 ], [ -126.475598, 54.1847521 ], [ -126.4755102, 54.1847051 ], [ -126.4754224, 54.1846311 ], [ -126.4753206, 54.1845485 ], [ -126.475218200000015, 54.1844744 ], [ -126.4751304, 54.1844004 ], [ -126.4749774, 54.184379 ], [ -126.4748379, 54.1843947 ], [ -126.4747003, 54.1844189 ], [ -126.474574099999984, 54.18445160000001 ], [ -126.474497399999976, 54.1844687 ], [ -126.4744188, 54.1844844 ], [ -126.4742811, 54.1845086 ], [ -126.4742013, 54.1845342 ], [ -126.474108699999988, 54.1845414 ], [ -126.4740026, 54.184538499999988 ], [ -126.47387950000001, 54.1845357 ], [ -126.4737693, 54.1845784 ], [ -126.4736902, 54.1846496 ], [ -126.473654299999978, 54.1847293 ], [ -126.4736501, 54.1847749 ], [ -126.473648200000014, 54.1848276 ], [ -126.4736604, 54.1848817 ], [ -126.4736691, 54.1849729 ], [ -126.4736789, 54.1850541 ], [ -126.473677599999988, 54.1850982 ], [ -126.4736576, 54.1851609 ], [ -126.4736552, 54.185215 ], [ -126.4736504, 54.1852691 ], [ -126.473649099999989, 54.1853133 ], [ -126.473615099999989, 54.1853674 ], [ -126.4735493, 54.1854286 ], [ -126.4734439, 54.1854172 ], [ -126.4733184, 54.185441499999989 ], [ -126.4732526, 54.1855298 ], [ -126.473171099999988, 54.185601 ], [ -126.4730779, 54.1856437 ], [ -126.473010300000013, 54.1857234 ], [ -126.472991400000012, 54.185803199999988 ], [ -126.473046900000014, 54.1858858 ], [ -126.4731341, 54.1859684 ], [ -126.4732043, 54.186051 ], [ -126.4732488, 54.1860966 ], [ -126.473365199999989, 54.1861792 ], [ -126.473453, 54.1862533 ], [ -126.4735602, 54.1862732 ], [ -126.4736517, 54.186276 ], [ -126.473760700000014, 54.1862504 ], [ -126.4738539, 54.1862077 ], [ -126.4739356, 54.1861564 ], [ -126.4740591, 54.1861037 ], [ -126.4742005, 54.1860624 ], [ -126.474325399999984, 54.1860467 ], [ -126.4744753, 54.1860767 ], [ -126.474577699999983, 54.1861507 ], [ -126.474590599999985, 54.1861963 ], [ -126.474602800000014, 54.186250399999984 ], [ -126.4746303, 54.186296 ], [ -126.474688199999974, 54.1863786 ], [ -126.474790699999986, 54.1864526 ], [ -126.4748931, 54.1865267 ], [ -126.4750108, 54.1865922 ], [ -126.4750851, 54.1866563 ], [ -126.4751553, 54.186738899999987 ], [ -126.475227899999979, 54.1868215 ], [ -126.4752412, 54.1868657 ], [ -126.4752364, 54.1869198 ], [ -126.4752035, 54.1869639 ], [ -126.4751695, 54.1870181 ], [ -126.475121399999978, 54.1870707 ], [ -126.475071500000013, 54.1871149 ], [ -126.4750063, 54.1871676 ], [ -126.4749423, 54.1872103 ], [ -126.4748169, 54.1872886 ], [ -126.474658499999975, 54.187357 ], [ -126.4745166, 54.1874268 ], [ -126.474390499999984, 54.1874866 ], [ -126.474311299999982, 54.1875308 ], [ -126.47419810000001, 54.1876362 ], [ -126.474162100000015, 54.1876889 ], [ -126.4740641, 54.1877857 ], [ -126.4739569, 54.1878199 ], [ -126.4738192, 54.18779 ], [ -126.4737167, 54.187715900000015 ], [ -126.473629500000015, 54.1876333 ], [ -126.4735886, 54.1875507 ], [ -126.4735173, 54.1874781 ], [ -126.4734142, 54.1874126 ], [ -126.4733258, 54.187347 ], [ -126.4732521, 54.1872744 ], [ -126.4732276, 54.1871932 ], [ -126.47323, 54.187139099999989 ], [ -126.4732342, 54.1870665 ], [ -126.473239599999985, 54.1870038 ], [ -126.473228, 54.1869411 ], [ -126.473231, 54.1868785 ], [ -126.4732334, 54.1868244 ], [ -126.4732382, 54.1867702 ], [ -126.4732284, 54.1866891 ], [ -126.4731992, 54.1866349 ], [ -126.4731412, 54.1865794 ], [ -126.4730523, 54.1865424 ], [ -126.4729163, 54.186521 ], [ -126.472762800000012, 54.1865352 ], [ -126.472685399999989, 54.1865338 ], [ -126.47259339999998, 54.1865324 ], [ -126.4725032, 54.1865125 ], [ -126.4724282, 54.186484 ], [ -126.4723533, 54.1864555 ], [ -126.4722045, 54.1863886 ], [ -126.472130799999974, 54.186343 ], [ -126.4720728, 54.1862874 ], [ -126.4719979, 54.1862319 ], [ -126.4719107, 54.1861493 ], [ -126.471840500000013, 54.1860667 ], [ -126.471766799999983, 54.185994 ], [ -126.4716479, 54.1859456 ], [ -126.4715096, 54.1859513 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17100808, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": null, "downstream_route_measure": 507.08156478234298, "blue_line_key": 360874778, "length_metre": 87.605281005447793, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.3613414, 54.2657612 ], [ -126.361218099999988, 54.2657854 ], [ -126.3609068, 54.2658238 ], [ -126.3607132, 54.2657654 ], [ -126.3605911, 54.2657455 ], [ 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54.6278949 ], [ -126.515175700000015, 54.6280373 ], [ -126.5152353, 54.6280928 ], [ -126.5153264, 54.6281213 ], [ -126.515522499999989, 54.6279376 ], [ -126.515618, 54.6279034 ], [ -126.515742, 54.6279148 ], [ -126.5158464, 54.6279974 ], [ -126.51578, 54.6280686 ], [ -126.5156984, 54.6281199 ], [ -126.515644400000014, 54.6282267 ], [ -126.5157611, 54.6283734 ], [ -126.5158035, 54.628429 ], [ -126.5159088, 54.628466 ], [ -126.516019, 54.6284603 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17081236, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": null, "downstream_route_measure": 7889.7222619158501, "blue_line_key": 360875052, "length_metre": 234.57596821001101, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.40823060000001, 54.490594 ], [ -126.4097056, 54.4886738 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17077857, 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54.1986724 ], [ -126.5646358, 54.1986239 ], [ -126.5645168, 54.1985684 ], [ -126.564414199999987, 54.1984943 ], [ -126.564341399999989, 54.1984117 ], [ -126.5643008, 54.1983206 ], [ -126.5642785, 54.1982123 ], [ -126.564266100000012, 54.1981582 ], [ -126.564269, 54.1980956 ], [ -126.5642612, 54.1979603 ], [ -126.5642711, 54.1978164 ], [ -126.56427570000001, 54.1977352 ], [ -126.564293099999986, 54.1976726 ], [ -126.564301899999975, 54.1975387 ], [ -126.564308700000012, 54.1974034 ], [ -126.564313399999989, 54.1973493 ], [ -126.5643022, 54.1972781 ], [ -126.5642171, 54.1971684 ], [ -126.564084599999987, 54.1970758 ], [ -126.563861, 54.1969448 ], [ -126.5637573, 54.196880699999987 ], [ -126.563593700000013, 54.1968138 ], [ -126.5634435, 54.1967568 ], [ -126.563291699999979, 54.1967183 ], [ -126.5631692, 54.196707 ], [ -126.5630607, 54.1967312 ], [ -126.562968199999986, 54.1967653 ], [ -126.5628105, 54.1968252 ], [ -126.5627784, 54.1968608 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { 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-126.4975981, 54.1889963 ], [ -126.497570599999989, 54.1889507 ], [ -126.4975004, 54.1888681 ], [ -126.497380199999981, 54.1888026 ], [ -126.4973065, 54.1887841 ], [ -126.4971499, 54.1888069 ], [ -126.4970233, 54.1888681 ], [ -126.4969125, 54.1889464 ], [ -126.496799899999985, 54.1890162 ], [ -126.4966738, 54.189076 ], [ -126.496596400000016, 54.1891017 ], [ -126.4965032, 54.1891173 ], [ -126.4964106, 54.1891245 ], [ -126.496288799999988, 54.1891316 ], [ -126.4955314, 54.1892142 ], [ -126.495438799999974, 54.1892213 ], [ -126.4953449, 54.1892455 ], [ -126.495253, 54.1892712 ], [ -126.495145099999974, 54.1892868 ], [ -126.495052500000014, 54.1892939 ], [ -126.494974500000012, 54.1893011 ], [ -126.4948978, 54.189318199999988 ], [ -126.494758800000014, 54.1893053 ], [ -126.4946704, 54.1892598 ], [ -126.494644099999988, 54.1892042 ], [ -126.494660499999981, 54.1891515 ], [ -126.494758499999989, 54.1890817 ], [ -126.4948828, 54.1890475 ], [ -126.4950235, 54.1890148 ], [ 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[ -126.322842, 54.5088239 ], [ -126.3227627, 54.508868 ], [ -126.3226205, 54.5089093 ], [ -126.322510099999974, 54.5089164 ], [ -126.3221858, 54.5089179 ], [ -126.3220486, 54.5088965 ], [ -126.3219188, 54.5087498 ], [ -126.3218951, 54.5086501 ], [ -126.3218556, 54.5085604 ], [ -126.3217575, 54.5083866 ], [ -126.3216531, 54.5083211 ], [ -126.32156040000001, 54.5083197 ], [ -126.32146680000001, 54.5083624 ], [ -126.3213336, 54.5085034 ], [ -126.321213500000013, 54.5086629 ], [ -126.321154299999975, 54.5088865 ], [ -126.3212695, 54.5090047 ], [ -126.321503499999977, 54.5091899 ], [ -126.3216758, 54.5094106 ], [ -126.3218461, 54.50963 ], [ -126.3218687, 54.5097467 ], [ -126.3217539, 54.5098707 ], [ -126.3216073, 54.5099661 ], [ -126.321498800000015, 54.5099817 ], [ -126.321391799999986, 54.5099789 ], [ -126.3210965, 54.5099817 ], [ -126.3209004, 54.5099048 ], [ -126.320812, 54.5098493 ], [ -126.3206361, 54.5097012 ], [ -126.3205702, 54.5095474 ], [ -126.3205507, 54.5093665 ], [ 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[ -126.3174728, 54.5086971 ], [ -126.3174704, 54.5085162 ], [ -126.317415399999973, 54.508408 ], [ -126.31716320000001, 54.5082399 ], [ -126.3169513, 54.508173 ], [ -126.3167075, 54.5081132 ], [ -126.3164354, 54.5080434 ], [ -126.3163293, 54.5079964 ], [ -126.316196, 54.5079223 ], [ -126.3160055, 54.5077742 ], [ -126.3158871, 54.5076717 ], [ -126.3158465, 54.507599 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17088699, "stream_order": 6, "gnis_name": "Bulkley River", "downstream_route_measure": 187482.57550825601, "blue_line_key": 360873822, "length_metre": 193.40546300234999, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.574811699999984, 54.4433273 ], [ -126.574784799999989, 54.4432006 ], [ -126.5746114, 54.4429955 ], [ -126.574045699999985, 54.4426864 ], [ -126.5738349, 54.4426238 ], [ -126.5734055, 54.4425839 ], [ -126.5731266, 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[ -126.2895191, 54.4924298 ], [ -126.289516, 54.492501 ], [ -126.2895257, 54.4925637 ], [ -126.2898225, 54.4927502 ], [ -126.289938400000011, 54.4928798 ], [ -126.2899755, 54.4929966 ], [ -126.289921299999989, 54.4931219 ], [ -126.289842499999978, 54.4931647 ], [ -126.289463500000011, 54.4933 ], [ -126.2892001, 54.4933028 ], [ -126.2888759, 54.4933042 ], [ -126.288781599999979, 54.4933213 ], [ -126.2884529, 54.4933769 ], [ -126.2883455, 54.4933826 ], [ -126.2880043, 54.493411099999989 ], [ -126.2878928, 54.4934353 ], [ -126.2877947, 54.4935321 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17084418, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": null, "downstream_route_measure": 9679.8698756339309, "blue_line_key": 360875052, "length_metre": 473.73269266208302, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.4137485, 54.4772805 ], [ -126.4136468, 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[ -126.552418100000011, 54.1944482 ], [ -126.552234599999977, 54.1944439 ], [ -126.5520347, 54.1944311 ], [ -126.551792, 54.1943812 ], [ -126.551718099999988, 54.1943428 ], [ -126.5515258, 54.1942402 ], [ -126.551409199999981, 54.1941306 ], [ -126.5513822, 54.1940764 ], [ -126.551353299999988, 54.1940209 ], [ -126.5513463, 54.1939041 ], [ -126.5513662, 54.1938144 ], [ -126.5513597, 54.1936891 ], [ -126.5513298, 54.1936435 ], [ -126.551274, 54.1935609 ], [ -126.5511562, 54.1934954 ], [ -126.5509287, 54.193437 ], [ -126.550792199999989, 54.193417 ], [ -126.550547199999983, 54.1933942 ], [ -126.550289299999989, 54.19338 ], [ -126.5501351, 54.1933757 ], [ -126.5500139, 54.1933743 ], [ -126.5497676, 54.193368600000014 ], [ -126.5495532, 54.1933828 ], [ -126.54943, 54.19338 ], [ -126.5493215, 54.1933771 ], [ -126.5490918, 54.1933729 ], [ -126.5488808, 54.1933501 ], [ -126.5486832, 54.1933102 ], [ -126.5485314, 54.1932718 ], [ -126.5482887, 54.1932219 ], [ -126.5480454, 54.1931806 ], [ 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], [ -126.118883699999984, 54.4879236 ], [ -126.1189458, 54.488113 ], [ -126.1190559, 54.4883323 ], [ -126.119212, 54.4885331 ], [ -126.119338500000012, 54.4887069 ], [ -126.1195093, 54.4889006 ], [ -126.119711400000014, 54.4891028 ], [ -126.119899499999988, 54.4892965 ], [ -126.1200076, 54.4894874 ], [ -126.120103500000013, 54.4896782 ], [ -126.120150900000013, 54.4898947 ], [ -126.119981, 54.4900884 ], [ -126.1198724, 54.4901041 ], [ -126.1194679, 54.4901311 ], [ -126.119171, 54.4902137 ], [ -126.1188965, 54.4903504 ], [ -126.118516899999989, 54.4904857 ], [ -126.118083599999977, 54.4905114 ], [ -126.1177269, 54.4905213 ], [ -126.117356, 54.4905299 ], [ -126.1172781, 54.490528499999989 ], [ -126.11692429999998, 54.4905099 ], [ -126.116558199999986, 54.4904573 ], [ -126.116144100000014, 54.4904017 ], [ -126.1156192, 54.490416 ], [ -126.1153134, 54.4905712 ], [ -126.1152804, 54.4906153 ], [ -126.1152557, 54.4907321 ], [ -126.1152601, 54.4909116 ], [ -126.1152466, 54.4910996 ], [ 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54.1895645 ], [ -126.53584810000001, 54.1894976 ], [ -126.535607899999974, 54.1894207 ], [ -126.535470099999984, 54.1893908 ], [ -126.535380499999988, 54.1893623 ], [ -126.535170699999981, 54.1892954 ], [ -126.5349427, 54.1892455 ], [ -126.5348219, 54.1892156 ], [ -126.534714599999987, 54.1891957 ], [ -126.534532399999989, 54.1891743 ], [ -126.5343947, 54.1891715 ], [ -126.5342716, 54.1891686 ], [ -126.534182, 54.1891672 ], [ -126.5340881, 54.1891643 ], [ -126.53396690000001, 54.1891629 ], [ -126.533813900000013, 54.1891686 ], [ -126.533657299999987, 54.1891914 ], [ -126.5335033, 54.1892071 ], [ -126.5333345, 54.1892298 ], [ -126.5331627, 54.189254099999985 ], [ -126.533072599999983, 54.1892612 ], [ -126.532947100000015, 54.1892854 ], [ -126.532824, 54.1893096 ], [ -126.532683299999988, 54.1893424 ], [ -126.532511599999978, 54.1893936 ], [ -126.5323265, 54.1894349 ], [ -126.5321546, 54.1894663 ], [ -126.5319677, 54.1895261 ], [ -126.531873399999981, 54.1895517 ], [ -126.5317497, 54.1895845 ], [ -126.5316554, 54.1896101 ], [ -126.5313746, 54.1896941 ], [ -126.5311091, 54.1897696 ], [ -126.5309057, 54.189828 ], [ -126.530768, 54.1898522 ], [ -126.530689400000014, 54.1898679 ], [ -126.5305957, 54.189912 ], [ -126.530486599999989, 54.1899448 ], [ -126.530406299999981, 54.189979 ], [ -126.530298500000015, 54.1900217 ], [ -126.530170700000014, 54.190073 ], [ -126.5300635, 54.1901072 ], [ -126.529938, 54.1901314 ], [ -126.529799200000014, 54.1901385 ], [ -126.5296779, 54.1901442 ], [ -126.5296005, 54.1901428 ], [ -126.5294944, 54.1901399 ], [ -126.5293854, 54.1901385 ], [ -126.5292957, 54.19011 ], [ -126.52925230000001, 54.190054499999988 ], [ -126.5291943, 54.1899989 ], [ -126.5291521, 54.1899533 ], [ -126.5291082, 54.1898992 ], [ -126.5290953, 54.1898537 ], [ -126.5290854, 54.1897995 ], [ -126.5290725, 54.189754 ], [ -126.5290431, 54.1896998 ], [ -126.5290027, 54.1896357 ], [ -126.5289588, 54.1895816 ], [ -126.528917799999988, 54.1895261 ], [ -126.5288598, 54.1894705 ], [ -126.52875610000001, 54.1894065 ], [ -126.528665799999985, 54.1893595 ], [ -126.528606599999989, 54.1893139 ], [ -126.528503499999985, 54.1892484 ], [ -126.5284308, 54.1891928 ], [ -126.5283411, 54.1891373 ], [ -126.5282404, 54.1890447 ], [ -126.5281513, 54.1889806 ], [ -126.5280793, 54.1889165 ], [ -126.5280067, 54.188861 ], [ -126.52790109999998, 54.1888225 ], [ -126.5277786, 54.1888111 ], [ -126.5276708, 54.1888268 ], [ -126.5275758, 54.188861 ], [ -126.527480900000015, 54.1889222 ], [ -126.5274017, 54.1889735 ], [ -126.5273227, 54.1890176 ], [ -126.5272423, 54.1890518 ], [ -126.5271345, 54.1890945 ], [ -126.527009600000014, 54.1891102 ], [ -126.526903, 54.1891159 ], [ -126.52677869999998, 54.189123 ], [ -126.526655600000012, 54.1891202 ], [ -126.526534899999987, 54.1891173 ], [ -126.5263978, 54.1891059 ], [ -126.526321, 54.189096 ], [ -126.526244800000015, 54.1890846 ], [ -126.5261686, 54.1890661 ], [ -126.526093, 54.1890461 ], [ -126.5260022, 54.1890347 ], [ 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54.4636522 ], [ -126.6276894, 54.4637804 ], [ -126.627910500000013, 54.4639556 ], [ -126.6280566, 54.4641208 ], [ -126.6282609, 54.464323 ], [ -126.6284662, 54.4645153 ], [ -126.628524399999989, 54.4645879 ], [ -126.62868109999998, 54.4648072 ], [ -126.628854100000012, 54.4650081 ], [ -126.6289794, 54.465226 ], [ -126.62921870000001, 54.4653841 ], [ -126.629354299999989, 54.465431 ], [ -126.6296428, 54.4655179 ], [ -126.6299266, 54.4656675 ], [ -126.6300445, 54.4657871 ], [ -126.6301886, 54.4659509 ], [ -126.6303505, 54.466099 ], [ -126.630525600000013, 54.4662372 ], [ -126.6306186, 54.4662656 ], [ -126.630740199999977, 54.4662685 ], [ -126.6308672, 54.4662343 ], [ -126.630960399999978, 54.4661916 ], [ -126.631055100000012, 54.4661659 ], [ -126.631243399999988, 54.4661246 ], [ -126.6314884, 54.4661389 ], [ -126.6316275, 54.4661688 ], [ -126.6316569, 54.4661688 ], [ -126.631673100000015, 54.4661788 ], [ -126.631702, 54.4661873 ], [ -126.631718100000015, 54.4661973 ], [ -126.6317905, 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54.1881531 ], [ -126.470475099999987, 54.1880876 ], [ -126.4703703, 54.1880406 ], [ -126.47028250000001, 54.1879936 ], [ -126.4701612, 54.1879381 ], [ -126.470090500000012, 54.187864 ], [ -126.4700642, 54.1877743 ], [ -126.470099499999989, 54.1877031 ], [ -126.4701336, 54.187649 ], [ -126.4701671, 54.1875963 ], [ -126.4702329, 54.187535 ], [ -126.4702377, 54.187453899999987 ], [ -126.4701657, 54.1873898 ], [ -126.4700603, 54.1873513 ], [ -126.4699256, 54.1873129 ], [ -126.469789, 54.187273 ], [ -126.469669, 54.1872345 ], [ -126.4695617, 54.1872146 ], [ -126.4694399, 54.1872217 ], [ -126.4693442, 54.1872644 ], [ -126.469248600000014, 54.1873342 ], [ -126.4691359, 54.187404 ], [ -126.4690268, 54.1874638 ], [ -126.469006099999987, 54.187535 ], [ -126.469004399999989, 54.1875806 ], [ -126.4690007, 54.1876248 ], [ -126.4690136, 54.1876703 ], [ -126.4690112, 54.1877245 ], [ -126.4690386, 54.18777 ], [ -126.4691094, 54.1878441 ], [ -126.46918380000001, 54.187908199999988 ], [ 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[ -126.4166217, 54.521797 ], [ -126.4163949, 54.5219821 ], [ -126.4161379, 54.5221203 ], [ -126.415916099999976, 54.5222143 ], [ -126.4156963, 54.5222812 ], [ -126.4156004, 54.5223239 ], [ -126.415533199999985, 54.5224037 ], [ -126.4155192, 54.52261870000001 ], [ -126.4155777, 54.5226828 ], [ -126.4156647, 54.5227569 ], [ -126.4157693, 54.5228224 ], [ -126.415874699999975, 54.5228509 ], [ -126.4160748, 54.5228822 ], [ -126.416149100000013, 54.5229292 ], [ -126.4163201, 54.5231486 ], [ -126.4164933, 54.5233408 ], [ -126.416517299999981, 54.5234405 ], [ -126.4165395, 54.5235943 ], [ -126.416468599999988, 54.5237268 ], [ -126.416388200000014, 54.523788 ], [ -126.416337200000015, 54.5238778 ], [ -126.41631719999998, 54.523949 ], [ -126.416312399999981, 54.5240116 ], [ -126.416338499999981, 54.5240843 ], [ -126.416353, 54.5241199 ], [ -126.41636459999998, 54.5241569 ], [ -126.4164384, 54.5242124 ], [ -126.4166646, 54.5243164 ], [ -126.4170093, 54.5244674 ], [ -126.417173499999976, 54.524587 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54.3750493 ], [ -126.175934, 54.3749254 ], [ -126.176079, 54.3748214 ], [ -126.1762106, 54.3747075 ], [ -126.176326099999983, 54.3745836 ], [ -126.176307099999988, 54.3744397 ], [ -126.1760112, 54.3742432 ], [ -126.1760534, 54.3740922 ], [ -126.1762584, 54.3740253 ], [ -126.176521, 54.3739954 ], [ -126.176756099999977, 54.373947 ], [ -126.1770052, 54.3739071 ], [ -126.177146600000015, 54.3738743 ], [ -126.1774, 54.3737547 ], [ -126.1774869, 54.3736222 ], [ -126.1775284, 54.3734528 ], [ -126.1776446, 54.3733474 ], [ -126.1778637, 54.373289 ], [ -126.177895, 54.3732904 ], [ -126.178045, 54.3733559 ], [ -126.178157700000014, 54.3734841 ], [ -126.178241700000015, 54.3736037 ], [ -126.178356900000011, 54.3737319 ], [ -126.1784733, 54.373843 ], [ -126.178650300000015, 54.3739284 ], [ -126.1787727, 54.3739484 ], [ -126.178881099999984, 54.3739327 ], [ -126.1790126, 54.3738188 ], [ -126.179203, 54.3737518 ], [ -126.1794527, 54.373703399999989 ], [ -126.1796278, 54.373618 ], [ -126.1798457, 54.3735695 ], [ -126.1799933, 54.373662100000011 ], [ -126.18010910000001, 54.3737817 ], [ -126.1801844, 54.373810199999987 ], [ -126.1802456, 54.3738031 ], [ -126.180355299999988, 54.3737974 ], [ -126.1805737, 54.3737476 ], [ -126.1809466, 54.3736764 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17099726, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": "Klo Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 23899.912520285099, "blue_line_key": 360880905, "length_metre": 195.991404100208, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.3952262, 54.2832576 ], [ -126.3952361, 54.2833117 ], [ -126.3954418, 54.2834869 ], [ -126.395589199999989, 54.283579499999988 ], [ -126.3956461, 54.2836521 ], [ -126.3957202, 54.2836905 ], [ -126.3959012, 54.2837575 ], [ -126.396033300000013, 54.2838586 ], [ -126.3961198, 54.2839512 ], [ -126.3963048, 54.2841705 ], [ 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54.5303052 ], [ -126.4811949, 54.5302625 ], [ -126.48139519999998, 54.5302582 ], [ -126.4816269, 54.5302625 ], [ -126.481905700000013, 54.5302511 ], [ -126.482154099999988, 54.5302639 ], [ -126.4824933, 54.5302625 ], [ -126.482647899999989, 54.5302482 ], [ -126.482728, 54.5302226 ], [ -126.4829067, 54.530083 ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17103929, "stream_order": 5, "gnis_name": "Buck Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 30911.401297189699, "blue_line_key": 360886221, "length_metre": 1301.4547116147201, "area_ha": 231944.69, "localcode_ltree": "400.431358.585806", "refine_method": "CUT", "wscode_ltree": "400.431358" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -126.6136677, 54.2247682 ], [ -126.6135609, 54.2247397 ], [ -126.6134711, 54.2247112 ], [ -126.6133953, 54.2246912 ], [ -126.6132127, 54.2246428 ], [ -126.61304770000001, 54.2245858 ], [ -126.6128828, 54.2245289 ], [ -126.6127013, 54.2244705 ], [ -126.612534599999989, 54.224432 ], [ -126.6123691, 54.2243836 ], [ -126.6122193, 54.2243181 ], [ -126.6120707, 54.2242426 ], [ -126.6119524, 54.22415 ], [ -126.6118372, 54.2240489 ], [ -126.6117517, 54.2239122 ], [ -126.611659, 54.2236857 ], [ -126.611601099999973, 54.2235946 ], [ -126.6115141, 54.2235034 ], [ -126.6114118, 54.2234208 ], [ -126.6113235, 54.2233468 ], [ -126.611267, 54.2232656 ], [ -126.611241, 54.2232015 ], [ -126.611244299999981, 54.2231303 ], [ -126.61123520000001, 54.2230392 ], [ -126.6112249, 54.2229309 ], [ -126.611198399999978, 54.2228682 ], [ -126.6111859, 54.2228141 ], [ -126.611148, 54.2226874 ], [ -126.6111253, 54.2225521 ], [ -126.6111151, 54.2224709 ], [ -126.611117799999988, 54.2224082 ], [ -126.6111097, 54.2222729 ], [ -126.611073499999989, 54.2221277 ], [ -126.61106, 54.2220835 ], [ -126.6110169, 54.2220194 ], [ -126.6110038, 54.2219739 ], [ -126.610903799999974, 54.2218642 ], [ -126.610846799999976, 54.2217915 ], [ -126.6107902, 54.2217175 ], [ -126.610689, 54.2215907 ], [ -126.6105738, 54.221489600000012 ], [ -126.6104409, 54.221397 ], [ -126.6103075, 54.221313 ], [ -126.610188199999982, 54.2212304 ], [ -126.610086400000014, 54.2211464 ], [ -126.6099825, 54.2210823 ], [ -126.609863800000014, 54.2210253 ], [ -126.609771599999988, 54.2209968 ], [ -126.609666100000013, 54.2209854 ], [ -126.6095271, 54.2209926 ], [ -126.609403299999983, 54.2209983 ], [ -126.609265, 54.221031 ], [ -126.609152599999973, 54.2211008 ], [ -126.608885, 54.2212304 ], [ -126.608727300000012, 54.2212902 ], [ -126.6085411, 54.2213415 ], [ -126.6084472, 54.2213657 ], [ -126.6083535, 54.2213828 ], [ -126.6081694, 54.2214141 ], [ -126.6079676, 54.2214198 ], [ -126.6078469, 54.221417 ], [ -126.6077548, 54.2214156 ], [ -126.607585799999981, 54.2214113 ], [ -126.6074339, 54.2213999 ], [ -126.607326500000013, 54.22138 ], [ -126.6072502, 54.2213686 ], [ -126.6071152, 54.2213301 ], [ -126.6070429, 54.221266 ], [ -126.607041099999989, 54.2212575 ], [ -126.6070303, 54.2211848 ], [ -126.607082299999988, 54.2211136 ], [ -126.6071625, 54.2210524 ], [ -126.6072562, 54.2210011 ], [ -126.607351, 54.2209399 ], [ -126.6074312, 54.2208786 ], [ -126.6074967, 54.2208174 ], [ -126.607563399999989, 54.2207462 ], [ -126.607628399999982, 54.2206935 ], [ -126.6077086, 54.2206322 ], [ -126.607756499999979, 54.2205795 ], [ -126.6077903, 54.2205254 ], [ -126.6079027, 54.2204556 ], [ -126.6079818, 54.220404400000014 ], [ -126.608108199999975, 54.2203431 ], [ -126.6082494, 54.2202748 ], [ -126.6083765, 54.220205 ], [ -126.608489499999976, 54.2201267 ], [ -126.6085849, 54.2200569 ], [ -126.6086485, 54.2199942 ], [ -126.6086531, 54.2199401 ], [ -126.60865410000001, 54.2198959 ], [ -126.608658699999978, 54.2198418 ], [ -126.6086614, 54.2197791 ], [ -126.608619600000011, 54.219698 ], [ -126.608563, 54.2196239 ], [ -126.6084591, 54.2195598 ], [ -126.608355, 54.2195028 ], [ -126.6082522, 54.2194288 ], [ -126.6081348, 54.2193547 ], [ -126.6079997, 54.2192892 ], [ -126.607848800000014, 54.2192408 ], [ 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[ -126.202377899999973, 54.4133833 ], [ -126.2020566, 54.4133306 ], [ -126.2017826, 54.4132893 ], [ -126.201662299999981, 54.4132494 ], [ -126.201545, 54.4131398 ], [ -126.2014377, 54.4129204 ], [ -126.2014736, 54.4128407 ], [ -126.2015244, 54.412788 ], [ -126.2017448, 54.4127125 ], [ -126.2019363, 54.4126085 ], [ -126.202083, 54.4124861 ], [ -126.202169, 54.4123622 ], [ -126.202264, 54.4123294 ], [ -126.2024042, 54.4123137 ], [ -126.2025269, 54.4123266 ], [ -126.2026017, 54.4123636 ], [ -126.2027768, 54.4125032 ], [ -126.203039, 54.4127068 ], [ -126.2031445, 54.4127538 ], [ -126.2032666, 54.4127752 ], [ -126.2034191, 54.4127866 ], [ -126.203666699999985, 54.4127923 ], [ -126.2039373, 54.4128977 ], [ -126.2040893, 54.4129105 ], [ -126.2043215, 54.4128977 ], [ -126.204430500000015, 54.4128735 ], [ -126.204526, 54.4128393 ], [ -126.204592599999984, 54.4127695 ], [ -126.2045224, 54.4126513 ], [ -126.2044488, 54.4126043 ], [ -126.2042065, 54.4125359 ], [ -126.20389, 54.4124291 ], [ 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[ -126.53037, 54.4661731 ], [ -126.5304295, 54.4662272 ], [ -126.530631299999982, 54.4664565 ], [ -126.530718, 54.4665661 ], [ -126.5307451, 54.4666288 ], [ -126.5307823, 54.466747 ], [ -126.5308114, 54.466811100000015 ], [ -126.5308046, 54.4669008 ], [ -126.5308107, 54.4670447 ], [ -126.5308561, 54.467090199999987 ], [ -126.5309815, 54.4672996 ], [ -126.5310218, 54.4673808 ], [ -126.531087, 54.4675802 ], [ -126.5311893, 54.4677084 ], [ -126.531261399999977, 54.4677824 ], [ -126.531466, 54.4679476 ], [ -126.5314951, 54.4680117 ], [ -126.531501299999988, 54.4681556 ], [ -126.531496499999989, 54.468218199999988 ], [ -126.531491699999989, 54.4683165 ], [ -126.5315553, 54.4685344 ], [ -126.5315677, 54.4685971 ], [ -126.5315874, 54.4687865 ], [ -126.5316549, 54.4689232 ], [ -126.5317992, 54.4690784 ], [ -126.531903199999974, 54.4691525 ], [ -126.5321248, 54.4693462 ], [ -126.532208, 54.4694729 ], [ -126.53222, 54.469537 ], [ -126.532349599999975, 54.4696923 ], [ -126.532419, 54.4698375 ], [ 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[ -126.518352199999981, 54.1877544 ], [ -126.5182322, 54.187743 ], [ -126.5181237, 54.1877401 ], [ -126.518018200000014, 54.1877287 ], [ -126.5178354, 54.1877159 ], [ -126.517667800000012, 54.1876945 ], [ -126.5175453, 54.1876832 ], [ -126.5173003, 54.1876604 ], [ -126.5171948, 54.187649 ], [ -126.517102899999983, 54.1876476 ], [ -126.517012, 54.1876362 ], [ -126.5169035, 54.1876333 ], [ -126.516797499999981, 54.1876233 ], [ -126.516692100000014, 54.187612 ], [ -126.516598800000011, 54.1876006 ], [ -126.5165086, 54.1875806 ], [ -126.516419, 54.1875521 ], [ -126.5163434, 54.1875322 ], [ -126.516253799999987, 54.1875037 ], [ -126.516116, 54.1874738 ], [ -126.5159538, 54.1873898 ], [ -126.515878699999988, 54.1873342 ], [ -126.5157909, 54.1872872 ], [ -126.515701199999981, 54.1872317 ], [ -126.5156151, 54.1871662 ], [ -126.5155389, 54.1871206 ], [ -126.5154529, 54.1870551 ], [ -126.515348, 54.1870081 ], [ -126.5152437, 54.1869525 ], [ -126.5151528, 54.1869141 ], [ -126.515063200000014, 54.1868856 ], [ -126.5149736, 54.1868571 ], [ -126.514883399999974, 54.1868372 ], [ -126.5148078, 54.1868172 ], [ -126.514717600000012, 54.1867973 ], [ -126.514624900000015, 54.1867774 ], [ -126.5145335, 54.1867674 ], [ -126.514442699999989, 54.186756 ], [ -126.5143507, 54.1867546 ], [ -126.5142446, 54.1867517 ], [ -126.514135, 54.1867859 ], [ -126.5140601, 54.1867574 ], [ -126.513966799999977, 54.1867731 ], [ -126.5138901, 54.1867902 ], [ -126.5137792, 54.1868144 ], [ -126.5136884, 54.1868301 ], [ -126.5135941, 54.1868557 ], [ -126.513546, 54.1868813 ], [ -126.513452799999982, 54.1869241 ], [ -126.51337239999998, 54.1869582 ], [ -126.5132951, 54.1869839 ], [ -126.5132178, 54.1870095 ], [ -126.5131234, 54.187035099999989 ], [ -126.5129681, 54.1870679 ], [ -126.5128755, 54.187075 ], [ -126.512784, 54.1870722 ], [ -126.5127072, 54.1870622 ], [ -126.5126158, 54.1870594 ], [ -126.512539, 54.1870494 ], [ -126.512464099999988, 54.187048 ], [ -126.512387300000015, 54.187038 ], [ -126.5123111, 54.1870266 ], [ -126.512220199999987, 54.1870152 ], [ -126.5121435, 54.1870052 ], [ -126.512053199999983, 54.1869853 ], [ -126.511946599999987, 54.186956800000011 ], [ -126.5118575, 54.1869269 ], [ -126.5117832, 54.1868899 ], [ -126.5116765, 54.1868614 ], [ -126.511588100000012, 54.1868229 ], [ -126.5114985, 54.1867944 ], [ -126.5114064, 54.186766 ], [ -126.5112552, 54.1867261 ], [ -126.5111035, 54.1867147 ], [ -126.5109798, 54.1867204 ], [ -126.5108866, 54.1867631 ], [ -126.5108203, 54.1868258 ], [ -126.5107857, 54.1869226 ], [ -126.5108097, 54.1870052 ], [ -126.510850600000012, 54.187095 ], [ -126.5108794, 54.1871505 ], [ -126.51090619999998, 54.1872046 ], [ -126.51093370000001, 54.1872502 ], [ -126.5109612, 54.1872958 ], [ -126.5109881, 54.1873499 ], [ -126.511017400000014, 54.187404 ], [ -126.5110584, 54.1874596 ], [ -126.511085899999983, 54.1875051 ], [ -126.5110982, 54.1875593 ], [ -126.5111281, 54.1876048 ], [ -126.5111379, 54.1876589 ], [ -126.511150199999975, 54.1877131 ], [ -126.5111473, 54.1877757 ], [ -126.5111456, 54.1878213 ], [ -126.5111578, 54.1878754 ], [ -126.5111396, 54.1879196 ], [ -126.5111214, 54.1879637 ], [ -126.511102, 54.1880179 ], [ -126.5110691, 54.188062 ], [ -126.5109718, 54.1881503 ], [ -126.5109219, 54.1881945 ], [ -126.5107953, 54.1882628 ], [ -126.510670399999981, 54.1883055 ], [ -126.510532099999978, 54.1883112 ], [ -126.510455299999975, 54.1883013 ], [ -126.5103645, 54.1882899 ], [ -126.510196900000011, 54.1882685 ], [ -126.510092700000015, 54.18824 ], [ -126.5100177, 54.1882115 ], [ -126.5099274, 54.1881645 ], [ -126.5098396, 54.1881175 ], [ -126.509766899999988, 54.188062 ], [ -126.509707800000015, 54.1880164 ], [ -126.5096175, 54.1879694 ], [ -126.5095144, 54.1879039 ], [ -126.5093814, 54.1878199 ], [ -126.5093223, 54.1877743 ], [ -126.509249, 54.1877273 ], [ -126.509116, 54.1876433 ], [ -126.5089972, 54.1875877 ], [ -126.5088934, 54.1875308 ], [ -126.5087118, 54.1874738 ], [ -126.508575799999988, 54.1874524 ], [ -126.5084985, 54.187451 ], [ -126.5083614, 54.1874396 ], [ -126.508269399999989, 54.1874382 ], [ -126.5081317, 54.1874353 ], [ -126.5079927, 54.1874496 ], [ -126.5078686, 54.1875108 ], [ -126.5078174, 54.1875721 ], [ -126.5078145, 54.1876347 ], [ -126.507810299999974, 54.1876803 ], [ -126.507809099999974, 54.1877245 ], [ -126.5078038, 54.1878142 ], [ -126.5078167, 54.1878598 ], [ -126.5078119, 54.1879139 ], [ -126.507809599999987, 54.187968 ], [ -126.507805300000015, 54.1880207 ], [ -126.507803, 54.1880748 ], [ -126.5078013, 54.1881204 ], [ -126.5077965, 54.1881745 ], [ -126.507794699999977, 54.1882272 ], [ -126.5077759, 54.1882728 ], [ -126.5077712, 54.1883269 ], [ -126.507769900000014, 54.1883711 ], [ -126.5077676, 54.1884252 ], [ -126.507764, 54.1884693 ], [ -126.5077616, 54.1885234 ], [ -126.507756899999976, 54.1885776 ], [ -126.507754499999976, 54.1886317 ], [ -126.507748499999977, 54.188702899999988 ], [ -126.5077444, 54.1887755 ], [ -126.5077408, 54.1888467 ], [ -126.5077367, 54.1889194 ], [ -126.5077161, 54.1889906 ], [ -126.5076815, 54.1890532 ], [ -126.5076328, 54.1891145 ], [ -126.5075677, 54.1891672 ], [ -126.50750570000001, 54.1892113 ], [ -126.507441700000015, 54.1892541 ], [ -126.5073912, 54.1893068 ], [ -126.5073437, 54.1893509 ], [ -126.5071836, 54.1894378 ], [ -126.5070911, 54.189472 ], [ -126.5069802, 54.1895232 ], [ -126.5068377, 54.1895745 ], [ -126.506743399999976, 54.1896272 ], [ -126.506649599999989, 54.1896785 ], [ -126.5065516, 54.1897483 ], [ -126.506456700000015, 54.1898095 ], [ -126.506363400000012, 54.1898252 ], [ -126.5062433, 54.1897867 ], [ -126.5061872, 54.1897055 ], [ -126.506160799999989, 54.18965 ], [ -126.5061199, 54.1895603 ], [ -126.506062500000013, 54.1894691 ], [ -126.506036099999989, 54.1894136 ], [ -126.5060227, 54.1893694 ], [ -126.5059817, 54.1893139 ], [ -126.5059531, 54.1892512 ], [ -126.505927299999982, 54.1891871 ], [ -126.5058998, 54.1891145 ], [ -126.5058893, 54.1890419 ], [ -126.5058477, 54.1889607 ], [ -126.5058226, 54.188888 ], [ -126.505765200000013, 54.188824 ], [ -126.5057225, 54.1887599 ], [ -126.5056804, 54.1887143 ], [ -126.505577199999976, 54.188648799999989 ], [ -126.505488199999988, 54.1885847 ], [ -126.5053688, 54.1885377 ], [ -126.505247399999988, 54.1885163 ], [ -126.505107899999985, 54.188532 ], [ -126.5050001, 54.1885477 ], [ -126.504890499999973, 54.1885818 ], [ -126.504795500000014, 54.188616 ], [ -126.5047193, 54.1886317 ], [ -126.504595, 54.1886388 ], [ -126.5045194, 54.1886189 ], [ -126.5043981, 54.1885975 ], [ -126.5042646, 54.188542 ], [ -126.504173099999974, 54.188512 ], [ -126.504023800000013, 54.1884736 ], [ -126.503948099999974, 54.1884537 ], [ -126.5038568, 54.1884437 ], [ -126.503765299999984, 54.1884408 ], [ -126.503627, 54.1884465 ], [ -126.503501, 54.1884722 ], [ -126.5033779, 54.1884964 ], [ -126.5032378, 54.1885206 ], [ -126.5030995, 54.1885534 ], [ -126.503020799999987, 54.188569 ], [ -126.5028661, 54.1885932 ], [ -126.502757699999989, 54.1886174 ], [ -126.502710799999974, 54.188626 ], [ -126.5025585, 54.1886231 ], [ -126.502403699999988, 54.1886203 ], [ -126.502266, 54.1886174 ], [ -126.5021154, 54.1885961 ], [ -126.5020398, 54.1885761 ], [ -126.5019502, 54.1885477 ], [ -126.501753799999989, 54.1884707 ], [ -126.501664799999986, 54.1884337 ], [ -126.5015594, 54.1883953 ], [ -126.501409400000014, 54.1883383 ], [ -126.501273399999974, 54.1883169 ], [ -126.5011498, 54.1883155 ], [ -126.5010572, 54.1883226 ], [ -126.5009505, 54.1883283 ], [ -126.5008286, 54.1883354 ], [ -126.50068850000001, 54.1883597 ], [ -126.5006082, 54.1884209 ], [ -126.5005272, 54.18849070000001 ], [ -126.500477299999986, 54.1885348 ], [ -126.5004116, 54.1886231 ], [ -126.5003788, 54.1886673 ], [ -126.500296, 54.1887556 ], [ -126.5002626, 54.1888083 ], [ -126.500228599999986, 54.1888624 ], [ -126.500194, 54.1889251 ], [ -126.5001605, 54.1889778 ], [ -126.50011, 54.1890305 ], [ -126.5000625, 54.1890746 ], [ -126.5000126, 54.1891188 ], [ -126.4999652, 54.1891629 ], [ -126.4999171, 54.1892156 ], [ -126.4998531, 54.1892583 ], [ -126.49974109999998, 54.1893196 ], [ -126.499630900000014, 54.1893623 ], [ -126.499552900000012, 54.1893965 ], [ -126.4994732, 54.1894221 ], [ -126.4993976, 54.1894292 ], [ -126.4992276, 54.189462 ], [ -126.499115, 54.1895318 ], [ -126.499067599999975, 54.1895759 ], [ -126.4990323, 54.1896201 ], [ -126.4989994, 54.1896642 ], [ -126.49899640000001, 54.1897269 ], [ -126.498977599999975, 54.1897796 ], [ -126.4989759, 54.1898252 ], [ -126.4989711, 54.1898793 ], [ -126.4989827, 54.189942 ], [ -126.498995, 54.1899961 ], [ -126.4989926, 54.1900502 ], [ -126.498987199999974, 54.1901129 ], [ -126.4989697, 54.1901755 ], [ -126.4989344, 54.1902197 ], [ -126.498809, 54.190298 ], [ -126.498665799999984, 54.1903578 ], [ -126.4985891, 54.1903749 ], [ -126.4984976, 54.1903721 ], [ -126.4984203, 54.1903706 ], [ -126.498267899999988, 54.1903407 ], [ -126.498135600000012, 54.1902752 ], [ -126.4980154, 54.1902097 ], [ -126.4979587, 54.1901641 ] ] } }, { 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-126.231467, 54.451743 ], [ -126.2314698, 54.4519409 ], [ -126.2314175, 54.4520121 ], [ -126.2313039, 54.4521175 ], [ -126.231085600000014, 54.4521389 ], [ -126.230796399999988, 54.4520777 ], [ -126.230600400000014, 54.4520022 ], [ -126.23031970000001, 54.4518071 ], [ -126.2302834, 54.4516618 ], [ -126.2303193, 54.4516091 ], [ -126.230432299999975, 54.4515122 ], [ -126.230473299999986, 54.4513698 ], [ -126.23045230000001, 54.451216 ], [ -126.230400099999983, 54.4510807 ], [ -126.2303075, 54.4508528 ], [ -126.2302656, 54.4507987 ], [ -126.230139, 54.450625 ], [ -126.2301117, 54.4505708 ], [ -126.2300459, 54.4503985 ], [ -126.2297994, 54.4501763 ], [ -126.2296039, 54.4500994 ], [ -126.229390299999977, 54.4500596 ], [ -126.2292811, 54.4500567 ], [ -126.2291743, 54.4500539 ], [ -126.2290789, 54.450088 ], [ -126.228878900000012, 54.4500923 ], [ -126.228736799999979, 54.4501336 ], [ -126.2285607, 54.450229 ], [ -126.2284742, 54.4503615 ], [ -126.2284235, 54.4504142 ], [ -126.2281986, 54.4505708 ], [ -126.2281014, 54.4506235 ], [ -126.22781, 54.4506164 ], [ -126.2276606, 54.4505409 ], [ -126.2275601, 54.4504313 ], [ -126.227372, 54.4502376 ], [ -126.227182899999988, 54.4500539 ], [ -126.226934199999988, 54.4498858 ], [ -126.2268087, 54.4496679 ], [ -126.2266678, 54.4494657 ], [ -126.2266098, 54.4494016 ], [ -126.226521299999987, 54.4493546 ], [ -126.226399699999988, 54.4493247 ], [ -126.2262758, 54.4493218 ], [ -126.2261844, 54.4493375 ], [ -126.226148599999988, 54.4493831 ], [ -126.2261547, 54.4495169 ], [ -126.2262979, 54.4496921 ], [ -126.226337, 54.4498089 ], [ -126.226331799999983, 54.4498716 ], [ -126.226213, 54.4500396 ], [ -126.2259715, 54.4501877 ], [ -126.225781, 54.4502547 ], [ -126.2257657, 54.4502632 ], [ -126.2257327, 54.4502803 ], [ -126.225718, 54.4502803 ], [ -126.225688, 54.4502889 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17101685, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": "Foxy Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 12998.0380832463, 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], [ -126.4807197, 54.5013582 ], [ -126.4808087, 54.5014052 ], [ -126.481072, 54.5016273 ], [ -126.481107499999979, 54.5018068 ], [ -126.4811412, 54.5020332 ], [ -126.4811213, 54.5021044 ], [ -126.481094500000012, 54.5022654 ], [ -126.4810581, 54.5023907 ], [ -126.4808736, 54.5026029 ], [ -126.4807283, 54.5027169 ], [ -126.480500400000011, 54.502892 ], [ -126.4804343, 54.5029618 ], [ -126.4803499, 54.5030772 ], [ -126.4803088, 54.5032652 ], [ -126.480342600000014, 54.5034631 ], [ -126.4804002, 54.5035372 ], [ -126.4804426, 54.5035913 ], [ -126.4807075, 54.503795 ], [ -126.4809435, 54.5039972 ], [ -126.481014699999989, 54.5040884 ], [ -126.4810346, 54.5042422 ], [ -126.4810276, 54.5043675 ], [ -126.4809699, 54.504547 ], [ -126.4808691, 54.504688 ], [ -126.4806867, 54.5048731 ], [ -126.4805567, 54.5049785 ] ] } }, +{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "linear_feature_id": 17091761, "stream_order": 4, "gnis_name": "Aitken Creek", "downstream_route_measure": 8093.5695054199796, 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[ -126.3466855, 54.5292285 ], [ -126.346800299999984, 54.5293837 ], [ -126.3468506, 54.5295546 ], [ -126.3469139, 54.5297726 ], [ -126.3469219, 54.5298893 ], [ -126.346895, 54.5300773 ], [ -126.3468103, 54.5301927 ], [ -126.3466947, 54.5302981 ], [ -126.3464179, 54.5304989 ], [ -126.3463342, 54.5306043 ], [ -126.346329299999979, 54.530667 ], [ -126.346335200000013, 54.5308108 ], [ -126.3463465, 54.5308834 ], [ -126.346403900000013, 54.5309575 ], [ -126.346517299999988, 54.531102800000014 ], [ -126.346620500000014, 54.5312139 ], [ -126.3468391, 54.5314161 ], [ -126.346997, 54.5315813 ], [ -126.347142299999987, 54.5317194 ], [ -126.3472295, 54.5318206 ], [ -126.3473895, 54.5319587 ], [ -126.347564100000014, 54.5321325 ], [ -126.347894700000012, 54.532302 ], [ -126.3480607, 54.5323603 ], [ -126.348350599999975, 54.5324016 ], [ -126.3484884, 54.5324145 ], [ -126.3488301, 54.532413 ], [ -126.349184099999974, 54.5324116 ], [ -126.3494319, 54.5324259 ], [ -126.3497233, 54.5324415 ], [ 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54.2055271 ], [ -126.4212339, 54.2056083 ], [ -126.4212419, 54.205708 ], [ -126.4212358, 54.2058333 ], [ -126.4212571, 54.2059501 ], [ -126.4212693, 54.2060313 ], [ -126.4212481, 54.2061039 ], [ -126.4212127, 54.2061751 ], [ -126.4211761, 54.2062634 ], [ -126.4210634, 54.2063602 ], [ -126.420920799999976, 54.2064386 ], [ -126.4208262, 54.2064713 ], [ -126.4204854, 54.2065183 ], [ -126.420362900000015, 54.206534 ], [ -126.4202215, 54.2066024 ], [ -126.4202319, 54.206675 ], [ -126.4202746, 54.2067391 ], [ -126.4202996, 54.2068117 ], [ -126.4203112, 54.2068744 ], [ -126.420366699999974, 54.206957 ], [ -126.4204404, 54.2070296 ], [ -126.420525200000014, 54.2071122 ], [ -126.4206119, 54.2071963 ], [ -126.4207435, 54.2072974 ], [ -126.420875799999976, 54.2073899 ], [ -126.4209643, 54.2074825 ], [ -126.4209899, 54.2075537 ], [ -126.4209399, 54.2076249 ], [ -126.4208442, 54.2076677 ], [ -126.4207022, 54.2077375 ], [ -126.420651599999985, 54.2077901 ], [ -126.4206187, 54.2078614 ], [ 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54.2087857 ], [ -126.4242021, 54.2089082 ], [ -126.424077200000013, 54.2089509 ], [ -126.4239534, 54.2089836 ], [ -126.4238138, 54.2089993 ], [ -126.4236431, 54.2090406 ], [ -126.4235334, 54.2090748 ], [ -126.42343769999998, 54.2091175 ], [ -126.4233712, 54.2091873 ], [ -126.423303, 54.2093027 ], [ -126.423282899999975, 54.2093924 ], [ -126.4232927, 54.2094736 ], [ -126.4233361, 54.2095291 ], [ -126.4234537, 54.2095946 ], [ -126.423572600000014, 54.2096502 ], [ -126.4237086, 54.2096986 ], [ -126.4238434, 54.209737 ], [ -126.4240092, 54.2097769 ], [ -126.4241641, 54.2097798 ], [ -126.4242873, 54.2097826 ], [ -126.424376799999976, 54.209784 ], [ -126.424454900000015, 54.2097769 ], [ -126.4245482, 54.2097612 ], [ -126.4246707, 54.2097456 ], [ -126.4248275, 54.2097228 ], [ -126.4250566, 54.2097086 ], [ -126.4252121, 54.2097029 ], [ -126.425317599999985, 54.2097143 ], [ -126.42540790000001, 54.2097613 ], [ -126.425478699999985, 54.2098353 ], [ -126.425519, 54.2099265 ], [ -126.4255288, 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[ -126.2163209, 54.4734664 ], [ -126.2162095, 54.4735177 ], [ -126.216000400000013, 54.4736573 ], [ -126.2158589, 54.47369 ], [ -126.215734899999987, 54.4736872 ], [ -126.2156462, 54.4736402 ], [ -126.2155876, 54.4735846 ], [ -126.21556720000001, 54.4734493 ], [ -126.2155251, 54.4733682 ], [ -126.2154365, 54.4733212 ], [ -126.2151902, 54.473297 ], [ -126.2148362, 54.4733069 ], [ -126.214546700000014, 54.473245699999985 ], [ -126.214225399999989, 54.4731844 ], [ -126.2139822, 54.4731517 ], [ -126.2138258, 54.4731574 ], [ -126.2134994, 54.4731859 ], [ -126.2132942, 54.4732528 ], [ -126.2131704, 54.473277 ], [ -126.2130317, 54.4732742 ], [ -126.212923600000011, 54.4732542 ], [ -126.212620099999981, 54.4731844 ], [ -126.2124672, 54.4731802 ], [ -126.2122494, 54.473193 ], [ -126.2120919, 54.4732428 ], [ -126.2119174, 54.4733197 ], [ -126.2117923, 54.473326899999989 ], [ -126.211593799999989, 54.4732856 ], [ -126.2114865, 54.4732841 ], [ -126.211409199999977, 54.4733083 ], [ 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BW,bc5296_185,093l04012,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_185_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55762,4436,10833,19192655,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1305, 54.31772)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695276,695276,6096,1968,1968-07-24,08:33:00,54.37441,-126.1328,bc5296,187,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_187,093l04032,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_187_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55762,4436,10833,19192657,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1328, 54.37441)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695278,695278,6096,1968,1968-07-24,08:33:00,54.43111,-126.135,bc5296,189,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_189,093l05014,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_189_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55762,4436,10833,19192659,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.135, 54.43111)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695279,695279,6096,1968,1968-07-24,08:33:00,54.45612,-126.1362,bc5296,190,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_190,093l05032,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_190_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55762,4436,10833,19192660,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1362, 54.45612)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695281,695281,6096,1968,1968-07-24,08:33:00,54.50614,-126.1386,bc5296,192,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_192,093l06012,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_192_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55762,4436,10833,19192662,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1386, 54.50614)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695326,695326,6096,1968,1968-07-24,09:01:00,54.46863,-126.2132,bc5296,234,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_234,093l04942,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_234_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55763,4436,10833,19192704,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2132, 54.46863)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695327,695327,6096,1968,1968-07-24,09:01:00,54.44108,-126.2127,bc5296,235,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_235,093l04924,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_235_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55763,4436,10833,19192705,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2127, 54.44108)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.695328,695328,6096,1968,1968-07-24,09:01:00,54.41353,-126.2122,bc5296,236,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5296_236,093l04922,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5296/bc5296_236_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5296_3.jpg,,,55763,4436,10833,19192706,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2122, 54.41353)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696118,696118,5944,1968,1968-07-31,09:18:00,54.49532,-126.2941,bc5300,152,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_152,093l04943,093L08,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_152_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55796,4436,10845,19193496,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2941, 54.49532)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696119,696119,5944,1968,1968-07-31,09:18:00,54.52233,-126.2945,bc5300,153,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_153,093l05921,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_153_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55796,4436,10845,19193497,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2945, 54.52233)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696121,696121,5944,1968,1968-07-31,09:18:00,54.57635,-126.2953,bc5300,155,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_155,093l05943,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_155_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55796,4436,10845,19193499,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2953, 54.57635)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696166,696166,5944,1968,1968-07-31,09:50:00,54.52621,-126.3728,bc5300,196,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_196,093l05913,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_196_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55797,4436,10845,19193540,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3728, 54.52621)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696180,696180,5944,1968,1968-07-31,09:50:00,54.17755,-126.3654,bc5300,210,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_210,093l01933,093L01,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_210_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55797,4436,10845,19193554,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3654, 54.17755)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696197,696197,5944,1968,1968-07-31,10:20:00,54.18049,-126.4431,bc5300,227,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_227,093l01844,093L01,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_227_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55798,4436,10845,19193571,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4431, 54.18049)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696210,696210,5944,1968,1968-07-31,10:20:00,54.51071,-126.4495,bc5300,240,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_240,093l05822,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_240_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55798,4436,10845,19193584,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4495, 54.51071)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.696211,696211,5944,1968,1968-07-31,10:20:00,54.53459,-126.44970000000001,bc5300,241,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5300_241,093l05824,093L09,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5300/bc5300_241_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5300_2.jpg,,,55798,4436,10845,19193585,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4497, 54.53459)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.697292,697292,5944,1968,1968-07-31,11:01:00,54.46049,-126.5269,bc5306,23,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5306_023,093l04832,093L07,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5306/bc5306_023_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5306_1.jpg,,,55827,4436,10857,19194536,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5269, 54.46049)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.697326,697326,5944,1968,1968-07-31,11:32:00,54.34512,-126.6025,bc5306,57,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5306_057,093l03724,093L07,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5306/bc5306_057_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5306_1.jpg,,,55828,4436,10857,19194570,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6025, 54.34512)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.697329,697329,5944,1968,1968-07-31,11:32:00,54.42617,-126.6039,bc5306,60,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5306_060,093l04724,093L07,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5306/bc5306_060_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5306_1.jpg,,,55828,4436,10857,19194573,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6039, 54.42617)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.697330,697330,5944,1968,1968-07-31,11:32:00,54.45503,-126.6042,bc5306,61,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5306_061,093l04742,093L07,1:31680,,B-012-AF-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5306/bc5306_061_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5306_1.jpg,,,55828,4436,10857,19194574,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6042, 54.45503)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699361,699361,2438,1968,1968-05-10,10:03:00,54.41264,-126.7286,bc5282,167,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_167,093l04712,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_167_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55904,4437,10786,19196209,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7286, 54.41264)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699362,699362,2438,1968,1968-05-10,10:03:00,54.40555,-126.7186,bc5282,168,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_168,093l04712,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_168_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55904,4437,10786,19196210,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7186, 54.40555)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699363,699363,2438,1968,1968-05-10,10:03:00,54.39845,-126.7085,bc5282,169,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_169,093l03734,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_169_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55904,4437,10786,19196211,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7085, 54.39845)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699364,699364,2438,1968,1968-05-10,10:03:00,54.39136,-126.6985,bc5282,170,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_170,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_170_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55904,4437,10786,19196212,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6985, 54.39136)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699386,699386,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.39412,-126.7105,bc5282,192,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_192,093l03734,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_192_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196234,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7105, 54.39412)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699387,699387,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.40012,-126.6981,bc5282,193,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_193,093l04721,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_193_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196235,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6981, 54.40012)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699395,699395,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.44813,-126.5993,bc5282,201,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_201,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_201_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196243,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5993, 54.44813)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699396,699396,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.45413,-126.5869,bc5282,202,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_202,093l04831,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_202_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196244,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5869, 54.45413)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699399,699399,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.47208,-126.5488,bc5282,205,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_205,093l04832,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_205_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196247,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5488, 54.47208)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699400,699400,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.47805,-126.5359,bc5282,206,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_206,093l04834,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_206_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196248,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5359, 54.47805)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699404,699404,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.50195,-126.4842,bc5282,210,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_210,093l05821,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_210_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196252,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4842, 54.50195)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699405,699405,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.50792,-126.4713,bc5282,211,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_211,093l05821,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_211_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196253,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4713, 54.50792)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699406,699406,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:21:00,54.51389,-126.4584,bc5282,212,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_212,093l05821,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_212_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55906,4437,10786,19196254,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4584, 54.51389)" @@ -30,6 +46,7 @@ WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699418,699418,2591,1968,1968- WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699419,699419,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.45206,-126.54,bc5282,225,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_225,093l04832,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_225_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196267,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.54, 54.45206)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699420,699420,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.44575,-126.5528,bc5282,226,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_226,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_226_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196268,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5528, 54.44575)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699421,699421,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.43945,-126.5655,bc5282,227,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_227,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_227_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196269,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5655, 54.43945)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699422,699422,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.43315,-126.5783,bc5282,228,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_228,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_228_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196270,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5783, 54.43315)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699423,699423,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.42685,-126.591,bc5282,229,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_229,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_229_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196271,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.591, 54.42685)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699424,699424,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.42054,-126.6037,bc5282,230,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_230,093l04722,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_230_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196272,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6037, 54.42054)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699425,699425,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.41424,-126.6165,bc5282,231,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_231,093l04722,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_231_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196273,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6165, 54.41424)" @@ -37,6 +54,8 @@ WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699426,699426,2591,1968,1968- WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699427,699427,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.40164,-126.6419,bc5282,233,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_233,093l04722,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_233_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196275,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6419, 54.40164)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699428,699428,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.39533,-126.6547,bc5282,234,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_234,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_234_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196276,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6547, 54.39533)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699429,699429,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:28:00,54.38903,-126.6674,bc5282,235,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5282_235,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5282/bc5282_235_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5282_1.jpg,,,55907,4437,10786,19196277,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6674, 54.38903)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699436,699436,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51286,-126.2951,bc5283,6,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_006,093l05921,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_006_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196284,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2951, 54.51286)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699437,699437,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.5135,-126.3102,bc5283,7,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_007,093l05912,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_007_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196285,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3102, 54.5135)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699438,699438,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51414,-126.3254,bc5283,8,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_008,093l05912,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_008_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196286,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3254, 54.51414)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699439,699439,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51478,-126.3406,bc5283,9,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_009,093l05912,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_009_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196287,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3406, 54.51478)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699440,699440,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51542,-126.3558,bc5283,10,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_010,093l05911,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_010_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196288,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3558, 54.51542)" @@ -47,10 +66,18 @@ WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699444,699444,2591,1968,1968- WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699445,699445,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51758,-126.4406,bc5283,15,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_015,093l05822,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_015_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196293,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4406, 54.51758)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699446,699446,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51801,-126.4576,bc5283,16,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_016,093l05821,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_016_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196294,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4576, 54.51801)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699447,699447,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:44:00,54.51844,-126.4745,bc5283,17,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_017,093l05821,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_017_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55908,4437,10787,19196295,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4745, 54.51844)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699450,699450,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53826,-126.4793,bc5283,20,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_020,093l05823,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_020_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196298,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4793, 54.53826)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699451,699451,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53792,-126.4657,bc5283,21,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_021,093l05823,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_021_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196299,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4657, 54.53792)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699452,699452,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53757,-126.4521,bc5283,22,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_022,093l05823,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_022_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196300,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4521, 54.53757)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699453,699453,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53723,-126.4384,bc5283,23,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_023,093l05824,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_023_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196301,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4384, 54.53723)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699454,699454,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53688,-126.4248,bc5283,24,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_024,093l05824,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_024_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196302,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4248, 54.53688)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699457,699457,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53584,-126.3839,bc5283,27,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_027,093l05913,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_027_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196305,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3839, 54.53584)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699458,699458,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.5355,-126.3703,bc5283,28,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_028,093l05913,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_028_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196306,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3703, 54.5355)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699459,699459,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53498,-126.3554,bc5283,29,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_029,093l05913,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_029_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196307,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3554, 54.53498)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699460,699460,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53447,-126.3405,bc5283,30,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_030,093l05914,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_030_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196308,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3405, 54.53447)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699461,699461,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53395,-126.3256,bc5283,31,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_031,093l05914,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_031_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196309,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3256, 54.53395)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699462,699462,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53344,-126.3108,bc5283,32,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_032,093l05914,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_032_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196310,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3108, 54.53344)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699465,699465,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:51:00,54.53189,-126.2661,bc5283,35,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_035,093l05923,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_035_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55909,4437,10787,19196313,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2661, 54.53189)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699466,699466,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.50925,-126.308,bc5283,36,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_036,093l05912,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_036_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196314,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.308, 54.50925)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699467,699467,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.5015,-126.2987,bc5283,37,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_037,093l05921,093L09,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_037_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196315,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2987, 54.5015)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699468,699468,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.49375,-126.2893,bc5283,38,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_038,093l04943,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_038_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196316,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2893, 54.49375)" @@ -66,19 +93,46 @@ WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699478,699478,2591,1968,1968- WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699479,699479,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.40982,-126.188,bc5283,49,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_049,093l05011,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_049_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196327,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.188, 54.40982)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699480,699480,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.40252,-126.1792,bc5283,50,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_050,093l05011,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_050_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196328,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1792, 54.40252)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699481,699481,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.39522,-126.1703,bc5283,51,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_051,093l04033,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_051_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196329,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1703, 54.39522)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699482,699482,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.38791,-126.1615,bc5283,52,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_052,093l04033,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_052_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196330,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1615, 54.38791)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699483,699483,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.38061,-126.1527,bc5283,53,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_053,093l04033,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_053_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196331,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1527, 54.38061)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699484,699484,2591,1968,1968-05-10,10:57:00,54.37331,-126.1439,bc5283,54,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_054,093l04032,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_054_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55910,4437,10787,19196332,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1439, 54.37331)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699488,699488,2591,1968,1968-05-10,11:04:00,54.37398,-126.1026,bc5283,58,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_058,093l04032,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_058_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55911,4437,10787,19196336,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1026, 54.37398)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699489,699489,2591,1968,1968-05-10,11:04:00,54.38132,-126.1118,bc5283,59,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_059,093l04034,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_059_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55911,4437,10787,19196337,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1118, 54.38132)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699490,699490,2591,1968,1968-05-10,11:04:00,54.38866,-126.1211,bc5283,60,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_060,093l04034,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_060_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55911,4437,10787,19196338,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1211, 54.38866)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699501,699501,2591,1968,1968-05-10,11:04:00,54.46699,-126.2167,bc5283,71,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_071,093l04942,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_071_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55911,4437,10787,19196349,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2167, 54.46699)" WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.699502,699502,2591,1968,1968-05-10,11:04:00,54.47373,-126.2244,bc5283,72,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5283_072,093l04942,093L08,1:12000,,B-022-WR-68,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1968/bc5283/bc5283_072_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1968/roll_pages/bc5283_1.jpg,,,55911,4437,10787,19196350,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2244, 54.47373)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486153,1486153,5791,1963,1963-08-07,10:59:00,54.20898,-126.0629,bc4134,128,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_128,093l03021,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83890,6008,13910,19329995,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0629, 54.20898)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486171,1486171,5791,1963,1963-08-07,10:59:00,54.20965,-126.4163,bc4134,146,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_146,093l02822,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83890,6008,13910,19330013,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4163, 54.20965)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486179,1486179,5791,1963,1963-08-07,10:59:00,54.20965,-126.5788,bc4134,154,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_154,093l02811,093L02,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83890,6008,13910,19330021,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5788, 54.20965)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486211,1486211,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18646,-126.5558,bc4134,186,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_186,093l01833,093L02,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330053,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5558, 54.18646)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486212,1486212,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18657,-126.5342,bc4134,187,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_187,093l01834,093L02,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330054,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5342, 54.18657)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486213,1486213,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18669,-126.5125,bc4134,188,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_188,093l01834,093L02,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330055,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5125, 54.18669)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486214,1486214,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.1868,-126.4909,bc4134,189,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_189,093l01843,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330056,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4909, 54.1868)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486215,1486215,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18677,-126.4708,bc4134,190,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_190,093l01843,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330057,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4708, 54.18677)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486216,1486216,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18675,-126.4508,bc4134,191,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_191,093l01843,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330058,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4508, 54.18675)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486217,1486217,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.18672,-126.4307,bc4134,192,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_192,093l01844,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330059,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4307, 54.18672)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1486218,1486218,5791,1963,1963-08-07,11:20:00,54.1867,-126.4107,bc4134,193,N,Y,Film - BW,bc4134_193,093l01844,093L01,1:16000,,B-023-FI-63,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1963/roll_pages/bc4134_2.jpg,,,83891,6008,13910,19330060,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4107, 54.1867)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401140,1401140,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.38969,-126.6363,bc7333,74,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_074,093l03744,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81897,5519,12699,19594490,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6363, 54.38969)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401171,1401171,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.36874,-126.6293,bc7333,105,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_105,093l03742,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81898,5519,12699,19594521,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6293, 54.36874)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401319,1401319,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.3461,-126.6155,bc7333,253,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_253,093l03724,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81899,5519,12699,19594669,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6155, 54.3461)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401591,1401591,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:50:00,54.32501,-126.6276,bc7359,181,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7359_181,093l03724,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7359/bc7359_181_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81907,5519,12737,19594937,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6276, 54.32501)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401627,1401627,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:50:00,54.30304,-126.654,bc7359,217,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7359_217,093l03721,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7359/bc7359_217_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81908,5519,12737,19594973,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.654, 54.30304)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401764,1401764,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:59:00,54.2819,-126.6356,bc7360,70,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7360_070,093l02744,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7360/bc7360_070_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81909,5519,12738,19595110,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6356, 54.2819)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401803,1401803,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:59:00,54.25986,-126.6267,bc7360,109,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7360_109,093l02742,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7360/bc7360_109_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81910,5519,12738,19595149,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6267, 54.25986)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402190,1402190,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.17395,-126.4027,bc7362,88,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_088,093l01842,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_088_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81916,5519,12741,19595536,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4027, 54.17395)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402191,1402191,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.17389,-126.3799,bc7362,89,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_089,093l01931,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_089_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81916,5519,12741,19595537,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3799, 54.17389)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402192,1402192,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.17384,-126.3571,bc7362,90,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_090,093l01931,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_090_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81916,5519,12741,19595538,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3571, 54.17384)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402193,1402193,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.17378,-126.3344,bc7362,91,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_091,093l01932,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_091_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81916,5519,12741,19595539,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3344, 54.17378)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402210,1402210,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19481,-126.4939,bc7362,108,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_108,093l01843,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_108_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595556,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4939, 54.19481)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402212,1402212,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19497,-126.5342,bc7362,110,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_110,093l01834,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_110_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595558,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5342, 54.19497)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402213,1402213,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19505,-126.5543,bc7362,111,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_111,093l01833,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_111_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595559,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5543, 54.19505)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402214,1402214,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19513,-126.5745,bc7362,112,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_112,093l01833,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_112_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595560,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5745, 54.19513)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402343,1402343,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.21645,-126.5998,bc7362,241,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_241,093l02811,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_241_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81918,5519,12741,19595689,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5998, 54.21645)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402344,1402344,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.2164,-126.5753,bc7362,242,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_242,093l02811,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_242_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81918,5519,12741,19595690,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5753, 54.2164)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402368,1402368,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.23772,-126.622,bc7362,266,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_266,093l02724,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_266_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81919,5519,12741,19595714,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.622, 54.23772)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402369,1402369,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.23778,-126.6417,bc7362,267,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_267,093l02724,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_267_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81919,5519,12741,19595715,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6417, 54.23778)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414086,1414086,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.1605,-126.316,bc5440,66,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_066,093l01932,093L01,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_066_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82117,5497,12643,19607429,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.316, 54.1605)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414128,1414128,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.17457,-126.4047,bc5440,108,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_108,093l01842,093L01,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_108_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82118,5497,12643,19607471,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4047, 54.17457)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414186,1414186,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.2285,-126.6218,bc5440,178,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_178,093l02724,093L02,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_178_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607529,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6218, 54.2285)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414190,1414190,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.32924,-126.6211,bc5440,182,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_182,093l03724,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_182_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607533,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6211, 54.32924)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414191,1414191,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.35443,-126.6209,bc5440,183,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_183,093l03742,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_183_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607534,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6209, 54.35443)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414326,1414326,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.28162,-126.0924,bc5420,71,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_071,093l03043,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_071_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82127,5464,12582,19607669,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0924, 54.28162)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414327,1414327,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.30877,-126.0924,bc5420,72,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_072,093l04021,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_072_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82127,5464,12582,19607670,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0924, 54.30877)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414350,1414350,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.3676,-126.1682,bc5420,95,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_095,093l04031,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_095_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82128,5464,12582,19607693,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1682, 54.3676)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414351,1414351,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.34234,-126.1679,bc5420,96,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_096,093l04013,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_096_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82128,5464,12582,19607694,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1679, 54.34234)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267548,1267548,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.20869,-126.052,bc7739,116,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_116,093l03021,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_116_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77601,5298,14998,19481218,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.052, 54.20869)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267632,1267632,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.23759,-126.0642,bc7739,200,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_200,093l03023,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_200_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77602,5298,14998,19481302,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0642, 54.23759)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267691,1267691,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.26654,-126.0717,bc7739,259,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_259,093l03041,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_259_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77603,5298,14998,19481361,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0717, 54.26654)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267788,1267788,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.29438,-126.0822,bc7740,52,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_052,093l03043,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_052_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77604,5298,14999,19481458,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0822, 54.29438)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267812,1267812,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.32335,-126.1284,bc7740,76,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_076,093l04012,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_076_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77605,5298,14999,19481482,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1284, 54.32335)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267813,1267813,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.32325,-126.1035,bc7740,77,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_077,093l04012,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_077_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77605,5298,14999,19481483,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1035, 54.32325)" +WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267931,1267931,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.3821,-126.1337,bc7740,195,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_195,093l04034,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_195_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77607,5298,14999,19481601,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1337, 54.3821)" diff --git a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/airphotos_1971-06-05_1975-09-18.csv b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/airphotos_1971-06-05_1975-09-18.csv deleted file mode 100644 index 1c0fe05..0000000 --- a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/airphotos_1971-06-05_1975-09-18.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -id,airp_id,flying_height,photo_year,photo_date,photo_time,latitude,longitude,film_roll,frame_number,georef_metadata_ind,published_ind,media,photo_tag,bcgs_tile,nts_tile,scale,ground_sample_distance,operation_tag,focal_length,thumbnail_image_url,flight_log_url,camera_calibration_url,patb_georef_url,flight_line_segment_id,operation_id,film_record_id,objectid,se_anno_cad_data,area_ha,localcode_ltree,refine_method,wscode_ltree,geometry -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265167,1265167,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.43797,-126.5654,bc7727,88,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7727_088,093l04813,093L07,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7727/bc7727_088_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77563,1389,14969,19478837,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5654, 54.43797)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265168,1265168,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.43808,-126.5962,bc7727,89,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7727_089,093l04813,093L07,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7727/bc7727_089_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77563,1389,14969,19478838,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5962, 54.43808)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265318,1265318,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.4672,-126.5188,bc7728,79,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7728_079,093l04832,093L07,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7728/bc7728_079_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77564,1389,14972,19478988,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5188, 54.4672)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265319,1265319,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.46719,-126.4937,bc7728,80,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7728_080,093l04841,093L08,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7728/bc7728_080_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77564,1389,14972,19478989,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4937, 54.46719)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265343,1265343,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.49571,-126.2767,bc7728,104,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7728_104,093l04943,093L08,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7728/bc7728_104_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77565,1389,14972,19479013,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2767, 54.49571)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265344,1265344,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.49574,-126.3036,bc7728,105,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7728_105,093l04934,093L08,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7728/bc7728_105_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77565,1389,14972,19479014,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3036, 54.49574)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265351,1265351,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.49571,-126.491,bc7728,112,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7728_112,093l04843,093L08,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7728/bc7728_112_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77565,1389,14972,19479021,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.491, 54.49571)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265493,1265493,7315,1975,1975-07-05,03:45:00,54.52463,-126.4592,bc7735,77,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7735_077,093l05821,093L09,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7735/bc7735_077_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7735_7736_1.jpg,,,77566,1389,14993,19479163,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4592, 54.52463)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265495,1265495,7315,1975,1975-07-05,03:45:00,54.52466,-126.4038,bc7735,79,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7735_079,093l05822,093L09,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7735/bc7735_079_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7735_7736_1.jpg,,,77566,1389,14993,19479165,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4038, 54.52466)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265497,1265497,7315,1975,1975-07-05,03:45:00,54.52466,-126.3484,bc7735,81,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7735_081,093l05912,093L09,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7735/bc7735_081_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7735_7736_1.jpg,,,77566,1389,14993,19479167,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3484, 54.52466)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1265498,1265498,7315,1975,1975-07-05,03:45:00,54.52465,-126.3207,bc7735,82,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7735_082,093l05912,093L09,1:20000,,B-009-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7735/bc7735_082_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7735_7736_1.jpg,,,77566,1389,14993,19479168,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3207, 54.52465)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267359,1267359,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.41326,-126.201,bc7727,11,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7727_011,093l04922,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7727/bc7727_011_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77597,5298,14968,19481029,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.201, 54.41326)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267363,1267363,7315,1975,1975-07-05,12:40:00,54.41105,-126.0921,bc7727,15,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7727_015,093l05021,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7727/bc7727_015_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7727_7728_1.jpg,,,77597,5298,14968,19481033,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0921, 54.41105)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267506,1267506,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.17698,-126.4302,bc7739,74,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_074,093l01844,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_074_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77600,5298,14998,19481176,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4302, 54.17698)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267507,1267507,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.17692,-126.4551,bc7739,75,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_075,093l01843,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_075_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77600,5298,14998,19481177,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4551, 54.17692)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267529,1267529,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.20894,-126.5845,bc7739,97,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_097,093l02811,093L02,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_097_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77601,5298,14998,19481199,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5845, 54.20894)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267535,1267535,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.2086,-126.4077,bc7739,103,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_103,093l02822,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_103_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77601,5298,14998,19481205,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4077, 54.2086)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267548,1267548,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.20869,-126.052,bc7739,116,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_116,093l03021,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_116_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77601,5298,14998,19481218,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.052, 54.20869)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267632,1267632,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.23759,-126.0642,bc7739,200,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_200,093l03023,093L01,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_200_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77602,5298,14998,19481302,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0642, 54.23759)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267653,1267653,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.2378,-126.6187,bc7739,221,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_221,093l02724,093L02,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_221_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77602,5298,14998,19481323,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6187, 54.2378)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267654,1267654,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.23826,-126.6451,bc7739,222,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_222,093l02724,093L02,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_222_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77602,5298,14998,19481324,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6451, 54.23826)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267669,1267669,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.26693,-126.6362,bc7739,237,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_237,093l02742,093L07,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_237_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77603,5298,14998,19481339,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6362, 54.26693)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267691,1267691,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.26654,-126.0717,bc7739,259,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7739_259,093l03041,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7739/bc7739_259_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77603,5298,14998,19481361,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0717, 54.26654)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267788,1267788,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.29438,-126.0822,bc7740,52,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_052,093l03043,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_052_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77604,5298,14999,19481458,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0822, 54.29438)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267812,1267812,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.32335,-126.1284,bc7740,76,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_076,093l04012,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_076_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77605,5298,14999,19481482,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1284, 54.32335)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267813,1267813,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.32325,-126.1035,bc7740,77,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_077,093l04012,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_077_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77605,5298,14999,19481483,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1035, 54.32325)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267911,1267911,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.35198,-126.1794,bc7740,175,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_175,093l04031,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_175_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77606,5298,14999,19481581,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1794, 54.35198)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267931,1267931,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.3821,-126.1337,bc7740,195,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_195,093l04034,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_195_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77607,5298,14999,19481601,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1337, 54.3821)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267932,1267932,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.38186,-126.1067,bc7740,196,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_196,093l04034,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_196_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77607,5298,14999,19481602,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1067, 54.38186)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1267933,1267933,7315,1975,1975-07-05,08:50:00,54.38161,-126.0797,bc7740,197,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7740_197,093l04043,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7740/bc7740_197_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7739_7740_1.jpg,,,77607,5298,14999,19481603,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0797, 54.38161)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1268030,1268030,7315,1975,1975-09-18,10:25:00,54.4665,-126.2526,bc7824,158,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7824_158,093l04941,093L08,1:20000,,B-010-FI-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7824/bc7824_158_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7823_7824_4.jpg,,,77609,5298,15169,19481700,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2526, 54.4665)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284856,1284856,1554,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.41015,-126.7324,bc5688,126,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_126,093l04712,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_126_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78132,5259,14921,19498020,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7324, 54.41015)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284857,1284857,1554,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.40583,-126.7298,bc5688,127,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_127,093l04712,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_127_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78132,5259,14921,19498021,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7298, 54.40583)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284858,1284858,1554,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.40152,-126.7271,bc5688,128,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_128,093l04712,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_128_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78132,5259,14921,19498022,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7271, 54.40152)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284859,1284859,1554,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.39721,-126.7244,bc5688,129,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_129,093l03734,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_129_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78132,5259,14921,19498023,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7244, 54.39721)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284880,1284880,1494,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.3857,-126.6407,bc5688,150,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_150,093l03744,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_150_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78134,5259,14921,19498044,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6407, 54.3857)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284881,1284881,1494,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.38819,-126.6341,bc5688,151,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_151,093l03744,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_151_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78134,5259,14921,19498045,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6341, 54.38819)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1284882,1284882,1494,1975,1975-09-12,02:15:00,54.39066,-126.6276,bc5688,152,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5688_152,093l03744,093L07,1:8000,,B-091-H-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5688/bc5688_152_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5688_4.jpg,,,78134,5259,14921,19498046,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6276, 54.39066)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292497,1292497,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.39522,-126.6598,bc7796,90,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_090,093l03743,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_090_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505025,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6598, 54.39522)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292498,1292498,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.40229,-126.6468,bc7796,91,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_091,093l04722,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_091_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505026,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6468, 54.40229)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292499,1292499,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.40937,-126.6338,bc7796,92,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_092,093l04722,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_092_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505027,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6338, 54.40937)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292500,1292500,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.41644,-126.6208,bc7796,93,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_093,093l04722,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_093_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505028,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6208, 54.41644)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292501,1292501,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.42351,-126.6078,bc7796,94,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_094,093l04722,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_094_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505029,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6078, 54.42351)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292502,1292502,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.43058,-126.5948,bc7796,95,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_095,093l04813,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_095_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505030,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5948, 54.43058)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292503,1292503,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.43764,-126.5817,bc7796,96,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_096,093l04813,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_096_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505031,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5817, 54.43764)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292504,1292504,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.44471,-126.5687,bc7796,97,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_097,093l04813,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_097_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505032,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5687, 54.44471)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292505,1292505,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.45177,-126.5557,bc7796,98,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_098,093l04831,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_098_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505033,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5557, 54.45177)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292506,1292506,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.45883,-126.5426,bc7796,99,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_099,093l04832,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_099_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505034,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5426, 54.45883)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292508,1292508,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.47295,-126.5165,bc7796,101,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_101,093l04832,093L07,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_101_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505036,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5165, 54.47295)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292510,1292510,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.48707,-126.4904,bc7796,103,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_103,093l04843,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_103_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505038,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4904, 54.48707)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292511,1292511,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.49412,-126.4773,bc7796,104,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_104,093l04843,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_104_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505039,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4773, 54.49412)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292512,1292512,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.50117,-126.4643,bc7796,105,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_105,093l05821,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_105_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505040,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4643, 54.50117)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292513,1292513,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.50823,-126.4512,bc7796,106,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_106,093l05821,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_106_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505041,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4512, 54.50823)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292514,1292514,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.51528,-126.4381,bc7796,107,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_107,093l05822,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_107_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505042,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4381, 54.51528)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292515,1292515,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.52232,-126.425,bc7796,108,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_108,093l05822,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_108_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505043,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.425, 54.52232)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292516,1292516,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.52937,-126.4119,bc7796,109,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_109,093l05824,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_109_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78600,5798,15107,19505044,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4119, 54.52937)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292520,1292520,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.52602,-126.4223,bc7796,113,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_113,093l05824,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_113_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505048,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4223, 54.52602)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292521,1292521,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.52303,-126.4056,bc7796,114,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_114,093l05822,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_114_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505049,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4056, 54.52303)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292522,1292522,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.52005,-126.3888,bc7796,115,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_115,093l05911,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_115_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505050,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3888, 54.52005)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292523,1292523,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.51706,-126.3721,bc7796,116,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_116,093l05911,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_116_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505051,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3721, 54.51706)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292524,1292524,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.51407,-126.3554,bc7796,117,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_117,093l05911,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_117_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505052,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3554, 54.51407)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292525,1292525,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.51108,-126.3387,bc7796,118,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_118,093l05912,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_118_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505053,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3387, 54.51108)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292526,1292526,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.50809,-126.322,bc7796,119,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_119,093l05912,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_119_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505054,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.322, 54.50809)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292527,1292527,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.50509,-126.3053,bc7796,120,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_120,093l05912,093L09,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_120_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505055,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3053, 54.50509)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292529,1292529,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.49909,-126.2719,bc7796,122,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_122,093l04943,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_122_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78601,5798,15107,19505057,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2719, 54.49909)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292533,1292533,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.48765,-126.2531,bc7796,126,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_126,093l04943,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_126_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505061,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2531, 54.48765)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292534,1292534,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.4819,-126.2472,bc7796,127,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_127,093l04944,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_127_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505062,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2472, 54.4819)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292535,1292535,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.47614,-126.2414,bc7796,128,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_128,093l04944,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_128_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505063,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2414, 54.47614)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292536,1292536,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.47039,-126.2355,bc7796,129,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_129,093l04942,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_129_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505064,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2355, 54.47039)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292539,1292539,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.45313,-126.2179,bc7796,132,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_132,093l04942,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_132_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505067,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2179, 54.45313)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292540,1292540,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.44737,-126.212,bc7796,133,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_133,093l04924,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_133_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505068,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.212, 54.44737)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292541,1292541,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.44162,-126.2061,bc7796,134,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_134,093l04924,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_134_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505069,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2061, 54.44162)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292542,1292542,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.43586,-126.2002,bc7796,135,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_135,093l04924,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_135_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78602,5798,15107,19505070,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2002, 54.43586)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292543,1292543,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.44292,-126.2144,bc7796,136,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_136,093l04924,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_136_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505071,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2144, 54.44292)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292544,1292544,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.4385,-126.1945,bc7796,137,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_137,093l05013,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_137_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505072,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1945, 54.4385)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292549,1292549,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.41675,-126.0959,bc7796,142,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_142,093l05021,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_142_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505077,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0959, 54.41675)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292550,1292550,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.41239,-126.0762,bc7796,143,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_143,093l05021,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_143_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505078,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0762, 54.41239)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292551,1292551,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.40802,-126.0565,bc7796,144,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_144,093l05021,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_144_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505079,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0565, 54.40802)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1292552,1292552,5639,1975,1975-09-08,09:30:00,54.40366,-126.0369,bc7796,145,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7796_145,093l05022,093L08,1:15000,,B-349-MA-75,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc7796/bc7796_145_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc7795_7796_3.jpg,,,78603,5798,15107,19505080,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0369, 54.40366)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1293657,1293657,3200,1975,1975-06-19,02:30:00,54.40309,-126.715,bc5671,85,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5671_085,093l04712,093L07,1:15000,,B-038-MA-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5671/bc5671_085_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5671_1.jpg,,,78667,4282,14857,19505924,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.715, 54.40309)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1293658,1293658,3200,1975,1975-06-19,02:30:00,54.39259,-126.7089,bc5671,86,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5671_086,093l03734,093L07,1:15000,,B-038-MA-75,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1975/bc5671/bc5671_086_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1975/roll_pages/bc5671_1.jpg,,,78667,4282,14857,19505925,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7089, 54.39259)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340021,1340021,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.3978,-126.7292,bc5606,3,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_003,093l03734,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_003_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80022,4714,11511,19538799,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7292, 54.3978)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340022,1340022,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.40148,-126.7155,bc5606,4,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_004,093l04712,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_004_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80022,4714,11511,19538800,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7155, 54.40148)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340030,1340030,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.43085,-126.6057,bc5606,12,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_012,093l04724,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_012_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80022,4714,11511,19538808,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6057, 54.43085)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340031,1340031,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.43452,-126.5919,bc5606,13,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_013,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_013_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80022,4714,11511,19538809,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5919, 54.43452)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340032,1340032,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.43823,-126.5782,bc5606,14,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_014,093l04813,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_014_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80022,4714,11511,19538810,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5782, 54.43823)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340037,1340037,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.40607,-126.6234,bc5606,19,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_019,093l04722,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_019_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538815,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6234, 54.40607)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340038,1340038,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.40268,-126.6363,bc5606,20,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_020,093l04722,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_020_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538816,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6363, 54.40268)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340039,1340039,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.3993,-126.6493,bc5606,21,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_021,093l03744,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_021_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538817,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6493, 54.3993)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340040,1340040,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.3959,-126.6622,bc5606,22,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_022,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_022_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538818,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6622, 54.3959)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340041,1340041,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.39252,-126.6752,bc5606,23,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_023,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_023_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538819,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6752, 54.39252)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340042,1340042,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.38912,-126.6881,bc5606,24,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_024,093l03743,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_024_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538820,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6881, 54.38912)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340043,1340043,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.38573,-126.7011,bc5606,25,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_025,093l03734,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_025_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80023,4714,11511,19538821,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7011, 54.38573)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340058,1340058,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.38177,-126.6459,bc5606,40,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_040,093l03744,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_040_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80024,4714,11511,19538836,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6459, 54.38177)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1340059,1340059,2438,1974,1974-08-13,09:25:00,54.38531,-126.6331,bc5606,41,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5606_041,093l03744,093L07,1:12000,,B-184-H-74,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1974/bc5606/bc5606_041_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1974/roll_pages/bc5606_1.jpg,,,80024,4714,11511,19538837,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6331, 54.38531)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400195,1400195,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.49822,-126.4772,bc7325,145,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7325_145,093l04843,093L08,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7325/bc7325_145_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81881,5519,12689,19593545,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4772, 54.49822)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400354,1400354,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.47487,-126.5049,bc7326,20,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_020,093l04832,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_020_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81883,5519,12690,19593704,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5049, 54.47487)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400355,1400355,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.47483,-126.4824,bc7326,21,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_021,093l04841,093L08,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_021_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81883,5519,12690,19593705,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4824, 54.47483)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400363,1400363,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.45538,-126.5134,bc7326,29,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_029,093l04832,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_029_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81884,5519,12690,19593713,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5134, 54.45538)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400364,1400364,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.45537,-126.534,bc7326,30,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_030,093l04832,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_030_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81884,5519,12690,19593714,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.534, 54.45537)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400365,1400365,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.45535,-126.5547,bc7326,31,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_031,093l04831,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_031_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81884,5519,12690,19593715,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5547, 54.45535)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400519,1400519,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.43322,-126.6126,bc7326,185,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_185,093l04724,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_185_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81885,5519,12690,19593869,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6126, 54.43322)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400520,1400520,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.4333,-126.5914,bc7326,186,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_186,093l04813,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_186_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81885,5519,12690,19593870,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5914, 54.4333)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400544,1400544,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.4121,-126.6065,bc7326,210,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_210,093l04722,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_210_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81886,5519,12690,19593894,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6065, 54.4121)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400545,1400545,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.4121,-126.6278,bc7326,211,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_211,093l04722,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_211_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81886,5519,12690,19593895,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6278, 54.4121)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1400550,1400550,6096,1971,1971-07-17,11:15:00,54.41204,-126.7347,bc7326,216,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7326_216,093l04712,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7326/bc7326_216_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7325_7326_3.jpg,,,81886,5519,12690,19593900,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.7347, 54.41204)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401137,1401137,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.38977,-126.699,bc7333,71,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_071,093l03743,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81897,5519,12699,19594487,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.699, 54.38977)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401138,1401138,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.38975,-126.6781,bc7333,72,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_072,093l03743,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81897,5519,12699,19594488,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6781, 54.38975)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401140,1401140,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.38969,-126.6363,bc7333,74,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_074,093l03744,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81897,5519,12699,19594490,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6363, 54.38969)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401171,1401171,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.36874,-126.6293,bc7333,105,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_105,093l03742,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81898,5519,12699,19594521,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6293, 54.36874)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401319,1401319,6096,1971,1971-07-17,01:23:00,54.3461,-126.6155,bc7333,253,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7333_253,093l03724,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7333_7334_1.jpg,,,81899,5519,12699,19594669,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6155, 54.3461)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401591,1401591,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:50:00,54.32501,-126.6276,bc7359,181,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7359_181,093l03724,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7359/bc7359_181_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81907,5519,12737,19594937,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6276, 54.32501)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401626,1401626,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:50:00,54.30301,-126.6332,bc7359,216,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7359_216,093l03722,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7359/bc7359_216_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81908,5519,12737,19594972,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6332, 54.30301)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401627,1401627,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:50:00,54.30304,-126.654,bc7359,217,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7359_217,093l03721,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7359/bc7359_217_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81908,5519,12737,19594973,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.654, 54.30304)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401764,1401764,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:59:00,54.2819,-126.6356,bc7360,70,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7360_070,093l02744,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7360/bc7360_070_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81909,5519,12738,19595110,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6356, 54.2819)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1401803,1401803,6096,1971,1971-07-26,01:59:00,54.25986,-126.6267,bc7360,109,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7360_109,093l02742,093L07,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7360/bc7360_109_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7359_7360_3.jpg,,,81910,5519,12738,19595149,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6267, 54.25986)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402206,1402206,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19444,-126.4133,bc7362,104,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_104,093l01844,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_104_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595552,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4133, 54.19444)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402210,1402210,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19481,-126.4939,bc7362,108,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_108,093l01843,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_108_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595556,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4939, 54.19481)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402212,1402212,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19497,-126.5342,bc7362,110,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_110,093l01834,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_110_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595558,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5342, 54.19497)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402213,1402213,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19505,-126.5543,bc7362,111,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_111,093l01833,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_111_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595559,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5543, 54.19505)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402214,1402214,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.19513,-126.5745,bc7362,112,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_112,093l01833,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_112_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81917,5519,12741,19595560,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5745, 54.19513)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402343,1402343,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.21645,-126.5998,bc7362,241,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_241,093l02811,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_241_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81918,5519,12741,19595689,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5998, 54.21645)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402344,1402344,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.2164,-126.5753,bc7362,242,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_242,093l02811,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_242_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81918,5519,12741,19595690,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5753, 54.2164)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402350,1402350,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.21599,-126.4283,bc7362,248,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_248,093l02822,093L01,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_248_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81918,5519,12741,19595696,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4283, 54.21599)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402368,1402368,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.23772,-126.622,bc7362,266,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_266,093l02724,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_266_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81919,5519,12741,19595714,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.622, 54.23772)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1402369,1402369,6096,1971,1971-07-27,09:20:00,54.23778,-126.6417,bc7362,267,N,Y,Film - BW,bc7362_267,093l02724,093L02,1:15840,,B-003-FSR-71,305,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc7362/bc7362_267_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc7361_7362_1.jpg,,,81919,5519,12741,19595715,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6417, 54.23778)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414100,1414100,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.49591,-126.3128,bc5440,80,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_080,093l04934,093L08,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_080_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82117,5497,12643,19607443,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3128, 54.49591)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414102,1414102,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.54044,-126.3142,bc5440,82,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_082,093l05914,093L09,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_082_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82117,5497,12643,19607445,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.3142, 54.54044)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414113,1414113,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.52017,-126.4028,bc5440,93,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_093,093l05822,093L09,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_093_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82118,5497,12643,19607456,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4028, 54.52017)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414127,1414127,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.19752,-126.4051,bc5440,107,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_107,093l01844,093L01,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_107_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82118,5497,12643,19607470,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4051, 54.19752)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414157,1414157,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.50693,-126.4708,bc5440,149,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_149,093l05821,093L09,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_149_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82119,5497,12643,19607500,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4708, 54.50693)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414158,1414158,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.53055,-126.4708,bc5440,150,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_150,093l05823,093L09,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_150_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82119,5497,12643,19607501,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.4708, 54.53055)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414171,1414171,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.45766,-126.5431,bc5440,163,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_163,093l04832,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_163_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82120,5497,12643,19607514,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.5431, 54.45766)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414186,1414186,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.2285,-126.6218,bc5440,178,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_178,093l02724,093L02,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_178_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607529,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6218, 54.2285)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414190,1414190,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.32924,-126.6211,bc5440,182,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_182,093l03724,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_182_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607533,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6211, 54.32924)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414191,1414191,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.35443,-126.6209,bc5440,183,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_183,093l03742,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_183_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607534,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6209, 54.35443)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414193,1414193,6096,1971,1971-08-30,10:55:00,54.4048,-126.6205,bc5440,185,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5440_185,093l04722,093L07,1:31680,,B-113-DF-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5440/bc5440_185_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5440_2.jpg,,,82121,5497,12643,19607536,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.6205, 54.4048)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414326,1414326,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.28162,-126.0924,bc5420,71,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_071,093l03043,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_071_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82127,5464,12582,19607669,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0924, 54.28162)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414327,1414327,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.30877,-126.0924,bc5420,72,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_072,093l04021,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_072_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82127,5464,12582,19607670,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0924, 54.30877)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414331,1414331,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.41735,-126.0925,bc5420,76,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_076,093l05021,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_076_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82127,5464,12582,19607674,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.0925, 54.41735)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414349,1414349,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.39285,-126.1686,bc5420,94,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_094,093l04033,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_094_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82128,5464,12582,19607692,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1686, 54.39285)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414350,1414350,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.3676,-126.1682,bc5420,95,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_095,093l04031,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_095_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82128,5464,12582,19607693,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1682, 54.3676)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414351,1414351,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.34234,-126.1679,bc5420,96,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_096,093l04013,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_096_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82128,5464,12582,19607694,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.1679, 54.34234)" -WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_PHOTO_CENTROIDS_SP.1414383,1414383,6096,1971,1971-06-05,09:05:00,54.4787,-126.2499,bc5420,160,N,Y,Film - BW,bc5420_160,093l04944,093L08,1:31680,,B-122-LI-71,153,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/1971/bc5420/bc5420_160_thumb.jpg,https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/thumbs/logbooks/1971/roll_pages/bc5420_1.jpg,,,82129,5464,12582,19607726,,231944.69,400.431358.585806,CUT,400.431358,"c(-126.2499, 54.4787)" diff --git a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/fig/Screenshot1.png b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/fig/Screenshot1.png index ee9a057..ce1078a 100644 Binary files a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/fig/Screenshot1.png and b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/fig/Screenshot1.png differ diff --git a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index.qmd b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index.qmd index 8b7c788..622f7e2 100644 --- a/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index.qmd +++ b/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/index.qmd @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: "Getting details of historic orthophoto imagery with R" author: "al" date: "2024-11-15" date-modified: "2024-11-17" -categories: [fwapg, r, bcdata] +categories: [fwapg, r, bcdata, imagery, api] image: "image.jpg" params: repo_owner: "NewGraphEnvironment" @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ suppressMessages(library(tidyverse)) library(ggplot2) library(bcdata) library(fwapgr) +library(knitr) suppressMessages(library(sf)) # library(leaflet) # library(leafem) @@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ lburn_sf( Next we grab a few key layers from the BC Data Catalougue API using convience functions in our `rfp` package ("Reproducable Field Products") which wrap the provincially maintained `bcdata` package. We grab: - Railways - - Streams in the Bulkley Watershed group that are 5th order or greater. + - Streams in the Bulkley Watershed group that are 4th order or greater. - [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) - [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons) - [NTS 1:50,000 Grid](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/) (we will see why in a second) @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ l_streams <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data( ) |> sf::st_transform(4326) |> janitor::clean_names() |> - dplyr::filter(stream_order > 4) + dplyr::filter(stream_order >= 4) # historic orthophotos # WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.AIMG_HIST_INDEX_MAPS_POLY @@ -263,23 +264,9 @@ layers_trimmed <- layers_to_load |> ) ``` -OK, seems we cannot get machine readable historical air photo information from the downloaded from the BC data catalogue [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) - and [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons) layers perhpas because the majority of the photos are not georeferenced? What we see in the map under the table below (red dot on map) is one point which contains 8 records including links to pdfs and kmls which are basically a georeferenced drawing of where the imagery overlaps. From as far as I can tell - if we wanted to try to use these kmls or pdfs to select orthoimagery we would need to manually eyeball where the photo polygons overlap where we want to see imagery for and manually write down identifiers for photo by hand. Maybe I am missing something but it sure seems that way. - - -```{r tab-imagery-points, eval=TRUE} - -#This what the information in the [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer looks like. - -layers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist |> - sf::st_drop_geometry() |> - knitr::kable() - -``` - - +OK, seems we cannot get machine readable historical air photo information from the downloaded from the BC data catalogue [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer perhaps because the majority of the photos are not georeferenced? What we see in the map and table below (red dot on map) is one point which contains 8 records including links to pdfs and kmls which are basically a georeferenced drawing of where the imagery overlaps (@fig-1). From as far as I can tell - if we wanted to try to use the kmls or pdfs linked in the attribute tables of the "Historic Imagery Points" layer to select orthoimagery we would need to eyeball where the photo polygons overlap where we want to see imagery for and manually write down identifiers for photo by hand. Maybe I am missing something but it sure seems that way. -```{r} +```{r map1} map <- ggplot() + geom_sf( data = layers_trimmed$aoi, @@ -292,15 +279,18 @@ map <- ggplot() + color = "blue", size = 1 ) + + geom_sf_text( + data = layers_trimmed$l_streams |> dplyr::distinct(gnis_name, .keep_all = TRUE), + aes( + label = gnis_name + ), + size = 2 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed + ) + geom_sf( data = layers_trimmed$l_rail, color = "black", size = 1 ) + - # geom_sf( - # data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery, - # alpha = 0, - # ) + geom_sf( data = layers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist, color = "red", @@ -315,31 +305,25 @@ map <- ggplot() + aes(label = map_tile), size = 3 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed ) - # ggdark::dark_theme_void() - map ``` -It does however seem that the [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids) are georeferenced - +```{r tab-imagery-points, eval=TRUE} -```{r} -#if we go through the online interface, we can use a NTS 1:50,000 map sheet to export a CSV file that does contain information about individual air photo locations (centre coordinate?). Our study area is huge so to begin with we can look at the area from somewhere around the confluence of McQuarie Creek and the Neexdzii Kwah up to say the upstream end of Bulkley Lake. For this area we just have two 1:50,000 map sheets (`093L09` and `093L08`). -``` +#This what the information in the [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) layer looks like. -```{r fig1, eval=FALSE} +layers_trimmed$l_imagery_hist |> + sf::st_drop_geometry() |> + knitr::kable() -# ## Download Photo Information +``` + +
-# Next, we go into the provincial [WIMSI](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/digital-imagery/air-photos) service and for each NTS 1:50,000 grid - we state the date range we would like to search and export. Thinking we may be able to hit the API directly with a query in the future which would eliminate the painful point and click portion of this workflow. For now though - we are doing this piece manually and chose the following options: -# -# - `Years from`: 1950 to 2024 -# - `Media`: All -# - `Only show georeferenced images`: - No -# -# Running these options exports a csv for each query. We saved them in this repo with their original sane names `airphotos.{mapsheet}.csv`. +```{r fig-1, fig.cap=my_caption, eval=TRUE} +my_caption <- "Screenshot of kml downloaded from link provided in Historic Imagery Points." knitr::include_graphics(fs::path( path_post, "fig", @@ -350,6 +334,23 @@ knitr::include_graphics(fs::path( ``` + + +
+ +For the [Historic Imagery Polygons](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-polygons) layer the range of `year_operational` is `r range(layers_trimmed$l_imagery$year_operational)`. This is not as far back as we would prefer to be looking. + + +
+ +It does however seem that each of the [Air Photo Centroids](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airphoto-centroids) are georeferenced with a date range of: + + +```{r} +range(layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids$photo_date) +``` + + ```{r ld-csv, eval = FALSE} # At this point we have downloaded two csvs (one for each NTS 1:50,000 mapsheet of course) with information about the airphotos including UTM coordinates that we will assume for now are the photo centres. In our next steps we read in what we have, turn into spatial object, trim to overall study area and plot. @@ -386,18 +387,7 @@ map + data = layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids, alpha = 0.25 ) - # geom_sf_text( - # data = photos_aoi, - # aes( - # label = - # paste( - # # roll_frame_series, - # frame, - # sep = "-" - # ) - # ), - # size = 2 # Adjust size of the text labels as needed - # ) + ``` That is a lot of photos! `r nrow(layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids)` photos to be exact!!! @@ -411,14 +401,14 @@ q_drm_other <- 5000 ``` ## Clip Photo Information with Streams Buffers -Here are our query parameters to narrow down the area within our selected mapsheets in which we want to find photos for: +Here are our query parameters to narrow down the area within our study are watershed in which we want to find photos for: - Buffer: `r q_buffer`m - size of buffer used on either side of stream lines selected - Stream segments: + Bulkley River (`gnis_name` in the stream layer) + Maxan Creek + Buck Creek - + stream segments which begin before `r q_drm_other` from the mainstem + + for each remaining stream - segments of that stream which begin before `r q_drm_other`m from the downstream system @@ -436,12 +426,13 @@ knitr::include_graphics(fs::path( ```{r aoi-refine} +r_streams <- c("Maxan Creek", "Buck Creek") aoi_refined_raw <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> # removed & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_main for bulkley as doestn't cahnge 1960s query and increases beyond just by 5 photos dplyr::filter(gnis_name == "Bulkley River"| gnis_name != "Bulkley River" & downstream_route_measure < q_drm_other | - gnis_name %in% c("Maxan Creek", "Buck Creek")) |> + gnis_name %in% r_streams) |> # dplyr::arrange(downstream_route_measure) |> # calculate when we get to length_m by adding up the length_metre field and filtering out everything up to length_m # dplyr::filter(cumsum(length_metre) <= length_m) |> @@ -476,68 +467,110 @@ map + ) ``` +That is not as many photos - but still quite a few (`r nrow(photos_aoi_refined)`). The table below can be used to filter these photos from any time and/or mapsheet and export the result to csv or excel file. + +```{r tab1} +photos_aoi_refined |> + my_dt_table(cols_freeze_left = 2) +``` + ## Filter Photos by Date -Now lets filter by date to see what our options are including the earliest photos possible. Here is our range to choose from: +Now lets map by year to see what our options are including the earliest photos possible. Here is our range to choose from: ```{r date-range} range(photos_aoi_refined$photo_date) ``` -```{r date-param} -q_date_end1 <- "1969-12-31" -q_date_start1 <- "1970-01-01" -q_date_end2 <- "1975-12-31" +` + +```{r map4} +map + +geom_sf( + data = photos_aoi_refined |> dplyr::filter(photo_year <= "1975") + ) + + facet_wrap(~ photo_year) + ``` -There is lots going on here so we will map a comparison of a couple of options. First we will look at all photos available for before 1970 (red dots on map below). We will also see what photos we have for between `r q_date_start1` and on or before `r q_date_end2` (blue dots on map below)? +Well - looks like we get really good coverage of the Bulkley River mainstem in 1968 then much better coverage of the Buck Creek drainage and Maxan Creek in 1971. For 1975 - the coverage of the Bulkley mainstem and Maxan Creek is pretty good... + +
+ +Thinking the ideal thing to do is to grab the photos from: + + - 1968 all + - 1971 for the Buck Creek and Maxan Creek areas only + - 1975 Maxan Creek only + +
+ +```{r refine-year-streams} +# spatially represent just Buck and Maxan, buffer and clip the 1971 photos +# "r_" is for "refine" +r_year1 <- "1968" +r_year2 <- "1971" +r_year3 <- "1975" + +r_streams2 <- c("Maxan Creek") + +l_streams_refined1 <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> + # we defined r_streams in chunk way above + dplyr::filter(gnis_name %in% r_streams) |> + sf::st_union() |> + # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list... + sf::st_sf() + +aoi_refined_buffered2 <- sf::st_buffer( + l_streams_refined1, + q_buffer, endCapStyle = "FLAT" +) + +l_streams_refined2 <- layers_trimmed$l_streams |> + # we defined r_streams in chunk way above + dplyr::filter(gnis_name %in% r_streams2) |> + sf::st_union() |> + # we need to run st_sf or we get a sp object in a list... + sf::st_sf() + +aoi_refined_buffered3 <- sf::st_buffer( + l_streams_refined2, + q_buffer, endCapStyle = "FLAT" +) -```{r photos-filter} +# filter first year photos1 <- photos_aoi_refined |> dplyr::filter( - photo_date <= q_date_end1 + photo_year == r_year1 ) -photos2 <- photos_aoi_refined |> - dplyr::filter( - photo_date >= q_date_start1 & - photo_date <= q_date_end2 +# filter second year using just the streams we want to include +photos2 <- sf::st_intersection( + layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids |> dplyr::filter(photo_year == r_year2), + aoi_refined_buffered2 ) -``` +# filter second year using just the streams we want to include +photos3 <- sf::st_intersection( + layers_trimmed$l_photo_centroids |> dplyr::filter(photo_year == r_year3), + aoi_refined_buffered3 + ) -```{r map4} -map + - geom_sf( - data = photos1, - color = "red", - alpha = 0.25, - ) - -map + - geom_sf( - data = photos2, - color = "blue", - alpha = 0.25, - ) +photos_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(photos1, photos2, photos3) ``` -Well we have some tough decisions to make as we seem to have better coverage in the Maxan Creek drainage in the 70s (`r nrow(photos2)` photos) but good coverage of the mainstem Neexdzii Kwah in the 60s (`r nrow(photos1)` photos)... -
- - -The table below can be used to filter photos from any time (provided it's location falls in the watershed area we clipped our downloaded points to) and export the result to csv or excel file. This could be useful for narrowing down our search not only to timescales but also to specific mapsheets with options given for both NTS 1:50,000 as well as BCGS 1:20,000 grid mapsheets. - -```{r tab1} -photos_aoi_refined |> - my_dt_table(cols_freeze_left = 2) +Now let's have a look at what we have +```{r map5} +map + + geom_sf( + data = photos_all + ) + ``` -## Export `csv` Files with Photo Information -Let's burn out some csvs that can be used to find the imagery for: +## Export `csv` with Photo Information +Let's burn out csv that can be used to find the imagery for the `r nrow(photos_all)` photos above. - - "before `r q_date_end1`" - - `r q_date_start1` to `r q_date_end2` timeline ```{r burn1, eval = TRUE} lfile_name_photos <- function(dat = NULL){ @@ -553,26 +586,11 @@ lfile_name_photos <- function(dat = NULL){ ) } -# path_output <- fs::path( -# path_post, -# "exports", -# paste( -# "airphotos", -# paste(range(photos$photo_date), collapse = "_"), -# sep = "_" -# ), -# ext = "csv" -# ) - -photos1 |> +photos_all |> readr::write_csv( - lfile_name_photos(photos1), na ="" + lfile_name_photos(photos_all), na ="" ) -photos2 |> - readr::write_csv( - lfile_name_photos(photos2), na ="" - ) lpath_link <- function(dat = NULL){ paste0( @@ -585,13 +603,8 @@ lpath_link <- function(dat = NULL){ ``` -We can view and download exported csv files [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/) - -## Pick a Horse -We are absolutely privaledged to potentially have the assistance of [Mike Price](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael-Price-14) to help us obtain this imagery from the UBC archives. Sooo... - unless he has a preference that 100% can override our recommendation - we would think that he would probably prefer clear direction from us. Soooo - to start - thinking the best plan is to go with the imagery in the timeframe of `r range(photos2$photo_date)`" since the coverage seems much better than the earlier images... The name of the csv with that information is ``r basename(lfile_name_photos(photos2))`` and the file can found along with the other export at the link above or individually [here](`r lpath_link(photos2)`). +We can view and download exported csv files [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/new_graphiti/tree/main/posts/2024-11-15-bcdata-ortho-historic/exports/). -## Outstanding Issues - - Why does the date range of the photos we can get IDs for through the [WIMSI](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/digital-imagery/air-photos) online portal not overlap the dates listed in the BC Data Catalouge [Historic Imagery Points](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/airborne-imagery-historical-index-map-points) for the dates in the Historic Imagery Points that are listed as 1950 - 1963 vs our earliest records from the portal at `r min(photos_aoi_refined$photo_date)`??!!